Man’s Worst Enemy
Roger Behra
In regards to the word man in this communication man means all people. But the male gender will be discussed mostly. And only earthly enemies are included.
Man in general has many enemies: animals, reptiles, earthquakes, weather, mother nature to name a few. However, you are about to read that man’s worst enemy is MAN. And man can be either singular or plural depending on the enemy being mentioned. And the word enemy means a person who hates or dislike other persons who hate or dislike other persons, and they want to do harm to others.
As man becomes man’s worst enemy, they do so in various unspeakable, horrendous, end horrific ways. Since man instigates these various ways, let’s mention some of the famous men who have become infamous because of their events that made them famous, but only during the last century-1901-2000. And any in-depth discussion will not be discussed at this time.
The leaders of Germany top the list of man’s worst enemy. They presided over two World Wars-World War l and World War 2. Of the two German leaders the most despicable was/is Adolph Hitler, who caused World War 2 to materialize and get underway. He is the author of the Holocaust as the war progressed. Italy’s Mussolini, Japan’s Hirohito also joined in with Hitler to caused millions of deaths and so much destruction in the history of the world. The two World Wars together caused the deaths of over 60,000.00 people. And Germany was left ruins, and a large part of Japan, England, and other parts of Europe had considerable damage, mainly from World War 2.
Joseph Stalin, Brezhnev, Kruzchev, and Yeltsin, the Russian leaders, where Communism originated, are next on the list. The invasions of other innocent countries by Russia in their spread of Communism caused horrific destruction, death, and negative cultural change in so many places. Those men were man’s worst enemy visited upon them.
The Korean War from 1950 to 1953 started by the leader of North Korea and augmented with the help of China and Russia led to more death and destruction on a large scale. So many innocent South Korean citizens and soldiers were killed. More of man’s worst enemy doing horrible acts.
The war in Vietnam during the middle 1960’s, again with the help of China and Russia in an effort (successful) to spread Communism to the south killed untold numbers of the south’s citizen along with 58,000 Americans who were helping South Vietnam. More action by mans worst enemy.
Fidel Castro of Cuba is another despicable leader who sold his country out to Communism and still is the cause of the imprisonment of Cuban citizens, after 48 years of rule.
In Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, and Chad the beat still goes on, man’s worst enemy at work. The Israelies and Palestinians are killing each other ever so frequently.
In America man’s worst enemy is alive and well right up the minute. Multiple murders at our colleges and high schools continue. Young family members murdering their parents, brothers and sisters and other family members. Gang members murdering other gang members. Dead bodies found in isolated places, badly beaten, raped and dismembered.
All the signs indicate in so many places that man will continue to be man’s worst enemy and on a larger scale it seems. It is such a sad, sad commentary on men to say the least, indeed.