sábado, 29 de junio de 2013

Universidad o Escuela de Rufianes

Universidad o Escuela de Rufianes
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Los Rufianes son individuos ridículos y despreciables con muy mal carácter que viven de engaños y de estafas; es sinónimo de rufián: bellaco, granuja, estafador, pillo, sinvergüenza, bribón, canalla y otras palabras. Las presiones internas en una organización son las actitudes de mal carácter que muestran los líderes y el personal de alguna institución u organización; sus “funcionarios lideres” fomentan y atentan contra los Valores Ético-Morales de su Comunidad, ejemplo de ello: corrupción, desanimo, inconsistencia, ausentismo, desperdicio, pugnas internas, desorganización, división y  falta de compromiso.
Recientemente escribí algunas líneas sobre el Carácter y el Talento [1], se dio más énfasis al Buen Carácter, ahora se hará énfasis al mal carácter y la carencia de talento como buen gestor de una institución, tomemos por ejemplo, la reciente declaración que hizo el rector de la UAAAN de una forma ingenua e irresponsable, donde menciona que la universidad está al borde prácticamente de la quiebra por 80 millones de pesos:
La Narro, al borde del colapso financiero: Rector

Creo que el mal carácter de un individuo los hace decir mentiras para llamar la atención, y para dar lastima de su pésima gestión, ¿En que fundamenta la declaración?, ¿En qué capítulos y partidas, y cuáles son las unidades presupuestales afectadas? y ¿Por qué?, también, ¿Por qué su anterior Director de la Unidad de Planeación (ahora Asesor) no dijo nada cuando tuvieron que regresar más de 30 millones de su nuevo Asesor (Ex Director de la Unidad de Planeación)?, bueno, se escucha entre los pasillos de la UAAAN: que dicho individuo no supo llenar en tiempo y forma los formatos para el ejercicio presupuestal, y ¿Por qué el rector no declara a la prensa  la repartición de los bonos en Navidad de 200, 300, y 400 mil pesos entre 6 o 7 funcionarios, pues así está difícil la cuestión...lo que escucha uno cuando sale del aula de clases... ¿No cree Usted?
¡Oiga espéreme un momentito más!, antes de que se me olvide, de las “Relaciones y Pláticas Ejemplares con los Sindicatos” el rector firmo Convenios Impagables alegando que él y sus funcionarios fueron sorprendidos por los líderes sindicales, despotricando en un Consejo Universitario al decir que ahora los culpables de todos los problemas y de que no haya sesiones de Consejo Universitario son por culpa de los sindicatos.
La impunidad está en todas partes, ¿Qué paso con el caso del alumno torturado psicológicamente?, ¿Por qué el Juez calla o no dice nada si ya ha pasado mucho tiempo, y en Coahuila se da de baja del plantel a los profesores que cometen Bullying?, ¿Qué ha investigado la Comisión de Honor y justicia al respecto? por cierto este problema de Bullying se aborda en el actual Plan Nacional de Desarrollo. [2]
La UAAAN sufre cuando falta Oficio de Gestión, se confunde a la Universidad con una escuelita de rufianes, cuando las autoridades no practican la autocrítica, la crítica viene desde afuera o desde adentro de la institución, y como les digo a mis alumnos, o nos ordenamos nosotros o nos reordenaran desde afuera.
Un ejemplo digno a mencionarse son los resultados obtenidos por distintas Comisiones del Consejo Universitario, como son la de CAR-Chiapas, la de Planeación, la Hacendaria, la Académica, la de Honor y Justicia, y otras que están haciendo su tarea. Felicitaciones por el Trabajo de Autogestión del Consejo Universitario y sus Comisiones por tratar de rescatar a la UAAAN ¿Por qué el rector no habla de las deficiencias de él y las de su equipo?...qué mal carácter y falta de talento.
¡No dejes que tu Universidad se convierte en una escuelita de rufianes!
Paz y Bien
[1] Cf. El Carácter y el Talento
[2] Cf. Acoso en Universidades: Bullying & Mobbing
Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2013-2018

El Carácter y el Talento

El Carácter y el Talento
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Como un Iceberg el carácter y el talento de los individuos está conformado por un 90% de Carácter y un 10% de Talento, muchos individuos se fijan más en el 10% que representa la Punta del Iceberg, y olvidan el 90% que no se ve, que se oculta debajo del agua, y que forma el 90% del carácter, por ejemplo en la citas celebres de Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832):
“El talento se educa en la calma y el carácter en la tempestad”
“Contra la estupidez, hasta los dioses luchan en vano”
“Cuando el hombre no se encuentra a sí mismo, no encuentra nada”
Las anteriores citas celebres de Goethe nos hablan del Carácter y del Talento de las personas. El carácter que se forja en la vida práctica constituye un conjunto de Actitudes, Decisiones, Palabras y Acciones que brotan de su corazón del ser humano, y que al interactuar con el mundo externo se pueden recibir Presiones, Tentaciones y Circunstancias del Medio Ambiente que lo rodean y racionaliza su existencia.
Acorde con el Tipo de Decisiones que tome el individuo, pueden existir individuos de Buen Carácter o de Mal Carácter, considerando las Actitudes las cuales pueden ser positivas o negativas.
El Buen Carácter está en función con los Valores Ético-Morales que posea la Persona Humana, y que las vemos como cualidades, tales como Diligencia, Benevolencia, Confiabilidad, Bondad, Responsabilidad, Determinación, Puntualidad, Compasión, Perdón, Valentía, y Sensibilidad, que determinan la respuesta independientemente de las circunstancias, pero además representa una Motivación Interna al poder Discernir entre el Bien y el mal y para hacer lo Correcto.
El Talento es una Aptitud o Destreza de los individuos que poseen la Inteligencia Emocional y representa un potencial para realizar su Trabajo o hacer sus tareas con éxito. Por ejemplo,  José Ingenieros en su libro El Hombre Mediocre plantea una diferenciación entre genio y talento: "Llama genio al hombre que crea nuevas formas de actividad no emprendidas antes por otros o desarrolla de un modo enteramente propio y personal actividades ya conocidas; y talento al que practica formas de actividad, general o frecuentemente practicadas por otros, mejor que la mayoría de los que cultivan esas mismas aptitudes." Y desde el punto de vista Bíblico, reflexionar  las parábolas en relación con los talentos en los evangelios de Mateo 25:14–30, Lucas 19:11–27, y vea como del dinero (talento), hay inteligencia y aptitudes como el Talento.
“Manténganse en el amor de Dios, esperando la misericordia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo para la Vida eterna.” Carta de San Judas 1, 21
Paz y Bien

viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

Intromisión a la Vida Universitaria en la UAAAN

Intromisión a la Vida Universitaria en la UAAAN
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Cuando una “autoridad administrativa” viola su Normatividad, no tiene calidad moral de seguir al frente de la misma. ARCD
El Articulo 20 de la Ley Orgánica de la UAAAN, relacionado con las facultades y obligaciones del Rector, en la fracción III menciona: Cumplir y hacer cumplir los acuerdos del H. Consejo Universitario; pues existen muchos acuerdos sin implementarse como es el caso del Consejo Directivo, pues no ha cumplido con el Dictamen Aprobado por el H. Consejo Universitario, el cual menciona la destitución de todos los integrantes del Consejo Directivo por no haber cumplido las funciones encomendadas como hacen constar los oficios: Dictamen de la Comisión Sancionadora con fecha de Noviembre 9, 2011 y la Acta del Consejo Universitario donde fue aceptado el Informe Final de la Mencionada Comisión con fecha Noviembre 29, 2012.
Lo anterior da cabida a que exista Intromisión a la Vida Universitaria, por ejemplo, ¿Cuándo propuso el rector al H. Consejo Universitario, máxima autoridad de la UAAAN, que las reuniones de comisiones de Diputados fueran en la UAAAN?, ¿En qué Acta y con qué fecha quedo establecido?
La realidad es que ni siquiera a los integrantes del H. Consejo Universitario fueron invitados, ello, habla de Prepotencia de la Autoridad, por lo que la reunión con los Diputados, atenta contra la Autonomía Universitaria, y es una Intromisión a la Vida Universitaria, además de ser un gasto superfluo para los trabajadores que si pagamos impuestos, y un gasto a la Nación. ¿Qué no puede haber un Reglamento en la UAAAN que regule las relaciones Universidad-Gobierno y que no atente contra su Autonomía?
En el Día de San Romualdo, Junio 19 del año en curso, se realizó una reunión convocada por los H. Consejeros Universitarios, con la finalidad de tratar el Asunto del Consejo Directivo, pero, tras la negligencia del rector de no hacer reuniones, pues ni siquiera asistió, ni tampoco su secretario general, reflejan su falta de oficio como funcionarios ¿Qué bonito ejemplo universitario?, aun así, hubo mayoría de Consejeros Universitarios pues asistieron 22 o 23 consejeros, y acordaron finiquitar el asunto para una próxima reunión en Segunda Convocatoria en Agosto, también asistió un Notario para dar fe de la Reunión de Trabajo.
Espero que este escrito se lo envíen a los Diputados, gracias por invitarme, pero no tengo tiempo de andar perdiendo el tiempo, pues estoy preparando el Material Didáctico de mis próximos cursos del siguiente semestre.
Paz y Bien
1. Cortesía: El rector debería invitar a los consejeros y a los dos sindicatos universitarios, ya de perdido para que la despiste de sus “Excelentes Relaciones Ejemplares con su Comunidad Universitaria”; 2. Tips para el Tema de Sustentabilidad: Se deben prohibir los materiales vegetales transgénicos por ser un daño a la Salud; y para su reflexión leer: Mentiras y verdades sobre el maíz transgénico en:

sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

Una Canción para Recordar el Día del Padre

Una Canción para Recordar el Día del Padre
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Neil Diamond de Religión Judía nos comparte una excelente canción cortita con mensaje profundo. Con ella recuerdo a Dios uno y Trino, y a nuestros padres vivos, o (+) finados que pasaron a mejor vida:
NEIL DIAMOND - Dear Father
Dear Father. Written by: Neil Diamond
Dear father
we dream
we dream
we dream
while we may
Who are we to need
we need
we need
while we wait
while we wait
Querido Padre. Escrito por: Neil Diamond

Querido padre
si bien podemos

Quienes somos a la necesidad
mientras esperamos
mientras esperamos

Espero sea de su agrado y ¡Feliz Día del Padre!

Paz y Bien


sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

The Growing Trend, By Roger Behra

The Growing Trend
Roger Behra
When Jesus was being crucified in such a cruel and painful way he uttered these words, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing."  Well, the same words can be said about the recent trend going on in Orange County, California during the past four years: Suicide. Orange County residents have been killing themselves in increasingly large numbers. Since 2008 the increase is 20 percent. That is an alarming increase and situation, although it is not just off the cuff. There are two solid reasons for trend increase: Bad economy; teenagers and cyberbullying.
When the bad economy developed in 2008, California was hit very hard and led the U.S. in unemployment. Orange County was hit the hardest in the state. Many workers lost good jobs and others could not find a job. And the recovery from the bad economy took much longer than elsewhere. That definitely helped the suicide trend to increase.
While the bad economy took it's toll, another trend increased: Cyberbullying. That happens when one bully bullies another through digital transmissions which are humiliating and devastating. Teen girls make the mistake of having sexual encounters with teen boys and others. Frequently the encounters are photos, and later they are anonymously digitally transmitted showing the girls and their naked bodies: bare breasts, bare bottoms, and genitals clear and fully exposed. Then the girl can be shown having intercourse, but that is not the end of it.
The girl in the transmission is usually bullied and becomes embarrassed, humiliated, and full of intense mental suffering. All of that has led to many teen girl suicides. Teen boys also commit suicides for one reason or another, many times it's because of strict parental control or boys bullying boys.
Audrie Pott's sexual episode with three boys ended up being digitally transmitted without her knowledge. She suffered all the related results. After eight days of it she called her mother from school to pick her up. As soon as she arrived home she ran to the bathroom and hanged herself. Her mother couldn't believe it. The grieving was instantaneous.
Ordinary suicides have also been on the increase because of age degeneration and illness. It's more common now for someone to murder family members and then the murderer commits suicide rather than end up in a trial and a prison sentence.
In Orange County the 20 percent increase in suicides has been during the past 4 years alone.  The year 2011 was the worst: Gunshot (107) was the leading method and hanging (95) wasn't far behind. In 2012 gunshot suicides remained nearly the same while hanging greatly decreased. Regardless of the type, suicides happen often.
R. B.

Career Ending Misbehaviors, By Roger Behra

Career Ending Misbehaviors
Roger Behra
Why is it common mow that so many millionaire sports personalities end up telling the whole world that they have a .25₵ brain rattling around in their thick skulls? That is what has happened to three famous people in American sports as they kicked their sport’s legacy squarely in the teeth while making fools of themselves.
The first one to recently do that is Sean Payton who was the coach of the New Orleans Saints football team. What he did and was convicted of is very serious and unforgiving. He was the mastermind behind a hit squad among the defensive team players. Before each game he outlined which opposing players were to be intentionally injured and forced out of the game during the first quarter which actually happened on several occasions. The bottom line now is Payton has been forced to give up the Saints coaching position, and the defensive players that were involved will receive severe disciplinary action. All of that is going to greatly hamper the Saints future success, indeed. The Saints fans are crying.
The second famous sport sport's figure to bring it down on himself is a Major League Baseball manager: Ozzie Guillen who was a very successful manager of the Florida Marlins. Ozzie always had a loud and profane voice and manner of speaking. Finally, his .25₵ brain and mouth got him into a gigantic situation. During an interview for a sports magazine he said he loved Fidel Castro, the communist leader of Cuba. Wow! When that became public knowledge in Miami, Florida, the cows roared and raced out of the barn in alI directions. The backlash among Cuban residents in Miami was loud and horrendous. It lasted for several days and greatly has an effect on the stability of the baseball team. Ozzie had to resign as the Marlin's manager and lose millions of dollars because of his big mouth and .25₵ brain. The good part is the fans and media listeners don't have to hear all the profanity laced interviews. Whew!
The third and biggest loser of the three is Bobby Patrino who lost his job as the head football coach at Arkansas University. It's a crying shame what his .25₵ brain cost him. His multimillion dollar contract was voided when he was fired. He threw away millions of dollars when he cheated on his wife with a twenty-five-year old woman. Then he hired her to help with his football program. Later, he was involved in a motorcycle accident with her on the back of the cycle. After that happened the university concluded he was reckless, untrustworthy, and an unreliable person, so he was fired.
Others have thrown away their careers, reputations, and legacies, but not so many millions of dollars like these three jokers with their .25₵ brains. It's a shame that they squandered the great opportunity gifts that God gave them through the inappropriate and immoral behavior they committed.
R. B.

A Deadly Combination, By Roger Behra

A Deadly Combination
Roger Behra
It is a well-known fact that bullying is a serious problem on most junior high and high school campuses in America. Most of the time, it is just verbal harassment on a consistent basis. Sometimes it gets physical off the school grounds. That is where it can get out of control. It used to be only boys bullying boys. Now it includes girls bullying girls. Once in a while a boy will bully a girl. Bullying sometimes causes parents to get involved. One father even went to the bully’s house beat up the bully. Of course the father ended up being arrested.
Now there is a new chapter being added to the bullying syndrome. It is a very, very serious new problem being added to an old serious problem: It is called CYBERBULLYING." It's a weapon of great publication to a great audience instantly and anonymously." It's bullying with smartphones, and the percentage of teen-agers who have experienced it went from 6 percent in the year 2000 to 72 percent in 2008. Now, in 2013 the percentage is over 85 percent. It is a very potent and devastating form of bullying that is very frequently used, and it leads to tragic suicide consequences, especially among teenage girls: Hope Witsell, Amanda Todd, Rehtaeh Parsons, and Audrie Pott. Many suicide attempts that are made fail.
Hope Witsell made the mistake of texting a boy she liked a picture of her bare breasts.  A rival girl got ahold of the photo and texted it around school. It went viral almost instantly. After enduring, taunts in person and electronically, she finally hanged herself. Amanda Todd killed herself that followed the electronic showing of a photo of her breasts. Rehtaeh Parsons hanged herself after one of four boys accused of raping her distributed a photo of her having sex. Audrei Pott was assaulted at a party and photos of her nude body that was all decorated were distributed electronically. She suffered great harassment and humiliation from that cyberbullying. Eight days later after she got home she quickly went into the bathroom and hanged herself to her mother's great shock and dismay.
The list of lives lost through suicide figures to grow longer because of smartphone texting and the increasing culture of the callousness that people display when they talk electronically and anonymously instead of in person. Texting gets overlooked when talk is about cyberbullying and that is a mistake. It's proven that texting can go viral instantly, faster than ever before, photo and all, and also anonymously. Girls in their mid-teens most likely will commit suicide.
Two of the four girls mentioned above who committed suicide received an overwhelming lack of support from their friends. In fact the girls were instead blamed for what happened to them. That blame along with the suffering and humiliation they endured was the last they could take. Now, their lives and destinies have been wasted and only their names are part of America’s history outside of their families, who will grieve forever and never forget what could have been. Only God, our loving Lord and Savior know for sure.
R. B.

viernes, 7 de junio de 2013

America's Prudish Society, By Roger Behra

America's Prudish Society
Roger Behra
Concerning America's modern society it is correct to say that it is a wide-open society.  Popular morality (which is bad) has been out of control for quite a few years, and it has picked up a full head of steam during the past five years or so. And during those past five years it has become a two-edged sword. To put it quite bluntly: The American society is clearly prudish, and there is considerable evidence to support that fact.
Any day in America's society there are women's provocative or inappropriate clothing, but that is considered less offensive than remarking upon it. Calling a near-nude Madana a "hussy" or a "tart" would be crude, but her mock crucifixion and simulated sex acts as she entertains are not considered crude. More than 500 people in Chicago were murdered during 2012, yet the Mayor berated Chick-fil-A because the founder does not approve of gay marriage. Two U.S. states approved of marijuana smoking, but the social taboos against tobacco smoking makes it impossible to light up a cigarette in public places. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower carried on an affair with his young female chauffeur during WW2, while in contrast Gen. David Petraeus had a career-ending affair with Paula Broadwell. Former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer was found to have hired prostitutes on many occasions during his time in office, yet he was given a CNN news show despite the scandal. Dr. Kermit Gosnell killed and mutilated seven after birth babies with scissors and conducted sometimes-illegal late-term abortions during a long career, while fierce and widespread media condemnation carne down on NFL quarterback Michael Vick for his dog-killing episodes. And 50,000 abortions in the U.S. have been done without any outrage by the mass media since 1973.
Popular morality is completely out of control now in America's society. It causes great confusion in matters of right and wrong, especially among young people, and what is acceptable behavior and what is unacceptable behavior. That's why America has the Lost Generation. Their parents are not much help in straightening out the Lost Generation's thinking, so it looks like America has the Lost Generation to keep America's lost society very good company. What a total mess that is!
R. B.

Evil's Great Advantage, By Roger Behra

Evil's Great Advantage
Roger Behra
A basic advantage in America's modern cultural deterioration has been gaining momentum during the past several years, and it has greatly helped evil behavior to have a pronounced foothold in the culture. This advantage not only helps criminal behavior, it greatly helps immoral behavior to gain momentum as well. This advantage has a special name: It is called the averted eyes syndrome. It is like a green light for evil to go ahead unnoticed.
The averted eyes syndrome takes place when knowledge of evil is being done at the moment or over a period of a short time, but because the evil behavior does not affect one personally, or a friend, or a family member, the knowledgeable person looks the other way and lets the evil continue. This is happening a great deal in America's culture now.
The averted eyes syndrome takes place anywhere at any time. Recently, the mass media in the U.S. focused on two very serious cases of this evil behavior. The two cases involve a famous university (Penn State) and a large elementary school in the Los Angeles area.  Child abuse went on for decades while coaches, teachers, and school officials looked the other way. Now a very stiff price has to be paid. One elementary school teacher is behind bars and his bail is set at $23,000,000 million dollars, because he is accused of abusing 23 students over a long period of time while others' eyes were being averted.
Also recently in a large city (New York City) a woman was being beaten and raped in the entrance way to a closed business at 1 A.M. on a main street. A man happened to walk by and refused to answer her screams or look at what was actually going on. Fortunately, a police car happened to be driving past the scene, and the policeman rescued the woman and arrested the rapist. There was no averted eyes syndrome by the policeman.
The police are among the few who do not resort to or participate in the practice of averting one's eyes. They have the legal right to intervene at any time something not right is going on. So the wise thing is to do the right thing at all times and remember one important thing: They always see us before we ever see them, Speeders will always attest to that.
R. B.

Why Evil Gains Momentum, By Roger Behra


Why Evil Gains Momentum


Roger Behra

The proliferation of evil has greatly affected the American culture to such a degree that the distinction between what is right and what is wrong is astoundingly blurred. The distinction is so blurred that people do wrong and accept behavior that is wrong without batting an eye. That has greatly affected America's cultural climate, and the indications are that it is going to continue nonstop.

There are plenty examples of what is absolutely wrong: abortion; cohabitation; homosexual behavior; same-sex marriage; online pornography; immodest female dress. These and other wrong behaviors are accepted without any objections from a very large number of the general population in America. America's court systems make decisions that overturn good moral decisions by voters, and there is little or no outcry.

Aside from what is evil, there are the evildoers themselves. Since the mid-1960's they have increased by leaps and bounds. America's prisons are jam-packed with them, and that costs the cities and states along with the taxpayers very large sums of money.

A very alarming aspect is the fact that evildoers in most cases do not regard their evil doing as evil. They feel their behavior is justified for one reason or another, and the act of getting caught is instead wrong. Rationalization is the order of the day. Cohabitation and immodest dress by females in public, in our schools, and even during church services are prime examples. The legion of evildoers is unbelievably large.

The great increase in evil has resulted from the fact that God is no longer part of so many daily lives. With the increase of no Christian living, atheists, and agnostics, the percentage of evildoers and their evil behavior had to also increase. The Connecticut Elementary School and Boston Marathon massacres are very recent examples.

The American culture is not going to improve anytime soon. The proliferation of unadulterated evil can only increase, especially with the Lost Generation gearing up right around the corner.  We must always remember that where God and His ways are absent, Satan and his ways are present. The evidence: is in daily news reports.

R. B.

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

Lost Generation In Action, By Roger Behra

Lost Generation In Action
Roger Behra
While the parents were away some Lost Generation people were at play. It all happened in San Jose, California, and their play was as despicable as it can be. This time the end result was extremely sad, indeed.
Those involved were five teenagers: three 16-year-old boys and two teenaged girls. The girl victim was only 15-years-old. The other girl was the daughter of the parents who were away for the evening. When the party started, it was to end as a party-sleepover for the two girls. It was far from that.
As the party progressed, alcohol became involved.  The daughter raided her father's alcohol cabinet. That was the first no-no. The second no-no was Audrie, the 15-year-old girl, drank too much, became drunk, and then passed out. That opened the door for the third no-no and more to follow as the party disintegrated into very immoral behavior.
After Audrie passed out the three 16-year-old boys took over. They put Audrie on a bed and removed her clothing and panties. Then they proceeded to perform the alleged rape activities. One boy even wrote on her leg that "____ was here." They took photos also as they performed their alleged activities. The attorney for Audrie's family is revealing the whole story.
Awakening in the bedroom she realized she had been sexually assaulted and that her attackers had written and drawn on intimate parts of her body. She was greatly saddened that boys she knew for a long time and thought were her friends did that to her.
Insult was added to injury when at school a week later she realized no-no number four. They put a photo of me during the rape attack online. She cried at what they did and felt so humiliated. The bullying was devastating after eight days of it. So she called her mother and asked her to pick her up at school. At home she told her mother she couldn't deal with it any longer, but she would not say to her mother what was wrong.
Audrie quickly went to the bathroom and HANGED HERSELF!
Eight months after the alleged rape assault occurred the three 16-year-old boys were finally arrested. They are each charged with sexual battery and possession of child pornography. Several lawsuits also have been filed, and the price for any of the charged immoral behavior could be high. The grieving parents feel it now.
We are witnessing that the Lost Generation is in progress.  Waite until they are well along the way. They are going to put the counterculture people to shame with their Godless and immoral behavior.
R. B.

The Godless Among Us, By Roger Behra

The Godless Among Us
Roger Behra
There was a time-prior to 1965-when the Godly greatly outnumbered the Godless. Sadly to say that is not the way it is in the American culture any more. It is very much the very opposite. The Godless among us is in the majority now as 2013 gets well under way. That is an awful change of events, and very often we are reminded of just how Godless the Godless can get. We are also being reminded that the price being paid is astronomically high.
The word GODLY, means showing respect for God and obeying His Commandments by leading a moral and good life. The word GODLESS means wicked, not showing respect or belief in God or His Commandments, and therefore, leading a bad life.
Thankfully, there are Godly people, and among them some extraordinary Godly people scattered throughout the American culture: priests and ministers, brothers, nuns, and teachers to name a few groups. And the Godless benefit as well from the dedication and goodness of these people.
The reverse is also true.  The Godly people are harmed by the behavior of the Godless. Since the year 2007 there have been many horrendous and deadly attacks on innocent Godly people in America's open society. The deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history took place in 2007 when 32 people were killed on a college in Virginia. In the U.S. Army an army psychiatrist killed 13 soldiers at an army base in Texas. In Colorado a man entered a movie theater at night and killed many and wounded over thirty people. An ex-policeman went on a shooting rampage and killed five people before committing suicide. A 20-year old man barged into an elementary school one morning and killed 20 first-graders and 6 adults and then himself. These are some of the Godless behavior of recent modern times.
Waite! There is more. On April 15, 2013, at the Boston Marathon in Boston, Mass. someone planted two bombs near the finish line that went off and killed four people and badly injured 170 others. That was demonic behavior first class. Innocent people lost their lives, some lost their limbs, and many were maimed for the rest of their lives.
Men are much more Godless than women. But women get some Godless awards for very bad Godless behavior: abortion and prostitution. The Godly people have to live with tremendous Godlessness on a daily basis that seems to increase more and more as the months pass. The Boston Marathon massacre already mentioned above is a good example. The Connecticut elementary school and Aurora theater massacres are also good examples of unexpected Godless behavior. Unless God intervenes, the American culture is going to be swimming in Godless behavior for a long time to come. And the horrendous type of behavior is going to be mindboggling, indeed!
R. B.

Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011

Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011
Our Lady in Art







Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita

Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita
Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"

Oración a San Judas

Oración a San Judas
San Judas, Ruega por Nosotros

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!
¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!


Sonia = Sofía

¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

Pascua 2008

Pascua 2008
¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!

Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008

Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008
Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2008

Calendario 2013

Calendario 2013
Juan Pablo II


Virgen María en el Arte

Calendario 2013

Calendario 2013
Benedicto XVI

Pascua 2013

Pascua 2013
Jesucristo El Buen Pastor

feliz día de las madres 2012

feliz día de las madres 2012
feliz día de las madres 2012






Octubre 2012





JULIO 2012

JULIO 2012
JULIO 2012

JUNIO 2012

JUNIO 2012
JUNIO 2012

MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
MAYO 2012

ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
ABRIL 2012

MARZO 2012

MARZO 2012
marzo 2012



ENERO 2012

ENERO 2012
enero 2012

Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida
Actitudes ante la Vida


DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013


pascua 2012

Cátedra de San Pedro

Cátedra de San Pedro
St. Peter

14 de Febrero

14 de Febrero
Día de San Cirilo y San Metodio

Conversión de San Pablo

Conversión de San Pablo
Francesco Mazzola (1503-1540)

Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN

Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN
Documento Firmado y Recibido Enero 2013

Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN

Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN
Documento, Enero 2013


Feliz Navidad y Ventuoroso Año 2013

happy new year 2012

happy new year 2012

Feliz Navidad 2011

Feliz Navidad 2011
Venturoso Año 2011






Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)



Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica
Algunas Encíclicas imortantes de la Iglesia Católica