Satan Really Exists
Roger Behra, B. S. Education *1
* Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Western New Mexico University, Silver City, New Mexico. He took five courses, 15 graduate hours, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. 19 years experience teaching language arts in Arizona and Ohio, U.S.A. 10 years teaching religion in St. Ann Catholic School in Ohio, in addition.
As M. Scott Peck, M. D., the well known psychiatrist and author said in his book, Glimpses of the Devil, in the end, ultimately, “we belong either to God or to Satan”. And this brings us to the very important questions: Does Satan really exist? What is Satan really like? Which path are you going to take?
In 1960 it was revealed that 99.9 percent of psychiatrists and 80 percent of Catholic priests said that Satan does not exist. That philosophy changed, and, after the counterculture movement became entrenched in American society during the 1970’s and 1980’s the need for exorcism increased eight-hundred percent.
The two cases in Peck’s book, Jersey and Beccah, and Scott Dericckson’s DVD, The exorcism of Emily Rose, tell us that, without a doubt, absolutely, Satan does exist. And al three exorcisms are on video tape and DVD to lend authenticity to this fact. There is also sufficient evidence and reference in the Holy Bible. But the video tapes and DVD give us real proof. So, do not be misled.
Who is Satan? What is Satan really like?
1. Satan is the leader of all the fallen angels.
2. He is the master of lies and unimaginable evil. He is thoroughly malevolent.
3.Satan has an unknown number of lessor demons who help him in his evil work.
4. The goal of Satan and his legion is the total destruction of human beings and the possession of their souls for all eternity.
Imperfect possession has to be exorcised. Perfect possession cannot be exorcised. Any effect Satan and/or his helpers have on people is with the consent of the person(s). It is not by accident.
On the other side of the coin is God, who is the essence of good and love and is the direct opposite of what Satan (and his demon helpers) stands for.
And a few words to unbelieving therapy people, mainly psychologists and psychiatrists; arrange to attend a genuine Catholic exorcism or view and listen to one on video tape and records. There is an excellent chance you’ll change your thinking and adjust your therapy sessions also. The doctor assistants at exorcism certainly do.
The path everyone should take is:
1. Believe Satan exists.
2. Know how his evil works in our lives.
3. Then renounce Satan and his works.
4. Work hard at being a good Christian.
5. Pray often, for God´s graces, help, and forgiveness.
6. Put your trust in God and His Blessed Mother, our Blessed Mother, Mary.
7. Die in the friendship of the Lord.
You will be so glad you did when your earthly life ends, because your soul will belong to God and not to Satan. You, along with God´s graces and help, have the power, to ruin Satan´s grand plan to possess and many soul´s as he can, and specifically, your soul for all eternity, which lasts forever.