lunes, 9 de junio de 2014

During Jesus´s Ministry, By Roger Behra

During Jesus´s Ministry
Roger Behra
During the six weeks of the Lenten period we are reminded of the ministry of Jesus and many important activities that went on during that time. Christians are reminded that Jesus gave many examples that He was more than just a human being going about His Heavenly Father´s Business. There were many examples that let His followers know that He was also God. Those examples are called MIRACLES.
One day, while He was preaching to a large gathering, He was told that they were hungry, but with them there was not enough food. In return, Jesus told them to prepare the few loaves and fishes that were available. When the feeding was finished there was enough food left over to fill several baskets. Jesus quietly performed a miracle before their very eyes.
At another time, in another placer some family members of Lazarus approached Jesus and told Him that Lazarus died. At the request of Jesus they took Him to Lazarus grave and opened it. Jesus then asked Lazarus to wake up and come out of the grave to the astonishment of all the members that were there. Lazarus, who was a friend of Jesus, was also surprised and thankful for what Jesus did for him. That was another miracle that proved Jesus was not simply man, but God also.
Later in the ministry of Jesus there was the time that some lepers were in the same area as Jesus. Jesus decided to cure them and He did, but only one cured leper returned to thank Jesus for his miraculous cure.
As Jesus went about His ministry, He spent time with His apostles about the business of His Father. One day Jesus and three of the apostles (Peter, James, John), went to secluded area in the mountains. After talking with them for awhile, He face became a dazzling golden, like the sun. His appearance became a dazzling silver, as white as light. Everything only lasted for a minute, and it astounded the apostles. When Jesus returned to His earthly appearance, He warned the apostles not to tell anyone until after his crucifixion and He rose again on the third day.
Eventually, during Jesus´ three year ministry the word traveled far and wide. He was capable of performing special and astounding changes in people and the environment. The detractors of Jesus said He was a magician, and they decided to put a stop to it all. They captured and crucified Jesus, and that started a great new beginning. As soon as Jesus drew his last breath on the cross, the gate to heaven was opened. On the 3rd day afte3r the crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead. He was young. He was nice looking. He was able to appear anywhere at any time. When the Risen Jesus was with some apostles, they at first did not recognize Him. And Apostle Thomas did not believe Jesus rose from the dead, but he became a believer where Jesus showed him His crucifixion wounds, and Thomas said “My Lord and my God”. From that time on Jesus and heaven has been there for us. Pray to Jesus everyday.