domingo, 15 de junio de 2014

More Great Events, By Roger Behra

More Great Events
Roger Behra    
On April 20, 2014, Christians throughout the world celebrate the remembrance of the most glorious and special in the history of the world: the resurrection of Jesus from the dead three days after He was crucified. An Easter mark the holiest day of the year for Christians and it is most certainly. Christians never forget.      
Along with the resurrection of Jesus, there was special events directly relate to resurrection, and Christians also remember with a great deal of thankfulness. Lent is not only a time for repentance. It is also a time to remember and be thankful for all the great events that resulted from Jesus´ resurrection.
As soon as Jesus drew His last breath as He was dying on the cross, the gate to Heaven was immediately opened. Jesus quickly passed through the open gate to be with Heavenly Father just like we will when we die and go to our eternity. It is so nice to know that the entrance to our eternity will be open.
Another great event happened when Jesus drew His last breath while he was dying on the cross: Our salvation was assured. That was not the case before Jesus’ death on the cross. It is so nice to know that our salvation has been assured.
Also recorded in famous books is the fact that deceased family members and maybe a fiend did appear to let it be known that all is well with them and that the place called Heaven is indeed a beautiful and happy place to spend an eternity with family members and friends. It is so nice to know that we will not be alone during our eternity.
It is also recorded that eternal life is most interesting, because there is a purpose for eternal souls to decide on. There are all kinds of opportunities to choose from that make eternal life a productive and happy one. It is so nice to know that eternal life is far from boring existence.
Not that we know the nice to know events, we can say that our Heavenly Father´s plan was perfect. We must always be gratefully and thankful to our Heavenly Father.
R. B.