lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

The Never-ending Topic, By Roger Behra

The Never-ending Topic
Roger Behra
The never-ending topic has been and still is Proposition 8. Californians know well what that is all about.  They voted it into law several years ago by a very large margin: millions of votes. At that time and to the present time millions of Californians still think that same-sex marriage is a very bad idea and should never take place.
Proposition 8 has been under fire in and out of the news for several years now. It has been on hold in California during those years. No same-sex marriage can take place in California while the legality of the voters ' decision trickles up through the various court systems. On February 24, 2013, it landed in the hands of the U. S. Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the land.  Soon the Court will begin it's lengthy deliberations, and as of 3-5-13 it's not clear where the Court stands. The guess is their final decision will only pertain to California and not to other states in general.
During a press conference in early March, 2013 U. S. President, Barack Obama was asked his stance on same-sex marriage, and his answer was "everyone is created equal." Really, that was an ignorant and thoughtless answer. Off-the-cuff questions tell he is mentally weak as America's leader. It's not the first time he has given that tendency.
The reality is in this reply: All couples are not created equal. Heterosexual couples can create offspring. Homosexual couples cannot. This is precisely why God allows marriage-between a MAN and a WOMAN.  Procreation is the foundation for marriage to begin with. Man and woman and marriage and procreation all go together. Any other setup is not a marriage.
Television and radio news along with psychiatrists try to convince people that homosexuals are born that way, which in not at all true. Homosexuals are that way because they choose to live that life style. They are not born that way, because homosexual behavior is contrary to God's plan for human sexual behavior which is procreation.
The primary reason homosexuals want their union to be wrapped up in a so called marriage is to legitimize their immoral, unnatural, and repugnant sexual behavior. They want that kind of behavior to be legal and accepted. The word "marriage" legally attached to their union is not going to change their type of behavior. Their union is still going to be considered unnatural, unproductive, and gravely immoral and sinful.
Heterosexual people have to correct their own behavior: stop divorcing and stop cohabiting. That is also contrary to God's plan for procreation. And another thing heterosexuals must do is not to hate or dislike homosexuals. We are all God's creatures and are subject to Him. He is the judge of human behavior. Most gays are very nice and likeable people. Most women know that their personalities are nice and acceptable. It´s their misguided and immoral behavior that is not.
R. B.