sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2007

The Scientific Method and the Meaning of the Scientific Hypothesis

The Scientific Method and the Meaning of the Scientific Hypothesis


Angel Rumualdo Cepeda Dovala
Juan Manuel Cepeda Dovala
José Luis Cepeda Dovala
Ignacio Garnica Dovala
José Angel Cepeda Ballesteros
Sonia Margarita Cepeda Ballesteros
Sonia Ballesteros Quintero

ABSTRACT. The Scientific Method is the way that continues in a process of investigation and the Hypothesis are the scientific suppositions and they represent the conductive thread to resolve a problem presented. Many Methods exist (Polymethod), many sciences (Polyscience) and many Techniques (Polytechnic), where the hypothesis they can be: math, statistics, Probabilistic, Not math, and diagrammatic. Inside the Statistics Methods, different Experimental Designs exist, represented through Models: Regression and Correlation, Completely Random Design, Factorials Experiments, and others. To each one of these models they will correspond certain type of hypothesis and its Analysis of Variance. This essay contemplates three examples of Hypothesis: 1. Considering Statistics, Mathematics and Probabilistic Methods; 2. Without considering this math’s Methods; and, 3. Diagrammatic Hypothesis. In the Hypothesis of the example 1, seven situations of hypothesis were undertaken (A to G). We are mentioned the Completely Random Design whose lineal model is: Yij = μ + τi + εij ; where εij ~ NI(0,σ2), that is to say, the experimental error is distributed normally independent, with mean zero (μ = 0) and variance σ2. This it is one of the models less costly with learning teaching end, but should be considered that different Probabilistic Models exist: Discrete and Continuous, and the variables of study can be continuous and discrete, for which in the approach of the hypothesis and its analysis one must consider these situations. In the examples of hypothesis 2 and 3, the first one represents an original contribution and in the second they are the diagrammatics hypothesis presented by J. Watson, one of the discoverers of the Structural Model of the Double Helix: DNA (Acid Deoxyribonucleic), fundaments of the modern Biotechnology in the Agricultural Sciences and Soil Sciences.

Key Word: Agricultural, Biotechnology, Continuous, Discrete, DNA, Science(s), Statistic(s), Deoxyribonucleic, Mathematic, Polyscience, Polymethod, Polytechnic, Probabilistic, Soil Sciences.