You Need To Know
Roger Behra
Same-Sex Marriage
In California (U. S. A.), Proposition 22 was on the voting ballot during the November, 2000 state election. At that time 61 percent of the state’s voters voted in favor of Proposition 22 which banned same-sex marriages. On May 15, 2008, the California Supreme Court ruled the voters decision was unconstitutional, therefore, allowing same-sex marriages to go forward. And the voters were wondering if is worth the effort to vote. This is not the first California courts to have overturned a voting decision. The voters not only do not want same-sex marriages, they are sick and tired of the courts overturning their ballot-box decisions. The motive for overturning the voter’s decision began in San Francisco by the officials and civil rights groups. What a fitting place for that to go forward, San Francisco, the cesspool homosexual activity, the place where the counter-culture movement began. The California’s voters justifiably are outraged. The court’s decision makes a mockery out the traditional way of a man and woman marrying. In the fall of the 2008 the voters will have a chance to speak again when they will vote on a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman. Let us all pray for a positive outcome to that vote. Thankfully the voters can speak again. They can recover from a severe blow to the culture of the U. S. A. GO VOTERS.
Strange Self-Glorification
Wherever people go it is abundantly seeable the strange appearances of the descendants of the counter-culture originals. At malls, on busses, along the streets, at school, and even in church one can see outrageous self-glorification that has gained a foothold in America’s culture. What do we see? We see spiked hair that brings to mind the porcupine. We see multi-colored hair, even spiked multi-colored hair. It’s pitiful along with just plain laughable. We see boy’s pants with the crotch at mid-knee level and the upper half of the rear end showing. We see grown men tattooed all over that bring to mind zoo animals. We see bare abdomens and bare upper breasts with pronounced cleavage on woman. We see noses, lips, chins, and even fingers pierced with odd looking jewelry. We see out-of-the-ordinary made up faces on women. We see girls and woman dressed in jeans and pants SO TIGHT that nothing is left to the imagination back or front most of the time. All of this shows great lack self-control and what is acceptable, modest, moral, and appropriate. Instead of Glorifying God, Who does not approve, the beat keeps going on.
Home-Schooling Advantages
Home-schooling in the United States is rapidly gaining in popularity. That is the direct result of the government-run school system that has become a disaster of epic proportions throughout the United States. Home-schooled students are among the very best in the nation. Now, in California, the courts are interfering and making it harder to have home-schools. The courts disregard the present success of these schools, the way they are run, and no changes need to be made. The court’s decision fails the “laugh out loud” test. That the courts in California (and elsewhere) need to do is to force all the government-run schools to copy the methods and success of home-schools. Period!
R. B.