The Unforeseen Result
Roger Behra
In counterculture men in America would have used more in-depth thinking and not been so hasty to implement their reckless philosophy, they would not now be second best in comparison to women. As the result of their haste and shallow thinking, you can see in America now how women have pushed men into the background in so many areas of America culture. From now women will be equal to or better than men, and women are very egar to do so.
On important tests women score as well or better than men. More students of the month in high scools are girls. Women use the English language verbally and in writing much better than men. Less girls are in high school dropouts. Women are more talented in social skills. Women have the tndency to be much creative, especially in kitchen and with clotes. Men's appearences are awful. They look like something the cat dragged in from the bushes. Why women accept that is quite unbelievable. Women are great business owners, family organizers, and are more spiritually inclined and developed than men. To a large degree, women run circles around men, there does not seem and end is in sight.
When men started the counterculture movement they had no vision that women would not only become equal, but would surpass them in so many cultural aspects. Equal, yes, but better was not even anticipated.
So, men, you have to get your act together in order just to catch up. Start with your personal appearances, which are just plain laughable: no more grungy hair and beards; no more baggy trouseds with half your rearend showing; no more baseball caps on backwards; no more ignorant use the English language when speaking or writing; no more poor conversational skills; no more childsh personalities. And for goodness sake, improve you spirituality.
As you work on improvements, please, also greatly improve your driving skills. So many are counterproductive as you make up your own rules of the road. Stop tailgating and bblinking your lights. Realize that monster trucks do not rule the road, and that they are nothing but big money grabbers at the gas pumps. Men that drive pickups are among the worst drivers. They show their ignorance and rudeness most all the time. They allow women drivers to be head and shouders above them.
Men, in general, you must wake up. It has been too long. You are miles behind women in so many cultural areas. There's so much catching up to do. The world thanks God every day for women. You man should also do so, because they show men how properly things should be done.
R. B.
domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011
sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011
Angels Are Not Illusions
Angels Are Not Illusions
Roger Behra
Yes, there is no doubt. Angels do exist. Yes, there are two kinds of angels: good and bad. The good angels help and protect us. The bad (fallen) angels act as demons that are capable of doing us harm. (Forgot the Angels baseball team of the Los Angeles. That's another story.) Many people are awere of angels. Many people are not awere. And many people do not believe that the angels do exist. Hopefully, that will change.
Believe it or not we are surrounded by angels. Everyone has at least one angel in their life: their Guardian Angel. We should always be mindful of that and be forever thankful for them and to them.
Many people have seen angels, especially children during a life-threatening illness or during a near-death experience. They appear to have wings, but that is not a reality. The light that appears around them gives the impressions. A person's Guardian Angel is always there to help. Many times it is very evident. Many times the help is very subtle. When it is very evident, the person are positive. Soldiers in battle have seen them as they were saved by them. Others know their Guardian Angel saved them from certain harm. There was no another answer.
A man in Arizona was toeing an antique car which was heavier than the towing car. When he came to a down grade in the road, the towing car's brakes were unable to slow them. Everything when out of control. Boths cars slid into a 180° turn and were facing the other directions. Boths cars should have rolled over and tumbled to destruction down the center meridian. That did not happen. Cars followins the event from behind came to a stop to aid the driver, and they were shaking their heads, because they excidedly said they just saw a miracle happen. The towing driver's Guardian Angel had to be the answer. It was his big-time help. The driver's life and cars were saved.
R. B. And his friend, Ed, went swimming one day. R.B. Could not swim. Ed was an excellent swimmer. Ed was flat on his back sunning himself while R.B. Ventured into the water and got into truble. R.B. Began drowing, but Ed was unaware as he continued to sun himself. Suddenly, Ed sat up for no apparent reason saw his good friend go under the water and come up for the last time struggling. Ed went into quick action and saved his friends life. R.B.'s Guardian Angel had to have alert Edto sit up quickly and remedy the situation that was silently happening.
B.J. Was away on a buisiness trip when the weather turned very bad, and he got word that his father was near death. It was 27° outside and his car would not start. A woman in an SUV parked next to him and helped him start his car. She gave him her business card which he did not examine until after his father's funeral. It read B.J. Assiociates. When he tried to call the number, he found out their was no B.J. Associates. The strange lady was an angel in disguise. Ther's no other answer. It was another example of an angel coming to help a desparate situation. If you know of an angelical situation, spread the worl. They relly do happen.
R. B.
Angels Are Not Illusions
Roger Behra
Yes, there is no doubt. Angels do exist. Yes, there are two kinds of angels: good and bad. The good angels help and protect us. The bad (fallen) angels act as demons that are capable of doing us harm. (Forgot the Angels baseball team of the Los Angeles. That's another story.) Many people are awere of angels. Many people are not awere. And many people do not believe that the angels do exist. Hopefully, that will change.
Believe it or not we are surrounded by angels. Everyone has at least one angel in their life: their Guardian Angel. We should always be mindful of that and be forever thankful for them and to them.
Many people have seen angels, especially children during a life-threatening illness or during a near-death experience. They appear to have wings, but that is not a reality. The light that appears around them gives the impressions. A person's Guardian Angel is always there to help. Many times it is very evident. Many times the help is very subtle. When it is very evident, the person are positive. Soldiers in battle have seen them as they were saved by them. Others know their Guardian Angel saved them from certain harm. There was no another answer.
A man in Arizona was toeing an antique car which was heavier than the towing car. When he came to a down grade in the road, the towing car's brakes were unable to slow them. Everything when out of control. Boths cars slid into a 180° turn and were facing the other directions. Boths cars should have rolled over and tumbled to destruction down the center meridian. That did not happen. Cars followins the event from behind came to a stop to aid the driver, and they were shaking their heads, because they excidedly said they just saw a miracle happen. The towing driver's Guardian Angel had to be the answer. It was his big-time help. The driver's life and cars were saved.
R. B. And his friend, Ed, went swimming one day. R.B. Could not swim. Ed was an excellent swimmer. Ed was flat on his back sunning himself while R.B. Ventured into the water and got into truble. R.B. Began drowing, but Ed was unaware as he continued to sun himself. Suddenly, Ed sat up for no apparent reason saw his good friend go under the water and come up for the last time struggling. Ed went into quick action and saved his friends life. R.B.'s Guardian Angel had to have alert Edto sit up quickly and remedy the situation that was silently happening.
B.J. Was away on a buisiness trip when the weather turned very bad, and he got word that his father was near death. It was 27° outside and his car would not start. A woman in an SUV parked next to him and helped him start his car. She gave him her business card which he did not examine until after his father's funeral. It read B.J. Assiociates. When he tried to call the number, he found out their was no B.J. Associates. The strange lady was an angel in disguise. Ther's no other answer. It was another example of an angel coming to help a desparate situation. If you know of an angelical situation, spread the worl. They relly do happen.
R. B.
viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011
Benedicto XVI, la Ciencia Ética y el Orden Mundial
Benedicto XVI, la Ciencia Ética y el Orden Mundial
“La verdad como tal es dialogante, pues busca conocer mejor, comprender mejor, y lo hace en diálogo con los demás. De este modo, buscar la verdad y la dignidad del hombre es la mejor defensa de la libertad” Benedicto XVI.
Algunos de los escritos recientes publicados por Zenit sobre mensajes del Papa Benedicto XVI en relación a los Valores Cristianos en un mundo globalizado son los siguientes: [1]
Benedicto XVI aclara que “la verdad como tal es dialogante”
La lección de la crisis económica, según el Papa: responsabilidad
Benedicto XVI afirma que sin ética no habrá un orden mundial justo
Benedicto XVI: La economía necesita normas éticas
El Papa a los empresarios: la ética es la solución a la crisis
Contra la crisis económica, difundir los valores cristianos, pide el Papa
[1] Cf. Zenit. El Mundo Visto desde Roma, en:
“La verdad como tal es dialogante, pues busca conocer mejor, comprender mejor, y lo hace en diálogo con los demás. De este modo, buscar la verdad y la dignidad del hombre es la mejor defensa de la libertad” Benedicto XVI.
Algunos de los escritos recientes publicados por Zenit sobre mensajes del Papa Benedicto XVI en relación a los Valores Cristianos en un mundo globalizado son los siguientes: [1]
Benedicto XVI aclara que “la verdad como tal es dialogante”
La lección de la crisis económica, según el Papa: responsabilidad
Benedicto XVI afirma que sin ética no habrá un orden mundial justo
Benedicto XVI: La economía necesita normas éticas
El Papa a los empresarios: la ética es la solución a la crisis
Contra la crisis económica, difundir los valores cristianos, pide el Papa
[1] Cf. Zenit. El Mundo Visto desde Roma, en:
Benedicto XVI,
Código de Ética,
orden mundial
viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011
Carta de Felicitación del Presidente Calderón
Carta de Felicitación del Presidente Calderón
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Un pensamiento de San Pablo en relación a la Cooperación que debe existir entre todos es el siguiente:
“Yo planté, Apolo regó; más fue Dios quien dio el crecimiento” (1 Corintios 3,5)
Es para mi un alto honor, el haber recibido recientemente carta con rubrica de C. Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, y aprovecho este medio de Tópicos Culturales, para felicitarlo al mismo tiempo por su gestión al frente de nuestro país; así mismo, me permito compartir a los lectores de este sitio gratuito proporcionado por Google, la transcripción de la Carta de Felicitación del Presidente Calderón, por su riqueza en contenido para la Persona Humana y el Bien Común:
Del escritorio del C. Felipe Calderón Hinojosa
Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Julio de 2011
Te felicito por presentar en tiempo y forma tu Declaración Anual ante el Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT). Gracias por ser un contribuyente cumplido.
Durante estos 4 años el Gobierno Federal ha simplificado el procedimiento para presentar la Declaración Anual. Esto ha sido posible a través del uso de medios electrónicos y de una mayor tecnología en las herramientas que el SAT pone a disposición de los ciudadanos, como son la Declaración Automática y el Programa DeclaraSAT. El resultado es que hoy prácticamente 100% de las declaraciones se realizan en forma electrónica. Así, la autoridad fiscal es mas eficiente y tú ahorras tiempo y dinero.
Gracias al cumplimiento de tus obligaciones, estamos construyendo un México más fuerte, capaz de brindar más oportunidades de progreso a nuestra gente. Con tu contribución avanzamos en las tarea de transformar a México en una nación más desarrollada. Lo hacemos, con obras como carreteras, hospitales, y escuelas que mejoran tu calidad de vida y la de muchos mexicanos. También, fortalecemos los programas sociales como Oportunidades; Estancias Infantiles y becas escolares, para apoyar a las familias que menos tienen.
Cumplir nos beneficia a todos. Por eso te invito a que sigas trabajando con esfuerzo, dedicación, y cumpliendo con tus obligaciones, para que entre todos podamos hacer de nuestro querido México una patria más justa y próspera en donde todos, sin excepción, podamos vivir mejor. Una vez más, gracias por tu responsabilidad y compromiso con México.
Recibe un cordial saludo.
Felipe Calderón Hinojosa
Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Solicita más información sin costo al 01800 4636 728 o visita la página de internet:
RESIDENCIA OFICIAL DE LOS PINOS, Tel. 5093 5300 Atención a la ciudadanía: 01 800 080 1127 (llamada sin costo)
Con los teléfonos anteriores termina la excelente Carta del Presidente Calderón, al cual le agradezco su gentileza de haberme escrito. Gracias y también un saludo cordial.
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Un pensamiento de San Pablo en relación a la Cooperación que debe existir entre todos es el siguiente:
“Yo planté, Apolo regó; más fue Dios quien dio el crecimiento” (1 Corintios 3,5)
Es para mi un alto honor, el haber recibido recientemente carta con rubrica de C. Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, y aprovecho este medio de Tópicos Culturales, para felicitarlo al mismo tiempo por su gestión al frente de nuestro país; así mismo, me permito compartir a los lectores de este sitio gratuito proporcionado por Google, la transcripción de la Carta de Felicitación del Presidente Calderón, por su riqueza en contenido para la Persona Humana y el Bien Común:
Del escritorio del C. Felipe Calderón Hinojosa
Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Julio de 2011
Te felicito por presentar en tiempo y forma tu Declaración Anual ante el Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT). Gracias por ser un contribuyente cumplido.
Durante estos 4 años el Gobierno Federal ha simplificado el procedimiento para presentar la Declaración Anual. Esto ha sido posible a través del uso de medios electrónicos y de una mayor tecnología en las herramientas que el SAT pone a disposición de los ciudadanos, como son la Declaración Automática y el Programa DeclaraSAT. El resultado es que hoy prácticamente 100% de las declaraciones se realizan en forma electrónica. Así, la autoridad fiscal es mas eficiente y tú ahorras tiempo y dinero.
Gracias al cumplimiento de tus obligaciones, estamos construyendo un México más fuerte, capaz de brindar más oportunidades de progreso a nuestra gente. Con tu contribución avanzamos en las tarea de transformar a México en una nación más desarrollada. Lo hacemos, con obras como carreteras, hospitales, y escuelas que mejoran tu calidad de vida y la de muchos mexicanos. También, fortalecemos los programas sociales como Oportunidades; Estancias Infantiles y becas escolares, para apoyar a las familias que menos tienen.
Cumplir nos beneficia a todos. Por eso te invito a que sigas trabajando con esfuerzo, dedicación, y cumpliendo con tus obligaciones, para que entre todos podamos hacer de nuestro querido México una patria más justa y próspera en donde todos, sin excepción, podamos vivir mejor. Una vez más, gracias por tu responsabilidad y compromiso con México.
Recibe un cordial saludo.
Felipe Calderón Hinojosa
Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Solicita más información sin costo al 01800 4636 728 o visita la página de internet:
RESIDENCIA OFICIAL DE LOS PINOS, Tel. 5093 5300 Atención a la ciudadanía: 01 800 080 1127 (llamada sin costo)
Con los teléfonos anteriores termina la excelente Carta del Presidente Calderón, al cual le agradezco su gentileza de haberme escrito. Gracias y también un saludo cordial.
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Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011

Our Lady in Art



Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita

Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"
Oración a San Judas

San Judas, Ruega por Nosotros
¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

Sonia = Sofía
¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

Pascua 2008

¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!
Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2008
Calendario 2013

Juan Pablo II

Virgen María en el Arte
Calendario 2013

Benedicto XVI
Pascua 2013

Jesucristo El Buen Pastor
feliz día de las madres 2012

feliz día de las madres 2012



Octubre 2012


JULIO 2012

JULIO 2012
JUNIO 2012

JUNIO 2012
MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
MARZO 2012

marzo 2012

ENERO 2012

enero 2012
Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

Actitudes ante la Vida

DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013

pascua 2012
Cátedra de San Pedro

St. Peter
14 de Febrero

Día de San Cirilo y San Metodio
Conversión de San Pablo

Francesco Mazzola (1503-1540)
Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN

Documento Firmado y Recibido Enero 2013
Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN

Documento, Enero 2013

Feliz Navidad y Ventuoroso Año 2013
happy new year 2012

Feliz Navidad 2011

Venturoso Año 2011


Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica

Algunas Encíclicas imortantes de la Iglesia Católica