Two Plus Ten
Roger Behra
If anyone follows the reports in the mainstream media in America, they certainly realize that America is reeling from events hitting daily life from several crucial directions: political, economical, and spiritual. And the news is dire from all directions. Along with the dire news is the lack of teal hope for improvement.
In Washington the super liberal party (Democrates) and the conservative party (Republicans) have wasted months not being able to agree on a sensible plan to res¬cue the country from the depths of bankruptcy and a workable budget for the next several years. Along with that, America has a president that is very much unqual¬ified to handle domestic or foreign affairs. Millions of Americans are very, very worried for the economy and the out-of-control events in the Middle East. So far Washington has been a dismal failure.
The American economy has been down and sputtering along poorly since 2008. It should be well on the way of recovery in 2011, but that is far from the case. The indications are that another recession is rounding the corner, and that will add plenty of fuel to an already raging economical fire. Washington has no plan to remedy the situation as of June, 2011.
It is not a coincidence that all this is happening as the culture in America is nearing the bottom rung of the moral ladder. Every day this point is firmly and steadily brought to American's attention as the long list of moral decay keeps getting longer.
It is so disappointing that the American culture is so steeped in so many types and amounts of immoral behavior that is presently acceptable. Only 35% of people know the Commandments of God and keep them. The other 65% do not. That is why the door to all kinds of immorality is wide open and steadily goes on around the clock.
Immoral sex of all kinds is at the top of the list. Sex crimes among the police on duty, among politicians, school teachers and students, the clergy are abundant. Murders among family members, murder-suicides, on the street murders are frequent, children born out-of-wedlock is common and casually accepted....the list goes on and on.
A complete and strong dose of two plus ten is definitely needed. The two refers to the Great Commandments: Love God with one's whole mind, heart, and actions and our neighbor as God loves us. The ten refers to the Ten Commandments of God. Know them all is the solution and practicing them will give the best possible result. Failure to do so will mean the American culture will continue to tumble down the immoral cliff and more firmly into the waiting arms of the most evil one: Satan. A large number of Americans already think the arms of Satan and his evil demon helpers are already fully wrapped around America. The daily news indicates that.
R. B.