miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

Alarming Middle School Behavior, By Roger Behra


Alarming Middle School Behavior


Roger Behra

Parents, please, come to grips with yourselves and promise that you will very closely monitor your children´s behavior until they are at least sixteen and even longer if necessary. You cannot take anything for granted in today´s world. Although your child may be polite, neat, and doing reasonally well in school, that is only half of the story. What is going on in the secret other half of their lives may turn you ghostly white and leave you stammering for words. That´s what has happened to parents recently in California concerning children of ages ten, eleven, and twelve-years-old.

The knowledge revealed to California parents in regards to the secret other half of the 10-12 age groups caused a gigantic emotional earthquake. They found out that age group is addicted to internet pornography. It has become a big part of their secret activities, and a big part of schooldays conversation, both in person and via cell phone. It is rampant and carries over into at home time evenings.

What parents must do is this: no more computer setups in bedrooms and cell phone conversation must not take place there also?. This is for starters. This is a daily must do situation.

Internet pornography has produced a large variety of secret immoral and dangerous behavior also among this age group. California parents were blown away when they learned their middle school children were involved in sharing pornography information; graphic drawings of genitalia; girls sharing nude photos of themselves with boys; boy-girl texting and sexting; girl to girl sharing graphic explanations of their sexual activities with boys; and what they plan to do soon. Dangerous sexually transmitted diseases were also part of this age group. One mother ended up gasping for air when she asked her eleven-year-old daughter if she was having sex with a boy. The daughter said no, that she was having oral sex only with three boys. The girl did know that was having sex.

These immoral high risk sexual activities go back to 1997-1998, and they have been gaining momentum at a fast clip since. Most mothers and fathers are completely in the dark about their children´s secret half of their lives. They do not suspect anything unusual in matters of immoral sex. The children are very skilled at keeping their secret life activities undetected, and as a result it their children´s behavior on a daily basis-without failure. They should keep in cordial contact with the school and the teachers. That´s the necessary during modern times: especially because of computers and cell phones. It is an added but very necessary parental responsibility. Good luck, folks.

R. B.