The Most Horrific Intrusion
Roger Behra
The most horrific intrusion into the lives of Americans happened in 1974. That was the year the United States Supreme Court came out in favor of abortion. They decided that all types of abortion were legal, and that decisions opened the door to more than 30,000,000 abortions since then. That is absolutely astounding.
When the U. S. Supreme Court legalized the murder of the unborn child it was a gift wrapped present to Satan and his legion of demonic helpers. That decision deprived over 30,000,000 unborn children the right to know God, to love God, and to have and live out the destiny that God had planned for them. Since Satan hates God with a passion, he had to be most happy with the court´s decision.
Abortion is the murder of innocent life before destinies are completed. It destroys the family. It destroys society. Abortion is a most serious sin that cries to heaven for vengeance.
The court´s decision to make legal the murder of the innocent unborn was bad enough. But the court does not perform the abortions. The medical doctors do to complete the desires of the patient. They are the culprits, and they have taken full advantage of the court´s decision. That is the horrible result of the court´s intrusion into everyone´s private lives.
There are several recourses: The constant expression of outrage is the best. The appearance in events like the March for Life that continuously sends the message that abortion is an abomination and Satan´s own whishes well done. Better one-on-one counseling and convincing education is needed.
The horrendous evil and results of abortion must be overcome, because essentially the U. S. Supreme Court´s very wrong decision allowed something so morally wrong to become very socially acceptable, and the despicable behavior of depriving the unborn children of God the right to be born, to be loved, and to complete the destiny God had planned for them has been going on far too long.
R. B.