miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

The Decision Is Your, By Roger Behra


The Decision Is Your


Roger Behra

Recently, an article in The Orange County Register told the readers the condition of religious life in America, and the condition is far from very good. Religious life in America is definitely on the decline. Irreligious life has taken a leap forward. Strong religious life in America has declined to only moderate throughout America. It is somewhat strong only in the Shout and Southeastern parts of America. When all areas are considered, that does not bode well for the country as the study indicates.

Atheists, who do not believe in God or an afterlife, and agnostics, who believe that there is no proof that God and an afterlife really exist, have noticeably increased in number. Those that believe in God and religious living are only moderate in their behavior. The irreligious and moderately religious groups combined make up the largest percentage in America.

The questions are where do you stand in regards to religious living, and what are you going to do about it? The following three paragraphs may help the irreligious and moderate groups to adjust their thinking in this matter.

People must remember that life here on earth is only temporary. And it can really and at any time. We must, therefore, make the correct decision very early in life, because only God knows when a life will end.

If a person A believes in God and keeps His laws and lives a good religious life, but when person A dies and there is no god or afterlife, person A has not lost anything. He or she gained only a better life here on earth, which is fine in itself. If person B does not believe in God and does not keep His laws and does not believe in an afterlife, but when person B dies and there really is a God and an afterlife, person B has lost everything. And God will judge person B and give an eternity of eternal damnation.

Therefore, the strong and sensible suggestion is this. Learn about the very abundant proof that God exists and that His laws are for our benefit and that there is really an afterlife. Make the decision very soon. Only God knows how much time is left for you. Be among the millions who have chosen to be person A. The decision is yours. You have the power to transform your life and your eternity. And in the end, which must come sooner or later, you will have gained everything, indeed.

We must always remember that life is a constant battle between good (God, His laws, graces, helps, and blessings) and evil (Satan and his lies, hatred, and false promises) and the possession of our souls for all eternity. All the abundant and definitive evidence reveals that good is the only safe and beneficial outcome now and for all eternity.

R. B.
