It Doesn’t Need Fixing
Roger Behra
America is going to be very regretful that they elected Barack Obama as their president to lead their country. Already, after one year in office his approval rating is at an all-time low for a first-year president. He simply is not qualified to be America’s president.
His main goal so far seems to be to change established rules, laws, and procedures that work well in order to make the last president, George W. Bush seem unimportant. He never misses an opportunity to blame Bush for his own inexperience and bad decisions. Obama simply has to man-up and make better decisions and take responsibility for his own failures as America’s president.
Now, February, 2010, Obama and his supper liberal and meddlesome Congress want to change a military police that has been in effect and working well for 17 years in America’s military. The police is the “don’t ask, don’t tell” sound military policy concerning gays serving their country on active duty and in the reserves. They can serve openly if the law is changed. Currently, they cannot be openly gay and serve.
The “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy is never intended for bar gays from serving, and it does not. It only prohibits overt displays of homosexuality through word or action. Nobody in the military is allowed to or supposed to talk about gays or gay behavior.
Obama and his congress are strongly in favor of changing the police just to keep a campaign promise or cater to political correctness. If the policy is changed to allow gays to openly serve in the military, it will definitely cause noticeable morale problems and harm to openly gay members during off duty and off base free time. That does not happen under the present policy. Potential career active members would leave the service early. And it could adversely effect future enlistments.
Common sense seems to clearly indicate since the present is working very well, it should be left alone. The “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy isn’t broken, so don’t try to fix it. Leave well enough alone, Mr. Obama.
R. B.