sábado, 24 de mayo de 2008

La Clave Religiosa del Libro de Ruth


La Clave Religiosa del Libro de Ruth


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

El pueblo judío es profundamente religioso, los Hebreos yavistas y por lo tanto su religión era monoteísta, y tenían una conexión espiritual con el Rey David.

4.1. En lo Teológico.

El autor del libro de Ruth, quiso subrayar la idea que Dios Yavé puede ser reconocido y honrado por los integrantes de otros pueblos, aunque sean amonitas o moabitas, que han sido despreciados por sus contemporáneos. (En. 13,23).

El libro de Rut ha sido escrito sobretodo con un criterio teológico bien determinada. Su autor no quiso entregar verdades, de que Israel se olvidaba en los tiempos en que vivía. Sobretodo era el pensamiento de la Universalidad de la Salvación. Yavé llamó a la Salvación de Todos los Pueblos: primeramente a los judíos y después a los demás. Nadie podrá imponer restricciones a Dios en este sentido. En segundo termino, es la providencia de Yavé que se muestra patente en el libro de Rut. Yavé se preocupa de todos sus servidores. No abandona a nadie, quien no lo abandone antes a EL. Noemí es el caso clásico de esta verdad. Noemí, la viuda, cuando está en la miseria mayor, Yavé interviene con su ayuda divina, pues Dios es un Dios de Amor, de Bondad y de Misericordia.

4.2 En lo Moral.

En el libro de Ruth se observa un conjunto de comportamientos etico-religiosos, extraños para nosotros , pero congruentes para ellos conforme a su fe y a su cultura, por ejemplo a continuación mencionaremos tres aspectos:

1). En Rt. 4,7; Era entonces costumbre en Israel que para confirmar cualquier negocio, como rescate o cambio, una de las partes se sacaba su sandalia y se la diera al otro. Y este gesto servía como prueba del contrato.

2). En Rt. 1,7-22; nos enteramos cómo se encaminó Noemí hacia Belén con sus dos nueras, como volvió Orpá a Moab a las instancias de su suegra Noemí; y como se resolvió Rut a acompañar a su suegra a la parte que ella fuera diciendo: “Tu pueblo será mi pueblo, y tu Dios mi Dios, donde tu mueras, moriré allí y seré enterrada”.

3). En Rt. 2, 1-23; el Hagiógrafo, nos narra como encontró Rut a Boaz en el campo donde ella estaba espigando durante la cosecha. Booz era pariente cercano de Elimélek, esposo de Noemí, y tuvo la obligación de velar por sus familias.

4.3 En lo Ritual.

En Rt. 3; enseña la manera de proceder de Noemí para con Boaz, a quien quiso recordar la obligación de la ley del levirato, pues acorde con lo indicado en el Dt. 25, 5-10, el hermano debe suscitar prole a su hermano difunto, si el primero muere sin tener hijos. (Cfr. Gn. 38)

Y, en Rt.4,1-18; conocemos como llego a ser Ruth esposa de Boaz. Boaz presento a la asamblea de ancianos en presencia del pariente más cercano aún Elimélek; y cuando él renuncio a los derechos y obligaciones para con Noemí, Boaz se declaro dispuesto a cumplir con todos los requisitos.


¿Por qué te amo? y tu ¿Por qué me amas?


¿Por qué te amo?

y tu

¿Por qué me amas?


Angel R. Cepeda D.

La Fe da Confianza

La Ciencia da la Duda

Fe y Ciencia son Dones de Dios

Confianza y Duda son una contradicción

La Fe es Corazón, Bondad y Humildad

La Ciencia es Conocimiento y hay Razón

Fe y Razón ya no hay contradicción

Porque te amo con la mente y el corazón

y tu ¿Por qué me amas?


viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008

¿Y qué significa Ruth y quien era ella?

¿Y qué significa Ruth y quien era ella?


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

Se imagina Ud., lo agradable y la dicha de tener una amiga o compañera en la vida, que lo respete, que lo ame, o como se dice por acá en México, que lo apapache que le hagan piojito como lo hacen los periquitos de amor, y sea un honor en la vida familiar; pues bien, Rut, fue una mujer de nombre Bíblico, y un gran ejemplo de una sublime mujer, su nombre proviene del hebreo y significa amiga, aunque algunos diccionarios también la traducen como compañera. Desde luego, Ruth fue una gran mujer excepcional y un Libro Bíblico lleva su nombre y representa una joya de novela encantadora, narrada en cuatro interesantísimos capítulos, y que para algunos viene a ser el Epilogo del Libro de Jueces. Ruth, era extranjera, pues pertenecía al país Moab, entonces por ello se dice que ella era moabita. Ella se casó con un judío, y por ser una mujer excepcional en su integridad moral Dios la favoreció; Ruth figura como ancestro de David y de Cristo, acorde con la genealogía presentada en el Evangelio de Mateo.


La Clave Social del Libro de Rut

La Clave Social del Libro de Rut


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala


Las relaciones e interrelaciones de las personas entre sí, así como los pueblos y culturas se establecen:

a. Culturalmente. Por identidad y similitud de la cultura propia y armonía en el trato con los extranjeros, en apego a sus valores, costumbres y leyes.

b. Económicamente. Se presento una hambruna, encontrando hospitalidad en otro lugar los emigrantes, incorporándose a los trabajos de los cultivos de la cebada.

c. Políticamente. Reacción no conflictiva para aceptar la Ley del Levirato.

d. Internamente. Es una forma de organización de la familia de tipo patriarcal, en donde se muestra en el pasaje bíblico estudiado el, la autoridad, respeto y obediencia, para observar su forma de vida, como en el caso del trato a la mujer viuda.


Libro de Rut en la Biblia Latinoamericana

Libro de Rut en la Biblia Latinoamericana


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

En la versión católica de la Biblia Latinoamericana, el libro completo de Rut cuenta con cuatro capítulos y un total de 81 versículos, los cuales se esbozan a continuación:

Capitulo 1. 1-22. Tu Dios será mi Dios. (Rt. 1, 1-22).
Capítulo 2. 1-23. Rut en el campo de Booz. (Rt. 2, 1-23).
Capítulo 3. 1-18. Se fue a acostar a sus pies. (Rt. 3, 1-18).
Capítulo 4. 1-12. La ley del levirato. (Rt. 4, 1-12). (Primera parte del Cap. 4)
Capítulo 4, 13-18. Obed fue padre de José y este de David. (Rt. 4, 13-18).

Cabe mencionar, que para las personas que ya tienen mas conocimiento biblico, saben que el nombre de Ruth, lleva la letra "h" al final como puede apreciarse en las Biblias Vulgatas en inglés y el nombre de Booz, se escribe como: Boaz.


sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008

>¿Dónde se encuentra el Libro de Rut?

¿Dónde se encuentra el Libro de Rut?


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

El Libro completo de Rut del Antiguo Testamento, cuenta con cuatro capítulos y un total de 81 versículos; se encuentra localizado a continuación del libro de Jueces, en las Biblias: Los Setenta, La Vulgata y en las traducciones modernas. En la Biblia Hebrea, se halla colocado con los Hagiógrafos con uno de los cinco rollos, los “megull-lot”, que se leían en las fiestas principales, en el caso del libro de Rut, servía para la fiesta de Pentecostés. En la Biblia Nueva Jerusalén, el libro de Rut, se ubica dentro del conjunto de libros: Josué, Jueces, Samuel y Reyes; en tanto que, en la Biblia Latinoamericana, el libro se encuentra después de Cantar de los Cantares. Acorde con la Biblia que lee Ud. ¿Donde se encuentra el Libro de Rut? y ¿Por qué es importante este libro del Canon Bíblico?


jueves, 15 de mayo de 2008

La Clave Histórica del Libro de Rut



Angel R. Cepeda D.

El autor sagrado, en Rt. 1, 1.6, nos introduce en la época de los Jueces, cuando vivía una familia Judía en Belén, que por hambre tuvo que emigrar al país de los moabitas. El individuo, era Elimelek y su esposa Noemí, los cuales tenían dos hijos: Majalón y Kilyón. Cuando se establecieron en la tierra de Moab, Elimélek murió; y, sus dos hijos, muy pronto contrajeron matrimonio, una de ellas se llama Orpá y la otra era Rut; y entonces sucedió, que en breve tiempo, murieron los dos hijos de Noemí y ella se quedo con sus dos nueras. Porque era extranjera, quiso volver otra vez a su patria: Belén de Juda.

Es la Historia de Rut, la Moabita que, tras la muerte de su marido, un hombre de Belén emigrado a Moab, vuelve a Juda con su suegra Noemí y se desposa con Booz, pariente de su marido, en cumplimiento de la ley del levirato; de este matrimonio nace Obed, que será el abuelo de David.

La novela de Rut, es una de las grandes obras del Midrash Histórico, redactado después del Exilio del pueblo de Israel de Babilonia, alrededor del año 400 a.C.(s. V-IV), cundo estaba en apogeo el Imperio Persa y en la Época cuando se afectuaba la Reforma de Esdras y Nehemias.

Esta bella y hermosa novela, es redactada por el Hagiógrafo, posiblemente, contra el sectarismo de algunos judíos: ¿Esdras? o ¿Nehemias? u ¿otros?; y aunque el tema del libro lo relaciona con el periodo de los Jueces, el libro reforma parte de la redacción deuteronornista, que se extiende desde Josué hasta el final de Reyes.


martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

Doing Satan’s Work by Roger Behra


Doing Satan’s Work


Roger Behra

It is not a secret that Satan, his lessor demonic helpers, and his many earthly helpers have been in the business of capturing souls for him down through the ages, century after century until the present time. But the last century, 1901-2000, has been extremely productive and fruitful throughout the world and especially in the United States.

Most of the productive and fruitful activities of Satan during the last century began with World War 1(1914-1918). From then on he has had so many willing helpers. From 1914 to the present there have been nine major wars or large warlike activity going on in various parts of the world-World War 1, Germany and Spain, World War 2, Korean War (1950-1953), Russian Communist takeover wars, Vietnam War, Israel and Palestine Conflicts, Iran-Iraq War, wars in Afghanistan, and Iraq presently and for the past 5 years. Just between World War I and World War 2 over 60,000.000 people: men, women, and children have been killed. And more millions have been killed since the end of World War 2. Satan’s earthly helpers are the ones directly at fault. They get all the credit. And Satan and his demonic helpers have to be overjoyed, because the more people that die, the more souls he gains possession of. And the faster the because the more people who do the more souls he gains possession of. And the faster the better. And the more people who do the killings, the more potential soul he gains possession of later. It is clearly a win-win situation for him- the millions dying and those ding killing.

Aside from the war activities and their outcomes, in the United States and her culture, there are numerous avenues full of Satan’s work. In the U.S. we have the U.S. Supreme Court that allowed legal abortion. We have pedophile clergy in various religious denominations, adults in all walks of life abusing children, teacher-student sex crimes, Mafia criminal activity, prostitution proliferating, internet pornography proliferating, greed, laziness, identity theft, teen-age sex and abortion, teen-age and young adult gangs and murders, incest, co-habitation young and old, homosexuality (male and female), cheating in sports and on college campuses, atheism in several cultures because of communism, etc., etc. And it is no secret that the U.S. is slidly immersed in the 7 capital sins-pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony, and sloth (laziness). And the self-glorification by persons is noticeable everywhere.

All that is mentioned above in paragraph 3 are works of Satan carried out by his earthly helpers as well, and along with those mentioned in paragraph 2. have gained a solid footing and have flourished during the last century and right to the present day. Thanks to the original counter-culture generation (A.K.A. BABY BOOMERS) and their descendants we now have the kind of culture that began during the last century (1964-2000) and now is in full bloom helping and keeping Satan’s plan. And it is very doubtful the counter-culture people have any remorse or regrets about their activities as great helpers of Satan, the prince of darkness and the most unspeakable evil. And because of greatly defective parenting and poor or non-existant moral guidance, their offspring continue to aid and abet Satan as ignorant and willing earthly helpers. Their offspring go through life half-developed whit no spiritual or moral development, no correct emotional development either. Only the mental and to some degree the physical development is developed. And in a large percentage of counter-culture descendents the mental and emotional is poorly developed to say the least, making them very poor examples of human beings, nearly total losses in their own culture. Our U.S. prisons are overflowing for these very reasons, also. Recently, on the radio news it was told that 50% of the high school students drop out of school. These dropouts are the future prison immates, homeless, and murder-suicide people.

The counter-culture people chose to bring Satan into their lives and culture. They handed their defective and Godless philosophy down to their children. And their grandchildren are now the recipients of the present world we live in. Gone are the pre-1964 cultural days in the U.S., when the cultural environment was God fearing and God serving and much more moral and spiritual. The general population was much more completely developed as humans. What we have today is such a sad situation, especially for all those many who did not accept or participate in the defective counter-culture philosophy, which has ruined the U.S. culture.


Visual Entertainment Pollution


Visual Entertainment Pollution


Roger Behra

Everyone who has their moral compass working properly and is using it to lead them in the correct moral direction realizes without any doubt that television, movies, videos, and internet pornography are polluting the culture of the United States (and other countries most likely) at a very fast and serious pace since the year 2001. And it can be classified as the 4-D results- disturbing, disgusting, despicable, and depressing. All these forms of visual entertainment promote violence, promote sex promote vulgarity, and promote unhappy endings for the most part.

Many adults do not go to the movies anymore. They do not let their children go either. They are intelligent and moral enough to really follow this course. It is such a shame that the producers of such visual filth have excluded such a good number of fine population. And it is all for the sake of money. When it is revealed in the media that individual forms of movies gross many millions of dollars at the box office, it is a no-brainer that so many people have a very defective and immoral compass. They just pay their dollars and participate in these very morally objectionable movies, as they are a popular forms of visual entertainment.

One example of a new very disgusting movie is “Vince Vaughn’s Wild West Comedy Show-30 Days and 30 Nights, Hollywood to the Heartland. “The comics in this movie are immersed in on-going vulgarity and so much explicit sexual humor. In 100 minutes of the movie the F-word is used 130 times. That movie is a perfect example of moral compasses gone astray, both on and off the screen. In days gone bye this would never be part of reality and intelligently and morally so.

Movie going is only part of the visual entertainment pollution problem. Videos are made of the movies and passed around. Then there is television that enters around 85% of homes. And young and old watch this form of entertainment constantly. Again, many adults do not watch, nor do they let their children watch prime-time or sitcom television. The producers have robbed them of their right to see morally acceptable entertainment.

There was a time when prime-time television and the sitcoms were a form of entertainment that families did watch together. The programs were very morally proper and really very entertaining to watch. It was a form of family togetherness. The counter-culture people have ruined that part of American life.

Growing by leaps and bounds now is internet pornography. It has entered millions of homes. This form of visual pollution is very seriously addictive. It has ruined lives, ruined many marriages, and ruined many relationships. This is a very increasingly dark cloud over life in America. Pray to God that you do not become part of this form visual pollution, this awful scourge.

The counter-culture people encourage the participation in these instruments of Satan through the production and distribution of these forms of visual moral pollution. The really sad part of all of this is there is no turning back to what used to be such good and wholesome visual entertainment. The die has been cast. It is here to stay as long as so many millions of moral compasses are pointed in the wrong direction. The present day situation is just another part of the disturbing, disgusting, despicable, and depressing counter-culture legacy. It’s very heart-warming to know that many people out there are not part of it, however.


More This and That by Roger Behra


More This and That


Roger Behra


Fidel Castro has resigned. That does not mean that life in Cuba is going to get better any time soon. It’s going to be business as usual under his brother, Raul Castro. The people of Cuba still are the losers. Raul is just as much of a tyrant as his despicable brother. Cuba has been an unhappy place for over 50 years, AND MORE OF THE SAME is certain top come down the pike. Fidel Castro is going to go down in history as one of the most horrible and despicable leaders that ever existed, and he is going to pay the price soon, when he leaves this world and meets his Maker. Only God can forgive one of the most cruel and oppressive despots in the history of the world. He is one of the biggest communist mouths, showing of his leadership in that ugly military garb, his harangues against the United States while his own people were being murdered, tortured, beaten, and imprisoned. Thanks to him and his cronies the Cuban economy is among the worst in the world. Even Russia dumped that situation there. Over more than 1,000,000 Cubans have fled Cuba. Castro’s legacy is one of extreme cruelty, a nasty regime, imprisonment, murder, squelching of freedoms, and severe national poverty. He lookslike death warmed over. His appearance matches the looks of his soul-deplorable and pitiful. What a horrible life-review awaits him when he enters his eternity. And Hell will welcome one of the most awful human beings in the history of the world. Only God can forgive him. Oh! That’s right! A communist doesn´t believe in God. Therefore, no forgiveness is possible. Anyway, when the time comes, good riddance to him, one of the worst humans, one of men’s most horrendous enemies. Talk about man being man’s worst enemy, he absolutely is, and soon was.


How can anyone with a correct moral compass that they follow be happy about gay marriages that fly in their faces because gay marriages make a mockery out of heterosexual marriages? Those who clap their hands and smile at gay marriages tell something crucial about their thinking, that their moral compass is defective and leading them in the wrong direction and doing the same in regards to other moral matters. Acceptance of the gay person, yes. Acceptance of gay behavior, no. Gay marriages are a from of gay behaviour, and, therefore, not at all acceptable. They are a travesty and a perversion, and most likely gravely sinful. Marriage is a sacrament instituted by God to give grace in the lives of the couples. Therefore, the opportunity is not to be squandered, taken lightly, or most of all perverted. Gays need to get a new moral compass, and the sooner the better.


The lawmakers (politicians) in Washington are a bunch of nincompoops. They authorize and waste billions of dollars every month in Iraq and cannot come up with a workable and useful solution to the immigrant problem facing the United States. They cannot design a workable program to put immigrants (mostly from México) to work in the much needed agricultural fields and production in the United States. They are here simply because they want to work and the work is there for them to do.

At one time (1940’s-1975) the United States had the Bracero Work Program. The Mexican workers were here legally. They did great and much needed work. They did the work that Americans were unable to do because the men were in the armed forces by the millions. It was a very organized and workable program. It was very successful. So, it’s a no brainer. A new Bracero program, or an equivalent, should be formed A.S.A.P. That would greatly help with the illegal problem, put men to work, and keep agricultural production running smoothly. And maybe a fence would not be needed and the fence money would be used to pay for and support the program. However, it might be too late for the nincompoops in Washington to come to their senses and do something very worthwhile for a change.


Recently an article was read and a discussion was heard on a radio broadcast about Near-Death-Experiences (N.D.E.). They are now accepted by some medical practitioners, clergy, and people in general. The experiences related were positive mostly and negative in some cases, depending on the kind of life the individuals lived. But what was the same for each individual was the LIFE REVIEW. They learned that NOTHING was lost in time. The review was like a video in very fast motion, a video of every thought, word, and deed. Nothing was omitted. It was a never-to-be-forgotten experience. When the people returned to resume their lives, everyone changed their lives for the better, especially the lives for those who had a horrible or terrifying experience. One lady was being pulled down by horrifying demon type entities. If she would not have fought extremely hard, she would have gone down to a very certain black and terrifying eternity. The sooner we realize that nothing is lost in time, that we will see and hear everything said, thought, or done on earth will be revisited in life-review later, and that we will have to accept the consequences, the sooner we´ll decide to live the best and most sinless life possible. Actually, we should not need a N.D.E. to do that. The bottom line is the experiences of others have helped us immensely to realize what need to do to improve our lives while we have the time to do so.


Most of the counter-culture thinking, which of course, leads to their actions is something to behold. Much of their thinking is defective and warped and leads to defective and warped actions and, therefore, leads to defective and warped results. It starts with the fact they think they can go through life making up their own rules as they go along, that everything is relative to the situation at hand. That king of thinking hurts them and others. They have a dislike for established and set rules. They just do not get it; that just because something contrary can be done doesn’t mean that you should go ahead and do it.

The first something that can be done is to leave God out of everyday life (which C-C people did but that definitely is not good thinking. The C-C people did just that when they threw out the old and brought in the (thinking). It was the beginning of their other warped and defective thinking, and for the most part doomed their legacy from the very start. Some other things that can be done but shouldn’t are:

Politeness- rudeness has replaced politeness, especially in stores, in automobiles, and in everyday associations.

The C-C people are driving their autos, they make up their own rules-ignore speed limits, cut quickly in front of someone without warning, instigate road-rage, give the middle-finger salute. And try to force you off the road.

The C-C people greatly emphasize money and sex. They seem to be the new gods in their life.

Teen-age and younger sex can be done, but it shouldn’t be done for very good reasons-pregnancy, abortions, venereal disease. To date (3-12-08) at least 3.2 million teen-age girls have at least one of the several venereal diseases.

Teen and young adults can murder each other, but they shouldn’t. Yet, that is exactly what they are doing.

Greed- is an absolute no-no. But the C-C people make it a way of life- high rents, high home costs, high food and gas prices, high utility prices, high taxes and many of them. The middle class is rapidly vanishing leaving only the upper and lower classes.

The list goes on and on and includes certainly a cold and irreligious society, common immorality, a very deficient education system, lack of jobs (hello, China), ignorant parenting, little or no spiritual development, OVEER-CROWDED PRISIONS, a large homeless population, out of-reach health care cost, etc., etc. A large group of countries hate the United States now, the very country that does so much to help other countries.

Demonic possession and the need for exorcisms have increased 800% since 1970, because much of the new C-C thinking uses the instruments of Satan. All of this is a direct outcome of their warped thinking and defective moral compasses.

So, many of the activities that the C-C people have been in charge of have ended in dismal failures. Over the past 44+ years their reign has been abominable and full of the upmost laziness. And when the have decided to act, it was in the wrong direction.

Right now, in the year 2008, the C-C people have given us a pathetic and abysmal present and more of the same coming in the future, especially for all their grandchildren. Many of the C-C people will not be able to retire – to expensive. A savings of $ 225,000 is needed just for heath care during their retirement.

It is appropriate to add here that a decent number of the C-C age group did not throw out the old in favor of the new, but they were badly out-numbered, sorry to say, and they became the victims along with the others. They deserve much credit. God is pleased with them for sure.

Unless the new 18 year-olds see and realize what 62 year-olds have given us and change things bring back God, faith, good morals, honesty, much less greed, much less emphasis on money and sex, less abortions, and the value and dignity of human life without celebrating themselves too much, America will continue to sail down the river of no return. There are many of these new 18 year-olds who see and realize. But the group needs to expend greatly. It’s nearly too late. It will take a generation of change to get the thinking and moral compasses headed in another and very changed and beneficial Godly direction. May God be with and immensely help the new generation. So many futures depend on that. Godspeed!


Several months ago in the United States a senator from a northern state was involved in an alleged mensroom incident which was spun and denied, but the evidence seemed to indicate otherwise. Some time ago a Washington politician was involved in using campaign funds for personal use. On Monday, March 17, 2008, the governor of New York has to resign because of his scandalous behavior and involvement in a prostitution ring. There is wiretap evidence that this has been going on for a long period of time. The governor is a 48 year-old male a second generation, counter-culture person, a first generation person of the original counter-culture generation, and he is in a heap of trouble. Along with his self-inflicted troubles, he brought disgrace to the position of governor, to the state of New York, and humiliation and suffering to his wife and daughters. When a person´s moral compass is greatly defective or, for the most part, non-existant, the end result is far reaching. When prominent leaders-politicians, teachers and clergy who are involved in child sexual abuse, greed and dishonesty in high places, and other tawdry actions become well-known, they bring the stench of the C-C movement directly into the glaring light of day. And the spotlight is directly shinning on the C-C people, on the United States, and the whole world. And that should not be any surprise. And along with the glaring light of day and the spotlight, there is the loss of faith people have in those elected to prominent positions or put in trusted positions. The stench is very strong and very disturbing to say the least, but it is not very surprising.


domingo, 11 de mayo de 2008

The Counter-Culture Legacy


The Counter-Culture Legacy


Roger Behra

One can say that the counter-culture legacy began during the year 1963, when the 18 year old youths in America said good-bye to high school and entered the real world. And now they have been part of and at the controls of our culture for 44+ years at this point in time, 2008. So the age group that started the counter-culture movement at age 18 are 62 years of age.

They and their children and grand children are responsible for the way America is today. What you are now going to read is not pretty. It’s their legacy. In fact, it is most deplorable and an exact result of the philosophy they initiated back in 1963, “throw out the old and bring in the new.” They scrapped the old moral and workable traditions in favor of their own which has given us what we have today. They threw away a good and workable moral compass, God, and replaced them with immorality and the pursuit of sex and money and power. And here are the results:

1. A very disordered, defective, and even an invisible moral compass.
2. A great, great decline in making God part of their everyday lives.
3. Allowed Satan to make a grand entrance through a wide open door into our lives and become a very effective force everywhere in our culture.
4. As their philosophy took root a great decline in church attendance took place.
5. Allowed apostasy to grow and increase to this very day. Apostasy is flourishing in fact.
6. A high rate of various types of immorality.
7. Co-habitation.
8. Wife swapping.
9. High divorce rate.
10. The acceptance of homosexual behavior as normal and okay.
11. Widespread abortion as normal and okay
12. If it feels good, do it philosophy.
13. Drug running, drug dealing, drug use, and drug over-dosed deaths.
14. Rock’n Roll music and their anti-traditional lyrics.
15. Our vastly over-flowing prison population.
16. Make up your own rules as you go along.
17. Family members murdering family members.
18. Internet pornography and printed forms of the same. (38% of people in the U.S. say it’s OK).
19. Child sexual abuse in families and among the clergy in all religious Denominations.
20. High rate of pregnancy in the 11-17 age groups and outside of wedlock.
21. A 700-800% increase in demonic possession and the need for exorcisms.
22. The despicable and obscene mode of personal dress of today’s women and young girls.
23. Teachers having sex with their students (as result of girls mode of dress in classrooms).
24. Desecrated bodies (tattoos) of both sexes that give the appearance of a zoo animal.
25. Identity theft which is ever-increasing.
26. Internet crime and fraud.
27. Widespread cheating in sports.
28. High school and college students killing other students on their campuses.
29. Out-of-control illegal immigration.
30. A great lack of discipline in our schools. (And dumb-downed curriculums)
31. High rate of high school dropouts, (Great reading, whiting, language inadequates).
32. Unbelievable amount of homelessness.
33. Obsessive pursuit of money.
34. Declining middle class.
35. Increasing lower class.
36. Out-of-control health-care costs.
37. Extremely high home prices.
38. Extremely high rent costs.
39. Taxes on so many things.
40. Lack of accepting responsibility for one’s behavior.
41. Very high utility rates.
42. Higher retirement ages.
43. Very high gasoline prices.
44. Monster gas-guzzling pickup trucks.
45. Unbelievable and out-of-control credit card debt.
46. Social security mess.
47. High transaction fees and sales tax rates.
48. Liberalism.
49. Increase in suicide rates.
50. Hollywood’s movie-making filth and outward immorality.
51. Obscenity laced rap music.
52. The proliferation of prostitution over the years.
53. Our cold social environment.

The counter-culture people never got it. And they still do not get it, that just because something can be done doesn’t mean that it should be done. They muddied up the waters badly and blew it, especially when they threw God out of their everyday life and threw away their moral compass.

Now you can realize why the counter-culture legacy is so despicable. It is what they gave to all of us. And most of the pre-1963 generations (those that are still left) who were not part of the movement have to suffer the results. The best part of the counter-culture legacy is they did it mostly to themselves and to all of their grandchildren now and in the future.


Exorcist Extraordinaire


Exorcist Extraordinaire


Roger Behra

FATHER MALACHI MARTIN- Jesuit priest, advisor to 2 Popes, author, and extraordinary exorcist and consultant, in a one-on-one interview with Art Bell on the Coast to Coast radio program on July 11, 1997, and December 3, 1997, discussed important knowledge about Satan’s influence and work in our modern world, demonic possession, exorcisms, demons, the middle plateau, and black covens. He also warned people to completely shun ouigi boards, which are an open door to satanic activity, and in many cases led to demonic possession.

The following paraphrased information is both enlightening and troubling (E. or T.):

1. Demonic influence, affliction, and activity greatly increased since 1965. (T.)
2. The need for exorcisms has increased 750 to 800% since 1970. (When the counter-culture movement was in full bloom.) (T.)
3. The middle plateau is very dangerous in our existence for demonic activity. (T.)
4. Demons like to possess end influence because they can spend time away from Hell, which is their permanent place of existence and not part of Hell’s horror and torments. (E.)
5. Possession comes on slowly. The 2 types are imperfect and perfect. Perfect possession cannot be exorcised. (E.)
6. An exorcism is a real and very serious confrontation between the exorcist and the demon for the possession of a person’s soul. The exorcist is usually successful, but sometimes the demon is the winner. (E.)
7. There is a grave shortage of Catholic exorcist. They are the only ones who can be the successful exorcist. (E.)
8. There is a great increase in black covens, the playground for every kind of demonic activity. (T.)
9. Demonic influence over a period of time can/usually leads to demonic affliction which leads to demonic possession in many, many cases. (T.) One has to be very careful from day to day during life. (E.)
10. Perfectly possessed signals are: unusual success, money, influence, power, changes in personality, strong dislike for religious or holy things, and generally lives a Godless type of life. (E.)
11. The exorcist can tell perfect possession (which cannot be exorcised) from the very start. It is beyond hate, total alienation, nothing in common, and the exorcist is in danger of being killed or seriously harmed. (E.)
12. Perfect possession is gradual progression of surrendering one’s will to Satan in exchange for money, power, sex, and influence over a long period of time. Satan then gains permanent possession of the person’s soul. It’s totally an act of conscience. (E.)
13. Obsession can lead to demonic possession. (E.)
14. Demons can attack persons sexually. The demon can be male or female. It is a very disturbing experience and a sexual attack can last for hours. (T.)
15. It’s impossible to deny near-death experiences. (N.D.E.) There is heaven and a hell related from these experiences. (E.)
16. Damned souls can speak through a possessed person during an exorcism. It’s very rare. (E.)
17. At an exorcism it is unbelievable pure malice that spews from the mouth of the demon. It is so intense and frightening. (E.)
18. A glimpse of eternal life can be a good one (light and love) or it can be a bad one (with demons and hellishness). (E.) It depends on the kind of life the person is living.
19. When a damned soul speaks though the demon at an exorcism, it freezes the exorcist and is frightening to everyone present. (E.)
20. Cities in the U.S., Canada, and Europe where evil flourishes are Geneva, Switzerland, Vancouver, B.C., Louisville, Kentucky, Chicago, Illinois, New York City (Bronx, Manhattan) to name a few. The U.S. is in great need of exorcisms. (T.)
21. Most chilling and disquieting as well as disgusting and impressive aside from utter malice during an exorcism is the demonic contempt for human lovemaking. The exorcism reeks whit sexual perversion and pornographic references. (E.)
22. The 3 plateaus of reality are physical, supernatural, and middle. The middle plateau is where Satan and his demon helpers exercise their power. It’s the most dangerous plateau between it and the physical. The middle plateau is where demonic activity exists in very large amounts. (E.) It’s the plateau where, black covens, black magic, ouigi board activity, and Satan worship goes on. (T.)
23. The third secret of Fatima is not pleasant at all. It will involve the whole world without exception, the whole world systems, and it will frighten, be very frightening for all of humanity. (E.) (T.)
24. Natural gifts of psychic ability do exist. If they are not properly used, they can lead to the middle plateau and very serious trouble in the user´s life. (E.)

As you have read here Father Martin was a very deep well of knowledge and information about evil in our modern world and reality, and he enlightened us about how powerful Satan is in our everyday lives. He has authored several books. One very popular one is Hostage To The Devil. It’s a must read.

Father Martin is now deceased. He died in 1999. His death was due to a fall while he was riding down on an escalator in a department store in New York City. He was suddenly propelled forward, was badly injured, and died from those injuries. There was no explainable reason for what happened. Some sources believe that Satan exacted revenge for Father’s knowledge and revelation about how Satan roams the world seeking the ruin of souls and is doing just that. Father Martin’s death will remain a mystery. R.I.P., Father, whit the Lord you loved so very much. And thanks for your written legacy. It will live forever.


U.F.O.’s and Religious Beliefs


U.F.O.’s and Religious Beliefs


Roger Behra

A recent survey question put to a group of people asked them if they believed in O.F. O.’s and alien beings. Around 78% of people surveyed said “yes”. However, the U.S. government denies that U.F.O’s and alien beings who operate them exists to the dismay, of popular belief. And the print, radio, and television media totally ignore this subject.

Well, a very recent event at Stevenville, Texas, witnessed by hundreds of people forced the medias to report the event, there in Texas and elsewhere in the U.S. That brought U.F.O.’s and alien beings into focus, AND it forced the U.S. Air Force to admit that it monitored the event, there in Stevenville, Texas. At first the Air Force denied that they sent fighter jets to the area. Later they admitted they sent 10 fighter jets to monitor the event, about 48 hrs. later.

The general thinking is that the U.S. government and the military believe that the general public in the U.S. would not be able to handle the truth about this possibility. So the media and the military keep mum on this subject. They feel that our way of life and the economy would be very negatively affected, and that our religious beliefs would be greatly changed.

The question is how would the knowledge of U.F.O’s and aliens, should they exist, affect your religious beliefs, specifically? The answer might be that anyone properly grounded in contemporary religious beliefs would more than likely not be affected. Why? Because they believe they were created by God in His image and likeness, that He was crucified and died for them so that the gates of Heaven would be open to them. Properly grounded Christians know that no one in heaven resembles an alien. Jesus, His Mother, Mary, the Angels, Saints, and saved souls look like us, not aliens. (Maybe in Hell they do, which brings up a belief that aliens are demons.) And a large number of people think that U.F.O.’s are man-made and part of the U.S. government´s secret activities. It´s debateable how U.F.O.´s and aliens would affect our lives and way of life. And it’s very hard, also, to know to what degree. So far there is no definitive proof that aliens and their crafts exist, and until our government or scientists give us some concrete proof, we can’t get too exited about this subject. But there always exist what if….

Since God is God and God can do anything He wishes, it is possible that U.F.O.’s and aliens do exist, and that aliens look like they are portrayed to look like. The talk on radio talk shows is that aliens do not resemble humans or even talk or act like humans. Therefore, it is also doubtful that they any immortality like human souls do. And since no immortals are seen in the afterlife that look like aliens, that seems to be proof enough. Keeping this in mind and what mentioned in paragraph 4, that we were created in the image and likeness of God, that we are immortal after human death, and that we have and share a very happy afterlife if we die in the friendship of the Lord. So, let us go on with life as we know and understand it and not be encumbered under the weight of many what if’s. And let us thank God for everything as it is and show our gratitude through living a good Christian Life. And let us be very thankful that we are not aliens, especially, if in reality they do exist.


martes, 6 de mayo de 2008

When Liberals Took Over


When Liberals Took Over


Roger Behra

Prior to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 the culture in the United States was very stable and a balanced mix of conservatives and moderate liberals in Washington. Then in 1963 the assassination was a turning point. It changed our political makeup specifically and our culture in general. J. F. K. was popular and had good ideas for the U. S. A. His death was a stunning and serious blow to the direction and culture of the United States. The effects still linger to this day.

As a result of the assassination, Vice-President Lynden B. Johnson assumed the presidency. And it was the beginning of the political and cultural decline, the social decline, and the moral decline of the United States. However, the political decline that became more liberal progressed more slowly than the other three declines. The other three declines. The other declines progressed quite rapidly in comparison.

Soon after L. B. J. took office, he got us involved in Vietnam, which J. F. K. was strongly against. And our involvement in Vietnam was a disaster and resulted in 58, 000 military death and injured soldiers by the thousands. After 8+ years the U. S. Pulled out of the war, and soon after that the communists controlled all of Vietnam.

Meanwhile, in the U.S.A. negative cultural events began taking place because of the war. The negative cultural events are still with us 45+ years later.

The negative events taking place at that time consisted of military reservists were being called to active duty away from their jobs and college attendance. Other single men 18-35 were also called to military duty interrupting their lives. Big military losses were going on in the war zone. Soon, rioting began on college campuses an in the streets. Military armeries and college buildings were being set afire and other damage was taking place in neighborhoods. The Hippy movement originated In California and quickly spread in other states in the U.S. Social law and order was being threatened in many places. The counter-culture movement was born and soon became alive and well, indeed. The new philosophy was “out with the old, in with the new. If it feels good, do it. Don’t trust anyone over 30 years old.” The moral compass of hundreds-of-thousands of young people (and later older people) was thrown away. That lead to drugs, promiscuous sex, co-habitation, the Beatles and others, Rock’s Roll music, counter culture lyrics, long hair (he-she looking men), slovenly appearances, beards, mini-skirts, divorces, immorality on a large scale, wife-swapping, declining church attendance, and greater disciplinary problem in our schools. The good workable curriculums in our schools was overhauld, and education was dumbed-down (and other social skills also). The counter-culture legacy was in full bloom. It´s what we have going today. It’s a very sad commentary on the great country we were prior to 1963.

In Washington good conservative laws and thinking were relaxed to appease the counter-culture activities. An over-balance toward liberalism was taking place. It was the end of the more ideal moral, neat, God-fearing society that existed everywhere in our United States before L. B. J. and his “great society” took over.

Religiously considering, Satan took over. From 1963 to the present he had a field-day so to speak. The counter-culture philosophy, liberal attitudes and laws, and the workings in Washington the past 44+ years have given us what we have going on today. Our fore-fathers and deceased family members are turning over in their graves with dismay. What is going on today in our culture and society is totally unacceptable. The counter-culture originals and their descendents, L. B. J., liberal thinkers, the U. S. Supreme Court decisions (Roe vs. Wade on abortion, especially), and the law-makers in Washington get the blame. Their despicable and deplorable attitudes and actions are their legacy. Their legacy belongs on the trash heap.


sábado, 3 de mayo de 2008

La Doble Moral

La Doble Moral


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

La mayoría de las personas se quedan pensativas del porque se vive en la actualidad una Doble Moral con indiferencia y apatía, ¿A qué se debe este fenómeno que estamos viviendo? ¿Cuáles son algunos ejemplos clásicos para el hombre y la mujer actual sobre la doble moral? ¿La indiferencia y la apatía son un problema de quién?

Cuando un hombre anda con más de una mujer se dice de ellos muchas cosas: es un Galán, es un Don Juan, pero si se trata de una mujer, entonces la cosa cambia, no se dice que es una Galana o una Doña Juana, sino que se le denigra de la forma más perversa, y la gente aplica sin piedad la definición de prostituta, por ejemplo, del Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua [1] y dice esa mujer es una prostituta, es una ramera, se emplean incluso palabras muy altisonantes como la de “puta”, mencionada en el mismo diccionario; o en un lenguaje metafórico propio de una comedia de sátira o picaresca se dice: “viejas mugrosas de cascos ligeros”, “esa mujer es tan ligera, mejor dicho, es más ligera que una bicicleta de carreras de 25 velocidades”, para referirse a esas mujeres probadas que les gusta el oficio más antiguo del mundo…bueno de que las hay las hay.

No cabe duda que vivimos en una sociedad donde prevalece la cultura de la muerte, por ello la Doble Moral es sin lugar a dudas, el prerrequisito de este tipo de sociedades caducas moralmente, en donde la hipocresía es el encanto mágico de la sociedad, y sus leyes de la hipocresía que permiten con la mayor naturalidad del mundo, auto engañarse y engañar, donde el doble lenguaje es de uso diario, y todo está dicho con su jiribilla respectiva. En el Apocalipsis de Juan la Gran Prostituta, según los estudiosos de la Biblia era para referirse a Babilonia. Siguiendo ese criterio de exégesis y hermenéutica bíblica: ¿En la actualidad que país es la nueva gran prostituta? [2]

Podemos analizar muchos casos de la Doble Moral de Políticos, Sacerdotes, Laicos, Vendedores, entre otros. Por ejemplo, los políticos que luchan contra la violencia intrafamiliar, y a la esposa la tratan física y psicológicamente con violencias denigrantes que atentan los principios más elementales de la Dignidad de la Persona Humana; o de los Sacerdotes pederastas, que hacen lujo de la violencia sexual con niños o niñas, que hasta los Reyes y ciertos Papas de Monarquías antiguas, se quedaron “chiquitos”; y que en la problemática actual, valientemente fue denunciada por el Santo Padre el Papa Benedicto XVI, en su reciente visita a los Estados Unidos de América, denuncia de tipo profético que hace reflexionar de cómo en instituciones religiosas la cultura de la muerte ha penetrado ¿Por qué?, Porque el Bien y el Mal, está dentro de cada individuo, es el árbol del bien y del mal que por ejemplo se menciona en el libro del Génesis, pero, ¿Qué podemos hacer?, lo que podemos hacer es hacer una conversión permanente para acabar con los vicios o pecados capitales, no se puede permanecer indiferente ante los valores ético-morales que inspiran las opciones institucionales que caracterizarán a la futura Unión Mundial. Digamos no a cualquier forma de violencia, a la indiferencia y a la apatía. Digamos sí a la Cultura de la Vida, a cuidar nuestro Planeta Tierra, su Medio Ambiente, y lo más valioso, la Persona Humana y el Bien Común.


[1] Cf. Diccionario de la Real Academia Española 1970, las palabras prostituta y puta en las páginas: 1074 y 1087 respectivamente.

[2] El Apocalipsis de Juan termina con un gran mensaje trinitario de Fe, Esperanza y Caridad, al decir Juan: Ven Señor Jesús.

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2008

This, That, and More


This, That, and More


Roger Behra


Women are like lemmings. Their behavior absolutely indicates that. You can see their lemming behavior everywhere. You see curl-straight hair, bare midriffs, tattooed lower backs, excessive cleavage, bare upper 25-33 percent breasts, of their, skin-tight genes (no imagination needed) same color hair, hoop earrings. Thankfully, there are lemmings, so they have models to follow.


Men are to a lesser degree like lemmings also. Tattoo artist have become wealthy tattooing men to look zoo animals. And the spiked hair styles give a very nice porcupine look (ugly). And the genes top it off-ultra baggy, cut-offs, crotch hanging down to their knee level, bare upper butts (ugly again) Way to go guys!


Recently The Orange County Register published the world’s dictator list in the Parade Magazine, February 17, 2008. Kim Jong-I1, North Korea, is the proud No. 1. Theniin order are Omar Al Bashir, Sudan, Than Shwe, Burma, King Abdullah, Saudi-Arabia, Hu Jintao, China, Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe, Sayyid Ali Kham enei, Iran, Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan, Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan, and Isayas Afewerki, Eritrea. Their rule is oppressive, cruel, tortureous, murderous, repressive, Godless, especially in China. These places are havens for man’s worst enemies.


A suicide bomber very recently blew himself up at dogfight killing 80 people and injuring many others. It was totally unexpected there in Afghanistan. A college graduate student at Northern Illinois University opened fire in a building killing 6 people and injuring 18 others. The smell of Satan seems to be present there.


Most of us people are followers- men’s spiked hair, women’s skin tight genes, women tattooed, men tattooed to lock like a zoo animal, apostasy, etc. Stand up and be a leader. Practice good morality. Be a good Christian. Attend church on Sunday. Dress modestly. Use good judgment. Don’t be a lemming. You will be a leader hare and in God’s eyes, also.


Unless you are part of the pre-World War 2 generation, chances are you are half baked, because you an original counter-culture person or descendent. The counter-culture motto was “throw out the old and bring in the new.” That started it all since 1965. And since then you have what you have reaped; poorly developed human beings in millions of cases.
The four areas of human development are mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. A very large number of counter-culture people and their families have poor physical development (too fat) and little or no spiritual development. That makes them half baked. The ones, who have not developed their mental and emotional half very well either, are the complete losers. It is not a coincidence that so many lives are a mess, so much homelessness, and our prisons are over flowing with criminal losers. Where have you been, or where are you in the scheme of human development?


When the counter-culture people decided to live by their own rules the end result is what we have today-immorality, divorce, abortion, internet pornography, little or no spiritual development, murder, and other bad things. Satan is the winner, and the counter-culture people are the losers. The counter-culture legacy la disgraceful and despicable to say the least.


Centro de Capacitación y Desarrollo Profesional, S.C.

Centro de Capacitación y Desarrollo Profesional, S.C.

Nuevo enlace de Tópicos Culturales:

URL: http://www.desarrollocdp.com
Correo electrónico: capacitacion_cdp@prodigy.net.mx

Visite este sitio interesante y vea el Catálogo de Cursos y Diplomados que ofrece el Centro de Capacitación, en donde participa uno de los integrantes honoríficos del Comité Editorial Directivo: Dr. Jesús Martín Cepeda Dovala.

Saludos cordiales a nuestros lectores de Tópicos Culturales


Dr. Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Director y Editor

Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011

Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011
Our Lady in Art







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¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!

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ABRIL 2012

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DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013


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Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)



Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

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