miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

No More Obama, By Roger Behra


No More Obama


Roger Behra

All the American voters who fell for Obama’s promises and rhetoric during his campaigning for U.S. president during 2008 are now falling away from him in droves during 2010. A large percentage of people have caught on to him, and they do not like his thinking, his political actions, and how he lied to them in 2008. Obama is very well living up to the old joke about all politicians. How do you tell if a politician is lying to you? You can tell when his lips are moving.

Millions of Americans in general are extremely disappointed, distrustful, and in many cases just plain angry at Obama after his first 20 months in office. The strong realization is that the harm already done is not going to be reversed any time soon. The complete opposite of so many promises he made in 2008 has angry feelings flourishing.

During Obama’s 2008 campaigning America was promised an open and transparent administration. Just the opposite has happened. Obama promised an end the bickering between Republicans and Democrats. That has not happened. Obama promised to adopt a shelter dog. The exact opposite took place. Obama promised to be a post-racial president. That never materialized. All Americans were promised unemployment would go over 8 percent. It raced to over 12 percent, and in August, 2010 it is stuck at 9.5 percent. And no relief is in sight. The healthcare changover and the promises and methods to pass it rank among the biggest lies and behind the scenes action in modern times. Most Americans are against the healthcare change. And all the olive branches he extended to America’s enemies have backfired. There is no doubt Obama is clearly disconnected from Americans, and they regard him as very distrustful and inexperienced.

The sad fact is so much harm has already been done. And 28 more months of him and his administration is very scary. America’s only hope is that Obama thinks before he opens his mouth in the coming months, and the midterm elections in November, 2010 cuts into his administration’s power.

American’s have the mass media and the age group 19 to 26 blame for Obama becoming president. The mass media was in love with Obama during his campaigning days. And the misguided 19 to 26 age group fell for his rhetoric and false promises. Now they cannot find a job and are part of the 9.5 percent of the unemployed. They are a large part of the discontented group who want no more Obama.

R. B.