sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

SEP: Estadística Educativa en México

SEP: Estadística Educativa en México
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP), en relación a la Estadística Educativa en México, muestra la siguiente información: [1]
Sabías que en el país existen:
Nivel Educativo
Educación Básica
Capacitación para el Trabajo
Educación Media Superior
Educación Superior
Si Ud., es un Profesor Universitario, dentro del Nivel Educativo: Educación Superior, entonces forma parte del más del 10% del profesorado que atiende a más de 2 millones 700 mil estudiantes, en alguna de las más de 4000 escuelas, pero si Ud., busca la precisión numérica, la Educación Superior, es un subconjunto del Conjunto Universo del Nivel Educativo.
Algunas interrogantes:
¿Cuál es en términos porcentuales los datos proporcionados por la SEP?
¿Podrá Ud., hacer las gráficas de barras o de pastel considerando la anterior información?
¿Cuántos profesores tienen su Institución de Educación Superior (IES)?
¿Cuál es el porcentaje real considerando el nivel de Educación Superior de Docentes?
¿Por qué es importante que sepa las respuestas anteriores?
¿Su Institución Educativa cuenta con un Plan de Desarrollo Institucional que contemple la problemática Nacional, pero también la Internacional?
¿Sabe hacer un Plan de Trabajo?
Bueno existen muchas interrogantes que deben de incidir en mejorar la Dignidad de la Persona Humana y el Bien Común. Les comento que reciente vi y escuche algunos planes de trabajo de algunos directivos que no consideraron aspectos tan elementales como la Misión, Visión y Objetivos de una IES en Salti-Ranch, pero lo más ridículo de todo lo presentado por estos directivos aspirantes a directores, es que ni siquiera conocen cuáles son sus Responsabilidades conforme a la Normatividad; si dentro de sus responsabilidades es Planear, Organizar…entonces como vas a Planear, Organizar… ¡Me explico! Y por favor no sean ridículos ni pasen por alto la Nueva Reforma Educativa ni el Programa contra el Hambre para la región sureste del país y demás planes gubernamentales en un mundo globalizado.
Con el saludo de siempre
[1] Cf. En el sitio web de la SEP: Estadística Educativa
Última modificación fue el lunes 7 de enero de 2013 a las 11:54:26
Fecha de Consulta: sábado 27 de abril de 2013 a las 10:59 PM

Oración a San Judas

Oración a San Judas
¡Santo Apóstol, San Judas, fiel siervo y amigo de Jesús! La Iglesia te honra e invoca universalmente, como el patrón de los casos difíciles y desesperados. Ruega por mí. Estoy sin ayuda y siento una gran soledad. Haz uso, te imploro, del privilegio especial a ti concedido, de socorrer pronto y visiblemente cuando casi se ha perdido toda esperanza. Ven en mi ayuda en esta gran necesidad, para que pueda recibir el consuelo y socorro del cielo en todas mis necesidades, tribulaciones y sufrimientos, particularmente (haga aquí su petición), y para que pueda alabar a Dios contigo y con todos los elegidos por siempre. Prometo, glorioso San Judas, nunca olvidarme de este gran favor, honrarte siempre como a mi especial y poderoso patrón y, con agradecimiento, hacer todo lo que pueda para fomentar tu devoción.
Amén. [1]
[1] Cf. La Oración de San Judas en el sitio de los Misioneros Claretianos que sirven a más de 60 países para traer esperanza a los que más lo necesitan. Santuario Nacional de San Judas

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Saltillense Gairy Natividad Valdés en la Selección Nacional Femenil de Futbol de México Tri Sub17

Saltillense Gairy Natividad Valdés en la Selección Nacional Femenil de Futbol de México Tri Sub17
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
El pasado 16 de Abril de 2013, en la sección de Deportes-Futbol, del Periódico Vanguardia de Saltillo, Coahuila, se hace alusión Gairy Natividad Valdés y menciona que “Ser saltillense de nacimiento le dio la oportunidad a esta deportista para vestir la playera de la Selección Nacional Femenil y representar a México a pesar de radicar toda su vida en la Unión Americana”, en entrevista mencionó: “Juego desde los cuatro años. Nací en Saltillo y viví 11 días allá; mi mamá y yo nos fuimos a la ciudad de Denton, Texas, a alcanzar a mi papá, pues él estaba estudiando una maestría. Mis papás crecieron en Saltillo y ambos se graduaron de la UA de C. Mi mamá fue al Ateneo Fuente y mi papá en el Colegio Ignacio Zaragoza. Me encanta visitar Saltillo… es precioso”, relató la juvenil jugadora. [1]
Gary Natividad Valdés es un Honor para el Deporte del Futbol de México, y para USA, por tener doble nacionalidad, además de ser sobrina del Ingeniero, MC con Estudios Doctorales Luis Alfonso Natividad Beltrán del Río, Profesor e Investigador del Departamento de Recursos Naturales Renovables y Colaborador del Proyecto: Asistencia Técnica para Agricultores y Ganaderos en Mejoramiento Ambiental en Zonas Áridas y Semiáridas del Departamento Ciencias del Suelo, ambos departamentos académicos pertenecen a la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (UAAAN).
Felicitaciones y mucho éxito a Gairy Natividad Valdés, a su Tío Luis Alfonso Natividad, y a toda su familia, que compartimos su Alegría, en Hora Buena, y ¡Felices Pascuas!  
[1] Cf. Leer noticia completa del Talento de Saltillo Coahuila, México, y, de Denton, Texas, USA: Gairy Natividad Valdés, en el siguiente enlace:
Para Gairy Natividad el Tri era su destino

sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

Confucio: Arroz, Flores y Vida

Confucio: Arroz, Flores y Vida
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
El filósofo de China Confucio (551 a C- 478 a C) menciona una frase celebre en relación al arroz, las flores y la vida: "¿Me preguntas por qué compro arroz y flores? Compro arroz para vivir y flores para tener algo por lo que vivir"



miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

Recordando el Manifiesto por la Vida. Por una Ética para la Sustentabilidad del 2002

Recordando el Manifiesto por la Vida.  Por una Ética para la Sustentabilidad del 2002
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
A propósito de que el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN) abre el Foro Nacional "México en Paz" en Nuevo León, y con la finalidad de fortalecer la Cultura de la Paz, recordamos el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) en donde encontramos el Manifiesto por la Vida. Por una Ética para la Sustentabilidad; documento que data del año 2002. Para los estudiantes de Bioética en su Examen Final, deberán encontrar en el Manifiesto, los Principios Criterios y Valores, mencionar cuál es el concepto de Sustentabilidad, la importancia para el Programa de Ingeniero Agrícola Ambiental y para la Universidad, considerando otra bibliografía y el video indicado en la Nota [1]
Con el saludo de siempre:
[1] Cf. Manifiesto por la Vida.  Por una Ética para la Sustentabilidad (2002)
Manifiesto por la Vida. PDF en Español
Otros libros para consultar:
Garza Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, y Medina Torres, Jorge Galo. 2010. La Sustentabilidad en las Instituciones de Educación Superior: Una Visión Holística. Primera edición. UAAAN. LA&GO Ediciones, S.A. de C. V. Monterey, N.L. ISBN 970-9989-02-2
O bien puede consultar el libro más reciente de Jorge Galo Medina Torres denominado Sustentabilidad, publicado por la Editorial Académica Española.
Presidente Peña Nieto encabezó el Foro de Consulta para la Construcción del PND “México en Paz”
17 de abril de 2013 (Ver Video)

The Quadruple Whammy, By Roger Behra

The Quadruple Whammy
Roger Behra
It does not take long for promising lives to be forever ruined and lamented. That is what happened to 2 juvenile boys (ages 16 and 17) at Steubenville, Ohio. On March 17, 2013, a judge found the boys quilty of a "profane and ugly rape," with related activities, of a 16-year-old girl. They are now waiting their sentencing. When Ma'lik Richmond heard the word quilty he told his lawyer, "My life is over." Trent Mays walked over and apologized to the victim and her family, and he then broke into tears and could not speak.
The "profane and ugly rape" of the 16-year-old girl went like this. The two boys and the girl were in the house basement of one of the boys. The girl drank alco­hol to excess and passed out. That's when the two boys began to throw away their future as star football players and high school graduates: They took full advantage of the girl's helpless situation and the rape began. It was not the tradition all type of rape however, so there was a legal surprise waiting for them later.
What the boys did was totally uncalled for and gravely immoral. The sentencing judge revealed that both boys used their fingers to penetrate the girl in the early hours of 3-12-13 while she was so drunk that she lacked the ability to give her consent for sex. A picture was taken and later circulated among classmates that showed her naked and passed out.  Hundreds of texts also gave account of the assault on the girl. That´s why the sentencing judge said all the evidence was "profane and ugly."
It was then that the rude awakening at the court sentencing took place. They were informed by the judge that Ohio's legal definition of rape included digital penetration, that using finger penetration was indeed rape. It was shocking news to the two boys. They knew right then and there they were no longer football stars with a promising future.
What the boys did was not only "profane and ugly" it was gravely immoral and sinful. Their spiritual nature was affected and harmed. Sometimes only the spiritual nature is affected. Many times the legal matter as well is part of the overall outcome.
In the case of the two juvenile boys, they victimized themselves and got hit squarely between the eyes with a quadruple whammy: They became victims of their immoral behavior; They are no longer two football stars; They threw their high school diplomas and high school graduation right into the waste basket; They are low waiting for their prison sentence to begin. It is no surprise that this is the end result for the two Ohio boys. It is the road they put themselves onto be-of their immoral behavior: personal disaster in earthly life and consequences later in eternal life.
R. B.

Pornography's Related Effects, By Roger Behra

Pornography's Related Effects
Roger Behra
When the mass media sometimes mentions pornography, they do so in a very general sense. They do not give any particulars. They do not mention that the American culture is solidly and daily in the grip of widespread pornogrification and that the related behavior has devastated the American culture during the past several years with no end in sight. The media does not mention that 66% percent of Americans think that pornography is very morally wrong. The media fails to inform the American citizens of the related effects of the scourge of pornography.
What everyone needs to know to begin with is that pornography is very addictive and that the addiction begins quickly and, in far too many cases, at a very young age, and that it is not just a harmless vice. Pornography can be found in many places: all over the Internet; at magazine stands; in video stores; on regular and pay-per-view cable. Parents need to know this and be very vigilant if they have children and computers. Everyone needs to know that one-third of Americans think that pornography is not "morally wrong." That dear reader is the crux of the pornography problem.
Pornography is the root cause of many serious problems that develop and ruin the lives of so many people. The serious problems are many, because pornography is so easily available and all ages can view it. Juveniles were more likely to become sex offenders because they experience more damaging effects from pornog­raphy use. The link between child pornography and child molestation has been firmly established. At least 85 percent of convicted prison inmates confessed to downloading child pornography. The most common trait among serial killers was an affinity for pornography. The Archives of Sexual Behavior established that 80 percent of women watch pornography and it affects their lives: It leads to im­moral sex, cohabitation, infidelity, and prostitution. Nearly 60 percent of broken marriages were the result of a spouse looking at excessive amounts of Internet pornography. As you can see, pornography is not the harmless vice it's defenders suggest.
Aside from the damaging cultural effects, pornography is gravely immoral to become addicted to and even view occasionally as a pastime. It is spiritually debilitating also. It should not even be allowed to exist. Thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court it does, but what is not readily known is the fact that hard-core pornography is not covered by the Court's decision concerning free speech that is guaranteed by the U. S. Constitution. It's a mystery as to why lawyers have not acted on the pornography issue. They need to hop to it---PDQ.
R. B.

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

The Surprise Selection, By Roger Behra

The Surprise Selection
Roger Behra
The 1.2 Billion Catholics around the world are now settling down from the surprise selection of their new pope: Pope Francis I. Millions of Catholics went gaga because he in an Argentine and not someone from a country in Europe, and they do now expect a different kind of papacy. Catholics hope and expect his leadership will spawn a Catholic resurgence. Yes, it's going to be more progressive but not in a manner many Catholics are hoping: There will be no change in the Church's stance on ABORTION and SAME-SEX MARRIAGE.  Those issues will not change one iota. That means not even a small change will take place. That's the way it should be.
Catholics need to know that certain stances the Church takes cannot ever be changed or diluted because the stances are dogma. Abortion and same-sex marriage are dogma. They are never going to be acceptable. They are always going to be considered intrinsically evil, sinful, and just plain wrong.
Life begins at conception and God has given the fetus a soul and has a plan for that life. If there is no sound medical reason, that life cannot be indiscriminately snuffed out through abortion, which is really-murder.
Marriage is a sacrament, holy, instituted by God, and meant to be between one man and one woman. So, the Church cannot change that either, and same-sex marriage can never be considered a marriage. It is out of the question.  Pope Francis will not, therefore, be making any changes to make abortion or same-sex marriage acceptable.
What Pope Francis is going to do is pay particular attention to the poor and the disenfranchised. That is a necessary and welcomed change. He has not yet mentioned how he is going to address that. The poor and disenfranchised who benefit from that dedication will greatly outnumber all the disgruntled Catholics who leave the Catholic Church because abortion and same-sex marriage will never be accept­able to him.
Millions of Catholics are wishing Pope Francis a successful, peaceful, and productive papacy as he reaches his goals. May his papacy be renowned in the history of the papacy.
R. B.

Bully To Buddy, By Roger Behra

Bully To Buddy
Roger Behra
Finally, something good is happening in one of America's Public Schools: It's Marina High School at Huntington Beach, California. The Huntington Beach Youth Board along with Councilman Joe Carchio are organizing students to sign pledges to end a very serious problem: It's the effect of student bullying. They handed out T-shirts if they signed a pledge to "Be a Buddy, not a Bully." Nearly 600 stu­dents signed pledges and received a T-shirt. That's remarkable.
Bullying takes place during class sessions and after school off school grounds. Sometimes it gets physical and parents have to get involved.
Bullying takes place when students continuously make remarks when they feel he/she is not the same as them or a little bit strange. It is present in elementary and high schools throughout America, and it is an enormous problem and especially in the state of California.
Here is how bullying works during class sessions. Several classmates get together and choose a student to bully.  Jane Sadone is chosen.  In math class the bullies keep reminding Jane that she is fat. In English class another group of bullies keep telling Jane she looks awful in her clothes. In social studies class a stu­dent laughs and says her hair is ugly. This goes on for days at a time. Most days Jane goes home crying alone. She hates to leave for school and her mother wonders what is going on. That's when parents get involved.
Bullying is common after school. The bully group taunts someone daily on the way home. When the bullied person gets fed up, it leads to fighting. Girls are as bad as boys. Some time ago a father went over to a bully's house and shot the bully.
A very special type of bullying is taking place now, and it involves a large number of bullies: It's called cyberbullying. It's devastating! It's occurring very frequently. It's used anonymously. Bullying students use FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM accounts. If a bullied person's picture is put online, it's called "put on blast." When you are put on blast and your picture is up, bullies are calling you names and saying other unkind things: That is very hurtful and demoralizing to the one bullied, and it can lead to devastating behavior like the shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. Bullying is blamed for that. Adam Lanza´s picture: caused horrendous bullying because he was very different and strange looking.
America's Public Schools have so many others built in problems for one reason or another. When bullying came along on a large scale of deviant behavior, it became the icing on the problem cake. Let's hope the Be a Buddy, Not a Bully program becomes very effective in California and expands throughout other states in the culture of America. The program needs to gain momentum ASAP.
R. B.

America's Public Disasters

America's Public Disasters
Roger Behra
No. You are not going to read about rivers overflowing and flooding houses. No. You are not going to read about tornados destroying a city. No. You are not going to read about a sudden and destructive earthquake. Yes. You are going to read about the new name for America's Public Schools. They are referred to now as America's Public Disasters, because that is exactly what they are. There are reasons for the new name.
It is common knowledge how and when the U. S. Government came down the river with boat loads of money to help the public schools, and as a result, it mandated too much organizational and administrative changes and what teachers can and cannot the classroom. That was the beginning of what morphed into monstrous discipline problems that added to the already counterproductive school day and order. Monstrous discipline problems now are the norm rather than the exception, because teacher's hands are tied concerning the handling of discipline.
It´s not a secret that the key that opens the door to very good teaching success learning is very good discipline in the classroom first of all and elsewhere on the school ground. That is totally absent now in America´s public schools. Teachers are constantly between a rock and a hard place on a daily basis.
Along with the monstrous discipline problems, teachers are expected to perform too many duties not related to the teaching process. That consumes valuable time away from planning, teaching, and evaluation of subject matter. The teacher's workday is a modern day nightmare to say the least as they struggle to properly have a productive classroom teaching day.
Teachers cannot handle discipline problems in the same manner as before the U.S. Government got involved in the schools. It is a whole new ballgame now. Teachers are very restricted in what they can do in the classroom, and that's why discip­line has become such an unsolvable problem. Here is an example of what it's like.
Miss Goodlady is trying to teach 12th graders how to write intelligent and acceptable paragraphs. To her right is a boy loudly holding a conversation with a friend. To her left are three girls manipulating their cellphones and giggling. In the back of the room is a girl who jumps in and out of her seat to chat with her friend.  She refused to stay seated, so a security guards carne to remove her. She got loud and abusive with the security guard, and off to jail she was taken. It was her second appearance within 30 days before the same judge, so he added 30 more days to her original sentence and bail time. Miss Disrespectful became very angry.  Her reaction was to say "F----you, Judge" and flip the judge her middle finger.  Immediately, her place of residence was a jail cell.
Now you have an idea of what goes on in America's Public Schools and why they justifiably can be called America´s Public Disasters. (By the way, Miss Goodlady's paragraph writing lesson was a failure.)
R. B.