En el Último Día de 2010
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Posiblemente el hacer un excelente y provechoso examen de conciencia, nos permitirá reconocer los aciertos y errores en que se haya incurrido, pero ante todo reconociendo la maravilla de la Creación de Dios, lo bueno, lo bello, lo más nobles de nuestros logros, pues “Dios envió al mundo a su Hijo único, para darnos Vida por medio de Él”, (Cf. 1 Jn 4, 9); y meditar la Palabra en el evangelio de San Juan 1, 1-18, nos permitirá entender y comprender mejor el Principio de la Palabra que estaba con Dios, el Verbo Encarnado, pues la Palabra se hizo carne, y es la Verdad que está en el seno del Padre.
¡Feliz y Venturoso Año 2011!
viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010
martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010
La Paz del Siervo, Por Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La Paz del Siervo. Salmo 35 [34].
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La meditación y la oración de las personas justas perseguidas, aquellas que no son profetas en sus tierras, como aquel Justo en su tierra, ciudad o país, recuerden el Salmo 35 [34] y canten, alégrense, deseen el triunfo y la felicidad repitiendo:
«¡Qué grande es el Señor que en la paz de su siervo se complace!». (Cf. Sal 35, 27).
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La meditación y la oración de las personas justas perseguidas, aquellas que no son profetas en sus tierras, como aquel Justo en su tierra, ciudad o país, recuerden el Salmo 35 [34] y canten, alégrense, deseen el triunfo y la felicidad repitiendo:
«¡Qué grande es el Señor que en la paz de su siervo se complace!». (Cf. Sal 35, 27).
viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010
Benedicto XVI y el Significado de la Navidad del Señor
Benedicto XVI y el Significado de la Navidad del Señor
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
¡Feliz Navidad 2010 y Venturoso Año 2011! Paz y Bien.
Quizás algunos lectores de Tópicos Culturales, aun no conozcan el sabio mensaje que dio el Papa Benedicto XVI, en la Audiencia General del miércoles 23 de diciembre de 2009, en relación al Significado de la Navidad, [1], en donde se hace referencia histórica para comprender esta solemnidad, y entre otras cuestiones muy importantes, se hace alusión a la primera biografía de Tomás de Celano en donde habla de la noche del belén de Greccio, en aquella noche de Navidad, le fue concedida a san Francisco la gracia de una visión maravillosa, y que se mencionan algunos aspectos en: “The First Christmas Crèche” [2]. Considerando su importancia para la Cultura de la Vida en Cristo, se transcribe a continuación la Audiencia del 23 de diciembre de 2009 del Santo Padre Benedicto XVI:
Miércoles 23 de diciembre de 2009
Queridos hermanos y hermanas:
Con la Novena de Navidad que estamos celebrando en estos días, la Iglesia nos invita a vivir de modo intenso y profundo la preparación al Nacimiento del Salvador, ya inminente. El deseo, que todos llevamos en el corazón, es que la próxima fiesta de la Navidad nos dé, en medio de la actividad frenética de nuestros días, una serena y profunda alegría para que nos haga tocar con la mano la bondad de nuestro Dios y nos infunda nuevo valor.
Para comprender mejor el significado de la Navidad del Señor quisiera hacer una breve referencia al origen histórico de esta solemnidad. De hecho, el Año litúrgico de la Iglesia no se desarrolló inicialmente partiendo del nacimiento de Cristo, sino de la fe en su resurrección. Por eso la fiesta más antigua de la cristiandad no es la Navidad, sino la Pascua; la resurrección de Cristo funda la fe cristiana, está en la base del anuncio del Evangelio y hace nacer a la Iglesia. Por lo tanto, ser cristianos significa vivir de modo pascual, implicándonos en el dinamismo originado por el Bautismo, que lleva a morir al pecado para vivir con Dios (cf. Rm 6,4).
El primero que afirmó con claridad que Jesús nació el 25 de diciembre fue Hipólito de Roma, en su comentario al libro del profeta Daniel, escrito alrededor del año 204. Algún exegeta observa, además, que ese día se celebraba la fiesta de la Dedicación del Templo de Jerusalén, instituida por Judas Macabeo en el 164 antes de Cristo. La coincidencia de fechas significaría entonces que con Jesús, aparecido como luz de Dios en la noche, se realiza verdaderamente la consagración del templo, el Adviento de Dios a esta tierra.
En la cristiandad la fiesta de Navidad asumió una forma definida en el siglo IV, cuando tomó el lugar de la fiesta romana del "Sol invictus", el sol invencible; así se puso de relieve que el nacimiento de Cristo es la victoria de la verdadera luz sobre las tinieblas del mal y del pecado. Con todo, el particular e intenso clima espiritual que rodea la Navidad se desarrolló en la Edad Media, gracias a san Francisco de Asís, que estaba profundamente enamorado del hombre Jesús, del Dios-con-nosotros. Su primer biógrafo, Tomás de Celano, en la Vita seconda narra que san Francisco "por encima de las demás solemnidades, celebraba con inefable premura el Nacimiento del Niño Jesús, y llamaba fiesta de las fiestas al día en que Dios, hecho un niño pequeño, había sido amamantado por un seno humano" (Fonti Francescane, n. 199, p. 492). De esta particular devoción al misterio de la Encarnación se originó la famosa celebración de la Navidad en Greccio. Probablemente, para ella san Francisco se inspiró durante su peregrinación a Tierra Santa y en el pesebre de Santa María la Mayor en Roma. Lo que animaba al Poverello de Asís era el deseo de experimentar de forma concreta, viva y actual la humilde grandeza del acontecimiento del nacimiento del Niño Jesús y de comunicar su alegría a todos.
En la primera biografía, Tomás de Celano habla de la noche del belén de Greccio de una forma viva y conmovedora, dando una contribución decisiva a la difusión de la tradición navideña más hermosa, la del belén. La noche de Greccio devolvió a la cristiandad la intensidad y la belleza de la fiesta de la Navidad y educó al pueblo de Dios a captar su mensaje más auténtico, su calor particular, y a amar y adorar la humanidad de Cristo. Este particular enfoque de la Navidad ofreció a la fe cristiana una nueva dimensión. La Pascua había concentrado la atención sobre el poder de Dios que vence a la muerte, inaugura una nueva vida y enseña a esperar en el mundo futuro. Con san Francisco y su belén se ponían de relieve el amor inerme de Dios, su humildad y su benignidad, que en la Encarnación del Verbo se manifiesta a los hombres para enseñar un modo nuevo de vivir y de amar.
Celano narra que, en aquella noche de Navidad, le fue concedida a san Francisco la gracia de una visión maravillosa. Vio que en el pesebre yacía inmóvil un niño pequeño, que se despertó del sueño precisamente por la cercanía de san Francisco. Y añade: "Esta visión coincidía con los hechos, pues, por obra de su gracia que actuaba por medio de su santo siervo Francisco, el niño Jesús fue resucitado en el corazón de muchos que le habían olvidado, y quedó profundamente grabado en su memoria amorosa" (Vita prima, op. cit., n. 86, p. 307). Este cuadro describe con gran precisión todo lo que la fe viva y el amor de san Francisco a la humanidad de Cristo han transmitido a la fiesta cristiana de la Navidad: el descubrimiento de que Dios se revela en los tiernos miembros del Niño Jesús. Gracias a san Francisco, el pueblo cristiano ha podido percibir que en Navidad Dios ha llegado a ser verdaderamente el "Emmanuel", el Dios-con-nosotros, del que no nos separa ninguna barrera ni lejanía. En ese Niño, Dios se ha hecho tan próximo a cada uno de nosotros, tan cercano, que podemos tratarle de tú y mantener con él una relación confiada de profundo afecto, como lo hacemos con un recién nacido.
En ese Niño se manifiesta el Dios-Amor: Dios viene sin armas, sin la fuerza, porque no pretende conquistar, por decir así, desde fuera, sino que quiere más bien ser acogido libremente por el hombre; Dios se hace Niño inerme para vencer la soberbia, la violencia, el afán de poseer del hombre. En Jesús, Dios asumió esta condición pobre y conmovedora para vencer con el amor y llevarnos a nuestra verdadera identidad. No debemos olvidar que el título más grande de Jesucristo es precisamente el de "Hijo", Hijo de Dios; la dignidad divina se indica con un término que prolonga la referencia a la humilde condición del pesebre de Belén, aunque corresponda de manera única a su divinidad, que es la divinidad del "Hijo".
Su condición de Niño nos indica además cómo podemos encontrar a Dios y gozar de su presencia. A la luz de la Navidad podemos comprender las palabras de Jesús: "Si no os convertís y os hacéis como niños, no entraréis en el reino de los cielos" (Mt 18, 3). Quien no ha entendido el misterio de la Navidad, no ha entendido el elemento decisivo de la existencia cristiana. Quien no acoge a Jesús con corazón de niño, no puede entrar en el reino de los cielos; esto es lo que san Francisco quiso recordar a la cristiandad de su tiempo y de todos los tiempos, hasta hoy. Oremos al Padre para que conceda a nuestro corazón la sencillez que reconoce en el Niño al Señor, precisamente como hizo san Francisco en Greccio. Así pues, también a nosotros nos podría suceder lo que Tomás de Celano, refiriéndose a la experiencia de los pastores en la Noche Santa (cf. Lc 2, 20), narra a propósito de quienes estuvieron presentes en el acontecimiento de Greccio: "Cada uno volvió a su casa lleno de inefable alegría" (Vita prima, op. cit., n. 86, p. 479).
Este es el deseo que os expreso con afecto a todos vosotros, a vuestras familias y a vuestros seres queridos. ¡Feliz Navidad a todos!
[1] Cf. http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/audiences/2009/documents/hf_ben-xvi_aud_20091223_sp.html
[2] Cf. The First Christmas Crèche, in: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.com/2010/12/first-christmas-creche-by-angel-cepeda.html
The First Christmas Crèche, By Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
The First Christmas Crèche
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
This short communication is based on The Life of Saint Francis by Thomas Celano.
Francis called it a “crèche,” the French word for cradle. He created the first crèche using real people, a real manger, a real donkey and ox, and real shepherds.
He wanted to do something that would help people remember the Christ Child and how He was born in Bethlehem, to see and experience Jesus in the manger, lying on hay wait animals nearby.
It was Christmas Eve in the year 1223. At the appointed time, Friars and people from the area came to the new Bethlehem to celebrate. Their torches lit up the night as they approached the crèche. Once again, shepherds were walking in the night to come and adore Him. All were filled with joy over the mystery of the Birth of Christ. And a great tradition began.
As we gaze upon the Nativity Set at Church or in our own homes this year, may we remember and celebrate once again God´s love for His creation. Jesus Christ, to show His abundant love, mercy and forgiveness, became human exactly like us. This is what the crèche meant for Francis, and what it means for the seminarians and Capuchin friars at Saint Lawrence Seminary today. [1].
We promise to remember you and your intentions at Christmas.
The Cultural Topics Community is grateful for the seminarians, Capuchin friars, and to Father Fr. Dennis Duggan, OFM, Capuchin & Rector of the Saint Lawrence Seminary, for sending me, a beautiful Christmas card, which is included in our Christmas message and happy New Year 2011 card.
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Cultural Topics Editor
[1] Cf. Saint Lawrence Seminary, in: www.stlawrence.edu
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
This short communication is based on The Life of Saint Francis by Thomas Celano.
Francis called it a “crèche,” the French word for cradle. He created the first crèche using real people, a real manger, a real donkey and ox, and real shepherds.
He wanted to do something that would help people remember the Christ Child and how He was born in Bethlehem, to see and experience Jesus in the manger, lying on hay wait animals nearby.
It was Christmas Eve in the year 1223. At the appointed time, Friars and people from the area came to the new Bethlehem to celebrate. Their torches lit up the night as they approached the crèche. Once again, shepherds were walking in the night to come and adore Him. All were filled with joy over the mystery of the Birth of Christ. And a great tradition began.
As we gaze upon the Nativity Set at Church or in our own homes this year, may we remember and celebrate once again God´s love for His creation. Jesus Christ, to show His abundant love, mercy and forgiveness, became human exactly like us. This is what the crèche meant for Francis, and what it means for the seminarians and Capuchin friars at Saint Lawrence Seminary today. [1].
We promise to remember you and your intentions at Christmas.
The Cultural Topics Community is grateful for the seminarians, Capuchin friars, and to Father Fr. Dennis Duggan, OFM, Capuchin & Rector of the Saint Lawrence Seminary, for sending me, a beautiful Christmas card, which is included in our Christmas message and happy New Year 2011 card.
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Cultural Topics Editor
[1] Cf. Saint Lawrence Seminary, in: www.stlawrence.edu
domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010
U.S.A. In Turmoil, By Roger Behra
U.S.A. In Turmoil
Roger Behra
The word turmoil means a state of confusion and trouble, and millions of Americans feel that is the present state of affairs in the U.S.A. Their gut feelings are very correct. Many Americans also feel that the light at the end of the tunnel is very dim, indeed, and there are several factors to consider that feeds this very pessimistic outlook in America.
It all begins with the Obama administration and his Washington super liberals. They have America in debt to the tune of billions that last for one or more generations. Their stimulus program cost billions and did little help for the very bad economy. The mid-year election hopes to change things in Washington, and it has to start soon.
It has to start with the very high unemployment situation that is the highest since the depression if the 1930’s. The Washington health care plan that they passed is a bad one. Home ownership has collapsed for millions. Banks are afraid to make loans to home buyers and to start new small businesses. Terrorism on American soil is a constant worry. The financial support of wars on foreign soil is a great drain on America’s finances because of her involvement. America’s ideals and goals are greatly unmatched by reality. And to top all of this off is the relative thinking and actions that faith in God, religious living, good moral principles, and proper execution of government are far down on the list of great importance.
Thirty-three percent of Americans think that efficient government executions of functions are more important than faith in God and good morality. Only sixteen percent said that God is important in governmental affairs. Nearly fifty percent think that God has no role in improving the American culture. That is at the root of the great decline in America’s culture. It was not always that way.
Once upon a time in the distant past, America was made up of God obeying, church going, moral, honest, and hard-working, and charitable Americans that made America orderly and successful and a great international leader. Americans of years ago knew that God and Godly living and His blessing were needed and so important. And then the counterculture people arrived and changed everything. Now, when fifty percent of Americans feel that God is not important and eighty-four percent feel morality is not important, we have America in turmoil. It is not a coincidence. It is an absolute parallel of events. And the very dim light at the end of the tunnel indicates the turmoil in America’s culture will continue, and that America will never be a great nation internationally ever again. It is good-bye time for America’s once upon a time greatness. It is so very sad, indeed.
R. B.
U.S.A. In Turmoil
Roger Behra
The word turmoil means a state of confusion and trouble, and millions of Americans feel that is the present state of affairs in the U.S.A. Their gut feelings are very correct. Many Americans also feel that the light at the end of the tunnel is very dim, indeed, and there are several factors to consider that feeds this very pessimistic outlook in America.
It all begins with the Obama administration and his Washington super liberals. They have America in debt to the tune of billions that last for one or more generations. Their stimulus program cost billions and did little help for the very bad economy. The mid-year election hopes to change things in Washington, and it has to start soon.
It has to start with the very high unemployment situation that is the highest since the depression if the 1930’s. The Washington health care plan that they passed is a bad one. Home ownership has collapsed for millions. Banks are afraid to make loans to home buyers and to start new small businesses. Terrorism on American soil is a constant worry. The financial support of wars on foreign soil is a great drain on America’s finances because of her involvement. America’s ideals and goals are greatly unmatched by reality. And to top all of this off is the relative thinking and actions that faith in God, religious living, good moral principles, and proper execution of government are far down on the list of great importance.
Thirty-three percent of Americans think that efficient government executions of functions are more important than faith in God and good morality. Only sixteen percent said that God is important in governmental affairs. Nearly fifty percent think that God has no role in improving the American culture. That is at the root of the great decline in America’s culture. It was not always that way.
Once upon a time in the distant past, America was made up of God obeying, church going, moral, honest, and hard-working, and charitable Americans that made America orderly and successful and a great international leader. Americans of years ago knew that God and Godly living and His blessing were needed and so important. And then the counterculture people arrived and changed everything. Now, when fifty percent of Americans feel that God is not important and eighty-four percent feel morality is not important, we have America in turmoil. It is not a coincidence. It is an absolute parallel of events. And the very dim light at the end of the tunnel indicates the turmoil in America’s culture will continue, and that America will never be a great nation internationally ever again. It is good-bye time for America’s once upon a time greatness. It is so very sad, indeed.
R. B.
These Evils Flourish, By Roger Behra
These Evils Flourish
Roger Behra
Three of the large group of evil behaviors have gained considerable practice and have become embedded in America’s culture, and they have gained considerable momentum during the past five years especially. These evil behaviors have seriously harmed America’s culture and tarnished her image in the minds of all Christian living people. Revelations of these evil behaviors have been frequently printed in newspapers and mentioned on radio and television. The there very addictive roost of evil being referred to here are internet pornography, immoral sex, and the greed for money. These evil addictions have ruined some very well-known lives and personal careers, especially during the 2009 and 2010 years.
Evil sex and the related activities to it top the list of the three types, and it badly stains character, ruins lives, and careers, especially those of well-known people. Teens and those all the way up to mature adults participate in evil sex. Teens as young as 12-years-old are now involved. Evil sex includes fornication, adultery, cohabitation, homosexuality, infidelity, and prostitution, as well as bisexuality. All of these are scourges individuals and to the culture in general.
A major cultural scourge in modern times is internet pornography. Millions of young and old have become addicted to it, and it is the root cause and urges to commit all kinds of evil behavior. The new evil activity is sexting. It has become a great evil addiction among very young teens, young adults, and, now, seniors. It has taken over in so many lives, and when it becomes public knowledge, lives and careers are greatly affected. Recently, some very well-known politicians, Hollywood people, several teachers, and a television evangelist have had their lives and careers affected.
The saying goes “money is the root of all evil”. That certainly is true in modern American culture. Some people combine money and evil sex to ruin their character and career. Tiger Woods is a great current example. Porno stars and prostitutes combine evil sex and money. Bernard Madoff ruined his senior life being involved and the organizer of a multi-billion dollar fraud scandal. The Mickey Mouse bank robber was recently caught after robbing several banks. A dozen banks have also been robbed by other robbers. California is fertile ground for bank robbers. A Southern California couple bragged on the Dr. Phil television show how they sold their shoplifted toys on E-Bay for 100,000 dollars. It led to their arrest and sentence to federal prison. All of these activities were evil for money.
No one is immune from three top flourishing modern evils. They are strongly addictive roots of evil. It takes daily religious living and strong character to quickly step back away from these flourishing evils, especially evil sex that is so easily accepted in modern American society and practiced by teens, young adults, older adults, and most recently, seniors.
R. B.
These Evils Flourish
Roger Behra
Three of the large group of evil behaviors have gained considerable practice and have become embedded in America’s culture, and they have gained considerable momentum during the past five years especially. These evil behaviors have seriously harmed America’s culture and tarnished her image in the minds of all Christian living people. Revelations of these evil behaviors have been frequently printed in newspapers and mentioned on radio and television. The there very addictive roost of evil being referred to here are internet pornography, immoral sex, and the greed for money. These evil addictions have ruined some very well-known lives and personal careers, especially during the 2009 and 2010 years.
Evil sex and the related activities to it top the list of the three types, and it badly stains character, ruins lives, and careers, especially those of well-known people. Teens and those all the way up to mature adults participate in evil sex. Teens as young as 12-years-old are now involved. Evil sex includes fornication, adultery, cohabitation, homosexuality, infidelity, and prostitution, as well as bisexuality. All of these are scourges individuals and to the culture in general.
A major cultural scourge in modern times is internet pornography. Millions of young and old have become addicted to it, and it is the root cause and urges to commit all kinds of evil behavior. The new evil activity is sexting. It has become a great evil addiction among very young teens, young adults, and, now, seniors. It has taken over in so many lives, and when it becomes public knowledge, lives and careers are greatly affected. Recently, some very well-known politicians, Hollywood people, several teachers, and a television evangelist have had their lives and careers affected.
The saying goes “money is the root of all evil”. That certainly is true in modern American culture. Some people combine money and evil sex to ruin their character and career. Tiger Woods is a great current example. Porno stars and prostitutes combine evil sex and money. Bernard Madoff ruined his senior life being involved and the organizer of a multi-billion dollar fraud scandal. The Mickey Mouse bank robber was recently caught after robbing several banks. A dozen banks have also been robbed by other robbers. California is fertile ground for bank robbers. A Southern California couple bragged on the Dr. Phil television show how they sold their shoplifted toys on E-Bay for 100,000 dollars. It led to their arrest and sentence to federal prison. All of these activities were evil for money.
No one is immune from three top flourishing modern evils. They are strongly addictive roots of evil. It takes daily religious living and strong character to quickly step back away from these flourishing evils, especially evil sex that is so easily accepted in modern American society and practiced by teens, young adults, older adults, and most recently, seniors.
R. B.
Another Freedom Lost, By Roger Behra
Another Freedom Lost
Roger Behra
Yes, it just had to happen in America, and the excuse once again is the threat of terrorism, but it is a giant step in the wrong direction, and the general public in America is upset. The anger and disgust is strongly directed at the Transportation Security Association (TSA), and it is absolutely justified because their latest maneuver is one-hundred-percent an invasion of privacy. There is no doubt.
The full-body scanner that images a person’s nude body and the all-body pat-down are the sources of anger expressed by airline passengers. Many airports in the United States have begun using these gross invasions of privacy methods, all as an excuse against terrorism. In essence the ordinary American who travels by airline has become the target instead of the terrorist. This time you have gone too far, Big Brother.
The scanners in use are the same as taking off all one’s cloths. The agents get a complete view of the naked body that leaves nothing to the imagination. It is totally unjustified, and a person has very just rights to objet. No one has a right to gaze upon all God gave a person, not even as a guard against terrorism. There is also and added worry. And that is the danger that later the images will have a far wider audience than ever imagined. Can you visualize the delight on some faces as the naked images are being seen in the back room at one´s self gratification? Over 35,000 courthouse images have been saved by U.S. Marshals. There is no telling what has been done with those in private.
Another added worry is there because the right of refusal is a legal choice. If a passenger rejects the full-body scanner, here comes the “enhanced” pat-down. It is not the gentle frisking of the past. Instead, it is aggressive probing of intimate zones-breasts, buttocks, and genitals in through crotch examination. Both the scanner and the pat-down is a very demeaning experience. It is very humiliating to say the least. It is totally unneeded, and it makes the airplane passenger the humiliated and angry target. The TSA is following the political correctness agenda fostered by Washington politicians, and it is making Americans the target instead of the terrorist. Terrorists do not look like Americans. Americans do not hate America. Islamics hate America. They practice Islam which condones terrorism. And the Islamics are the terrorists, and they aim their terror at America. The TSA should figure that out. Everyone else has.
No one is going to come to the aid of the airline passenger except the airline passenger. They have to keep a large, strong, and constant outcry against scanning and the pat-down procedures of seeing and handling of one’s private parts. Unless the passengers rebel against a degrading procedure and the serious invasion of privacy, the scanners and pat-downs will remain in effect, the TSA wins the game and more warped and ridiculous counterculture thinking will remain in America’s culture. The airline passenger has the power to regain and protect a precious freedom lost: No one has any right to see or touch one’s private area.
R. B.
Another Freedom Lost
Roger Behra
Yes, it just had to happen in America, and the excuse once again is the threat of terrorism, but it is a giant step in the wrong direction, and the general public in America is upset. The anger and disgust is strongly directed at the Transportation Security Association (TSA), and it is absolutely justified because their latest maneuver is one-hundred-percent an invasion of privacy. There is no doubt.
The full-body scanner that images a person’s nude body and the all-body pat-down are the sources of anger expressed by airline passengers. Many airports in the United States have begun using these gross invasions of privacy methods, all as an excuse against terrorism. In essence the ordinary American who travels by airline has become the target instead of the terrorist. This time you have gone too far, Big Brother.
The scanners in use are the same as taking off all one’s cloths. The agents get a complete view of the naked body that leaves nothing to the imagination. It is totally unjustified, and a person has very just rights to objet. No one has a right to gaze upon all God gave a person, not even as a guard against terrorism. There is also and added worry. And that is the danger that later the images will have a far wider audience than ever imagined. Can you visualize the delight on some faces as the naked images are being seen in the back room at one´s self gratification? Over 35,000 courthouse images have been saved by U.S. Marshals. There is no telling what has been done with those in private.
Another added worry is there because the right of refusal is a legal choice. If a passenger rejects the full-body scanner, here comes the “enhanced” pat-down. It is not the gentle frisking of the past. Instead, it is aggressive probing of intimate zones-breasts, buttocks, and genitals in through crotch examination. Both the scanner and the pat-down is a very demeaning experience. It is very humiliating to say the least. It is totally unneeded, and it makes the airplane passenger the humiliated and angry target. The TSA is following the political correctness agenda fostered by Washington politicians, and it is making Americans the target instead of the terrorist. Terrorists do not look like Americans. Americans do not hate America. Islamics hate America. They practice Islam which condones terrorism. And the Islamics are the terrorists, and they aim their terror at America. The TSA should figure that out. Everyone else has.
No one is going to come to the aid of the airline passenger except the airline passenger. They have to keep a large, strong, and constant outcry against scanning and the pat-down procedures of seeing and handling of one’s private parts. Unless the passengers rebel against a degrading procedure and the serious invasion of privacy, the scanners and pat-downs will remain in effect, the TSA wins the game and more warped and ridiculous counterculture thinking will remain in America’s culture. The airline passenger has the power to regain and protect a precious freedom lost: No one has any right to see or touch one’s private area.
R. B.
The Greatest Surprise, By Roger Behra
The Greatest Surprise
Roger Behra
There are an unimaginable number of people living today that is instore for the greatest surprise of their lives. And it can happen at any time. There can be no possible way to stop it from happening sooner or later, and when it happens to them, there will be no mistaking it for what it really is. It will be the final greeting of reality in their lives. And who is making up this unimaginable number of people? ATHEISTS! And what is the greatest surprise awaiting them? It will be their meeting with the God they so earnestly deny. As Gomer Pyle used to say on the program, Gomer Pyle, USMC, Surprise! Surprise!
This is what atheists need to know (agnostics also). Have no disbeliefs or doubts. God is! God exist! God is everywhere! God is the source of all good and love! God created the immense universe and us to enjoy it. They are His greatest earthly creations. God is all powerful and all knowing, and He is always there for us.
How is all this believable and known to us? Read the Holy Bible. Read the many books on people´s near death experiences. The revelation of their experiences is truly amazing. Read what went on during their NDE and how their lives were so greatly transformed. Talk to someone who has had a NDE. There is no doubt at all in their minds, heart, and lives that God exists. Talk to doctors, nurses, psychiatrist, and other science trained people who have had a near-death experience. Many experiencers who have not been under any medication have had a near-death experience. Many experiencers who have not been under any medication have had a NDE. So, it cannot be a hallucination or caused by any drug. And neither can the transformation in personal lives be blamed on drugs. Really, there is so much documented and convincing evidence available.
It is so true that near-death experiences smile often and give great hugs. They know that God exists, that He is the author of unconditional and all-encompassing love and eternal happiness, and that He is there for us now and eternally. It is so comforting to realize it.
Seek out and talk to some near-death experiences. Read books on the near-death experiences. Read the Bible. That way anyone can make the best of God´s great gift of life here and the gift of a happy eternity that awaits everyone who believes in God, keeps His Commandments, and loves Him and our neighbor.
Remember God’s precious gifts---our salvation, our life, and our free will. They were given to us to use wisely and from Mis great love for us.
The best advice to give to atheists (Agnostics, also) is this. Have an open mind. Investigate all the solid available evidence. There is plenty of it out there that God exists. It is overwhelming and totally convincing. And remember this: it is better to believe and lose nothing than to disbelieve and lose everything one’s happy eternity with God. Remember God’s own words. “If you deny Me here on earth, so will I deny later before My Father in Heaven.” Go forth as a believer.
R. B.
The Greatest Surprise
Roger Behra
There are an unimaginable number of people living today that is instore for the greatest surprise of their lives. And it can happen at any time. There can be no possible way to stop it from happening sooner or later, and when it happens to them, there will be no mistaking it for what it really is. It will be the final greeting of reality in their lives. And who is making up this unimaginable number of people? ATHEISTS! And what is the greatest surprise awaiting them? It will be their meeting with the God they so earnestly deny. As Gomer Pyle used to say on the program, Gomer Pyle, USMC, Surprise! Surprise!
This is what atheists need to know (agnostics also). Have no disbeliefs or doubts. God is! God exist! God is everywhere! God is the source of all good and love! God created the immense universe and us to enjoy it. They are His greatest earthly creations. God is all powerful and all knowing, and He is always there for us.
How is all this believable and known to us? Read the Holy Bible. Read the many books on people´s near death experiences. The revelation of their experiences is truly amazing. Read what went on during their NDE and how their lives were so greatly transformed. Talk to someone who has had a NDE. There is no doubt at all in their minds, heart, and lives that God exists. Talk to doctors, nurses, psychiatrist, and other science trained people who have had a near-death experience. Many experiencers who have not been under any medication have had a near-death experience. Many experiencers who have not been under any medication have had a NDE. So, it cannot be a hallucination or caused by any drug. And neither can the transformation in personal lives be blamed on drugs. Really, there is so much documented and convincing evidence available.
It is so true that near-death experiences smile often and give great hugs. They know that God exists, that He is the author of unconditional and all-encompassing love and eternal happiness, and that He is there for us now and eternally. It is so comforting to realize it.
Seek out and talk to some near-death experiences. Read books on the near-death experiences. Read the Bible. That way anyone can make the best of God´s great gift of life here and the gift of a happy eternity that awaits everyone who believes in God, keeps His Commandments, and loves Him and our neighbor.
Remember God’s precious gifts---our salvation, our life, and our free will. They were given to us to use wisely and from Mis great love for us.
The best advice to give to atheists (Agnostics, also) is this. Have an open mind. Investigate all the solid available evidence. There is plenty of it out there that God exists. It is overwhelming and totally convincing. And remember this: it is better to believe and lose nothing than to disbelieve and lose everything one’s happy eternity with God. Remember God’s own words. “If you deny Me here on earth, so will I deny later before My Father in Heaven.” Go forth as a believer.
R. B.
Intelligent Design Wins, By Roger Behra
Intelligent Design Wins
Roger Behra
In the American schools whenever the origin of the Universe and man is taught most all the teachers and professors work hard to keep God out of the equation. And that is most unfair to the students. When intelligent design is also taught it is very easy to realize that evolution is full of obvious holes. Without the comparison the students are very much misled. Intelligent design and creationism is greatly provable when properly presented, while evolution is only a theory.
The proof of intelligent design and human creation is their in the Holy Bible. During the seven days God used to complete his plans, He created the Universe. At the same time He created man in His own likeness. None of this happened by accident or over a long period of time. It all happened during a seven day period.
The Universe -sun, moon, stars, and planets- is so vast, so orderly, and so consistent, that it absolutely could not have been by chance. And the fact that it has remained so for and untold amount of time-year after year after year-greatly supports involvement. The billions of stars alone, all remaining in place, boggles the mind. And then there is the rest of the Universe, each part separately, to analyze and consider.
After the Universe was created, God created man in HIS OWN IMAGE AND LIKENESS. The excludes man evolving from apes or some other animal. Science has learned that the physical makeup of man is indeed, very, very complex to say the least. The simplest of cells appear so complex that they could not have been a product of evolution or come from an animal at any time. Darwin did not have any idea whatsoever about man’s very complex cell structure and overall complex physical makeup that could not possibly evolve from any type of animal. His promotion of evolution was a hollow and blind theory, and it still is. During the seven days of God’s creation of the Universe and man, it was orderly and intelligent design that could only come from Him. Nothing happened by accident, so the “Big Bang” theory can be discarded.
It is gratifying to know that many scientists respect intelligent design. They recognize a gift horse when it is staring them in the face. There was too much involved in His creation of the Universe and also the physical structure of man for any of it to happen by mere chance. Since man was created after the Universe, but was in God’s plan, He created the Universe in an orderly and stable way to accommodate man later. And it still does. All realistic thinking people realize that intelligent design (God’s) is the only realistic conclusion. It wins the debate without question.
R. B.
Intelligent Design Wins
Roger Behra
In the American schools whenever the origin of the Universe and man is taught most all the teachers and professors work hard to keep God out of the equation. And that is most unfair to the students. When intelligent design is also taught it is very easy to realize that evolution is full of obvious holes. Without the comparison the students are very much misled. Intelligent design and creationism is greatly provable when properly presented, while evolution is only a theory.
The proof of intelligent design and human creation is their in the Holy Bible. During the seven days God used to complete his plans, He created the Universe. At the same time He created man in His own likeness. None of this happened by accident or over a long period of time. It all happened during a seven day period.
The Universe -sun, moon, stars, and planets- is so vast, so orderly, and so consistent, that it absolutely could not have been by chance. And the fact that it has remained so for and untold amount of time-year after year after year-greatly supports involvement. The billions of stars alone, all remaining in place, boggles the mind. And then there is the rest of the Universe, each part separately, to analyze and consider.
After the Universe was created, God created man in HIS OWN IMAGE AND LIKENESS. The excludes man evolving from apes or some other animal. Science has learned that the physical makeup of man is indeed, very, very complex to say the least. The simplest of cells appear so complex that they could not have been a product of evolution or come from an animal at any time. Darwin did not have any idea whatsoever about man’s very complex cell structure and overall complex physical makeup that could not possibly evolve from any type of animal. His promotion of evolution was a hollow and blind theory, and it still is. During the seven days of God’s creation of the Universe and man, it was orderly and intelligent design that could only come from Him. Nothing happened by accident, so the “Big Bang” theory can be discarded.
It is gratifying to know that many scientists respect intelligent design. They recognize a gift horse when it is staring them in the face. There was too much involved in His creation of the Universe and also the physical structure of man for any of it to happen by mere chance. Since man was created after the Universe, but was in God’s plan, He created the Universe in an orderly and stable way to accommodate man later. And it still does. All realistic thinking people realize that intelligent design (God’s) is the only realistic conclusion. It wins the debate without question.
R. B.
sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010
The Importance of Prayer, By Roger Behra
The Importance of Prayer
Roger Behra
A great multitude of people around the world do not have any idea about prayer that prayer can do in their lives, or how to pray effectively. They wander through life oblivious to the importance and power of prayer in their lives hand how prayer can change a life. They do not know how to pray or to whom to pray.
Prayer is a formal request that can be written or spontaneous that asks God, His Blessed Mother, or the Saints for special help, guidance, or gives thanks for a request answered. Prayers can be said at any time, but prayers usually begin the day or at night before retiring. They are also said at church services and before and after meals. And they are certainly said in time of danger and catastrophe.
Recently a survey was taken asking Americans of bringing God back into people’s lives would help in restoring America’s honor and future. Remember, the counter-culture movement started in the 1960’s pushed God out of the way. Fifty-percent of Americans said they did not think so. That reply nearly coincides with the sixty-percent of Americans who do not practice religious living. And the greatly degenerated, immoral, chaotic, and disturbing condition of America’s culture is a direct result of the thinking of 56%-60% of Americans. It is not a coincidence, folks. It is a direct result.
The honor and future of America requires direct involvement with God, prayer, good morals, and with efficient execution of civil function. And the direct involvement with God comes through prayer-individual and group prayer.
Prayer not only brings God into the situation directly, which is most necessary, it will help American’s daily lives to maintain good morality and ethical principles individually. As long as Americans do not think God is most important in improving individual lives and therefore the honor and future of America, it will never happen. All humans are flawed and imperfect, and without God’s help directly through prayer improvement is never possible. We need as much of God’s graces as possible. God puts us on the path to that when He said, “Ask, and you will receive.” Unfortunately, if we do not ask, we do not receive. It’s so very simple.
The following prayer can be said at anytime but especially at bedtime, during a dangerous time, before surgery, or at the point of death. If it is said with true sorrow it means the difference between a happy or unhappy eternity. Memorize it. “Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for all my sins, and I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who is worthy of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of thy grace, sin no more and to avoid all the occasions of sin. Amen.
R. B.
The Importance of Prayer
Roger Behra
A great multitude of people around the world do not have any idea about prayer that prayer can do in their lives, or how to pray effectively. They wander through life oblivious to the importance and power of prayer in their lives hand how prayer can change a life. They do not know how to pray or to whom to pray.
Prayer is a formal request that can be written or spontaneous that asks God, His Blessed Mother, or the Saints for special help, guidance, or gives thanks for a request answered. Prayers can be said at any time, but prayers usually begin the day or at night before retiring. They are also said at church services and before and after meals. And they are certainly said in time of danger and catastrophe.
Recently a survey was taken asking Americans of bringing God back into people’s lives would help in restoring America’s honor and future. Remember, the counter-culture movement started in the 1960’s pushed God out of the way. Fifty-percent of Americans said they did not think so. That reply nearly coincides with the sixty-percent of Americans who do not practice religious living. And the greatly degenerated, immoral, chaotic, and disturbing condition of America’s culture is a direct result of the thinking of 56%-60% of Americans. It is not a coincidence, folks. It is a direct result.
The honor and future of America requires direct involvement with God, prayer, good morals, and with efficient execution of civil function. And the direct involvement with God comes through prayer-individual and group prayer.
Prayer not only brings God into the situation directly, which is most necessary, it will help American’s daily lives to maintain good morality and ethical principles individually. As long as Americans do not think God is most important in improving individual lives and therefore the honor and future of America, it will never happen. All humans are flawed and imperfect, and without God’s help directly through prayer improvement is never possible. We need as much of God’s graces as possible. God puts us on the path to that when He said, “Ask, and you will receive.” Unfortunately, if we do not ask, we do not receive. It’s so very simple.
The following prayer can be said at anytime but especially at bedtime, during a dangerous time, before surgery, or at the point of death. If it is said with true sorrow it means the difference between a happy or unhappy eternity. Memorize it. “Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for all my sins, and I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who is worthy of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of thy grace, sin no more and to avoid all the occasions of sin. Amen.
R. B.
jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010
America’s Immoral Tailspin, By Roger Behra
America’s Immoral Tailspin
Roger Behra
If any American thinks that America is going to reverse course and pull out of her very immoral culture, a recent survey indicates that is not going to happen any tine soon. The survey took place in New York City, and it involved teens in the age groups thirteen through eighteen. The information gathered and recently revealed is both disheartening and sad.
It is bad enough that America´s adults are steeped in immorality. Now the New York City survey adds teens to the list. Teens are America´s future hope of adding a new leaf to America´s culture, but that seems very unlikely.
The New York City survey revealed several disturbing factors about teen sex. There has been a great increase in teen sex that includes teens as young as 13-years-old. That is not surprising considering the increase also in teens being poorly grounded in religious living within their family life and the availability of internet pornography. That is a deadly combination that greatly influences teen behavior along with their peer-group pressure. It is disturbing enough that so many teens are involved in teen sex, but the kinds of teen sex adds to this unacceptable behavior.
The study analyzed 17,220 public health surveys. It found that more than 33% of teens had same-sex encounters. That is very astonishing and very dangerous for teens and very, very immoral teen behavior. Of all the students who completed the survey, 7,261 engaged in sexual intercourse, and 9.3% reported at least one same sex partner. And the behavior was increasingly risky and violent. The survey also showed that students who had both male and female partners have enormous adverse health problems. The varied kinds of teen sexual behavior revealed in the study raised many eyebrows, indeed.
Another alarming outcome of the survey is the fact that so much teen sex and the various kinds leaves teens with the lack of support from adults and peers, and that leads to great depression because of the social stigma.
The bottom line of all of this is teen sex should be avoided at all costs. God doesn’t want it to happen. Parents do not want it to happen. Teens later regret it also. And it is gravely immoral. Aids are a constant worry. Violence can happen at any time. Teen sex is not only morally, socially and psychologically wrong, it can be dangerous and a life changing situation that can never be easily remedied.
R. B.
America’s Immoral Tailspin
Roger Behra
If any American thinks that America is going to reverse course and pull out of her very immoral culture, a recent survey indicates that is not going to happen any tine soon. The survey took place in New York City, and it involved teens in the age groups thirteen through eighteen. The information gathered and recently revealed is both disheartening and sad.
It is bad enough that America´s adults are steeped in immorality. Now the New York City survey adds teens to the list. Teens are America´s future hope of adding a new leaf to America´s culture, but that seems very unlikely.
The New York City survey revealed several disturbing factors about teen sex. There has been a great increase in teen sex that includes teens as young as 13-years-old. That is not surprising considering the increase also in teens being poorly grounded in religious living within their family life and the availability of internet pornography. That is a deadly combination that greatly influences teen behavior along with their peer-group pressure. It is disturbing enough that so many teens are involved in teen sex, but the kinds of teen sex adds to this unacceptable behavior.
The study analyzed 17,220 public health surveys. It found that more than 33% of teens had same-sex encounters. That is very astonishing and very dangerous for teens and very, very immoral teen behavior. Of all the students who completed the survey, 7,261 engaged in sexual intercourse, and 9.3% reported at least one same sex partner. And the behavior was increasingly risky and violent. The survey also showed that students who had both male and female partners have enormous adverse health problems. The varied kinds of teen sexual behavior revealed in the study raised many eyebrows, indeed.
Another alarming outcome of the survey is the fact that so much teen sex and the various kinds leaves teens with the lack of support from adults and peers, and that leads to great depression because of the social stigma.
The bottom line of all of this is teen sex should be avoided at all costs. God doesn’t want it to happen. Parents do not want it to happen. Teens later regret it also. And it is gravely immoral. Aids are a constant worry. Violence can happen at any time. Teen sex is not only morally, socially and psychologically wrong, it can be dangerous and a life changing situation that can never be easily remedied.
R. B.
Disenchanted American Voters, By Roger Behra
Disenchanted American Voters
Roger Behra
With another election coming on November 2, 2010, voter disillusionment in the United States keeps growing as time passes, and the momentum has greatly increased since the year 2000. And the frustration may very well increase after the November 2 election because there are so many propositions on the ballot.
What always rekindles the disillusion and frustration after the votes are counted, especially in California, are the many propositions This November there are nine of them. It never fails that propositions voted into law end up in the courts of law to be decided by federal judges who with the stroke of their pens overturn the votes of millions of voters. That is the discouraging factor.
Several years ago California voters passed Proposition 8 disallowing same-sex marriages. Over seven-million votes were cast in favor of Proposition 8. Now it is in the system and may go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court where there is a good chance Proposition 8 will be ruled unconstitutional. That will anger millions of voters in California.
What is also disappointing and disturbing to a large degree about liberal federal judges making decisions that overturn millions of votes is the personal bias and behavior of some of the judges. In the case of Proposition 8 that concerns gay behavior, an openly gay federal judge presided over a very important matter concerning gays. He did not have the good sense to excuse himself to avoid the impression of a biased decision.
And then there are the despicable personal behavior cases of two other federal judges who were arrested on serious matters. One federal judge had to resign in disgrace when it became known to authorities he was involved in computer activity and gravely immoral activity with young boys. Recently, October, 2010 a federal judge in Atlanta, Georgia, was arrested on drug and gun charges after an exotic dancer at a strip club told authorities the judge used cocaine, marijuana, and other illegal drugs with her. Soon authorities arrested Judge Camp as soon as he handed over $ 160 to undercover law enforcement for cocaine and a narcotic medication that was intended for use with the exotic dancer. Two firearms were also found in the front seat of his vehicle. This is totally unacceptable and gravely immoral behavior from anyone having the trust of the people.
These are recent cases concerning personal behavior and biases of federal judges who are in a position to make decisions of great importance to millions of people. It is totally unacceptable that moral decisions of the voters can be over turned by immoral federal judges. Serious changes must be made soon. Future votes that end up in the courts of law depend on it. And if the courts overturn Proposition 8 and allow same-sex marriages in California a boat load of California voters (7.5 million) are going to be fit to be tied immediately if not sooner. It will be known in December, 2010 after the November election. Now, isn’t that a coincidence? Oh, my goodness, after the November election: (Some quiet laughter here.)
R. B.
Disenchanted American Voters
Roger Behra
With another election coming on November 2, 2010, voter disillusionment in the United States keeps growing as time passes, and the momentum has greatly increased since the year 2000. And the frustration may very well increase after the November 2 election because there are so many propositions on the ballot.
What always rekindles the disillusion and frustration after the votes are counted, especially in California, are the many propositions This November there are nine of them. It never fails that propositions voted into law end up in the courts of law to be decided by federal judges who with the stroke of their pens overturn the votes of millions of voters. That is the discouraging factor.
Several years ago California voters passed Proposition 8 disallowing same-sex marriages. Over seven-million votes were cast in favor of Proposition 8. Now it is in the system and may go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court where there is a good chance Proposition 8 will be ruled unconstitutional. That will anger millions of voters in California.
What is also disappointing and disturbing to a large degree about liberal federal judges making decisions that overturn millions of votes is the personal bias and behavior of some of the judges. In the case of Proposition 8 that concerns gay behavior, an openly gay federal judge presided over a very important matter concerning gays. He did not have the good sense to excuse himself to avoid the impression of a biased decision.
And then there are the despicable personal behavior cases of two other federal judges who were arrested on serious matters. One federal judge had to resign in disgrace when it became known to authorities he was involved in computer activity and gravely immoral activity with young boys. Recently, October, 2010 a federal judge in Atlanta, Georgia, was arrested on drug and gun charges after an exotic dancer at a strip club told authorities the judge used cocaine, marijuana, and other illegal drugs with her. Soon authorities arrested Judge Camp as soon as he handed over $ 160 to undercover law enforcement for cocaine and a narcotic medication that was intended for use with the exotic dancer. Two firearms were also found in the front seat of his vehicle. This is totally unacceptable and gravely immoral behavior from anyone having the trust of the people.
These are recent cases concerning personal behavior and biases of federal judges who are in a position to make decisions of great importance to millions of people. It is totally unacceptable that moral decisions of the voters can be over turned by immoral federal judges. Serious changes must be made soon. Future votes that end up in the courts of law depend on it. And if the courts overturn Proposition 8 and allow same-sex marriages in California a boat load of California voters (7.5 million) are going to be fit to be tied immediately if not sooner. It will be known in December, 2010 after the November election. Now, isn’t that a coincidence? Oh, my goodness, after the November election: (Some quiet laughter here.)
R. B.
Some Preventable Tragedies, By Roger Behra
Some Preventable Tragedies
Roger Behra
Among all the negative things going on in America’s culture there is one topic Americans avoid discussing as it has gained considerable momentum during the last year alone. And that is the topic of teen suicide. It needs to be discussed, so that corrections can be made. There are good reasons why a teen decides to end a life.
The teen suicide tragedy in most all cases starts with the parents. And that is most likely the reason why the topic is avoided. Parents would have to make big and important changes in their philosophy of life and mode of living.
It is not a coincidence that as more and more parents have avoided religious type living the teen suicide rate has progressively increased. Over sixty-percent Of Americans now do not practice religious living. So there is a definite correlation between parent and teen behaviors. And in far too many cases it ends with a teen suicide.
A 16-year-old softball star hangs herself. A 15-year-old girl stands in front of a moving train. A 20-year-old man lights himself, on fire and jumps to his death off a cliff. A Rutgers University student filmed by fellow students as he engaged in homosexual sex later hanged himself after the films was seen on computers by thousands of people. These suicides are very likely the result of the common reason called the behavioral chain of events. And it always starts with the parents.
Parents do not practice daily religious living. Teen is brought up not as any kind of Christian in a non-religious living environment. Teen doesn’t know that he is creature of God accountable to God for all thoughts, words, and actions. Teen later goes to school and is surrounded by other teens brought up in the same environment and with the same poorly developed consciences and who do not know why they are here, what they should be doing, and where they go after earthly ends. As a result the teens have a very blurry conception between right and wrong and what is correct and incorrect. In the end much too soon teen snuffs out a life and a God ordained destiny.
Now you can understand how it all develops with parental philosophy, behavior, and the resulting childhood and teen home environment. Until parents realize from the very beginning that no religious living in the home environment is a very disastrous way of behaving and living, the teen suicide rate will increase year after year, and that the are basically at fault. Parents must also realize that a non-religious living home environment leads to other criminal behavior that is disastrous also. Parents have to come to their senses and help prevent so many tragedies here on earth and very unhappy eternities later for their children well as for themselves.
R. B.
Some Preventable Tragedies
Roger Behra
Among all the negative things going on in America’s culture there is one topic Americans avoid discussing as it has gained considerable momentum during the last year alone. And that is the topic of teen suicide. It needs to be discussed, so that corrections can be made. There are good reasons why a teen decides to end a life.
The teen suicide tragedy in most all cases starts with the parents. And that is most likely the reason why the topic is avoided. Parents would have to make big and important changes in their philosophy of life and mode of living.
It is not a coincidence that as more and more parents have avoided religious type living the teen suicide rate has progressively increased. Over sixty-percent Of Americans now do not practice religious living. So there is a definite correlation between parent and teen behaviors. And in far too many cases it ends with a teen suicide.
A 16-year-old softball star hangs herself. A 15-year-old girl stands in front of a moving train. A 20-year-old man lights himself, on fire and jumps to his death off a cliff. A Rutgers University student filmed by fellow students as he engaged in homosexual sex later hanged himself after the films was seen on computers by thousands of people. These suicides are very likely the result of the common reason called the behavioral chain of events. And it always starts with the parents.
Parents do not practice daily religious living. Teen is brought up not as any kind of Christian in a non-religious living environment. Teen doesn’t know that he is creature of God accountable to God for all thoughts, words, and actions. Teen later goes to school and is surrounded by other teens brought up in the same environment and with the same poorly developed consciences and who do not know why they are here, what they should be doing, and where they go after earthly ends. As a result the teens have a very blurry conception between right and wrong and what is correct and incorrect. In the end much too soon teen snuffs out a life and a God ordained destiny.
Now you can understand how it all develops with parental philosophy, behavior, and the resulting childhood and teen home environment. Until parents realize from the very beginning that no religious living in the home environment is a very disastrous way of behaving and living, the teen suicide rate will increase year after year, and that the are basically at fault. Parents must also realize that a non-religious living home environment leads to other criminal behavior that is disastrous also. Parents have to come to their senses and help prevent so many tragedies here on earth and very unhappy eternities later for their children well as for themselves.
R. B.
miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010
Words of Famous Democrats, By Roger Behra
Words of Famous Democrats
Roger Behra
In anyone wonders why America is in the sad shape she is in all that has to be done is to pay attention to the words and actions of the super liberal Democrat Party and the influential members of that party. The following members mentioned hare are very well known, and the words attached to them in this communication are their exact words. They are the exact words of Democrat Party nincompoops. A nincompoop is a stupid of foolish person, and the Democrat Party is full of them. Read on thanks to Yahoo! Mail, http:us.mc658.mail.yahoo.com/mc/welcome?
The following groups of Democrats are well known and can be classified as famous dynamic duds who harm their party and the culture of America. Here are some of their exact words.
Hillary Clinton: -wife of retired U.S. President Bill Clinton. In 1998 she said “Bill is the greatest husband, father, and no one is more faithful, true, and honest.” Shortly thereafter the White House sex scandal came to light about Bill and Monica Lewinsky for the whole world’s knowledge.
Bill Clinton: -at his impeachment trial. “It depends on your definition of sex.”
Jesse Jackson: -the famous American reverend who cheated on his wife. “That Obama, I would like to cut his NUTS off.”
Al Gore: -retired U.S. Vice-President. “I invented the Internet.” How believable is that?
Nancy Pelosi: -speaker of the House. “You don’t need God anymore. You have us Democrats.” “We have to pass the Healthcare Bill to see what’s in it.” She is called the “MOTHER MORON”.
Joe Biden: -the current U.S. Vice-President and professed Catholic. “The next person that tells me I’m not religious, I’m going to shove my rosary beads up their ASS. “These words of his are such bad taste and very unacceptable.
Barack Obama: -the current U.S. President. “I have campaigned in all 57 states. “Mr. President, there are only 50 states- “America is no longer, uh, what it, uh, could be, uh, and I say to myself, uh, I don’t want that future, uh, uh, for my children!” Instead, he is going to give them a financially bankrupt and socialistic America at a very fast pace.
When well known Americans in high places throughout America give such bad example through their speech and thoughts the impression is very poor at best. It is no surprise that America is quite morally bankrupt as well as financially bankrupt also. This group is a classic example of counterculture behavior-just do or say it whether it is right or wrong. All these people are Democrats who want to replace God as Nancy Pelosi so unashamedly stated.
R. B.
Words of Famous Democrats
Roger Behra
In anyone wonders why America is in the sad shape she is in all that has to be done is to pay attention to the words and actions of the super liberal Democrat Party and the influential members of that party. The following members mentioned hare are very well known, and the words attached to them in this communication are their exact words. They are the exact words of Democrat Party nincompoops. A nincompoop is a stupid of foolish person, and the Democrat Party is full of them. Read on thanks to Yahoo! Mail, http:us.mc658.mail.yahoo.com/mc/welcome?
The following groups of Democrats are well known and can be classified as famous dynamic duds who harm their party and the culture of America. Here are some of their exact words.
Hillary Clinton: -wife of retired U.S. President Bill Clinton. In 1998 she said “Bill is the greatest husband, father, and no one is more faithful, true, and honest.” Shortly thereafter the White House sex scandal came to light about Bill and Monica Lewinsky for the whole world’s knowledge.
Bill Clinton: -at his impeachment trial. “It depends on your definition of sex.”
Jesse Jackson: -the famous American reverend who cheated on his wife. “That Obama, I would like to cut his NUTS off.”
Al Gore: -retired U.S. Vice-President. “I invented the Internet.” How believable is that?
Nancy Pelosi: -speaker of the House. “You don’t need God anymore. You have us Democrats.” “We have to pass the Healthcare Bill to see what’s in it.” She is called the “MOTHER MORON”.
Joe Biden: -the current U.S. Vice-President and professed Catholic. “The next person that tells me I’m not religious, I’m going to shove my rosary beads up their ASS. “These words of his are such bad taste and very unacceptable.
Barack Obama: -the current U.S. President. “I have campaigned in all 57 states. “Mr. President, there are only 50 states- “America is no longer, uh, what it, uh, could be, uh, and I say to myself, uh, I don’t want that future, uh, uh, for my children!” Instead, he is going to give them a financially bankrupt and socialistic America at a very fast pace.
When well known Americans in high places throughout America give such bad example through their speech and thoughts the impression is very poor at best. It is no surprise that America is quite morally bankrupt as well as financially bankrupt also. This group is a classic example of counterculture behavior-just do or say it whether it is right or wrong. All these people are Democrats who want to replace God as Nancy Pelosi so unashamedly stated.
R. B.
sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010
Cambio Climático de Berlín a Cancún, México Por Angel R. Cepeda D.
Cambio Climático de Berlín a Cancún México
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
“El Señor es mi Luz y mi Salvación” Salmo 27 [26]
El interés por el Cambio Climático se oficializa en el escenario internacional en Berlín en 1995, de esa fecha se han realizado un total 17 Conferencias sobre el Cambio Climático, considerando la última que se realiza actualmente en Cancún, México 2010. [1]
Algunos antecedentes de la Cumbre del Clima desde Berlín hasta Cancún, para tener una panorámica del recorrido inicial a la actualidad, ver el Cuadro 1, Cuadro elaborado por Tópicos Culturales con motivo de la XVII Conferencia sobre Cambio Climático en Cancún México 2010, esperando que la Luz de Cristo brille sobre las tinieblas y se Dignifique y beneficie a la Persona Humana y el Bien Común.
En Mayo 9, 1922, en New York, US, fue adoptada La Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC) y entro en vigor en Marzo 21, 1994. En la Convención se fija el objetivo último de estabilizar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero "a un nivel que impida interferencias antropógenas peligrosas en el sistema climático". Se declara asimismo que "ese nivel debería lograrse en un plazo suficiente para permitir que los ecosistemas se adapten naturalmente al cambio climático, asegurar que la producción de alimentos no se vea amenazada y permitir que el desarrollo económico prosiga de manera sostenible"[2]. Se encuentran adheridos a la Convención 194 países, incluyendo a México, y como observadores dos países Andorra y el Vaticano. [3]. La Conferencia de las Partes (CP) es el “órgano supremo” de la Convención, es decir su máxima autoridad con capacidad de decisión. Es una asociación de todos los países que son Partes en la Convención. La CP se encarga de mantener los esfuerzos internacionales por resolver los problemas del cambio climático.[4].
[1]Cf. http://cc2010.mx/es/
[2] Cf. http://unfccc.int/portal_espanol/items/3093.php; y,
[3] Cf. http://unfccc.int/essential_background/convention/status_of_ratification/items/2631.php
[4] Cf. Nota [1] y, http://unfccc.int/portal_espanol/essential_background/convention/convention_bodies/items/3325.php
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
“El Señor es mi Luz y mi Salvación” Salmo 27 [26]
El interés por el Cambio Climático se oficializa en el escenario internacional en Berlín en 1995, de esa fecha se han realizado un total 17 Conferencias sobre el Cambio Climático, considerando la última que se realiza actualmente en Cancún, México 2010. [1]
Algunos antecedentes de la Cumbre del Clima desde Berlín hasta Cancún, para tener una panorámica del recorrido inicial a la actualidad, ver el Cuadro 1, Cuadro elaborado por Tópicos Culturales con motivo de la XVII Conferencia sobre Cambio Climático en Cancún México 2010, esperando que la Luz de Cristo brille sobre las tinieblas y se Dignifique y beneficie a la Persona Humana y el Bien Común.
En Mayo 9, 1922, en New York, US, fue adoptada La Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC) y entro en vigor en Marzo 21, 1994. En la Convención se fija el objetivo último de estabilizar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero "a un nivel que impida interferencias antropógenas peligrosas en el sistema climático". Se declara asimismo que "ese nivel debería lograrse en un plazo suficiente para permitir que los ecosistemas se adapten naturalmente al cambio climático, asegurar que la producción de alimentos no se vea amenazada y permitir que el desarrollo económico prosiga de manera sostenible"[2]. Se encuentran adheridos a la Convención 194 países, incluyendo a México, y como observadores dos países Andorra y el Vaticano. [3]. La Conferencia de las Partes (CP) es el “órgano supremo” de la Convención, es decir su máxima autoridad con capacidad de decisión. Es una asociación de todos los países que son Partes en la Convención. La CP se encarga de mantener los esfuerzos internacionales por resolver los problemas del cambio climático.[4].
[1]Cf. http://cc2010.mx/es/
[2] Cf. http://unfccc.int/portal_espanol/items/3093.php; y,
[3] Cf. http://unfccc.int/essential_background/convention/status_of_ratification/items/2631.php
[4] Cf. Nota [1] y, http://unfccc.int/portal_espanol/essential_background/convention/convention_bodies/items/3325.php
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Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"
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Octubre 2012


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JUNIO 2012
MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
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marzo 2012

ENERO 2012

enero 2012
Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

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DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013

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Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

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