domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Esperanza de Salvación en un Mundo Adverso y Armadura de Dios

Esperanza de Salvación en un Mundo Adverso y Armadura de Dios


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

En un mundo azotado por fenómenos naturales: terremotos, maremotos, cambio climático, desertificación, sequía, y desastres ocasionados por el ser humano: tragedias del hambre, el agua de mala calidad e insegura para el consumo humano: contaminación ambiental, guerras, perdida de trabajo digno y de sueldos de miseria, problemas de salud y otros desastres; obligan a reflexionar y meditar las respuestas que da la Ciencia y el Derecho, por mencionar dos disciplinas científicas, pero, en su interior el científico religioso no debe perder de vista la Fe, la Esperanza y la Caridad.

En el sentido espiritual, en la Cultura de la Vida, es importante meditar y reflexionar para la acción cotidiana, las siguientes tres citas bíblicas:

1. Estamos atribulados por todas partes, pero no abatidos; perplejos, pero no desesperados; perseguidos, pero no abandonados; derribados, pero no aniquilados. Siempre y a todas partes, llevamos en nuestro cuerpo los sufrimientos de la muerte de Jesús, para que también la vida de Jesús se manifieste en nuestro cuerpo. Y así aunque vivimos, estamos siempre enfrentando a la muerte por causa de Jesús, para que también la vida de Jesús se manifieste en nuestra carne mortal. (Cf. 2 Cor 4, 8-11).

2. Han sido salvados en la esperanza (Rom 8, 24 y 1 Pe 13-9).

3. San Pablo ante el mal, dijo: Ante el mal hay que ponerse la Armadura de Dios, la Verdad como Cinturón, la Justicia como Coraza, el Evangelio de la Paz como Calzado, tener en la Mano el Escudo de la Fe, para atajar las flechas incendiarias del demonio, emplear el Casco de la Salvación y la Espada del Espíritu, o sea la Palabra de Dios. (Cf. Ef 6, 13-17)



miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Tres Excelentes Libros de Benedicto XVI para la Cuaresma y Pascua 2011

Tres Excelentes Libros de Benedicto XVI para la Cuaresma y Pascua 2011


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

Tópicos Culturales recomienda el mensaje profundo del pensamiento de Joseph Ratzinger el Papa Benedicto XVI, para los tiempos litúrgicos de la Cuaresma y Pascua de Resurrección 2011, de los siguientes tres libros:

1. La Palabra del Señor. Exhortación Apostólica y Postsinodal VERBUM DOMINI, SOBRE LA PALABRA DE Dios en la vida y en la misión de la Iglesia. Actas y Documentos Pontificios N° 174. Primera Edición 2010. Ediciones Paulinas. México D. F.

2. Jesús de Nazaret. Primera parte. Desde el Bautismo hasta la Transfiguración. Primera Edición en México 2007. Editorial Planeta.

3. Jesús de Nazaret. Segunda parte. “Desde la Entrada de Jerusalén hasta la Resurrección. Primera edición 2011. Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV).

Este último libro, ha pasado de la pluma del Papa al E-BOOK. [1]

¡Feliz Cuaresma y Pascua de Resurrección 2011!




[1] Cf. “Jesús de Nazaret”, de la pluma del papa al e-book; en:

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Evil Flourished Here, By Roger Behra


Evil Flourished Here


Roger Behra

The information you are about to read here is a direct outgrowth of the counterculture mentality that started during the mid-1960 time period. The unbelievably disordered and defective thinking that started back then is still alive and well 45-years later. America has never been the same since.

On January 21, 2011, a lengthy newspaper article revealed just how absolutely despicable that evil thinking and behavior has become. It is quite unfortunate that it took so long to discover the pure evil that was going on for a long while.

A 69-year old medical doctor, Kermit Gosnell, has been arraigned on several counts of murder and for operating an illegal abortion mill in the heart of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Here is what has been going on there, and it has been worse than awful.

To begin with the clinic was in very bad condition, and then the activities that went on there were extremely horrific. The everyday work environment was extraordinarily unsanitary. Body parts were left in jars. Some were clogging the plumbing. Undertrained and completely untrained people worked at the clinic. Unsanitary equipment was used. Patients contracted venereal diseases from them. Hundreds of abortions were performed there. Viable babies were born and then murdered by Dr. Gosnell with scissors puncturing the spine in back of the head. Many of the abortions were performed on underage girls. It was a total evil, ghoulish, and horrific situation from beginning to end.

Murder charges have been filed against Gosnell and four other workers because once the baby was born outside of the womb and then killed; it was no longer an abortion. It was murder pure and simple. That happened an untold number of times.

The clinic was a very wicked place, a real den of iniquity, a place where Satan’s influence and helpers were controlling activities. God’s influence was absent. All total nine employees along with Gosnell and his wife have been charged. The charges are murder, conspiracy, drugs, and other lessor crimes. It was in nightmare in actual reality when the clinic was in operation. Now, it is a nightmare for all the people who have been charged. The defective and disordered thinking that reeked of grave immorality has a great price attached to it.

R. B.

What We Are, By Roger Behra


What We Are


Roger Behra

A trend that became popular a decade ago (and still is) and spread throughout the American culture has left it’s mark on many thousands of lemming type Americans. Intelligent and sensible Americans completely avoided the not nice to look at and ugly trend. It is a typical counterculture behavior, one that can be done but definitely should not be done. It brought to light just how prone; so many people are to extreme lemming behavior and not knowing who they really are and why they are here. The trends being referred to here is great abundance of unsightly and irrational TATTOS.

Everywhere one goes-food markets, stores, sporting events, even church services there are people (mostly men of adult ages) full of tattoos. Tattoos are one thing, but the ugliness of their contents and the amount of them on a single individual is the overriding factor. Anyone who has that done to them tells the sensible and intelligent people that there are so many misguided people among us who do not know what they are and why they are here. They do not know and realize that they are not the owners of their body and that they have to answer to God someday for their thoughtless and misguided behavior as the enter their eternal life looking like a zoo animal in far too many cases.

Tattooed people show grave and disordered behavior, and that they are ignorant of God’s words and what God expects of them. They do not know that they are temples of God made in His image and likeness, and that God dwells in them, and that if they destroy (ruin) God’s temple, God will destroy them. This is recorded and revealed in the Holy Bible. Tattooed people greatly deceive themselves.

The famous and well-known Dr. Edell, M.D., once said, “A teenager or young adult thinks tattoos are so cool. When they are in their twenties, they say what did I do to myself? And when those same people are in their thirties, they say, how can I get rid of these tattoos? Unfortunately, most people have so many and so large tattoos, that getting rid of them is impossible. So, many temples will remain destroyed, very sadly to say. That is how they are going to enter their eternity before God and be accountable to Him for their misguided and permanently destroyed temple of God. And the consequences will be there also.

R. B.

Character Accountability, By Roger Behra


Character Accountability


Roger Behra

No one can deny the fact that character development is a dominant part of a person’s life. Character counts a great deal and has such an impact on the direction a person’s life takes. It does not take much for good character to turn in another direction in modern cultures because of all the temptations that exist on a daily basis. It takes very strong character to stay on the good and narrow path, and millions of people fail that character test. When, only 35% of people in America alone practice Christian living, which is the basis for good character development. And it is quit evident throughout America’s greatly declined culture.

Character is considered the qualities that make a person different from another. The qualities are moral strength, honesty, and integrity. So many temptations keep nibbling away at these qualities. Character can take a wrong turn very easily. The following story proves the point and tells how it can have a very undesirable ending.

A man worked as a carpenter for the same company for fifty years. One day he told the company owner he was retiring. The owner gave the carpenter a thank you card, a small bonus, and a final request-build the owner a new house. The carpenter was angry at the small bonus check after so many years of dedicated work, but he decided to build the house, and he did. But the carpenter decided also to get even as he built it, because the owner left all the decisions up to him.

The carpenter ordered and used cheap and inferior parts. He built a small house and overlooked shoddy workmanship. The house looked new, but it was not very attractive in a less than ideally desirable location. But the owner’s wish was completed. The owner had a house built.

When the company owner was notified, he gave carpenter another thank you card and THE DEED TO THE HOUSE! The carpenter was flabbergasted! He was now the owner of the small, poorly built, and unattractive house in a less than ideal location. He was the owner of a house that he probably could not sell and with the obligations of an owner. It was an unpredictable turn of events with very sad results.

Some lessons can be learned by everyone from this story. The company owner was practicing good character with his generosity and good intentions. Those were good results. The carpenter’s get even attitude changed his character to a bad one, and it had bad results. Character counts and all the possibilities should be considered beforehand, both good and bad.

R. B.

Many Questions Answered, By Roger Behra


Many Questions Answered


Roger Behra

On February 6, 2011, near-death experiences were once again discussed a very popular radio program. The NDE topic is always very interesting because people want to know what to expect when they die. The program on February 6 was extra interesting because many questions were answered with scientific proof. The listeners learned the near-death experience is real and so are all the elements contained in it. A large number of skeptics most certainly became believers.

There are two kinds of near-death experiences, and the good ones greatly outnumber the bad ones. It does not matter which country the NDE takes place, and the elements contained therein are basically the elements contained therein are basically the same. They are the out–of–body, the tunnel, the all loving and encompassing light, the life review, the surroundings and deceased relatives and friends, the spirit helpers, the experience wanting to remain, the “hellish” experiences, and the transformations that take place after earthly life resumes. The underlined elements are the ones the program deemed the most important, because they had the most effect on the lifelong transformations.

All the elements discussed were in light of careful scientific research that took place over a long period of time in many cultures and age groups. The most convincing NDE revelations were those of children, because they were not old enough to embellish their experiences. They told everything exactly as it was.

The element that took center stage from all the others was the all loving and encompassing light. The light was so peaceful and secure. The experiences all absolutely thought the light was God, and they did not want to leave it. Remember, the Bible states what God said,” I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light.”

After the light encompassed them, the live review took place. It did not overlook anything. Every single thought, word, and deed, good or bad, was shown, and the experiencers experienced the results. It was an intense and productive review and productive review and was the basis for the transformations that always took place for the better.

A small percentage of the near-death experiences discussed were “hellish” ones. There was no all loving light, and the darkness was overwhelming. The spirits there were unhappy, full of despair, and doomed to an eternity of unhappiness. One gang member saw the spirits of fellow gang members there. He thanked the doctor for brining him back to life and completely transformed his life. He’s dedicated to helping others do the same.

Over the past twenty years scientific research has proved many established facts. Have no doubts. God is real! The light is God. Eternity is real. The life review is real. There are happy and unhappy eternities that last forever. Everyone chooses their own eternity during their earthly life. Love God. Keep His Commandments. Be kind, helpful, and charitable to others. The life review will reveal all later. Nothing is lost in time, and it will be the eternal determining factor. Pray to God and live a life that’s praiseworthy from God. No one knows the day or hour when one’s eternity begins. We only know the two kinds-happy or unhappy.

R. B.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

It’s No Secret, By Roger Behra


It’s No Secret


Roger Behra

There is a new book recently published, “The Rite”: The Making of a Modern Exorcist. Along came a new movie with the same title by Mikael Hafstrom. Both the book and the movie are very interesting and grab one’s attention, but they both confuse the real facts and threaten the true perspective of how evil and demonic entities really work in everyday life and are exorcised.

Demonic forces and exorcisms are a “hot” topic in and out Hollywood, but Hollywood is just the right place for very good reasons. So much evil is produced in that place. Evil behavior is promoted through the lives of many actors and actresses. Co-habitation and drugs are at the top of the list. Therefore, demonic entities and exorcism are an interesting topic. But the confusion that threatens the true perspective of how evil works, how demonic entities take ever, and how exorcisms are conduced and work must not take place. Hollywood movies are very misleading.

It is no secret that evil enters people’s lives and in many cases completely takes over requiring exorcism. The HOLLY Bible frequently refers to one of Jesus’s main goals during His ministry was to cast out demons from people of His time. A most dramtic exorcism in the Bible is in Gerasens demonic (MARK 5:1-20). Mark reported the first miracle of Jesus was the driving out an “unclean spirit”: “be silent and come out of him.” (MARK 1:23-27). Therefore, exorcisms are very necessary, but they must be in the right manor and perspective. The Catholic Church has the correct and absolutely effective rite of exorcism.

All evil starts with Satan (Lucifer) and his vast legion of demonic helpers, and it follow the same pattern. It starts with demonic influences, which are the temptations everyone has to face. If temptations are given into, the next step is demonic affliction when demonic entities become part of a person’s life. That is serious and very troubling. If careful attention and effort is not exercised, demonic affliction easily becomes imperfect demonic possession. That requires exorcism by an appointed Catholic priest who strictly follows the precise rite of exorcism, which is much more than just saying a prayer of two over a person. Some people make a deal with Satan. They sell their soul to him for a special wish to be granted. That becomes permanent possession which cannot be exorcised.

Those who disbelieve that demonic activity and demonic entities are present in everyday life should witness in person a real exorcism. It’s unbelievable what can and does go on during one. It’s very real! It’s very dangerous many times! And since 1980 the need for exorcisms has increased 900%-1000%. The extra sad fact is there are not nearly enough exorcists, so the next sad fact is very many people will have to live with demons controlling their lives. That is a very true and unfortunate fact, indeed, and every so often Hollywood reminds us even though it is not in the correct way. Read Matt Baglio’s 2009 book mentioned above, and Malachi Martin’s best seller, “Hostage To The Devil”. They are riveting reading. They are full of true and exact information.

R. B.

Great Defective Behavior, By Roger Behra


Great Defective Behavior


Roger Behra

The revelations that are given to us on a daily basis through the mass media in America’s culture never ceases to amaze everyone. The revelations clearly point out just how greatly defective modern thinking and behavior in America really is. It seems to become more bizarre as the days go by, and there seems to be no end in view. It all keeps adding to the mountainous and unsavory counterculture legacy and it is greatly disappointing. Here are some recent examples.

Eight men are being rounded up for sexually taking advantage of several handicapped women at a special facility. They know who the men are because their detestable immoral behavior is on a surveillance set of tapes. It shows the men greatly involved and one man hoisting himself out of his wheelchair into the bed of one of the women. It is amazing that the men would do such awful behavior, and also not realize that they were being taped in the acts. Soon, the men will be facing their due justice.

Some very defective behavior in the military has also come known to everyone. It is also on tape. A Navy ship commander authorized a raunchy tape to be made and shown to onboard shipmates. The tape included very unacceptable language, simulated masturbation, slurs against gays, and simulated male-female showering. All of it was a serious breach of military behavior as well as very unacceptable ordinary daily behavior.

Antonio Cromarti, a National Football League player, is very near the top of the defective thinking and immoral behavior list. He is not married, but he is the father of 9 children with 8 different women in 6 different cites. That is the all-time record-so far. And his disgusting profanity–laced tirade against an opposing player to the sports media on national radio proves he is a human disgrace.

We also have another public human disgrace, Charlie Sheen, the famous Hollywood actor. His personal behavior has become very public recently. On 1-26-11 he was at it again and had to be rushed to the hospital from a loud house party where drugs and a bevy of porno actresses were the stars of the party. It was reported a briefcase full of drugs was found. His current TV program has to be put on hiatus, and that effects 300 other people that are involved in program production because he has decided to seek institutional help on 1-28-11. God has blessed him with talent, fame, and millions of $$$$. Instead, his .25₵ brain cannot handle it.

Plenty of defective thinking, and behavior, that has been going on in Sacramento, California. That now has put the state in unrepairable bankruptcy, and it will take two first-class miracles to find a remedy very, very soon. Elsewhere in California the highway behavior is greatly defective. It’s chronic and everywhere it seems.

The mass media is greatly to blame for the culture of defective thinking and behavior in America. As an example, they are more concerned about birds mysteriously falling from flight as thousands of them died instead of speaking out against the thousands of abortions taking place daily in America. That is the very epitome of great defective thinking and behavior, indeed.

R. B.

A Perfect Example, By Roger Behra


A Perfect Example


Roger Behra

The horrendous shooting of innocent people at Tucson, Arizona, on January 8, 2011, was extremely sad and very disconcerting for many reasons. But the shooting as wicked as it was should not be a surprise at all, also, and more of them will not be either in America’s modern culture: America’s society is full of Jared Lee Loughner types. They just have not acted yet. As you read on, it will become clear as crystal.

When the original counterculture people started their movement in the mid-sixties, they has no idea how grave, destructive, and disruptive the consequences of philosophies would be in the long run in America`s society. And America is stuck with the results forever more. Every single day more chickens come home to roost.

The philosophies of God and Christian living are not important, do your own thing, if it feels good, do it, sex, drugs, and money have permeated America´s society. And what have been the direct and debilitating results? The results are many and include the actual assassinations of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others, along with several attempts during the past several decades. Now, Jared Lee Loughner is just one member of the 3% of America’s population of 330 million that could do what he did: kill six and wound thirteen other people.

The mass media calls it mental illness. However, in Loughner’s case there seems to be more to it than just mental illness. Other daily behavioral actions are evident to consider. The complete change in his facial look and the smirk on his face as he sits in his jail cell rings the bell of demonic affliction, or even worse, demonic possession. It is very evident in his behavior pattern and changed facial looks.

It is very likely that Loughner is a product of the 60% or more of people who do not practice religious living on a daily basis because of his family life. It is most likely that he does not know who put him here on this earth, what he should do with his life, and where he is going after his earthly life ends. (He is to know, love, and serve God, to love his neighbor, and to use his talents to achieve these ends, and that when all said and done, and eternity-happy or unhappy-is a waiting him. Meanwhile, Jared has to shed the mantle of Satan´s evil influence.

It is not a coincidence that Loughner is part of the America that leads the wide world in mental illness, divorce rate, abortions, teen pregnancies, daily crime rate, mental depression, most guns carried, and the 800% increase in demonic possession, all of which are the result of the counterculture movement. When that movement pushed God aside from daily living, the end result was foretold. Now, we have all the cultural ills, the perfect evil example of Loughner, and all the others waiting in the wings that make up the 3% that could do the same: add to the infamous legacy of America’s culture. What has to be remembered is this. Wherever God, His blessings, and our good works are absent, Satan, his diabolic presence, and evil works are present. That’s the story since the mid-1960’s. Satan’s works have increased in America’s culture tremendously the past forty-five-years.

R. B.

Cuaresma: Pensamiento positivo y valores

Cuaresma: Pensamiento positivo y valores


Angwel R. Cepeda Dovala

¡Feliz inicio de Cuaresma 2011!, y que sea un nuevo comienzo en la Conversión en la Fe, Esperanza y Caridad, y como dice el Salmo 51 (50), 6: “Por que aparezca tu Justicia cuando hablas y tu Victoria cuando juzgas”.

El pensamiento positivo genera pensamientos de tranquilidad y creatividad, dan confianza en las bondades que Dios da para acrecentar la vida espiritual. La Actitud ante la adversidad de la vida es la clave y llave del Éxito, si considera las enseñanzas que el Hijo de Dios, o sea nuestro Señor Jesucristo, nos dio en el Sermón de la Montaña, y que mejor conocemos como las Bienaventuranzas, son como el buen itinerario, son la excelente ruta del Camino, la Verdad y la Vida, ahí radica la clave y llave del real éxito de la Persona Humana para el Bien Común. Son muchos los Valores que existen, hay que descubrirlos, redescubrirlos, y sobretodo ponerlos siempre en práctica.

Paz y Bien


martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

America´s Abundant Lawbreakers, By Roger Behra


America´s Abundant Lawbreakers


Roger Behra

America is a wonderful place to live. The freedoms and the geographical beauty are the envy of most of the wide world. But all is not well with the American culture. And that is because of all the law-breaking going on during these modern times, and the bad decisions being made by people in high positions. Along with people in Washington making very bad decisions that put the economy on the ropes, there is political correctness, the proliferation of internet pornography, dysfunctional schools throughout America, and sixty-percent of non-Christian livers to deal with. The fact is Americans have become a large group of chronic lawbreakers, and that has gravely affected America´s culture. Here are some examples.

Recently, it has been reported there is a danger on all airlines. All passengers are strongly asked to not use their computers and cell phones on a board, and especially during takeoffs and landings. That request goes basically unheeded and causes many false readings on instruments in the cockpit area during the flight. To disobey that request puts everyone in a hazardous situation. It becomes a serious situation.

Before Mass and services in churches, the parishioners are asked to turn off their cell phones and pagers. Later on when it is very quiet during the services, cell phones and pagers can be heard ringing at a very reverent time during the Mass and service. The ringing is very audible and embarrassing as well is distracting.

Lawbreakers have made America´s highways and roadways very dangerous places. Speed limits are causally ignored. So many people drinks and drive. One schedualed traffic stop netted 87 DUI drivers during a five-hour time period. Drivers of pickups are the biggest offenders and the most rude, especially monster pickup drivers. They are habitual speeders. They will tailgate a safe driver, flash his headlights, and turn on the bright lights that cause a blinding effect, and race around the safe driver and cut very close in front of him. This happens very frequently. So does cell phone use and texting while driving go on, which causes many serious accidents. One plastic surgeon in California drove off the road and down an embankment and killed himself while texting.

Internet pornography has taken over in millions of homes and lives, and that has led to so many unspeakable sex crimes. Any sex crime is the result of laws being broken. Children as young as 12-years-old are addicted to it. It is prohibited at places of employment; yet, many workers break company laws and view pornography at work. It has taken place in government officies and in the Pentagon. Sexting is against the law. It is a direct result of the internet pornography. Thousands of teenagers, young adults, and even seniors engage in this law-breaking activity.

Law-breaking in America is a huge chronic activity. It is morally wrong. It is culturally destructive. It is costly in dollars. It costs lives needlessly. It is a clueless counterculture way of life that hurts law-abiding citizens as well.

R. B.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

Felicitaciones al IPN por 75 Aniversario

Felicitaciones al IPN por 75 Aniversario


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

Tópicos Culturales envía sus más sinceras Felicitaciones al Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) que celebró recientemente su 75 Aniversario, para ser más exactos fue el pasado 23 de Febrero de 2011, día de San Policarpo de Esmirna en el Santoral Católico. [1].

El IPN, Institución de Educación Superior (IES), que inició sus actividades
académicas en el mes de Enero del año 1936, y ejerce su liderazgo educativo en distintos campos del saber científico y tecnológico de México. Esta Honorable Casa de Estudios está integrada por 81 unidades académicas que se ubican en 25 localidades de 17 entidades federativas; y la preside actualmente la Doctora Yoloxóchitl Bustamante Díez. [2].

Acorde con Milenio el presupuesto del IPN creció 37 por ciento en los últimos seis años y llegó a 10 mil 868 millones en el actual ejercicio fiscal para atender una matrícula de más de 153 mil estudiantes en el sistema escolarizado, 144 mil a distancia y 61 mil en centros de idiomas. [3].

En el 75 Aniversario del IPN contó con la participación del Presidente de México: Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, inaugurando los festejos por el 75, en una ceremonia que tuvo lugar en el Palacio de Bellas Artes, y que fue transmitida por la televisión en el Canal 11 del Politécnico: en su intervención, el Presidente Calderón explicó que esta casa de estudios es un ejemplo de educación pública, estatal y de calidad, y reconoció asimismo, el compromiso de abrir espacios de reivindicación social y de ser "un actor estratégico en la construcción del México moderno que hoy tenemos"; mencionando también: "Inician los festejos de esta gran institución, que es un ejemplo de educación pública, popular y de calidad, que demuestra, precisamente, que no está reñida la extensión y la cobertura educativa con la calidad educativa que necesita el país, que es un ejemplo del compromiso con las mejores causas y con los más altos ideales de nuestra sociedad". [4].

Felicitaciones nuevamente a la comunidad del IPN por su 75 Aniversario, a sus egresados y egresadas, familiares y amistades.




[1] Cf. San Policarpo de Esmirna en:

[3] Cf. Presupuesto del IPN ha crecido 37% en 6 años; en Milenio On Line:

[4] Cf. los sitios Web, sobre la Celebración 75 Aniversario IPN, en:

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

The Greatest Christmas Gift, By Roger Behra


The Greatest Christmas Gift


Roger Behra

Christmas 2010, has come and gone. It passed very quickly. The Christmas season in America always begins on “black Friday”. That is the day after the Thanksgiving Day, which is always celebrated on the last Thursday of November. This special Friday is when millions of Americans flood the stores in the hopes of finding and purchasing the most perfect Christmas gifts. Millions of dollars are spent on that day alone. Then on Christmas Day a great number of gift recipients are disappointed, and the next day they join the long return lines.

Some people are not unhappy if they receive no material gift on Christmas Day. Why? They realize the true meaning of Christmas, and that they recived the greatest Christmas gift 2000 plus years ago: God the Father´s divine Son, Jesus. That leads to another question. Why was the birth of Jesus the greatest Christmas gift ever given to mankind?

In the overall plan of our heavenly Father, He realized that His Son was needed, and that Jesus would play an important part in the course of worldly events. Without the birth of Jesus there are would be no SALVATION eternally for mankind. The birth of Jesus is the manager at Bethlehem was the beginning of the Father´s salvation plan that took place on Good Friday thirty-three-years later.

The birth of Jesus was a greatest Christmas gift. The Crucifixion was our greatest gift ever. There was no salvation until Jesus died on the Cross, which opened the gates to HEAVEN. As long as that is recognized and realized as the essence of Christmas and cherish it, all the material gift giving can be appreciated, but in reality it is hollow in comparison.

Our Heavenly Father´s plan was perfect. So was the implementation. Jesus´s birth (Christmas) = Jesus´s Crucifixion (Easter) = man´s eternal salvation. A very great earthly gift is our free will, also, and if we use it for very good objectives, we are giving ourselves more of God´s gifts: His blessings. Using free will to realizer and accept the birth of Jesus as our greatest Christmas gift is a great step in the right direction. It would put the birth of Jesus at the top of the list of all the gifts received on Christmas Day. That day would be so much more meaningful, indeed.

R. B.

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

Remote Viewing Works, By Roger Behra


Remote Viewing Works


Roger Behra

Remote viewing is a special skill that originated in Russia during the Cold War. The Russians could do special spying on the U.S. from a long distance without the enemy´s knowledge. It was quite effective, so the Russians used it around the clock and not only against the U.S.

As time went on the U.S. learned about remote viewing, and it became a successful mode of C.I.A. behavior. The C.I.A. was very good at learning and teaching remote viewing to military personnel. There were some outstanding remote viewings under C.I.A. supervision. The C.I.A. said they do not employ remote viewing any longer, but that is hard to believe. There are schools to teach this skill, now.

Not just anyone can learn this skill, and some people only become poor to fair viewers. However, a small percentage of learners become outstanding remote viewers. Successful remote viewing takes place when the reviewer is given specific but very limited information and only a general location, plus the type of target: a building, truck, etc. Target colors are also given. Only the instructors know where the target is located, its color, and what may be inside or around it. Actually, there are many different kinds of limited information that can be given. It depends on the instructor´s goal. Here are two examples of successful remote viewing by a male and female viewer.

The male viewer was given a four digit number and a street name. He was told the target was in the western part of the U.S. After one hour and ten minutes, the viewer had the correct target location. The numbers were on a special building on a special street in Seattle, Washington that housed several expensive antique cars owned by the instructor. The viewer received a grade of 100%.

The female viewer was given only eight numbers in proper order on a pice of paper. She came up with not only the object containing the numbers but the complete story. Her results were absolutely amazing when given to the viewing instructor. The eight numbers were the ones on the Hindenburg zeppelin that the caught fire during morning in New Jersey and crashed and burned after a transoceanic flight from Germany. Her viewing content also included the tragedy details. Her viewing success was absolutely astounding and left the instructor speechless. She received a double perfect grade.

Needless to say remote viewing is a very useful skill, and it has very definite uses. China is certainly using it to gain decided advantages militaringly and economically, so it is unbelievable that the U.S. has stopped remote viewing. Remote viewing can be used to find lost articles, also, as well as other useful information. It is an amazing skill never thought to be ever possible. It has never revealed how remote viewing was ever discovered.

R. B.