The Great Deviation
Roger Behra
The quality of America’s culture is only as good as the moral behavior of fellow citizens. And fellow citizens include politicians, judges, teachers, parents, students, and young and older ordinary people going about ordinary daily life. What is going on now in America with all these people is very disturbing and to some great degree disheartening. But it is not very surprising when so many Americans live the make-up-your-own rules for everyday living, which is a hard slap to the face to all good moral living Americans. And there are very many good and moral living Americans getting slapped in the face these days.
One of the great moral topics smoldering in the American culture at the present time is the great deviation called same sex marriage, which has become legal in some states in America. Many other states do not recognize same sex marriages, and that is very acceptable.
During November, 2008 elections California voters voted yes for Proposition 8, which bans same sex marriages. Soon thereafter it ended up in the court system, and on June 16, 2010, the court in San Francisco has ended the long trial to determine the legality of same sex marriage in California.
It is very unfortunate that voter’s wishes and votes have landed in court, but what makes it doubly unfortunate is everything ended in a very super liberal court in a very super liberal city. And to top it all off, the presiding judge is GAY. A gay judge is going to rule on the activity of gay people. It can only happen in America. If the court rules to overturn (Prop. 8) the ban on same sex marriage, everyone will know why-a super liberal city, a gay judge. You get the picture. It will be a fixed outcome, and it will greatly distort the real meaning of marriage.
The word marriage means between a man and a woman and not between two people of same sex. The thought of same sex marriage makes many people sick to their stomaches. Some sex marriage is pure mockery of traditional marriage.
Let us face a real fact. The big reason a man wants to marry another man is to make the evil and deviant sex activities that are immoral seem morally right and acceptable in the eyes of society. And the same goes for a woman who wants to marry another woman. Same sex marriage is so unnatural and another sign of so much counterculture cluelessness. It is totally empty-headed. The counterculture people are famous for doing things that should not be done just because things can be done. Keep in mind that a gay counterculture judge might rule that the Proposition 8 ban on same sex marriage is overruled. That will be a perfect example of something that can be done but should not be done. Overruling the ban (Prop. 8) on same sex marriage will be a great mockery and great distortion of what is acceptable and right. Overruling the Prop. 8 ban on same sex marriage will also be a hard and loud slap in the face of all traditionally married couples.
R. B.