domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

The Unforeseen Result, By Roger Behra


The Unforeseen Result


Roger Behra

In counterculture men in America would have used more in-depth thinking and not been so hasty to implement their reckless philosophy, they would not now be second best in comparison to women. As the result of their haste and shallow thinking, you can see in America now how women have pushed men into the background in so many areas of America culture. From now women will be equal to or better than men, and women are very egar to do so.

On important tests women score as well or better than men. More students of the month in high scools are girls. Women use the English language verbally and in writing much better than men. Less girls are in high school dropouts. Women are more talented in social skills. Women have the tndency to be much creative, especially in kitchen and with clotes. Men's appearences are awful. They look like something the cat dragged in from the bushes. Why women accept that is quite unbelievable. Women are great business owners, family organizers, and are more spiritually inclined and developed than men. To a large degree, women run circles around men, there does not seem and end is in sight.

When men started the counterculture movement they had no vision that women would not only become equal, but would surpass them in so many cultural aspects. Equal, yes, but better was not even anticipated.

So, men, you have to get your act together in order just to catch up. Start with your personal appearances, which are just plain laughable: no more grungy hair and beards; no more baggy trouseds with half your rearend showing; no more baseball caps on backwards; no more ignorant use the English language when speaking or writing; no more poor conversational skills; no more childsh personalities. And for goodness sake, improve you spirituality.

As you work on improvements, please, also greatly improve your driving skills. So many are counterproductive as you make up your own rules of the road. Stop tailgating and bblinking your lights. Realize that monster trucks do not rule the road, and that they are nothing but big money grabbers at the gas pumps. Men that drive pickups are among the worst drivers. They show their ignorance and rudeness most all the time. They allow women drivers to be head and shouders above them.

Men, in general, you must wake up. It has been too long. You are miles behind women in so many cultural areas. There's so much catching up to do. The world thanks God every day for women. You man should also do so, because they show men how properly things should be done.

R. B.
