The Triune God
(Three Persons In One)
Roger Behra
Countless millions of people throughout the world know about God and pray to Him daily. But there are millions of people who do not fully know the complete God that they pray to. They do not fully realize that God is really three persons in one God, all Divine, referred to as the Blessed Trinity.
The three Divine Persons in One God is a hard concept to really understand. But it must be remembered, however, that God is God, and He can be all things and do all things, therefore.
The Blessed Trinity of course started with God the Father, who always was and always will be. God the father created the heavens and our earth (plants, stars, sun) and our earth, and to this day He governs over them. Later, He created us to know Him, to serve Him, to keep His Commandments, and to be happy with Him in Heaven, as He governs over us, also.
The second person of the Blessed Trinity is God the Son, born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, both human and divine, who lived on this earth to show us the way to eternal salvation, Who suffered and died on the cross so that our salvation would be insured. Jesus is widely know through the Bible, movies and books.
The third person of the Blessed Trinity is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enlightens us and inspires us to greater knowledge and spiritual development. Our spiritual understanding also increased. After the crucifixion of Jesus and the apostles were in the upper room together, the Holy Spirit descended upon them in the form of tongues of fire. They immediately understood everything Jesus told and taught them. During the ministry of Jesus the apostles did not clearly understand everything. The feast of Pentecost reminds of that special and recorded event.
When we pray, we can do so directly to God the Father, separately to Jesus, our Savior, or to the Holy Spirit to help us in our daily lives. Favors can come directly from God the Father, but all graces come through the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is the mediatrix of all graces. We need the Triune God in our lives in order to develop our spiritual to their fullest possibilities. We, therefore, can live as the best possible Christians. Good spiritual development and a good moral culture go very much together. And the Triune God (The Blessed Trinity) is the answer and the most solid foundation.
The Holy Bible
Readings at the Holy Mass
Homilies at Holy Mass
Webster´s Unabridged Dictionary