Satan´s Great Earthly Helpers
Roger Behra
Satan, as he roams the world seeking the ruin of souls, has many willing helpers. He has his lesser demon helpers whom he controls. He also has his earthly helpers, and they are many. But his most helpful earthy helpers are--WOMEN! It is a fact, and as you read on you will kwon and realize why it is so.
Satan loves women. They are VERY active players. They play so easily into his plans and so frequently, also. Women are the instigators and promoters of so much grave sinfulness. They Help Satan to gain eternal possession of so many men’s souls along with their own. In many cases they cause dual sinfulness. While they are sinning, they cause others to sin also. That will be clearly explained.
The most common ways women are a great help to Satan are abortion, prostitution strip joints, popular fashions (mode of dress), lesbian sexual behavior, witch’s covens, and black magic.
The dual (sometimes multiple) aspect sinfulness comes into affect because two or more persons are involved at the same sinful time. The person wanting the abortion plus the abortionist, the prostitute plus the man, the strip joint lady plus the client, a lesbian plus another lesbian are some examples. And if you multiply this by a large untold number of activities around our world, you can easily understand why Satan loves women so very much. No matter how it is denied or spinned, these gravely sinful activities capture so many eternal souls for Satan, because women are such ready earthly helpers of Satan. And when you include black magic, withch’s covens, and the occult, you have many more women involved. (Here is a good time to mention that more women than men become very demonically afflicted and demonically possessed. Their willingness to help Satan is the reason for that.)
Because of the dual aspect of sinfulness, women have the extraordinary responsibility before God to conduct their lives in such a manner that others are nor part of very grave sinfulness. Women! Women MUST refrain from abortion. Stop being prostitutes, stop being strip joint exhibitionists, eliminate their lesbian behavior, AND DRESS MORE MODESTLY AT ALL TIMES OUT IN PUBLIC AND AT CHURCH. IF women continue to ignore their sinful behaviour, it proves the point that they wish to be Satan’s great earthly helpers. And the final result will be-Satan will be the winner, and the women will be the losers.