Definitive Proof Exists
Roger Behra
On June 13, 2010, a Sunday radio program gave their listeners a challenging questions-“Does God Exist?” The callers were supposed to convince the program host that, yes, God does exist. The caller’s answers were varied and interesting during that fast moving hour.
Most callers missed the point completely. Two callers definitely denied that God exists. Many had the agnostic belief. One caller definitely said God does exist and the Universe is proof, which was very good thinking. The Universe is so complex, so orderly, and has stayed in place for centuries. No caller gave any other definite proof, and there certainly is some.
The Bible tells us about the seven days of creation, and it all began with the Universe and ended with the seventh day being one of rest. Later, God had a Divine Son, Jesus, who lived on this earth, and later was crucified. At the time of the crucifixion Jesus suffered the five wounds. The five wounds are called the Holy Stigmata. And there are several people down through the history of the world who has suffered the five wounds of Jesus in the very same places as He did. The stigmata are a blessing from God and baffles scientists. Several saints suffered it. In modern times we had Padre Pio and Sister Agnes Sasagawa. The stigmata of Padre Pio are the most famous. The Universe proves that God exists and the stigma proves that Jesus, His Divine Son, once existed. And both could not be existing without God.
While praying before a cross on September 20, 1918, Padre Pio of Italy received the stigmata spontaneously. He was the first Catholic priest ever to be blessed with the five wounds of Jesus. He bore the wounds for fifty years.
Padre Pio (now Saint Pio) was blessed with other gifts, also. Among them were the gifts of prophecy, the conversion of souls, and the many, many miraculous cures that baffle medicine or science. Thousands of cures have taken place already through his intersession. That is more proof that God exists, because the cures would not happen if God did not let them. God is behind all good things.
Sister Agnes Sasagawa was blessed with the stigmata. She suffered a great deal. But she was cured of her deafness by the Blessed Virgin Mary. The special statue of the Virgin Mary in her convent shed genuine tears on 101 occasions.
Only Catholic people have been blessed with the stigmata. They are now Saints and venerated. The stigmata are real. It develops unplanned. Doctors cannot cure it and are baffled by it. God is trying to tell the word the Catholicism is the true religion. He also is telling us through the stigmata, the orderly centuries old Universe, and His burial cloth (The Shroud of Turin) that He really exists. The miraculous waters of Lourdes are also definitive proof. To the challenging radio host, all his listeners, and everyone else, yes, God exists-completely and without any limits.
R. B.
sábado, 17 de julio de 2010
The Great Deviation, By Roger Behra
The Great Deviation
Roger Behra
The quality of America’s culture is only as good as the moral behavior of fellow citizens. And fellow citizens include politicians, judges, teachers, parents, students, and young and older ordinary people going about ordinary daily life. What is going on now in America with all these people is very disturbing and to some great degree disheartening. But it is not very surprising when so many Americans live the make-up-your-own rules for everyday living, which is a hard slap to the face to all good moral living Americans. And there are very many good and moral living Americans getting slapped in the face these days.
One of the great moral topics smoldering in the American culture at the present time is the great deviation called same sex marriage, which has become legal in some states in America. Many other states do not recognize same sex marriages, and that is very acceptable.
During November, 2008 elections California voters voted yes for Proposition 8, which bans same sex marriages. Soon thereafter it ended up in the court system, and on June 16, 2010, the court in San Francisco has ended the long trial to determine the legality of same sex marriage in California.
It is very unfortunate that voter’s wishes and votes have landed in court, but what makes it doubly unfortunate is everything ended in a very super liberal court in a very super liberal city. And to top it all off, the presiding judge is GAY. A gay judge is going to rule on the activity of gay people. It can only happen in America. If the court rules to overturn (Prop. 8) the ban on same sex marriage, everyone will know why-a super liberal city, a gay judge. You get the picture. It will be a fixed outcome, and it will greatly distort the real meaning of marriage.
The word marriage means between a man and a woman and not between two people of same sex. The thought of same sex marriage makes many people sick to their stomaches. Some sex marriage is pure mockery of traditional marriage.
Let us face a real fact. The big reason a man wants to marry another man is to make the evil and deviant sex activities that are immoral seem morally right and acceptable in the eyes of society. And the same goes for a woman who wants to marry another woman. Same sex marriage is so unnatural and another sign of so much counterculture cluelessness. It is totally empty-headed. The counterculture people are famous for doing things that should not be done just because things can be done. Keep in mind that a gay counterculture judge might rule that the Proposition 8 ban on same sex marriage is overruled. That will be a perfect example of something that can be done but should not be done. Overruling the ban (Prop. 8) on same sex marriage will be a great mockery and great distortion of what is acceptable and right. Overruling the Prop. 8 ban on same sex marriage will also be a hard and loud slap in the face of all traditionally married couples.
R. B.
The Great Deviation
Roger Behra
The quality of America’s culture is only as good as the moral behavior of fellow citizens. And fellow citizens include politicians, judges, teachers, parents, students, and young and older ordinary people going about ordinary daily life. What is going on now in America with all these people is very disturbing and to some great degree disheartening. But it is not very surprising when so many Americans live the make-up-your-own rules for everyday living, which is a hard slap to the face to all good moral living Americans. And there are very many good and moral living Americans getting slapped in the face these days.
One of the great moral topics smoldering in the American culture at the present time is the great deviation called same sex marriage, which has become legal in some states in America. Many other states do not recognize same sex marriages, and that is very acceptable.
During November, 2008 elections California voters voted yes for Proposition 8, which bans same sex marriages. Soon thereafter it ended up in the court system, and on June 16, 2010, the court in San Francisco has ended the long trial to determine the legality of same sex marriage in California.
It is very unfortunate that voter’s wishes and votes have landed in court, but what makes it doubly unfortunate is everything ended in a very super liberal court in a very super liberal city. And to top it all off, the presiding judge is GAY. A gay judge is going to rule on the activity of gay people. It can only happen in America. If the court rules to overturn (Prop. 8) the ban on same sex marriage, everyone will know why-a super liberal city, a gay judge. You get the picture. It will be a fixed outcome, and it will greatly distort the real meaning of marriage.
The word marriage means between a man and a woman and not between two people of same sex. The thought of same sex marriage makes many people sick to their stomaches. Some sex marriage is pure mockery of traditional marriage.
Let us face a real fact. The big reason a man wants to marry another man is to make the evil and deviant sex activities that are immoral seem morally right and acceptable in the eyes of society. And the same goes for a woman who wants to marry another woman. Same sex marriage is so unnatural and another sign of so much counterculture cluelessness. It is totally empty-headed. The counterculture people are famous for doing things that should not be done just because things can be done. Keep in mind that a gay counterculture judge might rule that the Proposition 8 ban on same sex marriage is overruled. That will be a perfect example of something that can be done but should not be done. Overruling the ban (Prop. 8) on same sex marriage will be a great mockery and great distortion of what is acceptable and right. Overruling the Prop. 8 ban on same sex marriage will also be a hard and loud slap in the face of all traditionally married couples.
R. B.
Strokes Of Bad Luck, By Roger Behra
Strokes Of Bad Luck
Roger Behra
The sad results of bad luck have recently been part of so many during this year
2010. It has been happening in many parts of the world. If you have ever had bad luck you will certainly feel sympathy for those you are going to read about here.
A monumental disaster began taking place in the Gulf of Mexico when an oil rig fifty miles off shore blew up and sank one mile to the ocean floor. Several rig workers were killed. The ocean water became irreparably polluted and cannot be controlled. The amount of cleanup is unimaginable. Innocent people have lost their livelihood. The fishing and tourist industries are destroyed, and it will never recover. All thanks goes to the lies from British Petroleum and the ineptitude of both BP and the American government. All hearts and prayers go out to all the residents of the gulf coast area and any others affected. There are so many.
Other bad luck has happened too many without warning. It was not in their thinking at all, and as a result they were not prepared.
A man and his family went to Washington State to visit the famous volcano crater there. The man decided to have his photo taken at the rim of the crater. While he was waiting for the camera adjustment, suddenly the ground under his feet gave away. The man fell 1,700 feet to his death at the bottom of the volcano. It was such sudden bad luck and an end to pleasant trip.
Another man buys a new MGB sports car. He asks his girlfriend to go for a ride in it with him. While demonstrating the car’s speed and agility the man lost control and demolished the new car, killed his girlfriend, and himself. It was total bad luck.
Several people were on their way back to California from a vacation to Mexico. The bus they were on was traveling at high speed. Suddenly the bus blew a tire and overturned on a high way in Arizona. There were several deaths and many in injuries. It was more bad luck to the ending of many vacations.
One morning in the heart of Moscow, Russia, people were going to work on a bus as usual. Suddenly, a terrorist bomb blew the bus apart and killed and injured many on board. It was bad luck for so many innocent people at a very unexpected time.
During April, 2010, many airplane passengers were grounded for days after a volcano erupted after years of silence. Many thousands of passengers were stranded for many days in many far away places. It was a total nightmare of very bad luck.
Recently, a man and his girlfriend were standing on a peak in North Carolina admiring the scenery like always. The man was going to propose to her when a bolt of lightening struck them both and killed the girlfriend and badly injuring the man.
Bad luck is one thing, but when lives are lost injures occdur it is very bad.
R. B.
Strokes Of Bad Luck
Roger Behra
The sad results of bad luck have recently been part of so many during this year
2010. It has been happening in many parts of the world. If you have ever had bad luck you will certainly feel sympathy for those you are going to read about here.
A monumental disaster began taking place in the Gulf of Mexico when an oil rig fifty miles off shore blew up and sank one mile to the ocean floor. Several rig workers were killed. The ocean water became irreparably polluted and cannot be controlled. The amount of cleanup is unimaginable. Innocent people have lost their livelihood. The fishing and tourist industries are destroyed, and it will never recover. All thanks goes to the lies from British Petroleum and the ineptitude of both BP and the American government. All hearts and prayers go out to all the residents of the gulf coast area and any others affected. There are so many.
Other bad luck has happened too many without warning. It was not in their thinking at all, and as a result they were not prepared.
A man and his family went to Washington State to visit the famous volcano crater there. The man decided to have his photo taken at the rim of the crater. While he was waiting for the camera adjustment, suddenly the ground under his feet gave away. The man fell 1,700 feet to his death at the bottom of the volcano. It was such sudden bad luck and an end to pleasant trip.
Another man buys a new MGB sports car. He asks his girlfriend to go for a ride in it with him. While demonstrating the car’s speed and agility the man lost control and demolished the new car, killed his girlfriend, and himself. It was total bad luck.
Several people were on their way back to California from a vacation to Mexico. The bus they were on was traveling at high speed. Suddenly the bus blew a tire and overturned on a high way in Arizona. There were several deaths and many in injuries. It was more bad luck to the ending of many vacations.
One morning in the heart of Moscow, Russia, people were going to work on a bus as usual. Suddenly, a terrorist bomb blew the bus apart and killed and injured many on board. It was bad luck for so many innocent people at a very unexpected time.
During April, 2010, many airplane passengers were grounded for days after a volcano erupted after years of silence. Many thousands of passengers were stranded for many days in many far away places. It was a total nightmare of very bad luck.
Recently, a man and his girlfriend were standing on a peak in North Carolina admiring the scenery like always. The man was going to propose to her when a bolt of lightening struck them both and killed the girlfriend and badly injuring the man.
Bad luck is one thing, but when lives are lost injures occdur it is very bad.
R. B.
Our Greatest Asset, By Roger Behra
Our Greatest Asset
Roger Behra
The most important and valuable asset a person has must be safeguarded at all times and at all costs, because so many related activities are connected to that valuable asset. Once that important and valuable asset is harmed or tarnished it cannot be easily rehabilitated. The harm or tarnish can last a very long time, and in some cases a lifetime, especially if it happens at a young age. The most important and valuable asset referred to here is GOOD CHARACTER.
Good Character is the amount of personal honesty, integrity, and moral strength a person possesses. Good character does not automatically happen. With so many temptations facing everyone each day, a person has to constantly face the challenges to develop good character. It is an ongoing daily battle.
Many people lose the battle to maintain good and strong character because religious living is not part of their daily lives, and ignorance of the 10 Commandments prevails. Children grow up in households were Christians living and the knowledge of the 10 Commandments are absent. Then they attend public schools where discipline is mediocre at best. As a direct result character development is also absent on the good side. Good character is not anywhere in sight.
The prevalence of poor and bad character development is such a great part of the counterculture legacy. It is very, very obvious to say the least. In modern America it is a cultural epidemic, and since the year 2000 it has really blossomed. If the generation born in the year 2000 does not embark on a drastic change away from bad character development the next decade (2011-2020) will be extremely intolerable. The American culture will be like a prison full of bad characters, totally. The most important and valuable asset a person must have will be just a very distance memory.
R. B.
Our Greatest Asset
Roger Behra
The most important and valuable asset a person has must be safeguarded at all times and at all costs, because so many related activities are connected to that valuable asset. Once that important and valuable asset is harmed or tarnished it cannot be easily rehabilitated. The harm or tarnish can last a very long time, and in some cases a lifetime, especially if it happens at a young age. The most important and valuable asset referred to here is GOOD CHARACTER.
Good Character is the amount of personal honesty, integrity, and moral strength a person possesses. Good character does not automatically happen. With so many temptations facing everyone each day, a person has to constantly face the challenges to develop good character. It is an ongoing daily battle.
Many people lose the battle to maintain good and strong character because religious living is not part of their daily lives, and ignorance of the 10 Commandments prevails. Children grow up in households were Christians living and the knowledge of the 10 Commandments are absent. Then they attend public schools where discipline is mediocre at best. As a direct result character development is also absent on the good side. Good character is not anywhere in sight.
The prevalence of poor and bad character development is such a great part of the counterculture legacy. It is very, very obvious to say the least. In modern America it is a cultural epidemic, and since the year 2000 it has really blossomed. If the generation born in the year 2000 does not embark on a drastic change away from bad character development the next decade (2011-2020) will be extremely intolerable. The American culture will be like a prison full of bad characters, totally. The most important and valuable asset a person must have will be just a very distance memory.
R. B.
viernes, 16 de julio de 2010
Atheists Think Again, By Roger Behra
Atheists Think Again
Roger Behra
A recent newspaper article revealed that the percentage of atheists in America has increased from 8% to 13%. That is a five percent increase during the past several years in spite of considerable evidence that God really exists. All the atheists should do now is get real, open their minds, do some serious reading, look around them, and accept some clear and factual evidence.
On a recent and much liked talk show that has six-million listeners an atheist listener called in during a program on near-death experiences and made a very big fool of himself. His mind was so closed that nothing the program host said was acceptable to him, while the atheist said nothing to prove his point at all. Callers that followed him were amazed at his ignorance.
All kinds of evidence was given during the program that God really exists, and that there is plenty of solid proof, which is quite overwhelming, when everything is taken into consideration.
The evidence and proof starts with the universe. The sun, moon, millions of stars, and all the planets that stay in orbit and place for centuries did not just happen. The universe is the product of a grand design, and the author is God alone.
Holy Scripture tells us about Jesus, who is God made man, and his crucifiction and death on the cross, which was unique and very agonizing. As a result of that, Jesus left us proof through His burial cloth which is called the Shroud of Turin. Carbon dating and extensive science investigation has not been able to disprove the miraculous existence and condition of the Shroud of Turin. Learn all about it in books printed on that subject.
Several people down through history to the present day have been blessed with the stigmata-the spontaneous physical development of the five wounds of the crucified Jesus. Read about Padre Pio of Italy who received the stigmata on September 20, 1918, and lived with it for 50 years. He died in 1968 and is now Saint Pio. There are several people living today who have the stigmata. Read about St. Pio.
Plenty of modern day proof lies with the millions of people who have had a near-death experience and how their lives have been greatly transformed. Science has finally agreed that NDE’s are real and the contents revealed about them can be believed. Many atheists have had a NDE, and their minds and thinking have been positively changed away from atheism. Their lives have been greatly transformed. That is evidence in action. It is greatly persuasive.
All of the proofs mentioned here are overwhelming in favor that God exists, that He had a Divine Son, Jesus, and that there is an afterlife for us with God. Only those with closed minds or biased thinking will ignore all the evidence given here, and that includes atheists and agnostics who have not had an NDE. Believe it, all the atheists and agnostics who have had a NDE and transformed life know better. They have thought again. They came away the real winners.
R. B.
Atheists Think Again
Roger Behra
A recent newspaper article revealed that the percentage of atheists in America has increased from 8% to 13%. That is a five percent increase during the past several years in spite of considerable evidence that God really exists. All the atheists should do now is get real, open their minds, do some serious reading, look around them, and accept some clear and factual evidence.
On a recent and much liked talk show that has six-million listeners an atheist listener called in during a program on near-death experiences and made a very big fool of himself. His mind was so closed that nothing the program host said was acceptable to him, while the atheist said nothing to prove his point at all. Callers that followed him were amazed at his ignorance.
All kinds of evidence was given during the program that God really exists, and that there is plenty of solid proof, which is quite overwhelming, when everything is taken into consideration.
The evidence and proof starts with the universe. The sun, moon, millions of stars, and all the planets that stay in orbit and place for centuries did not just happen. The universe is the product of a grand design, and the author is God alone.
Holy Scripture tells us about Jesus, who is God made man, and his crucifiction and death on the cross, which was unique and very agonizing. As a result of that, Jesus left us proof through His burial cloth which is called the Shroud of Turin. Carbon dating and extensive science investigation has not been able to disprove the miraculous existence and condition of the Shroud of Turin. Learn all about it in books printed on that subject.
Several people down through history to the present day have been blessed with the stigmata-the spontaneous physical development of the five wounds of the crucified Jesus. Read about Padre Pio of Italy who received the stigmata on September 20, 1918, and lived with it for 50 years. He died in 1968 and is now Saint Pio. There are several people living today who have the stigmata. Read about St. Pio.
Plenty of modern day proof lies with the millions of people who have had a near-death experience and how their lives have been greatly transformed. Science has finally agreed that NDE’s are real and the contents revealed about them can be believed. Many atheists have had a NDE, and their minds and thinking have been positively changed away from atheism. Their lives have been greatly transformed. That is evidence in action. It is greatly persuasive.
All of the proofs mentioned here are overwhelming in favor that God exists, that He had a Divine Son, Jesus, and that there is an afterlife for us with God. Only those with closed minds or biased thinking will ignore all the evidence given here, and that includes atheists and agnostics who have not had an NDE. Believe it, all the atheists and agnostics who have had a NDE and transformed life know better. They have thought again. They came away the real winners.
R. B.
jueves, 15 de julio de 2010
Unbelievable Unacceptable Behavior, By Roger Behra
Unbelievable Unacceptable Behavior
Roger Behra
One of America´s prized institutions is called the Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC’s job serves a valuable purpose in the American culture. It´s job is to police the nation’s financial system, and that is extra valuable during the very down economy during the 2009/2010 time period. The SEC is supposed to take action when necessary to stave off the events that put the nation’s economy on the brink of collapse. Instead, the SEC took a very, very disturbing path in a very, very unbelievable and unacceptable direction. It came to light during a very recent report that was made public. The report borders on the incredulous, but there are evidence and facts to support the report.
The SEC’s inspector general very recently conducted33 probes of SEC employees and their working hours, and he found out some extremely shocking behavior has been going on over a five year period. The SEC employee workers were spending as many as 8 hours a day surfing PORNOGRAFIC web sites on government-issued computers while they were supposed to be policing the nation’s financial system. High-ranking SEC employee workers were spending more time each day looking at internet pornography than taking action during America´s economy on the brink of collapse. The report states that 31 probes indicated the porno viewing occurred in the 2.5 years since the financial system wobbled and nearly crashed. Needless to say their behavior absolutely violates government ethics rules.
On this subject of pornography another recent survey revealed that America’s culture is saturated with pornography. The SEC employee workers seem to verify that fact. The survey pointed out that girls as young as 12 regularly view internet pornography. Is their evil behavior behind so much young teen sex and abortions? Yes. Is their behavior the cause of more evil behavior called teen sexting? Yes. All of this became a reality after the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that pornography is a form of free speech on the internet.
Pornography is rampant among College students also, and it has greatly entered the lives of senior citizens and has inspired their own sexting behavior. When 66% of Americans practice little or no religious living and make up their own rules for living there are few surprises left. Pornography in people’s lives has ruined an unbelievable number of lives.
Pornography becomes addictive, and it is one of Satan’s most loved and effective tools of evil. And where pornography is, God, His graces, and helps are not, and when these are absent many doors to a list of evils are wide open. In America’s modern culture it also is not surprising to see and know that so many people are eager to and do walk through the wide open doors to unspeakable evils. The SEC employee workers are some of the victims, and they are paying a very stiff price.
R. B.
Unbelievable Unacceptable Behavior
Roger Behra
One of America´s prized institutions is called the Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC’s job serves a valuable purpose in the American culture. It´s job is to police the nation’s financial system, and that is extra valuable during the very down economy during the 2009/2010 time period. The SEC is supposed to take action when necessary to stave off the events that put the nation’s economy on the brink of collapse. Instead, the SEC took a very, very disturbing path in a very, very unbelievable and unacceptable direction. It came to light during a very recent report that was made public. The report borders on the incredulous, but there are evidence and facts to support the report.
The SEC’s inspector general very recently conducted33 probes of SEC employees and their working hours, and he found out some extremely shocking behavior has been going on over a five year period. The SEC employee workers were spending as many as 8 hours a day surfing PORNOGRAFIC web sites on government-issued computers while they were supposed to be policing the nation’s financial system. High-ranking SEC employee workers were spending more time each day looking at internet pornography than taking action during America´s economy on the brink of collapse. The report states that 31 probes indicated the porno viewing occurred in the 2.5 years since the financial system wobbled and nearly crashed. Needless to say their behavior absolutely violates government ethics rules.
On this subject of pornography another recent survey revealed that America’s culture is saturated with pornography. The SEC employee workers seem to verify that fact. The survey pointed out that girls as young as 12 regularly view internet pornography. Is their evil behavior behind so much young teen sex and abortions? Yes. Is their behavior the cause of more evil behavior called teen sexting? Yes. All of this became a reality after the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that pornography is a form of free speech on the internet.
Pornography is rampant among College students also, and it has greatly entered the lives of senior citizens and has inspired their own sexting behavior. When 66% of Americans practice little or no religious living and make up their own rules for living there are few surprises left. Pornography in people’s lives has ruined an unbelievable number of lives.
Pornography becomes addictive, and it is one of Satan’s most loved and effective tools of evil. And where pornography is, God, His graces, and helps are not, and when these are absent many doors to a list of evils are wide open. In America’s modern culture it also is not surprising to see and know that so many people are eager to and do walk through the wide open doors to unspeakable evils. The SEC employee workers are some of the victims, and they are paying a very stiff price.
R. B.
Cultural Decline Explained, By Roger Behra
Cultural Decline Explained
Roger Behra
It was always evident that the American culture drastically declined, but it was never really explained why that was the case. However, recently it was in article in The Orange County Register of Southern California. The Register put the finger on the reason through a survey. The reason is the American people, with the exception of 36% of them, have taken it upon themselves to play little attention or completely the Ten Commandments. Only 36% of American lives by them. Another 36% of Americans live by some of the Ten Commandments. And 28% of Americans pay no attention to them at all, because they think they are unimportant, and that leads to something very important.
The Ten Commandments are God´s law, and we must keep them. They are not man-made laws. God gave man these laws because He knew ahead of time that they would be very beneficial and lead to an orderly, secure, and hipper mode of earthly life and a happy afterlife. Those 36% of Americans who keep God´s Commandments already know that and receive God´s blessings. The 36% who pick and choose which Commandments to keep and the 28% who completely ignore them as not important bring harm and unhappiness into their lives and the culture. Many of these 36% and 28% are populating American´s overcrowded prisons, jails, and cemeteries.
The Ten Commandments forbid all the evil and harmful events that ruin so many lives and degrade American´s culture more and more on a continuous daily basis. The 36% and 28% who pick and choose or ignore God´s laws are the ones not at Sunday church attendance and are involved in all the adultery, infidelity, rape, divorce, murder, pornography addiction, teen sex, child sex abuse, strip club attendance, cheating, and overall non-Christian type living in general. God´s human creatures simply cannot make up their own rules as they go along which has been going on for several decades. The penalties are many and the prices for all the evil behavior are stiff.
The 36% who keep God´s laws and practice religious living already know that, and they reap the good results. The 64% who pick and choose or ignore God, the Ten Commandments, and Christians living also get what they reserve. They and their children deserve lives full of heartache and no blessings from God. It all narrows down to what people sow and reap.
It pays to be smart. All 100% together should keep God´s laws and social laws as well. The 64% should realize that just because laws can be broken that does not mean the laws should be broken. And the 28% who definitely feel the Ten Commandments are not at all important have another guess coming more sooner than later. The 36% who keep God´s laws and practice religious living hope the 64% do not have any children, because the parents and their children are in line for a good deal of great negative results. The American culture is already swimming in unbelievable negative results as it is. American´s cultural decline is shocking. It is overflowing with the evil behaviors mentioned in paragraph three.
R. B.
Cultural Decline Explained
Roger Behra
It was always evident that the American culture drastically declined, but it was never really explained why that was the case. However, recently it was in article in The Orange County Register of Southern California. The Register put the finger on the reason through a survey. The reason is the American people, with the exception of 36% of them, have taken it upon themselves to play little attention or completely the Ten Commandments. Only 36% of American lives by them. Another 36% of Americans live by some of the Ten Commandments. And 28% of Americans pay no attention to them at all, because they think they are unimportant, and that leads to something very important.
The Ten Commandments are God´s law, and we must keep them. They are not man-made laws. God gave man these laws because He knew ahead of time that they would be very beneficial and lead to an orderly, secure, and hipper mode of earthly life and a happy afterlife. Those 36% of Americans who keep God´s Commandments already know that and receive God´s blessings. The 36% who pick and choose which Commandments to keep and the 28% who completely ignore them as not important bring harm and unhappiness into their lives and the culture. Many of these 36% and 28% are populating American´s overcrowded prisons, jails, and cemeteries.
The Ten Commandments forbid all the evil and harmful events that ruin so many lives and degrade American´s culture more and more on a continuous daily basis. The 36% and 28% who pick and choose or ignore God´s laws are the ones not at Sunday church attendance and are involved in all the adultery, infidelity, rape, divorce, murder, pornography addiction, teen sex, child sex abuse, strip club attendance, cheating, and overall non-Christian type living in general. God´s human creatures simply cannot make up their own rules as they go along which has been going on for several decades. The penalties are many and the prices for all the evil behavior are stiff.
The 36% who keep God´s laws and practice religious living already know that, and they reap the good results. The 64% who pick and choose or ignore God, the Ten Commandments, and Christians living also get what they reserve. They and their children deserve lives full of heartache and no blessings from God. It all narrows down to what people sow and reap.
It pays to be smart. All 100% together should keep God´s laws and social laws as well. The 64% should realize that just because laws can be broken that does not mean the laws should be broken. And the 28% who definitely feel the Ten Commandments are not at all important have another guess coming more sooner than later. The 36% who keep God´s laws and practice religious living hope the 64% do not have any children, because the parents and their children are in line for a good deal of great negative results. The American culture is already swimming in unbelievable negative results as it is. American´s cultural decline is shocking. It is overflowing with the evil behaviors mentioned in paragraph three.
R. B.
miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010
The Lasting Result, By Roger Behra
The Lasting Result
Roger Behra
Whenever near-death experiences are discussed on television or radio talk shows, the emphasis is on the experience itself and the all loving and all embracing Light which is the central part of the experience. Thanks to Melvin Morse, M. D. and his extensive and through research and conclusions in his book, Transformed By The Light, emphasis is equally placed on the transformations takes place in all the lives of those who have had a near-death experiences. The transformation always takes place and makes a life, better, and in some cases the transformation is truly remarkable.
Millions of people worldwide have had NDE, and in many cases a single person has had more than one. The scientific examination of thousands of them identifies the NDE as real and that the events of the NDE are very similar. It is Morse´s examination of transformation that is very interesting; because they lend proof of the NDE and that the transformations change lives and last a lifetime.
Many people are not aware of any transformation, but one is always there. That becomes a fact through a thorough interview by Morse. Some are very subtle while most are very evident and even remarkable. The nature of all lives has been actually changed in one way or another for the better. Research has bore that out.
The subtle transformations take the form of increased spirituality, increased concern for those around them, and a calmer outlook on life in general with no fear of death unless they were leading a very evil life. The evil type life is another story. Avoid it at all costs.
The more remarkable transformations take various forms. They include insights in areas that did not previously exist, dreams that foretell coming events that actually take place, pure psychic ability, and to accurately predict events through intuition.
One woman dreamed her grandfather died 5 days before he very suddenly died of a massive heart attack. Another woman dreamed the contents of a letter and told the contents to the person who wrote it while the letter was still in the mail. One man found himself writing a string of numbers and symbols. He did not know why and asked a college professor who told him that he was writing the equations of physicist who contributed to who contributed to what is known today about atomic energy. The man who was writing the numbers and symbols was a snowplow operator who had no knowledge of physics at all.
Science has come a long way proving that the NDE and the transformations that result from them are real. The NDE is no longer regarded as drug induced or hallucinations. The Light is the most important in the afterlife, but the transformation is the lifetime´s lasting result. It is also a great benefit in the afterlife, indeed.
R. B.
The Lasting Result
Roger Behra
Whenever near-death experiences are discussed on television or radio talk shows, the emphasis is on the experience itself and the all loving and all embracing Light which is the central part of the experience. Thanks to Melvin Morse, M. D. and his extensive and through research and conclusions in his book, Transformed By The Light, emphasis is equally placed on the transformations takes place in all the lives of those who have had a near-death experiences. The transformation always takes place and makes a life, better, and in some cases the transformation is truly remarkable.
Millions of people worldwide have had NDE, and in many cases a single person has had more than one. The scientific examination of thousands of them identifies the NDE as real and that the events of the NDE are very similar. It is Morse´s examination of transformation that is very interesting; because they lend proof of the NDE and that the transformations change lives and last a lifetime.
Many people are not aware of any transformation, but one is always there. That becomes a fact through a thorough interview by Morse. Some are very subtle while most are very evident and even remarkable. The nature of all lives has been actually changed in one way or another for the better. Research has bore that out.
The subtle transformations take the form of increased spirituality, increased concern for those around them, and a calmer outlook on life in general with no fear of death unless they were leading a very evil life. The evil type life is another story. Avoid it at all costs.
The more remarkable transformations take various forms. They include insights in areas that did not previously exist, dreams that foretell coming events that actually take place, pure psychic ability, and to accurately predict events through intuition.
One woman dreamed her grandfather died 5 days before he very suddenly died of a massive heart attack. Another woman dreamed the contents of a letter and told the contents to the person who wrote it while the letter was still in the mail. One man found himself writing a string of numbers and symbols. He did not know why and asked a college professor who told him that he was writing the equations of physicist who contributed to who contributed to what is known today about atomic energy. The man who was writing the numbers and symbols was a snowplow operator who had no knowledge of physics at all.
Science has come a long way proving that the NDE and the transformations that result from them are real. The NDE is no longer regarded as drug induced or hallucinations. The Light is the most important in the afterlife, but the transformation is the lifetime´s lasting result. It is also a great benefit in the afterlife, indeed.
R. B.
American Monster Men, By Roger Behra
American Monster Men
Roger Behra
In the American culture most of the steep cultural declines rests directly on the shoulders of Americans men. Since the counterculture movement began (1964-2010) in America, it has produced some of the horrific monster men of all time. The most fertile area has been California and specially Southern California most likely because the great climate, the abundance of women of all ages, and the wide open spaces. The infamous names of America’s monster men have plied their evil trade, and the history of California has a full list of monster men.
A monster man is one who actively very evil and causes fear in the lives of many and especially in the lives of innocent women. Some of California’s most infamous monster men (serial killers) are the “Freeway Killer¨, the “Night Stalker”, Charles Manson, and, Rodney Alcala who is the worst monster man serial killer of them all. The behaviors of all of these are loaded to the gills with horrendous evil, especially the behavior of Ronald Alcala.
The “Freeway Killer” got his name from the fact he killed woman elsewhere and then dumped the bodies on freeway ramps where they were easily found. The “Night Stalker” is one of California´s infamous serial killers His evil and wicked behavior shocked and terrorizes Californians. In 1989 he was convicted of 13 murders. Only recent DNA evidence connected him to the unsolved murder of a 9-year-old girl, Mei Leung, on April, 1984, in San Francisco, California. Murders he committed in 1984 and 1985 were most gruesome and terrorizing. The evidence presented ay his trail was sickening. Charles Manson and his cult also shocked Californians. The murder of Sharon Tate, the actress, shocked Hollywood, America, and other parts of world. Other cult murders were also attributed to Manson.
It is appropriate to finish with Rodney Alcala alone because he was recently convicted of murdering four women and a 13-yeaqr-old girl. Whenever everything is said and done Rodney Alcala DNA should put him at the top of the serial killer´s list in California. Alcala is the monster man grand prize winner. When the DNA connection is finally added up he will be the greatest serial killer in the history of California. His murder total is already very high. Investigations are still going on with five detectives.
Along with the large numbers of murders Alcala´s mode of operation was unique and absolutely horrendous. After forming a friendship with his camera, he committed the most horrific murders. First, he tortured his victims in a very cruel way. Then he took great satisfaction in ramping them. When he finished with the rapes, he arranged the bodies in naked and suggestive sexual passions. That was the constant clue that the same person killed the several women and the 13-year-old girl, and later the DNA match verified the killer to be Alcala. The jury saw plenty of shocking and evil evidence. It brought tears to jury member´s eyes. If Satan ever works directly through human beings, and he certainly does, it was absolutely so during the Alcala murders. The jury can attest to that.
R. B.
American Monster Men
Roger Behra
In the American culture most of the steep cultural declines rests directly on the shoulders of Americans men. Since the counterculture movement began (1964-2010) in America, it has produced some of the horrific monster men of all time. The most fertile area has been California and specially Southern California most likely because the great climate, the abundance of women of all ages, and the wide open spaces. The infamous names of America’s monster men have plied their evil trade, and the history of California has a full list of monster men.
A monster man is one who actively very evil and causes fear in the lives of many and especially in the lives of innocent women. Some of California’s most infamous monster men (serial killers) are the “Freeway Killer¨, the “Night Stalker”, Charles Manson, and, Rodney Alcala who is the worst monster man serial killer of them all. The behaviors of all of these are loaded to the gills with horrendous evil, especially the behavior of Ronald Alcala.
The “Freeway Killer” got his name from the fact he killed woman elsewhere and then dumped the bodies on freeway ramps where they were easily found. The “Night Stalker” is one of California´s infamous serial killers His evil and wicked behavior shocked and terrorizes Californians. In 1989 he was convicted of 13 murders. Only recent DNA evidence connected him to the unsolved murder of a 9-year-old girl, Mei Leung, on April, 1984, in San Francisco, California. Murders he committed in 1984 and 1985 were most gruesome and terrorizing. The evidence presented ay his trail was sickening. Charles Manson and his cult also shocked Californians. The murder of Sharon Tate, the actress, shocked Hollywood, America, and other parts of world. Other cult murders were also attributed to Manson.
It is appropriate to finish with Rodney Alcala alone because he was recently convicted of murdering four women and a 13-yeaqr-old girl. Whenever everything is said and done Rodney Alcala DNA should put him at the top of the serial killer´s list in California. Alcala is the monster man grand prize winner. When the DNA connection is finally added up he will be the greatest serial killer in the history of California. His murder total is already very high. Investigations are still going on with five detectives.
Along with the large numbers of murders Alcala´s mode of operation was unique and absolutely horrendous. After forming a friendship with his camera, he committed the most horrific murders. First, he tortured his victims in a very cruel way. Then he took great satisfaction in ramping them. When he finished with the rapes, he arranged the bodies in naked and suggestive sexual passions. That was the constant clue that the same person killed the several women and the 13-year-old girl, and later the DNA match verified the killer to be Alcala. The jury saw plenty of shocking and evil evidence. It brought tears to jury member´s eyes. If Satan ever works directly through human beings, and he certainly does, it was absolutely so during the Alcala murders. The jury can attest to that.
R. B.
lunes, 12 de julio de 2010
A Haunting Experience, By Roger Behra
A Haunting Experience
Roger Behra
Around Hallow 2010 those who watch the SYFY channel will get to see a true story in the form of movie. It is not a Hollywood production. The two men producer researched the life of the boy and portrays a life exactly without any embellishment. The movie, “The Haunted Boy”, is an exact depiction of the awful true life episode in the life of the haunted boy who is now seventy-four-years-old. The sequence of events and content are real and in order.
The awful events occurred from being involved in the use of an Ouija board. That behavior allowed an evil entity to enter the life of the boy. It haunted him for a long time, and what took place shocked and mystified psychologists and psychiatrists for a long time also. His behavior was totally bizarre and could not be remedied through their expertise. A different approach had to be taken-exorcism.
After viewing the movie what is going to be left with the viewers is the fact that Satan and his demon helpers are real and that they enter people’s lives and ruin people’s lives with little or no help available to help them out of the misery. The list of people waiting for a Catholic exorcism which brings normalcy back to lives is too long for the number of available exorcists.
On the Coast To Coast program the strong advice was once again given to completely stay away from Ouija boards, after the interview with the two producers. The programs listeners were also reminded why Ouija board night was cancelled the advice of for Halloween night, 2009. The program was cancelled at the advice of psychologists, psychiatrists, and the priest who performs exorcisms. Ouija board night would have been a total disaster and opened the door in many lives to an unimaginable amount of trouble and possible lawsuits. It was the best decision host George Nory ever made concerning his radio program. An unimaginable number of haunted boy experiences were avoided, indeed.
R. B.
A Haunting Experience
Roger Behra
Around Hallow 2010 those who watch the SYFY channel will get to see a true story in the form of movie. It is not a Hollywood production. The two men producer researched the life of the boy and portrays a life exactly without any embellishment. The movie, “The Haunted Boy”, is an exact depiction of the awful true life episode in the life of the haunted boy who is now seventy-four-years-old. The sequence of events and content are real and in order.
The awful events occurred from being involved in the use of an Ouija board. That behavior allowed an evil entity to enter the life of the boy. It haunted him for a long time, and what took place shocked and mystified psychologists and psychiatrists for a long time also. His behavior was totally bizarre and could not be remedied through their expertise. A different approach had to be taken-exorcism.
After viewing the movie what is going to be left with the viewers is the fact that Satan and his demon helpers are real and that they enter people’s lives and ruin people’s lives with little or no help available to help them out of the misery. The list of people waiting for a Catholic exorcism which brings normalcy back to lives is too long for the number of available exorcists.
On the Coast To Coast program the strong advice was once again given to completely stay away from Ouija boards, after the interview with the two producers. The programs listeners were also reminded why Ouija board night was cancelled the advice of for Halloween night, 2009. The program was cancelled at the advice of psychologists, psychiatrists, and the priest who performs exorcisms. Ouija board night would have been a total disaster and opened the door in many lives to an unimaginable amount of trouble and possible lawsuits. It was the best decision host George Nory ever made concerning his radio program. An unimaginable number of haunted boy experiences were avoided, indeed.
R. B.
Counter Culture Cluelessness, By Roger Behra
Counter Culture Cluelessness
Roger Behra
It is a total shame that so much counterculture cluelessness abounds in the American culture at the present time. It has ruined American culture to a very large degree. Most counterculture people do not know why they are here on earth. Most counterculture people do not know what God expects from the life He gave them. Most no pay attention to the fact they will have an afterlife and that they will be accountable for all their thoughts, words, and actions, good and bad. That is the greatest shame on them. The fact that 60% of people do not practice religious living means they remain ignorant of their real destiny, which is to know God, love God, love neighbor, keep God’s Commandments, and gain as much knowledge as possible.
Recently three questions were asked, and here are the counterculture answers. Does religion make a person better? Does it make a person worse? Does religion have no impact on a person? The answers were no surprising and reflected the fact that 60% of Americans do not practice religious living. When the total number their answers were broken down the strong indication is religion has no impact or makes people worse. The large number of people believes that religion is unimportant and that American culture can do without it. If the larger majority just looks around them at the great increase in immorality, crime, and the extremely overcrowded prisons along with the high divorce rate caused by adultery and chaotic family life proves their thinking is greatly flawed.
The Ten Commandments are considered a central code of behavior. They are a definite part of obedience to God and the foundation of moral living. They are the most important guidelines in everyone’s life, but only 33% said the Ten Commandments were most important in their lives. Another 31% said the Ten Commandments had no value in their lives. The remaining 36% said they pick and choose to follow only some of them. All these means is that 67% of people have trouble adhering to proper religious living or even and religious living at all. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that so many people have so much trouble, immorality, and criminal behavior in their lives. The 10 Commandments were given to us for good and specific reasons. America’s overflowing prisons attest to that. The high divorce rate (50%) attests to that. The Catholic discipline in America's schools attests to that. The high crime rate of many types of crime attests to that. The picture is very clear.
The harmful effects of no religious living in people’s are many, but the two most harmful are the lack of God’s graces and help in lives and the inhuman lack of respect for the dignity of human life which leads to murder, abortion, rape, and child abuse. All of these have become very prevalent during counter culture times. All of this is no surprise, because wherever God is absent many bad things happen, and the door is wide open for Satan and evil to be present. Satan is very active in counterculture lives and evil is extremely abundant. Like it or not everyone has to live by the 10 Commandments. People simply cannot make up their own rules as they go along in life. That is a recipe for ruined lives. Just ask all those in America’s overcrowded prisons and relatives of dead family members who died while making up their own rules to live by.
R. B.
Counter Culture Cluelessness
Roger Behra
It is a total shame that so much counterculture cluelessness abounds in the American culture at the present time. It has ruined American culture to a very large degree. Most counterculture people do not know why they are here on earth. Most counterculture people do not know what God expects from the life He gave them. Most no pay attention to the fact they will have an afterlife and that they will be accountable for all their thoughts, words, and actions, good and bad. That is the greatest shame on them. The fact that 60% of people do not practice religious living means they remain ignorant of their real destiny, which is to know God, love God, love neighbor, keep God’s Commandments, and gain as much knowledge as possible.
Recently three questions were asked, and here are the counterculture answers. Does religion make a person better? Does it make a person worse? Does religion have no impact on a person? The answers were no surprising and reflected the fact that 60% of Americans do not practice religious living. When the total number their answers were broken down the strong indication is religion has no impact or makes people worse. The large number of people believes that religion is unimportant and that American culture can do without it. If the larger majority just looks around them at the great increase in immorality, crime, and the extremely overcrowded prisons along with the high divorce rate caused by adultery and chaotic family life proves their thinking is greatly flawed.
The Ten Commandments are considered a central code of behavior. They are a definite part of obedience to God and the foundation of moral living. They are the most important guidelines in everyone’s life, but only 33% said the Ten Commandments were most important in their lives. Another 31% said the Ten Commandments had no value in their lives. The remaining 36% said they pick and choose to follow only some of them. All these means is that 67% of people have trouble adhering to proper religious living or even and religious living at all. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that so many people have so much trouble, immorality, and criminal behavior in their lives. The 10 Commandments were given to us for good and specific reasons. America’s overflowing prisons attest to that. The high divorce rate (50%) attests to that. The Catholic discipline in America's schools attests to that. The high crime rate of many types of crime attests to that. The picture is very clear.
The harmful effects of no religious living in people’s are many, but the two most harmful are the lack of God’s graces and help in lives and the inhuman lack of respect for the dignity of human life which leads to murder, abortion, rape, and child abuse. All of these have become very prevalent during counter culture times. All of this is no surprise, because wherever God is absent many bad things happen, and the door is wide open for Satan and evil to be present. Satan is very active in counterculture lives and evil is extremely abundant. Like it or not everyone has to live by the 10 Commandments. People simply cannot make up their own rules as they go along in life. That is a recipe for ruined lives. Just ask all those in America’s overcrowded prisons and relatives of dead family members who died while making up their own rules to live by.
R. B.
The Cultural Roadblock, By Roger Behra
The Cultural Roadblock
Roger Behra
Once again it is time for United States Supreme Court to be foremost in the new broadcasts. It is the most important and influential court of America. It is in the news because another member, Justice John Paul Stevens, is retiring after 35 year on the court. There is both good and bad news attached to his retirement. The good news is he is retiring. The bad news is his replacement will be another super liberal on the court. The liberal justices have been a great disservice to America’s culture. The most notable disservice was the Supreme Court’s decision to allow abortion to be legal in a 1973 session.
Justice Stevens has cast some very culturally harmful votes during his tenure. They include racial quotas, rights for terrorists, and taking away of the rights of American citizen in regards to their own homes. They were bad votes that now clutter his legacy. They were bad votes that ignored the Constitution.
Justice Stevens is not the only wayward one. What has been happening so much over the decades in the Supreme Court has been in general ignoring the right of Americans under the Constitution. The court’s decisions have been very harmful culturally to Americans. There’s no doubt at all.
One the biggest problem concerning the Court is this. After the appointment to the Court the new justice changes philosophies. That is totally unacceptable, and it adds greatly to the disservices rendered, but nothing can be done because the justice appointed for life. It has happened in the past a conservative appointee who was appointed because of conservative ideals changed ideals during the tenure of the appointment. Justice Stevens did just that. It is a disservice and a slap in the face. It is also counterproductive when a sitting justice stretches and twists the Constitution to meet his own agenda and goals. Sitting justices have the pure responsibility to uphold the Constitution. Abortion became the law of the land in 1973 in the U. S. because the Constitution was stretched and twisted. That has to be de Supreme Court´s worst decision. Millions of innocent and helpless babies have since been murdered. In all fairness to Stevens abortions became legal before his appointment.
A great part of the bad news is the replacement nominee, Elena Kagan, who was nominated by President Obama who is working hard to change America into a socialist nation. It is no secret that Obama and Kagan worked together in their state of Illinois. She know his thinking well, and it is feared she will vote along socialist lines was a Supreme Court Justice. She is very liberal also unless she changes her mind upon her election to the Court. If no, Oh, my goodness! The Supreme Court will go from bad to worse, indeed!
R. B.
The Cultural Roadblock
Roger Behra
Once again it is time for United States Supreme Court to be foremost in the new broadcasts. It is the most important and influential court of America. It is in the news because another member, Justice John Paul Stevens, is retiring after 35 year on the court. There is both good and bad news attached to his retirement. The good news is he is retiring. The bad news is his replacement will be another super liberal on the court. The liberal justices have been a great disservice to America’s culture. The most notable disservice was the Supreme Court’s decision to allow abortion to be legal in a 1973 session.
Justice Stevens has cast some very culturally harmful votes during his tenure. They include racial quotas, rights for terrorists, and taking away of the rights of American citizen in regards to their own homes. They were bad votes that now clutter his legacy. They were bad votes that ignored the Constitution.
Justice Stevens is not the only wayward one. What has been happening so much over the decades in the Supreme Court has been in general ignoring the right of Americans under the Constitution. The court’s decisions have been very harmful culturally to Americans. There’s no doubt at all.
One the biggest problem concerning the Court is this. After the appointment to the Court the new justice changes philosophies. That is totally unacceptable, and it adds greatly to the disservices rendered, but nothing can be done because the justice appointed for life. It has happened in the past a conservative appointee who was appointed because of conservative ideals changed ideals during the tenure of the appointment. Justice Stevens did just that. It is a disservice and a slap in the face. It is also counterproductive when a sitting justice stretches and twists the Constitution to meet his own agenda and goals. Sitting justices have the pure responsibility to uphold the Constitution. Abortion became the law of the land in 1973 in the U. S. because the Constitution was stretched and twisted. That has to be de Supreme Court´s worst decision. Millions of innocent and helpless babies have since been murdered. In all fairness to Stevens abortions became legal before his appointment.
A great part of the bad news is the replacement nominee, Elena Kagan, who was nominated by President Obama who is working hard to change America into a socialist nation. It is no secret that Obama and Kagan worked together in their state of Illinois. She know his thinking well, and it is feared she will vote along socialist lines was a Supreme Court Justice. She is very liberal also unless she changes her mind upon her election to the Court. If no, Oh, my goodness! The Supreme Court will go from bad to worse, indeed!
R. B.
An Alarming Revelation, By Royer Behra
An Alarming Revelation
Roger Behra
Every once in awhile the print media reveals some information that informs every person concerned about the American culture the direction the culture is taking. On May, 5, 2010, that actually happened, and the information revealed should greatly alarm parents who have children between the ages of thirteen and twenty-five. Along with the content of the revelation that is alarming what adds more alarm to it is there is no simple answer it seems. However, parents need to know so they can address the situation with their teens, tweens, and college age children, and the sooner they do so the better it will be for everyone.
The alarming information revealing concerns computers and hard core pornography which has became a regular part of the three groups mentioned above. Pornography has become a dominant element in college environments. Pornography has been around for a long time but not on the scale of the present day. Pornography by itself is evil enough, but the amount of it and the easy access to it are the very disturbing factors along with the invasion into so many young lives. The saturation of pornography throughout the American culture is the product of computers and a court ruling that pornography is a form of free speech. It affects behavior so negatively, and the evil behavior porno inspires is multiple.
There is a definite connection between pornography and the existing deviant behavior that has permeated the American culture. And that deviant behavior includes teen sex, teen abortion, young adult unmarried sex, young adult abortions, teachers-students sex, clergy child abuse sex, and pornography and uncontrolled sex addiction on a large scale. All these ruin lives and make the American culture much less good.
The real surprise to a great degree is that some of these immoral behaviors are accepted as normal and okay, such as teen sex and abortions. Because abortion is acceptable that more or less takes the sting out of teen sex. The fact that large majorities (60%) of American families do not practice religious living along with the invasion of internet pornography, it is no wonder at what is going on.
Everything put together leads to the discouraging fact that there is no simple to it all. Until the day comes (don’t hold your breath) when American families return to the practice of religious living the moral culture of America will continue it’s downward spiral, and the addiction to pornography has greatly accelerated the downward spiral in more ways than one.
The author of pornography is Satan himself. That comes out during exorcisms. The love for pornography flows from the demon’s filthy and hateful utterances. In effect, those people also love pornography are great friends to Satan. Do not become one of them.
R. B.
An Alarming Revelation
Roger Behra
Every once in awhile the print media reveals some information that informs every person concerned about the American culture the direction the culture is taking. On May, 5, 2010, that actually happened, and the information revealed should greatly alarm parents who have children between the ages of thirteen and twenty-five. Along with the content of the revelation that is alarming what adds more alarm to it is there is no simple answer it seems. However, parents need to know so they can address the situation with their teens, tweens, and college age children, and the sooner they do so the better it will be for everyone.
The alarming information revealing concerns computers and hard core pornography which has became a regular part of the three groups mentioned above. Pornography has become a dominant element in college environments. Pornography has been around for a long time but not on the scale of the present day. Pornography by itself is evil enough, but the amount of it and the easy access to it are the very disturbing factors along with the invasion into so many young lives. The saturation of pornography throughout the American culture is the product of computers and a court ruling that pornography is a form of free speech. It affects behavior so negatively, and the evil behavior porno inspires is multiple.
There is a definite connection between pornography and the existing deviant behavior that has permeated the American culture. And that deviant behavior includes teen sex, teen abortion, young adult unmarried sex, young adult abortions, teachers-students sex, clergy child abuse sex, and pornography and uncontrolled sex addiction on a large scale. All these ruin lives and make the American culture much less good.
The real surprise to a great degree is that some of these immoral behaviors are accepted as normal and okay, such as teen sex and abortions. Because abortion is acceptable that more or less takes the sting out of teen sex. The fact that large majorities (60%) of American families do not practice religious living along with the invasion of internet pornography, it is no wonder at what is going on.
Everything put together leads to the discouraging fact that there is no simple to it all. Until the day comes (don’t hold your breath) when American families return to the practice of religious living the moral culture of America will continue it’s downward spiral, and the addiction to pornography has greatly accelerated the downward spiral in more ways than one.
The author of pornography is Satan himself. That comes out during exorcisms. The love for pornography flows from the demon’s filthy and hateful utterances. In effect, those people also love pornography are great friends to Satan. Do not become one of them.
R. B.
Some Enlightening Information, By Roger Behra
Some Enlightening Information
Roger Behra
There are many books available in libraries and book stores on the near-death experience, but the very best one is Closer To The Light by Melvin Morse, M. D. His book very clearly and thoroughly relates his research and scientific investigation into the NDE. You will not be disappointed reading his book.
Dr. Morse had his own NDE many years ago. From it his life was transformed. He became a more understanding physician, devoted and loving husband, and helpful and loving father.
When his patients between the ages of 3 to 16 began telling him of their NDEs, Morse became very interested in their stories, and that started his research and scientific investigation into NDEs that lasted over and eight-year span. From his efforts Morse concluded that there is soul, and afterlife, and that souls inhabit that afterlife.
The main focus of this communication is on the original group of Morse’s patients from the Seattle study of many years ago. During that initial study the patients did not share the entire experience. Ten years after the study Morse wondered what those kids would be like. Morse had several questions he needed answered. Did the teenagers adjust well? How did they out do academically? Were they different socially and morally from their friends? Did their spiritual experience make any difference? These questions were indeed answered during the second interview, and Morse was very pleased with the answers he received.
Dr. Morse knew a transformation was going to take place, but he did not know to what degree. He found out the following:
1. That these teenagers had become very special.
2. That the teenagers had an excellent relationship with their families.
3. That they shared a maturity and wisdom that was humbling.
4. That there was no drug use or experimentation.
5. That there was little rebellion against authority, no excessive risk taking, and no teenage pregnancies.
6. That there was no brain damage or retardation resulting from their cardiac arrests.
7. That they were much calmer and happier than other teenagers.
8. That their desire to gain knowledge and be loving was very strong.
You can now see why Dr. Morse was very pleased with the answered questions.
Dr. Morse concluded that the Light was the most interesting and compelling part of the NDE, and that science will have to accept it as God. All science has to do is read the Bible because the answer is there. It has been there for over 2000years. Recorded in the Bible are the words of Jesus: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light”. Near-death experiences simply confirm it. And all the events of the near-death experience that helps in the transformation of a life, it is the all loving and embracing Light that says for a lifetime in the person’s daily activities. The Light is the most compelling and loved part of the NDE. It should be.
R. B.
Some Enlightening Information
Roger Behra
There are many books available in libraries and book stores on the near-death experience, but the very best one is Closer To The Light by Melvin Morse, M. D. His book very clearly and thoroughly relates his research and scientific investigation into the NDE. You will not be disappointed reading his book.
Dr. Morse had his own NDE many years ago. From it his life was transformed. He became a more understanding physician, devoted and loving husband, and helpful and loving father.
When his patients between the ages of 3 to 16 began telling him of their NDEs, Morse became very interested in their stories, and that started his research and scientific investigation into NDEs that lasted over and eight-year span. From his efforts Morse concluded that there is soul, and afterlife, and that souls inhabit that afterlife.
The main focus of this communication is on the original group of Morse’s patients from the Seattle study of many years ago. During that initial study the patients did not share the entire experience. Ten years after the study Morse wondered what those kids would be like. Morse had several questions he needed answered. Did the teenagers adjust well? How did they out do academically? Were they different socially and morally from their friends? Did their spiritual experience make any difference? These questions were indeed answered during the second interview, and Morse was very pleased with the answers he received.
Dr. Morse knew a transformation was going to take place, but he did not know to what degree. He found out the following:
1. That these teenagers had become very special.
2. That the teenagers had an excellent relationship with their families.
3. That they shared a maturity and wisdom that was humbling.
4. That there was no drug use or experimentation.
5. That there was little rebellion against authority, no excessive risk taking, and no teenage pregnancies.
6. That there was no brain damage or retardation resulting from their cardiac arrests.
7. That they were much calmer and happier than other teenagers.
8. That their desire to gain knowledge and be loving was very strong.
You can now see why Dr. Morse was very pleased with the answered questions.
Dr. Morse concluded that the Light was the most interesting and compelling part of the NDE, and that science will have to accept it as God. All science has to do is read the Bible because the answer is there. It has been there for over 2000years. Recorded in the Bible are the words of Jesus: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light”. Near-death experiences simply confirm it. And all the events of the near-death experience that helps in the transformation of a life, it is the all loving and embracing Light that says for a lifetime in the person’s daily activities. The Light is the most compelling and loved part of the NDE. It should be.
R. B.
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Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011

Our Lady in Art



Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita

Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"
Oración a San Judas

San Judas, Ruega por Nosotros
¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

Sonia = Sofía
¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

Pascua 2008

¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!
Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2008
Calendario 2013

Juan Pablo II

Virgen María en el Arte
Calendario 2013

Benedicto XVI
Pascua 2013

Jesucristo El Buen Pastor
feliz día de las madres 2012

feliz día de las madres 2012



Octubre 2012


JULIO 2012

JULIO 2012
JUNIO 2012

JUNIO 2012
MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
MARZO 2012

marzo 2012

ENERO 2012

enero 2012
Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

Actitudes ante la Vida

DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013

pascua 2012
Cátedra de San Pedro

St. Peter
14 de Febrero

Día de San Cirilo y San Metodio
Conversión de San Pablo

Francesco Mazzola (1503-1540)
Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN

Documento Firmado y Recibido Enero 2013
Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN

Documento, Enero 2013

Feliz Navidad y Ventuoroso Año 2013
happy new year 2012

Feliz Navidad 2011

Venturoso Año 2011


Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica

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