Three Necessary Aspects
Roger Behra
There is a certain reason why fifty-percent of marriages in America end in divorce. That alarm statistic is another result of defective thinking on the part of America’s counterculture people in general and couples in particular. Fifty percent of modern day couples do not know or accept the three vital aspects of a successful and thriving marriage. They are absolutely necessary, and without all three, the unions are on shakey ground from the very beginning.
It is also a fact that sixty-percent of Americans do not practice Christian living, and coupled with the fifty-percent of divorces, it is interesting to note the correlation. One is leading to the other it seems. And that indicates the first and most important aspect of a successful marriage, the spiritual aspect, is missing. It is not considered at all or taken very, very lightly. If the spiritual aspect of life in general is practiced daily, then it automatically becomes a part of a marriage. So, the reverse is true also. The spiritual aspect means God is important and that His laws are of importance and is necessary in a fruitful and successful marital union.
Also very important is the cultivation of the love aspect between spouses in a marriage. Love for a spouse is the strong feeling of fondness and friendship, aside from sex. Spouses should be each others best friends. The stronger the fondness and friendship the less chance of failure, and the intimate part of the union will flourish to much higher degree.
All marriages have to be recognized as reasonable and acceptable, so legal aspect is very important. It legitimizes the union and protects the rights of the both spouses when done according to civil and religious laws.
Marriage cannot be taken lightly, approached haphazardly, or meerly to satisfy sexual urges. The foundation has to be very solid and well prepared in order to withstand the test of time. Cohabitation and pre-marital sex are to be avoided. They are already strike two in a prospective marriage, and a probable ticket to join the fifty-percent of marriage failures.
R. B.