domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

Proposition 8 Must Prevail, By Roger Behra


Proposition 8 Must Prevail


Roger Behra

The biggest turnoff for American voters who vote in California elections is to have something they overwhelmingly approved thorough their votes end up in a court of law before a judge who overturns their votes with the stroke of his pen. It has happened several times in the past, and now it is about to happen again soon. This time it is Proposition 8 in California.

Proposition 8 bans same-sex marriages in California, and a good majority of Californians spoke against same-sex marriages with their votes. They feel same-sex marriages are an insult to the proper cultural order of marriage between a man and a woman. The voter’s moral compass was headed in the correct direction, and that a ban has to be in place. Their votes spoke loudly and clearly.

Homosexual men and lesbian women think that a marriage license legitimizes their union. It does not. It is simply a mockery of the traditional marriage between a man and a woman. Same-sex marriage is wrong morally and culturally. In God’s eyes it is a sinful union if sexual activity takes place. Same-sex marriage also confuses the concept of marriage in the minds and eyes of children.

The court procedure is taking place at San Francisco, California. San Francisco is place of super liberals. It is a safe place for a liberal decision against the proposition 8 ban. It is not neutral territory and a big mistake for the decision to come from such a liberal court. If the ban is overturned, it should not be a surprise to the voters who voted for the ban. The surprise will be a continued ban and proposition 8 will prevail.

If homosexuals and lesbians want to live together in a loving and committed relationship without any sinful sexual activity, they can do that without a license. If they want a license and be recognized as married so they can exist in a sinful sexual union, then everything is wrong. The license is wrong. The same-sex marriage is wrong. It is wrong culturally, morally, and conceptually. It is wrong for America, who can do very well without their votes being overturned by a court procedure once again.

R. B.