miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

Out of Control Evils, By Roger Behra


Out of Control Evils


Roger Behra

Ever since the counterculture philosophy (sex, drugs, rock’s roll, if feels good, do it, out with the old, in with the new) took over, American´s culture has been on a very steady and evil decline. Then, in recent years internet pornography came into the mix, which has entered the life of millions of people and as young as ten-years-old because the United States Supreme Court would not outlaw it under the decision that pornography is a form of free speech and allowed by the U. S. Constitution. That decision greatly aided the counterculture philosophy and added a new addictive evil behavior. America´s cultural decline has widened and increased as a direct result.

It is very true, evil has always existed in America´s culture, but the very alarming part of the evil existing in the culture is the magnitude and proliferation of the various kinds of evil. It is unprecedented now in 2011, and increased laws in America have to accept a good deal of the blame.

At the top of the list of out of control evils is internet pornography and others kinds of it, because pornography has led to the activation and participation in other grave evils: teen sex; sexual abuse; pre-teen participation in oral sex and addiction to pornography; the increase in cohabitation, adultery, and affairs. On the list of out of control evils are the increased in murder, homosexuality, and alcoholism. Murder has become commonplace, and the kinds of them have become unbelievable. The grave and disordered sexual activity increase has led to strong desire to legitimize same-sex marriages and the activities therein.

It is not a coincidence that so many out of control evils are flourishing. They are the direct result of court rulings by very liberal judges under the guise of “free speech”. Allowing internet pornography and same sex-marriage to be legal are recent ruling from court decisions. Both decisions lead to sexual behaviors that are gravely immoral. Gays want same-sex marriages to be legal because in essence it also legalizes gravely disordered sexual behavior. Sooner or later the U. S. Supreme Court is going to have to make a decision on same-sex marriage. It´s going to be like a fixed horse race in favor of it, because of the very liberal Supreme Court members. Already, 16 states have legalized same-sex marriage.

It is bad enough that so many people of all ages decide to revel in the committing of so many evil acts. They are mentioned above. And when the court systems allow evils to be legal, the evils become out of control and firmly established and therefore very difficult to change. They become deeply ingrained behavior. That is certainly the case with two recent court decisions concerning internet pornography and the same-sex marriage in 16 states so far. Other out of control evils are directly related and flourishing because of the internet pornography court ruling, and more are to come when the U. S. Supreme Court eventually rules on same-sex marriage.

R. B.