miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010

El Consejo Maravilloso de San Agustín, Por Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

El Consejo Maravilloso de San Agustín


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

En el caminar de la Cuaresma y la llegada de la Semana Santa, el mundo Católico se prepara, al acercarse el Día del Señor, y recordando el Evangelio de San Mateo, en el nombre de Jesucristo, hay que perseverar hasta el fin. [1]

San Agustín, dentro de su gran legado da un Consejo Maravilloso: “Cuando el alma se te encorve bajo el peso de las pruebas terrenales, une tu corazón a la eternidad de Dios, y espera con Él los acontecimientos que pasan por ti; une tu corazón a la eternidad de Dios y serás eterno”. [2].




[1] Cf. Mt 10, 22.
[2] Cf. In Ps. 91, n. 8.

Escuchar es un Arte, Por Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

Escuchar es un Arte


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

Escuchar es un Arte qué Dios, Jesús, Sagrada Escritura y la Tradición nos enseñan que debemos esforzarnos, día con día en trascender, de lo abstracto a lo concreto, de la vida de contemplación y oración a la práctica de las obras de misericordia, en la cual se establece un dialogo sobrenatural y natural.

Escuchar no es un simple y mero verbo, es un Valor Ético-Moral, y para escuchar se requiere grandes capacidades y de los siete dones de Dios que nos regala. Saber escuchar requiere realmente de distintas capacidades valorativas del sentido común: Atención, Respeto, Paciencia, Dominio de sí mismo (Autocontrol), Concentración, Probidad con Alegría y Entusiasmo, y desde luego Tolerancia y Comprensión.



lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

Escucha Israel: Amar y el Prójimo, Por Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

Escucha Israel: Amar y el Prójimo


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

“Amor a Dios y amor al prójimo se funden entre sí: en el más humilde encontramos a Jesús mismo y en Jesús encontramos a Dios.” Papa Benedicto XVI.

El objeto de la Virtud Teologal de la Caridad (Agapé), y que muy comúnmente, la mayoría de los católicos cristianos entendemos como Amor, es en esencia de unidad Trinitaria, uno solo: Dios y el prójimo, representan en Síntesis toda la Ley de Dios. [1].

En el escrito anterior [2], se abordó el punto de vista bíblico, se hicieron algunas interrogantes, en donde la última, está relacionada con la Encíclica Deus Caritas Est, del Papa Benedicto XVI. [3].

Siguiendo la tónica del escrito anterior, en este escrito se profundizará más, tomando en cuenta, la valiosa opinión de Fr. Federico Hernández Castillo (OFM) al escrito Escucha Israel, y la Conferencia impartida con Fr. Daniel Martínez Martínez (OFM) en el 2006, se consideran las siguientes dos interrogantes: 1. ¿Quién es el próximo para un judío en tiempos de Jesús?, y 2. ¿Quién es el prójimo para Jesús? [4].

Preguntas y Respuestas

1. ¿Quién es el prójimo para un judío en tiempos de Jesús?

Respuesta: Para un judío en tiempos de Jesús, el próximo, eran los mismos judíos, el prójimo eran sus compatriotas, pero no los gentiles.

2. ¿Quién es el prójimo para Jesús?

Respuesta: El prójimo para Jesús, son todos los hombres y mujeres, sin distinción de raza, credo, nacionalidad, lo que implica un Concepto de Universalidad acerca del prójimo.

¿Cómo se fundamentan las anteriores respuestas?


El fundamento Bíblico de los dos grandes mandamientos que en esencia es uno solo, las encontramos en el Evangelio (Cf. Mc 12, 28-31; Mt 22, 34-40; Lc 10, 25-28), y la prueba más grande de amar a Jesucristo, Él mismo se los dijo a sus Apóstoles: “Si mi amáis, observareis mis mandamientos” (Cf. Jn 14, 15), y San Juan mismo, nos dice en qué consiste amar a Dios: en guardar sus mandamientos (Cf. 1 Jn 5,3).

Profundicemos aún más, considerando la primera Encíclica del Papa Benedicto XVI, quien nos Enseña (Exégesis) e Interpreta (Hermenéutica), en relación a las dos interrogantes del presente escrito.

Jesucristo es el amor de Dios encarnado, y el Papa, haciendo alusión a San Pablo (Cf. 1 Co 10, 17), nos dice: La unión con Cristo es al mismo tiempo unión con todos los demás a los que él se entrega. No puedo tener a Cristo sólo para mí; únicamente puedo pertenecerle en unión con todos los que son suyos o lo serán. La comunión me hace salir de mí mismo para ir hacia Él, y por tanto, también hacia la unidad con todos los cristianos. Nos hacemos « un cuerpo », aunados en una única existencia. Ahora, el amor a Dios y al prójimo están realmente unidos: el Dios encarnado nos atrae a todos hacia sí. Se entiende, pues, que el ágape se haya convertido también en un nombre de la Eucaristía: en ella el agapé de Dios nos llega corporalmente para seguir actuando en nosotros y por nosotros. Sólo a partir de este fundamento cristológico-sacramental se puede entender correctamente la enseñanza de Jesús sobre el amor. El paso desde la Ley y los Profetas al doble mandamiento del amor de Dios y del prójimo, el hacer derivar de este precepto toda la existencia de fe, no es simplemente moral, que podría darse autónomamente, paralelamente a la fe en Cristo y a su actualización en el Sacramento: fe, culto y ethos se compenetran recíprocamente como una sola realidad, que se configura en el encuentro con el agapé de Dios. Así, la contraposición usual entre culto y ética simplemente desaparece. [5].

Y de las grandes parábolas de Jesús el Santo Papa, al hacer alusión a la Parábola del Buen Samaritano (Cf. Lc 10, 25-37), nos dice que nos lleva sobre todo a dos aclaraciones importantes. Mientras el concepto de « prójimo » hasta entonces se refería esencialmente a los conciudadanos y a los extranjeros que se establecían en la tierra de Israel, y por tanto a la comunidad compacta de un país o de un pueblo, ahora este límite desaparece. Mi prójimo es cualquiera que tenga necesidad de mí y que yo pueda ayudar. Se universaliza el concepto de prójimo, pero permaneciendo concreto. Aunque se extienda a todos los hombres, el amor al prójimo no se reduce a una actitud genérica y abstracta, poco exigente en sí misma, sino que requiere mi compromiso práctico aquí y ahora. La Iglesia tiene siempre el deber de interpretar cada vez esta relación entre lejanía y proximidad, con vistas a la vida práctica de sus miembros. [6].

Escucha Israel, Jesús comprendió a la perfección la Ley enseñada en la Sagrada Escritura, pues al Ser uno con el Padre es el único que conoce al Padre que se indica en el Libro del Deuteronomio (Cf. Dt 6, 5).
En un mundo actual, lleno de violencia, la Cuaresma nos ofrece tiempos de cambios de actitud, ante Dios y la vida, ante el medio ambiente, los desastres naturales, en las que oportunamente el Papa Benedicto XVI, ha dado grandes mensajes de Esperanza y Amor por la humanidad, es bueno rezar y meditar, por ejemplo del Salmo 85 (84), 11: “Amor y Lealtad se han dado cita, Justicia y Paz se abrazan” [7].




[1] Cf. Dios es Amor en Jn 1 Jn 4, 8; y el Salmo 85 (84).

[2] Cf. Escucha Israel, en:

[3] Cf. Nota [4] del escrito indicado en Nota [2].

[4] Cf. Los siguientes documentos:
Carta al Editor de Tópicos, de Fr. Federico Hernández Carrillo (OFM), actual Párroco de Santa María Goretti en Saltillo Coahuila; y Fr. Daniel Martínez Martínez (OFM), actualmente en Our Lady Guadalupe Church, en Monte California:
Cf. Los Cuadros del 1 al 4 en relación a Encíclicas; en:
http://topicosculturales.blogspot.com/; y ver comentario de Angel R. Cepeda Dovala del 05/08/2006, publicado por aciprensa:
http://www.aciprensa.com/noticia.php?n=13595, en relación a la noticia: Sacerdotes y laicos profundizarán en Cuzco sobre primera encíclica de Benedicto XVI.
Cepeda Dovala, Angel R. 2007. Reseña de Libro: Carta Encíclica Deus Caritas Est del Papa Benedicto XVI.

[5] Cf. Deus Caritas Est No 14, en:

[6] Cf. Deus Caritas Est No 15, en web ídem [5]

[7] Cf. La Santa Sede en: http://www.vatican.va/phome_sp.htm; y Zenit, la agencia de noticias religiosas en español ubicada en Roma, en:

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

Escucha Israel, Por Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

Escucha Israel


Angel R. Cepeda Dovala

Con estas dos palabras: “Escucha Israel”, el presente escrito retoma las palabras de Jesús mencionadas en el evangelio según San Marcos, cuando un escriba se le acerco a él, y le pregunta a Cristo, “¿Cuál es el primero de todos los mandamientos?”, interrogante a la que Jesús respondió: “El primero es Escucha, Israel: El Señor, es nuestro Dios, es el único Señor; amaras al Señor, nuestro Dios, con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con toda tu mente y con todas tus fuerzas. El segundo es éste: Amarás a tu próximo como a ti mismo. No hay ningún mandamiento mayor que éstos”. [1].

¿Qué misterio existe en las preciosas palabras de Jesús?

El misterio teológico de la paternidad y hermandad, que tienen como fundamento el Amor de Dios, el Amor del Hijo de Dios a su Padre, y el Amor Fraterno, si Ud. lee, el texto completo del evangelio de Marcos en el capítulo 12, se dará cuenta de la benevolencia de Jesús al decir, que no está lejos el Reino de Dios. (Cf. Mc 12, 28-34), pues nosotros amamos, porque Él nos amo primero. (Cf. (Jn 4, 19), y Jesús nos dijo: si me amas guardarás mis mandamientos (Cf. Jn 14, 15). [2].

Intentemos profundizar y aprender recurriendo al Diálogo.

¿Está claro el mensaje de Jesús? Dos mandamientos Amar a Dios y Amar a tu próximo como a ti mismo. ¿Qué valores nos enseña está parte del evangelio según San Marcos? Nos enseña el Amor a lo Sobrenatural: el Amor a Dios, y el Amor Natural, que es la Caridad Fraternal que debemos practicar, pues ya decía San Pablo, el que ama a su próximo, ha cumplido la ley (Cf. Rom 13,8).

Pero, detengámonos en la primera palabra pronunciada por los labios, de la boca de Jesús: ESCUCHA, y pregúntese Ud. Mismo: ¿Sé ESCUCHAR?; por ejemplo, hoy es el IV Domingo de Cuaresma, ¿Fue Ud. a Escuchar la Palabra de Dios en la Misa Dominical, para practicar el Primer Mandamiento de Amar a Dios sobre todas las cosas, y amar a mi próximo como así mismo? Si asistió posiblemente recuerde las Lecturas Litúrgicas y el Salmo Responsorial. ¿Escuchamos con atención a Jesús en el Evangelio sobre la Parábola del Hijo Prodigo? [3].

Otras interrogantes

¿Se AMAR?, ¿Qué otros VALORES ve Ud.?; ¿Qué significado tiene para mí los 10 Mandamientos?; ¿Cuáles son los dos mandamientos más importantes que nos dio Jesús?, ¿Por qué?; ¿Conozco lo que mencionan los otros evangelios de San Juan, San Mateo, y San Lucas al respecto?, del Evangelio del NT; ¿Cómo visualizo el Profeta Jeremías en el AT, sobre ESCUCHAR LA VOZ DEL SEÑOR? [4]. ¿Cuál es la Primera Encíclica del Papa Benedicto XVI? [5].

Paz y Bien



[1] Cf. Escucha Israel, las dos palabras iniciales con que Jesús, en el evangelio de Marcos, nos da dos Mandamientos nuevos, pero el evangelio de Lucas, no lo presenta de forma distinta, pues nos indica que el escriba o legista trato de tentar a Jesús, y ÉL le pregunta al escriba: ¿Qué está escrito en la Ley?, ¿Qué lees?, y el escriba responde en un solo bloque de palabras los dos mandamientos, y le dijo Jesús al escriba que había respondido bien, que hiciera eso y vivirás, (Cf. Lc 10, 25).

[2] Cf. El precepto ético-moral de la virtud teologal del Amor a Dios, en el AT, podemos citar para reflexionar: Dt 4, 1, 1.5-9; y Dt 10, 12. En el NT: Amar a Dios por encima de todo: Mt 10, 37; Lc 10, 27; Rom 8, 38; y, Mt 10,37. En el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica ver: 16, 26, 199, 397.

[3] Cf. Primera Lectura: Josué 5, 9a. 10-12. Salmo Responsorial 33: Haz la prueba y veras qué bueno es el Señor. Segunda Lectura: II Corintios 5, 17-21. Evangelio: Lucas 15, 1-3. 11-32 (IV Domingo de Cuaresma, del Ciclo C).

[4] Cf. Jn 14,15; Mt 22,36; Lc 10,26; Jr 7, 23-28.

sábado, 13 de marzo de 2010

How Satan Works, By Roger Behra


How Satan Works


Roger Behra

In February, 2010, the trial of one of California’s most cruel serial killers ended. The killer’s name is Rodney Alcala. Over a span of several years during the middle and late 1970’s Rodney cruelly sexually assaulted and murdered 5 females. One was a 12 year-old girl. The murders were particularly gruesome and sexually deviant. The great amount of evidence against Rodney indicated that he was greatly obsessed with young girls and young adult women. The evidence also seemed to indicate that he was an absolute instrument of Satan and possibly possessed by an evil entity. The evidence indicates he was a prized pupil of Satan.

The trial that recently ended included the 5 females that he murdered 30 years ago, but it focused on the murder of the 12 year-old girl. His two previous convictions were overturned while he was serving his sentence in prison. Meanwhile, DNA evidence implicated him in the murders of four other young adult women. So, all five murders were included in the recent trial. That saved time and expense.

What else made the trial also unusual was the torture and very gruesome aftermath of the rape that was seen on the video screen. All 5 murders indicated that the women were tortured and gruesomely treated. DNA evidence was found in all the murders. And what really jolted the jurors were the facts that after Rodney satisfied his depraved sexual appetite, he posed the bodies in various sexually obscene positions. These were not just rapes and then a quick exit.

Anyone who has read Malachai Martin’s book, Hostage to the Devil, can quickly realize the influence of Satan in these murders. The stamp of Satan is seen all throughout the murders. Satan has utter contempt for human lovemaking. That has come out during exorcisms. Father Martin told in detail what Satan thinks and utters concerning women and the act of physical love. Satan thinks and utters concerning women and the act of physical love. Satan is full of pure evil, and that is what Rodney’s five murders were, full of pure evil and perversion, full of gruesome torture beyond belief.

Rodney’s known evil behaviour started during his very early twenties in 1968 when the American culture drastically changed to the counterculture movement. That is when Rodney started his prized pupil apprenticeship under his master, Satan. Rodney was a very dedicated and productive satanic pupil. And on 3-1-10 Rodney received his just reward when jury found him guilty of all 5 murders with special circumstances. That is Satan’s, his master. The guilty verdict is a most fitting reward, indeed, for Satan’s work well done. And the jury will cap the just reward soon when they sentence him to death by injection.

R. B.

The Unthinkable Is Developing, By Roger Behra


The Unthinkable Is Developing


Roger Behra

With all the major unsolvable problems going on in the Middle East, there is one that is unthinkable. Many of the world’s leaders are very concerned, and millions of people are very worried for very good reasons. And that concerned worry is a nuclear Iran is rapidly becoming a reality, and that is going to be a global game changer to say the least.

Iran keeps telling the world their urgent around-the-clock activity to enrich uranium is for peaceful purposes, but she has turned down quick offers from other countries to have just what they need already enriched. That decision by Iran tells everyone that her real intentions are not for peaceful purposes. All the Western intelligence surveys agree that Iran is racing activities toward developing nuclear weapons.

The big question, therefore, concerning Iran is this. What should Western allies do to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons? It is obvious sanctions are not the answer. So far sanctions have not been working, and that is the only peaceful method. Unless Iran stops enriching uranium soon, the alternative to stop them is not a peaceful one, especially in the light of what Iran’s leader has said about Israel and the United States. If Ahmadinejad could, he would wipe Israel and the United States off the map. Those are not peaceful intentions.

In early 2009 it was reported that Israel had a training mission that included one-thousand airplanes. It was a necessary military training mission, because Israel has the most to loose if Iran develops nuclear weapons. Israel’s airplane demonstrated they could reach Iran. In early 2010 Israel unveiled to the world that they have a fleet of large remote-controlled airplanes, 75 total, that can reach Iran, also.

Israel’s airplane development seems to be keeping up with Iran’s enrichment program, and if necessary, at the right moment Israel will make a very crucial decision that will change events in the Middle East. Israel said she will not sit back and let Iran develop nuclear weapons and she will go it alone against Iran. Israel also said she has not ruled out military action against Iran. And since Israel has an outstanding intelligence system, she will know when the right moment is at hand and just what it will take to remedy the situation. One thing is very certain with Israel. Iran cannot become a nuclear power. That is her bottom line, and that is going to lead to the unthinkable happening, and Iran is asking for it to happen sooner rather than later.
R. B.

For Non-Believers, By Roger Behra


For Non-Believers


Roger Behra

Recently in a major California daily newspaper there were the results of current concerning atheist and agnostics. The research revealed that the percentage of atheists and agnosticism noticeably increased. It seems that ignorance has also increased noticeably. If the atheist and agnostics would really do some serious investigation, trips to the library, and quality reading, they would certainly and gladly change their minds if they kept and open mind.

In the present age with so many near-death experiences, research, and books on eternal life it should be nearly impossible to be atheist or agnostic. Libraries are full of books about an afterlife. First person interviews offer great knowledge about an afterlife, which is a most interesting subject, because everyone is headed to one sooner or later.

Once there was an atheist. He had a near-death experience which lasted for 25 minutes. When he was resuscitated, he had a very interesting story to tell. His life was transformed. He absolutely did not believe in atheism any longer, and he became a Methodister so that he could bring fellow human beings closer to God.

The greatest book about God and an afterlife is the Bible. It is inspirational to read it. There are books by Raymond Moody, Jr., M.D., Dr. Melvin Morse, and Dr. Elizabeth Kubler; Ross, Paul and Judy Guggenheim, and many others on afterlife. All the interviews and research on near-death experiences, and the afterlife cannot be false or faulty. And the first person interviews are very, very similar in content.

The most convincing evidence comes from the first person interviews. They tell stories about near-death experiences, deathbed visions with deceased loved ones, the 12 different kinds of after death communications, and about guardian angles.

Several people down through history and up to the present day had/have the stigmata, which mean they have the same five crucifixion wounds of Jesus in the places on their bodies as Jesus did. That is most remarkable and convincing!

A very convincing deathbed vision concerns two young sisters. Both were sick in the hospital and in different rooms. Both were not expected to live much longer. When one sister died, the mother did not tell the other sister. As the living sister began to die, the spirit of her dead sister appeared to her. The deceased sister was radiant, well, and happy and told her living sister not to worry, because they would soon be together again. Three hours later the living sister died.

Near-death experiences of children are real, very similar in content, and not exaggerated or embellished. The children loose their fear fo dying and go on to lead wholesome and productive lives. And for adults it is a transformation experience the rest of their lives. Atheists who have had an NDE completely change their thinking and lives also.

There are also after death communications. There are 12 kinds of them. An ADE can happen at any time to a living loved one, and they are very comforting.

The advice to all atheist and agnostics is to do some serious reading and research. They will be pleasantly surprised and might change their thinking. Many have already done so, and they have also changed their type of eternity, with God.

R. B.

viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010

Where God Became Unimportant, By Roger Behra


Where God Became Unimportant


Roger Behra

The most culturally damaging result of the counterculture movement in America has been the steady and ever increasing lack of respect and attention given to the importance of God in daily living, and that has affected so many areas of American culture.

One of the most crucial areas of American culture affected is the American public school system. When a Supreme Court ruling came down forbidding any mention of God or the Bible in schools, God was removed from the Pledge of Allegiance since that time. That decision, greatly affected the school environment, which has become a discipline nightmare and to a large degree very dysfunctional. The court decision and administrative decisions along with deteriorated family life has done great damage to a well run and productive public school system in America.

Along with God becoming unimportant, public schools have contributed to their own problems and dysfunctional environment. Public schools definitely need a dress code. They should take a lesson from private and religious schools. They do not have the problems of the public schools. In the public schools it seems most anything goes in regards to dress. Just watch the students walking home after school Girl students dress immodestly with their super tight jeans and excessive breast cleavage. Is there any wonder there is teacher-student sexual activity? A guy with hair as long as girls is very out of place. Individual discipline is a joke even with security guards present. In the classroom discipline is poor and leads to poor teaching and knowledge gain. Classrooms are overcrowded, and teachers are burdened with extra duties that plaining time.

Sex- education has turned out to be a bad decision. Research has definitely revealed that schools that teach sex-education have a much higher teen pregnancy. That is no surprise. Sex-education stimulates the desire to have sex when hormones a beginning to rage. It may also stimulate teacher-student sex activity that is increasingly in the news.

A great contributing factor is the fact that family life has deteriorated and is full of irreligious living in 60% of America´s home. That carries over very much into the public school culture. When the students daily at home and then daily in the schools are not, or cannot, be reminded that they are responsible to God for all their behaviour and personal achievement, it becomes great losing situation at home and in the schools. Since God became obsolete in the schools and irreligious living has taken over in the homes, it is not a coincidence that great problems have developed in the American Culture, at home, and in America’s school systems. Parents and public school administrators need to take a lesson from religious and private schools. The writing is on the wall for all to see.

R. B.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

The Forsaken Ones, By Roger Behra


The Forsaken Ones


Roger Behra

In our modern world of today so many people live their lives in such a manner that they are forsaken by God. And very sadly to say, they die and go to their eternity forsaken.Are you one of the forsaken?

The world forsaken means to desert, to leave forever, to give up completely. To be forsaken by God means to be existing from day to day without God’s very much needed graces, guidance, helps, and protections, which leads to a very troublesome and empty existence, as well as a very uncertain eternity later on.

To be no longer away from God requires a major change in the mode of daily living away from the irreligious living that has taken over in the world of today. New research reveals that 60% Americans do not practice religious living. It is going to take a serious change of mind and daily activities, because we are surrounded by so much great evil, so much great evil, so many irreligious people. So many, young and older, simply make up their own rules for daily living and become God forsaken, and that inspires others to do the same , which leads to many tragic lives.

Members of the forsaken club are those who let evil become a daily way of life. . It takes over. Their lives revolve around crime, sex, the pursuit of money, greed, pornography, adultery, infidelity, alcohol, chemical addiction, and homosexual behavior to name a few reasons.

A classic example of a forsaken one is Tiger Woods. His mode of living once included several of the above mentioned reasons. His mode of life was abominable. He ruined his marriage and maybe his golf career. He was forsaken by God and his wife. Tiger realizes he has to change his mode of life for good and soon. There are many other examples that could be mentioned here: Charles Manson, Wayne Gacey, Night Stalker, Rodney Alcala, Phillip Garrido are a few.

It is very easy to become a candidate to be a forsaken by God when there is no genuine daily religious living in people’s lives. It can happen abruptly or gradually over a period of time, and when the forsaken behavior lasts a long time and even increases and multiplies, demonic activity enters and can lead to demonic possession, which requires an exorcism. Everyone needs God’s grace, help, and protection each and every day to avoid becoming forsaken by God. The often repeated saying is so true, “There, but for the grace of God go I.”

R. B.

Time To Reflect, By Roger Behra


Time To Reflect


Roger Behra

Just like clockwork, six and one-half weeks before Easter Sunday, the Lenten time period for serious Christians arrives. It is a special time full of obligations and rituals. It is also a time por penance and forgiveness for human failures and transgressions. It is also a time for some serious reflection.

As we reflect on how to be a better Christian, the Lenten time is great time to reflect on the greatest act of human love ever committed by man. Without that greatest act of love there would be no hope and no salvation.

The greatest act of love described here is the passion and death on the cross by our Lord and Savior, Jesus. There is a saying some people use, “thank God for God.” Only God could create billions of stars, the planets, the earth, and the man to enjoy his creation only to find out later how evil and thankless man would become that would necessitate His passion and crucifixion in order to gain salvation in eternity.

For those millions who are not aware, the beginning of the greatest act of love started with the Last Supper. All twelve apostles were present, when Jesus changed bread and wine into His body and blood. That left us with a lasting remembrance that is celebrated at every Catholic Mass during consecration.

From the Last Supper Jesus and His apostles went to the garden of Gethsemani where Jesus experienced His very awful agony and three times begged His heavenly Father to spare Him from the crucifixion. In the garden Jesus envisioned all evil and sinfulness committed down through the ages to the end of the world. He realized His passion and death on the cross had to be done. As a result His agony was so intense that He sweated blood. Jesus realized the wishes of His heavenly Father had to be completed and that it would include unbelievably barbaric and painful treatment.

When Jesus left the garden he was betrayed by Judas. That eventually led to the scouring at the pillar that was so inhuman and included special whips that inflicted unbelievable pain and suffering.

After the flogging Jesus was crowned with a crown of thorns that was designed to be especially painful, and then he was dressed as a mocked king paraded before multitude. All of this was added to the already very painful situation. Wounds to the body of Jesus totaled 1000.

The great pain and suffering did not end with the scourging and crowning with thorns. As Jesus was forced to leave for Calvary, a very heavy cross had to be carried, and that caused a very severe shoulder wound in addition to all the existing pain and suffering.

Jesus, who God made man, suffered as a human would under the same circumstance,. He could have refused. Instead, he said, yes, and insured our salvation. We cannot be thankful enough. We should contemplate the greatest act of love very, very often.

R. B.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

The Appearance of Conflict, By Roger Behra


The Appearance of Conflict


Roger Behra

Millions of voters in California who voted for Proposition 8 are waiting for the outcome of the court trial in the liberal bastion of San Francisco, California, that could possibly overturn their votes. Proposition 8 limits marriage to man and woman. The voters are worried because the trial is taking place at a city where liberal decisions are commonplace. Also, a very troublesome turn of events has taken place aside from the liberal location and a liberal court.

The trail has been in progress since 2-1-10. It is in recess since 2-10-10. On 2-12-10 some startling news was revealed. U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker, who is presiding over a trail concerning gays, is himself gay. A gay judge is going render a court decision concerning gays. Now, the millions of Proposition 8 supporters have that to worry about along with the liberal court and liberal San Francisco. That is an unbelievable situation.

The Proposition 8 trail is more than an ordinary trail. It is landmark case, and the voters and supporters of Proposition 8 are justified in asking how can a gay judge make a honest and impartial decision concerning gays?

Judge Walker could have and should have recused himself. That would have been the prudent and sensible thing to do. The fact that he did not leaves the very thought that a favorable decision for gays will reek of sympathy for fellow gays. If Walker overturns Proposition 8 it will look like the fix was in form the very start.

Judge Walker already made one bad decision. He ordered Proposition 8 campaign strategists to turn over their internal memos to those seeking to overturn the proposition. However and fortunately, a three-judge federal panel UNANIMOUSLY tossed out Walker’s order because it would have a “chilling effect” on political expression.

Walker did not have a legal obligation to recuse himself. It would have been much better if he did and let another judge decide the Proposition 8 case. Normally, it would be a great surprise that he did not. But in the counterculture cultural climate the permeates America now nothing should be a surprise-legal or illegal. However, the appearance of conflict is very great.

R. B.

It Doesn’t Need Fixing, By Roger Behra


It Doesn’t Need Fixing


Roger Behra

America is going to be very regretful that they elected Barack Obama as their president to lead their country. Already, after one year in office his approval rating is at an all-time low for a first-year president. He simply is not qualified to be America’s president.

His main goal so far seems to be to change established rules, laws, and procedures that work well in order to make the last president, George W. Bush seem unimportant. He never misses an opportunity to blame Bush for his own inexperience and bad decisions. Obama simply has to man-up and make better decisions and take responsibility for his own failures as America’s president.

Now, February, 2010, Obama and his supper liberal and meddlesome Congress want to change a military police that has been in effect and working well for 17 years in America’s military. The police is the “don’t ask, don’t tell” sound military policy concerning gays serving their country on active duty and in the reserves. They can serve openly if the law is changed. Currently, they cannot be openly gay and serve.

The “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy is never intended for bar gays from serving, and it does not. It only prohibits overt displays of homosexuality through word or action. Nobody in the military is allowed to or supposed to talk about gays or gay behavior.

Obama and his congress are strongly in favor of changing the police just to keep a campaign promise or cater to political correctness. If the policy is changed to allow gays to openly serve in the military, it will definitely cause noticeable morale problems and harm to openly gay members during off duty and off base free time. That does not happen under the present policy. Potential career active members would leave the service early. And it could adversely effect future enlistments.

Common sense seems to clearly indicate since the present is working very well, it should be left alone. The “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy isn’t broken, so don’t try to fix it. Leave well enough alone, Mr. Obama.

R. B.

Disguesting Lemming Behavior, By Roger Behra


Disguesting Lemming Behavior


Roger Behra

What is happening now in America culture is not at all surprising. In fact it is par for the course, because adults are famous for their lemming behavior. They copy the mode of behavior of teenagers and young adults. Ehen you look at adults today you see the same dress style and hair style-the sloppy and shapeless casual dress on men, the ugly spiked hair on grown men, the skin tight jeans and half bare breasts on women.

In the past, Seniors pretty much held the line on traditional values and kept their moral compasses pointed in the right moral direction. That is not the case anymore.
Recently, many have changed their behavior and lowered themselves and have begun to copy the behavior of the 12 to 24 age group. That is surprising and a giant step backwards. And the giant step backwards is SEXTING! SENIOR SEXTING!

Sexting is the sharing of sexually explicit photos, videos, and chat on line or cell phone. Seniors are now using these methods to send sexy photos and other messages to their spouses. They regard it as fast, easy, and fun. What they should give is careful attention to is that it is immoral, dangerous, and against pornography laws to use cell phones or on line for such activities, and that sexting can lead to very serious and unexpected outcomes. Sexting is seamy. It simply is not a good idea at any time by any one.

Many in the 12 to 24 age group out the hard way. Their sexting activities ended up in the wrong hands, ended up on the internet, and worldwide for profit. Many were arrested for breaking pornography laws. They got into trouble with family, school officials, and college administration offices where sexting info ended up. It was a very embarrassing and great misadventure for many, indeed. Sexting was easy to do, but the after effects were hard to deal with.

What is very hard to understand is this. Seniors are much closer to entering their eternity than most other people. And what the sexting seniors must realize and no disregard is the fact that, when they enter their eternity, they will have a life review before God and the review will contain their sixting activities and behavior. All the seamy episodes will be there before God and them, and it will not be joyful. At that time seniors will wish they found joy in wholesome and spiritual behavior instead of seamy and sad sexting behavior.

R. B.

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

He is Risen!, Family & Woman, By Angel Cepeda

He is Risen!, Family & Woman


Angel Cepeda

In this short communication to be about of Matthew Gospel: “Do not be afraid, for I know you are looking, for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said”, in the Lent to Easter Way. [1]

But, what does mean “He is risen!” in actual context for the human person? The explanation of this answer at this big question is:

These paragraph: “He is risen!”, showing that there are three words very, very important, three of the most important words spoken in all of human history, why?, because, in context biblical these small words contain the essence of the entire Gospel. And they are the reason we celebrate Easter together, uniting in prayer and prayer for God´s eternal plan of salvation through the Risen Christ, our Lord, Jesus. [2]

Lent is the way of de Easter, and in this day March 7, Third Sunday of Lent, celebrates in Mexico the Family, and the International Day Woman in the March 8. In St. Francis Church of Saltillo Coahuila, Fr. Federico Hernandez Carrillo [3], give us a very interesting explains in the Homily about the Biblical Readings are: First Reading, Éx 3, 1-8a. 13-15; Responsorial, Psalm 102; Second Reading, 1 Co 10, 1-6.10-12; and, Gospel, Lk 13, 1-9. [4]

In Spanish: Sal 102 “El Señor es Compasivo y Misericordioso”, this Psalm 102, is very important to the Family in all of human history.

Alleluia, He is risen!



[1] Cf. Mt 28, 5-6,

[2] Cf. Send letter to Angel Cepeda of Father of Mark Brummel, C.M.F., St. Jude League Director. National Shirene of St. Jude. Claretian Missioneries. March 2010.

[3] Cf. Fr. Federico Hernandez Carrillo (OFM), actual Praish Priest in Santa María Goretti; and Collaborator in Cultural Topics: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.com/

[4] Cf. The Mass was in Spanish, then, look the: Misal Mensual. Texto Oficial del Episcopado Mexicano. Obra Nacional de la Buena Prensa, A.C. Marzo 2010. Año VI, N° 71., p 20-24. Cf. TERCER DOMINGO DE CUARESMA. Marzo 7, 2010; del escrito, Calendario Litúrgico: Cuaresma y Pascua de Resurrección de Cristo Jesús; in: http://topicosculturales.blogspot.com/2010/02/calendario-liturgico-cuaresma-y-pascua.html, Primera Lectura: Éxodo 3, 1-8a. 13-15; Salmo Responsorial: 102; Segunda Lectura: I Corintios 10, 1-6. 10-12; Evangelio: Lucas 13, 1-9.

sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010

Parting Visions Are Real, By Roger Behra


Parting Visions Are Real


Roger Behra

Most everyone as a matter of course never decides to have frequent or lengthy conservations about death or dying. The fear of death is strong. It is a subject to be avoided unless a loved one passes away. But the reality is this. Everyone sooner or later has to become a victim of dying and death. And the more that is know in advance about that final event, the easier that final event will be. The knowledge gained will definitely ease the fear of death.

At the time of dying or death itself, there are several kinds of scientifically unexplainable spiritual things that can and do take place. Most doctors and other caregivers pass those spiritual happenings off as drug-induced, hallucinations, or anxiety attacks. The real truth is they are not, and that truth is now supported by research and recorded facts.

One of the most common events at death and dying is the parting visions of a loved one or friend who has died recently or long ago. Research has shown that these visions are real, comforting, and even shared by visiting loves one at beside. And if the dying person survives, because of the vision the person's life is dramatically changed for the better.

No matter how compelling the research and interviews are there still far too many science trained people ready to ask the question. How do we really know that parting visions are real? They ask even though there are recorded and validated experiences as proof the parting visions are real. Children's visions are very creditable, because the visions are not exaggerated or embellished. The visions of children and adults who are wide awake and not on medicine or drugs are especially creditable. Their thinking is clear and rational. Some patients who are not yet dying or near death, but are expected to die soon, have clear and real visions of deceased loved ones who are waiting to help them make the transition to eternal life. In many cases loves ones at the bedside even share the visions. The bedside loved ones are not on medication and therefore are able to think clearly and rationally. The only true explanation is the visions are real and not hallucinatory.

Dr. Morse told many parting vision and near-death experiences stories in his book. Two of them are worth mentioning here. A young girl patient who was dying and had a sister who was sick had a parting vision of her sister, who had died a few hours earlier. What made that parting visions so dramatic and creditable was the fact that no one told the young girl that her sister died. In the vision the dead sister said the young girl would be joining her soon, and three hours later the young girl died and joined her sister. A man had been a teenage gang member. He was a violent man as an adult. He almost died while he was robbing a convenience store when he was slashed with a broken bottle. The ambulance arrived, and while he was being taken to a hospital he noticed he was leaving his body. As he left his body he burst into flames. There was no tunnel loving light, or guardian angel. Instead he saw the faces of his dead friends who had died on the streets. They were crying because of their pain that they said would last forever. The man was resuscitated, gave up his life of crime, and became an ordained minister.

Read Parting Visions, by Dr. Melvin Morse. You will find it easy to read, very interesting, very enlightening, and very comforting. And perhaps some lives will be changed for the better before the final event takes place in their lives.

R. B.