California-On The Rocks
Roger Behra
Ever since the end of World War 2 in 1945, California has been growing at a very fast pace. And for the past thirty years California has been the darling of the mainland United States. Little –by- little during the past eight years the politicians in Sacramento have systematically put an end to that. California is in big trouble and on the rocks, and it seems that the rocks are crumbling away at a very fast pace. California´s luster has been very badly tarnished, and there is the strong possibility that her luster will never again be regained for several reality factors.
At the top of the list of reality factors is the dire economic situation. The state is the middle of a severe multi-billion dollar deficit problem that has been building over the past seven years. The clueless politicians in Sacramento kept on building the budget bigger while spending much more than the budget allowed. And because of always new fees and taxes, solid businesses have gradually moved away to Nevada and Arizona, which has caused a great decline in revenues. Now it is very hard to cut spending and raise more revenues with new taxes. It is a self-inflicted dilemma with no solution in sight. New fees (which are really taxes) a new taxes would be adding insult to injury. And the banks will not loan the state and any more money.
California has to stare other reality factors square in the face. California has so many built in everyday costs for so many necessary things. Costs for rent, food, automobiles, and clothing are the highest in the U.S. That drives people away to other places. People give up a nice climate in favor of a much lower cost of daily living. In 2008 more people left California than came here to live. California´s political system and educational system are very much dysfunctional. California´s educational system used to be the envy of the nation. Now it ranks down to 47 out of 50. During past 8 years California has done nothing to improve the shortage of water. When the expansion of the Panama Canal is completed very soon, her shipping ports to Asia will be less in demand, and cargo from Asia will not have to pass through her ports. That will mean a very great loss of revenue, indeed. Most of California problems are self-inflicted. And she cannot compete any longer in the world´s economy. A most recent startling revelation revealed that California has the nation´s highest illiteracy rate. Also startling for California is the poor and declining global economy. California future is a dark one coming to pass.
California´s culture is in for a drastic change. A beautiful state with a great climate, especially in southern California, is going to suffer a great deal. Her culture is going to change drastically. Yes, California is on the rocks. And the rocks are crumbling away. That is the very loud noise you are hearing.