28. Vision In The Garden
Roger Behra
There Jesus was, prior to being handed over by Judas to being tried and convicted and crucified, in the Garden of Gethsemani praying to His Heavenly Father asking His Heavenly Father to spare Him the ordeal of being crucified. But the request was denied and, instead, He had to suffer the preliminary ordeal of the many visions of the times to come down through the ages until the end of the world. And at this time Jesus shed blood seeing what was going to happen in the Jesus seeing those visions along with the vision of His passion and death to come soon. Yet, Jesus said that His Heavenly Father’s will be done, not His own will Jesus realized that the only way was His passion and death on the cross, or the was no possible salvation for mankind.
Jesus’s visions were the epitome of horror and sadness as He realized what mankind was going to do down through the ages. And what did Jesus see in those visions of time to come? Why was His passion and death going to be necessary?
Jesus saw the 50.000.000 million babies being killed in the United States alone through ABORTION. He saw over 60,000,000 million men, women, and children killer in the two World Wars alone. He saw the HOLOCAUST, the murdering of at least 6,000.000 Jews. He saw MASS MURDERS committed by deranged or angered or demonically possessed persons. He saw atheistic COMMUNISM take over innocent countries and lead to death, great destruction, and the loss of many souls to Satan, as well as His Church (Catholic) being attacked and persecuted. He saw the SMOKE OF SATAN enter His Church and many bishops and priests being condemned to Hell. He saw the proliferation of HOMOSEXUALITY and LESBIANISM. He saw OUGI BOARDS allow Satan come into people’s lives to influence and even possess many persons, young and old. He saw DIVORCE become the norm in our lives. He saw the composition of dirty, profane and disgusting HIP HOP music occupy young people’s minds and actions. He saw people have their bodies, that belong to God desecrate with BODY TATOOS that make them look like zoo animals. Our bodies should not be treated in that manner. He saw HOLLYWOOD become idolized and spread her immorality and errors through unmarried sex, co-habitation, and divorce, and produce such violent movies and dislike for His Catholic Church. He saw Great APOSTASY going on today in so many people’s lives all throughout the world, people leaving the Catholic faith, not attending Mass anymore.
He saw the leaders of large nations become evil leaders and responsible for the murder and destruction in their own people’s lives, like ADOLPH HITLER, JOSEPH STALIN, BENITO MUSELLINI, and the leader of Japan during WORLD WAR 2, and at other times down through the ages to the present day. He saw person’s acceptance of Satan’s work and become demonically afflicted and demonically possessed. He saw family members murder their own family members in demonically inspired anger and rages. He saw immorality replace morality and take over people´s live and as a result become the norm. He saw the rapid spread of PORNOGRAPHY on the computer internet entering our households and capturing the addicted attention of everyone who is interested-teen-agers and even younger children. He saw the COLD ATTITUDE we have for each other and the lack of courtesy toward each other in our everyday lives, which leads to harmful, inhuman, and destructive actions. He saw the morally OBSCENE FASHION DRESS of modern day women-very tight fitting genes, excessive cleavage, half bare breasts, mini-skirts, bare midrifts that inspire sinful thoughts and desires in many minds. He saw DRUGS enter our culture that cause harmful addictions, loss of jobs, ruin lives, and cause overdose deaths of so many people- famous and no famous. He saw SUICIDE caused by dispair and demonic influence. He saw the unspeakable crimes for money and the corruption to steal money. He saw MONEY become the main object in so people’s lives, money replacing God in their lives. He saw statues of himself and His Blessed Mother hurled to the ground, smashed, and urinated on. He saw urinals designed in China to resemble the heads of Jesus and Mary so it appear as if men are urinating into the mouths of Jesus and Mary. Tourist have to use different, special restrooms, so that they are not aware of what goes on in the public restrooms. He saw millions of people using His name in vain while angry or in everyday conversation. He saw the despicable acts of child sexual abuse by Catholic Bishops, Catholic priests, and other ministers lay person’s. He saw His human creations wallow in all kinds of sinfulness, die unrepented, and their souls captured by Satan and lost forever to the everlasting torment of the fir of HELL. He saw uncountable numbers of good and holy people lost to Hell unless Me accepted His Father’s will.
Therefore, in the Garden of Gethsemani He agreed to complete His Father’s will and be crucified. It was the only redeeming effort to insure the salvation of all the uncountable good and holy people who would die in the friendship of the Lord, that it was the only way.
We must remember why God made us. “God made us to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him during our earthly life, and to be happy with Him for all eternity in Heaven” That’s why the crucifixion of Jesus was necessary. And with His graces and help we have the power to accomplish the goal of the crucifixion.
It is up to us to lead our lives accordingly, pray and thank God often each day; and just as important express sorrow for our sins. To express sorrow for our sins. To express sorrow for one’s sins we can say the following:
Act of contrition
Oh, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell. But most of all because they offend Thee my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my avoid all occasions of sin. Amen.
It is hoped that this prayer la helpful. Say it often. Say it daily. Especially; say it at bedtime. Be sincere when saying it, especially as you think about your eternity and the kind you hope to have. And later as you are approaching your final hour here on earth, with the help of God’s grace, say it one last time, as it will mean that you will die in the friendship of the Lord, and have your happy eternity with Him.
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