Pez, Ciencia y Cuaresma
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La Ictiología es una parte de la zoología que estudia los peces, esta ciencia en términos de cultura, la conocemos como Piscicultura, que es el arte de reproducir los peces en estanques y lagos. En Astronomía la Constelación Piscis, esta como es lógico, debajo de la Constelación de Acuario, pues los peces viven en el agua. En el sentido Religioso Católico Cristiano, el pez, Ichthys en griego simboliza a Cristo desde el siglo II, desde la época de San Clemente, en el año 150 d C.
La palabra pez en castellano procede del latín pix, piscis, y a su vez esta palabra pez procede del griego ἰχθύς y por transliteración, o sea, la representación de los signos de un sistema de escritura mediante los signos de otro, se llega a la palabra Ichthys, por deletreo fonético en inglés: “Ikh-thoos”, la doble letra “o” se pronuncia y se escucha como “u”, por lo que Ichthys es igual a Ichthus.
Se mencionó anteriormente en el escrito de Enero 26, 2011, de Tópicos Culturales [1], que la palabra "Ichthys", pez en griego, representan las iniciales de la frase:
Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter
Que significa en español:
Jesús Cristo Hijo de Dios Salvador
Se acerca el tiempo fuerte del Calendario Litúrgico Católico de la Cuaresma que inicia el próximo Marzo 9, de 2011, conocido como Miércoles de Ceniza, y en la mayoría de los calendarios civiles, aparece la figura de un pez, que es símbolo de la abstinencia de carnes, y que falta poco tiempo para darse unas vacaciones con Jesús, quien estuvo 40 días en el desierto.
[1] Cf. Benedicto XVI, San Clemente de Alejandría, su Obra, y el Pez Ichthys; en:
sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011
miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011
San Policarpo de Esmirna, por Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
San Policarpo de Esmirna
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
San Policarpo hizo honor a su nombre, pues dio muchos frutos ejemplares de buenas obras, el nombre Policarpo significa (Poli = Muchos; Carpo = Frutos), fue discípulo de San Juan; y demostró su Lealtad a Jesucristo hasta su muerte, y nos hace recordar al Evangelio de San Mateo que dice: “Por sus frutos los conoceréis” y "todo árbol bueno produce frutos buenos" (Cf Mt 7, 16 y 17).
Acorde con el Martirologio Romano, en Febrero 23, se celebra a San Policarpo [1], obispo y mártir, discípulo de San Juan y el último de los testigos de los tiempos apostólicos, que en tiempo de los emperadores Marco Antonino y Lucio Aurelio Cómodo, cuando contaba ya casi noventa años, fue quemado vivo en el anfiteatro de Esmirna, en Asia, en presencia del procónsul y del pueblo, mientras daba gracias a Dios Padre por haberle contado entre los mártires y dejado participar del cáliz de Cristo (c. 155).
Conocemos la conmovedora conclusión de su vida gracias a un documento fechado un año después del martirio de San Policarpo, que tuvo lugar el 23 de febrero del año 155. Es una carta de la “Iglesia de Dios peregrinante en Esmirna, a la Iglesia de Dios peregrinante en Filomelio y también a todas las parroquias de cualquier lugar de la Iglesia santa y católica”. Es una narración muy importante bajo el aspecto histórico, hagiográfico y litúrgico.
Al procónsul Stazio Quadrato, que lo exhorta a renegar de Jesús, contesta moviendo la cabeza: “Desde hace 86 años lo sirvo y nunca me ha hecho ningún mal: ¿cómo podría blasfemar de mi Rey que me ha redimido?”. “Te puedo hacer quemar vivo”, insiste el procónsul. Y Policarpo: “EL fuego con que me amenazas quema por un momento, después pasa; yo en cambio temo el fuego eterno de la condenación”.
Cuenta la historia que San Policarpo: “como la vela de un navío henchida por el viento, hizo un muro alrededor del cuerpo” del mártir, dejándolo ileso. Se ordenó al verdugo que lo apuñalara, y acto seguido, “salió tal cantidad de sangre que apagó el fuego”, y que olía a incienso y al morir de su cuerpo broto una paloma.
Policarpo hizo la siguiente oración antes de morir: "¡Señor Dios Todopoderoso, Padre de tu amado y bienaventurado Hijo, Jesucristo, por quien hemos venido en conocimiento de Ti, Dios de los ángeles, de todas las fuerzas de la creación y de toda la familia de los justos que viven en tu presencia! ¡Yo te bendigo porque te has complacido en hacerme vivir estos momentos en que voy a ocupar un sitio entre tus mártires y a participar del cáliz de tu Cristo, antes de resucitar en alma y cuerpo para siempre en la inmortalidad del Espíritu Santo! ¡Concédeme que sea yo recibido hoy entre tus mártires, y que el sacrificio que me has preparado Tú, Dios fiel y verdadero, te sea laudable! ¡Yo te alabo y te bendigo y te glorifico por todo ello, por medio del Sacerdote Eterno, Jesucristo, tu amado Hijo, con quien a Ti y al Espíritu sea dada toda gloria ahora y siempre! ¡Amén!"
No bien había acabado de decir la última palabra, cuando la hoguera fue encendida. "Pero he aquí que entonces aconteció un milagro ante nosotros, que fuimos preservados para dar testimonio de ello -escriben los autores de esta carta-: las llamas, encorvándose como las velas de un navío empujadas por el viento, rodearon suavemente el cuerpo del mártir, que entre ellas parecía no tanto un cuerpo devorado por el fuego, cuanto un pan o un metal precioso en el horno; y un olor como de incienso perfumó el ambiente". Los verdugos, recibieron la orden de atravesar a Policarpo con una lanza; al hacerlo, brotó de su cuerpo una paloma y tal cantidad de sangre, que la hoguera se apagó.
[1] Para leer más de San Policarpo, consultar los siguientes enlaces:
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
San Policarpo hizo honor a su nombre, pues dio muchos frutos ejemplares de buenas obras, el nombre Policarpo significa (Poli = Muchos; Carpo = Frutos), fue discípulo de San Juan; y demostró su Lealtad a Jesucristo hasta su muerte, y nos hace recordar al Evangelio de San Mateo que dice: “Por sus frutos los conoceréis” y "todo árbol bueno produce frutos buenos" (Cf Mt 7, 16 y 17).
Acorde con el Martirologio Romano, en Febrero 23, se celebra a San Policarpo [1], obispo y mártir, discípulo de San Juan y el último de los testigos de los tiempos apostólicos, que en tiempo de los emperadores Marco Antonino y Lucio Aurelio Cómodo, cuando contaba ya casi noventa años, fue quemado vivo en el anfiteatro de Esmirna, en Asia, en presencia del procónsul y del pueblo, mientras daba gracias a Dios Padre por haberle contado entre los mártires y dejado participar del cáliz de Cristo (c. 155).
Conocemos la conmovedora conclusión de su vida gracias a un documento fechado un año después del martirio de San Policarpo, que tuvo lugar el 23 de febrero del año 155. Es una carta de la “Iglesia de Dios peregrinante en Esmirna, a la Iglesia de Dios peregrinante en Filomelio y también a todas las parroquias de cualquier lugar de la Iglesia santa y católica”. Es una narración muy importante bajo el aspecto histórico, hagiográfico y litúrgico.
Al procónsul Stazio Quadrato, que lo exhorta a renegar de Jesús, contesta moviendo la cabeza: “Desde hace 86 años lo sirvo y nunca me ha hecho ningún mal: ¿cómo podría blasfemar de mi Rey que me ha redimido?”. “Te puedo hacer quemar vivo”, insiste el procónsul. Y Policarpo: “EL fuego con que me amenazas quema por un momento, después pasa; yo en cambio temo el fuego eterno de la condenación”.
Cuenta la historia que San Policarpo: “como la vela de un navío henchida por el viento, hizo un muro alrededor del cuerpo” del mártir, dejándolo ileso. Se ordenó al verdugo que lo apuñalara, y acto seguido, “salió tal cantidad de sangre que apagó el fuego”, y que olía a incienso y al morir de su cuerpo broto una paloma.
Policarpo hizo la siguiente oración antes de morir: "¡Señor Dios Todopoderoso, Padre de tu amado y bienaventurado Hijo, Jesucristo, por quien hemos venido en conocimiento de Ti, Dios de los ángeles, de todas las fuerzas de la creación y de toda la familia de los justos que viven en tu presencia! ¡Yo te bendigo porque te has complacido en hacerme vivir estos momentos en que voy a ocupar un sitio entre tus mártires y a participar del cáliz de tu Cristo, antes de resucitar en alma y cuerpo para siempre en la inmortalidad del Espíritu Santo! ¡Concédeme que sea yo recibido hoy entre tus mártires, y que el sacrificio que me has preparado Tú, Dios fiel y verdadero, te sea laudable! ¡Yo te alabo y te bendigo y te glorifico por todo ello, por medio del Sacerdote Eterno, Jesucristo, tu amado Hijo, con quien a Ti y al Espíritu sea dada toda gloria ahora y siempre! ¡Amén!"
No bien había acabado de decir la última palabra, cuando la hoguera fue encendida. "Pero he aquí que entonces aconteció un milagro ante nosotros, que fuimos preservados para dar testimonio de ello -escriben los autores de esta carta-: las llamas, encorvándose como las velas de un navío empujadas por el viento, rodearon suavemente el cuerpo del mártir, que entre ellas parecía no tanto un cuerpo devorado por el fuego, cuanto un pan o un metal precioso en el horno; y un olor como de incienso perfumó el ambiente". Los verdugos, recibieron la orden de atravesar a Policarpo con una lanza; al hacerlo, brotó de su cuerpo una paloma y tal cantidad de sangre, que la hoguera se apagó.
[1] Para leer más de San Policarpo, consultar los siguientes enlaces:
lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011
Benedicto XVI Dialogo Ecuménico: Mirada al Año 2017
Benedicto XVI Diálogo Ecuménico: Mirada al Año 2017
En Enero 24, 2011, el Discurso del Papa Benedicto XVI a una Delegación Luterana Alemana presentes en Roma para la Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos, hizo alusión a el empeño de la Iglesia Católica en el ecumenismo, como ya afirmó mi venerado predecesor el Papa Juan Pablo II en su encíclica “Ut unum sint”, no es una mera estrategia de comunicación en un mundo que cambia, sino que es un esfuerzo fundamental de la Iglesia a partir de la propia misión (cfr. Nm 28-32). También dentro de los aspectos importantes, mencionó el Papa: Hoy el diálogo ecuménico no puede estar separado de la realidad y de la vida en la fe en nuestras iglesias sin reportarles un daño. Por tanto dirijamos juntos nuestra mirada al año 2017, que nos recuerda la publicación de las tesis de Martín Lutero sobre las indulgencias de hace 500 años. En esa ocasión católicos y luteranos tendrán la oportunidad de celebrar en todo el mundo una conmemoración ecuménica común, de luchar a nivel mundial por las cuestiones fundamentales – como usted ha dicho – no bajo una forma de celebración triunfalista, sino como una profesión común de nuestra fe en el Dios uno y trino, en la obediencia común a Nuestro Señor y a su Palabra. [1].
[1] Cf. Para leer y meditar el Discurso del Papa ver ZENIT:
ZS11012413 - 24-01-2011
Benedicto XVI,
Diálogo Ecuménico,
Juan Pablo II,
Mirada al Año 2017
sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011
Posible Invitación Especial: Fiesta del 5 de Mayo 2011
Posible Invitación Especial: Fiesta del 5 de Mayo 2011
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
El próximo Mayo 5, de 2011, se celebrara en nuestro país México y en USA, el 149 Aniversario de la Batalla de Puebla, en donde el distinguido y Héroe Coahuilense General Ignacio Zaragoza conductor del Ejército de Oriente, derroto al ejército francés. Por tal motivo, seria provechoso, y como un gesto de Amistad, Paz y Armonía, con la que se distingue a los nobles mexicanos y mexicanas, invitar formalmente través de las autoridades competentes, no únicamente a Francia, sino también a Inglaterra, España, y otros países, a este evento histórico que data de la época del Presidente Benito Juárez, famoso por su Apotegma: “Entre los Individuos, como entre las Naciones el Respeto al Derecho Ajeno es la Paz”. Por decreto del Presidente Juárez dos Estados de la República Mexicana llevan su nombre: Puebla de Zaragoza y Coahuila de Zaragoza. Una aclaración: el General Ignacio Zaragoza (1829-1862), vivió 33 años y fue seminarista, nace en la ciudad Espíritu Santo, actualmente Goliad, Texas, USA. Antiguamente el Reino de Coahuila abarcaba hasta Texas (Nueva Extremadura).
"Yahveh es mi luz y mi salvación" Salmo 27 (26)
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
El próximo Mayo 5, de 2011, se celebrara en nuestro país México y en USA, el 149 Aniversario de la Batalla de Puebla, en donde el distinguido y Héroe Coahuilense General Ignacio Zaragoza conductor del Ejército de Oriente, derroto al ejército francés. Por tal motivo, seria provechoso, y como un gesto de Amistad, Paz y Armonía, con la que se distingue a los nobles mexicanos y mexicanas, invitar formalmente través de las autoridades competentes, no únicamente a Francia, sino también a Inglaterra, España, y otros países, a este evento histórico que data de la época del Presidente Benito Juárez, famoso por su Apotegma: “Entre los Individuos, como entre las Naciones el Respeto al Derecho Ajeno es la Paz”. Por decreto del Presidente Juárez dos Estados de la República Mexicana llevan su nombre: Puebla de Zaragoza y Coahuila de Zaragoza. Una aclaración: el General Ignacio Zaragoza (1829-1862), vivió 33 años y fue seminarista, nace en la ciudad Espíritu Santo, actualmente Goliad, Texas, USA. Antiguamente el Reino de Coahuila abarcaba hasta Texas (Nueva Extremadura).
"Yahveh es mi luz y mi salvación" Salmo 27 (26)
viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011
Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
O ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of mercy,
health of the sick, refuge of sinners,
comforter of the afflicted,
you know my wants, my troubles,
my sufferings; look with mercy on me.
By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes,
you were pleased to make it a privileged sanctuary,
whence you dispense your favors;
and already many suffers have
obtained the cure of their infirmities,
both spiritual and corporal.
I come, therefore, with complete confidence,
to implore your maternal intercession.
Obtain, O loving Mother, the grant of my requests.
Through gratitude for your favors,
I will endeavor to imitate your virtues,
that I may one day share your glory.
O ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of mercy,
health of the sick, refuge of sinners,
comforter of the afflicted,
you know my wants, my troubles,
my sufferings; look with mercy on me.
By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes,
you were pleased to make it a privileged sanctuary,
whence you dispense your favors;
and already many suffers have
obtained the cure of their infirmities,
both spiritual and corporal.
I come, therefore, with complete confidence,
to implore your maternal intercession.
Obtain, O loving Mother, the grant of my requests.
Through gratitude for your favors,
I will endeavor to imitate your virtues,
that I may one day share your glory.
“Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life” Jn 14,6.
“Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life” Jn 14,6.
“Jesucristo es el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida” Jn 14,6.
“Jesucristo es el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida” Jn 14,6.
miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011
An Unworthy Trademark, By Roger Behra
An Unworthy Trademark
Roger Behra
There is an industry in America that is rich beyond measure, powerful, and greatly persuasive in influencing the cultural behavior of untold numbers of people in America in particular and elsewhere in general. And very sadly, indeed, it’s influence is of the very unfortunate kind. It is controlled by super liberals whose main goal is to make large sums of money any way they can. It doesn’t matter the content of the product. If it can make multiple millions, let’s do it at any cost. And the industry being referred to here is internationally known as-HOLLYWOOD.
Once upon a time, before the super, ungodly liberals took over; the products of Hollywood were most always good, wholesome, family-friendly, and greatly artistic achievements. Now, and for the past thirty years or so, the redemptive value for the most part has gone by the wayside. Hollywood is not even a shell of her former self. The more guns, violence, sex, and special effects, the better it seems.
The acting is so greatly inferior in comparison to decades ago. Pretty female faces, nudity, guns, violence, bad language, and fast-paced special effects cannot replace great acting and intense and gripping drama. The fact that so many present day movies are label PG-13 tells us something.
And then there is the other part of the Hollywood story: personal off-screen behavior of so many actors and actresses. It has gotten increasingly more unacceptable. Cohabitation and illegitimate children are commonplace, and it is gleefully reported by the mass media as if it is an acceptable norm. And so is the proliferation of divorces in Hollywood so easily accepted.
Recently, two famous and well-knows actors and a female actress have been glaringly in the news for very bad personal behavior. Mel Gibson probably ruined the rest of his acting career with his divorce and the disastrous end to a cohabitation relationship that got abusive physically and verbally. Charlie Sheen’s marriage also ended in divorce and was followed up with a very bizarre event in a hotel room with a female porn star while he was nude, out-of-control, and suspected of being under the influence of something. He threw a chair and smashed an ornate and valuable chandelier in the hotel room. And everyone has been bombarded with the antics and poor behavior of Lindsey Lohan for over a year.
Hollywood-producers, actors, and actresses-needs to realize-needs, to firmly realize, that they greatly help to form the American culture. Hollywood is a large contributor to adding or subtracting from wholesomeness and the spiritual welfare of everyone. Hollywood has to get back to her old ways of contributing in a positive way in people’s lives. Hollywood has to stop contributing to the act of idolizing the almighty dollar which leads to the cultification of satanic of satanic influences and spreading them around the world. Hollywood is way overdue on this very great moral responsibility, and they have to stop rewarding the immorality of the actors and actresses that add so much to Hollywood’s polluting worldwide effect with their very unacceptable immoral person an career behavior.
R. B.
An Unworthy Trademark
Roger Behra
There is an industry in America that is rich beyond measure, powerful, and greatly persuasive in influencing the cultural behavior of untold numbers of people in America in particular and elsewhere in general. And very sadly, indeed, it’s influence is of the very unfortunate kind. It is controlled by super liberals whose main goal is to make large sums of money any way they can. It doesn’t matter the content of the product. If it can make multiple millions, let’s do it at any cost. And the industry being referred to here is internationally known as-HOLLYWOOD.
Once upon a time, before the super, ungodly liberals took over; the products of Hollywood were most always good, wholesome, family-friendly, and greatly artistic achievements. Now, and for the past thirty years or so, the redemptive value for the most part has gone by the wayside. Hollywood is not even a shell of her former self. The more guns, violence, sex, and special effects, the better it seems.
The acting is so greatly inferior in comparison to decades ago. Pretty female faces, nudity, guns, violence, bad language, and fast-paced special effects cannot replace great acting and intense and gripping drama. The fact that so many present day movies are label PG-13 tells us something.
And then there is the other part of the Hollywood story: personal off-screen behavior of so many actors and actresses. It has gotten increasingly more unacceptable. Cohabitation and illegitimate children are commonplace, and it is gleefully reported by the mass media as if it is an acceptable norm. And so is the proliferation of divorces in Hollywood so easily accepted.
Recently, two famous and well-knows actors and a female actress have been glaringly in the news for very bad personal behavior. Mel Gibson probably ruined the rest of his acting career with his divorce and the disastrous end to a cohabitation relationship that got abusive physically and verbally. Charlie Sheen’s marriage also ended in divorce and was followed up with a very bizarre event in a hotel room with a female porn star while he was nude, out-of-control, and suspected of being under the influence of something. He threw a chair and smashed an ornate and valuable chandelier in the hotel room. And everyone has been bombarded with the antics and poor behavior of Lindsey Lohan for over a year.
Hollywood-producers, actors, and actresses-needs to realize-needs, to firmly realize, that they greatly help to form the American culture. Hollywood is a large contributor to adding or subtracting from wholesomeness and the spiritual welfare of everyone. Hollywood has to get back to her old ways of contributing in a positive way in people’s lives. Hollywood has to stop contributing to the act of idolizing the almighty dollar which leads to the cultification of satanic of satanic influences and spreading them around the world. Hollywood is way overdue on this very great moral responsibility, and they have to stop rewarding the immorality of the actors and actresses that add so much to Hollywood’s polluting worldwide effect with their very unacceptable immoral person an career behavior.
R. B.
Another Government Failure, By Roger Behra
Another Government Failure
Roger Behra
The government in America down through the decades has been guilty of colossal decisions that have turned out very bad, and those decisions have seriously harmed the American culture. The top of the list of government failures it has turned out is the gross meddling of the government in the daily activities and operation of America’s public school, and the meddling has caused great dilemmas and problems for public schools, teachers.
The once upon a time very good public school systems in America are now very close to being a large basket case. And to make matters worse, Washington’s daily meddling is without constitutional authority to do so, along with the fact that the meddling makes matters worse and at a tremendous cost in dollars to the American taxpayer. It’s all on record. The government’s report card grade is definitely a solid failure.
The government’s failure grade on it’s report card is basically in reading, writing, and mathematics. It all shows up on the records of the school’s final student products- 12th graders. The federal test results show the great stagnation that has been going on in these subject areas consistently for the last four or more decades.
In 1970 Washington spent $32 billion dollars on elementary and secondary education. In 2009 Washington spent $83 billion dollars on the same. All these billions have been spent on public school education, and the end result is the failure grade on the government’s report card. In 1970 it cost $435 dollars to educate one student. In 2006 it cost $ 1,015 dollars to do the same. And the great negative results at the tremendous cost to the American taxpayer are absolutely astounding. When a high school graduate has to take remedial courses in spelling, grammar, writing, and mathematics before starting a collage career, that gives a very clear picture.
Not only has Washington just spent money. For the money spent Washington has increasingly meddled in the affairs of the school day by demanding more standards testing, and accountability. The No Child Left Behind Act, which has been a failure, is the epitome of modern government meddling. The Act has become law, and it has not improved test scores on bit.
Why has government meddling in America’s public schools been such a failure? In part it’s because the government does not take educational success seriously enough, and the demands are not very realistic. And when they spend taxpayer money, it is to gain favor with teacher unions, administrators, and other special interests. If the government doesn´t get real very soon and realize their motives and demands are greatly flowered, the failure grade on their report card will be there forever.
R. B.
Another Government Failure
Roger Behra
The government in America down through the decades has been guilty of colossal decisions that have turned out very bad, and those decisions have seriously harmed the American culture. The top of the list of government failures it has turned out is the gross meddling of the government in the daily activities and operation of America’s public school, and the meddling has caused great dilemmas and problems for public schools, teachers.
The once upon a time very good public school systems in America are now very close to being a large basket case. And to make matters worse, Washington’s daily meddling is without constitutional authority to do so, along with the fact that the meddling makes matters worse and at a tremendous cost in dollars to the American taxpayer. It’s all on record. The government’s report card grade is definitely a solid failure.
The government’s failure grade on it’s report card is basically in reading, writing, and mathematics. It all shows up on the records of the school’s final student products- 12th graders. The federal test results show the great stagnation that has been going on in these subject areas consistently for the last four or more decades.
In 1970 Washington spent $32 billion dollars on elementary and secondary education. In 2009 Washington spent $83 billion dollars on the same. All these billions have been spent on public school education, and the end result is the failure grade on the government’s report card. In 1970 it cost $435 dollars to educate one student. In 2006 it cost $ 1,015 dollars to do the same. And the great negative results at the tremendous cost to the American taxpayer are absolutely astounding. When a high school graduate has to take remedial courses in spelling, grammar, writing, and mathematics before starting a collage career, that gives a very clear picture.
Not only has Washington just spent money. For the money spent Washington has increasingly meddled in the affairs of the school day by demanding more standards testing, and accountability. The No Child Left Behind Act, which has been a failure, is the epitome of modern government meddling. The Act has become law, and it has not improved test scores on bit.
Why has government meddling in America’s public schools been such a failure? In part it’s because the government does not take educational success seriously enough, and the demands are not very realistic. And when they spend taxpayer money, it is to gain favor with teacher unions, administrators, and other special interests. If the government doesn´t get real very soon and realize their motives and demands are greatly flowered, the failure grade on their report card will be there forever.
R. B.
martes, 8 de febrero de 2011
Some Perfect Examples, By Roger Behra
Some Perfect Examples
Roger Behra
It happens just about every day of the week in America’s culture, and that is the behavior of original counterculture people and/or their direct descendants never ceases to amaze and shock Americans. You are about to read about some perfect examples of very unacceptable behavior. One example concerns an original, and the other two are descendants.
It is unbelievable that a 56 year-old retired police chief is in such a terrible situation. But he certainly is. A warrant has been issued for his arrest because of crimes committed on walking trails and in the parking lot adjacent to them. The walking trails are located in Anaheim, California. He is a suspect because of his presence on the trails and a fingerprint left on criminal evidence left on car windshields of cars parked in the adjacent parking lots. He is being accused of some very serious offenses and some very strong evidence.
It seem that he has been frequenting some running trails and has been exposing himself on several occasions to ladies do ding their running. He has been identified as the man who has lowered his pants to his knees and exposing his genitalia and showing his bare buttocks. He has been identified from photo lineup. That was bad enough! Then, as the ladies continued their running, they found photos of male AND female genitalia along the way. That was more bad enough. Finally, to top it all off, they found more of the same under their windshields. Leaving photos was his big downfall, because now the police officials have his fingerprint on a photo that matches well with all the photos. All the indications are that he bought the farm, so to speak.
Counterculture descendants do and outstanding job of committing unacceptable behavior. Cam Newton is one of those. He is the starting quarterback at Auburn University and is a prime example of awful behavior. He had to leave his previous university under the dark cloud of cheating three times on examinations. He stole someone’s laptop computer, and as the police were chasing him he threw it out of the car window. And in Florida he is on record for fifteen moving car violations. He certainly needs a complete character makeover-soon.
This is a tragic example of unacceptable counterculture behavior. Four gang members were together at a strip mall. As they were leaving an argument got underway. While running they began shooting at each other, and very unfortunately, a young mother attending her baby nearby at her car was shot in the back. She died quickly at the scene. It was a terrible and for an innocent young mother, all because of evil behavior.
Sixty-five-percent of Americans do not practice religious living. Counterculture originals and their descendants make up just about all of that group, and their legacy is littered with very unacceptable behavior: horrendous murders, serial killers, unspeakable sex crimes, very bad general behavior, and overall Godless type daily behavior. This large group has put their legacy into the infamous category and ruined it for the thirty-five-percent who are very commendable and a great credit to America’s culture. Long live the smaller group, and may it start to get larger very soon.
R. B.
Some Perfect Examples
Roger Behra
It happens just about every day of the week in America’s culture, and that is the behavior of original counterculture people and/or their direct descendants never ceases to amaze and shock Americans. You are about to read about some perfect examples of very unacceptable behavior. One example concerns an original, and the other two are descendants.
It is unbelievable that a 56 year-old retired police chief is in such a terrible situation. But he certainly is. A warrant has been issued for his arrest because of crimes committed on walking trails and in the parking lot adjacent to them. The walking trails are located in Anaheim, California. He is a suspect because of his presence on the trails and a fingerprint left on criminal evidence left on car windshields of cars parked in the adjacent parking lots. He is being accused of some very serious offenses and some very strong evidence.
It seem that he has been frequenting some running trails and has been exposing himself on several occasions to ladies do ding their running. He has been identified as the man who has lowered his pants to his knees and exposing his genitalia and showing his bare buttocks. He has been identified from photo lineup. That was bad enough! Then, as the ladies continued their running, they found photos of male AND female genitalia along the way. That was more bad enough. Finally, to top it all off, they found more of the same under their windshields. Leaving photos was his big downfall, because now the police officials have his fingerprint on a photo that matches well with all the photos. All the indications are that he bought the farm, so to speak.
Counterculture descendants do and outstanding job of committing unacceptable behavior. Cam Newton is one of those. He is the starting quarterback at Auburn University and is a prime example of awful behavior. He had to leave his previous university under the dark cloud of cheating three times on examinations. He stole someone’s laptop computer, and as the police were chasing him he threw it out of the car window. And in Florida he is on record for fifteen moving car violations. He certainly needs a complete character makeover-soon.
This is a tragic example of unacceptable counterculture behavior. Four gang members were together at a strip mall. As they were leaving an argument got underway. While running they began shooting at each other, and very unfortunately, a young mother attending her baby nearby at her car was shot in the back. She died quickly at the scene. It was a terrible and for an innocent young mother, all because of evil behavior.
Sixty-five-percent of Americans do not practice religious living. Counterculture originals and their descendants make up just about all of that group, and their legacy is littered with very unacceptable behavior: horrendous murders, serial killers, unspeakable sex crimes, very bad general behavior, and overall Godless type daily behavior. This large group has put their legacy into the infamous category and ruined it for the thirty-five-percent who are very commendable and a great credit to America’s culture. Long live the smaller group, and may it start to get larger very soon.
R. B.
America’s Slacker Population, By Roger Behra
America’s Slacker Population
Roger Behra
Modern America has multitude of cultural problems, and there is one that the mass media avoids completely because of their extreme liberalism. And it hurts the American culture very much, because mass media fails to identify a large group of people. That group of people is called SLACKERS, and they greatly hurt the American society.
A SLACKER is one who is very lazy and one who does not care to work consistently well, or quickly enough. And to add insult to injury, society does not hold them accountable, and the mass media does not call attention to them. SLACKERS are like drones in the bee hive: there but uninteresting, and for the most part, useless. They really hurt America’s culture in various ways, and they are to be avoided at all costs.
SLACKERS take advantage of non-slackers. One of the many ways is to make it a way of life to consistently take government money. They claim disability, and then they use the government money (tax money that was given to the government from hard workers) to buy luxuries like cable TV and cell phones. They act like they are entitled to other people’s money complain about not getting enough of it.
The problem is welfare has become a lifestyle instead on only being a temporary hand up while the recipient gets back to work instead of continuing the I deserve it attitude and mentality.
Added to the SLACKER problem is the American society. It has encouraged the great slacker problem by excusing bad behavior. The liberal mindset considers it part of political correctness. This reinforces the idea that lazy and selfish behavior has no consequences.
There are remedies that would cut down on the large numbers of SLACKERS. Anyone that is not genuinely disabled who is getting government money should work for the government, and a time limit should be set on the government payout. Finally, a lessor amount should be allotted. These remedies would give the government some return on taxpayer money given to them for a shorter period of time, and the lessor amount would also help to conserve money that hard working Americans are forking over. The SLACKER would be more inclined to really get a job as a result. Finally, the American culture would benefit as the number of SLACKERS would certainly and greatly diminish. Who can argue with that?
R. B.
America’s Slacker Population
Roger Behra
Modern America has multitude of cultural problems, and there is one that the mass media avoids completely because of their extreme liberalism. And it hurts the American culture very much, because mass media fails to identify a large group of people. That group of people is called SLACKERS, and they greatly hurt the American society.
A SLACKER is one who is very lazy and one who does not care to work consistently well, or quickly enough. And to add insult to injury, society does not hold them accountable, and the mass media does not call attention to them. SLACKERS are like drones in the bee hive: there but uninteresting, and for the most part, useless. They really hurt America’s culture in various ways, and they are to be avoided at all costs.
SLACKERS take advantage of non-slackers. One of the many ways is to make it a way of life to consistently take government money. They claim disability, and then they use the government money (tax money that was given to the government from hard workers) to buy luxuries like cable TV and cell phones. They act like they are entitled to other people’s money complain about not getting enough of it.
The problem is welfare has become a lifestyle instead on only being a temporary hand up while the recipient gets back to work instead of continuing the I deserve it attitude and mentality.
Added to the SLACKER problem is the American society. It has encouraged the great slacker problem by excusing bad behavior. The liberal mindset considers it part of political correctness. This reinforces the idea that lazy and selfish behavior has no consequences.
There are remedies that would cut down on the large numbers of SLACKERS. Anyone that is not genuinely disabled who is getting government money should work for the government, and a time limit should be set on the government payout. Finally, a lessor amount should be allotted. These remedies would give the government some return on taxpayer money given to them for a shorter period of time, and the lessor amount would also help to conserve money that hard working Americans are forking over. The SLACKER would be more inclined to really get a job as a result. Finally, the American culture would benefit as the number of SLACKERS would certainly and greatly diminish. Who can argue with that?
R. B.
domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011
No End In Sight, By Roger Behra
No End In Sight
Roger Behra
In America these days there is an adopted behavior going on that is very noticeable and distracting wherever one goes out in public. The behavior has been going on for quite some time with no end in sight. This noticeable and distracting behavior even goes on at church services. Adults, young adults, and now even teens are guilty of this behavior. The female gender is the most guilty.
The behavior beings mentioned here is the fact that bare skin is exhibited and seen everywhere one goes and does business. Adult women and teen girls are by far the greatest offenders, and it has reached offensive proportions, as it has reached the way of life stage instead of being just a fad. It’s been going on for a long time to just be a fad.
Teen girls and young adult women as well as teen boys and young men are quite content to show their bare abdomens and the upper 25% or more of their bare buttocks to the general public anywhere, even in church. Who could have ever guessed that would ever happen?
The greatest bare skin offenders without a doubt are teen girls and young and older adult women. They show bare skin from three different places: buttocks, lower abdomen, and breasts. They started it all with just a little cleavage. Soon it degenerated into complete cleavage, bare lower abdomens-along with bare “south of the border” skin. All of it is very immodest in public, at places of businesses, and of all places in church.
Women, as mothers, shoppers, and business people, who appear and work in the public domain have a great responsibility to dress modestly and morally acceptable at all times, and above all while in church. No excuses are permitted. Sorry, ladies and teen girls, and teen boys and young adult men. It is matter of good morality and teen girls, and teen boys and young adult men. It is a matter of good morality and common sense and decency. Something else of great importance will automatically take place, also. Teen girls, adult ladies, teen boys, and adult men will no longer be called lemmings. They will all be called moral and decent human beings. Bare skin everywhere is hard to take for all those who have there moral compasses pointed in the right direction at all times. The culture of bare skin every where must stop!
R. B.
No End In Sight
Roger Behra
In America these days there is an adopted behavior going on that is very noticeable and distracting wherever one goes out in public. The behavior has been going on for quite some time with no end in sight. This noticeable and distracting behavior even goes on at church services. Adults, young adults, and now even teens are guilty of this behavior. The female gender is the most guilty.
The behavior beings mentioned here is the fact that bare skin is exhibited and seen everywhere one goes and does business. Adult women and teen girls are by far the greatest offenders, and it has reached offensive proportions, as it has reached the way of life stage instead of being just a fad. It’s been going on for a long time to just be a fad.
Teen girls and young adult women as well as teen boys and young men are quite content to show their bare abdomens and the upper 25% or more of their bare buttocks to the general public anywhere, even in church. Who could have ever guessed that would ever happen?
The greatest bare skin offenders without a doubt are teen girls and young and older adult women. They show bare skin from three different places: buttocks, lower abdomen, and breasts. They started it all with just a little cleavage. Soon it degenerated into complete cleavage, bare lower abdomens-along with bare “south of the border” skin. All of it is very immodest in public, at places of businesses, and of all places in church.
Women, as mothers, shoppers, and business people, who appear and work in the public domain have a great responsibility to dress modestly and morally acceptable at all times, and above all while in church. No excuses are permitted. Sorry, ladies and teen girls, and teen boys and young adult men. It is matter of good morality and teen girls, and teen boys and young adult men. It is a matter of good morality and common sense and decency. Something else of great importance will automatically take place, also. Teen girls, adult ladies, teen boys, and adult men will no longer be called lemmings. They will all be called moral and decent human beings. Bare skin everywhere is hard to take for all those who have there moral compasses pointed in the right direction at all times. The culture of bare skin every where must stop!
R. B.
sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011
Las Bienaventuranzas del Verbo Encarnado
Las Bienaventuranzas del Verbo Encarnado
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
El Verbo Encarnado o sea Nuestro Señor Jesucristo el Hijo de Dios, ya había sido anunciado por el Profeta Miqueas que de Belén saldría un jefe, un pastor de Israel (Cf. Mi 5, 1). Jesús llevo prácticamente una vida oculta desde su nacimiento hasta la edad de 30 años, (Cf. Mt 2; y, Lc 2, 21-52), después, su enseñanza gira en el anuncio del Reino de los Cielos y su predicación dura por tres años más: luego viene la Redención, que abarcan los tres grandes misterios: la Pasión, la Crucifixión y muerte en la Cruz, y el misterio de la Pascua de Resurrección de Jesús. [1]
Las grandes enseñanzas de Jesucristo, de las muchas virtudes, es la Humildad con que vivió con sus padres: la Santísima Virgen María por obra del Espíritu Santo y San José el Santo del Silencio. Son muchos los misterios de la Sagrada Familia y de la vida oculta de Jesús: su nacimiento, la adoración de los pastores y de los Reyes Magos que venían siguiendo el Astro de Jesús, la presentación en el templo, la huida a Egipto, tierra de Moisés. [2]
Jesús en una ocasión menciono: “Aprendan de mí que soy manso y humilde de Corazón”. Dios quien a través de los Profetas hablaba con su pueblo, podemos meditar la Palabra (Logos), que se menciona en el Libro del Profeta Sofonías, quien dijo con anterioridad a Jesús: “Busquen al Señor, ustedes los humildes de la tierra, los que cumplen los mandamientos de Dios. Busquen la Justicia, busquen la Humildad” (Cf. Sof 2,3), y San Pablo, posteriormente, hace alusión a como los débiles del mundo fueron elegidos por Dios e injertados en Cristo (Cf. 1 Cor 1, 26-31). [3]
Así como Moisés subió al Sinaí y dio el Decálogo al pueblo Hebreo, ahora Jesucristo, el Nuevo Moisés, dice el Sermón de la Montaña. En el Nuevo Testamento, el Evangelio de Mateo menciona 8 Bienaventuranzas y el Evangelio de Lucas 4. La primera es: “Bienaventurados los pobres de espíritu porque de ellos es el Reino de los Cielos” (Cf Mt 5, 1-12). [4]
Hay que acercarse siempre en nuestra vida a Cristo para conocer el Misterio profundo de Dios quien es uno y trino, acercarse a través de la oración y los sacramentos, practicando las obras de misericordia y caridad.
Paz y tranquilidad en su corazón y que Dios ilumine su camino.
[1] Cf. Tres Fechas Importantes de Jesús Cristo, en: ; y la Nota [6], del escrito sobre Adviento, en:
Cf. III. El Misterio de la Pascua de Resurrección de Cristo Jesús; en:
[2] Cf. Mt. 2.
[3] Cf. Mt 11, 28-30
[4] Cf. los siguientes escritos de Tópicos:
Las Bienaventuranzas en Latín, Inglés y Español
La Carta Magna de los Cristianos
¡Feliz Día de la Amistad y del Amor!: Bienaventuranzas y Cuaresma
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
El Verbo Encarnado o sea Nuestro Señor Jesucristo el Hijo de Dios, ya había sido anunciado por el Profeta Miqueas que de Belén saldría un jefe, un pastor de Israel (Cf. Mi 5, 1). Jesús llevo prácticamente una vida oculta desde su nacimiento hasta la edad de 30 años, (Cf. Mt 2; y, Lc 2, 21-52), después, su enseñanza gira en el anuncio del Reino de los Cielos y su predicación dura por tres años más: luego viene la Redención, que abarcan los tres grandes misterios: la Pasión, la Crucifixión y muerte en la Cruz, y el misterio de la Pascua de Resurrección de Jesús. [1]
Las grandes enseñanzas de Jesucristo, de las muchas virtudes, es la Humildad con que vivió con sus padres: la Santísima Virgen María por obra del Espíritu Santo y San José el Santo del Silencio. Son muchos los misterios de la Sagrada Familia y de la vida oculta de Jesús: su nacimiento, la adoración de los pastores y de los Reyes Magos que venían siguiendo el Astro de Jesús, la presentación en el templo, la huida a Egipto, tierra de Moisés. [2]
Jesús en una ocasión menciono: “Aprendan de mí que soy manso y humilde de Corazón”. Dios quien a través de los Profetas hablaba con su pueblo, podemos meditar la Palabra (Logos), que se menciona en el Libro del Profeta Sofonías, quien dijo con anterioridad a Jesús: “Busquen al Señor, ustedes los humildes de la tierra, los que cumplen los mandamientos de Dios. Busquen la Justicia, busquen la Humildad” (Cf. Sof 2,3), y San Pablo, posteriormente, hace alusión a como los débiles del mundo fueron elegidos por Dios e injertados en Cristo (Cf. 1 Cor 1, 26-31). [3]
Así como Moisés subió al Sinaí y dio el Decálogo al pueblo Hebreo, ahora Jesucristo, el Nuevo Moisés, dice el Sermón de la Montaña. En el Nuevo Testamento, el Evangelio de Mateo menciona 8 Bienaventuranzas y el Evangelio de Lucas 4. La primera es: “Bienaventurados los pobres de espíritu porque de ellos es el Reino de los Cielos” (Cf Mt 5, 1-12). [4]
Hay que acercarse siempre en nuestra vida a Cristo para conocer el Misterio profundo de Dios quien es uno y trino, acercarse a través de la oración y los sacramentos, practicando las obras de misericordia y caridad.
Paz y tranquilidad en su corazón y que Dios ilumine su camino.
[1] Cf. Tres Fechas Importantes de Jesús Cristo, en: ; y la Nota [6], del escrito sobre Adviento, en:
Cf. III. El Misterio de la Pascua de Resurrección de Cristo Jesús; en:
[2] Cf. Mt. 2.
[3] Cf. Mt 11, 28-30
[4] Cf. los siguientes escritos de Tópicos:
Las Bienaventuranzas en Latín, Inglés y Español
La Carta Magna de los Cristianos
¡Feliz Día de la Amistad y del Amor!: Bienaventuranzas y Cuaresma
Verbo Encarnado
viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011
The Teacher’s Dilemma, By Roger Behra
The Teacher’s Dilemma
Roger Behra
It is not hidden information that the best schools in America are the PRIVATE SCHOOLS, and there are several reasons for that fact. They have not had to suffer the consequences of the takeover by the U.S. Government that PUBLIC SHOOLS have had to suffer over the last four decades, which has been a monumental disaster for the American culture. Teachers in non-public schools are very happy there because they can really teach without government interference and the great discipline problems that are so prevalent and disruptive in America’s public schools. And the high school graduation rate in private schools is the envy of the public schools. The only drawback is private schools pay teachers less per a school year.
On the other side of the coin a public school teacher has a double dilemma situation from the start of career. The beginning teacher has to decide one way or another if teaching for less money will be worth it. Most beginning teachers decide not to teach for less money, and many of them regret that decision, because their double dilemma starts immediately.
Very soon after the public school year begins, disillusionment sets in because of the teaching environment. That means crucial decisions have to be made. How can quality teaching take place in rum down schools with so many government rules and regulations and the great amount of bad discipline on a daily basis? All of this causes many beginning teachers to leave at the middle of the school year. It is on record that fifty-percent of beginning public school teachers leaves after teaching only half of the school year. That is shocking!
Along with schools in poor repair, government interference, and great daily discipline problems down the pike came the “No Child Left Behind”. That addition has been absolutely a non-productive one. It has not improved the bottom line: more quality teaching results and less disruptive discipline problems. Instead, it has introduced more problems and stands in the way. It is another mandate and interference that has produced negative results.
It is not a coincidence that America’s public schools went into great decline little by little, year after year, for four decades, to what exists today, with no remedy on the horizon. The facts and result speak for themselves. The dilemmas that public school teachers are facing through America will, unfortunately, continue indefinitely, as well as the irreparable harm to America’s culture because of clueless meddling and mandates forced into public school education .
Only 35% of high school students in Washington, D.C. graduate. Elsewhere it is around 50%. When high school graduates entering college have to take remedial courses in reading, spelling, and writing before they can start their college courses, the facts and embarrassment have a fierce and indelible sting, while the world is laughing at America, especially CHINA, NORT KOREA, RUSSIA, IRAN, and various other smaller terrorist countries. It is an exponential situation, indeed, and to realize it is self-inflicted by government interference is very sad.
R. B.
The Teacher’s Dilemma
Roger Behra
It is not hidden information that the best schools in America are the PRIVATE SCHOOLS, and there are several reasons for that fact. They have not had to suffer the consequences of the takeover by the U.S. Government that PUBLIC SHOOLS have had to suffer over the last four decades, which has been a monumental disaster for the American culture. Teachers in non-public schools are very happy there because they can really teach without government interference and the great discipline problems that are so prevalent and disruptive in America’s public schools. And the high school graduation rate in private schools is the envy of the public schools. The only drawback is private schools pay teachers less per a school year.
On the other side of the coin a public school teacher has a double dilemma situation from the start of career. The beginning teacher has to decide one way or another if teaching for less money will be worth it. Most beginning teachers decide not to teach for less money, and many of them regret that decision, because their double dilemma starts immediately.
Very soon after the public school year begins, disillusionment sets in because of the teaching environment. That means crucial decisions have to be made. How can quality teaching take place in rum down schools with so many government rules and regulations and the great amount of bad discipline on a daily basis? All of this causes many beginning teachers to leave at the middle of the school year. It is on record that fifty-percent of beginning public school teachers leaves after teaching only half of the school year. That is shocking!
Along with schools in poor repair, government interference, and great daily discipline problems down the pike came the “No Child Left Behind”. That addition has been absolutely a non-productive one. It has not improved the bottom line: more quality teaching results and less disruptive discipline problems. Instead, it has introduced more problems and stands in the way. It is another mandate and interference that has produced negative results.
It is not a coincidence that America’s public schools went into great decline little by little, year after year, for four decades, to what exists today, with no remedy on the horizon. The facts and result speak for themselves. The dilemmas that public school teachers are facing through America will, unfortunately, continue indefinitely, as well as the irreparable harm to America’s culture because of clueless meddling and mandates forced into public school education .
Only 35% of high school students in Washington, D.C. graduate. Elsewhere it is around 50%. When high school graduates entering college have to take remedial courses in reading, spelling, and writing before they can start their college courses, the facts and embarrassment have a fierce and indelible sting, while the world is laughing at America, especially CHINA, NORT KOREA, RUSSIA, IRAN, and various other smaller terrorist countries. It is an exponential situation, indeed, and to realize it is self-inflicted by government interference is very sad.
R. B.
jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011
The Persecution Begins, By Roger Behra
The Persecution Begins
Roger Behra
Julian Assange, the author of the WikiLeaks cable releases, has now become a very disliked and persecuted person, and that is quite sad and uncalled for, indeed. He is being attacked from two different directions, and it amounts to first degree character and professional assassination.
Mr. Assange is a journalist, but he is not a mainstream journalist who has sold out to the mainstream media that does not search out to gather the truth. Mr. Assange’s goal is to root out institutional corruption and to report it no matter the consequences. He is all for organizational transparency that leads to better scrutiny. Better scrutiny leads to reduced corruption and stronger democratic action. He definitely does not condone government or corporation corruption of any kind. As a result, the opportunity is being activated to strongly persecute him, and it is coming from two different directions: the U.S. Government and the two ladies with whom he had unprotected consensual sex. How does he get out from under all of this? Well, there is a better than even chance that he will in due time.
Mr. Assange has the protection of being a journalist who has reported the truth in his WikiLeaks cables. And then, he is not an American citizen, so the U.S. Government most likely cannot prosecute him for espionage, which leaves their leverage very, very weak.
From the other direction the two ladies situation is another story. It has been reported that the two ladies were in favor of WikiLeaks, and that they were in the audience during one of his speeches. Then, after the supposed consensual sex, they became angry because it was unprotected, but they waited a whole month before they began crying it was rape and want him prosecuted. And because of that length of time between, it is strongly speculated that someone very likely has offered them a deal. This can very well be another weak case. If it is established that they consented to sex, protected or not, it will not be considered as rape. That could very well be the case later in court. Stay tuned!
The WikiLeaks cable revelations seem to be within correct journalistic boundries. The situation with the two ladies, who were in the audience at one of his speeches, seems to be a lack of good judgment on the part of Mr. Assange, and the bottom line so far seems to be orchestrated persecution and a giant sized headache for Mr. Assange. It is hoped that a solution comes quickly and that he is vindicated and released. Long live WikiLeaks.
Under the pretense of calling it a breach of security and aiding terrorism, the Government of the U.S. has become very angry because it was “outed” as being dishonest, manipulative, and two-faced saying one thing and doing another, the exact opposite in many cases, in their diplomacy dealings. As a result, the U.S. Government has been greatly embarrassed, and it is going to great lengths to cause the persecution of Mr. Assange. Let’s hope never happens. Stay tuned on this one, also!
R. B.
The Persecution Begins
Roger Behra
Julian Assange, the author of the WikiLeaks cable releases, has now become a very disliked and persecuted person, and that is quite sad and uncalled for, indeed. He is being attacked from two different directions, and it amounts to first degree character and professional assassination.
Mr. Assange is a journalist, but he is not a mainstream journalist who has sold out to the mainstream media that does not search out to gather the truth. Mr. Assange’s goal is to root out institutional corruption and to report it no matter the consequences. He is all for organizational transparency that leads to better scrutiny. Better scrutiny leads to reduced corruption and stronger democratic action. He definitely does not condone government or corporation corruption of any kind. As a result, the opportunity is being activated to strongly persecute him, and it is coming from two different directions: the U.S. Government and the two ladies with whom he had unprotected consensual sex. How does he get out from under all of this? Well, there is a better than even chance that he will in due time.
Mr. Assange has the protection of being a journalist who has reported the truth in his WikiLeaks cables. And then, he is not an American citizen, so the U.S. Government most likely cannot prosecute him for espionage, which leaves their leverage very, very weak.
From the other direction the two ladies situation is another story. It has been reported that the two ladies were in favor of WikiLeaks, and that they were in the audience during one of his speeches. Then, after the supposed consensual sex, they became angry because it was unprotected, but they waited a whole month before they began crying it was rape and want him prosecuted. And because of that length of time between, it is strongly speculated that someone very likely has offered them a deal. This can very well be another weak case. If it is established that they consented to sex, protected or not, it will not be considered as rape. That could very well be the case later in court. Stay tuned!
The WikiLeaks cable revelations seem to be within correct journalistic boundries. The situation with the two ladies, who were in the audience at one of his speeches, seems to be a lack of good judgment on the part of Mr. Assange, and the bottom line so far seems to be orchestrated persecution and a giant sized headache for Mr. Assange. It is hoped that a solution comes quickly and that he is vindicated and released. Long live WikiLeaks.
Under the pretense of calling it a breach of security and aiding terrorism, the Government of the U.S. has become very angry because it was “outed” as being dishonest, manipulative, and two-faced saying one thing and doing another, the exact opposite in many cases, in their diplomacy dealings. As a result, the U.S. Government has been greatly embarrassed, and it is going to great lengths to cause the persecution of Mr. Assange. Let’s hope never happens. Stay tuned on this one, also!
R. B.
martes, 1 de febrero de 2011
The Most Beautiful Prayer, By Roger Behra
The Most Beautiful Prayer
Roger Behra
There are many prayers to be said. Some are written, and some are said spontaneously. And of all of the prayers possible, there is one that is greatest and most beautiful of all. Catholics already know which one that is. But there are millions of others who do not know the prayer in reference here. Hopefully, with a little enlightenment and knowledge, many more people will have respect and appreciation for that prayer. And that prayer is “THE HOLLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS” and the many graces attached to it.
Just what is the Mass? There are many terms to describe the most beautiful and greatest prayer that Jesus originated His Last Supper when He changed bread and wine into His Body and Blood. He said, “Do this in memory of Me.” This part of the Mass prayer is the central part of the most important parts of the Mass prayer-Offertory, Consecration, and Communion.
The Mass prayer is the commemoration and celebration of Jesus’ Last Supper. It is God’s prayer. It is a memorial of Jesus’ passion, suffering, death on the cross, and His resurrection. It is the Holy Sacrifice that is perpetuated. It is the work of Holy Spirit. And the Mass is celebrated many times a day, every day, the world over. It is our everyday miracle as well as our greatest and most beautiful prayer.
At the Consecration time the priest offer bread and wine to our Heavenly Father to be changed into the body and blood of Jesus with the aid of the Holy Spirit. The Triune God-Father, Son, Holy Spirit- is in effect with the Holy Spirit´s work. The changing of bread and wine into the Eucharist is followed by the communion of the faithful. It is the Holy Sacrifice, and what is possible with God. It must be remembered that everything is possible with God. The Christmas Masses and the Easter Masses are the most beautiful.
Mass time is also the time and opportunity for the close spiritual relationship through prayer with Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Many prayers are answered through this close relationship. The celebration of the Mass is the golden opportunity for all those who believe and participate. The Mass commemorates the greatest act of love ever performed, and God’s love is ever so close and ready to be given to everyone that asks for it at Mass. The Mass is our greatest prayer and our greatest opportunity to receive God’s abundant love.
R. B.
The Most Beautiful Prayer
Roger Behra
There are many prayers to be said. Some are written, and some are said spontaneously. And of all of the prayers possible, there is one that is greatest and most beautiful of all. Catholics already know which one that is. But there are millions of others who do not know the prayer in reference here. Hopefully, with a little enlightenment and knowledge, many more people will have respect and appreciation for that prayer. And that prayer is “THE HOLLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS” and the many graces attached to it.
Just what is the Mass? There are many terms to describe the most beautiful and greatest prayer that Jesus originated His Last Supper when He changed bread and wine into His Body and Blood. He said, “Do this in memory of Me.” This part of the Mass prayer is the central part of the most important parts of the Mass prayer-Offertory, Consecration, and Communion.
The Mass prayer is the commemoration and celebration of Jesus’ Last Supper. It is God’s prayer. It is a memorial of Jesus’ passion, suffering, death on the cross, and His resurrection. It is the Holy Sacrifice that is perpetuated. It is the work of Holy Spirit. And the Mass is celebrated many times a day, every day, the world over. It is our everyday miracle as well as our greatest and most beautiful prayer.
At the Consecration time the priest offer bread and wine to our Heavenly Father to be changed into the body and blood of Jesus with the aid of the Holy Spirit. The Triune God-Father, Son, Holy Spirit- is in effect with the Holy Spirit´s work. The changing of bread and wine into the Eucharist is followed by the communion of the faithful. It is the Holy Sacrifice, and what is possible with God. It must be remembered that everything is possible with God. The Christmas Masses and the Easter Masses are the most beautiful.
Mass time is also the time and opportunity for the close spiritual relationship through prayer with Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Many prayers are answered through this close relationship. The celebration of the Mass is the golden opportunity for all those who believe and participate. The Mass commemorates the greatest act of love ever performed, and God’s love is ever so close and ready to be given to everyone that asks for it at Mass. The Mass is our greatest prayer and our greatest opportunity to receive God’s abundant love.
R. B.
Flagrant Government Violations, By Roger Behra
Flagrant Government Violations
Roger Behra
On an interesting radio talk program the legitimacy of airport scanners and the patdowns were seriously discussed. It was very informative. And the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is only a small part of government violations.
At the very beginning it was justly pointed out the scanning and patdown procedures are a direct and gross violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and the processes are subject to the whims of the TSA officials doing the scanning and patdown. An example of a TSA official’s whims happened recently. A woman was waved around the scanning machine. The woman asked why she was not scanned. The TSA official said: because you do not have any “boobs”. She was embarrassed and offended, and so was her seventeen-year-son who was standing behind his mother and next in line. The son sternly voiced his opinion about the happening to the TSA official in no uncertain terms.
Along with pointing out whims of TSA officials, it was firmly established during the program there are other very important violations of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution going on that make scanning and patdowns at airports seem quite trivial. And the number one violator is the Federal Bureau of Investigation known as the FBI. Their violations are serious and mostly unknown to most people.
In order for the FBI to legally investigate someone properly, they must follow the letter of the law of the Fourth Amendment, and they do not most of the time. They do not use their whims sparingly, and it is all very unfortunate to say the least. The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. Any search warrant must be signed by a judge. All the reasons for the warrant must be given to the judge. However, the FBI rampantly uses national security to circumvent the rules. That makes the U.S. Government a sizable violator, and that has become a great concern to many people.
Next time you must adhere to airport security, remember the government is only viewing your naked body or indiscriminately fondling your private parts. The remember that at any given moment the government without a particular reason under the guise of national security can secretly monitor your internet usage, access your bank transactions, scrutinize your medical visits and prescriptions, intercept your phone calls and e-mails, and hire someone to gather information on you. And you cannot do anything about these serious violations. The government always wins. It’s George Orwell’s 1984. The big brother is running amok. It’s a very hard slap in the face to all Americans: the scanners, the FBI, and the U.S. Government that is. That is why WikiLeaks is very important, and the more supports, the better it will be. Americans have to know if and when the U.S. Government neutralizes their rights, violates, and steps all over them indiscriminately.
R. B.
Flagrant Government Violations
Roger Behra
On an interesting radio talk program the legitimacy of airport scanners and the patdowns were seriously discussed. It was very informative. And the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is only a small part of government violations.
At the very beginning it was justly pointed out the scanning and patdown procedures are a direct and gross violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and the processes are subject to the whims of the TSA officials doing the scanning and patdown. An example of a TSA official’s whims happened recently. A woman was waved around the scanning machine. The woman asked why she was not scanned. The TSA official said: because you do not have any “boobs”. She was embarrassed and offended, and so was her seventeen-year-son who was standing behind his mother and next in line. The son sternly voiced his opinion about the happening to the TSA official in no uncertain terms.
Along with pointing out whims of TSA officials, it was firmly established during the program there are other very important violations of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution going on that make scanning and patdowns at airports seem quite trivial. And the number one violator is the Federal Bureau of Investigation known as the FBI. Their violations are serious and mostly unknown to most people.
In order for the FBI to legally investigate someone properly, they must follow the letter of the law of the Fourth Amendment, and they do not most of the time. They do not use their whims sparingly, and it is all very unfortunate to say the least. The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. Any search warrant must be signed by a judge. All the reasons for the warrant must be given to the judge. However, the FBI rampantly uses national security to circumvent the rules. That makes the U.S. Government a sizable violator, and that has become a great concern to many people.
Next time you must adhere to airport security, remember the government is only viewing your naked body or indiscriminately fondling your private parts. The remember that at any given moment the government without a particular reason under the guise of national security can secretly monitor your internet usage, access your bank transactions, scrutinize your medical visits and prescriptions, intercept your phone calls and e-mails, and hire someone to gather information on you. And you cannot do anything about these serious violations. The government always wins. It’s George Orwell’s 1984. The big brother is running amok. It’s a very hard slap in the face to all Americans: the scanners, the FBI, and the U.S. Government that is. That is why WikiLeaks is very important, and the more supports, the better it will be. Americans have to know if and when the U.S. Government neutralizes their rights, violates, and steps all over them indiscriminately.
R. B.
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Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011

Our Lady in Art



Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita

Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"
Oración a San Judas

San Judas, Ruega por Nosotros
¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

Sonia = Sofía
¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

Pascua 2008

¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!
Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2008
Calendario 2013

Juan Pablo II

Virgen María en el Arte
Calendario 2013

Benedicto XVI
Pascua 2013

Jesucristo El Buen Pastor
feliz día de las madres 2012

feliz día de las madres 2012



Octubre 2012


JULIO 2012

JULIO 2012
JUNIO 2012

JUNIO 2012
MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
MARZO 2012

marzo 2012

ENERO 2012

enero 2012
Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

Actitudes ante la Vida

DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013

pascua 2012
Cátedra de San Pedro

St. Peter
14 de Febrero

Día de San Cirilo y San Metodio
Conversión de San Pablo

Francesco Mazzola (1503-1540)
Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN

Documento Firmado y Recibido Enero 2013
Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN

Documento, Enero 2013

Feliz Navidad y Ventuoroso Año 2013
happy new year 2012

Feliz Navidad 2011

Venturoso Año 2011


Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica

Algunas Encíclicas imortantes de la Iglesia Católica