¿Por qué se desestabilizan las Universidades?: Tema UAAAN
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Las Instituciones de Educación Pública, son baluartes perenes de Amor a la Patria en la Cultura y Civilización de México, son muchos los ejemplos de ver cuestiones positivas; sin embargo, a veces se quebranta la Armonía y se pierde la estabilidad institucional por diversas causas, un ejemplo indignante son las muertes de estudiantes dentro o fuera de un Campus Universitario, en México o en otros países como en Estados Unidos de América (USA).
La noticia de Lourdes de Koster, que apareció en el Periódico Zócalo, nos dan una clara idea del acontecer actual en la UAAAN, en donde indica: “Maestros investigadores de la UAAAN advierten un clima de descomposición laboral, política y académica por el estilo beligerante y limitado del rector Eladio Cornejo Oviedo, luego de que un estudiante agrónomo del Campus Laguna asesinara a su novia y quien fuera compañera en la carrera de Zootecnia, el 2 de septiembre”. [1]
Para cualquier comunidad universitaria es indignante, tanto la tortura psicológica a alumnos como la muerte de estudiantes, esto tiene que ver con la Seguridad y la Salud Universitaria, por ejemplo en la pasada Administración UAAAN (2006-2010), se previeron muchas situaciones a través del Comité de Salud y el Programa Ave Libre, programas incomprendidos, y eliminados de plumazo por la actual mala Administración de la UAAAN, y que Lourdes de Koster enfatizó en su noticia al decir: “que en los comentarios los profesores dejan ver su intranquilidad por el estado de salud de los estudiantes y cuestionan que el rector Cornejo, eliminara el programa de apoyo a la salud integral para Los Buitres conocido como “Ave Libre”, implementado por su antecesor, Jorge Galo Medina Torres”.
Existen desde luego otras intersecciones de carácter, económico, social, cultural y académico, pero en este mismo renglón, el Código de Ética de la Institución, la Ley Orgánica y el Plan de Desarrollo Institucional 2007-2012 (PDI), deben ser retomados como lo demuestran oficios de los Coordinadores de Comisión (7 de Septiembre de 2011) y Consejeros Universitarios (12 de Septiembre de 2011), dirigidas al Presidente del H. Consejo Universitario, en donde se solicita que se atiendan una serie de problemas universitarios y se reanuden las sesiones del H. Consejo Universitario de nuestra “Alma Terra Mater” , para el día 20 de Septiembre, haciéndose caso omiso, en donde uno de los aspectos es relacionado con la Seguridad. ¿Cuál es el seguimiento de la Administración Central en relación a la Inseguridad que existe en la región y que afecta a la Universidad?
Cabe aclarar como antecedente más inmediato del PDI de la UAAAN, el Dr. Enrique Navarro, en su calidad de Rector, realizó un PDI, tarea que no realizó su predecesor el Dr. Aguirre, quien ahora es notable Asesor de la Actual Administración, SE VE! SE VE!, el fruto de sus sabios consejos y asesoría a su actual rector Eladio, quienes han descuidado al PDI y la Normatividad por completo.
El Plan de Desarrollo Institucional, constituye para nuestra institución una herramienta fundamental e imprescindible para fijar con claridad los objetivos y metas del quehacer de nuestra Universidad en el contexto de la educación superior contemporánea en que se encuentra inmersa. La alineación de sus objetivos, ejes y estrategias con los propuestos en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo ha sido cuidadosamente analizada y observada demostrándose el compromiso de la institución con las políticas y estrategias que concurren al desarrollo nacional. Como resultado de la aplicación de estas políticas al interior de nuestra institución, el 15 de diciembre de 2010 la SEP entregó una vez más, el reconocimiento por la Calidad de los Programas Académicos.
Considerando que nuestra Institución se encuentra ubicada dentro de las cien mejores universidades de México, ocupando un lugar preponderante dentro de las mejores quince universidades por área de estudio, es impostergable tomar acciones que permitan a la Universidad preservar y mejorar su calidad y excelencia académica así como fortalecer su estabilidad en el ámbito laboral, por lo que se requiere retomar las directrices contempladas en el Plan de Desarrollo Institucional 2007-2012, y se para ello es necesario la remoción total, por ineptitud y negligencia y complicidad de la actual administración, hay que hacerlo por Dignidad Universitaria pensando en el Bien Común de nuestra Institución, recuerden Comunidad UAAAN: no hay que pedir la renuncia, sino que hay que destituirlos, por ineptos y negligentes.
Como dice el refrán: TENEMOS VALOR O NOS VALE
[1] Cf. Documento completo en: http://www.zocalo.com.mx/seccion/articulo/456171 ; en donde aparecen comentarios de distintos profesores en una red de comunicación interna. También Cf. La noticia: Feminicidio de Uly Estefanía (U.E.), en: http://impreso.milenio.com/node/9024838
martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011
sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011
Aprendiendo de Benedicto XVI a través de Preguntas y Respuestas
Aprendiendo de Benedicto XVI a través de Preguntas y Respuestas
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Considerando algunos aspectos de su Discurso a los Jóvenes [1], detengámonos a reflexionar en sus palabras, recurriendo al dialogo a través de preguntas y respuestas, y al final de este escrito encontrara una Tarea.
¿Qué encarna la Universidad?
La Universidad encarna, pues, un ideal que no debe desvirtuarse ni por ideologías cerradas al diálogo racional, ni por servilismos a una lógica utilitarista de simple mercado, que ve al hombre como mero consumidor.
¿Qué necesitan los jóvenes universitarios?
En este sentido, los jóvenes necesitan auténticos maestros; personas abiertas a la verdad total en las diferentes ramas del saber, sabiendo escuchar y viviendo en su propio interior ese diálogo interdisciplinar; personas convencidas, sobre todo, de la capacidad humana de avanzar en el camino hacia la verdad. La juventud es tiempo privilegiado para la búsqueda y el encuentro con la verdad. Como ya dijo Platón: "Busca la verdad mientras eres joven, pues si no lo haces, después se te escapará de entre las manos" (Parménides, 135d). Esta alta aspiración es la más valiosa que podéis transmitir personal y vitalmente a vuestros estudiantes, y no simplemente unas técnicas instrumentales y anónimas, o unos datos fríos, usados sólo funcionalmente.
¿Qué es la enseñanza?
Por tanto, os animo encarecidamente a no perder nunca dicha sensibilidad e ilusión por la verdad; a no olvidar que la enseñanza no es una escueta comunicación de contenidos, sino una formación de jóvenes a quienes habéis de comprender y querer, en quienes debéis suscitar esa sed de verdad que poseen en lo profundo y ese afán de superación. Sed para ellos estímulo y fortaleza.
¿Cuáles son los caminos hacia la Verdad?
Para esto, es preciso tener en cuenta, en primer lugar, que el camino hacia la verdad completa compromete también al ser humano por entero: es un camino de la inteligencia y del amor, de la razón y de la fe. No podemos avanzar en el conocimiento de algo si no nos mueve el amor; ni tampoco amar algo en lo que no vemos racionalidad: pues "no existe la inteligencia y después el amor: existe el amor rico en inteligencia y la inteligencia llena de amor" (Caritas in veritate, n. 30). Si verdad y bien están unidos, también lo están conocimiento y amor. De esta unidad deriva la coherencia de vida y pensamiento, la ejemplaridad que se exige a todo buen educador.
En segundo lugar, hay que considerar que la verdad misma siempre va a estar más allá de nuestro alcance. Podemos buscarla y acercarnos a ella, pero no podemos poseerla del todo: más bien, es ella la que nos posee a nosotros y la que nos motiva. En el ejercicio intelectual y docente, la humildad es asimismo una virtud indispensable, que protege de la vanidad que cierra el acceso a la verdad. No debemos atraer a los estudiantes a nosotros mismos, sino encaminarlos hacia esa verdad que todos buscamos. A esto os ayudará el Señor, que os propone ser sencillos y eficaces como la sal, o como la lámpara, que da luz sin hacer ruido (cf. Mt 5,13-15).
Tarea. El Papa Benedicto XVI, cita al evangelio de San Juan, y nos dice: pues la fe cristiana nos habla de Cristo como el Logos por quien todo fue hecho (cf. Jn1,3), y del ser humano creado a imagen y semejanza de Dios. ¿En qué parte de su Discurso mencionó a los jóvenes el evangelio de San Juan? Medite en su Biblia, la cita de Juan (Jn1,3), considerando que estamos en el Mes de la Patria en México [2], y que el mundo también recuerda a San Jerónimo: el Padre de las Ciencias Bíblicas. [3]
[1] Cf. Discurso completo del Papa Benedicto XVI, a los jóvenes profesores universitarios, en: ZS11081904 - 19-08-2011, http://www.zenit.org/article-40108?l=spanish
[2] Cf. Sentimientos de la Nación de José María Morelos y Pavón, en:
Cf. Bicentenario de la Independencia en México, en: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.com/2010/09/bicentenario-de-la-independencia-en.html
Cf. La Suave Patria de Ramón López Velarde, en: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.com/2009/09/la-suave-patria-de-ramon-lopez-velarde.html
[3] Cf. Mes de la Biblia, Benedicto XVI, San Jerónimo, y los Arcángeles, en: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.com/2010/09/mes-de-la-biblia-benedicto-xvi-san.html
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Considerando algunos aspectos de su Discurso a los Jóvenes [1], detengámonos a reflexionar en sus palabras, recurriendo al dialogo a través de preguntas y respuestas, y al final de este escrito encontrara una Tarea.
¿Qué encarna la Universidad?
La Universidad encarna, pues, un ideal que no debe desvirtuarse ni por ideologías cerradas al diálogo racional, ni por servilismos a una lógica utilitarista de simple mercado, que ve al hombre como mero consumidor.
¿Qué necesitan los jóvenes universitarios?
En este sentido, los jóvenes necesitan auténticos maestros; personas abiertas a la verdad total en las diferentes ramas del saber, sabiendo escuchar y viviendo en su propio interior ese diálogo interdisciplinar; personas convencidas, sobre todo, de la capacidad humana de avanzar en el camino hacia la verdad. La juventud es tiempo privilegiado para la búsqueda y el encuentro con la verdad. Como ya dijo Platón: "Busca la verdad mientras eres joven, pues si no lo haces, después se te escapará de entre las manos" (Parménides, 135d). Esta alta aspiración es la más valiosa que podéis transmitir personal y vitalmente a vuestros estudiantes, y no simplemente unas técnicas instrumentales y anónimas, o unos datos fríos, usados sólo funcionalmente.
¿Qué es la enseñanza?
Por tanto, os animo encarecidamente a no perder nunca dicha sensibilidad e ilusión por la verdad; a no olvidar que la enseñanza no es una escueta comunicación de contenidos, sino una formación de jóvenes a quienes habéis de comprender y querer, en quienes debéis suscitar esa sed de verdad que poseen en lo profundo y ese afán de superación. Sed para ellos estímulo y fortaleza.
¿Cuáles son los caminos hacia la Verdad?
Para esto, es preciso tener en cuenta, en primer lugar, que el camino hacia la verdad completa compromete también al ser humano por entero: es un camino de la inteligencia y del amor, de la razón y de la fe. No podemos avanzar en el conocimiento de algo si no nos mueve el amor; ni tampoco amar algo en lo que no vemos racionalidad: pues "no existe la inteligencia y después el amor: existe el amor rico en inteligencia y la inteligencia llena de amor" (Caritas in veritate, n. 30). Si verdad y bien están unidos, también lo están conocimiento y amor. De esta unidad deriva la coherencia de vida y pensamiento, la ejemplaridad que se exige a todo buen educador.
En segundo lugar, hay que considerar que la verdad misma siempre va a estar más allá de nuestro alcance. Podemos buscarla y acercarnos a ella, pero no podemos poseerla del todo: más bien, es ella la que nos posee a nosotros y la que nos motiva. En el ejercicio intelectual y docente, la humildad es asimismo una virtud indispensable, que protege de la vanidad que cierra el acceso a la verdad. No debemos atraer a los estudiantes a nosotros mismos, sino encaminarlos hacia esa verdad que todos buscamos. A esto os ayudará el Señor, que os propone ser sencillos y eficaces como la sal, o como la lámpara, que da luz sin hacer ruido (cf. Mt 5,13-15).
Tarea. El Papa Benedicto XVI, cita al evangelio de San Juan, y nos dice: pues la fe cristiana nos habla de Cristo como el Logos por quien todo fue hecho (cf. Jn1,3), y del ser humano creado a imagen y semejanza de Dios. ¿En qué parte de su Discurso mencionó a los jóvenes el evangelio de San Juan? Medite en su Biblia, la cita de Juan (Jn1,3), considerando que estamos en el Mes de la Patria en México [2], y que el mundo también recuerda a San Jerónimo: el Padre de las Ciencias Bíblicas. [3]
[1] Cf. Discurso completo del Papa Benedicto XVI, a los jóvenes profesores universitarios, en: ZS11081904 - 19-08-2011, http://www.zenit.org/article-40108?l=spanish
[2] Cf. Sentimientos de la Nación de José María Morelos y Pavón, en:
Cf. Bicentenario de la Independencia en México, en: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.com/2010/09/bicentenario-de-la-independencia-en.html
Cf. La Suave Patria de Ramón López Velarde, en: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.com/2009/09/la-suave-patria-de-ramon-lopez-velarde.html
[3] Cf. Mes de la Biblia, Benedicto XVI, San Jerónimo, y los Arcángeles, en: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.com/2010/09/mes-de-la-biblia-benedicto-xvi-san.html
Benedicto XVI,
viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011
Misión del Profesor Universitario y Visión Universitaria
Misión del Profesor Universitario y Visión Universitaria
Las palabras que brotan del corazón y suben a la inteligencia a través de la fe, la esperanza y la razón, encarnan el ideal Universitario en un momento histórico, así el Papa Benedicto XVI nos habla de la Misión de un Profesor Universitario y de la Visión Universitaria: [1]
A veces se piensa que la misión de un profesor universitario sea hoy exclusivamente la de formar profesionales competentes y eficaces que satisfagan la demanda laboral en cada preciso momento. También se dice que lo único que se debe privilegiar en la presente coyuntura es la mera capacitación técnica. Ciertamente, cunde en la actualidad esa visión utilitarista de la educación, también la universitaria, difundida especialmente desde ámbitos extrauniversitarios. Sin embargo, vosotros que habéis vivido como yo la Universidad, y que la vivís ahora como docentes, sentís sin duda el anhelo de algo más elevado que corresponda a todas las dimensiones que constituyen al hombre. Sabemos que cuando la sola utilidad y el pragmatismo inmediato se erigen como criterio principal, las pérdidas pueden ser dramáticas: desde los abusos de una ciencia sin límites, más allá de ella misma, hasta el totalitarismo político que se aviva fácilmente cuando se elimina toda referencia superior al mero cálculo de poder. En cambio, la genuina idea de Universidad es precisamente lo que nos preserva de esa visión reduccionista y sesgada de lo humano. En efecto, la Universidad ha sido, y está llamada a ser siempre, la casa donde se busca la verdad propia de la persona humana.
Estas palabras sabias del Papa Benedicto XVI, en el ámbito universitario, y si usted es Profesor o Profesora de alguna institución educativa de cualquier país, ¿Conoce su Misión y Visión donde trabaja?, ¿Tiene una Misión y Visión reduccionista?, ¿Busca la Verdad propia de la Persona Humana?, ¿Cuáles son los caminos para esa búsqueda de la Verdad?, Ud., ¿Qué opina?
[1] Cf. Discurso completo del Papa Benedicto XVI, a los jóvenes profesores universitarios, en: ZS11081904 - 19-08-2011, http://www.zenit.org/article-40108?l=spanish
Las palabras que brotan del corazón y suben a la inteligencia a través de la fe, la esperanza y la razón, encarnan el ideal Universitario en un momento histórico, así el Papa Benedicto XVI nos habla de la Misión de un Profesor Universitario y de la Visión Universitaria: [1]
A veces se piensa que la misión de un profesor universitario sea hoy exclusivamente la de formar profesionales competentes y eficaces que satisfagan la demanda laboral en cada preciso momento. También se dice que lo único que se debe privilegiar en la presente coyuntura es la mera capacitación técnica. Ciertamente, cunde en la actualidad esa visión utilitarista de la educación, también la universitaria, difundida especialmente desde ámbitos extrauniversitarios. Sin embargo, vosotros que habéis vivido como yo la Universidad, y que la vivís ahora como docentes, sentís sin duda el anhelo de algo más elevado que corresponda a todas las dimensiones que constituyen al hombre. Sabemos que cuando la sola utilidad y el pragmatismo inmediato se erigen como criterio principal, las pérdidas pueden ser dramáticas: desde los abusos de una ciencia sin límites, más allá de ella misma, hasta el totalitarismo político que se aviva fácilmente cuando se elimina toda referencia superior al mero cálculo de poder. En cambio, la genuina idea de Universidad es precisamente lo que nos preserva de esa visión reduccionista y sesgada de lo humano. En efecto, la Universidad ha sido, y está llamada a ser siempre, la casa donde se busca la verdad propia de la persona humana.
Estas palabras sabias del Papa Benedicto XVI, en el ámbito universitario, y si usted es Profesor o Profesora de alguna institución educativa de cualquier país, ¿Conoce su Misión y Visión donde trabaja?, ¿Tiene una Misión y Visión reduccionista?, ¿Busca la Verdad propia de la Persona Humana?, ¿Cuáles son los caminos para esa búsqueda de la Verdad?, Ud., ¿Qué opina?
[1] Cf. Discurso completo del Papa Benedicto XVI, a los jóvenes profesores universitarios, en: ZS11081904 - 19-08-2011, http://www.zenit.org/article-40108?l=spanish
miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011
Impunidad Universitaria
Impunidad Universitaria
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La falta de castigo es conocido como Impunidad, se habla de distintos tipos de impunidad acorde con el medio a que se aplique, son ejemplos de Impunidad: el no respetar las Leyes de una Nación, país, estado y municipio, en el terreno económico se habla de Impunidad Tributaria, para referirse a los grandes evasores de impuestos.
En el caso de los rectores de muchas casas de estudio en México, actualmente practican en forma discrecional, la alianza con partidos políticos sin importar la Normatividad de las Instituciones de Educación Superior, y muchos sacrifican a las Instituciones Publicas Educativas, pues son utilizadas como trampolín político, para ganar mejores dividendos. Se hacen grandes gastos para traslado de diputados y senadores, y no entra ningún centavo al Presupuesto Universitario.
Muchos rectores en la actualidad, parece que gozan de Inmunidad Diplomática, son intocables, cuando en el terreno de los hechos, lo que más aprecian son los flashazos de los reporteros de los distintos medios, hablan de lo bonito, mas no de lo feo, en que viven sus instituciones; bueno hay excepciones, hablan de lo feo para esconder su ineptitud echándole la culpa al pasado de otras administraciones, y esconder la inanidad y mediocridad intelectual, además de perjudicar impunemente y sistemáticamente a sus trabajadores cuando se trata de revisiones de los contratos colectivos de trabajo.
Los malos rectores violan la Normatividad y los Planes de Desarrollo Institucional, pues en lugar de hacer reuniones de trabajo, se la pasan haciendo puras reuniones ociosas, se la pasan de “socialitos” y “oropelescos”, presumiendo lo que no tienen: Dignidad, Autodominio, Probidad, Templanza, Cordura, Amor a su institución, pero sí tienen “amor” a su bolsillo, pues idolatran las buenas compensaciones que reciben, pero no las publican en su portal oficial, en el rubro de TRANSPARENCIA.
También, sus reuniones ociosas, les sirven para justificarse ellos, y no a los más nobles ideales plasmados en la Visión y Misión Institucional de su Normatividad Universitaria. Cuando se pierde la Misión y Visión, estamos perdidos. Caso muy concreto es cuando no quieren hacer reuniones de trabajo con la Máxima Autoridad de las casas de estudio, en algunos lugares se le llama H. Consejo Universitario.
Muchos rectores se la pasan de Turistas de primera clase, y exigen que un Presidente, pida permiso para salir del país, y ellos ni siquiera permiso piden por andar de turistas y tienen sumidas en la miseria a sus instituciones educativas, y ellos se sienten como “majestades” a los que sus “súbditos” deben agachar la cabeza, lo que no tienen es Vergüenza estos Sinvergüenzas, y son el prototipo encarnado del “Príncipe Idiota” junto con sus achichincles que Sin Razón, tienen Su Razón de ser en la Impunidad Universitaria.
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La falta de castigo es conocido como Impunidad, se habla de distintos tipos de impunidad acorde con el medio a que se aplique, son ejemplos de Impunidad: el no respetar las Leyes de una Nación, país, estado y municipio, en el terreno económico se habla de Impunidad Tributaria, para referirse a los grandes evasores de impuestos.
En el caso de los rectores de muchas casas de estudio en México, actualmente practican en forma discrecional, la alianza con partidos políticos sin importar la Normatividad de las Instituciones de Educación Superior, y muchos sacrifican a las Instituciones Publicas Educativas, pues son utilizadas como trampolín político, para ganar mejores dividendos. Se hacen grandes gastos para traslado de diputados y senadores, y no entra ningún centavo al Presupuesto Universitario.
Muchos rectores en la actualidad, parece que gozan de Inmunidad Diplomática, son intocables, cuando en el terreno de los hechos, lo que más aprecian son los flashazos de los reporteros de los distintos medios, hablan de lo bonito, mas no de lo feo, en que viven sus instituciones; bueno hay excepciones, hablan de lo feo para esconder su ineptitud echándole la culpa al pasado de otras administraciones, y esconder la inanidad y mediocridad intelectual, además de perjudicar impunemente y sistemáticamente a sus trabajadores cuando se trata de revisiones de los contratos colectivos de trabajo.
Los malos rectores violan la Normatividad y los Planes de Desarrollo Institucional, pues en lugar de hacer reuniones de trabajo, se la pasan haciendo puras reuniones ociosas, se la pasan de “socialitos” y “oropelescos”, presumiendo lo que no tienen: Dignidad, Autodominio, Probidad, Templanza, Cordura, Amor a su institución, pero sí tienen “amor” a su bolsillo, pues idolatran las buenas compensaciones que reciben, pero no las publican en su portal oficial, en el rubro de TRANSPARENCIA.
También, sus reuniones ociosas, les sirven para justificarse ellos, y no a los más nobles ideales plasmados en la Visión y Misión Institucional de su Normatividad Universitaria. Cuando se pierde la Misión y Visión, estamos perdidos. Caso muy concreto es cuando no quieren hacer reuniones de trabajo con la Máxima Autoridad de las casas de estudio, en algunos lugares se le llama H. Consejo Universitario.
Muchos rectores se la pasan de Turistas de primera clase, y exigen que un Presidente, pida permiso para salir del país, y ellos ni siquiera permiso piden por andar de turistas y tienen sumidas en la miseria a sus instituciones educativas, y ellos se sienten como “majestades” a los que sus “súbditos” deben agachar la cabeza, lo que no tienen es Vergüenza estos Sinvergüenzas, y son el prototipo encarnado del “Príncipe Idiota” junto con sus achichincles que Sin Razón, tienen Su Razón de ser en la Impunidad Universitaria.
domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011
The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Marry
The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Marry
I. The Prophecy of Simeon
II. The Flight into Egypt
III. The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple
IV. Mary Meets Jesus on the Way to Calvary
V. Jesus Dies on the Cross
VI. Mary Receives the Body of Jesus in Her Harms
VII. The Body of Jesus is Placed in the Tomb
I. The Prophecy of Simeon
II. The Flight into Egypt
III. The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple
IV. Mary Meets Jesus on the Way to Calvary
V. Jesus Dies on the Cross
VI. Mary Receives the Body of Jesus in Her Harms
VII. The Body of Jesus is Placed in the Tomb
Blessed Virgin Marry,
Seven Sorrows
Mother of Sorrows Prayer
Father: As your Son was raised on the cross, His Mother Mary stood by Him, sharing His suffering. May she, who is also our spiritual Mother and Patroness in Heaven, help us to find renewed strength at the cross of Christ and so come to share in His rising to new life, where He lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Father: As your Son was raised on the cross, His Mother Mary stood by Him, sharing His suffering. May she, who is also our spiritual Mother and Patroness in Heaven, help us to find renewed strength at the cross of Christ and so come to share in His rising to new life, where He lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Frightening and Terrible, By Roger Behra
Frightening and Terrible
Roger Behra
Periodically, but more frequently it seems in our modern world, someone somewhere commits a crime that grabs the attention of people around the world. And that is exactly what happened on July 22, 2011 at Oslo, Norway, when Anders Behring Breivik set off a bomb in the center of the city and then for 90 minutes near a camp ground and swimming area stood and shot dozens of innocent young people as they were swimming and camping not aware of what was going on. Those were frightening and terrifying events.
When Anders was captured, he did not seem to be able to think beyond the act of getting even. He did not comprehend all the ramifications that would result from his horrendous misdeeds. All the heartache and sadness he inflicted on so many people and himself for the rest of so many lives must not have been fully realized, unless Anders is the essence of cold-heartedness. Only time will tell. What Anders does not realize is this: When the earthly life of Anders comes to an end, he is going to feel the pain and emotional torture he inflicted upon everyone. His eternal life review will not leave out anything. There will be no choice.
When the earthly life of Anders comes to an end in God's own time, the most important time for him will be just beginning: his everlasting eternal life. It is unavoidable, and it will begin with his earthly life review which Anders did not take into consideration it seems. He is going to suffer every single moment of all the suffering of the 77 people he caused to die, plus all the suffering and sadness he inflicted on their loved ones and friends, plus the sad and effected personal times of all those harmed by the bombing in the city of Oslo. All of this is going to be a gigantic and intense amount of suffering for him to begin his eternal life. There is no way around this for any reason.
What Anders did was uncalled for and greatly horrendous. It was evil. It was very deadly. It will live forever in World history and especially, Norway's. It will live in the lives of so many family members and friends of the victims.
If Anders was simply demonically influenced, a change in attitude can save him spiritually if he wishes. He has to forget the insolent glaring, defiance, and lack of remorse with God's help and then grasp what he did was a great offense against God and humanity. Then he has to beg for God's forgiveness. This is his only saving grace.
If Anders is demonically possessed, and that is very likely because of his taut face, glaring eyes, and lack of remorse, only an exorcism can help and must take place. If it doesn't, and Anders dies outside of God's friendship not remorseful and forgiven, he is inviting the shock of his eternal life. It is an awesome and frightening thought to contemplate, but Anders has to accept the fact that it will be the final outcome of his frightening and terrible deeds; that his eternity will be one of everlasting suffering away from God's everlasting love; that it will be in eternity's tormented and wretched dark place; that it will last FOREVER! Let us all pray that all the right things happen to avoid it happening.
R. B.
Frightening and Terrible
Roger Behra
Periodically, but more frequently it seems in our modern world, someone somewhere commits a crime that grabs the attention of people around the world. And that is exactly what happened on July 22, 2011 at Oslo, Norway, when Anders Behring Breivik set off a bomb in the center of the city and then for 90 minutes near a camp ground and swimming area stood and shot dozens of innocent young people as they were swimming and camping not aware of what was going on. Those were frightening and terrifying events.
When Anders was captured, he did not seem to be able to think beyond the act of getting even. He did not comprehend all the ramifications that would result from his horrendous misdeeds. All the heartache and sadness he inflicted on so many people and himself for the rest of so many lives must not have been fully realized, unless Anders is the essence of cold-heartedness. Only time will tell. What Anders does not realize is this: When the earthly life of Anders comes to an end, he is going to feel the pain and emotional torture he inflicted upon everyone. His eternal life review will not leave out anything. There will be no choice.
When the earthly life of Anders comes to an end in God's own time, the most important time for him will be just beginning: his everlasting eternal life. It is unavoidable, and it will begin with his earthly life review which Anders did not take into consideration it seems. He is going to suffer every single moment of all the suffering of the 77 people he caused to die, plus all the suffering and sadness he inflicted on their loved ones and friends, plus the sad and effected personal times of all those harmed by the bombing in the city of Oslo. All of this is going to be a gigantic and intense amount of suffering for him to begin his eternal life. There is no way around this for any reason.
What Anders did was uncalled for and greatly horrendous. It was evil. It was very deadly. It will live forever in World history and especially, Norway's. It will live in the lives of so many family members and friends of the victims.
If Anders was simply demonically influenced, a change in attitude can save him spiritually if he wishes. He has to forget the insolent glaring, defiance, and lack of remorse with God's help and then grasp what he did was a great offense against God and humanity. Then he has to beg for God's forgiveness. This is his only saving grace.
If Anders is demonically possessed, and that is very likely because of his taut face, glaring eyes, and lack of remorse, only an exorcism can help and must take place. If it doesn't, and Anders dies outside of God's friendship not remorseful and forgiven, he is inviting the shock of his eternal life. It is an awesome and frightening thought to contemplate, but Anders has to accept the fact that it will be the final outcome of his frightening and terrible deeds; that his eternity will be one of everlasting suffering away from God's everlasting love; that it will be in eternity's tormented and wretched dark place; that it will last FOREVER! Let us all pray that all the right things happen to avoid it happening.
R. B.
A Needed Change, By Roger Behra
A Needed Change
Roger Behra
Yes, it is still going on: the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) is still involved in their physically invasive security checks at airports in the U.S. A good deal of the negative response has subsided, but frequently something happens at an airport to remind everyone just how stupid are the actions of the TSA.
For the most part, the TSA has it all wrong. Roughly 90% of TSA's funding is spent on airport screening. That leaves only 10% for terrorist targets at ports, railroads, and infrastructure. That is very bad organizing and leaves many doors wide open to terrorists. It is a gigantic NO-NO. Why the TSA wastes most of the allotted funds at airport screenings is anyone's guess. It is just very wrong, as is the screening procedure itself.
Recently, June, 2011, a 26-year-old woman justifiably felt she was sexually assaulted and took out a lawsuit against TSA. She felt her breast fondling was unusually long and then repeated by the same examiner. A 95-year-old woman in a wheelchair was greatly embarrassed when her special diaper type undergarment was subjected to fondling and analysis by more than one examiner. Then there was the man who stood in line wearing only his undershorts. Another man was asked to lower his trousers. There everything was in broad daylight. No undershorts were being worn. Another woman grabbed the examiner’s breast and twisted it. She was arrested.
At LAX in Los Angeles a very unusual and touchy situation took place. One examiner was a transgender employee. She looked like a woman. She dressed as a woman. She acted like a woman. She lived like a woman, but there was a great and very noticeable problem. She was not all women because she retained the male sex organ. Co-workers noticed that when she used the women's room. They notified the proper authorities, and she was fired. Ashly contested the firing and received a settlement because TSA knew she was transgender but was not given a physical before being hired. It was a dual situation that caused Ashly and the TSA involved problems because Ashly did not have the necessary sex reassignment surgery.
What about items confiscated that do not remotely resemble dangerous terrorist items, while some that do are not confiscated? All the indications are noticeable that TSA examiners need a good dose of reality training very soon.
Most commercial airplane passengers and many others are of the same thinking. They believe the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) must stop being the Truly Stupid Agency (TSA). They must get real very quickly and Try Something Appropriate (TSA). It is never too late. It's very badly needed. The TSA should realize that Americans do not want to terrorize America. Those that do come from foreign countries and ware different apparel and turbans.
R. B.
A Needed Change
Roger Behra
Yes, it is still going on: the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) is still involved in their physically invasive security checks at airports in the U.S. A good deal of the negative response has subsided, but frequently something happens at an airport to remind everyone just how stupid are the actions of the TSA.
For the most part, the TSA has it all wrong. Roughly 90% of TSA's funding is spent on airport screening. That leaves only 10% for terrorist targets at ports, railroads, and infrastructure. That is very bad organizing and leaves many doors wide open to terrorists. It is a gigantic NO-NO. Why the TSA wastes most of the allotted funds at airport screenings is anyone's guess. It is just very wrong, as is the screening procedure itself.
Recently, June, 2011, a 26-year-old woman justifiably felt she was sexually assaulted and took out a lawsuit against TSA. She felt her breast fondling was unusually long and then repeated by the same examiner. A 95-year-old woman in a wheelchair was greatly embarrassed when her special diaper type undergarment was subjected to fondling and analysis by more than one examiner. Then there was the man who stood in line wearing only his undershorts. Another man was asked to lower his trousers. There everything was in broad daylight. No undershorts were being worn. Another woman grabbed the examiner’s breast and twisted it. She was arrested.
At LAX in Los Angeles a very unusual and touchy situation took place. One examiner was a transgender employee. She looked like a woman. She dressed as a woman. She acted like a woman. She lived like a woman, but there was a great and very noticeable problem. She was not all women because she retained the male sex organ. Co-workers noticed that when she used the women's room. They notified the proper authorities, and she was fired. Ashly contested the firing and received a settlement because TSA knew she was transgender but was not given a physical before being hired. It was a dual situation that caused Ashly and the TSA involved problems because Ashly did not have the necessary sex reassignment surgery.
What about items confiscated that do not remotely resemble dangerous terrorist items, while some that do are not confiscated? All the indications are noticeable that TSA examiners need a good dose of reality training very soon.
Most commercial airplane passengers and many others are of the same thinking. They believe the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) must stop being the Truly Stupid Agency (TSA). They must get real very quickly and Try Something Appropriate (TSA). It is never too late. It's very badly needed. The TSA should realize that Americans do not want to terrorize America. Those that do come from foreign countries and ware different apparel and turbans.
R. B.
Secret Immorality Exposed, By Roger Behra
Secret Immorality Exposed
Roger Behra
A new book recently published is going to grab plenty of attention. "One Nation Under Sex," by Larry Flynt and David Eisenbach, exposes the immoral tendencies and behavior of some very famous historical Americans. Because of the historical times, the places, and the positions occupied by the famous persons, the famous persons would not at all be suspected of immoral behavior. It can be assumed that historian and Professor David Eisenbach spent considerable time and effort researching the information one reads in the book.
Some of the very famous names mentioned in the book in regards to alleged sexual misbehavior are Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Buchanan, Franklin Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Bobby Kennedy, Mary Jo Kopechne, Abraham Lincoln, and J. Edgar Hoover. This is an impressive list of famous people that includes several past American presidents. The sexual indiscretions are varied and numerous.
According to Eisenbach, the goal of the book is not to highlight the types of immoral sexual behavior related to the individual, although they are mentioned, but to relate how the immorality effected their decisions and governing and to let the readers know how widespread immorality has been down through American history from the very beginning.
The book is an eye-opener. It gives the impression that immoral behavior is to be expected and not all that bad. That is a wrong impression. Immoral behavior is wrong at any time by anyone and especially by those who are in positions of great trust. It is no wonder that the American culture is deep in the pit of very grave immoral cultural behavior, which America will never recover unless a very great miracle happens.
R. B.
Secret Immorality Exposed
Roger Behra
A new book recently published is going to grab plenty of attention. "One Nation Under Sex," by Larry Flynt and David Eisenbach, exposes the immoral tendencies and behavior of some very famous historical Americans. Because of the historical times, the places, and the positions occupied by the famous persons, the famous persons would not at all be suspected of immoral behavior. It can be assumed that historian and Professor David Eisenbach spent considerable time and effort researching the information one reads in the book.
Some of the very famous names mentioned in the book in regards to alleged sexual misbehavior are Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Buchanan, Franklin Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Bobby Kennedy, Mary Jo Kopechne, Abraham Lincoln, and J. Edgar Hoover. This is an impressive list of famous people that includes several past American presidents. The sexual indiscretions are varied and numerous.
According to Eisenbach, the goal of the book is not to highlight the types of immoral sexual behavior related to the individual, although they are mentioned, but to relate how the immorality effected their decisions and governing and to let the readers know how widespread immorality has been down through American history from the very beginning.
The book is an eye-opener. It gives the impression that immoral behavior is to be expected and not all that bad. That is a wrong impression. Immoral behavior is wrong at any time by anyone and especially by those who are in positions of great trust. It is no wonder that the American culture is deep in the pit of very grave immoral cultural behavior, which America will never recover unless a very great miracle happens.
R. B.
Modern American Results, By Roger Behra
Modern American Results
Roger Behra
Once-upon-a-time (1890-1965) America was for the most part a model nation. The right people in the right places with the right thinking had most all the right ideas for a new and successful developing country. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco were ideal growing cities for Americans to live and enjoy. Other smaller cities throughout America slowly and surely also developed into pleasant place to live. And then, after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, in the early 1960's America started to go bad. And it all started with America's new president.
Lyndon B. Johnson succeeded Kennedy as America's new president. He quickly became the wrong one to be America's leader. Because of his greatly flawed thinking and decisions both morally and politically, America began it's cultural and moral downhill slide. It started with the Vietnamese War which he got us involved in and which led to the infamous countercultural movement. During the past 45 years America has never recovered from all of that, and in turn, America has become a very Godless and wasteful nation. America has wasted so much precious natural resources and trillions of dollars on many useless wars and space projects.
No longer are there outstanding Americans like Henry E. Huntington, Thomas Alba Edison, Franklin Roosevelt, and Dwight Eisenhower to name a few who were outstanding and productive citizens. They were not wealthy but dedicated to lasting and very worthwhile cultural endeavors. It is simply not so anymore.
Modern America is mired in menaces thanks to Washington and politicians everywhere. The Big Creek Hydraulic Project, the Panama Canal, the Hoover Dam Project, and the San Francisco Bay and Golden Gate bridges, plus the fabulous interstate highway system could not be built today because of all the government interference and money that would be needed. And there would be all the unions in the mix on top of everything else. The great American involvement and production and successes Americans achieved during World War Two could not happen today.
Now, at a time of great importance, America has an inexperienced and greatly ineffective president (Obama), who seems to muddle through important decisions and make them too late, or wrong, or not at all. His failure to make a correct decision concerning Iran is going to be a big one. Waite until Iran has nuclear weapons to go with their long, range missiles. Obama's handling of America's economy and 9.2 unemployment has been dead wrong. America's schools are dysfunctional. The private sector is moribund. And the president spends millions of taxpayer dollars on his many travels around the world, while millions of Americans go to bed hungry or need government food stamps.
Only God can help and save America, and He is not part of over 65% of American families that do not practice Christian living. The remaining 35% who do can only hope and pray for God's immediate help. Time is quickly running out.
R. B.
Modern American Results
Roger Behra
Once-upon-a-time (1890-1965) America was for the most part a model nation. The right people in the right places with the right thinking had most all the right ideas for a new and successful developing country. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco were ideal growing cities for Americans to live and enjoy. Other smaller cities throughout America slowly and surely also developed into pleasant place to live. And then, after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, in the early 1960's America started to go bad. And it all started with America's new president.
Lyndon B. Johnson succeeded Kennedy as America's new president. He quickly became the wrong one to be America's leader. Because of his greatly flawed thinking and decisions both morally and politically, America began it's cultural and moral downhill slide. It started with the Vietnamese War which he got us involved in and which led to the infamous countercultural movement. During the past 45 years America has never recovered from all of that, and in turn, America has become a very Godless and wasteful nation. America has wasted so much precious natural resources and trillions of dollars on many useless wars and space projects.
No longer are there outstanding Americans like Henry E. Huntington, Thomas Alba Edison, Franklin Roosevelt, and Dwight Eisenhower to name a few who were outstanding and productive citizens. They were not wealthy but dedicated to lasting and very worthwhile cultural endeavors. It is simply not so anymore.
Modern America is mired in menaces thanks to Washington and politicians everywhere. The Big Creek Hydraulic Project, the Panama Canal, the Hoover Dam Project, and the San Francisco Bay and Golden Gate bridges, plus the fabulous interstate highway system could not be built today because of all the government interference and money that would be needed. And there would be all the unions in the mix on top of everything else. The great American involvement and production and successes Americans achieved during World War Two could not happen today.
Now, at a time of great importance, America has an inexperienced and greatly ineffective president (Obama), who seems to muddle through important decisions and make them too late, or wrong, or not at all. His failure to make a correct decision concerning Iran is going to be a big one. Waite until Iran has nuclear weapons to go with their long, range missiles. Obama's handling of America's economy and 9.2 unemployment has been dead wrong. America's schools are dysfunctional. The private sector is moribund. And the president spends millions of taxpayer dollars on his many travels around the world, while millions of Americans go to bed hungry or need government food stamps.
Only God can help and save America, and He is not part of over 65% of American families that do not practice Christian living. The remaining 35% who do can only hope and pray for God's immediate help. Time is quickly running out.
R. B.
Addictive, Dangerous, Deadly, By Roger Behra
Addictive, Dangerous, Deadly
Roger Behra
Sooner or later it had to happen. A new menace had to start in California along with all the other menaces in progress. CALTRANS is a super menace. It adds to the Orange County traffic nightmare. Streets are closed off and left that way for weeks and months. And when work is being done, one man works while three other men stand around and watch. The Hollywood organization is a big menace to proper living and morality. Illegal immigrants flock to Orange County. Now, the new menace that is hitting families and public schools is a very dangerous and deadly one as it gains momentum among teenagers and very young adults: heroin addiction!
Teen heroin addiction as of July, 2011, has an increasing grip on Southern California's teens and young people. It has dramatically increased since 2007. It is wrecking lives and causing many deaths. The recent death total is over 80 teenagers and young adults. One boy was only 14 and a girl was 16. A high school six-teen-year-old freshman was caught ballooning heroin. He had dozens of small colored balloons filled with heroin ready to sell. Easy money and easy access is making heroin the new drug of choice for the 14 to 24 age group. Heroin is a secretive world, but access is easy due to smart phones and texting. Heroin victims include males and females. Most deaths are accidental, but some are suicides.
Where does the heroin come from? Afghanistan and Mexico are the primary growers. Heroin enters the U.S. through Canada and Mexico, with Mexico being the biggest supplier. The U.S. is the big heroin haven for Mexico's drug cartels. It is an ongoing epidemic and a most serious problem. Heroin is very addictive and a very deadly drug. Just ask the parents of the 80 teenagers and young adults who accidently died or committed suicide since 2007. The parents will tell you through their tears it is an absolute fact.
Parents, please school your children on the subject of heroin addiction and all the dangers involved. It is very addictive, it is very dangerous, it is very deadly, and it very definitely ruins careers and family lives: young and old.
R. B.
Addictive, Dangerous, Deadly
Roger Behra
Sooner or later it had to happen. A new menace had to start in California along with all the other menaces in progress. CALTRANS is a super menace. It adds to the Orange County traffic nightmare. Streets are closed off and left that way for weeks and months. And when work is being done, one man works while three other men stand around and watch. The Hollywood organization is a big menace to proper living and morality. Illegal immigrants flock to Orange County. Now, the new menace that is hitting families and public schools is a very dangerous and deadly one as it gains momentum among teenagers and very young adults: heroin addiction!
Teen heroin addiction as of July, 2011, has an increasing grip on Southern California's teens and young people. It has dramatically increased since 2007. It is wrecking lives and causing many deaths. The recent death total is over 80 teenagers and young adults. One boy was only 14 and a girl was 16. A high school six-teen-year-old freshman was caught ballooning heroin. He had dozens of small colored balloons filled with heroin ready to sell. Easy money and easy access is making heroin the new drug of choice for the 14 to 24 age group. Heroin is a secretive world, but access is easy due to smart phones and texting. Heroin victims include males and females. Most deaths are accidental, but some are suicides.
Where does the heroin come from? Afghanistan and Mexico are the primary growers. Heroin enters the U.S. through Canada and Mexico, with Mexico being the biggest supplier. The U.S. is the big heroin haven for Mexico's drug cartels. It is an ongoing epidemic and a most serious problem. Heroin is very addictive and a very deadly drug. Just ask the parents of the 80 teenagers and young adults who accidently died or committed suicide since 2007. The parents will tell you through their tears it is an absolute fact.
Parents, please school your children on the subject of heroin addiction and all the dangers involved. It is very addictive, it is very dangerous, it is very deadly, and it very definitely ruins careers and family lives: young and old.
R. B.
sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011
America's Wasteful Government, By Roger Behra
America's Wasteful Government
Roger Behra
America is in very serious financial trouble, and it is staring Washington squarely in the face. And the inexperienced American president does not know how to get the ball rolling in the right direction. Unless a very quick and meaningful solution is formalized before August 2, 2011, a catastrophic default will take place. America owes $14,343,010,710,537.58 ($14.3 Trillion) in bills. How that could ever be let to happen is beyond conception when Washington takes in more than enough money in taxes to sensibly pay the bills. All the arrows point in the direction of monumental waste that has been going on unbeknown to the average American taxpayer, for the past 25 years. America owes an unbelievable amount in bills.
If $14.3 trillion dollars was divided up equally each American would receive $45,000. If $14.3 trillion dollars was divided up equally each person on earth would receive $1,799. These numbers give everyone a clear idea of just how great America's debt really is. It's gargantuan! And a large portion of this debt is pure waste.
The U.S. Government simply does not know how to intelligently and correctly spend the money it receives in taxes and fees. The misspending and outright wasteful spending is inconceivable. The space program is one area. One launch costs $1.5 billion. The total over it lifetime is $196 billion. Americans have not benefitted from that large expenditure. The wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan have cost trillions of American dollars with little benefit to Americans. The bail out of AIG cost $182 billion. It cost $45 billion to rescue General Motors, $90 billion to save Bank of America and Citigroup from going under, and $12.5 billion to keep Chrysler Motors afloat. And then their are so many other various reasons money was spent that totaled into the billions helping states and cities that caused self-inflicted debt. And the bang for all these bucks has been very disappointing.
Meanwhile, 2011, millions of Americans are unemployed. Millions of Americans go to bed hungry. Washington does not know how to repair the economy while billions are spent weekly on foreign wars. All the political people think about is sticking the taxpayer with more taxes and fees. Wasteful spending and higher taxes very simply has to STOP! NOW!
When the wealthiest nation on earth is almost unable to pay it's bills and ready to raise taxes and fees on the very people who supply the money that is misspent and wasted and are unemployed and go to bed hungry, something is drastically in need of change. America is on the ropes: financially and otherwise. And along with all the needed changes, a new song has to be composed to replace, "God Bless America". It should say, "God Save America", because that is what it is going to take very soon: God saving America. The politicians are unable to do so.
R. B.
America's Wasteful Government
Roger Behra
America is in very serious financial trouble, and it is staring Washington squarely in the face. And the inexperienced American president does not know how to get the ball rolling in the right direction. Unless a very quick and meaningful solution is formalized before August 2, 2011, a catastrophic default will take place. America owes $14,343,010,710,537.58 ($14.3 Trillion) in bills. How that could ever be let to happen is beyond conception when Washington takes in more than enough money in taxes to sensibly pay the bills. All the arrows point in the direction of monumental waste that has been going on unbeknown to the average American taxpayer, for the past 25 years. America owes an unbelievable amount in bills.
If $14.3 trillion dollars was divided up equally each American would receive $45,000. If $14.3 trillion dollars was divided up equally each person on earth would receive $1,799. These numbers give everyone a clear idea of just how great America's debt really is. It's gargantuan! And a large portion of this debt is pure waste.
The U.S. Government simply does not know how to intelligently and correctly spend the money it receives in taxes and fees. The misspending and outright wasteful spending is inconceivable. The space program is one area. One launch costs $1.5 billion. The total over it lifetime is $196 billion. Americans have not benefitted from that large expenditure. The wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan have cost trillions of American dollars with little benefit to Americans. The bail out of AIG cost $182 billion. It cost $45 billion to rescue General Motors, $90 billion to save Bank of America and Citigroup from going under, and $12.5 billion to keep Chrysler Motors afloat. And then their are so many other various reasons money was spent that totaled into the billions helping states and cities that caused self-inflicted debt. And the bang for all these bucks has been very disappointing.
Meanwhile, 2011, millions of Americans are unemployed. Millions of Americans go to bed hungry. Washington does not know how to repair the economy while billions are spent weekly on foreign wars. All the political people think about is sticking the taxpayer with more taxes and fees. Wasteful spending and higher taxes very simply has to STOP! NOW!
When the wealthiest nation on earth is almost unable to pay it's bills and ready to raise taxes and fees on the very people who supply the money that is misspent and wasted and are unemployed and go to bed hungry, something is drastically in need of change. America is on the ropes: financially and otherwise. And along with all the needed changes, a new song has to be composed to replace, "God Bless America". It should say, "God Save America", because that is what it is going to take very soon: God saving America. The politicians are unable to do so.
R. B.
viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011
Needed: Definite Rehabilitation, By Roger Behra
Needed: Definite Rehabilitation
Roger Behra
The print, radio, and television media in California is badly in need of some basic moral rehabilitation. They all are doing their best to insure the fact that same-sex cohabitation and same-sex marriage are before the general public and someday become legal. They never miss an opportunity to elaborate in their news reports. And their reports give the liberal impression that all would be acceptable.
During June, 2011, the media put the spotlight on the fact that California has the greatest amount of same-sex unions and how casually they exist in the state that leads all the other 6 Western states. The media emphasized the fact that same-sex marriages were once legal in California and may also be once again when the U.S. Supreme Court eventually makes it's future ruling. The media cannot get over the fact that it was voted in an election to amend the California Constitution through Proposition 8 to outlaw same-sex marriages in California, which was put into "limbo" through the court decision of a gay judge in a recent court decisions.
The U.S. Census Bureau reported on June 24, 2011, "that California has 125,516 households headed by an adult living with a same-sex spouse. Fifty-three percent of such households were headed by women and forty-seven percent by men." The highest number of same-sex couples per population is Palm Springs, California. The city with the most same-sex couples (16,163) is Los Angeles, followed by San Francisco (11,555). There are 251,032 people living in an immoral situation.
Along with much other immoral type living, now you can understand why the California culture is in dire need of a large dose of moral rehabilitation. Same-sex cohabitation is only part of the equation, but it adds a great deal. When hetero-sexual cohabitation is added to the cohabitation total, that includes a large number of people.
No moral rehabilitation concerning cohabitation in general in California is ever going to take place as long as the media merely keeps the spotlight on it every chance it gets to report statistics and activities without mentioning that it is really not the way to go. When popular cohabitated Hollywood stars have children out of wedlock, the media reports and regards it as a happy event. In essance the media becomes a willing promoter in regards to cohabitation, which is gravely disordered and immoral no matter how one spins it. The media silently adds to it when they keep their moral mouths closed. They help to add a great deal to an already great morally degenerate American society.
R. B.
Needed: Definite Rehabilitation
Roger Behra
The print, radio, and television media in California is badly in need of some basic moral rehabilitation. They all are doing their best to insure the fact that same-sex cohabitation and same-sex marriage are before the general public and someday become legal. They never miss an opportunity to elaborate in their news reports. And their reports give the liberal impression that all would be acceptable.
During June, 2011, the media put the spotlight on the fact that California has the greatest amount of same-sex unions and how casually they exist in the state that leads all the other 6 Western states. The media emphasized the fact that same-sex marriages were once legal in California and may also be once again when the U.S. Supreme Court eventually makes it's future ruling. The media cannot get over the fact that it was voted in an election to amend the California Constitution through Proposition 8 to outlaw same-sex marriages in California, which was put into "limbo" through the court decision of a gay judge in a recent court decisions.
The U.S. Census Bureau reported on June 24, 2011, "that California has 125,516 households headed by an adult living with a same-sex spouse. Fifty-three percent of such households were headed by women and forty-seven percent by men." The highest number of same-sex couples per population is Palm Springs, California. The city with the most same-sex couples (16,163) is Los Angeles, followed by San Francisco (11,555). There are 251,032 people living in an immoral situation.
Along with much other immoral type living, now you can understand why the California culture is in dire need of a large dose of moral rehabilitation. Same-sex cohabitation is only part of the equation, but it adds a great deal. When hetero-sexual cohabitation is added to the cohabitation total, that includes a large number of people.
No moral rehabilitation concerning cohabitation in general in California is ever going to take place as long as the media merely keeps the spotlight on it every chance it gets to report statistics and activities without mentioning that it is really not the way to go. When popular cohabitated Hollywood stars have children out of wedlock, the media reports and regards it as a happy event. In essance the media becomes a willing promoter in regards to cohabitation, which is gravely disordered and immoral no matter how one spins it. The media silently adds to it when they keep their moral mouths closed. They help to add a great deal to an already great morally degenerate American society.
R. B.
On The Wrong Tracks, By Roger Behra
On The Wrong Tracks
Roger Behra
Once upon a time (before the counterculture movement started in 1965) America was truly the envy of the whole world, and the state of California was the envy of all the other states in America. That is no longer the case. Neither America or California is the envy of anywhere in the modern world.
When America was the envy of the world, all the important parts were working in intelligent and harmonious, synchronized fashion. Americans loved God, feared God, and lived by His Commandments. Moral behavior was the way of life, and parents raised their children accordingly. Education was a great priority. Schools were organized and very effective. Prisons and jails were not overcrowded like today.
Prior to 1965 the generations in America were, vastly different. Family life was orderly and effective, and American life outside the home was quite the same. People obeyed laws as a matter of course. People worked hard, paid their bills and their own way. Neighbors got along and helped each other. Honesty was the way of life. Americans were very patriotic because they loved their country very much.
The business and economic climate in America was a pleasant dream compared to modern times. Businesses were not buried under regulations and taxes. Prices were reasonable, and so were taxes. Business, technology, and items that Americans invented were leading the way of inovative activities in the world. The U.S. was the envy of the world.
Let us now review modern times in California. It is like a pleasant dream morphed into a horrendous nightmare. God is given little thought or prominence. The American dollar and immoral sex has taken His place. God's Commandments (2+10) are for the most part ignored. California is in a makeup-your-own-rules type of society.
Morality is at a very low standard. The economy in California is not anywhere near desirable. Unemployment is the highest in America. Personal income taxes and everyday taxes are the highest in the nation. Business taxes and regulations are a great hinderance to reasonable progress. Businesses are withering on the vine and fleeing the state to China, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico. The jails and prisons in California are bursting at the seams. California is no longer the envy of the other 49 states. It is at the bottom of the desired list.
America is in very bad shape, also. The debt limit has been exceeded. Trillions of dollars have been wasted on usless wars. America’s economy is bad and stagnant. Millions of Americans go to bed hungry. Horrendous abortions and murders exist in great numbers. Prisons are overflowing. Homosexuality and same-sex marriages are acceptable. A complete change has to take place. America has been on the wrong road for a very long time. God and His ways are absent from so many American's lives. And where God is not, Satan and his helpers are. Changes are urgently needed. The great important question is this: Will America ever change? If so, when?
R. B.
On The Wrong Tracks
Roger Behra
Once upon a time (before the counterculture movement started in 1965) America was truly the envy of the whole world, and the state of California was the envy of all the other states in America. That is no longer the case. Neither America or California is the envy of anywhere in the modern world.
When America was the envy of the world, all the important parts were working in intelligent and harmonious, synchronized fashion. Americans loved God, feared God, and lived by His Commandments. Moral behavior was the way of life, and parents raised their children accordingly. Education was a great priority. Schools were organized and very effective. Prisons and jails were not overcrowded like today.
Prior to 1965 the generations in America were, vastly different. Family life was orderly and effective, and American life outside the home was quite the same. People obeyed laws as a matter of course. People worked hard, paid their bills and their own way. Neighbors got along and helped each other. Honesty was the way of life. Americans were very patriotic because they loved their country very much.
The business and economic climate in America was a pleasant dream compared to modern times. Businesses were not buried under regulations and taxes. Prices were reasonable, and so were taxes. Business, technology, and items that Americans invented were leading the way of inovative activities in the world. The U.S. was the envy of the world.
Let us now review modern times in California. It is like a pleasant dream morphed into a horrendous nightmare. God is given little thought or prominence. The American dollar and immoral sex has taken His place. God's Commandments (2+10) are for the most part ignored. California is in a makeup-your-own-rules type of society.
Morality is at a very low standard. The economy in California is not anywhere near desirable. Unemployment is the highest in America. Personal income taxes and everyday taxes are the highest in the nation. Business taxes and regulations are a great hinderance to reasonable progress. Businesses are withering on the vine and fleeing the state to China, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico. The jails and prisons in California are bursting at the seams. California is no longer the envy of the other 49 states. It is at the bottom of the desired list.
America is in very bad shape, also. The debt limit has been exceeded. Trillions of dollars have been wasted on usless wars. America’s economy is bad and stagnant. Millions of Americans go to bed hungry. Horrendous abortions and murders exist in great numbers. Prisons are overflowing. Homosexuality and same-sex marriages are acceptable. A complete change has to take place. America has been on the wrong road for a very long time. God and His ways are absent from so many American's lives. And where God is not, Satan and his helpers are. Changes are urgently needed. The great important question is this: Will America ever change? If so, when?
R. B.
domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011
La Educación sin Competencias
La Educación sin Competencias
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Me causa asombro el ver en el terreno de los hechos, la ignorancia universitaria que no conoce su Normatividad ni los Planes Institucionales, en donde en muchas de las ocasiones la sucesión universitaria gira alrededor de un botín económico, pero luego se aleja de la Excelencia.
La cualidad de lo que carece de valor e importancia se le llama inanidad, así tenemos que existe ante esta realidad inanidad, pero también mediocridad intelectual, ocupan puestos, pero no desquitan su trabajo, ejemplo de ello es cuando se pierden la Acreditación de los Programas Académicos, y los responsables de los mismos, sus jefes de programa, jefes de departamento, y coordinadores o directores que no dirigen nada, ridiculamente no hacen nada para remediar la situación académica institucional, ni siquiera informan a sus bases por cobardía, contándose además con la anuencia de las “autoridades universitarias”.
La pregunta de los $64, 000.°° pesos: ¿Quién se perjudica?, se perjudica al alumnado, y a la institución en general, gracias a la mediocridad e inanidad intelectual de las "academias" y de las "autoridades universitarias".
La educación esta inmersa en una mediocridad porque con vulgaridad y vanidad se persiguen fines no académicos, de tal forma que son características la demagogia y el engaño practicado, dicen una cosa y hacen otra, con la más pueril y venenosa arrogancia, de los “prestigiados” y “científicos”, que critican pero no practican los Valores que Dignifican la labor docente.
La mediocridad y la inanidad intelectual es como un virus contagioso, a nadie le importa la mejora, por ejemplo de la Educación Basada en Competencias, a la comunidad universitaria no le interesa que pisoteé y denigren la Normatividad o los Planes Institucionales, de cierta escuela que les platique en un cuento, me refiero a la High School & Agricultural University, así algún ex-rectorcillo vulgar que se dedico asiduamente a comprar la conciencia de estudiantes, le dan su premio de notable asesor.
Así surgen los círculos viciosos de la educación, en donde los trabajadores universitarios son engañados, después de “negaciones ejemplares”, ¡que ridiculeces!, luego viene el descontento y las protestas, que pueden llevar a las instituciones hasta la huelga, dada la INEPTITUD de “autoridades universitarias”, como la institución a que se hace alusión en este escrito. Este tipo de "autoridades", ya le han de estar haciendo la Carta a Santa Claus o a los Reyes Magos, que les traigan un PEROL GIGANTE para hacer ATOLE, y dar ATOLE CON EL DEDO A TODOS LOS INTEGRANTES DE SU COMUNIDAD, en el próximo ¡Happy New Year!, disculpen, casi olvidaba: ¡Merry Christmas!
Las Competencias: Análisis y Síntesis, en muy pocos programas académicos se hace alusión a estas dos competencias que el educando debe lograr en sus cursos, muchos “científicos prestigiosos”, desconocen como se realiza un Análisis de Varianza de algún experimento, y no saben hacer una Síntesis de los resultados, considerando las hipótesis planteadas, bueno existen investigaciones en donde no se requiere los Métodos Estadísticos para Investigadores, y no tienen porque leer a Ronald Fisher o su discípulo Snedecor, al menos que estudien Ciencias Silvoagropecuarias.
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Me causa asombro el ver en el terreno de los hechos, la ignorancia universitaria que no conoce su Normatividad ni los Planes Institucionales, en donde en muchas de las ocasiones la sucesión universitaria gira alrededor de un botín económico, pero luego se aleja de la Excelencia.
La cualidad de lo que carece de valor e importancia se le llama inanidad, así tenemos que existe ante esta realidad inanidad, pero también mediocridad intelectual, ocupan puestos, pero no desquitan su trabajo, ejemplo de ello es cuando se pierden la Acreditación de los Programas Académicos, y los responsables de los mismos, sus jefes de programa, jefes de departamento, y coordinadores o directores que no dirigen nada, ridiculamente no hacen nada para remediar la situación académica institucional, ni siquiera informan a sus bases por cobardía, contándose además con la anuencia de las “autoridades universitarias”.
La pregunta de los $64, 000.°° pesos: ¿Quién se perjudica?, se perjudica al alumnado, y a la institución en general, gracias a la mediocridad e inanidad intelectual de las "academias" y de las "autoridades universitarias".
La educación esta inmersa en una mediocridad porque con vulgaridad y vanidad se persiguen fines no académicos, de tal forma que son características la demagogia y el engaño practicado, dicen una cosa y hacen otra, con la más pueril y venenosa arrogancia, de los “prestigiados” y “científicos”, que critican pero no practican los Valores que Dignifican la labor docente.
La mediocridad y la inanidad intelectual es como un virus contagioso, a nadie le importa la mejora, por ejemplo de la Educación Basada en Competencias, a la comunidad universitaria no le interesa que pisoteé y denigren la Normatividad o los Planes Institucionales, de cierta escuela que les platique en un cuento, me refiero a la High School & Agricultural University, así algún ex-rectorcillo vulgar que se dedico asiduamente a comprar la conciencia de estudiantes, le dan su premio de notable asesor.
Así surgen los círculos viciosos de la educación, en donde los trabajadores universitarios son engañados, después de “negaciones ejemplares”, ¡que ridiculeces!, luego viene el descontento y las protestas, que pueden llevar a las instituciones hasta la huelga, dada la INEPTITUD de “autoridades universitarias”, como la institución a que se hace alusión en este escrito. Este tipo de "autoridades", ya le han de estar haciendo la Carta a Santa Claus o a los Reyes Magos, que les traigan un PEROL GIGANTE para hacer ATOLE, y dar ATOLE CON EL DEDO A TODOS LOS INTEGRANTES DE SU COMUNIDAD, en el próximo ¡Happy New Year!, disculpen, casi olvidaba: ¡Merry Christmas!
Las Competencias: Análisis y Síntesis, en muy pocos programas académicos se hace alusión a estas dos competencias que el educando debe lograr en sus cursos, muchos “científicos prestigiosos”, desconocen como se realiza un Análisis de Varianza de algún experimento, y no saben hacer una Síntesis de los resultados, considerando las hipótesis planteadas, bueno existen investigaciones en donde no se requiere los Métodos Estadísticos para Investigadores, y no tienen porque leer a Ronald Fisher o su discípulo Snedecor, al menos que estudien Ciencias Silvoagropecuarias.
Francia tiene su Ley de Bioética ¿Y México?
Francia tiene su Ley de Bioética ¿Y México?
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La Bioética ha tenido un recorrido histórico, desde que el Pastor Filosofo Fritz Jahr (1895-1953) conceptualizó en 1927, el término bioética en su escrito pionero: El artículo pionero de Fritz Jahr: Bio-Ethik. Eine Umschau über die ethischen Beziehungen des Menschen zu Tier und Pflanze, fue publicado como editorial del periódico alemán Kosmos, hasta llegar a una de las primeras leyes sobre bioética en Francia.
El discurso de la bioética, tiene sus desafíos en las distintas culturas y civilizaciones, ejemplos:
1. Ha terminado en Francia la revisión de la ley de bioética de 2004. El camino legislativo, precedido en 2009 por una amplia consulta popular o “Estados Generales” de la bioética, concluyó el pasado 23 de junio de 2011 con la votación definitiva por parte del Senado. Con 170 votos contra 157, el Palais du Luxembourg aprobó, de hecho, el texto común de la Comisión Mixta Paritaria (CMP), Asamblea-Senado, que el martes 21 de junio había recibido, con 94 votos contra 68, el sí de la Asamblea Nacional. [1]
2. En el escenario internacional, los días 11 y 12 de Marzo de 2011 se llevo a cabo en Rijeka, Croacia, el primer encuentro dedicado a la revisión de la obra de Fritz Jahr, y trajo como consecuencia la Declaración de Rijeka, con el fin de complementar la perspectiva actual de la bioética. [2]
3. También merece un lugar destacado los escritos publicados por Benedicto XVI, en relación a la Ciencia Ética y el Orden Mundial [3], en tanto que en nuestro país México, se encuentran dispersos los aspectos de la bioética en distintas leyes, pero no existe una ley como tal: Ley de Bioética, uno de los esfuerzos más recientes, fue cuando el pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó una reforma a Ley General de Salud por la que se crean los Comités de Bioética para atender problemas derivados de la atención médica. Durante la sesión ordinaria en San Lázaro se aprobó con 386 votos a favor y nueve en contra la reforma al artículo 41 bis y se reforma el 98 de la Ley General de Salud, que busca establecer mecanismos de resolución y transparencia ante controversias médicas. Los comités hospitalarios de bioética estarán destinados a la resolución de los problemas derivados de la atención médica, así como al análisis, discusión y apoyo en la toma de decisiones respecto a los problemas bioéticos que se presenten en la práctica clínica. [4]
¿Legaremos ha tener una Ley sobre Bioética en México?, ¿Usted que opina?
[1] Cf. Sí definitivo del Senado francés a la ley de bioética. Roma 27 de junio de 2011. http://www.zenit.org/article-39742?l=spanish
[2] Cf. Fritz Jahr and European roots of Bioethics: establishing an international scholar’s network (EuroBioNethics)
[3] Cf. http://topicosculturales.blogspot.com/2011/08/benedicto-xvi-la-ciencia-etica-y-el.html
[4] Cf. Notimex, México 27 de Abril 2011.
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La Bioética ha tenido un recorrido histórico, desde que el Pastor Filosofo Fritz Jahr (1895-1953) conceptualizó en 1927, el término bioética en su escrito pionero: El artículo pionero de Fritz Jahr: Bio-Ethik. Eine Umschau über die ethischen Beziehungen des Menschen zu Tier und Pflanze, fue publicado como editorial del periódico alemán Kosmos, hasta llegar a una de las primeras leyes sobre bioética en Francia.
El discurso de la bioética, tiene sus desafíos en las distintas culturas y civilizaciones, ejemplos:
1. Ha terminado en Francia la revisión de la ley de bioética de 2004. El camino legislativo, precedido en 2009 por una amplia consulta popular o “Estados Generales” de la bioética, concluyó el pasado 23 de junio de 2011 con la votación definitiva por parte del Senado. Con 170 votos contra 157, el Palais du Luxembourg aprobó, de hecho, el texto común de la Comisión Mixta Paritaria (CMP), Asamblea-Senado, que el martes 21 de junio había recibido, con 94 votos contra 68, el sí de la Asamblea Nacional. [1]
2. En el escenario internacional, los días 11 y 12 de Marzo de 2011 se llevo a cabo en Rijeka, Croacia, el primer encuentro dedicado a la revisión de la obra de Fritz Jahr, y trajo como consecuencia la Declaración de Rijeka, con el fin de complementar la perspectiva actual de la bioética. [2]
3. También merece un lugar destacado los escritos publicados por Benedicto XVI, en relación a la Ciencia Ética y el Orden Mundial [3], en tanto que en nuestro país México, se encuentran dispersos los aspectos de la bioética en distintas leyes, pero no existe una ley como tal: Ley de Bioética, uno de los esfuerzos más recientes, fue cuando el pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó una reforma a Ley General de Salud por la que se crean los Comités de Bioética para atender problemas derivados de la atención médica. Durante la sesión ordinaria en San Lázaro se aprobó con 386 votos a favor y nueve en contra la reforma al artículo 41 bis y se reforma el 98 de la Ley General de Salud, que busca establecer mecanismos de resolución y transparencia ante controversias médicas. Los comités hospitalarios de bioética estarán destinados a la resolución de los problemas derivados de la atención médica, así como al análisis, discusión y apoyo en la toma de decisiones respecto a los problemas bioéticos que se presenten en la práctica clínica. [4]
¿Legaremos ha tener una Ley sobre Bioética en México?, ¿Usted que opina?
[1] Cf. Sí definitivo del Senado francés a la ley de bioética. Roma 27 de junio de 2011. http://www.zenit.org/article-39742?l=spanish
[2] Cf. Fritz Jahr and European roots of Bioethics: establishing an international scholar’s network (EuroBioNethics)
[3] Cf. http://topicosculturales.blogspot.com/2011/08/benedicto-xvi-la-ciencia-etica-y-el.html
[4] Cf. Notimex, México 27 de Abril 2011.
Ley de Bioética,
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Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011

Our Lady in Art



Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita

Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"
Oración a San Judas

San Judas, Ruega por Nosotros
¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

Sonia = Sofía
¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

Pascua 2008

¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!
Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2008
Calendario 2013

Juan Pablo II

Virgen María en el Arte
Calendario 2013

Benedicto XVI
Pascua 2013

Jesucristo El Buen Pastor
feliz día de las madres 2012

feliz día de las madres 2012



Octubre 2012


JULIO 2012

JULIO 2012
JUNIO 2012

JUNIO 2012
MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
MARZO 2012

marzo 2012

ENERO 2012

enero 2012
Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

Actitudes ante la Vida

DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013

pascua 2012
Cátedra de San Pedro

St. Peter
14 de Febrero

Día de San Cirilo y San Metodio
Conversión de San Pablo

Francesco Mazzola (1503-1540)
Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN

Documento Firmado y Recibido Enero 2013
Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN

Documento, Enero 2013

Feliz Navidad y Ventuoroso Año 2013
happy new year 2012

Feliz Navidad 2011

Venturoso Año 2011


Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica

Algunas Encíclicas imortantes de la Iglesia Católica