When Discipline Is Absent
Roger Behra
The success and orderly progress of any culture is greatly dependent on the quality of the school systems. And the school systems are of vital concern to all parents who have children in those systems. The quality of education being offered has to be very acceptable from kindergarten through grade 12. And the quality of education is dependent on three basic and absolutely very necessary fundamentals, especially in grades K-8. The 3 basic fundamentals are:
l. Teacher competency in the subject areas being taught.
2. The quality of the teacher’s teaching skills.
3. The quality of classroom discipline.
In America the public school system, (not the private schools), is run and financed by the national and state governments, and they are deficient in the fundamental areas, especially in classroom discipline. It is not for the lack of money. Good money is constantly thrown after bad. In essence the public schools are run by liberals, who are clueless, as usual, in the core ideas that would make the schools a much better place for learning and achievement.
The lack of very good classroom discipline is at the root of the problems in the public schools. And very good control is the foundation that enables a teacher to use the needed teaching skills and for students to have a stable and orderly learning environment that leads to acceptable, or higher, achievement levels. No consistently very good classroom discipline leads to very low learning and very poor achievement.
The need for teachers is acute in many public schools. Many full-time faculty members are still working for their bachelor’s degree. Many first-year teachers resign at the mid-year point, because they cannot cope with the varied amount of constant disciplinary problems. And those that stick it out cannot teach to expected achievement levels. Therefore students, especially in the grades K-8 are for behind in their skills. Sixth through eighth grade students cannot read at grade level. They do not know the time tables in order to multiply or divide correctly as a matter of course. In English class they misuse the words there, thir, and they’re, make the object of a preposition agree with the verb, and cannot use sit, set, lie, or lay correctly. Sixty-seven percent of new college freshman need remedial English courses in order to succeed in their college courses. Something is radically wrong. And the yard-stick is directly pointed at the lack of constant and consistent classroom discipline in all grades K-8.
It is safe to say that discipline problems are epidemic throughout the public schools in America. The discipline problems are constant, serious, and very disruptive. The talking back, disrespect, defiance, and verbal abuse aimed at teachers in class is appalling and seriously disruptive. All students are the losers. There is a reason why there is a 50% dropout rate before graduation. It is honest to say that teacher’s hands are tied. The home life of the students is devoid of proper and consistent discipline, and that carries over to the classroom situation as well. So, the student loses twice-in the home and school.
R. B.12/23/08