martes, 22 de junio de 2010

El Cristo de Dios y la Propia Cruz, por Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

El Cristo de Dios y la Propia Cruz


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

El pasado 20 de Junio de 2010, dentro del rezo y meditación del Ángelus el Papa Benedicto XVI centró su atención en la importancia de seguir a Cristo y llevar la propia cruz, tanto en las pequeñas pruebas de cada día como en los momentos decisivos. De los aspectos profundos y relevantes de sus pensamientos del Papa, algunos de ellos son:

La propia cruz [1]

En el Evangelio de hoy domingo, el Señor pregunta a sus discípulos: “Vosotros, ¿quién decís que soy yo?” (Lc 9,20). A esta pregunta el apóstol Pedro responde prontamente: Tu eres el Cristo de Dios, el Mesías de Dios” (Ibid.), superando, así, todas las opiniones terrenas que consideraban a Jesús uno de los profetas. Según san Ambrosio, con esta profesión de fe, Pedro “abrazó juntas todas las cosas, porque expresó la naturaleza y el nombre” del Mesías (Exp. in Lucam VI, 93, CCL 14, 207). Y Jesús, frente a esta profesión de fe, renueva a Pedro y a los demás discípulos la invitación a seguirle en el camino comprometido en amor hasta la Cruz. También a nosotros, que podemos conocer al Señor mediante la fe en su Palabra y en los Sacramentos, Jesús nos dirige la propuesta de seguirle cada día, y también a nosotros nos recuerda que para ser sus discípulos es necesario apropiarnos del poder su Cruz, culmen de nuestros bienes y corona de nuestra esperanza.

Importancia de llevar “la propia cruz” [2]

“Tomar la cruz significa comprometerse en derrotar al pecado que obstaculiza el camino hacia Dios, acoger cotidianamente la voluntad del Señor, acrecentar la fe sobre todo ante los problemas, las dificultades, el sufrimiento”, afirmó el Papa.

Haciendo alusión con admiración a la santa carmelita Edith Stein poco antes de la segunda guerra mundial citó de ella lo siguiente: “Más se hace oscuro a nuestro alrededor, tanto más debemos abrir el corazón a la luz que viene de lo alto”; y, refiriéndose el Papa a la época actual, afirmó: que muchos son los cristianos en el mundo que, animados por el amor por Dios, asumen cada día la cruz, sea la de las pruebas cotidianas, sea la procurada por la barbarie humana, que a veces requiere el valor del sacrificio extremo. Por ello es importante “poner siempre nuestra sólida esperanza en Él, seguros de que, al seguirle llevando nuestra cruz, llegaremos con Él a la luz de la Resurrección”.




[1] Cf. Benedicto XVI: Seguir a Cristo con la propia cruz; en: ZS10062010 - 20-06-2010. Permalink:

[2] Cf. El Papa recuerda la importancia de “llevar la propia cruz”
Especialmente cuando “se hace oscuro a nuestro alrededor”; en: ZS10062012 - 20-06-2010. Permalink:

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

Méritos de la Santidad de Juan Pablo II, por Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

Méritos de la Santidad de Juan Pablo II


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

El coraje considerado como una impetuosa decisión y esfuerzo del ánimo es un valor [1] que mostró el Papa Juan Pablo II, [2], en donde personas colaboradoras y cercanas a él: Stanlislao Dziwisz, Czeslaw Drazek, Renato Buzzonetti y Angelo Comastri [3], relatan en su libro: “Dejadme ir a la casa del Padre”, el final del Papa y profundiza en su vivencia en uno de los principales misterios del hombre: el dolor y la enfermedad, de hecho la temática del libro, gira alrededor del sufrimiento y la muerte de Juan Pablo II ; en donde se revive una historia de gratitud y amor, dentro de una concepción del sufrimiento en el Magisterio y en la vida del Santo Papa Peregrino Juan Pablo II. [4].

Se reconocen cinco méritos, no pequeños, que trazan las líneas maestras de su santidad:

1. Ha sido un hombre lleno de coraje en la época de los grandes miedos. Ha sido decidido y coherente.

2. Ha sido un hombre lleno de coraje en la defensa de la paz. Mientras soplaban vientos de guerra: ¿Quién no recuerda el coraje de sus reiteradas y angustiosas llamadas, incluso cuando no eran escuchadas?

3. Juan Pablo II ha dado muestras de un gran coraje en la defesa de la familia en una época en la que se ha extraviado la consciencia de la indestructible dualidad esposo-esposa y padre y madre.

4. Juan Pablo II fue un hombre lleno de coraje al ir en busca de los jóvenes y hablarles. Él sabía que los jóvenes, sin Cristo, jamás hubieran sido capaces de encontrar el sendero de la vida ni hubieran logrado saborear la fascinadora verdad del amor.

5. Juan Pablo II fue, por último, un hombre lleno de coraje en la difícil estación de la enfermedad y en el momento de la muerte. Durante su enfermedad, que lenta y progresivamente fue privando a Juan Pablo II de las características más geniales y apreciadas, no trato de ocultarse. Tuvo que costarle muchísimo, pero no aceptó que un velo lo protegiese de los ojos indiscretos de la gente. Vivió públicamente la enfermedad y la transformo en un púlpito que conmovió a toda la humanidad.

Juan Pablo II ha sido un hombre fiel, un servidor auténtico y lleno de coraje de la verdad tal como no la enseña el Evangelio. [5].




[1] Cf. Diccionario de la Lengua Española de la RAE 1970, p 360, el término coraje, y compare el significado de coraje como irritación, ira; con los términos: corajina, corajoso o corajosa, y el de corajudo o corajuda. En este escrito se considera el lado positivo del término coraje.

[2] Papa Juan Pablo II (1978-2005), excelente personaje de vida ejemplar, fue un ser iluminado, brillante, relevante e influyente del Siglo XX e inicios del siglo XXI d C., a quién no ha dejado de recordar el Papa Benedicto XVI, y todo el mundo católico.

[3] Los autores del libro “Dejadme ir a la casa del Padre”: fueron personas cercanas al Papa Juan Pablo II; Stanlislao Dziwisz, fue el secretario particular; Czeslaw Drazek fue un colaborador del Papa y de su secretario; Renato Buzzonetti fue el médico personal; y Angelo Comastri, era el responsable de la Basílica de San Pedro.

[4] Cf. Stanlislao Dziwisz, Czeslaw Drazek, Renato Buzzonetti y Angelo Comastri. 2006. Dejadme ir a la casa del Padre. La fuerza en la debilidad de Juan Pablo II. Edición en castellano a cargo de José Luis González-Balado. Ediciones Paulinas. México D. F. ISBN 84-285-2918-3 edición española; ISBN 970-612-574-4 edición mexicana.

[5] Cf. Año Sacerdotal. ¿Es posible trazar las líneas maestras de la santidad de Juan Pablo II? El Domingo. XII Domingo Ordinario. Año 60, N° 25. Semanario de Instrucción Religiosa. Ciclo C. 20 de Junio de 2010. Ediciones Paulinas. México D. F. ISSN 1405V-6453.

domingo, 20 de junio de 2010

¡Feliz Día del Padre!, por Angel R. Cepeda D.

¡Feliz Día del Padre!


Angel R. Cepeda D.

En este día en especial de Junio 20, 2010, se celebra en México y en muchos otros lugares el Día del Padre.

Un pensamiento espiritual del Profeta Malaquías, nos hace reflexionar acerca de sus interrogantes de que tenemos un solo Padre y que no debemos traicionarnos ni profanar la alianza de nuestros padres, pues pregunta: “¿No tenemos todos nosotros un mismo Padre? ¿No un solo Dios que nos ha creado? ¿Por qué nos traicionamos los unos a los otros, profanando la alianza de nuestros padres? (Cf. Malaquías 2, 10).

También desde el Antiguo Testamento, son muchas las citas bíblicas que nos hablan en relación a los padres de familia, en donde los hijos son una recompensa de Dios (Cf. Salmo 127, 3 y Salmo 128, 3), en donde la corrección da sabiduría a los niños (Cf. Proverbios 29, 15), en donde hay que enderezar a los hijos desde la juventud (Cf. Eclesiástico 7, 23).

En el Nuevo Testamento, por ejemplo San Mateo y San Pablo dijeron: “Honra a tu padre y a tu madre” (Cf Mateo 15, 4; Efesios 6, 2)



sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

DULZURA, por Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
















lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

Much Need Awareness, By Roger Behra


Much Need Awareness


Roger Behra

Much of the hatred and criticism aimed at the United States is a product of ignorance and jealousy. Countries like Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and others are heaping criticism on the U.S. who comes to the aid of others quickly with money and materials and physical help at a moment’s notice, while the criticizing countries show indifference on a daily basis to their very own citizens. The criticizing countries badly need to take a lesson from the U.S. and become less ignorant and more helpful to their own citizens at the least. The help recently given Haiti and Chile is a prime example of how America is ready, willing, and able to give help when and where it is needed.

America also does the same for many in need inside her borders. In particular much awareness and thanks should be given to Grace Gan, who is a school teacher in a TITLE 1 school in charge of the English-as-a second-language department at a large California high school. She has great awareness about what is going on within her TITLE 1 school.

TITLE 1 schools are numerous throughout California. They are special schools that help students who come from lower socioeconomic and income levels. At many of these schools the students come from homes where they have little or nothing. Very many students in TITLE 1 schools are ILLIGAL IMMIGRANTS, but they are treating with dignity and compassion and are given great educational advantages along with other opportunities. They are not left to end up on a subhuman scrap heap.

Along with learning a new language to help them their nutrition is given special attention, and it is totally free. The key words here are FREE and NUTRICIOUS. The daily free foods meals are substantial. Breakfast is full one plus fruit and juices. The lunch is also full and varies from day to day. All of this does not have to happen, but it does because America cares out of her goodness and kindness.

Let’s stop and think now. Would Iran, who fixed the last election and then beats, kills, and impressions protestors for future trials be human and Helpful like the U.S.? No. Would North Korea under her numbskull communist leader who has let millions of her citizen’s die from lack of food be so kind and helpful like the U.S. does? NO. Would Venezuela under Hugo Chavez who is more interested in changing his country into a strong socialist country be so kind and helpful? So far, no. All the leaders of these countries are concerned about is their heavy-handed dominance and freedom restrictions aimed at their own citizens. The leaders of these three countries are ignorant, ruthless socially, and control their citizen’s freedom to the point of subservience.

The leaders of Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela need to look at their faces in the mirror. They would see reality. They would see the ugly and evil faces of hellish beast staring back at them directly. It would be frightening, very frightening for them to see demonic looking faces representing themselves. Maybe the evil criticizing and causing trouble just so they could feel important would stop.

R. B.

domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Another Wrong-Headed Decision, By Roger Behra


Another Wrong-Headed Decision


Roger Behra

On April 15, 2010, the culture in America was once again kicked in the teeth by a federal court judge’s decision. Judge Barbara Crabb ruled that the National Day of Prayer which has always been set for May 6 and honored on that day since 1952 has been declared unconstitutional. It is just another slap in the face by another counterculture person who wants to throw out the old traditions in keeping with counterculture philosophy. That recent ruling has rubbed a very raw nerve among many Americans. The only ones in favor of the ruling are atheist and the irreligious.

The ruling has thrown government and other leaders into a definite quandary. They realize that the judge’s decision fails to understand reality. A prayer day once a year does not impose a religion on anyone. It is just a collective activity placing trust in God. After all “In God We Trust” is printed on American coins. Prayer has been an important part of American history since her beginning. Will Americans ever be able to pray as nation ever again? Will we ever be able to sing “God Bless America” is another question. The National Day of prayer has been a tradition for fifty-seven years until April 15, 2010.

Many clear thinking Governors, Mayors, and other in leadership positions are going to disregards the ruling. It is going to be the National Day of Prayer as usual, and that seems to be the sensible approach. Maybe U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb will get over her crabby behavior and join in with millions of American’s with her mown prayer on May 6, 2010. Since it is not a religion or church function, long live public group prayer in America anywhere at any time. Meanwhile pray for Barbara Crabb. It seems live she needs God´s help in making the simplest of daily decisions. And also pray for atheist. They are badly in need of prayers; also. The very small and ignorant brains of the atheist are the reason the National Day of Prayer ended up in court before Judge Barbara Crabb(y).

R. B.

The Middle East Dilemma, By Roger Behra


The Middle East Dilemma


Roger Behra

There is a huge fundamental question that can be answered about Iran and her great desire to develop a nuclear bomb. The question is who would gain from that achievement? The answer is no one, absolutely no one. In fact the whole Middle East would be the loser. And that includes Iran. The thought of Iran having a nuclear bomb is very scary to contemplate because it is in conjunction with Iran also working hard to develop an ICBM that could reach many distant places including the U.S. The Middle East would not be the only place shaking in their boots.

If Iran ever develops a nuclear bomb which is their fervent desire, the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia, other oil producing states, and the vital shipping lanes of the Persian Gulf would be at grave risk of Iranian threat and control. If Iran develops an ICBM (she’s nearly there) to go with a nuclear bomb look out America. Does anyone think the hostile leadership of Iran would refrain from arming an ICBM with a nuclear weapon and launching it? No. Restraint is not in the Iranian dictionary. Keep in mind also that Iran can purchase whatever they need.

Fortunately, Iran’s entire nuclear program does not have to be destroyed. What has to be done is this. As soon as possible (meaning right now) get to know Iran’s technology paths and needs and then make sure Iran does not get the very needed components to assemble the entire bomb or purchase in ICBM from Russia or North Korea. Since the U.S. is a potential target, the U.S. has got to get involved somehow, now, post haste. As of April, 2010 America has no plan, and sanctions are not going to work at all. Sanctions are a laughable approach.

Iran’s desire along with threatening other countries is to gain regional domination in the Middle East. That is another nightmarish situation to give worry to everyone. How long would Iran wait to hang a nuclear bomb over the heads of other countries to gain and advantage? The answer is a no-brainer-not very long at all.

If the U.S. does not get involved to help protect Israel and other Arab allies, Israel may have to go it alone against Iran. Israel is dead set against Iran developing a definite nuclear weapon, and that opens another can of worms. The developing scenario in the Middle East is full of if’s, and’s, and but’s.

The steps that have to be taken must start almost immediately because of the lag time involved. The questions involved are three. What steps must be taken? What will the steps include? When will action begin against Iran? Iran must never ever gain possession of a nuclear weapon. It must be repeated again that no one would gain, not even Iran.

As of April 30, 2010, an awful scenario is shaping up because no steps have been taken. Israel will have to overtly strike Iran out of self-preservation. As a last resort Israel will do that. She would be severely condemned, but the rest of the Middle East and the U.S. would breathe a long sigh of relief. Then there is the chance Iran will think again and not continue to ruffle so many feathers, but do not bet any U.S. dollars or Israel money on that ever happening. Iran is bound and determined to somehow have possession of nuclear weapons. When and how are the important questions. Iran’s intentions are evil and absolute to the end. Iran has been offered everything she needs for peaceful purposes. Iran refused.

R. B.

No Surprising Development, By Roger Behra


No Surprising Development


Roger Behra

The group of people that is very rapidly hurting themselves is not a group of fifth-graders. It is a group made up of SEÑOR CITIZENS. It is not a surprising development that American senior citizens have put themselves into a very risky situation. One could say they are receiving their just rewards. After all they are the original counterculture people who discarded traditional morality and traditional values in favor of making up one’s own rules of life. Now they are the fastest group of people contracting and spreading sexually transmitted diseases and infections. (STDs/STIs). It is most fitting it is happening to them. It is a just playoff to the group for their know-it-all thinking and make-up-your-own rules of personal morality and social behavior that has ruined the American culture. It took forty-five years, but the payoff finally arrived.

American senior citizen are contracting STDs/STIs at a very rapid pace, and the new forms are much more harmful than the two old standby forms of the past gonorrhea and syphilis. Present day STD sand STIs include the old duo plus herpes and may more. Herpes can last a long time, and it is painful. It is to be avoided at all costs. It is possible to have more than one STD plus STIs at the same time, and that is, indeed, a world of hurt.

Contracting STDs and STIs causes health problems for both men and women alike. The cause health problems when it is least affordable, and cures can be very costly and time consuming. It is the price paid for evil sex both spiritually and financially and the end result of being stupid at a crucial time in a senior’s life.

Seniors, you must wake up and face reality, now. Time is short for you here on earth. Forget sinful sex, cohabitation sex, and promiscuous sex. It is so unimportant toward your life’s destiny. It is actually a great drawback. Get squared away with God. Be remorseful for all your transgressions. Spend time being kind and helpful to others. Spend time being involved in gaining knowledge. You will be very glad you did so. Your life´s ending will be much happier hereon earth, and your eternal life will also be instead of ending up in the dark place full of pain, suffering, and despair. You have the power to make the determination.

R. B.

Some Very Good Advice, By Roger Behra


Some Very Good Advice


Roger Behra

Iran was in the news very often during 2009, and that is still the case now in 2010. Usually Iran becomes newsworthy for some negative reason and because they so strongly despise Israel or the United States. On April 19, 2010, it was a different reason, and the very good newsworthy reason makes considerable sense anywhere both morally and culturally and especially for the United States as well as for Iran.

A senior Iranian cleric brought to everyone’s attention in Iran and also to the rest of the world including the U.S. that women dress so immodestly and behave so promiscuously during present times. Indeed, it is an important topic that has to given considerable attention especially in the U.S. because other parts of the world copy America’s behavior very much.

Any person in any country who has good core values and a moral compass pointed in the right direction has to agree with the Iranian cleric. It is very visible in America, especially, that American women dress very immodestly, and in many cases quite revealingly, everywhere they go it seems. No place in public is at all exempt, not even in church during Catholic Masses and other services. If Iranian cleric lived in America he would be totally stunned seeing teenage girls and young and older women dressed in tight jeans and blouses that show partially (in some cases more so) exposed breast everywhere, even in church. Compared to American girls and women Iranian girls and women are poster examples of modest dress and modest behavior.

When one looks into the crystal ball it is seen that the situation is not going to reverse itself anytime soon. In 2007 only a little cleavage was seen. In 2008 much more cleavage was shown. In 2009 considerable cleavage was shown plus some partially exposed upper breasts. In 2010 braless became the mode along with the other trends, while jeans became more and more skin tight. All of these trends are immodest, offensive, and leads to promiscuity, on a grand scale. The trends lead men to strip joints, rape, prostitutes, and most likely to child abuse also.

Thankfully, there are a percentage of women who has not subscribed to immodest dress. They save the days from being a total loss. They realize that immodest dress has no part in their destiny here on earth and that immodest dress is very offensive and counter productive ---always. They agreed with the Iranian cleric long before he got so much attention with his announcement on April 19, 2010. Now it is time for all women to agree with the Iranian cleric.

R. B.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Parents Need to Know, By Roger Behra


Parents Need to Know


Roger Behera

Parents, please, it is time to listen to some very gooed advice. It is much worse out there than you think. You have to get involved and pay attention to your own teenager’s secret life and particularly you daughter’s. Computers have changed everything, and it is not for the better. Start your involvement immediately. Get your child’s computer set up outside the bedroom and preferably where you can monitor what is going on at all times. Check your child’s computer out when the child is at school or away from it. Here is the reason why.

Recently, two mothers who are good friends decided to check out some links on their teens’ computers while they were at school. Mother A got very upset when her suspician was verified. The strong suspician was that her 15-year-old daughter was engaging in oral sex. Mother A contacted mother B and recommend that she do the same. Mother B had her suspicion verified that her 16-year-old son was involved in pornography viewing on the internet and exchanging information with a friend. It was a crash course in their teen’s secret life and parents need to know.

Mother A called her daughter’s school counselor and explained the situation to her. Mother A got shocking news from the school counselor that it is very common for girls to give oral sex to boys in grade sis before they have sex later in grade eight. One girl told the counselor that oral sex takes the place of the goodnight kiss and that they do not consider oral sex as sex. One girl said she had oral sex at age 15 and knew lots who also had it. Teens consider oral sex as “safe” sex and a safeguard of their virginity. The counselor emphasized that it is not all that safe, and that her daughter look up oral herpes online. It is a common STI (sexually transmitted infection). Mother A went from shocked to extremely worried.

Mother B got shocking news also from the counselor that internet pornography is commonly viewed by teenagers as well as adults, and that it is protected by the constitution as free speech. Mother B had her suspician confirmed when she read her son’s internet post. All mother B can do is let her son us the computer only outside the bedroom and under her supervision.

Two mothers found out disturbing facts about their child’s secret life. They also found out that the American culture is much sicker than ever imagined, and that their children were part of the sickness. When it comes down to morality, parents have a perfect right to invade their children’s secret life before age eighteen. The two mothers found out what too many mothers are oblivious to and have decided to do their best to spread the word about what can go on in a teen’s secret life. Oral sex and STI’s are a definite reality and very common.

Internet pornography, teen oral sex, and teen sexual intercourse is absolutely so morally wrong, harmful in many ways, and a sickness throughout America’s culture. Teens are the future of America’s culture, and morally speaking and considering the future of America’s culture appears to be very bleak in a very big way. Counselors already know that. Parents need to know that, also.

R. B.

Is Washington Trustworthy?


Is Washington Trustworthy?, By Roger Behra


Roger Behra

The answer to the trustworthy question is definitely NO. The American culture has taken another broadside hit when recently it was revealed that 78 percent of Americans said in a survey they have little faith and trust in the politicians in Washington. Really, that is no surprise. What is a surprise is the 78 percent total. Only 22 percent said they can trust Washington almost always. The 78 percent who say they cannot trust Washington is the highest percentage in half century.

The reasons for the high percentage of no trust are very noteworthy. Americans are so tired of politicians not following through on their promises or changing their minds after being elected. Nearly half of those questioned said Washington negatively affects their daily lives. There is too much government in people’s businesses and the taxes on their businesses keeps increasing along with inflation which affects the price of their goods for sale.

The majority in the survey calls Washington too big and too powerful. They say the government interferes too much in state and local matters. The majority wants a much smaller government witch fewer services. The survey found that Obama’s decisions were partly to blame for the greater distrust in Washington. His decisions have generated great anti-government views. The majority believes that decisions made in Washington caused the great economic problems that presently exist.

A great deal of distrust centers around the President himself. There is a very strong suspicion that Obama was not born a citizen of America and that Washington and the American media is staying very silent.

There are three reasons that strongly support the suspicion:

1. President Obama can quickly eliminate any suspicion by showing the LONG FORM of his birth certificate which tells where and when he was born and gives the names of the doctors in attendance. The short form from Hawaii does not.

2. The sister of Obama’s father said she was in the delivery room when he was born in Kenya.

3. All of the media in America has completely stayed silent which adds greatly to the strong suspicion. That is no surprise. The very liberal media does not want to investigate a very liberal president. The media would have jumped at a chance to investigate conservative president.

The old saying “throw the rascals out” is more true today than ever before. But that leaves a large question to be answered. Who is trustworthy enough to replace the thrown out rascals? New rascals would add insult to the injury already coming out of Washington, and who needs that which is a very good possibility, indeed.

R. B.

Another Decision to Regret, By Roger Behra


Another Decision to Regret


Roger Behra

During the fifteen month (January, 2009-April, 2010) President Obama has been in office several of his decisions have been either not necessary or not all constructive for the future of America’s culture. And two of his decisions are purely incredible.

The first incredible decision took place with his economic bailout plan for America. It did practically nothing to improve America’s economy. What it did do was to increase government control and pile incredible national debt upon incredible national debt. According to economic planners it is going to take many decades to even make a serious dent in the national debt recovery. That decision is to be a lasting burden on generations to come.

The second incredible decision took place on April 8, 2010. The New Start treaty was signed into effect by Barack Obama. That treaty cancels the protection the United States has been giving to other countries if they were attacked with nuclear weapons from another country. Now those other countries have to develop their own nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, countries with nuclear weapons do not have to think twice or three times before using them. Small countries can produce and sell materials to help other countries to develop weapons of mass destruction.

The two countries that are especially happy about the New Start treaty are Iran and North Korea. They detest the United States. Iran would like to see the U.S (Israel, also) wiped off the world map. Iran has been working night and day to produce very high grade uranium, and soon it will be a job done. North Korea has a rocket that can reach the U.S. They would love to have nuclear weapon to threaten the U.S. It’s going to become a reality under the New Start treaty. More advanced countries can produce and sell nuclear materials to other countries. Iran has already unveiled and advanced centrifuge. It speeds uranium enrichment by a factor of 10. Iran and North Korea are working together on nuclear work.

The naiveté of Barack Obama is stunning. Seeing America retreat will cause other countries to rethink their positions, and some of them will arm themselves with weapons of mass destruction. There is no greater spur to extremely excite other countries to rapidly produce nuclear weapons when they see the American nuclear umbrella of protection furl and retreat. The New Start treaty is an insane decision of great proportion. It has much more so emboldened Iran and North Korea to now go hell-bent into the development of nuclear weapons, and that is where the present insanity rests. Oh, my goodness! What Obama’s insane decision has put forth on the front burner of nuclear insanity!

R. B.

Those Rampant Illicit Sexcapades, By Roger Behra


Those Rampant Illicit Sexcapades


Roger Behra

There are several negative activities going on at the same time in the American culture, but the rampant illicit sex that goes on around the clock has to be at the top of the list from the activity, moral, and spiritual standpoints. It has become a great cultural scourge, and it is better known as evil sex. Yes, there is such a thing.

The word rampant means “widespread and impossible and out of control” The word illicit means “against a law or rule”. “A sexual relationship that is exciting or risky” is an escapade. It can also be called a sexcapade. Sex that is against moral laws and rules and is widespread is causing great harm and suffering, one way or another to multitudes of people.

Rampantly illicit sex takes many forms. It includes teacher-students sex, clergy sex with minor boys and girls, rape, homosexual sex, groupy sex with professional athletes, cohabitation, and adultery. Cohabitation and fornication is very popular among young people, and teen sex has parents and medical people very worried because of the great increase in transmitted diseases. Every one of these activities comes under the heading of evil sex, and the ruined careers, personal suffering, and harm brought about is hard to measure.

Here are some examples. One professional NFL football player has fathered seven children out of wedlock, and six of them have different mothers. Tiger Woods has had adulterous sex with 21 known women over a period of years, even while his wife was expecting, and in the same bed while his wife was away at times. Movie actor Jesse James, considered a sexaholic, cheated on his wife, Sandra Bullock, and confessed to having sex with several women. Thirty-five percent of teens have had fornicated sex before age nineteen. Reports of rape, is in the news very frequently. Groupy sex with professional athletes is widespread. Cohabitation is considered normal. Adultery by both sexes is no longer considered unusual.

Here is in example that happened very recently of how illicit adulterous evil sex has ruined the careers of two young lives and caused harm and suffering to an innocent victim. On April 3, 2010, a married off-duty 30-year-old police officer forced his way into a 25-year-old’s car at gunpoint. He instructed her to go to a secluded area. There he allegedly did the attacking inside her car. He allegedly forced her to have intercourse, punched her with his right fist twice on the right side of her face and once so hard in the stomach she could not breathe. Then he allegedly attempted another sex act but lost his erection. He once put the gun inside her mouth and threatened to shoot her twice. He also tried to choke the the woman.

The attack ended when his cell phone kept ringing. Quickly he grabbed her car keys and called his friend to come and pick him up. In his haste to leave her car he left his service weapon behind. He also left his sunglasses, and these two articles led to his arrest. Later her car keys were found in the possession of his friend. The two officers have been arrested, charged, and jailed, and the illicit sexcapade also led to the ruin of two careers, disgrace, and the suffering and harm to an innocent victim. Crime and evil sex has such a horrendous payoff.

R. B.

sábado, 5 de junio de 2010

Dot Not Despair, By Roger Behra


Dot Not Despair


Roger Behra

Jenny, a six-grade girl came home from school one day recently, and her mother noticed that her daughter seemed depressed and full of despair. After talking to her daughter, Mom got to the bottom of Jenny’s situation.

That day in social studies class the topic was world events. Jenny’s teacher got her students to have a much clearer idea of what was going on in America and the third world countries. Jenny became more and more depressed as the class progressed. Learning about young people her age in very depressed as the class progressed. Learning about young people her age in very poor countries who had few or no opportunities and very little food was very depressing for her. Jenny was saddened to learn that many leaders do not really care about their own people, and that other countries were not very caring also. The thought of so many young people her age were dying from lack of food and medical care was heavy on her mind.

Jenny´s mother help somewhat to relieve her daughter’s mental state. She reminded Jenny that God is always there to help her and everyone at all times and that He is in control of everything that happens for good reasons not understand able always by us. Her mother also gave her the words of a song by David Hass and asked her to read them when she was depressed and had feelings of despair. The song words are as follows:


I will come to you in the silence,
I will lift you from all your fear
You will hear my voice, I claim you as my choice,
Be still and know I am here.

I am hope for all who are hopeless,
I am eyes for all who long to see.
In the shadows of the night I will be your light,
Come and rest in me.

I am strength for all the despairing,
Healing for the ones who dwell in shame.
All the blind will see, the lame will all run free,
And all will know my name.

I am the word that leads all to freedom,
I am the peace the world cannot give.
I will call your name, embracing all your pain,
Stand up now, walk, and live.

Don´t be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you each by name.
Come follow me, I will bring you home
I love you and you are mine.

R. B.

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

Some Very Real Events, By Roger Behra


Some Very Real Events


Roger Behra

The Coast to Coast radio program hosted by George Nory is not always interesting on a daily basis, but on April 8, 2010, it was over the top interesting. George’s guest was Dr. Jeffery Long, M.D. who got involved in the question, “What happens when we die?” That is the 64 million dollar question. The 120 minute program passed very quickly and was exceedingly informative.

The program was centered around 4 real events as follows:

1. The happy near-death experience (NDE).
2. The fearsome near-death experience (FNDE).
3. The before-death experience (BDE).
4. The after-death experience (ADE).

Millions of people have over the centuries have experienced one or more of these events, so Dr. Long involved himself in the scientific research and validity of these events. His research conclusions verify the actuality and validity of these events, and the revelations discussed during the program were very informative and in many cases quite startling.

During his research he interviewed hundreds of experiences who had one or more of the four events. The most common event is the happy NDE, but he found out there definitely are fearsome NDEs also. Along with validating the NDE Dr. Long verified that all NDEs transform lives in a very positive way regardless of the kind of NDE. The NDE can last for only a few minutes or a very long time. The longer the experience the more is involved in the story being told. The NDE verifies that there is and afterlife, a Supreme Being, a life review, deceased relatives and friends, and a sample of what heaven is like. The fearsome near-death experience reveals the existence of a dark place where no one wants to be.

Dr. Long also interviewed patients who were actually in the dying process. They reported to him the visions of deceased relatives who appeared to them and were going to help them in the transition to the afterlife.

Dr. Long also interviewed surviving family members who had after-death experiences that included the family member who had recently died. There are 12 known types of ADEs. An ADE can happen very soon or years later and at anytime during the day or night.

Dr. Long was very careful to make sure that the NDE was not a product of drugs or hallucination. That was very important because most doctors believe that the NDE is caused by drugs or hallucinations as a result of oxygen deprivation.

The lasting results of Dr. Long’s research are the fact that NDEs are real, that they are comforting, and that they are transformative. His revelation about before death visions of the dying and after-death experiences of the surviving relative family members was also very comforting. The fact that all NDEs help to transform lives in a very positive way is a lasting tribute to the NDE here on earth, as well as enlightening for all of us who have to sooner or later become involved in the dying process itself.

R. B.

When Trust Is Lost, By Roger Behra


When Trust Is Lost


Roger Behra

Everyday now something is revealed in the various media that greatly lessens trust and faith in human beings. The evil behavior being revealed seems to be not only more frequent but more varied and repulsive. Many of the people involved are people in trusted positions and occupations that require the utmost trust and faith in the American culture. During the past twenty-five years especially the American culture has steadily declined to an alarming level because of the frequency and variation in the types of crime. There seems to be no depth to America’s cultural decline.

Along with ordinary citizens more highly trusted citizens are being exposed as participants in evil activities that are quite reprehensible. The trusted citizens include politicians, Catholic priest, Protestant ministers, public school teachers, and police officers to name a few types. It is so sad deplorable to witness many educated and trusted individuals ruin their careers, their lives, and drag America’s culture to low depths while they do so. It is bad enough when ordinary citizens do so.

In the recent past two state governors had to resign in political and personal disgrace because of behavior unbecoming of their office. Almost daily in the print media, on radio, and during television broadcast Catholic priest in America and other parts of the world are being accused of inappropriate behavior and sexual contact with teenage boys and girls. Teacher-student sex in more and more common and in the news often. Police officers are using their position and opportunity to take advantage of women drivers and get involved in sexual activities, and in some cases rape at the point of a gun.

On Saturday, April 3, 2010, an Orange County police was involved in a carjacking, kid napping, and the brutal rape of a restaurant waitress at the point of a gun. His officer friend witnessed the carjacking and later came to pick up the officer after the rape. The officer who did the rape was connected to it, because in haste to leave the women’s car with his officer friend he left his gun in the woman´s car. Two days later both officers were arrested and are now charged with multiple offenses. The 30-year officers have ruined their careers and lives.

In New Jersey several ordinary citizens were involved in a despicable crime involving the gang rape of a 7-year-old girl while the girl’s 15-year-old sister watched and took money fort it. A 20-year-old man has already been arrested.

When upright people lose trust and faith in those of positions of trust and faith, it becomes a very disheartening situation for the people and the culture. That is happening very frequently throughout American culture nowadays. The down hill slide has reached alarming depths with no end in view.

R. B.