1. Development of the Human Being; 2. The Lost Awareness of Sin; 3. Good vs. Evil; 4. The Plateaus of Life; and, 5. The Essence of Innocence.
In general terms the literature to complement these essays was: 1. Sociology Books; 2and 3. World History and Personal Observation; and, 4. Hostage to the Devil, of Father Malachi Martin, S. J., Catholic Priest, Exorcist.
Roger Behra, B. S. *
* Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Western New Mexico University, Silver City, New Mexico. He took five courses, 15 graduate hours, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. 19 years experience teaching language arts in Arizona and Ohio, U.S.A. 10 years teaching religion in St. Ann Catholic School in Ohio, in addition.
The Human Being Development
Roger Behra, B. S. *
* Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Western New Mexico University, Silver City, New Mexico. He took five courses, 15 graduate hours, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. 19 years experience teaching language arts in Arizona and Ohio, U.S.A. 10 years teaching religion in St. Ann Catholic School in Ohio, in addition.
There are four parts of the complete Development of the Human Being. The parts are Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual. The Spiritual Development is most important, because with this Development it helps us to better developed the other three parts. Because God wishes us to be the Complete Human Being. (Fig. 1).
That circle represents the complete Development of the Human Being.
If one part of that circle is not developed, the Human Being is not completely developed. The spiritual part of the development is more important because it helps us to know what God wants us to do in the other three Developments.
The Lost Awareness of Sin
Roger Behra, B. S. Education *
* Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Western New Mexico University,
Silver City, New Mexico. He took five courses, 15 graduate hours, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. 19 years experience teaching language arts in Arizona and Ohio, U.S.A. 10 years teaching religion in St. Ann Catholic School in Ohio, in addition.
Ever since the counterculture movement began in the middle 1960´s, and gained more and more prominence, in all the cultures of the world, more and more people have lost the real, true meaning of sin.
Sin, by definition, is “an act against moral or religious law. Sin is an offense against God”.
The counterculture’s motto was “throw out the “old” (traditions, good moral laws, spiritual development, solid social mores, etc.) and bring in the “new” (fornication, co-habitation, adultery, greed, acceptance of homosexual behavior, dumb-down education, divorce, disregarding the 10 Commandments, pornography, immorality, child sexual abuse, abortion, low attendance at Mass, not accepting responsibility for our behavior and actions, etc. )” and most recently the prevalent immodest dress (half showing of breasts, tight-fitting jeans, tattoos) of young girls and older ladies and men in general. All this “new” is sinful. It’s plainly and purely sinful.
The casualness in which all this prevails definitely indicates the true conception of sin does not exist in a very large number of people’s lives in a large number of cultures in our world. It’s and outright shame! It’s the legacy of the counterculture people and their descendants, who are the real victims.
We are now, indeed, working overtime doing Satan’s most evil work!
Good vs. Evil
Roger Behra, B. S. Education *
1Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Western New Mexico University,
Silver City, New Mexico. He took five courses, 15 graduate hours, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. 19 years experience teaching language arts in Arizona and Ohio, U.S.A. 10 years teaching religion in St. Ann Catholic School in Ohio, in addition.
The age-old battle, Good vs. Evil, is, yes, still in existence, never ceasing, day after day, haunting many of our daily decisions and thoughts and lives.
Prior to the counterculture movement, which began after John Kennedy’s assassination and the U.S. entry into them Vietnam War, good was clearly winning the battle over evil. There was clear evidence in the daily lives and the cultures of the world. God’s wishes pre-dominated.
From the middle 1960´s, as the counterculture movement gained momentum, until the present, 2007, it is clearly evident that evil has gained considerable ground in the battle of good vs. evil.
The question is this. How can evil’s gain be reversed? It’s quite easily done.
First, we must realize that evil leads to very bad outcomes. Second, we must realize that God is the real answer and bring Him back into our lives. We need Him, His graces, and His guidance. Third, we must regain our awareness of what is sin, because sin is the essence of evil. We must examine our consciences, see ourselves as we really are, and put changes into effect. The obvious result is good once again gaining over evil..
The Plateaus of Life
Roger Behra, B. S. Education *
1Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Western New Mexico University,
Silver City, New Mexico. He took five courses, 15 graduate hours, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. 19 years experience teaching language arts in Arizona and Ohio, U.S.A. 10 years teaching religion in St. Ann Catholic School in Ohio, in addition.
There are four Plateaus in our Life to consider in regards to our spiritual development or the lack of it. Which one are you on?
Highest Plateau. Holy persons, very good Christians, young adults who are learning to be very good Christians examples, have the sanctifying grace daily, keeps the commandments, etc., kind and helpful to people.
Middle Plateau. Persons who are apostates, don’t keep the commandments, use wigi boards, witchcraft, black arts, sex clubs, pornography, break laws, deny God, deny Satan, make up their own rules for life, etc. Let evil run through their daily life. Disregards the commandments in general.
Lowest Plateaus. When evil spirits enter their lives.
Imperfect Possession. When a person makes a deal with Satan for a special favor (wants that girl or woman, that special job, etc. later regrets the decisions. Seeks help. Can be exorcised.
Perfect Possession. When a person sells his soul to Satan to control life. Example: to become very famous, to become very rich, to become very powerful, to obtain great material things, or to have all these things simultaneously. Happens slowly and perfectly and cannot be exorcised.
Evil Spirits. There are untold numbers who roam through the world seeking the ruin and the possession of souls. Every demon has a name. Satan is the master. Lesser evil spirits (imps) do his evil wishes and work. No evil spirit enters a person’s life by chance. Evil spirits enter through the conduct of a person’s daily life. Therefore, when a person dies out of sanctifying grace, the evil spirits gain his soul. So, we must stay in the state of sanctifying grace at all times. This shuts the door to evil spirits entering our lives, and in the end they do not gain souls. Satan looses.
*Every demon has a name.
*Some demons depart easily, some do not, are stubborn.
*The exorcist priest has to be very strong willed, strong in his faith, and know how to exorcize,
or he gets into trouble, serious trouble.
*Not all priests can exorcize. He is appointed by bishop or the Vatican.
The Essence of Innocence
Roger Behra, B. S. *
* Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Western New Mexico University,
Silver City, New Mexico. He took five courses, 15 graduate hours, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. 19 years experience teaching language arts in Arizona and Ohio, U.S.A. 10 years teaching religion in St. Ann Catholic School in Ohio, in addition.
Dear Editor:
I send one letter. It’s contains my personal experience of:
The Essence of Innocence
Recently, April 14, 2007, my wife and I were honored and happy to be a participant in the baptism of little Sofía Margarita as her godmother and godfather. Sofía is extra special because she is a gift from God and the first grandchild in the lives of Sonia and Angel, her grandparents, a grandchild, a grand nice to my wife, Yolanda, and me, the first child for her parents, Sonia Margarita and Gabriel. It was an extra special day in the life of us and so many other people.
Seeing the essence of innocence, the little Angel showing her childlike emotion and smile at all the attention and, later, when she viewed the little gifts shown to her was a never-ending happy memory. Thank God for innocent little babies.
After awhile, suddenly, a very, very sad thought entered my mind-the widespread practice of abortion going on throughout our world, the killing of millions of innocent little babies, who will never have the chance to be someone’s very special and loveable Essence of Innocence.
Abortion, a crime against humanity along with the innocent, defenseless child victim, who is robbed of a life given by God, unless it is for a very grave reason, is unspeakable and unacceptable. And to think in my mind that so many joyful, memorable days like my April 14, 2007, will never take place is extremely sad, and so unspeakable and unacceptable, also.
R. B.