Calendario Litúrgico: Cuaresma y Pascua de Resurrección de Cristo Jesús
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La Cuaresma es una cuarentena de días de preparación para llegar al momento crucial de la Pascua. Con el llamado Triduo Pascual, se inicia de esta forma una cincuentena de días, Pentecosta = Pentecostés, en relación a la Pascua de Resurrección de Cristo Jesús, que representa la cima del Calendario Litúrgico. [1]
INICIO DE LA CUARESMA. Febrero 17, 2010.
Primera Lectura: Deuteronomio 26, 4-10
Salmo Responsorial: 90
Segunda Lectura: Romanos 10, 8-13
Evangelio: Lucas 4, 1-13
Primera Lectura: Génesis 15, 5-12. 17-18
Salmo Responsorial: 26
Segunda Lectura: Filipenses 3, 20-4, 1
Evangelio: Lucas 9, 28b-36
Primera Lectura: Éxodo 3, 1-8a. 13-15
Salmo Responsorial: 102
Segunda Lectura: I Corintios 10, 1-6. 10-12
Evangelio: Lucas 13, 1-9
Primera Lectura: Josué 5, 9a. 10-12
Salmo Responsorial: 33
Segunda Lectura: II Corintios 5, 17-21
Evangelio: Lucas 15, 1-3. 11-32
Primera Lectura: Isaías 43, 16-21
Salmo Responsorial: 125
Segunda Lectura: Filipenses 3, 8-14
Evangelio: Juan 8, 1-11
Primera Lectura: Isaías 50, 4-7
Salmo Responsorial: 21
Segunda Lectura: Filipenses 2, 6-11
Evangelio: Lucas 22, 14-23, 56
Lunes Santo. Marzo, 29, 2010.
El lunes 29 de marzo, a las 18,00 en la Basílica Vaticana, el Pontífice presidirá la Santa Misa en el aniversario de la muerte del Siervo de Dios Juan Pablo II.
Jueves Santo. Abril 1, 2010.
Viernes Santo. Abril 2, 2010.
Sábado Santo. Abril 3, 2010.
[1] Cf. Los tres conceptos distintos que se mencionan en el primer párrafo: Cuaresma (Cuarentena = 40 días), Triduo Pascual, Pentecosta (Pentecostés literalmente “quincuagésimo día” = Cincuentena = 50 días), en los diccionarios católicos. Para San Ambrosio de Milán (Italia) y San Agustín de Hipona (África), denominaron al Triduo Pascual: “Sagrado Triduo de Cristo, crucificado, sepultado y resucitado”. Ver Calendario Liturgico en sitio de la Santa Sede en:
[2] Cf. Calendario de celebraciones del Papa Benedicto XVI, de febrero a abril, 2010; el Papa quien presidirá el Triduo Pascual en el Vaticano, iniciara dicho Triduo Pascual en la Basílica de San Juan de Letrán, continuara con el Via Crusis en el Coliseo de Roma, y luego en el sábado estará en la Basílica Vaticana en la Vigilia Pascual. Ver más en:
[3] Cf. Actividades del Papa en sitio indicado en la nota [2]
domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010
Allí, Allá, Acullá y la Cuaresma, Por Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Allí, Allá, Acullá y la Cuaresma
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
¿Allí? Una realidad muy de cerca.
Muchas personas en mi país México, y posiblemente en muchos otros países también, se acuerdan de la Cuaresma porque es señal de vacaciones, y hay que despilfarrar recursos en bailes, vacaciones a la playa, en donde los comerciantes hacen su Agosto, los vuelos y el transporte terrestre son prohibitivos, para una gran mayoría de personas sean creyentes o no; en lugar de fomentar la Cultura del Ahorro, se fomenta la contracultura del gasto desordenado, consumismo y despilfarro de recursos o productos no necesariamente indispensables para el hogar. [1].
¿Allá? Una realidad que se aleja.
El significado de la Cuaresma, es mucho más profundo que unas simples vacaciones, de por si merecidas por un trabajo bien desarrollado en sus respectivos centros de trabajo, pero unas Vacaciones que impliquen un Reencuentro con Cristo Resucitado, es más importante, por lo que es necesario, meditar, reflexionar y buscar la conversión. ¿Cuáles son las vacaciones justas? ¿Por qué? ¿Dejara de comer carne todos los viernes del año, sobre todo humana, con tanto chismes y crítica irracional? En un país de gordos, para el Libro de Récord de Guinness, después de Estados Unidos de América (USA), en nuestro país México es ya la SEGUNDA POTENCIA MUNDIAL EN OBESIDAD, ¿No será bueno cambiar nuestros hábitos alimenticios, consumiendo más frutas y verduras frescas? ¿Cuál es el significado de la Cuaresma en mi Vida? [2].
¿Acullá? Más allá de aquella realidad.
Bueno, volvamos a nuestro tema del Calendario Litúrgico de la Cuaresma. Se mencionó en un escrito anterior de Tópicos Culturales, a sus lectores, que en febrero 17, 2010, daría inicio la Cuaresma con el Miércoles de Ceniza, en donde se hizo alusión a los comentarios del Papa Benedicto XVI, en relación al Tema de la Justicia, en donde la guía es la Virgen María para llegar al Reino de Justicia, de Amor y de Paz. [3].
Muchas personas exhaustas de trabajar, pensando nada mas en vacacionar, ya ni se acuerdan del Calendario Litúrgico de Cuaresma, ni mucho menos se acordaran de las lecturas que se darán en la misa, bueno, si es que asisten, ahí se darán cuenta. [4].
Feliz Cuaresma y Feliz Pascua de Resurrección 2010.
Paz y Bien
Paz y Bien
[1] Cf. Los costos de alimentación y de transporte para vacaciones, antes de la semana Santa, y después de ella, haga su comparación, por sentido común, ya lo sabe ¿Verdad?
[2] Cf. Las estadísticas sobre el problema de la Obesidad en la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS),y las estadísticas Federal y Estatal en materia de Salud de México, ante las instancias competentes, y los programas que se ofrecen para resolver este problema.
[3] Cf. “¡Feliz Día de la Amistad y del Amor!: Bienaventuranzas y Cuaresma” , las Notas [10] y [11], en:, en donde el Papa menciona los Valores: Justicia, Amor y Paz.
[4] Cf. Existen muchos medios impresos para entrarse del Calendario litúrgico y las lecturas bíblicas, algunos de ellos, en internet son: Zenit, Aciprensa, y los sitios franciscanos (paz y bien), o bien al templo católico donde asiste Ud.
jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010
La Cátedra de San Pedro, Por Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La Cátedra de San Pedro
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En el escrito de la “Pesca Milagrosa” [1], se hizo alusión a la Cátedra de San Pedro [2], pero aprendamos de quien lleva ahora el Cayado de San Pedro, el Papa Benedicto XVI, como lo mencionamos en el escrito: Jesús, los Doce Apóstoles, y ¿Quo Vadis Petrus? [3].
En un 22 de Febrero de 2006, el Santo Papa Benedicto XVI, en la Ciudad del Vaticano explicó de una forma sencilla, humilde, sabia y elocuente acerca la fiesta de la Cátedra de San Pedro, de la Tradición, la Misión encomendada a San Pedro y los sucesores, el significado literal de “cátedra”, el símbolo de autoridad del obispo y su “magisterio”, y dijo lo siguiente:
La liturgia latina celebra hoy la fiesta de la Cátedra de San Pedro. Se trata de una tradición muy antigua, atestiguada en Roma desde el siglo IV, con la que se da gracias a Dios por la misión encomendada al apóstol san Pedro y a sus sucesores. La "cátedra", literalmente, es la sede fija del obispo, puesta en la iglesia madre de una diócesis, que por eso se llama "catedral", y es el símbolo de la autoridad del obispo, y en particular de su "magisterio", es decir, de la enseñanza evangélica que, en cuanto sucesor de los Apóstoles, está llamado a conservar y transmitir a la comunidad cristiana. Cuando el obispo toma posesión de la Iglesia particular que le ha sido encomendada, llevando la mitra y el báculo pastoral, se sienta en la cátedra. Desde esa sede guiará, como maestro y pastor, el camino de los fieles en la fe, en la esperanza y en la caridad. [4].
Más recientemente, en Febrero, 22, 2010, el Papa Benedicto XVI, hace una alocución a la fiesta de San Pedro y nos explica el símbolo de la Cátedra de San Pedro de la siguiente forma:
En este domingo cae también la fiesta de la Cátedra de San Pedro, importante celebración litúrgica que subraya el ministerio del sucesor del príncipe de los apóstoles. La Cátedra de Pedro simboliza la autoridad del Obispo de Roma, llamado a desempañar un peculiar servicio en relación con todo el Pueblo de Dios. Inmediatamente después del martirio de los Santos Pedro y Pablo, a la Iglesia de Roma se le reconoció el papel de primacía en toda la comunidad católica, papel atestiguado ya en el siglo II por san Ignacio de Antioquía (A los Romanos, prefacio: Funk, I, 252) y por san Ireneo de Lyón (Contra las herejías III, 3, 2-3). Este singular y específico ministerio del obispo de Roma fue confirmado por el Concilio Vaticano II. "En la comunión eclesiástica --leemos en la Constitución Dogmática sobre la Iglesia--, existen Iglesias particulares, que gozan de tradiciones propias, permaneciendo íntegro el primado de la Cátedra de Pedro, que preside todo el conjunto de la caridad (cf. san Ignacio de Antioquía, Ad Romanos, prefacio), defiende las legítimas variedades y al mismo tiempo procura que estas particularidades no sólo no perjudiquen a la unidad, sino incluso cooperen en ella" (Lumen gentium, 13). [5].
[1] Cf. La Pesca Milagrosa publicada en:, en Febrero 7, 2010.
[2] Cf. Reflexionar el escrito completo mencionado en la Nota [4] del escrito indicado en [1], en donde el Papa Benedicto XVI, explica el significado de la Cátedra de San Pedro, en:
[3] Cf. El Cayado de San Pedro del escrito: Jesús, los Doce Apóstoles, y ¿Quo Vadis Petrus?, en:
[4] Cf. El escrito del Papa Benedicto XVI, ibíd [2]
[5] Cf. La Alocución de Benedicto XVI en la fiesta de la Cátedra de San Pedro, de Febrero, 22, 2010, en:
domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010
St. Francis gives his cloak to a poor Knight, By ARCD
St. Francis gives his cloak to a poor Knight
"God brought Francis low with a prolonged illness, in order to prepare his soul to recive the Holy Spirit. When he recovered and was going about dressed as usual in keeping with his position, he met a Knight who was of noble birth but very poor, so that he was not properly clad. Francis felt sorry for him and immdiately took off his qwn clothes and gave them to him. At one and the same time he fulfilled the twofold duty of relieving the poverty of the poor and saving a nobleman of embbarrassment" (LM: 1: 4)
As I recall this example of Francis being kind to someone poorer than himself, I resolve, dear Jesus, to help those who are needy: if thirsty, give them drink; if hungry, give them food; if naked, give them clothes; if sick, visit them; if in prision, comfort them. I will do all these things after your example, and in your Name, dear Jesus. Amen.
¿Do you remember Jesus in New Testament Gospel?
"God brought Francis low with a prolonged illness, in order to prepare his soul to recive the Holy Spirit. When he recovered and was going about dressed as usual in keeping with his position, he met a Knight who was of noble birth but very poor, so that he was not properly clad. Francis felt sorry for him and immdiately took off his qwn clothes and gave them to him. At one and the same time he fulfilled the twofold duty of relieving the poverty of the poor and saving a nobleman of embbarrassment" (LM: 1: 4)
As I recall this example of Francis being kind to someone poorer than himself, I resolve, dear Jesus, to help those who are needy: if thirsty, give them drink; if hungry, give them food; if naked, give them clothes; if sick, visit them; if in prision, comfort them. I will do all these things after your example, and in your Name, dear Jesus. Amen.
¿Do you remember Jesus in New Testament Gospel?
The Unexplained Becomes Believeable, Roger Behra
The Unexplained Becomes Believeable
Roger Behra
The saying goes “that God works in mysterious ways”. Well, in matters of death and the dying that certainly is the case. The abundant research and findings by science trained people are enlightening more and more people in regards to the mysterious happenings during near-death experiences and dying. The research and findings narrow down to how God is allowing the scientifically unexplained to become very believeable.
Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D., is a well-known pediatrician who has spent many years researching near-death experiences, death-related dreams, premonitions, and spirit visitations. His book, Parting Visions, is an astounding revelation of his research findings. The results of his first person interviews are remarkable. What started out as a quest to merely seek answers to some important questions has placed him very near the top of the list of authorities who are scientifically unexplaineable events pertaining to death and dying. Dr. Morse’s research has been very accurate, and the interviews and revelations are most interesting and thought-provoking.
Information revealed to Dr. Morse is as follows:
1. Although the causes were different, the experiences were very, very similar.
2. That death bed visions are real and not hallucinations or drug reactions.
3. That near-death experience dramatically changes a person to live a good life.
4. Those angels are real and serve many different purposes.
5. That death visions can be shared with other persons.
6. That loved ones are definitely together in eternity.
7. That some people have pre-death visions that later come true.
8. That vivid dream later come true
9. That during a near-death experience it can be shared whit another person.
10. Those children do not lie or exaggerate about their NDE or death bed visions.
11. That some mothers have a dream about the SIDS death of their child.
12. That the spirits of waiting loved ones will be there at death time.
13. That age, gender, or geographical area doesn’t determine the ages.
14. That there are, indeed, very hellish near-death experiences. They transform lives always for the much better.
Most of the near-death experiences related in the Morse book are happy ones. Some are not. Here is one given in the book that is a hellish one:
“A man had been a teenage gangster and a violent man. He nearly died when he was slashed with a broken bottle during a robbery. On the way to the hospital in the ambulance, he perceived himself pulled out of his body, and he burst into flames. Instead of perceiving an angle and the loving light, he said that the faces of his dead friends appears appeared to him. They crying in pain that they said would never and frieghtened the man. The man recovered, left a life of crime, and became an ordained minister”.
Dr. Morse has these goals in his life. He wants to be a more understanding and loving person and more devoted to his family. He also wants to continue his research and inform as many as possible. And his great hope is that he helps others to transform their lives and that someday the scientifically unexplainable will, indeed, become explainable and validated.
R. B.
The Unexplained Becomes Believeable
Roger Behra
The saying goes “that God works in mysterious ways”. Well, in matters of death and the dying that certainly is the case. The abundant research and findings by science trained people are enlightening more and more people in regards to the mysterious happenings during near-death experiences and dying. The research and findings narrow down to how God is allowing the scientifically unexplained to become very believeable.
Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D., is a well-known pediatrician who has spent many years researching near-death experiences, death-related dreams, premonitions, and spirit visitations. His book, Parting Visions, is an astounding revelation of his research findings. The results of his first person interviews are remarkable. What started out as a quest to merely seek answers to some important questions has placed him very near the top of the list of authorities who are scientifically unexplaineable events pertaining to death and dying. Dr. Morse’s research has been very accurate, and the interviews and revelations are most interesting and thought-provoking.
Information revealed to Dr. Morse is as follows:
1. Although the causes were different, the experiences were very, very similar.
2. That death bed visions are real and not hallucinations or drug reactions.
3. That near-death experience dramatically changes a person to live a good life.
4. Those angels are real and serve many different purposes.
5. That death visions can be shared with other persons.
6. That loved ones are definitely together in eternity.
7. That some people have pre-death visions that later come true.
8. That vivid dream later come true
9. That during a near-death experience it can be shared whit another person.
10. Those children do not lie or exaggerate about their NDE or death bed visions.
11. That some mothers have a dream about the SIDS death of their child.
12. That the spirits of waiting loved ones will be there at death time.
13. That age, gender, or geographical area doesn’t determine the ages.
14. That there are, indeed, very hellish near-death experiences. They transform lives always for the much better.
Most of the near-death experiences related in the Morse book are happy ones. Some are not. Here is one given in the book that is a hellish one:
“A man had been a teenage gangster and a violent man. He nearly died when he was slashed with a broken bottle during a robbery. On the way to the hospital in the ambulance, he perceived himself pulled out of his body, and he burst into flames. Instead of perceiving an angle and the loving light, he said that the faces of his dead friends appears appeared to him. They crying in pain that they said would never and frieghtened the man. The man recovered, left a life of crime, and became an ordained minister”.
Dr. Morse has these goals in his life. He wants to be a more understanding and loving person and more devoted to his family. He also wants to continue his research and inform as many as possible. And his great hope is that he helps others to transform their lives and that someday the scientifically unexplainable will, indeed, become explainable and validated.
R. B.
The Absence of Excellence, By Roger Behra
The Absence of Excellence
Roger Behra
Prior to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, the order of the day in American society and culture was for everyone to realize that excellence in daily living and activities was the ticket to success, and that everyone should work hard to achieve excellence. Excellence included morality, character development, personal appearance, education, and social relationships. It also included daily prayer, love for God, and being thankful for God’s many blessings.
Since 1963 to modern times, 2010, the exact opposite is the order of the day in over 60% of American’s lives. All one has to do is look around and realize what is really going on in the American culture. All one has to do is read a daily newspaper, or listen to radio news and broadcasts, or watch television, and look around at personal appearances and mode of dress of females, and witness the lack of courtesy in daily activities of American citizens.
Today American culture is riddled with divorces, immorality, the pursuit of money and sex, the lack of Christian living, disorderly family life, abortions, murders, poor education, and the me first attitude, which puts common courtesy in the back seat. America’s government in Washington is out of touch with her citizens and to a large extent is dysfunctional. America is far down on the list of excellence and has exported her lack of excellence to other parts of the world who have copied her behavior.
Once upon a time, America used to be looked up to as a nation of so many worthwhile cultural achievements. Her example was outstanding. Now, America is floundering in her own sea of transgressions. And it all started with the counter culture movement of the 1960’s, slowly but surely.
America not only lowered herself, she greatly influenced other countries to do the same. They copied her behavior. Mexico is a good example. The consoling factor is this. The descendants of the original counterculture people are now suffering the results of the counterculture innovations, and the original people have to deal with it. That is their punishment and justly so. America should be ashamed of herself. Her low moral standards and offensive behavior and do your own thing, both good or bad, are the essence of the lack of excellence.
R. B.
The Absence of Excellence
Roger Behra
Prior to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, the order of the day in American society and culture was for everyone to realize that excellence in daily living and activities was the ticket to success, and that everyone should work hard to achieve excellence. Excellence included morality, character development, personal appearance, education, and social relationships. It also included daily prayer, love for God, and being thankful for God’s many blessings.
Since 1963 to modern times, 2010, the exact opposite is the order of the day in over 60% of American’s lives. All one has to do is look around and realize what is really going on in the American culture. All one has to do is read a daily newspaper, or listen to radio news and broadcasts, or watch television, and look around at personal appearances and mode of dress of females, and witness the lack of courtesy in daily activities of American citizens.
Today American culture is riddled with divorces, immorality, the pursuit of money and sex, the lack of Christian living, disorderly family life, abortions, murders, poor education, and the me first attitude, which puts common courtesy in the back seat. America’s government in Washington is out of touch with her citizens and to a large extent is dysfunctional. America is far down on the list of excellence and has exported her lack of excellence to other parts of the world who have copied her behavior.
Once upon a time, America used to be looked up to as a nation of so many worthwhile cultural achievements. Her example was outstanding. Now, America is floundering in her own sea of transgressions. And it all started with the counter culture movement of the 1960’s, slowly but surely.
America not only lowered herself, she greatly influenced other countries to do the same. They copied her behavior. Mexico is a good example. The consoling factor is this. The descendants of the original counterculture people are now suffering the results of the counterculture innovations, and the original people have to deal with it. That is their punishment and justly so. America should be ashamed of herself. Her low moral standards and offensive behavior and do your own thing, both good or bad, are the essence of the lack of excellence.
R. B.
Proposition 8 Must Prevail, By Roger Behra
Proposition 8 Must Prevail
Roger Behra
The biggest turnoff for American voters who vote in California elections is to have something they overwhelmingly approved thorough their votes end up in a court of law before a judge who overturns their votes with the stroke of his pen. It has happened several times in the past, and now it is about to happen again soon. This time it is Proposition 8 in California.
Proposition 8 bans same-sex marriages in California, and a good majority of Californians spoke against same-sex marriages with their votes. They feel same-sex marriages are an insult to the proper cultural order of marriage between a man and a woman. The voter’s moral compass was headed in the correct direction, and that a ban has to be in place. Their votes spoke loudly and clearly.
Homosexual men and lesbian women think that a marriage license legitimizes their union. It does not. It is simply a mockery of the traditional marriage between a man and a woman. Same-sex marriage is wrong morally and culturally. In God’s eyes it is a sinful union if sexual activity takes place. Same-sex marriage also confuses the concept of marriage in the minds and eyes of children.
The court procedure is taking place at San Francisco, California. San Francisco is place of super liberals. It is a safe place for a liberal decision against the proposition 8 ban. It is not neutral territory and a big mistake for the decision to come from such a liberal court. If the ban is overturned, it should not be a surprise to the voters who voted for the ban. The surprise will be a continued ban and proposition 8 will prevail.
If homosexuals and lesbians want to live together in a loving and committed relationship without any sinful sexual activity, they can do that without a license. If they want a license and be recognized as married so they can exist in a sinful sexual union, then everything is wrong. The license is wrong. The same-sex marriage is wrong. It is wrong culturally, morally, and conceptually. It is wrong for America, who can do very well without their votes being overturned by a court procedure once again.
R. B.
Proposition 8 Must Prevail
Roger Behra
The biggest turnoff for American voters who vote in California elections is to have something they overwhelmingly approved thorough their votes end up in a court of law before a judge who overturns their votes with the stroke of his pen. It has happened several times in the past, and now it is about to happen again soon. This time it is Proposition 8 in California.
Proposition 8 bans same-sex marriages in California, and a good majority of Californians spoke against same-sex marriages with their votes. They feel same-sex marriages are an insult to the proper cultural order of marriage between a man and a woman. The voter’s moral compass was headed in the correct direction, and that a ban has to be in place. Their votes spoke loudly and clearly.
Homosexual men and lesbian women think that a marriage license legitimizes their union. It does not. It is simply a mockery of the traditional marriage between a man and a woman. Same-sex marriage is wrong morally and culturally. In God’s eyes it is a sinful union if sexual activity takes place. Same-sex marriage also confuses the concept of marriage in the minds and eyes of children.
The court procedure is taking place at San Francisco, California. San Francisco is place of super liberals. It is a safe place for a liberal decision against the proposition 8 ban. It is not neutral territory and a big mistake for the decision to come from such a liberal court. If the ban is overturned, it should not be a surprise to the voters who voted for the ban. The surprise will be a continued ban and proposition 8 will prevail.
If homosexuals and lesbians want to live together in a loving and committed relationship without any sinful sexual activity, they can do that without a license. If they want a license and be recognized as married so they can exist in a sinful sexual union, then everything is wrong. The license is wrong. The same-sex marriage is wrong. It is wrong culturally, morally, and conceptually. It is wrong for America, who can do very well without their votes being overturned by a court procedure once again.
R. B.
Our New Look, By Roger Behra
Our New Look
Roger Behra
Most people do not realize what actually happens at the moment of death of a loved one who passes away in the Lord´s friendship to eternal life. It is truly amazing what actually happens. On the highest level called Paradise, it is extremely pleasant, beautiful, and loving. It is totally enjoyable.
One of the best book to read on this subject is Hello From Heaven, by Bill and Judy Guggenheim. Their book is about After Death Communications (ADC’s), and it gives readers plenty of information about this event that happens to countless numbers of people. Their book is the first complete research and study of this existing field research. The authors spent seven years researching and have collected more than 3,300 firsthand accounts of ADC. In their book they print 353 ADC accounts they consider the best of all.
Most all the ACD accounts are very similar. A few are not and will be explained in another paragraph.
General information gathered is as follows:
1. ADC’s give fascinating evidence of life after death.
2. They give comfort and emotional support to loved ones left behind.
3. They give hope to those who want to be reunited with loved ones
later on.
4. Care givers give inspiration to the elderly and terminally ill.
5. ADC accounts give insight and reassurance to those who fear death.
6. The ADC accounts give inner peace for hearts and minds.
The similarity of the content of the ADC accounts is as follows:
A. All the deceased in a good ADC are happy.
B. The deceased are of the age of 30 years old.
C. The deceased’s body and health are totally restored. There are no defects.
D. The appearance is radiant and confirms life and love are eternal.
E. There are 12 kinds of ADC’s-auditory, touch, visual, dream, in person, etc.
F. An ADC can happen at any time-immediately or years later.
Some ADC accounts given to the researchers tell of a bad experience. There is a dark place where souls go that is not happy. There is no love or hope communication, and the suffering is relentless and unbearable. Those who were lucky enough to be brought back to earthly life were changed persons, indeed. Those who committed murder, or committed suicide, or had very evil lives end up there. The mode of life has to always remain in the friendship of the Lord so that we shall later join our deceased love ones. The alternative is the dark place.
Not everyone is blessed with and ADC. Those that are and tell about them inspire hope and confidence in others. The uplifting messages of love and well-being offer comfort, hope, and spiritual thinking to all. And never give up hope for and ADC. One can happen at any present or future time.
R. B.
Our New Look
Roger Behra
Most people do not realize what actually happens at the moment of death of a loved one who passes away in the Lord´s friendship to eternal life. It is truly amazing what actually happens. On the highest level called Paradise, it is extremely pleasant, beautiful, and loving. It is totally enjoyable.
One of the best book to read on this subject is Hello From Heaven, by Bill and Judy Guggenheim. Their book is about After Death Communications (ADC’s), and it gives readers plenty of information about this event that happens to countless numbers of people. Their book is the first complete research and study of this existing field research. The authors spent seven years researching and have collected more than 3,300 firsthand accounts of ADC. In their book they print 353 ADC accounts they consider the best of all.
Most all the ACD accounts are very similar. A few are not and will be explained in another paragraph.
General information gathered is as follows:
1. ADC’s give fascinating evidence of life after death.
2. They give comfort and emotional support to loved ones left behind.
3. They give hope to those who want to be reunited with loved ones
later on.
4. Care givers give inspiration to the elderly and terminally ill.
5. ADC accounts give insight and reassurance to those who fear death.
6. The ADC accounts give inner peace for hearts and minds.
The similarity of the content of the ADC accounts is as follows:
A. All the deceased in a good ADC are happy.
B. The deceased are of the age of 30 years old.
C. The deceased’s body and health are totally restored. There are no defects.
D. The appearance is radiant and confirms life and love are eternal.
E. There are 12 kinds of ADC’s-auditory, touch, visual, dream, in person, etc.
F. An ADC can happen at any time-immediately or years later.
Some ADC accounts given to the researchers tell of a bad experience. There is a dark place where souls go that is not happy. There is no love or hope communication, and the suffering is relentless and unbearable. Those who were lucky enough to be brought back to earthly life were changed persons, indeed. Those who committed murder, or committed suicide, or had very evil lives end up there. The mode of life has to always remain in the friendship of the Lord so that we shall later join our deceased love ones. The alternative is the dark place.
Not everyone is blessed with and ADC. Those that are and tell about them inspire hope and confidence in others. The uplifting messages of love and well-being offer comfort, hope, and spiritual thinking to all. And never give up hope for and ADC. One can happen at any present or future time.
R. B.
miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010
The Near-Death Experience, By Roger Behra
The Near-Death Experience
Roger Behra
Down through world history millions of people have had near-death experiences. But millions of people who have had that experience have been very reluctant to talk about the contents of the experience-until recent times. The contents of the experience are so unusual and captivating, that a person’s sanity comes into absolute question.
There are two books in print that help to eliminate the sanity issue. Both books are by Raymond A. Moody, M.D. that shed considerable light on the NDE issue. Of the two books, The Light Beyond and Life After Life, the most informative is Life After Life. That book is without any doubt very, very convincing that an afterlife is a certain reality.
Dr. Moody interviewed a vast number of people and kept very accurate and elaborate notes that he put into book form. Dr. Moody also put into his book historical facts and information that go back centuries that exactly parallels his own interviews. When that is read, sceptics are very prone to become believers.
The parallels are considerable to substantiate an afterlife. The parallels start with the Bible and include the works of Plato, Emanuel Svedenborg, and the very convincing Tibetan Book of the Dead. They all go hand in hand with Moody’s 350 interviews and other research.
Moody’s interviews are remarkable within themselves, because they also are parallels. But what is quite remarkable is the Tibetan Book of the Dead. The great manuscript of prehistoric Tibetan funeral rituals was written down into a book in the 8th century, A.D. from teachings passed down through early generations by word of mouth over many centuries in prehistoric Tibet, but the book was kept secret from outsiders. The rituals were in the Tibetan language also, which was an automatic barrier to outsiders. The information in the book was used only at funeral, and the book was carefully guarded at all other times.
Moody’s research found out that his first person interviews and The Tibetan Book of the Dead very closely parallel each other. Moody was astonished at this finding. Near-death experiences that were recorded and used at funeral rituals to the dying many centuries ago very closely mirror near-death experiences of modern times. Although the Bible, Plato’s works, and those of Svedenborg parallel modern near-death experiences, The Tibetan Book of the Dead comes to the top of the list.
The interviews, works, and Tibetan book are quite convincing about an afterlife. They also give relief of the fear of dying. Near-death experiences are known to dramatically change people’s lives for the good. Not all near-death experiences are pleasant ones. There is a very dark place where there is no light or a feeling of love and no happy deceased relatives or friends. Those who have lived a very evil life or murdered someone or committed suicide end up there. It definitely pays to love God, live a Christian life, and love our neighbour. That insures a happy eternity and the power rest with us to be with God and loved ones.
R. B.
The Near-Death Experience
Roger Behra
Down through world history millions of people have had near-death experiences. But millions of people who have had that experience have been very reluctant to talk about the contents of the experience-until recent times. The contents of the experience are so unusual and captivating, that a person’s sanity comes into absolute question.
There are two books in print that help to eliminate the sanity issue. Both books are by Raymond A. Moody, M.D. that shed considerable light on the NDE issue. Of the two books, The Light Beyond and Life After Life, the most informative is Life After Life. That book is without any doubt very, very convincing that an afterlife is a certain reality.
Dr. Moody interviewed a vast number of people and kept very accurate and elaborate notes that he put into book form. Dr. Moody also put into his book historical facts and information that go back centuries that exactly parallels his own interviews. When that is read, sceptics are very prone to become believers.
The parallels are considerable to substantiate an afterlife. The parallels start with the Bible and include the works of Plato, Emanuel Svedenborg, and the very convincing Tibetan Book of the Dead. They all go hand in hand with Moody’s 350 interviews and other research.
Moody’s interviews are remarkable within themselves, because they also are parallels. But what is quite remarkable is the Tibetan Book of the Dead. The great manuscript of prehistoric Tibetan funeral rituals was written down into a book in the 8th century, A.D. from teachings passed down through early generations by word of mouth over many centuries in prehistoric Tibet, but the book was kept secret from outsiders. The rituals were in the Tibetan language also, which was an automatic barrier to outsiders. The information in the book was used only at funeral, and the book was carefully guarded at all other times.
Moody’s research found out that his first person interviews and The Tibetan Book of the Dead very closely parallel each other. Moody was astonished at this finding. Near-death experiences that were recorded and used at funeral rituals to the dying many centuries ago very closely mirror near-death experiences of modern times. Although the Bible, Plato’s works, and those of Svedenborg parallel modern near-death experiences, The Tibetan Book of the Dead comes to the top of the list.
The interviews, works, and Tibetan book are quite convincing about an afterlife. They also give relief of the fear of dying. Near-death experiences are known to dramatically change people’s lives for the good. Not all near-death experiences are pleasant ones. There is a very dark place where there is no light or a feeling of love and no happy deceased relatives or friends. Those who have lived a very evil life or murdered someone or committed suicide end up there. It definitely pays to love God, live a Christian life, and love our neighbour. That insures a happy eternity and the power rest with us to be with God and loved ones.
R. B.
Some Irreligious Living Results, By Roger Behra
Some Irreligious Living Results
Roger Behra
There is a late night radio program called “Coast to Coast” with George Nory as the host. Very frequently George states again one of his beliefs that “there are no coincidences”. He believes that events happen for a good reason. And the following communication fits his thinking very well. What you are about to read is definitely not a coincidence.
Recently some research completed in America in 2007 was published. The research compares mental illness among high school and college students as of 2007 with the same group and age who were studied in 1938. That year was the tenth year of the Great Depression in America. The research results were astounding and the results confirmed what counsellors on campuses nationwide have long suspected but did not know to what degree.
What the 2007 research revealed is this. For every 1 student dealing with mental illness in 1938, there are 5 students dealing with mental illness in 2007. Five times as many students are dealing with anxiety and other mental health and depression issues as youth of the same age who were studied in the Great Depression. That is the astounding revelation the counsellors had to realize. But what is not astounding is the reason for so much mental illness and the problems resulting from it among modern youth.
In 1938 the Great Depression was already 10 years olds. And the daily emphasis at that time was the matter of surviving from day to day with only the basics of daily living. And religious living was practiced by 80% of families. God was a very great part of family life. Thanks were often given to God for the bare essentials of daily life-job, food, shelter.
During the past 50 years, from 1967 to 2007, the emphasis has been increasingly on the external, which includes wealth, looks, and status. Also, close to 60% of families practice non-religious living. God and the blessings needed in daily life are sadly missing. One or more of the cornerstones of human development-mental, emotional, spiritual, physical-are neglected or very poorly developed. As a result people are full of tension, anxiety, and depression. People do not know why they are here or where they are going to end up after life is over for them. People do not firmly realize that there is a life in eternity after life on earth is over and that God is vitally important in their lives as each day passes.
The popular culture of today is a direct result of the counterculture movement that started in the 1960’s, whose motto was to throw out the old and bring in the new. Well, the new is this and to repeat, for every student in 1938 who suffered mental illness there are five students in 2007 who suffer the same. That is a very sad result, but it is not surprising in the culture of today. And there does not seem to be any change for the better on the horizon. The American culture is not about to change. It is going to continue to reap what it has sowed.
R. B.
Some Irreligious Living Results
Roger Behra
There is a late night radio program called “Coast to Coast” with George Nory as the host. Very frequently George states again one of his beliefs that “there are no coincidences”. He believes that events happen for a good reason. And the following communication fits his thinking very well. What you are about to read is definitely not a coincidence.
Recently some research completed in America in 2007 was published. The research compares mental illness among high school and college students as of 2007 with the same group and age who were studied in 1938. That year was the tenth year of the Great Depression in America. The research results were astounding and the results confirmed what counsellors on campuses nationwide have long suspected but did not know to what degree.
What the 2007 research revealed is this. For every 1 student dealing with mental illness in 1938, there are 5 students dealing with mental illness in 2007. Five times as many students are dealing with anxiety and other mental health and depression issues as youth of the same age who were studied in the Great Depression. That is the astounding revelation the counsellors had to realize. But what is not astounding is the reason for so much mental illness and the problems resulting from it among modern youth.
In 1938 the Great Depression was already 10 years olds. And the daily emphasis at that time was the matter of surviving from day to day with only the basics of daily living. And religious living was practiced by 80% of families. God was a very great part of family life. Thanks were often given to God for the bare essentials of daily life-job, food, shelter.
During the past 50 years, from 1967 to 2007, the emphasis has been increasingly on the external, which includes wealth, looks, and status. Also, close to 60% of families practice non-religious living. God and the blessings needed in daily life are sadly missing. One or more of the cornerstones of human development-mental, emotional, spiritual, physical-are neglected or very poorly developed. As a result people are full of tension, anxiety, and depression. People do not know why they are here or where they are going to end up after life is over for them. People do not firmly realize that there is a life in eternity after life on earth is over and that God is vitally important in their lives as each day passes.
The popular culture of today is a direct result of the counterculture movement that started in the 1960’s, whose motto was to throw out the old and bring in the new. Well, the new is this and to repeat, for every student in 1938 who suffered mental illness there are five students in 2007 who suffer the same. That is a very sad result, but it is not surprising in the culture of today. And there does not seem to be any change for the better on the horizon. The American culture is not about to change. It is going to continue to reap what it has sowed.
R. B.
lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010
2010-A Crisis Year Ahead, By Roger Behra
2010-A Crisis Year Ahead
Roger Behra
As the year 2009 ends and the new year 2010 begins, a very fateful time in America’s history is beginning. What makes it so fateful is America’s lurch toward socialism and away from democracy and her ongoing failure to correctly comfort Iran and her nuclear development situation that has the Middle East on extreme alert and tension. The United States has to firmly realize and express with her actions that Iran cannot be trusted and his thumbing her nose at the U. S., Israel, and the rest of the free world. And America is certainly failing in her responsibilities in this matter.
After Obama took office in January, 2009, soon thereafter, he extended his hand of friendliness to Iran. That did not work. As 2009 progressed, the centrifuges continued to run fast, several two-stage rockets were launched, and the announcement that eleven new uranium sits were being planned. A secret processing facility was also uncovered that brings into question the extent of their progress. A complete year was lost for the U. S. It was a year of squandered opportunity.
In Ira it was also a time of revolution over a stolen election, as the U. S. stood silently away from the situation and offering no support. In essence that gave support to the clerical dictatorship that runs Iran. The U. S. gave a big helping hand to a very oppressive and murderous regime that was in a desperate situation. That was unbelievable. As a result many Iranians were beaten, imprisoned, and murdered. The ground lost at that time will never be regained.
The question is will the opposition gain in numbers enough to reach it’s needed goals? It probably will not without outside help, but continued opposition is well worth the try. There are great rewards at stake here and to be won. Iran’s race to develop nuclear weapons has to be stopped. The leadership cannot be trusted in what they are saying and doing.
It is a clear fact that Iran supports terrorism and provides materials that end up in places that kill innocent people and Americans. Iran´s two main goals aside from developing nuclear weapons are to wipe Israel and America off the map. They soon could be in a position to seriously harm Israel. And with some nuclear tipped rockets they could destroy satellite communication causing great chaos throughout the U. S. and elsewhere.
It is a given that Iran will dominate 2010. Israel gave until 12-31-09 to come clean about her enrichment of uranium. Iran did not. If Israel does not take matters into her own hands and attack Iran, then Iran will become a nuclear power and probably find a reason to cross the line. Sadly to realize, it seems like and attack on Iran by Israel will be the only solution. Time and patience dealing with Iran has just about come to an end. Failure by the U. S. and other countries to sternly and effectively stop Iran’s devious and dishonest behavior is unforgivable, and sooner or later the results will be devastating to nobody’s great surprise.
R. B.
2010-A Crisis Year Ahead
Roger Behra
As the year 2009 ends and the new year 2010 begins, a very fateful time in America’s history is beginning. What makes it so fateful is America’s lurch toward socialism and away from democracy and her ongoing failure to correctly comfort Iran and her nuclear development situation that has the Middle East on extreme alert and tension. The United States has to firmly realize and express with her actions that Iran cannot be trusted and his thumbing her nose at the U. S., Israel, and the rest of the free world. And America is certainly failing in her responsibilities in this matter.
After Obama took office in January, 2009, soon thereafter, he extended his hand of friendliness to Iran. That did not work. As 2009 progressed, the centrifuges continued to run fast, several two-stage rockets were launched, and the announcement that eleven new uranium sits were being planned. A secret processing facility was also uncovered that brings into question the extent of their progress. A complete year was lost for the U. S. It was a year of squandered opportunity.
In Ira it was also a time of revolution over a stolen election, as the U. S. stood silently away from the situation and offering no support. In essence that gave support to the clerical dictatorship that runs Iran. The U. S. gave a big helping hand to a very oppressive and murderous regime that was in a desperate situation. That was unbelievable. As a result many Iranians were beaten, imprisoned, and murdered. The ground lost at that time will never be regained.
The question is will the opposition gain in numbers enough to reach it’s needed goals? It probably will not without outside help, but continued opposition is well worth the try. There are great rewards at stake here and to be won. Iran’s race to develop nuclear weapons has to be stopped. The leadership cannot be trusted in what they are saying and doing.
It is a clear fact that Iran supports terrorism and provides materials that end up in places that kill innocent people and Americans. Iran´s two main goals aside from developing nuclear weapons are to wipe Israel and America off the map. They soon could be in a position to seriously harm Israel. And with some nuclear tipped rockets they could destroy satellite communication causing great chaos throughout the U. S. and elsewhere.
It is a given that Iran will dominate 2010. Israel gave until 12-31-09 to come clean about her enrichment of uranium. Iran did not. If Israel does not take matters into her own hands and attack Iran, then Iran will become a nuclear power and probably find a reason to cross the line. Sadly to realize, it seems like and attack on Iran by Israel will be the only solution. Time and patience dealing with Iran has just about come to an end. Failure by the U. S. and other countries to sternly and effectively stop Iran’s devious and dishonest behavior is unforgivable, and sooner or later the results will be devastating to nobody’s great surprise.
R. B.
domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010
¡Feliz Día de la Amistad y del Amor!: Bienaventuranzas y Cuaresma, Por Angel R. Cepeda D.
¡Feliz Día de la Amistad y del Amor!: Bienaventuranzas y Cuaresma
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En el presente escrito se abordan los siguientes temas: Del Santoral Católico; Lecturas Bíblicas del 6° Domingo Ordinario; Las Bienaventuranzas de Jesús según san Lucas; Las Maldiciones de Jesús según san Lucas; y, Cuaresma.
En este día considerado como el día de la amistad y del amor, o día de los enamorados, se celebran dentro del santoral católico a distintas personalidades, entre ellas: San Cirilo y San Metodio [1]; y San Valentín [2]
Las lecturas bíblicas dominicales giran en relación a las Bienaventuranzas, toca el turno en este Año Litúrgico del Ciclo C, a la enunciada por el evangelio de San Lucas, que mencionan cuatro bienaventuranzas, en vez de nueve de Mateo [3]; en la misa dominica, previo al evangelio se dio las siguientes lecturas: la primera de ellas es del Profeta Jeremías, en donde se hace alusión en lo que nos dice el Señor a la maldición y bendición del hombre; “Maldito el hombre que confía en el hombre, que en el pone su fuerza y aparta del Señor su corazón” y “Bendito el hombre que confía en el Señor y en él pone su esperanza”. [4] Después se leyó el Salmo Responsorial, considerando del Salmo 1 “Dichoso el hombre que confía en el Señor. [5] Luego la lectura de San Pablo que habla de la Resurrección de Cristo. [6]
Recordemos que Lucas fue el Secretario de San Pablo y escribió para un público determinado; y expone lo que dice Jesús quienes son los “Dichosos”, “Felices” o “Bienaventurados”, y también los porqués son dichosos o bienaventurados, pero también menciona cuatro “ayes”
“Dichosos ustedes los pobres, porque de ustedes es el Reino de Dios”
“Dichosos ustedes los que ahora tienen hambre, porque serán saciados”
“Dichosos ustedes los que lloran ahora, porque al fin reirán”
“Dichosos serán ustedes cuando los hombres los aborrezcan y los expulsen de entre ellos, y cuando los insulten o maldigan por causa del Hijo del hombre”
Pero Jesús hace nos advierte con entusiasmo, al suspirar con su divino ánimo, denotando pena o dolor con sus cuatro “ayes” al decir:
“¡Ay de ustedes los ricos, porque ya tienen ahora su consuelo!”
“¡Ay de ustedes los que se hartan ahora, porque después tendrán hambre!”
“¡Ay de ustedes, los que ríen ahora, porque lloraran de penda!”
“¡Ay de ustedes, cuando todo el mundo los alabe, porque de ese modo sus padres trataron a los falsos profetas!”
Jesús, explicó el Pontífice, “no propone una revolución de tipo social y político, sino la del amor, que ya ha realizado con su Cruz y su Resurrección”. “Sobre ellas se fundan las bienaventuranzas, que proponen el nuevo horizonte de justicia, inaugurado por la Pascua, gracias al cual podemos llegar a ser justos y construir un mundo mejor”, añadió recordando el pasaje evangélico del día, tomado del Evangelio de Lucas. [9]
Se avecina la Cuaresma la cual se iniciara en febrero 17, 2010, con el Miércoles de Ceniza, y recordemos las palabras iniciales del Mensaje que el Papa Benedicto XVI, con tal motivo: “Cada año, con ocasión de la Cuaresma, la Iglesia nos invita a una sincera revisión de nuestra vida a la luz de las enseñanzas evangélicas. Este año quiero proponeros algunas reflexiones sobre el vasto tema de la justicia, partiendo de la afirmación paulina: La justicia de Dios se ha manifestado por la fe en Jesucristo: (cf. Rm 3,21-22).” [10]
En las palabras finales del último mensaje del Papa Benedicto XVI dice: Por último, invitó a todos los fieles a “dejarse guiar por la Virgen en el camino de la Cuaresma, para ser liberados de la ilusión de la autosuficiencia, reconocer que tenemos necesidad de Dios, de su misericordia, y entrar así en su Reino de justicia, de amor y de paz”. [11]
En este Día San Cirilo, San Metodio y San Valentín o Día de los Enamorados
[1] Cf. San Cirilo y San Metodio, escrito “Día de San Valentín, Amistad, Amor, Cirilo y Metodio”, en:
[2] Cf. San Valentín, Martirologio y Calendario Romano en:
The present Roman Martyrology records, at February 14, "In Rome, on the Via Flaminia near the Milvian Bridge: St. Valentine, martyr."
Calendarium Romanum ex Decreto Sacrosancti Œcumenici Concilii Vaticani II Instauratum Auctoritate Pauli PP. VI Promulgatum (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, MCMLXIX), p. 117
[3] Cf. Lc 6, 17. 20-26; y Mt 5, 1-12; ver también nota [1] del escrito “Las Bienaventuranzas en Latín, Inglés y Español” en:; y “La Carta Magna de los Cristianos”, en:
[4] Cf. Jer 17, 5-8.
[5] Cf. Salmo 1 donde Dios quiere la felicidad humana. Y que Jesús precisa en
[6] Cf. La Primera Carta de San Pablo a los Corintios (1Cor 15, 12. 16-20).
[7] Cf. Lc 6, 20-22, en la Biblia de Jerusalén, se emplea la palabra “Bienaventurados” p 1467; en tanto que en la Biblia Latinoamericana se emplea el término “Dichosos”
[8] Cf. Lc 6, 24-26, Referente a las “Maldiciones”, en donde la Biblia Jerusalén emplea los cuatro “ay” (en plural “ayes”), p1467, en vez de “pobres” que menciona la Biblia Latinoamericana p 165 del NT. ¿Será igual “ay” que “pobres”?, ni siquiera son sinónimas estas dos palabras. Aunque el Papa Benedicto XVI, (Cf. ya recibió la Biblia Latinoamericana Lectio Divina en Febrero, 8, 2008, (Cf. Por algo el Papa insistió en alguna ocasión leer la Biblia Vulgata Latina; y también reafirmó la importancia la lectura espiritual de la Biblia (
[9] Cf. Explicación del Papa Benedicto XVI: Las Bienaventuranzas proponen un “nuevo horizonte de justicia”, en:
[10] Cf. Mensaje de S.S. Benedicto XVI para la Cuaresma 2010, en:
[11] Cf. Palabras finales del documento mencionado en la nota [9]
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En el presente escrito se abordan los siguientes temas: Del Santoral Católico; Lecturas Bíblicas del 6° Domingo Ordinario; Las Bienaventuranzas de Jesús según san Lucas; Las Maldiciones de Jesús según san Lucas; y, Cuaresma.
En este día considerado como el día de la amistad y del amor, o día de los enamorados, se celebran dentro del santoral católico a distintas personalidades, entre ellas: San Cirilo y San Metodio [1]; y San Valentín [2]
Las lecturas bíblicas dominicales giran en relación a las Bienaventuranzas, toca el turno en este Año Litúrgico del Ciclo C, a la enunciada por el evangelio de San Lucas, que mencionan cuatro bienaventuranzas, en vez de nueve de Mateo [3]; en la misa dominica, previo al evangelio se dio las siguientes lecturas: la primera de ellas es del Profeta Jeremías, en donde se hace alusión en lo que nos dice el Señor a la maldición y bendición del hombre; “Maldito el hombre que confía en el hombre, que en el pone su fuerza y aparta del Señor su corazón” y “Bendito el hombre que confía en el Señor y en él pone su esperanza”. [4] Después se leyó el Salmo Responsorial, considerando del Salmo 1 “Dichoso el hombre que confía en el Señor. [5] Luego la lectura de San Pablo que habla de la Resurrección de Cristo. [6]
Recordemos que Lucas fue el Secretario de San Pablo y escribió para un público determinado; y expone lo que dice Jesús quienes son los “Dichosos”, “Felices” o “Bienaventurados”, y también los porqués son dichosos o bienaventurados, pero también menciona cuatro “ayes”
“Dichosos ustedes los pobres, porque de ustedes es el Reino de Dios”
“Dichosos ustedes los que ahora tienen hambre, porque serán saciados”
“Dichosos ustedes los que lloran ahora, porque al fin reirán”
“Dichosos serán ustedes cuando los hombres los aborrezcan y los expulsen de entre ellos, y cuando los insulten o maldigan por causa del Hijo del hombre”
Pero Jesús hace nos advierte con entusiasmo, al suspirar con su divino ánimo, denotando pena o dolor con sus cuatro “ayes” al decir:
“¡Ay de ustedes los ricos, porque ya tienen ahora su consuelo!”
“¡Ay de ustedes los que se hartan ahora, porque después tendrán hambre!”
“¡Ay de ustedes, los que ríen ahora, porque lloraran de penda!”
“¡Ay de ustedes, cuando todo el mundo los alabe, porque de ese modo sus padres trataron a los falsos profetas!”
Jesús, explicó el Pontífice, “no propone una revolución de tipo social y político, sino la del amor, que ya ha realizado con su Cruz y su Resurrección”. “Sobre ellas se fundan las bienaventuranzas, que proponen el nuevo horizonte de justicia, inaugurado por la Pascua, gracias al cual podemos llegar a ser justos y construir un mundo mejor”, añadió recordando el pasaje evangélico del día, tomado del Evangelio de Lucas. [9]
Se avecina la Cuaresma la cual se iniciara en febrero 17, 2010, con el Miércoles de Ceniza, y recordemos las palabras iniciales del Mensaje que el Papa Benedicto XVI, con tal motivo: “Cada año, con ocasión de la Cuaresma, la Iglesia nos invita a una sincera revisión de nuestra vida a la luz de las enseñanzas evangélicas. Este año quiero proponeros algunas reflexiones sobre el vasto tema de la justicia, partiendo de la afirmación paulina: La justicia de Dios se ha manifestado por la fe en Jesucristo: (cf. Rm 3,21-22).” [10]
En las palabras finales del último mensaje del Papa Benedicto XVI dice: Por último, invitó a todos los fieles a “dejarse guiar por la Virgen en el camino de la Cuaresma, para ser liberados de la ilusión de la autosuficiencia, reconocer que tenemos necesidad de Dios, de su misericordia, y entrar así en su Reino de justicia, de amor y de paz”. [11]
En este Día San Cirilo, San Metodio y San Valentín o Día de los Enamorados
[1] Cf. San Cirilo y San Metodio, escrito “Día de San Valentín, Amistad, Amor, Cirilo y Metodio”, en:
[2] Cf. San Valentín, Martirologio y Calendario Romano en:
The present Roman Martyrology records, at February 14, "In Rome, on the Via Flaminia near the Milvian Bridge: St. Valentine, martyr."
Calendarium Romanum ex Decreto Sacrosancti Œcumenici Concilii Vaticani II Instauratum Auctoritate Pauli PP. VI Promulgatum (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, MCMLXIX), p. 117
[3] Cf. Lc 6, 17. 20-26; y Mt 5, 1-12; ver también nota [1] del escrito “Las Bienaventuranzas en Latín, Inglés y Español” en:; y “La Carta Magna de los Cristianos”, en:
[4] Cf. Jer 17, 5-8.
[5] Cf. Salmo 1 donde Dios quiere la felicidad humana. Y que Jesús precisa en
[6] Cf. La Primera Carta de San Pablo a los Corintios (1Cor 15, 12. 16-20).
[7] Cf. Lc 6, 20-22, en la Biblia de Jerusalén, se emplea la palabra “Bienaventurados” p 1467; en tanto que en la Biblia Latinoamericana se emplea el término “Dichosos”
[8] Cf. Lc 6, 24-26, Referente a las “Maldiciones”, en donde la Biblia Jerusalén emplea los cuatro “ay” (en plural “ayes”), p1467, en vez de “pobres” que menciona la Biblia Latinoamericana p 165 del NT. ¿Será igual “ay” que “pobres”?, ni siquiera son sinónimas estas dos palabras. Aunque el Papa Benedicto XVI, (Cf. ya recibió la Biblia Latinoamericana Lectio Divina en Febrero, 8, 2008, (Cf. Por algo el Papa insistió en alguna ocasión leer la Biblia Vulgata Latina; y también reafirmó la importancia la lectura espiritual de la Biblia (
[9] Cf. Explicación del Papa Benedicto XVI: Las Bienaventuranzas proponen un “nuevo horizonte de justicia”, en:
[10] Cf. Mensaje de S.S. Benedicto XVI para la Cuaresma 2010, en:
[11] Cf. Palabras finales del documento mencionado en la nota [9]
viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010
Double Trouble Looming, By Roger Behra
Double Trouble Looming
Roger Behra
Many voters who voted for American´s new president in 2008 are now slowly beginning to have grave doubts about his thinking and actions. They are concerned about his approach to the situation in Iran. Obama is to soft on Iran and North Korea. His attitude of let us be friends is not going to work. It only encourages them to speed things up and hate America much more.
It is clear cut that Iran would wipe Israel and the United States off the world map if she could. Iran hates Israel with a passion. And Iran is secretly working hard to achieve that goal as soon as possible. Iran cannot wipe America of the map, but she thumbs her nose at the U. S. and plans to increase her efforts in regards to nuclear development. The enrichment of uranium has drastically increased the last two months of 2009. The U. S. is dead set against it, but she is taking a poor approach to this momentous problem.
Iran realizes she can be in a great position to harm Israel. That is why Iran is feverishly working night and day on uranium enrichment. It is not at all for peaceful purposes. Iran already has the missiles to attack Israel. All she needs is the nuclear warheads, and without the help of Russia or North Korea, she is about one year away.
What America’s new and inexperienced president does not realize is that words and sanctions will not work, and that time is running out at a fast pace. Israel has given Iran until December 31, 2009, to comply with the U. S. or Israel is ready to take military action without the help of the United States or anyone else.
Iran cannot be trusted aside from Israel and the United States. Iran is responsible for deaths of American soldiers in Iraq, as well as other there. Iran supports terrorism in her thinking and actions. Iran cannot be trusted, and someone has to give an ultimatum to Iran and carry it out. President Obama and his administration’s half-hearted embrace of Israel and half-backed approach to Iran’s race to get enriched uranium spells double trouble for both Israel and the U. S. And if Israel has to take matters into her own hands and make a strike on Iran, very serious results will spread throughout the Middle East. The clock is loudly ticking.
R. B.
Double Trouble Looming
Roger Behra
Many voters who voted for American´s new president in 2008 are now slowly beginning to have grave doubts about his thinking and actions. They are concerned about his approach to the situation in Iran. Obama is to soft on Iran and North Korea. His attitude of let us be friends is not going to work. It only encourages them to speed things up and hate America much more.
It is clear cut that Iran would wipe Israel and the United States off the world map if she could. Iran hates Israel with a passion. And Iran is secretly working hard to achieve that goal as soon as possible. Iran cannot wipe America of the map, but she thumbs her nose at the U. S. and plans to increase her efforts in regards to nuclear development. The enrichment of uranium has drastically increased the last two months of 2009. The U. S. is dead set against it, but she is taking a poor approach to this momentous problem.
Iran realizes she can be in a great position to harm Israel. That is why Iran is feverishly working night and day on uranium enrichment. It is not at all for peaceful purposes. Iran already has the missiles to attack Israel. All she needs is the nuclear warheads, and without the help of Russia or North Korea, she is about one year away.
What America’s new and inexperienced president does not realize is that words and sanctions will not work, and that time is running out at a fast pace. Israel has given Iran until December 31, 2009, to comply with the U. S. or Israel is ready to take military action without the help of the United States or anyone else.
Iran cannot be trusted aside from Israel and the United States. Iran is responsible for deaths of American soldiers in Iraq, as well as other there. Iran supports terrorism in her thinking and actions. Iran cannot be trusted, and someone has to give an ultimatum to Iran and carry it out. President Obama and his administration’s half-hearted embrace of Israel and half-backed approach to Iran’s race to get enriched uranium spells double trouble for both Israel and the U. S. And if Israel has to take matters into her own hands and make a strike on Iran, very serious results will spread throughout the Middle East. The clock is loudly ticking.
R. B.
jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010
Los Ángeles de la Guarda, Por Angel R. Cepeda D.
Los Ángeles de la Guarda
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Zenit [1] publica una entrevista muy interesante al párroco Marcello Stanzione fundador de la Asociación Milicia de san Miguel Arcángel [2] , y una de las preguntas a las que dio respuesta fue la siguiente:
¿Qué son los ángeles custodios? ¿Existen realmente?
Don Marcello: Son una categoría particular de criaturas de Dios, espíritus incorpóreos que tienen la tarea de proteger individualmente a cada individuo.
Hay distintas categorías de ángeles que tienen diferentes misiones. Por ejemplo, los ángeles del Padre, los ángeles del Hijo, los ángeles del Espíritu Santo y los ángeles de la Virgen. Después están, por ejemplo, los ángeles que rigen los elementos del cosmos.
Los ángeles existen verdaderamente porque lo afirma Jesucristo, lo reafirma el Magisterio de la Iglesia, toda la Tradición teológica y, a nivel lógico-racional, son uno de los anillos de la Creación, junto al reino mineral, vegetal, animal y humano. [3].
La Enciclopedia Católica New Advent respecto al Angel de la Guarda, da un recorrido desde el punto de vista bíblico, en el Antiguo Testamento y Nuevo Testamento, según diversos escritores como Santo Tomas de Aquino. [4].
¿Qué opina usted al respecto?
[1] Cf. Impulso a la devoción a los ángeles de la guarda, en:
[2] Cf. Sitio web de la Asociación Milicia de san Miguel Arcángel en:,it/
[3] En la entrevista publicada por Zenit, se hace referencia a uno de sus libros del párroco Marcello Stanzione: “Invito alla devozione degli angeli custodi" (“Invitación a la devoción a los ángeles custodios”), (Ediciones Villadiseriane).
[4] Cf. Guardian Angel in:; and Feast of Guardian Angels, in:; ver también noticia: Benedicto XVI da las gracias a sus "ángeles de la guarda" en vacaciones. (Cf.
Ángeles de la Guarda,
Magisterio de la Iglesia
The Places in Eternity, By Roger Behra
The Places in Eternity
Roger Behra
Eternity is a place made up of three distinct levels. The levels range from the most beautiful and blissful to the darkest and forlorn, and sooner or later each one of us earth dwellers is going to end up existing in one of the levels. The biggest question is which level is in our future? The choice is our own to make by the way we live our lives over the years we have here on earth.
The absolute best place to be in eternity, obviously, is the highest level called Heaven. The beauty of heaven is beyond description. No words are adequate to describe that eternal level of vivid colors.sparkling waters, and living environment in general. And the whole level is bathed in the “light”, which is regarded and respected as God, and where unconditional love is constant and exists for all spiritual entities there. On the heavenly level souls are with loved ones and friends who were part of earthly life. No soul ever wants to leave that level.
The next level in descending order is the holding place commonly referred to as Purgatory. It is close to the highest level and just above the place of total darkness. In the holding place the spirits exist without the divine light of God. Once the spirits are purged of their lack of penance that put them there and unconditionally accept God, they ascend to the highest place (Heaven). In the holding place their greatest displeasure is the absence of being in the all loving divine light.
The lowest level in eternity is the Dark Place. Spirits enter this dark side immediately upon death. There is no tunnel leading to the light. They enter through the left side, and there is only dark, Godless nothingness, and the very painful absence of the all loving divine light the unconditional love. It also is beyond anything imaginable.
Immediately at the moment of death souls know that the greatest gift God gave them during earthly life was FREE WILL. If free will was used according to God’s wishes, the soul does not enter the dark side. Instead, the soul entered a heavenly place or the intermediate holding place. Souls realize at the moment of the death if they used God´s greatest gift well. They realize they chose their level with their free will.
The monumental question all of us must ask ourselves is this. How are we using God´s greatest gift each and every day? That is so important, because we are choosing our eternal level at the moment of death. We have to constantly think about that every moment of each day. Through Christian living and daily prayer it becomes easier to be choosing the highest level. Without God´s blessings and daily help we cannot achieve the highest level on our own. It is just not possible. For many who will read this communication, time is on the short side. Think about the level being chosen by you while there is still some time. It is the most important thing you must do. Your daily life and the culture around you will be much better off as a result.
R. B.
The Places in Eternity
Roger Behra
Eternity is a place made up of three distinct levels. The levels range from the most beautiful and blissful to the darkest and forlorn, and sooner or later each one of us earth dwellers is going to end up existing in one of the levels. The biggest question is which level is in our future? The choice is our own to make by the way we live our lives over the years we have here on earth.
The absolute best place to be in eternity, obviously, is the highest level called Heaven. The beauty of heaven is beyond description. No words are adequate to describe that eternal level of vivid colors.sparkling waters, and living environment in general. And the whole level is bathed in the “light”, which is regarded and respected as God, and where unconditional love is constant and exists for all spiritual entities there. On the heavenly level souls are with loved ones and friends who were part of earthly life. No soul ever wants to leave that level.
The next level in descending order is the holding place commonly referred to as Purgatory. It is close to the highest level and just above the place of total darkness. In the holding place the spirits exist without the divine light of God. Once the spirits are purged of their lack of penance that put them there and unconditionally accept God, they ascend to the highest place (Heaven). In the holding place their greatest displeasure is the absence of being in the all loving divine light.
The lowest level in eternity is the Dark Place. Spirits enter this dark side immediately upon death. There is no tunnel leading to the light. They enter through the left side, and there is only dark, Godless nothingness, and the very painful absence of the all loving divine light the unconditional love. It also is beyond anything imaginable.
Immediately at the moment of death souls know that the greatest gift God gave them during earthly life was FREE WILL. If free will was used according to God’s wishes, the soul does not enter the dark side. Instead, the soul entered a heavenly place or the intermediate holding place. Souls realize at the moment of the death if they used God´s greatest gift well. They realize they chose their level with their free will.
The monumental question all of us must ask ourselves is this. How are we using God´s greatest gift each and every day? That is so important, because we are choosing our eternal level at the moment of death. We have to constantly think about that every moment of each day. Through Christian living and daily prayer it becomes easier to be choosing the highest level. Without God´s blessings and daily help we cannot achieve the highest level on our own. It is just not possible. For many who will read this communication, time is on the short side. Think about the level being chosen by you while there is still some time. It is the most important thing you must do. Your daily life and the culture around you will be much better off as a result.
R. B.
domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010
La Pesca Milagrosa, Por Angel R. Cepeda D.
La Pesca Milagrosa
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En este domingo ordinario, en donde en el cielo aparecen nubes blancas, todavía en temporada invernal, se cubre el mundo católico de color verde, y en el Templo de San Francisco de Asís, de Saltillo Coahuila, una madre recuerda a su hijo en su día de nacimiento, que es uno de los mejores regalos que en vida puede recibir una persona, además de la grata compañía familiar, en el día de San Tobías. [1]
En un día como hoy nació San Romualdo (951-1027 †), su nombre significa: glorioso en el mando. El que gobierna con buena fama. Fue el fundador de la Orden de los Camaldulenses (1012 d NSJC). Dios le tenía reservado un lugar para que fundara una Comunidad como él la deseaba. Un señor llamado Málduli había obsequiado una finca, en región montañosa y apartada, llamada campo de Málduli, y allí fundo el santo su nueva comunidad que se llamó "Camaldulenses", o sea, religiosos del Campo de Málduli. Se cuenta que en una visión vio una escalera por la cual sus discípulos subían al cielo, vestidos de blanco. Desde entonces cambió el antiguo hábito negro de sus religiosos, por un hábito blanco. [2]
La festividad de San Romualdo se fijó inicialmente el 7 de febrero, el día en que sus reliquias incorruptibles del santo ermitaño, fueron trasladadas por el Papa Clemente VIII en 1595; sin embargo, en el Calendarium Romanus de 1969 y con la autorización del Papa Pablo VI, la festividad se cambió al 19 de junio, fecha de su muerte. [3]
Un joven y a la vez antiguo amigo, Fr Gonzalo Guzmán Bernal OFM, con una trayectoria de vida ejemplar por más de 50 años de vida religiosa, y un largo peregrinar desde Jalisco México, hasta Asís, Italia y en la Cátedra de San Pedro (Roma) [4], Washington D.C. (USA) y otros países, celebro muy temprano la misa de 7 am, en este día de Febrero 7, 2010. El hermano Fr. Gonzalo, quién viene de visita desde Tierra Santa [5], donde ha estado cerca de media centena de ocasiones, de su experiencia y sabiduría brotaron palabras de fe y entusiasmo, quién lleno de un gran gesto de humildad, generosidad y elocuencia, brotaron de su corazón palabras de accionar apostólico, con un sensible y emotivo sermón acerca de la Pesca Milagrosa que realizo Jesús, cuando se subió a la barca de San Pedro, en el lago de Genesaret. [6] Saludos, animo y buen regreso a Tel Aviv. [7]
[1] San Tobías fue un judío del Norte de Palestina de la tribu de Neftalí quien fue desterrado a Nínive en Asiria está representado en la Sagrada Escritura por el libro que lleva su nombre, escrito posiblemente en el siglo III antes de Cristo. El libro de Tobías que consta de 14 capítulos, trata de instruir a las familias en obras de fe y misericordia.
[2] Cf. Significado de San Romualdo y su vida ejemplar en:
La principal fuente primaria histórica sobre la vida de San Romualdo es la primer biografía escrita por San Pedro Damián, que se encuentra en el Acta Sanctorum, febrero, vol. II. La abreviatura d NSJC significa después de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
[3] Cf. Apostollic Constitution Calendarium Romanum (Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1969)
[4] Cf. El Papa Benedicto XVI, explica el significado de la Cátedra de San Pedro, en:
[5] Tierra Santa cuya custodia está a cargo por la Orden de los Frailes Menores (OFM), por parte de la Iglesia Católica.
[6] Cf. Lc 5, 1-11
[7] Tel Avid, ciudad considerada como la capital cultural israelí, fundada en el segundo día del Pésaj en 1909, cerca de la ciudad antigua y portuaria de Jaffa (en hebreo: Yafo). Tel Aviv-Jafo
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En este domingo ordinario, en donde en el cielo aparecen nubes blancas, todavía en temporada invernal, se cubre el mundo católico de color verde, y en el Templo de San Francisco de Asís, de Saltillo Coahuila, una madre recuerda a su hijo en su día de nacimiento, que es uno de los mejores regalos que en vida puede recibir una persona, además de la grata compañía familiar, en el día de San Tobías. [1]
En un día como hoy nació San Romualdo (951-1027 †), su nombre significa: glorioso en el mando. El que gobierna con buena fama. Fue el fundador de la Orden de los Camaldulenses (1012 d NSJC). Dios le tenía reservado un lugar para que fundara una Comunidad como él la deseaba. Un señor llamado Málduli había obsequiado una finca, en región montañosa y apartada, llamada campo de Málduli, y allí fundo el santo su nueva comunidad que se llamó "Camaldulenses", o sea, religiosos del Campo de Málduli. Se cuenta que en una visión vio una escalera por la cual sus discípulos subían al cielo, vestidos de blanco. Desde entonces cambió el antiguo hábito negro de sus religiosos, por un hábito blanco. [2]
La festividad de San Romualdo se fijó inicialmente el 7 de febrero, el día en que sus reliquias incorruptibles del santo ermitaño, fueron trasladadas por el Papa Clemente VIII en 1595; sin embargo, en el Calendarium Romanus de 1969 y con la autorización del Papa Pablo VI, la festividad se cambió al 19 de junio, fecha de su muerte. [3]
Un joven y a la vez antiguo amigo, Fr Gonzalo Guzmán Bernal OFM, con una trayectoria de vida ejemplar por más de 50 años de vida religiosa, y un largo peregrinar desde Jalisco México, hasta Asís, Italia y en la Cátedra de San Pedro (Roma) [4], Washington D.C. (USA) y otros países, celebro muy temprano la misa de 7 am, en este día de Febrero 7, 2010. El hermano Fr. Gonzalo, quién viene de visita desde Tierra Santa [5], donde ha estado cerca de media centena de ocasiones, de su experiencia y sabiduría brotaron palabras de fe y entusiasmo, quién lleno de un gran gesto de humildad, generosidad y elocuencia, brotaron de su corazón palabras de accionar apostólico, con un sensible y emotivo sermón acerca de la Pesca Milagrosa que realizo Jesús, cuando se subió a la barca de San Pedro, en el lago de Genesaret. [6] Saludos, animo y buen regreso a Tel Aviv. [7]
[1] San Tobías fue un judío del Norte de Palestina de la tribu de Neftalí quien fue desterrado a Nínive en Asiria está representado en la Sagrada Escritura por el libro que lleva su nombre, escrito posiblemente en el siglo III antes de Cristo. El libro de Tobías que consta de 14 capítulos, trata de instruir a las familias en obras de fe y misericordia.
[2] Cf. Significado de San Romualdo y su vida ejemplar en:
La principal fuente primaria histórica sobre la vida de San Romualdo es la primer biografía escrita por San Pedro Damián, que se encuentra en el Acta Sanctorum, febrero, vol. II. La abreviatura d NSJC significa después de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
[3] Cf. Apostollic Constitution Calendarium Romanum (Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1969)
[4] Cf. El Papa Benedicto XVI, explica el significado de la Cátedra de San Pedro, en:
[5] Tierra Santa cuya custodia está a cargo por la Orden de los Frailes Menores (OFM), por parte de la Iglesia Católica.
[6] Cf. Lc 5, 1-11
[7] Tel Avid, ciudad considerada como la capital cultural israelí, fundada en el segundo día del Pésaj en 1909, cerca de la ciudad antigua y portuaria de Jaffa (en hebreo: Yafo). Tel Aviv-Jafo
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Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011

Our Lady in Art



Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita

Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"
Oración a San Judas

San Judas, Ruega por Nosotros
¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

Sonia = Sofía
¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

Pascua 2008

¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!
Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2008
Calendario 2013

Juan Pablo II

Virgen María en el Arte
Calendario 2013

Benedicto XVI
Pascua 2013

Jesucristo El Buen Pastor
feliz día de las madres 2012

feliz día de las madres 2012



Octubre 2012


JULIO 2012

JULIO 2012
JUNIO 2012

JUNIO 2012
MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
MARZO 2012

marzo 2012

ENERO 2012

enero 2012
Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

Actitudes ante la Vida

DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013

pascua 2012
Cátedra de San Pedro

St. Peter
14 de Febrero

Día de San Cirilo y San Metodio
Conversión de San Pablo

Francesco Mazzola (1503-1540)
Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN

Documento Firmado y Recibido Enero 2013
Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN

Documento, Enero 2013

Feliz Navidad y Ventuoroso Año 2013
happy new year 2012

Feliz Navidad 2011

Venturoso Año 2011


Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica

Algunas Encíclicas imortantes de la Iglesia Católica