domingo, 29 de junio de 2014

Corrupción de Árbitros de la FIFA no permiten que la Selección de México Avance a 4°s y rumbo a la Final de la Copa Mundial 2014

Corrupción de Árbitros de la FIFA no permiten que la Selección de México  Avance a 4°s y rumbo a la Final de la Copa Mundial 2014
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La corrupción del arbitraje en la FIFA en los partidos de futbol, que no es ya una sorpresa, no han permitido que la Selección de México avanzara a los 4°s de Final y consolidarse de una Selección Mexicana que dio todo en el terreno de la cancha deportivamente hablando, el triunfo inmerecido de Holanda sobre México por 2 goles a un golazo anotado por el Mexicano Govani  Dos Santos Ramírez, pasara a la historia futbolística, como un gran acierto de la corrupción del arbitraje al conceder un penal a los holandeses de un deportista que se dejó caer solo al ver al Capitán Rafael Márquez quien realizo una entrada limpia.
El entrenador Técnico de México Miguel Ernesto Herrera Aguirre realizo un gran trabajo al igual que todos los integrantes de la Selección Mexicana de Futbol, quienes deberían demandar ante la FIFA que se repita el encuentro entre México y Holanda.
Interrogantes: ¿Por qué callar el pésimo arbitraje de la FIFA? ¿Quiénes son los culpables de la corrupción del arbitraje en las Copas Mundiales? ¿Por qué no comentan nada las cadenas televisivas este hecho tan denigrante para el deporte? ¿Cuántos millones de dólares invirtieron para que México no llegara a la Final de la Copa Mundial? ¿Cuándo habrá Copas Mundiales sin corrupción arbitral?
Mis más sinceras felicitaciones a todo el equipo de nuestra Selección de México.
¡Animo! ¡Vendrán tiempos mejores!
Paz y Bien

jueves, 26 de junio de 2014

Innovación Científica y Tecnología Mexicana: Lluvia Sólida

Innovación Científica y Tecnología Mexicana: Lluvia Sólida
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Aspecto primordial en la Agricultura Orgánica es producir alimentos de alta excelencia y calidad, libre de contaminantes y útiles en la Alimentación y Nutrición  Sana para la Persona Humana y la sociedad en su conjunto.
Una Innovación Tecnológica para el Agro, es sin dudas, el Sistema de Riego denominado: Lluvia Sólida el cual ha sido formulado con fundamento en la denominada tecnología de punta o de última generación a base de Polímeros con características súper absorbentes de agua, con capacidad de captar, retener, proveer, y suplementar continuamente de humedad a las plantas evitando el estrés hídrico que afecta la productividad de las plantas, evitando la compactación de suelos, permitiendo y mejorando hasta en un 90% el agua de riego al optimizar la aeración en el suelo y facilitando la infiltración del agua en exceso.
Hace tiempo, recibí un interesante FW en mi correo electrónico enviado por el MC Juan Manuel Cepeda Dovala Profesor e Investigador del Área Química de Suelos del Departamento Ciencias del Suelo sobre la Lluvia Sólida, en donde al final decía con letras mayúsculas: PARA FINALIZAR, TE PIDO UN FAVOR, REENVIALO A TODAS TUS AMISTADES, FAMILIARES Y A TODOS TUS CONTACTOS, A FIN DE QUE EL GOBIERNO FEDERAL SE INTERESE POR ESTE PROYECTO. GRACIAS.
En el escrito que data del 7 de Febrero de 2012, se hace alusión a que el invento ha triunfado en 11 países, sin embargo, el Ing. Sergio Jesús Rico Velasco egresado del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) recuerda que acudió a la Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural Pesca y Alimentación (SAGARPA), la Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA) y la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (PROFEPA para presentar la “lluvia sólida” y los beneficios de su uso en los cultivos, pues en promedio se gasta el 80 por ciento del agua nacional con fines agrícolas; sin embargo sólo “le desearon suerte”. Ver el siguiente enlace:
Actualmente aparece en algunas dependencias el tema de la lluvia sólida, sin embargo, existe una interesante entrevista de Sarmiento relacionado con el tema y que puede servir de antecedente e introducción del tema de lluvia sólida, y que lo envíe por correo electrónico a profesores y alumnos de la UAAAN, hace tiempo:
La Entrevista con Sarmiento
O bien visitar el sitio:
Lluvia sólida: Tecnología Mexicana
La Dirección de Investigación de la UAAAN y sus distintas instancias, brilla por su ausencia en este tema de primordial importancia de la Lluvia Sólida, con excepción de los temas mencionados en las clases de Bioética y Metodología de la Investigación, Geología y Química de Suelos, por ejemplo, un Producto de Investigación, que no contó con apoyo presupuestal por la Dirección mencionada, fue la Tesis de Licenciatura aprobada en diciembre de 2012, denominada: "EFECTO SINÉRGICO DE ALGAENZIMS Y POLIACRILATO DE POTASIO EN LAS VARIABLES FISIOLÓGICAS DEL CULTIVO DE FRIJOL Phaseolus vulgaris L. Y EN LA RETENCIÓN DE HUMEDAD DE CUATRO SUSTRATOS BAJO INVERNADERO", cuyo Tesista fue María Esperanza Hernández Ruiz  del Programa Ingeniero Agrícola y Ambiental del Departamento Ciencias del Suelo, y la dirección de la investigación de la tesis y el jurado en el examen profesional fueron: M.C. Juan Manuel Cepeda Dovala: Asesor principal; M.C. José Omar Cárdenas Palomo: Sinodal Externo; y, M.C. Alejandra Rosario Escobar Sánchez: Sinodal.
También cabe destacar que se empleó la lluvia sólida en pequeña escala en algunas plantaciones de Pinus cembroides y otras plantas desérticas obteniéndose notables resultados, dentro del Proyecto de Desarrollo Asistencia Técnica para Agricultores y Ganaderos en Mejoramiento Ambiental en Zonas Áridas y Semiáridas durante 2013, cuyo responsable es el que escribe el presente escrito.
México necesita INNOVACIÓN CIENTÍFICA Y TECNOLOGÍCA, llevarla al campo sin demagogia, ahorrar recursos, y hacer Sustentable las labores Silvoagropecuarios. Espero que este escrito sea de beneficio para los alumnos que cursan el Programa Ingeniero Agrícola y Ambiental del Departamento Ciencias del Suelo, y otras áreas afines que se interesen, y desde luego para agricultores y ganaderos del agro.
Paz y Bien

lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

Avanza Selección de México a 8°s de Final en la Copa Mundial FIFA 2014

Avanza Selección de México a 8°s de Final en la Copa Mundial FIFA 2014
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En su recorrido futbolístico la Selección de México en Brazil 2014, sin perder en 3 partidos avanza 8°s de Final y el próximo encuentro será contra Holanda.
En el 1er encuentro México le gana a Camerún por un gol a cero, invalidando malamente otros 2 goles; en el 2° juego México empata con Brasil, y ante Croacia el día de hoy, en el 3er encuentro, México lo vence con 3 Golazos a un golecillo, en donde los jugadores mexicanos, lo permitieron prácticamente por una cortesía deportiva.
México avanza a pasos a agigantados, quien sin sufrir derrota contra 3 equipos y contra el pésimo arbitraje, que es una vergüenza el mal arbitraje en Copas Mundiales, es el reflejo de la corrupción, en donde el Presidente de la FIFA Joseph S. Blateer debería poner un alto, que acá en México, no servirían ni de árbitros en la 3ª división de futbol, son buenos a la mejor para el volibol, pues los árbitros ahora no vieron las manotas cochinas que cometieron los jugadores de Croacia, una clarísima mano, al cobrar México un tiro de esquina, y la otra mano en el área de Croacia, que era un Penalti, quitándole un posible gol más a México.
Mr. Joseph S. Blateer, favor de no poner árbitros maletas en los mundiales, y menos contra México, se repiten las corruptelas, según los medios, como las que hacia Joao Havelange cuando dirigía la FIFA. ¿Qué tal si el mal arbitraje hubiese sido contra Francia o contra el país anfitrión Brasil?
El capitán Rafael Marques de la Selección Mexicana, al estilo del distinguido Campeón Mundial de Alemania, el entonces y gran capitán defensivo, el Káiser Franz Backenbauer, anoto un tanto contra Croacia, animando a su equipo a conseguir otros dos goles más, uno de Andrés Guardado y el otro de Javier Hernández, y se le acabo la gritadera al entrenador técnico de la selección croata, que se expresó muy mal del equipo mexicano, debería tomar nota y clases de como dirigir selecciones con el Entrenador Técnico de la Selección Mexicana Miguel “El Piojo” Herrera.
Ver en el sitio oficial de FIFA:
Jugadas destacadas Croacia 1-3 México
Jugadas destacadas: Brasil 0-0 México
Jugadas destacadas: México 1-0 Camerún
¡Paz y Bien, Vamos México otra Vez!

lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

Major Foreign Policy Blunders, By Roger Behra

Major Foreign Policy Blunders
Roger Behra     
It is not a surprise that as of April 21, 2014, so many foreign policy blunders by America´s president have taken place, and Cold War victories won 40 years ago between communism and democracy, the Soviet Union and the United States have not been squandered because America´s president has failed to lead and may well go down as one of the worst foreign-policy presidents in America history.    
Russia is on the move again, and it looks like another Cold War is taking shape. Russia annexed Crimea and is causing trouble in the Ukraine. That could have been averted if Mr. Obama had a foreign policy in place to deal with Russia. Russia is emboldened now and merely shrugs off the United States secretary of state. That is a sign that Obama has lost geopolitical ground his White House predecessors worked so hard to wind. Mr. Obama is not match when dealing with Mr. Putin.     
In March, 2014 Mr. Obama met up with South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to discuss the security threat posed by North Korea. Mr. Obama assured them that America has their backs if Pyongyang starts any trouble in East Asia.      
No sooner did Mr. Obama bid the South Korea and Japanese heads of state farewell than North Korea test-fired two Rodong missiles, which are capable of reaching not only Seoul, but also Tokyo, and which can be fitted with nuclear warheads. That was not enough of a provocation by North Korea who followed it up with the flight of a surveillance drone that flew over Geun-hye´s presidential place. I clearly was an act of provocative intent. Yet, Mr. Obama had little to say about Pyongyang´s provocations.      
Then there is the so-called Arab Spring debacle. A great moment of opportunity was lost for U. S. diplomacy. It has been a big failure for Obama´s foreign policy. Clearly, Mr. Obama got it wrong on the Arab Spring, especially in Libya, where Libyan Ambassador J. Christopher Stephens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty were killed in a 2012 terror attack in Benghazi. Mr. Obama promised to bring to justice those responsible for their deaths. As of April, 2014 the culprits remain at large.      
It is matter of record that all the gains made at the end of the first Cold War that ended a 40-year struggle, between the Soviet Union and United States, have been squandered by America´s president. And to make matters worse, Mr. Obama has no firm, fixed, and effective foreign policy in place to combat a possible new Cold War that Russia can start at any time. Obama thinks sanctions will do the trick but sanctions will not. Russia´s Mr. Putin is an unpredictable president and makes up his own agenda as he goes alone.  That became evident with the Ukraine situation which can easily begin a new Cold War. Putin shrugged off America´s secretary of state in the Ukraine situation. It seems Mr. Putin would enjoy a new Cold War. It is all Putin and Russia can offer along with their shaky economy and weapons that end up in terrorist´s hands.
R. B.

domingo, 15 de junio de 2014

La Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2014, el Portaviones G. W. Bush, y el Papa Francisco

La Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2014, el Portaviones G. W. Bush, y el Papa Francisco
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Dio inicio en Brasil 2014 la Copa Mundial de la Federación Internacional de Fútbol Asociación (FIFA) cuya duración es del 12 Junio al 13 de Julio, y el buen deseo es promover la Paz y combatir todas las formas de discriminación durante los actos y eventos de la Copa Mundial 2014 y más allá, así aprovecharon la ocasión la Presidenta de Brasil Dilma Rousseff, el Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas Ban Ki-moon, y el Presidente de la FIFA Joseph S. Blateeer previo al partido inaugural. 
La Selección Mexicana obtuvo sus primeros 3 puntos al vencer a la Selección de Camerún por un gol a cero, gol anotado por Oribe Peralta, el pasado 13 de junio, ahora el equipo de México se prepara contra Brasil y el juego tendrá lugar el próximo martes 17 de junio. México pertenece al Grupo A junto con el país anfitrión Brasil, Camerún y Croacia que será adversario en la cancha de futbol el 23 de junio de 2014.   
En el sitio oficial de la FIFA: podrá ver los interesantes comentarios, noticias y otros aspectos relacionados con las mejores jugadas y los goles del día, de los distintos equipos pertenecientes a los 8 Grupos (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) de los 32 países participantes.
En pleno escenario del Mundial en Brasil, el pasado 14 de junio de 2014, Estados Unidos envía el Portaaviones George W. Bush al Golfo Pérsico debido a la crisis en Irak; en tanto que el Papa Francisco ha expresado su preocupación y oración ante la escalada de violencia en ese país.
Paz y Bien

Kerry´s Futile Negotiations, By Roger Behra

Kerry´s Futile Negotiations
Roger Behra    
John Kerry is the Secretary of State of the United States, and should not be. It was a mistake for America´s president to appoint him to that position. It is one of the many mistakes America´s president has made during his two terms as president. Kerry has been involved in so many disastrous and self-initiated negotiations against all advice and while he holds no cards for any success.   
To start his tenure as secretary of state, Kerry decides to get involved in the Syria conflict, against all advice while holding no cards, to supposedly remove Bashar al-Assad from power. That turned out to be a very bad move. The talks collapsed in very bad feeling among everyone and total confusion. Later, Kerry decided to try again, and it was not a surprise that the second conference ended in acrimony and confusion.    
Next, Kerry turns his attention toward Russia. As Russian forces are taking over Crimea, Kerry goes chasing after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Kerry chases after him first to Paris, then to Rome, then to London to offer a diplomatic solution. Lavrov shrugs him off, and Russia annexes Crimea.    
The greatest piece of diplomatic futility, however, was Kerry´s extremely hurried and not very organized effort to salvage the Arab-Israel negotiations, also against all odds and solid advice. Kerry made 12 trips to the region. His goal was to have a final Middle East peace within nine months. At nine months the talks were going nowhere, and no peace ever resulted. It was a fool´s errand from the very first day. There was never any chance of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas ever agreeing to a final peace, and Israel is tired of it all.    
John Kerry should be the secretary of state for the United States. He simply is not capable, and the Obama administration keeps propping him up hoping he will become more capable. That is not going to happen. Two legacies are being effected Kerry´s and Obama´s in a very negative way as a direct result.
R. B.

More Great Events, By Roger Behra

More Great Events
Roger Behra    
On April 20, 2014, Christians throughout the world celebrate the remembrance of the most glorious and special in the history of the world: the resurrection of Jesus from the dead three days after He was crucified. An Easter mark the holiest day of the year for Christians and it is most certainly. Christians never forget.      
Along with the resurrection of Jesus, there was special events directly relate to resurrection, and Christians also remember with a great deal of thankfulness. Lent is not only a time for repentance. It is also a time to remember and be thankful for all the great events that resulted from Jesus´ resurrection.
As soon as Jesus drew His last breath as He was dying on the cross, the gate to Heaven was immediately opened. Jesus quickly passed through the open gate to be with Heavenly Father just like we will when we die and go to our eternity. It is so nice to know that the entrance to our eternity will be open.
Another great event happened when Jesus drew His last breath while he was dying on the cross: Our salvation was assured. That was not the case before Jesus’ death on the cross. It is so nice to know that our salvation has been assured.
Also recorded in famous books is the fact that deceased family members and maybe a fiend did appear to let it be known that all is well with them and that the place called Heaven is indeed a beautiful and happy place to spend an eternity with family members and friends. It is so nice to know that we will not be alone during our eternity.
It is also recorded that eternal life is most interesting, because there is a purpose for eternal souls to decide on. There are all kinds of opportunities to choose from that make eternal life a productive and happy one. It is so nice to know that eternal life is far from boring existence.
Not that we know the nice to know events, we can say that our Heavenly Father´s plan was perfect. We must always be gratefully and thankful to our Heavenly Father.
R. B.

sábado, 14 de junio de 2014

The Essence of Easter, By Roger Behra

The Essence of Easter
Roger Behra
It is times for Christians to once again celebrate their holiest day of the year Easter Sunday. It marks the culmination of Holy Week which is the last week of the six weeks of Lent. Several events are designated during Holy Week.
The end of the ministry of Jesus started when He entered Jerusalem. Then there was His betrayal by the discipline, Judas. That was followed by His trail and great torture at the hands of the Roman governor. All of this ended with Good Friday, when Jesus was crucified and died on the cross for supposed crimes He committed and was buried in a tomb donated by a wealthy follower. Thief was supposed to be the Roman governor and the Roman soldiers. They did just did not except what happen ed after the death of Jesus on the cross, especially what happened on the Sunday three days after His death. But as Christians know and proclaim, that tragic and grisly series of events was only the prelude to the most glorious moment in the history of the world: the resurrection of Jesus three days after the death of Jesus on the cross. As soon as Jesus drew His final breath it all started.
Upon His death, Jesus´ followers were devastated, but they had reason to know it was not the end. They believed Jesus when He said that He would rise again and what He foretold to the scribes and Pharisees when they demanded that he produce a sign to prove His claims. What He told them is in the Gospel of Matthew: “For just a Jonah was three days nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
At other times before His crucifixion Jesus alluded to the event now celebrate on Easter morning as is preserved in the Gospel of Mark: “And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders indeed, had Jesus not risen from the dead, His words and deeds would rightly have been regarded as worthless. When Jesus rose from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said He would rise again, and they believed. After He rose from the dead He appeared before many, including His disciples and more than 500 others.
His disciples did not recognize Jesus at first. Jesus was transfigured. He was young looking. He was nice looking. He was clean cut looking. He was full of love and happiness. To some of his disciples he showed them his crucifixion wounds. In the upper room where the disciples were for safety’s sake, He had to convince Thomas and show him His wounds. Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God.” But as Christians know and proclaim the tragic and grisly events that ended with Jesus crucifixion and death on the cross, followed by the famous event three days later, was the prelude to the most glorious moment in the history of the word: the resurrection of Jesus on the first Easter Sunday, which is real essence of Easter.
R. B.

martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Making Schools Interesting, By Roger Behra

Making Schools Interesting
Roger Behra
Teachers, parents, and students know that America´s public schools are not very interesting places, they are not doing well or what is expected of them. They are doing a poor job of preparing students for their future in America´s culture. And it is so unnecessary. The question to be answered is: Why are America´s public schools performing so dismally?
The blame has to rest with the people in charge of deciding what is taught and how it is taught. The decline started when the U. S. government got involved with money and mandates. It´s had been a dismal and bad situation since then.
Soon, education policy makers thought that all students ought to automatically desire an academic education. Courses that would appeal to many students who could not care less about academics were not considered worthwhile. Those courses were left out of planning, and that proved to be a big mistake.
The reading selections that were chosen to teach skills were not interesting to the students. They were very boring, like correct history and science classes. Mat curriculums totally ignore beneficial goals and task students with goals that are beyond a useful developmental level.
Pupils that attend home schools, private schools, and charter schools generally outperform pupils in public schools. It must be understood that public schools are the places where students who do not want to be there are there because they have to be. They are the ones who drop out of school. Other students find out at graduation time that they do not have enough credits to graduate. Some changes must be made, but they are difficult to solve.
Schools must offer a wider curriculum with the boring subjects eliminated as much as possible. And the curriculum must be presented in more interesting ways. This would help make schools a more enticing and fun place to be and officer a wider range of opportunity for future success. It would certainly be a creditable start.
R. B.

Russia´s Pitiful President, By Roger Behra

Russia´s Pitiful President
Roger Behra
People who do not live in Russia should thank their lucky stars every day of lives. It is the most depressing place to live because of the leaders and the awful climate, but mostly because of the ones who lead Russia and what Russia has to offer, which is practically nothing. Under Russia´s current president, Vladimir Putin, Russia is on the road to yesteryear. Russians deserve a much better fate.
The leaders of Russia have never forgotten that they Cold War over thirty years ago, and now under Putin, he would like to start another Cold War. You can hear the wheels beginning to turn, and Putin demands it´s done his way.
Under Putin Russia is now ignoring international law. That will certainly encourage Iran and North Korea to do the same. That is going to dampen any world sympathy for Russia. The United States and Europe have been cutting their defense budgets, but that is going to come to a halt. In the U. S. and Europe more spending will have to take place buying military hardware. Ignoring international law is a monumental and grave mistake by Putin.
Now Russia has to deal with sanctions, and that is going to badly effect Russia´s ability to do successful banking, which they heavily depend on. Russia does not offer much to the success of other countries. They only provide oil and weapons that end up in the hands of terrorists. So, banking is very important to Russia, and the sanctions will strongly be devoted to harming them.
Someone called Putin a dimwit. Well, that seems to be an accurate assessment. A dimwit is a stupid person, and Putin, who has been ignoring international law, has put himself in the dimwit category. Since becoming president of Russia, he has Cold War thinking rolling around in his head. Putin has been poking the U. S. in the eye with a mix of Cold War-style tactics. However, Putin´s ignoring of international law is serious, and any violation will bring consequences and jeopardize world peace. Putin is just the kind of person who would risk that.
There is strong doubt that Putin should even be Russia´s president. During the last election in Russia there was strong indication suspicion that the election was not honest and that Putin, somehow, was underhandedly declared the president.
Others countries are watching Russia´s behavior during the Ukraine situation. Now that Russia has ignored international law, other country will be inclined to do the same, and that will be a serious situation. All the blame would be attributed to Putin for his dimwitted thinking and actions, along with all the sanctions that he caused to be placed on Russia. Putin is an absolute disadvantage being Russia´s president. Putin is capable another Cold War. Everyone is waiting and watching to see if the sanctions lead to another Cold War.
R. B.

lunes, 9 de junio de 2014

During Jesus´s Ministry, By Roger Behra

During Jesus´s Ministry
Roger Behra
During the six weeks of the Lenten period we are reminded of the ministry of Jesus and many important activities that went on during that time. Christians are reminded that Jesus gave many examples that He was more than just a human being going about His Heavenly Father´s Business. There were many examples that let His followers know that He was also God. Those examples are called MIRACLES.
One day, while He was preaching to a large gathering, He was told that they were hungry, but with them there was not enough food. In return, Jesus told them to prepare the few loaves and fishes that were available. When the feeding was finished there was enough food left over to fill several baskets. Jesus quietly performed a miracle before their very eyes.
At another time, in another placer some family members of Lazarus approached Jesus and told Him that Lazarus died. At the request of Jesus they took Him to Lazarus grave and opened it. Jesus then asked Lazarus to wake up and come out of the grave to the astonishment of all the members that were there. Lazarus, who was a friend of Jesus, was also surprised and thankful for what Jesus did for him. That was another miracle that proved Jesus was not simply man, but God also.
Later in the ministry of Jesus there was the time that some lepers were in the same area as Jesus. Jesus decided to cure them and He did, but only one cured leper returned to thank Jesus for his miraculous cure.
As Jesus went about His ministry, He spent time with His apostles about the business of His Father. One day Jesus and three of the apostles (Peter, James, John), went to secluded area in the mountains. After talking with them for awhile, He face became a dazzling golden, like the sun. His appearance became a dazzling silver, as white as light. Everything only lasted for a minute, and it astounded the apostles. When Jesus returned to His earthly appearance, He warned the apostles not to tell anyone until after his crucifixion and He rose again on the third day.
Eventually, during Jesus´ three year ministry the word traveled far and wide. He was capable of performing special and astounding changes in people and the environment. The detractors of Jesus said He was a magician, and they decided to put a stop to it all. They captured and crucified Jesus, and that started a great new beginning. As soon as Jesus drew his last breath on the cross, the gate to heaven was opened. On the 3rd day afte3r the crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead. He was young. He was nice looking. He was able to appear anywhere at any time. When the Risen Jesus was with some apostles, they at first did not recognize Him. And Apostle Thomas did not believe Jesus rose from the dead, but he became a believer where Jesus showed him His crucifixion wounds, and Thomas said “My Lord and my God”. From that time on Jesus and heaven has been there for us. Pray to Jesus everyday.

domingo, 8 de junio de 2014

El Papa Francisco Acepta Invitación del Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto para visitar México

El Papa Francisco Acepta Invitación del Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto para visitar México
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
“I ask all people of good will to join us today in praying for peace in the Middle East”
Papa Francisco
El Papa Francisco ha aceptado hoy la invitación extendida por el Presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, para visitar México dentro del marco de una audiencia privada en el Palacio Apostólico del Vaticano.
Vine al Vaticano para reunirme con el Papa Francisco @Pontifex e invitarlo a México. Me da gusto decirles que ha aceptado la invitación.
—Enrique Peña Nieto (@EPN) junio 7, 2014

Read more:

El Papa Francisco acepta invitación de Peña Nieto para visitar México

“Hoy les pido a todos los hombres de buena voluntad que se unan a nuestra oración por la paz en Oriente Medio” Papa Francisco

Paz y Bien