¡Feliz Día del Niño!
Tópicos Culturales desea Feliz Día del Niño, a todos sus lectores esperando hagan extensivo el saludo para sus nietos, nietas, sobrinos, sobrinas, hijitos, hijitas, recordando que la ONU celebra dicho día el 30 de abril desde 1954. También se conmemoran la aprobación de la Declaración de los Derechos del Niño en 1959 y de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño en 1989, y además que en su primera visita papal a México, Benedicto XVI en su Discurso del Papa a los Niños: dijo: “Muchas gracias mis pequeños amigos” Benedicto XVI. [1]
[1] Cf. Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño, en: http://www2.ohchr.org/spanish/law/crc.htm; y Cf. El Papa Benedicto XVI está muy Contento en México, en: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.mx/2012/03/el-papa-benedicto-xvi-esta-muy-contento.html
lunes, 30 de abril de 2012
miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012
La Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana y la NASA
La Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana y la NASA
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
«Vergelt’s Gott!», «Que Dios os recompense por ello» Benedicto XVI
Desde Diciembre 6, 2011, la Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana comienza a digitalizar 80.000 manuscritos con tecnología de la National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) de los Estados Unidos de América (USA), la tecnología utilizada se llama FITS que es el acrónimo de Flexible Image Transport System (FITS), es decir, Sistema Flexible de Transporte de Imágenes (SFTI). El siguiente pensamiento es el Monseñor Cesare Pasini, Prefecto, Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana: “Tenemos esta idea desde hace años, pero ahora hemos podido concretarla y detallarla. También porque disponemos de la tecnología más avanzada y la experiencia de los intentos anteriores. Hemos aprendido los errores para no repetirlos”. El proyecto cuenta con la colaboración de universidades como la Heildelberg de Alemania o la fundación italiana Enzo Hruby, que financiará el sistema de seguridad del edificio que albergará las digitalizaciones. [1]
Algunas de las publicaciones anteriores al 2011 acorde con ROME REPORTS son:
27/03/2009. “La Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana y la Biblioteca Nacional Judía de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén han presentado en Roma el catálogo de todos los manuscritos judíos conservados en el Vaticano. Se trata de más de 800 joyas históricas que van desde el siglo IV a la actualidad.” [2]
13/07/2009. “El Códice Sinaítico es la copia más antigua de la Biblia que existe en la actualidad. Está escrita en griego y data del año 400 d.C. Un tesoro que ahora está disponible casi íntegramente en esta web. La tecnología digital permite ver en alta resolución las 800 páginas del códice. Debido a su antigüedad no se han podido recuperar todos los libros de la Biblia y sólo se encuentra íntegro el Antiguo Testamento.” [3]
10/11/2010. “Los turistas podrán sentarse tranquilamente a leer un manuscrito antiguo de la Biblioteca Vaticana y pasear por sus pasillos es posible por primera vez en la historia gracias a esta exposición.” [4]
Y antes de despedirnos mencionaremos que Tópicos Culturales público en Abril 18, 2012: LUX IN ARCANA: Un Viaje al Archivo Secreto del Vaticano. [5]
[1] Cf. ROME REPORTS TV NEW AGENCY. La Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana comienza a digitalizar 80.000 manuscritos con tecnología de la NASA. 2011-12-06 18:04:00
[2] Cf. ROME REPORTS. El Vaticano publica catálogo de manuscritos judíos. 27/03/2009; en: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdJliwWKx0E
[3] Cf. ROME REPORTS. La Biblia más antigua del mundo, ya está en internet. 13/07/2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M5d_sJeO-I&feature=relmfu
[4] Cf. ROME REPORTS. El Vaticano expone el manuscrito más antiguo de la Biblioteca Vaticana. 10/11/2010; en: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfzanql6pmc&feature=relmfu
[5] Cf. LUX IN ARCANA: Un Viaje al Archivo Secreto del Vaticano. Miércoles 18 de abril de 2012; en: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.mx/2012/04/lux-in-arcana-un-viaje-al-archivo.html
domingo, 22 de abril de 2012
85° Cumpleaños y 7° Aniversario de Pontificado de su Santidad Benedicto XVI
85° Cumpleaños y 7° Aniversario de Pontificado de su Santidad Benedicto XVI
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Un gran hijo dio el país hermano de Alemania al mundo el 16 de Abril de 1927, pues nació en Marktl am Inn, diócesis de Passau, en un Sábado Santo: Joseph Ratzinger quien llegó a ser elegido Papa el 19 de Abril de 2005.
De niño y en su juventud Joseph Ratzinger, vivió en Traunstein, una pequeña localidad cerca de la frontera con Austria, a treinta kilómetros de Salzburgo, la tierra del Caballero de la Espuela de Oro Mozart y de Herbert Von Karajan.
Joseph Ratzinger a temprana edad, en su niñez y adolescencia, vivió en un mundo en guerra en la época del régimen nazi, y en los últimos meses de la segunda guerra mundial fue enrolado a los servicios auxiliares antiaéreos. Con el paso del tiempo llego su ordenación sacerdotal en 1951 hasta llegar a ser elegido Papa Benedicto XVI en 2005. El Papa Peregrino de la Fe, Esperanza y Caridad. ¡Benedicto Hermano Ya Eres Mexicano!
¡Felicitaciones a su Santidad en su 85° Cumpleaños y 7° Aniversario de Pontificado! Y que el nombre sagrado mencionado tres veces: ¡Jesús de Nazaret!, ¡Jesús de Nazaret!, ¡Jesús de Nazaret!, lo protejan al iniciar el 8° año de pontificado y todas sus diferentes necesidades y espirituales y materiales.
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Un gran hijo dio el país hermano de Alemania al mundo el 16 de Abril de 1927, pues nació en Marktl am Inn, diócesis de Passau, en un Sábado Santo: Joseph Ratzinger quien llegó a ser elegido Papa el 19 de Abril de 2005.
De niño y en su juventud Joseph Ratzinger, vivió en Traunstein, una pequeña localidad cerca de la frontera con Austria, a treinta kilómetros de Salzburgo, la tierra del Caballero de la Espuela de Oro Mozart y de Herbert Von Karajan.
Joseph Ratzinger a temprana edad, en su niñez y adolescencia, vivió en un mundo en guerra en la época del régimen nazi, y en los últimos meses de la segunda guerra mundial fue enrolado a los servicios auxiliares antiaéreos. Con el paso del tiempo llego su ordenación sacerdotal en 1951 hasta llegar a ser elegido Papa Benedicto XVI en 2005. El Papa Peregrino de la Fe, Esperanza y Caridad. ¡Benedicto Hermano Ya Eres Mexicano!
¡Felicitaciones a su Santidad en su 85° Cumpleaños y 7° Aniversario de Pontificado! Y que el nombre sagrado mencionado tres veces: ¡Jesús de Nazaret!, ¡Jesús de Nazaret!, ¡Jesús de Nazaret!, lo protejan al iniciar el 8° año de pontificado y todas sus diferentes necesidades y espirituales y materiales.
42° Aniversario del Día Internacional de la Tierra
42° Aniversario del Día Internacional de la Tierra
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Hoy se celebra 42° Aniversario el Día Internacional de la Tierra, el inicio por primera ocasión fue el 22 de Abril de 1970. Su promotor, el senador estadounidense Gaylord Nelson, para fomentar una conciencia común a los problemas de la superpoblación, la producción de contaminación, la conservación de la biodiversidad y otras preocupaciones ambientales para proteger la Tierra. El doodle dinámico muestra cómo crecen las plantas en la tierra con flores de distintos colores: rojas, moradas y amarillas formando el nombre del famoso buscador de Google y hace un llamado a tomar conciencia sobre la necesidad que existe en el mundo de una educación ambiental. [1]
Muchas instituciones celebran este día, dos ejemplos: 1) En México, la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SAMARNAT), menciona que: La celebración del Día Internacional de la Tierra se fortalece con la invitación de la ONU a todos los Estados Miembros, las organizaciones que integran el sistema de Naciones Unidas, las organizaciones internacionales, regionales y subregionales, la sociedad civil, las organizaciones no gubernamentales y los sectores interesados, a observar esta fecha cada año para sensibilizar y recordar a los seres humanos la obligación de preservar y respetar la riqueza natural con la que comparten el planeta, [2]; y, 2) En Estados Unidos la celebración la realizan la NASA, y el National Geographic Chanel, y otras organismos. [3]
Tópicos Culturales se une a este día plantando árboles en el desierto, problema número uno en nuestro territorio nacional, y no se olviden de plantar el árbol de la vida y de la paz en sus corazones.
[1] Cf. Día de la Tierra en: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%ADa_de_la_Tierra; y el doodle que aparece en el buscador de Google: http://www.google.com.mx/
[2] Cf. SAMARNAT, México asume la Carta de la Tierra, en: http://saladeprensa.semarnat.gob.mx/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4770:mexico-asume-la-carta-de-la-tierra&catid=50:comunicados&Itemid=110
[3] Cf. NASA Celebrates Earth Day 2012, en: http://www.nasa.gov/ ; y National Geographic Chanel, en: http://www.natgeo.tv/la/especiales/dia-de-la-tierra/
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Hoy se celebra 42° Aniversario el Día Internacional de la Tierra, el inicio por primera ocasión fue el 22 de Abril de 1970. Su promotor, el senador estadounidense Gaylord Nelson, para fomentar una conciencia común a los problemas de la superpoblación, la producción de contaminación, la conservación de la biodiversidad y otras preocupaciones ambientales para proteger la Tierra. El doodle dinámico muestra cómo crecen las plantas en la tierra con flores de distintos colores: rojas, moradas y amarillas formando el nombre del famoso buscador de Google y hace un llamado a tomar conciencia sobre la necesidad que existe en el mundo de una educación ambiental. [1]
Muchas instituciones celebran este día, dos ejemplos: 1) En México, la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SAMARNAT), menciona que: La celebración del Día Internacional de la Tierra se fortalece con la invitación de la ONU a todos los Estados Miembros, las organizaciones que integran el sistema de Naciones Unidas, las organizaciones internacionales, regionales y subregionales, la sociedad civil, las organizaciones no gubernamentales y los sectores interesados, a observar esta fecha cada año para sensibilizar y recordar a los seres humanos la obligación de preservar y respetar la riqueza natural con la que comparten el planeta, [2]; y, 2) En Estados Unidos la celebración la realizan la NASA, y el National Geographic Chanel, y otras organismos. [3]
Tópicos Culturales se une a este día plantando árboles en el desierto, problema número uno en nuestro territorio nacional, y no se olviden de plantar el árbol de la vida y de la paz en sus corazones.
[1] Cf. Día de la Tierra en: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%ADa_de_la_Tierra; y el doodle que aparece en el buscador de Google: http://www.google.com.mx/
[2] Cf. SAMARNAT, México asume la Carta de la Tierra, en: http://saladeprensa.semarnat.gob.mx/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4770:mexico-asume-la-carta-de-la-tierra&catid=50:comunicados&Itemid=110
[3] Cf. NASA Celebrates Earth Day 2012, en: http://www.nasa.gov/ ; y National Geographic Chanel, en: http://www.natgeo.tv/la/especiales/dia-de-la-tierra/
Benedicto XVI, el Tercer Día de Pascua, y las Lecturas Bíblicas
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
¿Qué permite la fe a los discípulos? No deje de leer el escrito completo de su Santidad indicado en la Nota [1], y meditar las lecturas bíblicas. ¡Feliz Tercer Domingo de Pascua!
[1] Cf. Benedicto XVI: la fe permite a los discípulos entender las cosas escritas sobre Cristo. Palabras del papa al introducir el rezo del 'Regina Coeli'. ZS12042203 - 22-04-2012.
Permalink: http://www.zenit.org/article-42016?l=spanish
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
El Papa Benedicto XVI mencionó que: “Hoy, tercer domingo de Pascua, encontramos en el evangelio de Lucas a Jesús resucitado que se presenta en medio de los discípulos (cf. Lc. 24,36), los cuales, incrédulos y atemorizados, pensaban que veían un espíritu (cf. Lc. 24,37).” [1]
En este Tercer Domingo de Pascua las Lecturas Bíblicas son:
Primera Lectura: Hechos de los Apóstoles: 3, 13-15 y 17-19
Salmo Responsorial: 4, 2,4, 7-9
Segunda Lectura: 1 Juan 2, 1-5
Evangelio: Lucas 24, 35-48
¿Qué permite la fe a los discípulos? No deje de leer el escrito completo de su Santidad indicado en la Nota [1], y meditar las lecturas bíblicas. ¡Feliz Tercer Domingo de Pascua!
[1] Cf. Benedicto XVI: la fe permite a los discípulos entender las cosas escritas sobre Cristo. Palabras del papa al introducir el rezo del 'Regina Coeli'. ZS12042203 - 22-04-2012.
Permalink: http://www.zenit.org/article-42016?l=spanish
Benedicto XVI,
Lecturas Bíblicas,
Tercer Día de Pascua
Benedicto XVI recuerda a México y a la recién proclamada Beata María Inés Teresa
Benedicto XVI recuerda a México y a la recién proclamada Beata María Inés Teresa
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
[1] Cf. Benedicto XVI: "El Salvador nos asegura su presencia real entre nosotros", en: ZS12042204 - 22-04-2012. Permalink: http://www.zenit.org/article-42017?l=spanish
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
En la Ciudad del Vaticano su Santidad el Papa Benedicto XVI, el Papa Peregrino de la Fe, Esperanza y Caridad, después del rezo del Regina Coeli, el papa saludó a los distintos grupos según sus idiomas; y a los peregrinos de lengua italiana les dijo: "Me complace recordar que ayer, en México, fue proclamada beata María Inés Teresa del Santísimo Sacramento, fundadora de las misioneras clarisas del Santísimo Sacramento. Demos gracias a Dios por esta hija ejemplar de la tierra mexicana, que recientemente he tenido el placer de visitar y que llevo siempre en mi corazón". [1]
[1] Cf. Benedicto XVI: "El Salvador nos asegura su presencia real entre nosotros", en: ZS12042204 - 22-04-2012. Permalink: http://www.zenit.org/article-42017?l=spanish
NASA y los Eventos Astronómicos del 2012: Eclipses Solares, Lunares, y el Tránsito de Venus
NASA y los Eventos Astronómicos del 2012: Eclipses Solares, Lunares, y el Tránsito de Venus
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
La National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) de los Estados Unidos de América (USA), en su sitio web http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse.html es apto para toda la familia (Clasificación A), y puede consultarse y ver los eventos astronómicos del presente año y de otros años.
En el 2012, encontrará Usted que habrá dos Eclipses Solares: el primero será un Eclipse Anular de Sol el próximo Mayo 20, y el segundo será un Eclipse Total de Sol en Noviembre 13. También habrá dos Eclipses Lunares: el primero será un Eclipse Parcial Lunar en Junio 04, y el segundo será un Eclipse Penumbral de Luna y ocurrirá en Noviembre 28. Se podrá observar el Tránsito del Planeta Venus en Junio 05 y 06, esto significa el paso de Venus por delante del Sol, visto desde la Tierra, este Transito se produce cuando el Sol, Venus y la Tierra se alinean, y el Sol presentará un pequeño punto negro o “lunar” que será el Planeta Venus.
Todos los centros educativos deberían consultar el sitio web de la NASA, es gratuito estar informado y enterado sobre los eventos astronómicos de una forma amena y científica.
Abril 22, 2012
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
La National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) de los Estados Unidos de América (USA), en su sitio web http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse.html es apto para toda la familia (Clasificación A), y puede consultarse y ver los eventos astronómicos del presente año y de otros años.
En el 2012, encontrará Usted que habrá dos Eclipses Solares: el primero será un Eclipse Anular de Sol el próximo Mayo 20, y el segundo será un Eclipse Total de Sol en Noviembre 13. También habrá dos Eclipses Lunares: el primero será un Eclipse Parcial Lunar en Junio 04, y el segundo será un Eclipse Penumbral de Luna y ocurrirá en Noviembre 28. Se podrá observar el Tránsito del Planeta Venus en Junio 05 y 06, esto significa el paso de Venus por delante del Sol, visto desde la Tierra, este Transito se produce cuando el Sol, Venus y la Tierra se alinean, y el Sol presentará un pequeño punto negro o “lunar” que será el Planeta Venus.
Todos los centros educativos deberían consultar el sitio web de la NASA, es gratuito estar informado y enterado sobre los eventos astronómicos de una forma amena y científica.
Abril 22, 2012
sábado, 21 de abril de 2012
La Conspiración de Orión de Seb Janiak: Entre la Ciencia y la Ficción
La Conspiración de Orión de Seb Janiak: Entre la Ciencia y la Ficción
Ángel R. cepeda Dovala
[1] Cf. Para complementar información y ver película los siguientes enlaces:
The Orion Conspiracy (English & French Version)
Seb Janiak — Photographer & Director
La Conspiración Orión - Subtitulado en Español 1 de 2 (9:48 minutos)
La Conspiración de Orión - Subtitulado en Español 2 de 2 (10:01 minutos)
Ángel R. cepeda Dovala
En un mundo que ama la PAZ, se asoma la violencia de la guerra, cada vez con armas más sofisticadas, en donde el fenómeno OVNI, forma parte de las culturas, para los escépticos dicho fenómeno no existe, para otros es el fenómeno es real y ancestral.
La Conspiración de Orión es una película del año 2008, considerada dentro del género de ciencia ficción, de Francia, cuyo Director y Guión fue producido por Seb Janiak, sin fines de lucro y sin ningún objetivo comercial y dura 19:50 minutos. El autor menciona que a más de cincuenta años de desinformación y manipulación en la sombra de los medios de comunicación han dividido y empobrecido a la opinión pública, a fin de controlarla mejor, y también considera que este filme es artístico y no es ni una obra de ficción, ni un documental. Olvídese de las palabras "esotérico" o "fantástico", aquí estamos hablando sobre la realidad ... [1]
[1] Cf. Para complementar información y ver película los siguientes enlaces:
The Orion Conspiracy (English & French Version)
Seb Janiak — Photographer & Director
La Conspiración Orión - Subtitulado en Español 1 de 2 (9:48 minutos)
La Conspiración de Orión - Subtitulado en Español 2 de 2 (10:01 minutos)
Ciencia y Ficción,
La Conspiración Orión,
Seb Janiak,
The Orion Conspiracy
Entrega ES.PE.RE. 197 Propuestas por la Paz a Autoridades en Saltillo Coahuila
Entrega ES.PE.RE. 197 Propuestas por la Paz a Autoridades en Saltillo Coahuila
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Las 197 Propuestas por la Paz en Saltillo Coahuila es tema de noticia en varios medios informativos en la capital Coahuilense, una Cronología no exhaustiva de la Ceremonia organizada por ES.PE.RE., Tópicos Culturales la presenta en dos apartados a continuación:
La Invitación a Ceremonia recibida a Tópicos Culturales el 12 de Abril se hizo extensiva:
Periódico Diario de Coahuila. Abril 17, 2012
Inicia acciones Fundación para la Reconciliación
Periódico Heraldo de Saltillo. Abril 17, 2012
Entregarán el viernes propuestas de paz
Tópicos Culturales. Abril 20, 2012
197 Propuestas entregan en Ceremonia para la Paz ES.PE.RE. al Gobierno del Estado de Coahuila
Periódico Vanguardia. Abril 21, 2012
Conciencia ciudadana, Entregan al gobierno propuestas por la paz
Entregan a autoridades propuestas por la paz en Saltillo
El Diario de Coahuila. Abril 21, 2012
PRESENTAN 197 PROPUESTAS. Se unen por la paz. Saltillenses de diferentes sectores piden a las autoridades tomar medidas.
Periódico el Zócalo. Abril 21, 2012
Entregan propuestas para alcanzar la paz en Saltillo
Cantan por la paz 500 en Saltillo
Periódico el Siglo de Terrón Abril 21, 2012
Realizan propuestas por la paz de Coah.
A pesar de hechos violentos ocurridos en la ciudad, y sugerencias de suspender la Ceremonia, la valentía, conciencia y madurez ciudadana de los coahuilenses se manifestó al realizar PROPUESTAS PARA LA PAZ en lugar de CRÍTICAS y PROTESTAS, el evento se llevó a cabo en un clima de tranquilidad, cordialidad y alegría, sin ningún tipo de incidentes.
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Las 197 Propuestas por la Paz en Saltillo Coahuila es tema de noticia en varios medios informativos en la capital Coahuilense, una Cronología no exhaustiva de la Ceremonia organizada por ES.PE.RE., Tópicos Culturales la presenta en dos apartados a continuación:
La Invitación a Ceremonia recibida a Tópicos Culturales el 12 de Abril se hizo extensiva:
Periódico Diario de Coahuila. Abril 17, 2012
Inicia acciones Fundación para la Reconciliación
Periódico Heraldo de Saltillo. Abril 17, 2012
Entregarán el viernes propuestas de paz
Tópicos Culturales. Abril 20, 2012
197 Propuestas entregan en Ceremonia para la Paz ES.PE.RE. al Gobierno del Estado de Coahuila
Periódico Vanguardia. Abril 21, 2012
Conciencia ciudadana, Entregan al gobierno propuestas por la paz
Entregan a autoridades propuestas por la paz en Saltillo
El Diario de Coahuila. Abril 21, 2012
PRESENTAN 197 PROPUESTAS. Se unen por la paz. Saltillenses de diferentes sectores piden a las autoridades tomar medidas.
Periódico el Zócalo. Abril 21, 2012
Entregan propuestas para alcanzar la paz en Saltillo
Cantan por la paz 500 en Saltillo
Periódico el Siglo de Terrón Abril 21, 2012
Realizan propuestas por la paz de Coah.
A pesar de hechos violentos ocurridos en la ciudad, y sugerencias de suspender la Ceremonia, la valentía, conciencia y madurez ciudadana de los coahuilenses se manifestó al realizar PROPUESTAS PARA LA PAZ en lugar de CRÍTICAS y PROTESTAS, el evento se llevó a cabo en un clima de tranquilidad, cordialidad y alegría, sin ningún tipo de incidentes.
viernes, 20 de abril de 2012
197 Propuestas entregan en Ceremonia para la Paz ES.PE.RE. al Gobierno del Estado de Coahuila
197 Propuestas entregan en Ceremonia para la Paz ES.PE.RE. al Gobierno del Estado de Coahuila
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Conforme a lo previsto en la Invitación de las Escuelas para el Perdón y la Reconciliación (ES.PE.RE.), realizó la entrega formal de 197 Propuestas para la Paz en Ceremonia Solemne, a la representación del Gobernador del Estado de Coahuila y del Presidente Municipal de Saltillo, ante la asistencia de más de 500 personas en la Plaza de Armas en Saltillo Coahuila de Zaragoza. Las 197 propuestas fueron entregadas por triplicado, en 3 cajas transparentes, una para el Gobernador, otra para el Presidente Municipal y una copia para ES.PE.RE. El evento conocido inició a las 4PM y terminó a las 5 PM, se contó con la presencia del Leonel Narváez Gómez, Filósofo, Teólogo de la Universidad de San Buenaventura en Bogotá y Sociólogo con posgrados en la Universidad de Cambridge en Inglaterra, y Universidad de Harvard en Estados Unidos. Es sacerdote religioso de los Misioneros de la Consolata, comunidad fundada en Turín, Italia. Actualmente es el Presidente de la Fundación para la Reconciliación. [1]
Quizás por primera vez en la Historia de Saltillo el Gobierno Estatal, en vez de recibir una Protesta frente al Palacio de Gobierno, RECIBIO 197 PROPUESTAS PARA LA PAZ DE LA COMUNIDAD COAHUILENSE. Se espera que sean analizadas y consideradas como un Compromiso ante las Propuestas de la Ciudadanía Coahuilense para que en forma solidaria construya un México mejor.
Abril 20, 2012
[1] Cf. INVITACIÓN A CEREMONIA PROPUESTAS DE PAZ EN COAHUILA, POR ES.PE.RE., en: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.mx/search?updated-min=2012-01-01T00:00:00-06:00&updated-max=2013-01-01T00:00:00-06:00&max-results=50 ; Cf. También, la página web de la Fundación para la Reconciliación, en: http://fundacionparalareconciliacion.org/
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Conforme a lo previsto en la Invitación de las Escuelas para el Perdón y la Reconciliación (ES.PE.RE.), realizó la entrega formal de 197 Propuestas para la Paz en Ceremonia Solemne, a la representación del Gobernador del Estado de Coahuila y del Presidente Municipal de Saltillo, ante la asistencia de más de 500 personas en la Plaza de Armas en Saltillo Coahuila de Zaragoza. Las 197 propuestas fueron entregadas por triplicado, en 3 cajas transparentes, una para el Gobernador, otra para el Presidente Municipal y una copia para ES.PE.RE. El evento conocido inició a las 4PM y terminó a las 5 PM, se contó con la presencia del Leonel Narváez Gómez, Filósofo, Teólogo de la Universidad de San Buenaventura en Bogotá y Sociólogo con posgrados en la Universidad de Cambridge en Inglaterra, y Universidad de Harvard en Estados Unidos. Es sacerdote religioso de los Misioneros de la Consolata, comunidad fundada en Turín, Italia. Actualmente es el Presidente de la Fundación para la Reconciliación. [1]
Quizás por primera vez en la Historia de Saltillo el Gobierno Estatal, en vez de recibir una Protesta frente al Palacio de Gobierno, RECIBIO 197 PROPUESTAS PARA LA PAZ DE LA COMUNIDAD COAHUILENSE. Se espera que sean analizadas y consideradas como un Compromiso ante las Propuestas de la Ciudadanía Coahuilense para que en forma solidaria construya un México mejor.
Abril 20, 2012
[1] Cf. INVITACIÓN A CEREMONIA PROPUESTAS DE PAZ EN COAHUILA, POR ES.PE.RE., en: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.mx/search?updated-min=2012-01-01T00:00:00-06:00&updated-max=2013-01-01T00:00:00-06:00&max-results=50 ; Cf. También, la página web de la Fundación para la Reconciliación, en: http://fundacionparalareconciliacion.org/
miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012
LUX IN ARCANA: Un Viaje al Archivo Secreto del Vaticano
LUX IN ARCANA: Un Viaje al Archivo Secreto del Vaticano
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
El sitio web de la Santa Sede http://www.vatican.va/phome_sp.htm, tiene el enlace al Archivo Secreto del Vaticano: http://asv.vatican.va/, y se revelan más de 1000 años de historia en 85 kilómetros de estantes de libros. Desde hace 400 años El Archivo Secreto del Vaticano da servicio a la Santa Sede, y representa uno de los centros de investigación histórica más famosos del mundo.
Del enlace del Archivo Secreto del Vaticano: http://asv.vatican.va/, encontrará Usted el enlace de LUX ARCANA L´ARCHIVIO SEGRETO VATICANO SI RIVELA, le da un clic para ingresar, y encontrará documentos, personajes, curiosidades y videos. De los videos le recomiendo ver Lux in Arcana-Official video publicado también en You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAao-fNIXDc
Esperando que este escrito sea de utilidad para sus investigaciones acorde a su interés y pueda realizar al menos un viaje virtual, les envió saludos.
Santa Sede,
sábado, 14 de abril de 2012
Books to Read, By Roger Behra
Books to Read
Roger Behra
Everybody wants to know the answer to the most important question: What happens to us when we die? Well, the answer is there for us if we search for it. There are so many books in libraries and book stores. It is a very popular subject. The following list contains the best of the books printed over that past 40 years. Minds will be made up and thinking will be changed. Atheists and medical doctors will get a lesson in reality. A seven-year-old girl patient of Dr. Melvin Morse did just that when she described her near-death experience (NDE) and he shrugged he did off. Someday you will know the truth, doctor. After decades of research he did just that: his mind, his thinking, and his life has been forever changed.
Dr. Melvin Morse, M. D.-“Transformed by the Light”-“Closer to the Light”, and “Parting Visions”
Dr. Raymond Moody, Jr., M. D.-“Life after Life”-“The Light Beyond”-“Reunions”, and “Glimpses of Eternity”
Sylvia Browne, Psychic-“life on the Other Side”
P. M. H. Atwater-“Beyond the Light”
Bill and Judy Guggenheim-“Hello from Heaven”
George Anderson, Professional Psychic Medium,-“We Don´t Die”-“We are not Forgoten”-“Our children Forever”, and “Lessons from the Light”
Dr. Morse is a Pediatrician and has recorded many children´s near-death experiences. He has spent thirty years researching the NDE from around the world. Dr. Moody became a believer through his extensive research over several decades. “Glimpses of Eternity” has a 2010 copyright date. He writes about the shared pre-death experiences of the dying and loves ones at the bedside. In the book “Hello from Heaven” of Bill and Judy Guggenheim, gave the very best after death communications from their 3,500 interviews. George Anderson links the living family members with their deceased family members. He has been scientifically thoroughly investigated and tested. He has been declared not a fraud. P. M. H. Atwater has had three near-death experiences. Her second one proved to so true that she put over 15 years of interviews and research into NDE´s. Sylvia Browne has written many books. She is hard to read and believe because of the style of writing and how she presents information. The information is cluttered and very often stretches the believability factor. Read and decide for yourself.
R. B.
Books to Read
Roger Behra
Everybody wants to know the answer to the most important question: What happens to us when we die? Well, the answer is there for us if we search for it. There are so many books in libraries and book stores. It is a very popular subject. The following list contains the best of the books printed over that past 40 years. Minds will be made up and thinking will be changed. Atheists and medical doctors will get a lesson in reality. A seven-year-old girl patient of Dr. Melvin Morse did just that when she described her near-death experience (NDE) and he shrugged he did off. Someday you will know the truth, doctor. After decades of research he did just that: his mind, his thinking, and his life has been forever changed.
Dr. Melvin Morse, M. D.-“Transformed by the Light”-“Closer to the Light”, and “Parting Visions”
Dr. Raymond Moody, Jr., M. D.-“Life after Life”-“The Light Beyond”-“Reunions”, and “Glimpses of Eternity”
Sylvia Browne, Psychic-“life on the Other Side”
P. M. H. Atwater-“Beyond the Light”
Bill and Judy Guggenheim-“Hello from Heaven”
George Anderson, Professional Psychic Medium,-“We Don´t Die”-“We are not Forgoten”-“Our children Forever”, and “Lessons from the Light”
Dr. Morse is a Pediatrician and has recorded many children´s near-death experiences. He has spent thirty years researching the NDE from around the world. Dr. Moody became a believer through his extensive research over several decades. “Glimpses of Eternity” has a 2010 copyright date. He writes about the shared pre-death experiences of the dying and loves ones at the bedside. In the book “Hello from Heaven” of Bill and Judy Guggenheim, gave the very best after death communications from their 3,500 interviews. George Anderson links the living family members with their deceased family members. He has been scientifically thoroughly investigated and tested. He has been declared not a fraud. P. M. H. Atwater has had three near-death experiences. Her second one proved to so true that she put over 15 years of interviews and research into NDE´s. Sylvia Browne has written many books. She is hard to read and believe because of the style of writing and how she presents information. The information is cluttered and very often stretches the believability factor. Read and decide for yourself.
R. B.
Sad Story-Tragic Ending, By Roger Behra
Sad Story-Tragic Ending
Roger Behra
There is a mode of behavior going on America that has become entrenched over a long period of time, and it has become very harmful to America´s culture. People of all ages and walks of life are participants. The mode of behavior has increased and multiplied greatly over the past three decades. You have to ask yourself if you are part of this debilitating cultural effect: the averted behavior syndrome.
The averted behavior syndrome contains three parts: averted eyes, averted hearing, and averted speaking. All three are alive, present, and working well in America´s modern culture.
Let´s begin with averted eyes syndrome. Here is an example of how it works. A man was out walking on a hot summer night at a midnight in the downtown area of a big city. As he was passing past a large business he heard groans and saw a woman being raped in the dark entrance to the business. Instead of coming to aid of the woman he looked the other way and hurried quickly past and away from the area. He pretended like it was not happening. Since this was before cell phones, he notified no one.
Another part of the averted behavior syndrome is averted hearing that is easy to practice. People hear about the plans to commit immoral or inappropriate behavior and they let it happen without getting involved to stop it. Murders and others physical harm takes place because of this syndrome. It is common.
The third part of averted behavior syndrome is averted attention. People simply do not want to take the time to get involved, so inappropriate and immoral behavior just takes it´s toll. All levels of society are guilty of this syndrome.
In all fairness it must be mentioned that there are some external social pressures that aid the adverted behavior syndrome. That is unfortunate but a really. No one wants to be on records as a witness. That can lead to be involved in court trails, missed work time, and visits to a lawyer´s office more than once. There is always the threat of retaliation and harassment. Always use careful discretion.
The answer to remedying the averted behavior syndrome rests with each individual. It is personal and one´s contribution to the culture.
We always have to be honest with ourselves, or else we are like the three monkeys who practiced the averted behavior syndrome as they sat side-by-side. One monkey decides not to see and evil and covers his eyes. The second monkey decides not to hear and evil covers his ears. The third monkey decides not to speak any evil and covers his mouth. The people who practice the averted behavior syndrome are like the three monkeys. Don´t be monkey. Don´t practice the averted behavior syndrome.
R. B.
Sad Story-Tragic Ending
Roger Behra
There is a mode of behavior going on America that has become entrenched over a long period of time, and it has become very harmful to America´s culture. People of all ages and walks of life are participants. The mode of behavior has increased and multiplied greatly over the past three decades. You have to ask yourself if you are part of this debilitating cultural effect: the averted behavior syndrome.
The averted behavior syndrome contains three parts: averted eyes, averted hearing, and averted speaking. All three are alive, present, and working well in America´s modern culture.
Let´s begin with averted eyes syndrome. Here is an example of how it works. A man was out walking on a hot summer night at a midnight in the downtown area of a big city. As he was passing past a large business he heard groans and saw a woman being raped in the dark entrance to the business. Instead of coming to aid of the woman he looked the other way and hurried quickly past and away from the area. He pretended like it was not happening. Since this was before cell phones, he notified no one.
Another part of the averted behavior syndrome is averted hearing that is easy to practice. People hear about the plans to commit immoral or inappropriate behavior and they let it happen without getting involved to stop it. Murders and others physical harm takes place because of this syndrome. It is common.
The third part of averted behavior syndrome is averted attention. People simply do not want to take the time to get involved, so inappropriate and immoral behavior just takes it´s toll. All levels of society are guilty of this syndrome.
In all fairness it must be mentioned that there are some external social pressures that aid the adverted behavior syndrome. That is unfortunate but a really. No one wants to be on records as a witness. That can lead to be involved in court trails, missed work time, and visits to a lawyer´s office more than once. There is always the threat of retaliation and harassment. Always use careful discretion.
The answer to remedying the averted behavior syndrome rests with each individual. It is personal and one´s contribution to the culture.
We always have to be honest with ourselves, or else we are like the three monkeys who practiced the averted behavior syndrome as they sat side-by-side. One monkey decides not to see and evil and covers his eyes. The second monkey decides not to hear and evil covers his ears. The third monkey decides not to speak any evil and covers his mouth. The people who practice the averted behavior syndrome are like the three monkeys. Don´t be monkey. Don´t practice the averted behavior syndrome.
R. B.
Two Tragic Endings, By Roger Behra
Two Tragic Endings
Roger Behra
When people perpetrate inappropriate, unlawful, or evil behavior, the perpetrators and the victims most always end up in very, very serious trouble. That is exactly what happened to Dharum Ravi and Tyler Clementi on September 19 and 22, 2010. The end result was extremely sad, indeed.
In a legal trial that ended during mid-March, 2012, the verdict was devastating to Dharum Ravi who was found guilty of all 15 charges against him. The victim, Tyler Clementi, could not be present because he committed suicide when he jumped off the George Washington Bridge in New Jersey.
The whole tragic episode started in a dormitory room at Rutgers University. Ravi and Tyler were roommates, and Ravi suspected that Tyler was gay and committing gay sex in the room when he was not there. So Ravi set up his webcam in the room. Later, when he checked his webcam, there was gay activity recorded. That was Ravi´s first mistake. His second mistake occurred when the recording was seen on the internet. Ravi tweeted about it and then set up his webcam to record more activity.
It did not take long for Tyler to find out about what went on. The embarrassment Tyler suffered was extreme, and it took it´s toll. On September 22, 2010, Tyler posted one last status update on Facebook: “Jumping off the gw bridge, sorry”.
The devastating and tragic parts to this episode cannot ever be forgotten: a life ended at a very young age along with a college career; another college career ended as a life was ruined, also at a very young age. It all happened because of very unacceptable behavior leading to another type of unacceptable behavior.
Along with the two types of behavior, two college careers were halted. Two college degrees will never be granted. Two potential good destines were wasted. The 15 charges against Ravi that were upheld during the court trail mean a very long prison time awaits him. And the ending of a young life is the most traffic.
Inappropriate behavior is never an option or acceptable. And spying on someone or an invasion of privacy is disgusting to a very high degree. Everyone must remember that personal behavior determines a legacy which lasts forever.
R. B.3-25-12
Two Tragic Endings
Roger Behra
When people perpetrate inappropriate, unlawful, or evil behavior, the perpetrators and the victims most always end up in very, very serious trouble. That is exactly what happened to Dharum Ravi and Tyler Clementi on September 19 and 22, 2010. The end result was extremely sad, indeed.
In a legal trial that ended during mid-March, 2012, the verdict was devastating to Dharum Ravi who was found guilty of all 15 charges against him. The victim, Tyler Clementi, could not be present because he committed suicide when he jumped off the George Washington Bridge in New Jersey.
The whole tragic episode started in a dormitory room at Rutgers University. Ravi and Tyler were roommates, and Ravi suspected that Tyler was gay and committing gay sex in the room when he was not there. So Ravi set up his webcam in the room. Later, when he checked his webcam, there was gay activity recorded. That was Ravi´s first mistake. His second mistake occurred when the recording was seen on the internet. Ravi tweeted about it and then set up his webcam to record more activity.
It did not take long for Tyler to find out about what went on. The embarrassment Tyler suffered was extreme, and it took it´s toll. On September 22, 2010, Tyler posted one last status update on Facebook: “Jumping off the gw bridge, sorry”.
The devastating and tragic parts to this episode cannot ever be forgotten: a life ended at a very young age along with a college career; another college career ended as a life was ruined, also at a very young age. It all happened because of very unacceptable behavior leading to another type of unacceptable behavior.
Along with the two types of behavior, two college careers were halted. Two college degrees will never be granted. Two potential good destines were wasted. The 15 charges against Ravi that were upheld during the court trail mean a very long prison time awaits him. And the ending of a young life is the most traffic.
Inappropriate behavior is never an option or acceptable. And spying on someone or an invasion of privacy is disgusting to a very high degree. Everyone must remember that personal behavior determines a legacy which lasts forever.
R. B.3-25-12
Rutgers University,
Tragic Endings
viernes, 13 de abril de 2012
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Tópicos Culturales hace extensiva la Invitación a la Ceremonia de Entrega de Propuestas de Paz elaborados por la Ciudanía al Gobierno del Estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza, [1]. La Ceremonia se llevará a cabo el próximo Abril 20, 2012, a las 4:00 P.M., en la Plaza de Armas. El atuendo es con camisa blanca. Para mayores informes en la elaboración de propuestas de paz para la comunidad, escribir al correo electrónico a las Escuelas de Reconciliación y Perdón (ES.PE.RE.): espere_saltillo@hotmail.com
[1] Ver Invitación a Ceremonia de ES.PE.RE., publicado por cortesía de Tópicos Culturales, en el margen derecho de http://topicosculturales.blogspot.mx/
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Tópicos Culturales hace extensiva la Invitación a la Ceremonia de Entrega de Propuestas de Paz elaborados por la Ciudanía al Gobierno del Estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza, [1]. La Ceremonia se llevará a cabo el próximo Abril 20, 2012, a las 4:00 P.M., en la Plaza de Armas. El atuendo es con camisa blanca. Para mayores informes en la elaboración de propuestas de paz para la comunidad, escribir al correo electrónico a las Escuelas de Reconciliación y Perdón (ES.PE.RE.): espere_saltillo@hotmail.com
[1] Ver Invitación a Ceremonia de ES.PE.RE., publicado por cortesía de Tópicos Culturales, en el margen derecho de http://topicosculturales.blogspot.mx/
An Amazing Story, By Roger Behra
An Amazing Story
Roger Behra
The famous woman author P. M. H. Atwater has told an amazing story. She has had three near-death experiences (NDE), but the second one is the most real and impressive. It happened when she was young adult. Here is her story.
Atwater knew about maybe there was a life after earthly life from her first NDE. Then six year her second NDE which continued to be vivid in her mind she wondered why. The feeling that Jesus was part of the second NDE never left her. Atwater knew about Jesus before her second NDE, but she did not know anything about His personal appearance. Most Christians do not know the details either. Some idea is realized from calendars and holy pictures which are not always the same appearance. It doesn’t seem to be all that important. In most NDE´s Jesus is referred as the LIGHT anyway.
During her second and most impressive and memorable NDE which lasted more than 20 minutes, Atwater said she definitely was “with Jesus”. As she was talking to her sister, her sister asked what did Jesus look like? “Jesus was tall. His complexion was dark (swarthy). His hair was dark golden red, and His eyes were the softest blue imaginable. He radiated incredible love and compassion, and I wanted to be with Him forever”. But as time went on she kept thinking this was an illusion and not really.
All of this remained with Atwater after six years had passed, so she decided to do research on the historical Jesus. During research she learned about a book, “Portrait of Jesus?” by Frank C. Tribbe, that contained descriptions of Jesus from the communications of three different persons. All three communications stated that: “Jesus was tall. He had dark complexion. His hair was the color of new wine or or sunburned gold, and His eyes were very soft blue or grey”. Atwater was shocked as she read the words twice slowly to herself. She finally realized fully what went on during her second NDE: It was reality.
Near-death experiences are very real, and now there is enough complete and definite research on record to establish the fact. When during a NDE a sister is eternity with a deceased brother she knew nothing about; when a boy is with his great grandfather and learned his name before the boys parents ever mention that to him; when P. M. H. Atwater could describe in detail the appearance of Jesus after her NDE without knowing it before her NDE, the proof is in the pudding when all of this is recorded in scientific research. A NDE, therefore, is not a result of medication, the lack of oxygen, or just a plain hallucination. Unbelieving doctors, atheists, and others need to take notice: The afterlife is real. Jesus is very real. The near-death experience is real. Read the books of P. M. H. Atwater, Raymond Moody, Jr., Melvin Morse, M. D., and George Anderson.
R. B.
An Amazing Story
Roger Behra
The famous woman author P. M. H. Atwater has told an amazing story. She has had three near-death experiences (NDE), but the second one is the most real and impressive. It happened when she was young adult. Here is her story.
Atwater knew about maybe there was a life after earthly life from her first NDE. Then six year her second NDE which continued to be vivid in her mind she wondered why. The feeling that Jesus was part of the second NDE never left her. Atwater knew about Jesus before her second NDE, but she did not know anything about His personal appearance. Most Christians do not know the details either. Some idea is realized from calendars and holy pictures which are not always the same appearance. It doesn’t seem to be all that important. In most NDE´s Jesus is referred as the LIGHT anyway.
During her second and most impressive and memorable NDE which lasted more than 20 minutes, Atwater said she definitely was “with Jesus”. As she was talking to her sister, her sister asked what did Jesus look like? “Jesus was tall. His complexion was dark (swarthy). His hair was dark golden red, and His eyes were the softest blue imaginable. He radiated incredible love and compassion, and I wanted to be with Him forever”. But as time went on she kept thinking this was an illusion and not really.
All of this remained with Atwater after six years had passed, so she decided to do research on the historical Jesus. During research she learned about a book, “Portrait of Jesus?” by Frank C. Tribbe, that contained descriptions of Jesus from the communications of three different persons. All three communications stated that: “Jesus was tall. He had dark complexion. His hair was the color of new wine or or sunburned gold, and His eyes were very soft blue or grey”. Atwater was shocked as she read the words twice slowly to herself. She finally realized fully what went on during her second NDE: It was reality.
Near-death experiences are very real, and now there is enough complete and definite research on record to establish the fact. When during a NDE a sister is eternity with a deceased brother she knew nothing about; when a boy is with his great grandfather and learned his name before the boys parents ever mention that to him; when P. M. H. Atwater could describe in detail the appearance of Jesus after her NDE without knowing it before her NDE, the proof is in the pudding when all of this is recorded in scientific research. A NDE, therefore, is not a result of medication, the lack of oxygen, or just a plain hallucination. Unbelieving doctors, atheists, and others need to take notice: The afterlife is real. Jesus is very real. The near-death experience is real. Read the books of P. M. H. Atwater, Raymond Moody, Jr., Melvin Morse, M. D., and George Anderson.
R. B.
Near-Death Experience (NDE)
The Three Culprits, By Roger Behra
The Three Culprits
Roger Behra
All the Americans who do not have their core values and moral compasses pointed in the correct direction and working well do not realize how much radio, television have contributed to the deterioration of America culture during the past thirty plus years. These three culprits are liberalism on parade. It is a deliberate, constant, and never ending barrage of liberalism. Television and Hollywood are mostly at fault with radio a close one-half inch behind. All three are the combined image makers who shape the public opinions and thinking that has been so very culturally destructive in matters of spiritual, moral, and social behavior. The people who are devoted to the three culprits end up being the tragic victims.
All three are in the same boat patting each others backs. The radio media is the least offensive. The television and Hollywood media are very offensive. Primetime evening sitcoms are extremely offensive because of the obsession with sex and the use of bad language. Television also shows so many R-rated movies to all ages of people. Hollywood is obsessed with guns, killing, bad language, and nudity with sexual overtones. It all captivates large audiences. One movie alone has grossed nearly $60 million dollars in a single weekend, and that was during bad economic times! Hollywood, tells on itself when no one under the age 13 in most cases and 17 in some cases are not permitted without a parent. And what really adds insult to injury is the fact anyone can see the films that are rented. That is how Hollywood pollutes the America culture.
Cohabitation is common among Hollywood actors, and that brings children out of wedlock into the picture. Some Hollywood actresses just decide to have a child out of wedlock whenever they please. And of course the mass media joyfully coos and cuddles up to those events as they bring it all to the world to see and admire.
America has been constantly and strongly influenced in a very negative way morally and socially through the mass media, television, and Hollywood for a very long time. So, it is not a coincidence that Americans participate and accept immoral behavior as a normal way of life on a daily basis. It is the end desire and result of the “big three´s efforts and influence”. When cohabitation, children out of wedlock, bad and obscene language, and immoral sex are portrayed as normal and acceptable on a daily basis or on nightly television and in movie theaters, the noticeable moral, social, and cultural decay is a no brainer.
No end to these horrendous deviations from what is morally, socially, and cultural acceptable is on the horizon. It appears that America is going to remain in the present den of iniquity for a long time to come: the place where immoral and evil ways of life continue to happen.
R. B.
The Three Culprits
Roger Behra
All the Americans who do not have their core values and moral compasses pointed in the correct direction and working well do not realize how much radio, television have contributed to the deterioration of America culture during the past thirty plus years. These three culprits are liberalism on parade. It is a deliberate, constant, and never ending barrage of liberalism. Television and Hollywood are mostly at fault with radio a close one-half inch behind. All three are the combined image makers who shape the public opinions and thinking that has been so very culturally destructive in matters of spiritual, moral, and social behavior. The people who are devoted to the three culprits end up being the tragic victims.
All three are in the same boat patting each others backs. The radio media is the least offensive. The television and Hollywood media are very offensive. Primetime evening sitcoms are extremely offensive because of the obsession with sex and the use of bad language. Television also shows so many R-rated movies to all ages of people. Hollywood is obsessed with guns, killing, bad language, and nudity with sexual overtones. It all captivates large audiences. One movie alone has grossed nearly $60 million dollars in a single weekend, and that was during bad economic times! Hollywood, tells on itself when no one under the age 13 in most cases and 17 in some cases are not permitted without a parent. And what really adds insult to injury is the fact anyone can see the films that are rented. That is how Hollywood pollutes the America culture.
Cohabitation is common among Hollywood actors, and that brings children out of wedlock into the picture. Some Hollywood actresses just decide to have a child out of wedlock whenever they please. And of course the mass media joyfully coos and cuddles up to those events as they bring it all to the world to see and admire.
America has been constantly and strongly influenced in a very negative way morally and socially through the mass media, television, and Hollywood for a very long time. So, it is not a coincidence that Americans participate and accept immoral behavior as a normal way of life on a daily basis. It is the end desire and result of the “big three´s efforts and influence”. When cohabitation, children out of wedlock, bad and obscene language, and immoral sex are portrayed as normal and acceptable on a daily basis or on nightly television and in movie theaters, the noticeable moral, social, and cultural decay is a no brainer.
No end to these horrendous deviations from what is morally, socially, and cultural acceptable is on the horizon. It appears that America is going to remain in the present den of iniquity for a long time to come: the place where immoral and evil ways of life continue to happen.
R. B.
jueves, 12 de abril de 2012
Combined Inappropriate Behavior, By Roger Behra
Combined Inappropriate Behavior
Roger Behra
Along with the great number of continuous problems that plague California’s public schools a new one of serious and great importance has reared its ugly head, and the citizens of California are shaking their heads in total dismay. It’s a very serious problem that has been going on for a long time. Only recently has the mass media been focusing on only one part of the seriousness of the problem. It is a compound problem and the mass media does not seem to get the connection between the two parts of the problem. The focus has been only on inappropriate male teacher behavior. There is much more connected to the inappropriateness.
The mass media has frequently been reporting over the past several months that male teacher-female student sexual behavior has been going on for a long time. Some sexual acts have taken place in the teacher’s classroom believe it or not. The inappropriate behavior revealed has included touches, hugs, kisses, and even sexual intercourse in the classroom, private homes, and elsewhere. It also mentioned that pornography has been found on teacher’s classroom computers.
Inappropriate teacher behavior is only half of the compound problem. It is just the end result. The great contributing factor is the grossly inappropriate female student dress. Oh my goodness! How can the mass media fail to mention that? They have so far. It simply cannot ignore because it is the root cause of the inappropriate behavior problem. Female students come to class dressed quite immodestly. Their blue jeans are very thin material and skin tight. It is quite common to see extreme cleavage and partially bare breasts. Some wear this see through blouses. All this is seen by the male teacher from his desk. It is freely seen in halls, on campus, and as the female students walk to and from school. It is highly provocative to say the least. There is no question. What is needed is an answer.
It is very appropriate that so much inappropriate teacher behavior is being revealed in the mass media. It is a giant step forward. Now what is need is for mass media take the second great giant step forward.: focusing on the provocative active female students=male teacher inappropriate behavior. It goes hand-in-hand. Thin skin-tight blue jeans, cleavage, partially bare breasts, and thin see-through blouses have no place on young and teenage girls in the classroom or on student dress on school grounds (or anywhere else for that matter). Until the manner of female student dress on school grounds during the school day is addressed, the human factor of male teachers will always be tested.
In spite of all the reasons why, there are not excuses for a teacher´s lapse in professional and moral behavior. Teachers are adults with a higher degree of education and moral understanding. They should know better and exhibit these qualities as they avoid any temptations as they practice good judgment and proper behavior.
R. B.
Combined Inappropriate Behavior
Roger Behra
Along with the great number of continuous problems that plague California’s public schools a new one of serious and great importance has reared its ugly head, and the citizens of California are shaking their heads in total dismay. It’s a very serious problem that has been going on for a long time. Only recently has the mass media been focusing on only one part of the seriousness of the problem. It is a compound problem and the mass media does not seem to get the connection between the two parts of the problem. The focus has been only on inappropriate male teacher behavior. There is much more connected to the inappropriateness.
The mass media has frequently been reporting over the past several months that male teacher-female student sexual behavior has been going on for a long time. Some sexual acts have taken place in the teacher’s classroom believe it or not. The inappropriate behavior revealed has included touches, hugs, kisses, and even sexual intercourse in the classroom, private homes, and elsewhere. It also mentioned that pornography has been found on teacher’s classroom computers.
Inappropriate teacher behavior is only half of the compound problem. It is just the end result. The great contributing factor is the grossly inappropriate female student dress. Oh my goodness! How can the mass media fail to mention that? They have so far. It simply cannot ignore because it is the root cause of the inappropriate behavior problem. Female students come to class dressed quite immodestly. Their blue jeans are very thin material and skin tight. It is quite common to see extreme cleavage and partially bare breasts. Some wear this see through blouses. All this is seen by the male teacher from his desk. It is freely seen in halls, on campus, and as the female students walk to and from school. It is highly provocative to say the least. There is no question. What is needed is an answer.
It is very appropriate that so much inappropriate teacher behavior is being revealed in the mass media. It is a giant step forward. Now what is need is for mass media take the second great giant step forward.: focusing on the provocative active female students=male teacher inappropriate behavior. It goes hand-in-hand. Thin skin-tight blue jeans, cleavage, partially bare breasts, and thin see-through blouses have no place on young and teenage girls in the classroom or on student dress on school grounds (or anywhere else for that matter). Until the manner of female student dress on school grounds during the school day is addressed, the human factor of male teachers will always be tested.
In spite of all the reasons why, there are not excuses for a teacher´s lapse in professional and moral behavior. Teachers are adults with a higher degree of education and moral understanding. They should know better and exhibit these qualities as they avoid any temptations as they practice good judgment and proper behavior.
R. B.
miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012
Avoiding Grammar Pitfalls, By Roger Behra
Avoiding Grammar Pitfalls
Roger Behra
As the counterculture movement and philosophy gained momentum one of the new effects that has become engrained in America’s culture is the incorrect way the English language is spoken and written. It is amazing to hear people with college degrees violate the correct rules of grammar. It has been very evident over the past several decades that this part of their philosophy has been successful where so many people murder the English language as they break the most common rules of basic grammar. Media sports personalities and their listeners who call in lead the list. They simply tell on themselves: that they are ignoramuses. And the ignoramuses start with teachers who do not do a good job of teaching English in the classroom.
Here is how you can tell when you know better. In matters of subject-verb agreement you will hear during the program in their articles that a plural subject is agreeing with a singular verb. A singular verb requires a singular verb. A plural subject requires a plural verb. And you will hear or read that the ignoramus has made the object of a preposition agree with the verb. That is never correct.
Ignoramuses are very ignorant of the verb tenses: present, past, future, and the use of past participle. The past participle always requires a helping verb. The forms of the verb to GO are: go, went, gone. The correct uses of these forms are as follows when used in a sentence: I go every morning to school. I went every day this week. I have gone every day this month. Next month I shall not go anymore to school.
An educated person who is not an ignoramus knows how to use correctly subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and how to use the past participle. They know the long list of prepositions, prepositional phrases, and never use the object of a preposition to agree with the verb in a sentence.
Two verbs that educated ignoramus misuse are SIT and SET. You can really tell on yourself when these verbs are used.
SIT-to recline. I SIT here. You SIT there. Everyone must SIT quietly.
SET-to put or place. Jim, SET your bag here. John, SET yours there. Others SET here.
Educated ignoramuses have the explicit responsibility to use correct grammar when speaking and writing. There is no valid excuse for not doing so. They must stop telling on themselves that they are ignorant in the use of the English language. Otherwise, the diplomas and degrees that they have and wave have the word BOGUS stamped all over them.
R. B.
Avoiding Grammar Pitfalls
Roger Behra
As the counterculture movement and philosophy gained momentum one of the new effects that has become engrained in America’s culture is the incorrect way the English language is spoken and written. It is amazing to hear people with college degrees violate the correct rules of grammar. It has been very evident over the past several decades that this part of their philosophy has been successful where so many people murder the English language as they break the most common rules of basic grammar. Media sports personalities and their listeners who call in lead the list. They simply tell on themselves: that they are ignoramuses. And the ignoramuses start with teachers who do not do a good job of teaching English in the classroom.
Here is how you can tell when you know better. In matters of subject-verb agreement you will hear during the program in their articles that a plural subject is agreeing with a singular verb. A singular verb requires a singular verb. A plural subject requires a plural verb. And you will hear or read that the ignoramus has made the object of a preposition agree with the verb. That is never correct.
Ignoramuses are very ignorant of the verb tenses: present, past, future, and the use of past participle. The past participle always requires a helping verb. The forms of the verb to GO are: go, went, gone. The correct uses of these forms are as follows when used in a sentence: I go every morning to school. I went every day this week. I have gone every day this month. Next month I shall not go anymore to school.
An educated person who is not an ignoramus knows how to use correctly subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and how to use the past participle. They know the long list of prepositions, prepositional phrases, and never use the object of a preposition to agree with the verb in a sentence.
Two verbs that educated ignoramus misuse are SIT and SET. You can really tell on yourself when these verbs are used.
SIT-to recline. I SIT here. You SIT there. Everyone must SIT quietly.
SET-to put or place. Jim, SET your bag here. John, SET yours there. Others SET here.
Educated ignoramuses have the explicit responsibility to use correct grammar when speaking and writing. There is no valid excuse for not doing so. They must stop telling on themselves that they are ignorant in the use of the English language. Otherwise, the diplomas and degrees that they have and wave have the word BOGUS stamped all over them.
R. B.
martes, 10 de abril de 2012
The Essence of God, By Roger Behra
The Essence of God
Roger Behra
There are two special times each year that are celebrated throughout America and elsewhere because of the significances of their anniversary: Christmas and Easter Sunday. Both anniversaries are directly related to every human being for the past 20000 plus years. Let us now explain why that is so.
Christmas means so much more than lighted trees, presents, special big dinners, and get-togethers. All of that was added to the real meaning of Christmas: the birth of God’s Divine Son and the reason for it. This should be foremost in our thinking. Everything else becomes secondary although acceptable in it’s place.
The birth of Jesus really means a Savior was born-our Savior! If no Savior was born, no eternal salvation would be there for us. What a dreadful thought! We must be always aware and thankful for the very best PRESENT ever received: our Lord and Savior, Jesus. It’s the PRESENT that lasts forever for everyone.
On April 8, 2012, we shall be celebrating the second of the two special times of each year: Ester Sunday. It is much more than special outfits of dress and very special dinners. Thankfully, more people recognize and understand the real meaning of the passion, the crucifiction, and the resurrection of Jesus on that the first Easter Sunday guaranteed our salvation. Easter Sunday and our salvation go hand-in-hand.
The real losers are the atheists, agnostics, and others who do not believe or recognize the significance of these two special events. Atheists do not believe in God and therefore His Divine Son. Agnostics believe nothing can be known about God and His Divine Son. So, the significance of the two meaningful times of each year escapes them.
A famous medical doctor has a fellow medical doctor friend who was an atheist. When the famous doctor would tell his doctor friend all about his near-death-experience research, the atheist doctor laughed and remained a firm nonbeliever. Then one day the unthinkable happened! The atheist doctor had a genuine and unexpected near-death-experience of his own. His NDE was so pronounced and real it completely changed his life. A staunch nonbeliever became a believer in very short order, and his transformation was very genuine also. His NDE was God’s great blessing bestowed upon him.
God’s blessing come unexpectedly and in various shapes and forms. They are a great part of the essence of God. All you atheists and agnostics out there need to follow the example of the famous doctor’s doctor friend and get real and come to your senses while time permits. Do not wait for a NDE to happen to you or a ton of bricks come falling down upon you. That may never happen to you.
R. B.
The Essence of God
Roger Behra
There are two special times each year that are celebrated throughout America and elsewhere because of the significances of their anniversary: Christmas and Easter Sunday. Both anniversaries are directly related to every human being for the past 20000 plus years. Let us now explain why that is so.
Christmas means so much more than lighted trees, presents, special big dinners, and get-togethers. All of that was added to the real meaning of Christmas: the birth of God’s Divine Son and the reason for it. This should be foremost in our thinking. Everything else becomes secondary although acceptable in it’s place.
The birth of Jesus really means a Savior was born-our Savior! If no Savior was born, no eternal salvation would be there for us. What a dreadful thought! We must be always aware and thankful for the very best PRESENT ever received: our Lord and Savior, Jesus. It’s the PRESENT that lasts forever for everyone.
On April 8, 2012, we shall be celebrating the second of the two special times of each year: Ester Sunday. It is much more than special outfits of dress and very special dinners. Thankfully, more people recognize and understand the real meaning of the passion, the crucifiction, and the resurrection of Jesus on that the first Easter Sunday guaranteed our salvation. Easter Sunday and our salvation go hand-in-hand.
The real losers are the atheists, agnostics, and others who do not believe or recognize the significance of these two special events. Atheists do not believe in God and therefore His Divine Son. Agnostics believe nothing can be known about God and His Divine Son. So, the significance of the two meaningful times of each year escapes them.
A famous medical doctor has a fellow medical doctor friend who was an atheist. When the famous doctor would tell his doctor friend all about his near-death-experience research, the atheist doctor laughed and remained a firm nonbeliever. Then one day the unthinkable happened! The atheist doctor had a genuine and unexpected near-death-experience of his own. His NDE was so pronounced and real it completely changed his life. A staunch nonbeliever became a believer in very short order, and his transformation was very genuine also. His NDE was God’s great blessing bestowed upon him.
God’s blessing come unexpectedly and in various shapes and forms. They are a great part of the essence of God. All you atheists and agnostics out there need to follow the example of the famous doctor’s doctor friend and get real and come to your senses while time permits. Do not wait for a NDE to happen to you or a ton of bricks come falling down upon you. That may never happen to you.
R. B.
Deplorable Human Behavior, By Roger Behra
Deplorable Human Behavior
Roger Behra
There seems to be no limit or end to the amount and types of deplorable behavior that has resulted from the counterculture philosophy that has inundated the American culture since 1965. That is an established fact as of January, 2012. The daily routine of make up your own rules for everyday behavior and living is in full swing. Here are some very good examples.
Several U. S. Marines were successful in killing the enemy during combat. After talking it over among themselves, they decided to urinate on the dead enemy bodies. One marine photographed the episode, and it somehow ended up in the hands of the new media for the whole world to see and especially in America. The marines involved were identified and duly reprimanded.
A high school soccer game was played. During the early evening after the game a young girl knocked on the door at the house of the winning goalie. The young girl enticed the goalie outside. While the goalie and girl were talking, gunshots rang out and peppered the goalie leavening him dead on his own front lawn as the girl and car driver escaped. It was totally unexpected and a vicious murder.
A young wife and her much older husband were not getting along. He filed for a divorce, and that angered his wife. So she decided to get even. She secretly mixed a knockout chemical into his dinner one evening. Later, as he was out could sleeping, she tied his hand and feet to the four bedspots. And then the unbelievable took place! She cut off his penis and put in through the garbage disposal. After calling 911 she was arrested and later convicted of that unthinkable crime.
At a place of work a male co-worked developed a strong dislike of a female co-worked. It lasted for several weeks and to the point where the male co-worked spiked her water bottle with his semen on at least two occasions. The female co-worked and her water bottle contents analyzed to identify the horrible test. The male co-worker was arrested and confessed the horrendous misbehavior.
In a Florida high school a high school principal got into serious trouble man when it was found out he hypnotized several problem students that were sent to his office. It all turned out very bad. Two of the students committed suicide. Perhaps a post-hypnotic command was given. Other students informed the proper officials.
At a Los Angeles primary school the whole faculty is in trouble and under investigation. Unbelieveable unlawful sexual abuse of children over a long period of time has been discovered and is being delt with. Students were blindfolded and fed cockroaches, a liquid, and cookies containing the male teachers semen. A female teacher is accused of helping him in his choice of female student.
At the top of the list of deplorable human behavior is ABORTION. More than a million take place each year in America since 1973. Presently, 4,000 every minut are taking place in America each day. So much deplorable human behavior is rampant throughout the world’s culture and especially throughout America’s culture.
R. B.
Deplorable Human Behavior
Roger Behra
There seems to be no limit or end to the amount and types of deplorable behavior that has resulted from the counterculture philosophy that has inundated the American culture since 1965. That is an established fact as of January, 2012. The daily routine of make up your own rules for everyday behavior and living is in full swing. Here are some very good examples.
Several U. S. Marines were successful in killing the enemy during combat. After talking it over among themselves, they decided to urinate on the dead enemy bodies. One marine photographed the episode, and it somehow ended up in the hands of the new media for the whole world to see and especially in America. The marines involved were identified and duly reprimanded.
A high school soccer game was played. During the early evening after the game a young girl knocked on the door at the house of the winning goalie. The young girl enticed the goalie outside. While the goalie and girl were talking, gunshots rang out and peppered the goalie leavening him dead on his own front lawn as the girl and car driver escaped. It was totally unexpected and a vicious murder.
A young wife and her much older husband were not getting along. He filed for a divorce, and that angered his wife. So she decided to get even. She secretly mixed a knockout chemical into his dinner one evening. Later, as he was out could sleeping, she tied his hand and feet to the four bedspots. And then the unbelievable took place! She cut off his penis and put in through the garbage disposal. After calling 911 she was arrested and later convicted of that unthinkable crime.
At a place of work a male co-worked developed a strong dislike of a female co-worked. It lasted for several weeks and to the point where the male co-worked spiked her water bottle with his semen on at least two occasions. The female co-worked and her water bottle contents analyzed to identify the horrible test. The male co-worker was arrested and confessed the horrendous misbehavior.
In a Florida high school a high school principal got into serious trouble man when it was found out he hypnotized several problem students that were sent to his office. It all turned out very bad. Two of the students committed suicide. Perhaps a post-hypnotic command was given. Other students informed the proper officials.
At a Los Angeles primary school the whole faculty is in trouble and under investigation. Unbelieveable unlawful sexual abuse of children over a long period of time has been discovered and is being delt with. Students were blindfolded and fed cockroaches, a liquid, and cookies containing the male teachers semen. A female teacher is accused of helping him in his choice of female student.
At the top of the list of deplorable human behavior is ABORTION. More than a million take place each year in America since 1973. Presently, 4,000 every minut are taking place in America each day. So much deplorable human behavior is rampant throughout the world’s culture and especially throughout America’s culture.
R. B.
lunes, 9 de abril de 2012
Presidential Infidelity, By Roger Behra
Presidential Infidelity
Roger Behra
Soon, November, 2012, it once again will be national election time in America to elect again the current president or to unseat him in favor of someone new. Meanwhile, all the new candidates (6) in the opposing party (Republicans) are publically debating each other to see who will be the representative candidate. All the American media in the meantime are doing their best to leave no stones unturned. Everything is being made know on a daily basis-the good and the bad.
This time around one stone that has definitely been turned over is fidelity of past presidents and the current group of candidates. And there are stories to tell.
Presently, the news media is obsessed with the serial affairs of these men. The news media is known to lean heavily towards liberalism, and all the candidates who want to unseat Obama are conservative. That helps to identify the reason for the media´s obsession.
One of the candidates reputation is severely marred for several reasons: He has married for the third time. He has participated in three separate marital dramas, one that included adultery. Another candidate is being pressured to drop out because he is being dogged by continuous revelations that he was many times an adulterer. So far the four remaining candidates appear to be clear of any known infidelity.
It is on record that America´s history is full of past unfaithful presidents, a few who cold suppress their unfaithfulness upon entering the White House, long before Bill Clinton was found guilty of his dalliances and unfaithfulness as president and to his wife, Hillary. John Kennedy was having an affair with a nineteen-year-old female intern at the time of his assassination. Franklin Roosevelt and Warren Harding allegedly had been unfaithful to their first ladies.
When certain people becomes part of our lives out of need and necessity: parents, priests, policemen, teachers, neighbors, businessmen, and politicians, faith, trust, and respect are given to them all. And when that is violated through immorality, infidelity, dishonesty, or insincerity, it becomes personally and culturally disturbing, alarming, and discouraging to say the least. All these crimes of moral turpitude have become more common. The news media is full of it on a daily basis. And when the behavior becomes part of an American president or a presidential candidate, it is the very lowest end of the moral scale and more than just symptomatic. It is absolutely intolerable, and it cannot be acceptable at any time.
R. B.
Presidential Infidelity
Roger Behra
Soon, November, 2012, it once again will be national election time in America to elect again the current president or to unseat him in favor of someone new. Meanwhile, all the new candidates (6) in the opposing party (Republicans) are publically debating each other to see who will be the representative candidate. All the American media in the meantime are doing their best to leave no stones unturned. Everything is being made know on a daily basis-the good and the bad.
This time around one stone that has definitely been turned over is fidelity of past presidents and the current group of candidates. And there are stories to tell.
Presently, the news media is obsessed with the serial affairs of these men. The news media is known to lean heavily towards liberalism, and all the candidates who want to unseat Obama are conservative. That helps to identify the reason for the media´s obsession.
One of the candidates reputation is severely marred for several reasons: He has married for the third time. He has participated in three separate marital dramas, one that included adultery. Another candidate is being pressured to drop out because he is being dogged by continuous revelations that he was many times an adulterer. So far the four remaining candidates appear to be clear of any known infidelity.
It is on record that America´s history is full of past unfaithful presidents, a few who cold suppress their unfaithfulness upon entering the White House, long before Bill Clinton was found guilty of his dalliances and unfaithfulness as president and to his wife, Hillary. John Kennedy was having an affair with a nineteen-year-old female intern at the time of his assassination. Franklin Roosevelt and Warren Harding allegedly had been unfaithful to their first ladies.
When certain people becomes part of our lives out of need and necessity: parents, priests, policemen, teachers, neighbors, businessmen, and politicians, faith, trust, and respect are given to them all. And when that is violated through immorality, infidelity, dishonesty, or insincerity, it becomes personally and culturally disturbing, alarming, and discouraging to say the least. All these crimes of moral turpitude have become more common. The news media is full of it on a daily basis. And when the behavior becomes part of an American president or a presidential candidate, it is the very lowest end of the moral scale and more than just symptomatic. It is absolutely intolerable, and it cannot be acceptable at any time.
R. B.
jueves, 5 de abril de 2012
Google Art Project: Cultura del Arte para el Mundo
Google Art Project: Cultura del Arte para el Mundo
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
[1] Cf. Google Art Project, en: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Art_Project
[2] Cf. Google Art Project alcanza ya a 151 museos y colecciones de 40 países, en:
[3] Cf. Art Project - Visitor Guide, in:
[4] Cf. Se une México a Google Art Project
[5] Google Art Project alcanza ya a 151 museos y colecciones de 40 países
[6] Google Art Project México - abr 2012
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
Google Art Project es un proyecto de Google que inicio sus actividades de servicio al público el 1 de febrero de 2011, es un sitio de colaboración entre Museos de distintos países para poner al alcance la Cultura del Arte Universal on line, en donde la filosofía era ACCESIBILIDAD, permitiendo hacer recorridos virtuales en museos y observar imágenes en alta resolución de obras de arte expuestas al alcance de todo el mundo. Actualmente, en este año 2012, se cuenta con 30 mil piezas de arte de todos los tiempos, de 151 museos de 40 países. México participa en el Google Art Project con 4 museos: 1. Museo Nacional de Antropología, 2. Museo Dolores Olmedo, 3. Museo Casa Frida Calo, y, 4. Museo Nacional de Arte. Para complementar información y adentrarse aún más al tema, ver las Notas consultadas del [1] al [6].
[1] Cf. Google Art Project, en: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Art_Project
[2] Cf. Google Art Project alcanza ya a 151 museos y colecciones de 40 países, en:
[3] Cf. Art Project - Visitor Guide, in:
[4] Cf. Se une México a Google Art Project
[5] Google Art Project alcanza ya a 151 museos y colecciones de 40 países
[6] Google Art Project México - abr 2012
Cultura del Arte para el Mundo,
Google Art Project
miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012
Bizet: Carmen, al Ritmo de Herbert Von Karajan
Bizet: Carmen, al Ritmo de Herbert Von Karajan
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Carmen es un excepcional ópera francesa La ópera es en cuatro actos con música de Georges Bizet y libreto en francés de Ludovic Halévy y Henri Meilhac, basado en la novela Carmen de Prosper Mérimée, publicada por vez primera en 1845, que se estrenó en la Opéra-Comique de París el 3 de marzo de 1875. La historia de la bella gitana Carmen está ambientada en Sevilla, España, alrededor del año 1820.
La ópera de Carmen con la Dirección de Herbert von Karajan, puede verla en el siguiente enlace de You Tube:
Bizet - Carmen (von Karajan).
Esperando sea de su agrado.
Literatura consultada
La novela se publicó por vez primera en 1845 en forma serial en La Revue des Deux Mondes, y en formato libro en 1847 (tomado de la página de la wikipedia francesa).
Bizet - Carmen (von Karajan).
Briggs A D.2004. "Did Carmen come from Russia?" en el programa de la Ópera Nacional Inglesa. El poema también forma la base de la ópera en un acto de Rajmaninov Aleko.
Curtiss M. Bizet and his world. Nueva York, Vienna House, 1958, capítulo XXVII
Hammond A. 1984. "Music Note in programme for Carmen". Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.
Martín Triana, José María. 1992. El libro de la ópera (2.ª edición). Alianza Editorial, S.A.. pp. 250. ISBN 84-206-0284-1.
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Carmen es un excepcional ópera francesa La ópera es en cuatro actos con música de Georges Bizet y libreto en francés de Ludovic Halévy y Henri Meilhac, basado en la novela Carmen de Prosper Mérimée, publicada por vez primera en 1845, que se estrenó en la Opéra-Comique de París el 3 de marzo de 1875. La historia de la bella gitana Carmen está ambientada en Sevilla, España, alrededor del año 1820.
La ópera de Carmen con la Dirección de Herbert von Karajan, puede verla en el siguiente enlace de You Tube:
Bizet - Carmen (von Karajan).
Esperando sea de su agrado.
Literatura consultada
La novela se publicó por vez primera en 1845 en forma serial en La Revue des Deux Mondes, y en formato libro en 1847 (tomado de la página de la wikipedia francesa).
Bizet - Carmen (von Karajan).
Briggs A D.2004. "Did Carmen come from Russia?" en el programa de la Ópera Nacional Inglesa. El poema también forma la base de la ópera en un acto de Rajmaninov Aleko.
Curtiss M. Bizet and his world. Nueva York, Vienna House, 1958, capítulo XXVII
Hammond A. 1984. "Music Note in programme for Carmen". Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.
Martín Triana, José María. 1992. El libro de la ópera (2.ª edición). Alianza Editorial, S.A.. pp. 250. ISBN 84-206-0284-1.
Georges Bizet,
Herbert von Karajan,
Ópera Carmen
lunes, 2 de abril de 2012
ANUIES: El Manual de Seguridad para las Instituciones de Educación Superior, en México
ANUIES: El Manual de Seguridad para las Instituciones de Educación Superior, en México
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
En el escenario Nacional de México, encontramos que en la agenda de trabajo de la ANUIES se ha visto ligada con la agenda del país en distintas áreas temáticas tales como la innovación y la calidad educativas, el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes, la vinculación de la educación superior con los sectores social y productivo, la búsqueda de mejores esquemas de financiamiento y la rendición de cuentas, y más recientemente, sobresale la preocupación por la seguridad de los integrantes de las comunidades educativas en los campus universitarios; en donde, este último tema de seguridad, desde el año 2011, paso a ocupar pasado ocupar la atención de los medios de comunicación debido a lamentables acontecimientos de violencia en instituciones de educación superior del norte del territorio nacional, que trajo como consecuencia la preocupación de diversos sectores de la sociedad y de las propias comunidades universitarias. Posiblemente muchos profesores desconozcan el Manual de Seguridad para las Instituciones de Educación Superior: estrategias para la prevención y atención, de 76 cuartillas y publicado en electrónicamente en PDF (79 cuartillas), por la Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES), que desde su fundación en 1950, ha participado en la formulación de programas, planes y políticas nacionales, así como en la creación de organismos orientados al desarrollo de la educación superior mexicana, y se ha guiado por el principio de estar “Al servicio y fortalecimiento de la Educación Superior”. [1].
Antecedentes y Perspectivas
I. La Primera y Segunda edición del libro, Manual de Seguridad para las Instituciones de Educación Superior: estrategias para la prevención y atención, datan de mayo y junio de 2011 respectivamente, su autora es María Angélica Garnica Sosa, Licenciada en Sociología y maestra en planeación y políticas metropolitanas por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. [2].
II. La Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN), menciona que las 152 instituciones de la ANUIES adoptan manual de seguridad para prevenir y atender la violencia, [3].
III. Es imperativo que el Manual de Seguridad, debe aparecer en todos los sitios web de las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) de México.
IV. En la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (UAAAN), no aparece en su sitio web dicho documento de Seguridad, ni siquiera aparece el enlace de ANUIES, y desde las Autoridades Centrales, Órganos Colegiados, Comisiones, Directores, Coordinadores, Jefes de Departamento, Jefes de Programas Docentes, todo profesor, alumno, y trabajador de la UAAAN, deben conocerlo y ponerlo en práctica. [4].
Estructura y contenido del importante Manual de Seguridad para las IES
En términos generales la estructura y contenido del Manual cuenta con: Presentación por el Dr. en Quím. Rafael López Castañares, Introducción, cinco apartados, en donde la temática es: 1. Sistema de Seguridad para IES, 2. Planeación: hacia un Plan o Programa de Seguridad en IES, 3. Estrategias de Atención, 4. Cultura de la Participación en la Seguridad, y, 5. Reflexiones sobre la Seguridad en IES. Además cuenta con 4 Anexos: 1. Funciones de Consejo o Comité de Seguridad, 2. Contenido de Manuales y Programas de Seguridad de Instituciones Educativas y Civiles, 3. Ejemplos de Protocolos ante Incidentes, y, 4. Resultados de la Encuesta de Seguridad Interna en Instituciones de Educación Superior. Dicho Manual, cuenta también con fuentes de información, 17 Cuadros y un Glosario.
Definición del Sistema de Seguridad en el Manual
Sistema de Seguridad es el conjunto de normas, estructuras de organización, formas de participación, programas, políticas, protocolos, lineamientos, espacios físicos y recursos humanos para la atención de la seguridad en los recintos de la IES. (Cf. P 13 del Manuel en PDF)
Situación prevaleciente en México acorde con el Manual
De la Introducción del Manual los siguientes tres párrafos: (Cf. P 11 del Manual en PDF).
El clima de violencia e inseguridad que se vive en nuestro país ha marcado cambios sustanciales en la forma de “estar”, de “transitar” y de “convivir” en espacios públicos, tales como calles, parques, centros comerciales, restaurantes, edificios públicos y centros educativos de nivel básico, medio superior y superior.
El origen, consecuencias y prevención de la inseguridad han sido tratados desde diversos puntos de vista y la mayoría resaltan su naturaleza compleja a nivel social, político, económico, legal, cultural, territorial y tecnológico. Además se reconoce que requiere la atención concurrente de los distintos sectores de la sociedad: público, social y privado.
La inseguridad ha tocado las fibras más sensibles de nuestra sociedad y ha mostrado la fragilidad y vulnerabilidad de los espacios educativos a nivel básico, medio superior y superior.
El Manual de Seguridad para las Instituciones de Educación Superior, busca:
Este Manual busca dar respuesta de manera sencilla y clara, entre otros, a los siguientes aspectos de la vida de las IES: (Cf. p. 11 y 12 del Manual en PDF).
¿Qué temas se deben considerar en la elaboración de un diagnóstico sobre seguridad en los espacios de las IES?
¿Qué aspectos deben estar normados y por qué?
¿Qué es un Comité o un Consejo de Seguridad? ¿Quiénes los integran? ¿Qué temas deben atender?
¿Qué debe contener un Plan o Programa de Seguridad?
¿Qué tipo de protocolos de seguridad existen? ¿Para qué sirven?
¿Con qué tipo de información o estadísticas sobre seguridad se debe contar al interior de las IES?
Mejorar la sana convivencia y calidad de vida educativa
Claro está que al leer el documento, Usted, tendrá muchas interrogantes, o ideas nuevas que aportar, pero este seguro de que contará con una valiosa herramienta para su universidad, que le permitirá tener un instrumento de trabajo, para los profesores, alumnos y trabajadores, gremios sindicales, para mejorar la sana convivencia y calidad de vida educativa.
Interrogantes antes de la despedida del presente escrito
¿Su institución cuenta con un Plan o Programa de Seguridad? ¿Cómo, cuándo y dónde se integró el Comité o Consejo de Seguridad? ¿Su sindicato (Administrativo y/o Académico, debería pertenecer a dicho Comité o Consejo de Seguridad? ¿Por qué si o por qué no?
¡Felices vacaciones de Semana Santa!
[1] Cf. Sitio de ANUIES: http://www.anuies.mx/
[2] La referencia bibliográfica que da el Manual es la siguiente:
Garnica Sosa, Ma. Angélica
Manual de seguridad para instituciones de educación superior: estrategias para la prevención y atención / elaboró Ma. Angélica Garnica Sosa; con la participación de Salvador Novoa Mendoza… [et al.]; apoyo técnico y logístico Dirección de Fomento a las Redes de Colaboración, ANUIES. 2da. Edición— México, D.F.: Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior, Dirección de Medios Editoriales, 2011. 76 p. ISBN 978-607-451-036-2
Y para descargar el Manual gratuitamente en versión PDF, consulte el siguiente enlace de la SEP: http://www.sep.gob.mx/es/sep1/Manual_de_Seguridad_ANUIES
[3] Cf. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
[4] Cf. Sitio UAAAN: http://www.uaaan.mx/v2/ , consultado hoy Abril 2 de 2012. No tiene enlaces institucionales desde la entrada. (No aparece la palabra Enlaces o Links).
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
En el escenario Nacional de México, encontramos que en la agenda de trabajo de la ANUIES se ha visto ligada con la agenda del país en distintas áreas temáticas tales como la innovación y la calidad educativas, el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes, la vinculación de la educación superior con los sectores social y productivo, la búsqueda de mejores esquemas de financiamiento y la rendición de cuentas, y más recientemente, sobresale la preocupación por la seguridad de los integrantes de las comunidades educativas en los campus universitarios; en donde, este último tema de seguridad, desde el año 2011, paso a ocupar pasado ocupar la atención de los medios de comunicación debido a lamentables acontecimientos de violencia en instituciones de educación superior del norte del territorio nacional, que trajo como consecuencia la preocupación de diversos sectores de la sociedad y de las propias comunidades universitarias. Posiblemente muchos profesores desconozcan el Manual de Seguridad para las Instituciones de Educación Superior: estrategias para la prevención y atención, de 76 cuartillas y publicado en electrónicamente en PDF (79 cuartillas), por la Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES), que desde su fundación en 1950, ha participado en la formulación de programas, planes y políticas nacionales, así como en la creación de organismos orientados al desarrollo de la educación superior mexicana, y se ha guiado por el principio de estar “Al servicio y fortalecimiento de la Educación Superior”. [1].
Antecedentes y Perspectivas
I. La Primera y Segunda edición del libro, Manual de Seguridad para las Instituciones de Educación Superior: estrategias para la prevención y atención, datan de mayo y junio de 2011 respectivamente, su autora es María Angélica Garnica Sosa, Licenciada en Sociología y maestra en planeación y políticas metropolitanas por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. [2].
II. La Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN), menciona que las 152 instituciones de la ANUIES adoptan manual de seguridad para prevenir y atender la violencia, [3].
III. Es imperativo que el Manual de Seguridad, debe aparecer en todos los sitios web de las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) de México.
IV. En la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (UAAAN), no aparece en su sitio web dicho documento de Seguridad, ni siquiera aparece el enlace de ANUIES, y desde las Autoridades Centrales, Órganos Colegiados, Comisiones, Directores, Coordinadores, Jefes de Departamento, Jefes de Programas Docentes, todo profesor, alumno, y trabajador de la UAAAN, deben conocerlo y ponerlo en práctica. [4].
Estructura y contenido del importante Manual de Seguridad para las IES
En términos generales la estructura y contenido del Manual cuenta con: Presentación por el Dr. en Quím. Rafael López Castañares, Introducción, cinco apartados, en donde la temática es: 1. Sistema de Seguridad para IES, 2. Planeación: hacia un Plan o Programa de Seguridad en IES, 3. Estrategias de Atención, 4. Cultura de la Participación en la Seguridad, y, 5. Reflexiones sobre la Seguridad en IES. Además cuenta con 4 Anexos: 1. Funciones de Consejo o Comité de Seguridad, 2. Contenido de Manuales y Programas de Seguridad de Instituciones Educativas y Civiles, 3. Ejemplos de Protocolos ante Incidentes, y, 4. Resultados de la Encuesta de Seguridad Interna en Instituciones de Educación Superior. Dicho Manual, cuenta también con fuentes de información, 17 Cuadros y un Glosario.
Definición del Sistema de Seguridad en el Manual
Sistema de Seguridad es el conjunto de normas, estructuras de organización, formas de participación, programas, políticas, protocolos, lineamientos, espacios físicos y recursos humanos para la atención de la seguridad en los recintos de la IES. (Cf. P 13 del Manuel en PDF)
Situación prevaleciente en México acorde con el Manual
De la Introducción del Manual los siguientes tres párrafos: (Cf. P 11 del Manual en PDF).
El clima de violencia e inseguridad que se vive en nuestro país ha marcado cambios sustanciales en la forma de “estar”, de “transitar” y de “convivir” en espacios públicos, tales como calles, parques, centros comerciales, restaurantes, edificios públicos y centros educativos de nivel básico, medio superior y superior.
El origen, consecuencias y prevención de la inseguridad han sido tratados desde diversos puntos de vista y la mayoría resaltan su naturaleza compleja a nivel social, político, económico, legal, cultural, territorial y tecnológico. Además se reconoce que requiere la atención concurrente de los distintos sectores de la sociedad: público, social y privado.
La inseguridad ha tocado las fibras más sensibles de nuestra sociedad y ha mostrado la fragilidad y vulnerabilidad de los espacios educativos a nivel básico, medio superior y superior.
El Manual de Seguridad para las Instituciones de Educación Superior, busca:
Este Manual busca dar respuesta de manera sencilla y clara, entre otros, a los siguientes aspectos de la vida de las IES: (Cf. p. 11 y 12 del Manual en PDF).
¿Qué temas se deben considerar en la elaboración de un diagnóstico sobre seguridad en los espacios de las IES?
¿Qué aspectos deben estar normados y por qué?
¿Qué es un Comité o un Consejo de Seguridad? ¿Quiénes los integran? ¿Qué temas deben atender?
¿Qué debe contener un Plan o Programa de Seguridad?
¿Qué tipo de protocolos de seguridad existen? ¿Para qué sirven?
¿Con qué tipo de información o estadísticas sobre seguridad se debe contar al interior de las IES?
Mejorar la sana convivencia y calidad de vida educativa
Claro está que al leer el documento, Usted, tendrá muchas interrogantes, o ideas nuevas que aportar, pero este seguro de que contará con una valiosa herramienta para su universidad, que le permitirá tener un instrumento de trabajo, para los profesores, alumnos y trabajadores, gremios sindicales, para mejorar la sana convivencia y calidad de vida educativa.
Interrogantes antes de la despedida del presente escrito
¿Su institución cuenta con un Plan o Programa de Seguridad? ¿Cómo, cuándo y dónde se integró el Comité o Consejo de Seguridad? ¿Su sindicato (Administrativo y/o Académico, debería pertenecer a dicho Comité o Consejo de Seguridad? ¿Por qué si o por qué no?
¡Felices vacaciones de Semana Santa!
[1] Cf. Sitio de ANUIES: http://www.anuies.mx/
[2] La referencia bibliográfica que da el Manual es la siguiente:
Garnica Sosa, Ma. Angélica
Manual de seguridad para instituciones de educación superior: estrategias para la prevención y atención / elaboró Ma. Angélica Garnica Sosa; con la participación de Salvador Novoa Mendoza… [et al.]; apoyo técnico y logístico Dirección de Fomento a las Redes de Colaboración, ANUIES. 2da. Edición— México, D.F.: Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior, Dirección de Medios Editoriales, 2011. 76 p. ISBN 978-607-451-036-2
Y para descargar el Manual gratuitamente en versión PDF, consulte el siguiente enlace de la SEP: http://www.sep.gob.mx/es/sep1/Manual_de_Seguridad_ANUIES
[3] Cf. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
[4] Cf. Sitio UAAAN: http://www.uaaan.mx/v2/ , consultado hoy Abril 2 de 2012. No tiene enlaces institucionales desde la entrada. (No aparece la palabra Enlaces o Links).
domingo, 1 de abril de 2012
Domingo de Ramos 2012: Su Santidad Benedicto XVI y las Lecturas Bíblicas
Domingo de Ramos 2012: Su Santidad Benedicto XVI y las Lecturas Bíblicas
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
En la Plaza de San Pedro, el Papa Benedicto XVI, durante su Homilía encionó: [1]
“El Domingo de Ramos es el gran pórtico que nos lleva a la Semana Santa, la semana en la que el Señor Jesús se dirige hacia la culminación de su vida terrena”
“Que el Domingo de Ramos sea para vosotros el día de la decisión, la decisión de acoger al Señor y de seguirlo hasta el final, la decisión de hacer de su Pascua de muerte y resurrección el sentido mismo de vuestra vida de cristianos”.
“…esta es la decisión que conduce a la verdadera alegría, como sucedió con santa Clara de Asís que, hace ochocientos años, fascinada por el ejemplo de san Francisco y de sus primeros compañeros, dejó la casa paterna precisamente el Domingo de Ramos para consagrarse totalmente al Señor: tenía 18 años, y tuvo el valor de la fe y del amor de optar por Cristo, encontrando en él la alegría y la paz”.
«…Repitamos cada día aquella sagrada exclamación que los niños cantaban, mientras agitamos los ramos espirituales del alma: “Bendito el que viene, como rey, en nombre del Señor”»
Las Lecturas Bíblicas en el Domingo de Ramos: [2]
Primera Lectura: Isaías 50:4-7
Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24
Segunda Lectura: Filipenses 2:6-11
Evangelio: Marcos 14:1-15,47 o Marcos 15:1-39
[1] Cf. Documento completo de la HOMILÍA DEL SANTO PADRE BENEDICTO XVI. Plaza de San Pedro. XXVII Jornada Mundial de la Juventud. Domingo 1 de abril de 2012. En: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/homilies/2012/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20120401_palm-sunday_sp.html
[2] Cf. Las lecturas bíblicas En ACIPRENSA y EWTN:
Ángel R. Cepeda Dovala
En la Plaza de San Pedro, el Papa Benedicto XVI, durante su Homilía encionó: [1]
“El Domingo de Ramos es el gran pórtico que nos lleva a la Semana Santa, la semana en la que el Señor Jesús se dirige hacia la culminación de su vida terrena”
“Que el Domingo de Ramos sea para vosotros el día de la decisión, la decisión de acoger al Señor y de seguirlo hasta el final, la decisión de hacer de su Pascua de muerte y resurrección el sentido mismo de vuestra vida de cristianos”.
“…esta es la decisión que conduce a la verdadera alegría, como sucedió con santa Clara de Asís que, hace ochocientos años, fascinada por el ejemplo de san Francisco y de sus primeros compañeros, dejó la casa paterna precisamente el Domingo de Ramos para consagrarse totalmente al Señor: tenía 18 años, y tuvo el valor de la fe y del amor de optar por Cristo, encontrando en él la alegría y la paz”.
«…Repitamos cada día aquella sagrada exclamación que los niños cantaban, mientras agitamos los ramos espirituales del alma: “Bendito el que viene, como rey, en nombre del Señor”»
Las Lecturas Bíblicas en el Domingo de Ramos: [2]
Primera Lectura: Isaías 50:4-7
Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24
Segunda Lectura: Filipenses 2:6-11
Evangelio: Marcos 14:1-15,47 o Marcos 15:1-39
[1] Cf. Documento completo de la HOMILÍA DEL SANTO PADRE BENEDICTO XVI. Plaza de San Pedro. XXVII Jornada Mundial de la Juventud. Domingo 1 de abril de 2012. En: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/homilies/2012/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20120401_palm-sunday_sp.html
[2] Cf. Las lecturas bíblicas En ACIPRENSA y EWTN:
Benedicto XVI,
Domingo de Ramos 2012,
Lecturas Bíblicas
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Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011

Our Lady in Art



Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita

Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"
Oración a San Judas

San Judas, Ruega por Nosotros
¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

Sonia = Sofía
¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

Pascua 2008

¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!
Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2008
Calendario 2013

Juan Pablo II

Virgen María en el Arte
Calendario 2013

Benedicto XVI
Pascua 2013

Jesucristo El Buen Pastor
feliz día de las madres 2012

feliz día de las madres 2012



Octubre 2012


JULIO 2012

JULIO 2012
JUNIO 2012

JUNIO 2012
MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
MARZO 2012

marzo 2012

ENERO 2012

enero 2012
Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

Actitudes ante la Vida

DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013

pascua 2012
Cátedra de San Pedro

St. Peter
14 de Febrero

Día de San Cirilo y San Metodio
Conversión de San Pablo

Francesco Mazzola (1503-1540)
Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN

Documento Firmado y Recibido Enero 2013
Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN

Documento, Enero 2013

Feliz Navidad y Ventuoroso Año 2013
happy new year 2012

Feliz Navidad 2011

Venturoso Año 2011


Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica

Algunas Encíclicas imortantes de la Iglesia Católica