jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

America´s Fateful Decision, By Roger Behra


America´s Fateful Decision


Roger Behra

As each year has come and gone for the past thirty-nine years, America has to be reminded of the most infamous date in America history. It is a date that can never be forgotten or relegated to obscurity. It´s a date that unleashed the most serious evil against human beings that continues to take place each and every day in America: legalized abortion. It was a most fateful decision.

The word fateful means “having an important, usually bad. Effect on future events” The fateful decision took place on January 22, 1973, when Supreme Court of the United States handed down the ruling the abortion is legal and can be performed upon request. And that has been going on in America.

The very accurate accountability is that one abortion takes place every three seconds which amounts to 1, 000, 000 (1 million) plus abortions each year in the United States. Multiply that by 39 years and you have a staggering total of at least 39, 000,000 (million) abortions alone in America. That, dear readers, boggles the mind.

The absolute worst thing someone can do is take the life of someone else. It is totally against God´s plan for the Creations. Taking someone´s life interrupts the destiny God planned for that life. To take life of an innocent, helpless and loveable new born baby is the worst of the worst behavior. It is absolutely inconceivable. Everything is silenced: alive; God´s plan, the baby destiny. How can anyone decide to and then have that done? It is the personification of all evil acts. It is true on rare occasions some abortions are absolutely necessary for medical reason. Those are the plan God has for those babies for reasons only God knows.

So many people simply wander through life not giving much or any thought to what happens to them when they die: that they are going to have a life review before God; that they are going to be accountable for ALL their thoughts, words, and deeds during their lifetime; that they are going to experience the pain and suffering they caused others; that there will be given a judgment to them accordingly. For the great love we need to have for our God and fellow human beings we all must think seriously about this an act in accordance, here, while we live from day to day, and while time is on our side.

R. B.