The Desolate American Culture
Roger Behra
The word desolate means “sad and lonely”. In our modern world that is the of America’s culture. It only became that way since the middle 1960’s. American’s culture has been evolving since then as the counter-culture movement gained momentum. And the sad and lonely condition has really gained speed, especially during the past fifteen or so years. The evolution of American’s is serious and real, and real prices are being paid.
The beginning of the desolation began with the disintegration of family life and the elimination of core value and spiritual development. That process brought very undesirable thinking, actions, and results into American society. And the undesirable results have entered all levels of America society. When the emphasis on core values, morality, and spiritual development ceased, that opened the door to various unacceptable events and results.
As family life disintegrated and eventually greatly diminished, very negative moral and spiritual thinking gathered momentum. As a result American culture increasingly included the following:
1. Satanism
2. Covens
3. Black Masses
4. Child abuse
5. Demonic possessions
6. Stunning violence
7. Teen sex and teen abortion
8. Drug and alcohol addiction
9. Suicide
10. Self-glorification
11. Same-sex marriages, Co-habitation
12. Pornography
13. Dysfunctional education system
14. Indecency in language, dress, behavior
15. America, the most violent nation
16. Self-centered, me first attitudes
The sixteen additions to the American culture named above have enabled America to become the most fertile ground for satanic activity, and it has flourished unimpeded for decades.
America’s cultural desolation and educational disintegration is frightening. The fright stems from the fact that a large number of Catholics and other Christians no longer learn the 10 Commandments, the Our Father, or other prayers. The subject of Hell is avoided. The idea of sin is also avoided. Every single Christian has to know these things, or they are, therefore, at a great disadvantage in the confrontation with evil in their lives. Without the necessary understanding that the Commandments are a reality, that sin and Hell are the results of not knowing them and keeping them, God’s graces are absent from their lives, and Satan does what he does best, convinces people that he does not exist, also.
When the family disintegrated no core values were cultivated, true faith became absent, self-discipline greatly suffered, right from wrong became entirely blurred, and the door to Satan and great evil was kicked wide open. And as America slid down the slope to widespread evil activities as listed above, Satan became the winner. He accomplished a massive takeover of the America culture. And the takeover is very much alive and well, thriving, and operating around the clock. The struggle good vs. evil is not only all around us, it is within us. And America is desolate and losing the battle within.
R. B.