domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

He is Risen!, Family & Woman, By Angel Cepeda

He is Risen!, Family & Woman


Angel Cepeda

In this short communication to be about of Matthew Gospel: “Do not be afraid, for I know you are looking, for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said”, in the Lent to Easter Way. [1]

But, what does mean “He is risen!” in actual context for the human person? The explanation of this answer at this big question is:

These paragraph: “He is risen!”, showing that there are three words very, very important, three of the most important words spoken in all of human history, why?, because, in context biblical these small words contain the essence of the entire Gospel. And they are the reason we celebrate Easter together, uniting in prayer and prayer for God´s eternal plan of salvation through the Risen Christ, our Lord, Jesus. [2]

Lent is the way of de Easter, and in this day March 7, Third Sunday of Lent, celebrates in Mexico the Family, and the International Day Woman in the March 8. In St. Francis Church of Saltillo Coahuila, Fr. Federico Hernandez Carrillo [3], give us a very interesting explains in the Homily about the Biblical Readings are: First Reading, Éx 3, 1-8a. 13-15; Responsorial, Psalm 102; Second Reading, 1 Co 10, 1-6.10-12; and, Gospel, Lk 13, 1-9. [4]

In Spanish: Sal 102 “El Señor es Compasivo y Misericordioso”, this Psalm 102, is very important to the Family in all of human history.

Alleluia, He is risen!



[1] Cf. Mt 28, 5-6,

[2] Cf. Send letter to Angel Cepeda of Father of Mark Brummel, C.M.F., St. Jude League Director. National Shirene of St. Jude. Claretian Missioneries. March 2010.

[3] Cf. Fr. Federico Hernandez Carrillo (OFM), actual Praish Priest in Santa María Goretti; and Collaborator in Cultural Topics:

[4] Cf. The Mass was in Spanish, then, look the: Misal Mensual. Texto Oficial del Episcopado Mexicano. Obra Nacional de la Buena Prensa, A.C. Marzo 2010. Año VI, N° 71., p 20-24. Cf. TERCER DOMINGO DE CUARESMA. Marzo 7, 2010; del escrito, Calendario Litúrgico: Cuaresma y Pascua de Resurrección de Cristo Jesús; in:, Primera Lectura: Éxodo 3, 1-8a. 13-15; Salmo Responsorial: 102; Segunda Lectura: I Corintios 10, 1-6. 10-12; Evangelio: Lucas 13, 1-9.