Alegría -vs- desesperanza, tristeza y melancolía
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En el Sermón de la Montaña, Jesucristo nos exhorta en estar siempre alegres ante las injurias, la persecución y cuando digan con mentira toda clase de mal por su causa porque la recompensa será grande en los cielos [1]. San Pablo en su Carta a los Romanos, menciona que los sufrimientos en este tiempo no se compara con la gloria que nos espera en el cielo [2], también San Pablo en su Carta a los Filipenses insistía estar alegres en el Señor [3], y algunos de los propósitos del Bienaventurado San Francisco de Asís es que deseaba organizar una cruzada, pero sin más armas que la cruz y el Evangelio y el de esforzarse por estar siempre interior y exteriormente alegres [4]. Y ante las pruebas debemos estar rebosantes de alegría como lo decía San Pedro y Santiago [5], y ante la desesperanza, la tristeza y melancolía digamos con San Juan Bosco: ¡tristeza y melancolía fuera de la casa mía! [6]
[1] Cf. Mt 5, 11-12; ver también: Las Bienaventuranzas en latín, inglés y español; y, La Carta Magna de los Cristianos; en:
[2] Cf. Rom 8, 18
[3] Cf. Flp 4, 4
[4] Cf. Juan Joergensen en:
[5] Cf. 1 Pedro 1, 6 y 1,8; Santiago 1,2
[6] Cf. Frase de San Juan Bosco en:
domingo, 31 de enero de 2010
domingo, 24 de enero de 2010
Jesús, los Doce Apóstoles, y ¿Quo Vadis Petrus?
Jesús, los Doce Apóstoles, y ¿Quo Vadis Petrus?
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En el evangelio de Marcos nos proporciona una pista muy interesante del accionar de Jesús en el Israel Bíblico, y con su llamado se logró establecer la Institución de los Doce Apóstoles con la misión de que lo ayudaran y los envía a proclamar y predicar la Buena Nueva del Reino de Dios y expulsar los demonios. Según Marcos, los Doce Apóstoles llamados por Jesús, fueron en el siguiente orden: Simón hijo de Jonás al que le dio por nombre Pedro; luego llamó a los hermanos Santiago y Juan, hijos de Zebedeo, a los cuales les dio el nombre de Boanerges o sea “Hijos del Trueno”; Andrés, Felipe, Bartolomé, Mateo, Tomas, Santiago el de Alfeo, Tadeo, Simón el Cananeo, y Judas Iscariote, quién entregó y traicionó a Cristo Jesús. [1]
Posteriormente en la Iglesia de Jerusalén, Pedro interviene y preside en la elección para sustituir y reemplazar a Judas Iscariote, y nombrar a un nuevo ministro del apostolado y es elegido Matías para continuar con el número de los Doce Apóstoles indicado por Jesús. [2]
El símbolo del número 12 es un número sagrado que representa a las 12 tribus de Israel, que multiplicados estos números (12 x 12) proporcionan el valor de 144 y que multiplicarlo por 1000 da los 144 000 que representa a todas las tribus de los hijos de Israel, al Resto Fiel: Anawim o sea los miles de fieles de Cristo Jesús a quien Juan menciona en su libro del Apocalipsis como al Cordero (Cristo), que está en medio del trono de la Jerusalén celestial y mesiánica [3]; pero también existe una concordancia con los doce tronos para juzgar a las doce tribus de Israel, como lo menciona el evangelio de Mateo. [4]
Es importante destacar que Simón Pedro, fue el primer Apóstol llamado por Jesús, además del Evangelio de Marcos, esta también mencionado en primer lugar en los evangelios de Mateo [5] y Lucas [6], y en el libro de Hechos de los Apóstoles, también de Lucas [7], pero también en el evangelio de Juan menciona que Andrés le avisa a su hermano Simón qué han encontrado a Cristo, y al llevarlo Jesús le fija su mirada y le dijo: “Tú eres Simón, el hijo de Juan; tú te llamaras Cefas” que quiere decir “Piedra=Pedro” [8]. Además Pedro fue el primero en predicar el día de Pentecostés [9] y presidir el Concilio de Jerusalén [10], en acompañar al apóstol Juan para verificar la resurrección de Cristo [11], y participar en la curación milagrosa de un tullido. [12]
Por algo en una ocasión que Jesús preguntó a los Apóstoles: “Y ustedes, ¿quién dicen que soy yo?” Simón Pedro contestó: “Tú eres el Mesías, el Hijo de Dios vivo”. Jesús le respondió: “Bienaventurado eres Simón, hijo de Jonás", porque no te lo ha revelado eso la carne y la sangre, sino mi Padre que está en los cielos. Y yo a mi vez te digo que tú eres Pedro, y sobre esta piedra edificare mi Iglesia, y las puertas del Hades no prevalecerán contra ella. A ti te daré las llaves del Reino de los Cielos; y lo que ates en la tierra quedará atado en los cielos, y lo que desates en la tierra quedará desatado en los cielos. [13]
Se acercan tiempos fuertes en el Año Litúrgico, está cerca la Cuaresma de 2010; en tiempos históricos, de la persecución realizada por Nerón a los cristianos en Roma, San Pedro trata de huir de la ciudad, escucho la voz del cielo, era la voz de Jesucristo que le pregunta ¿Quo Vadis Petrus? (¿A dónde vas Pedro?), y el hombre valiente, sencillo, y humilde, quien fue un pescador al que Jesús le fijo su mirada, se regresó a Roma para permanecer ahí hasta que fue martirizado, y casi a 2000 años seguimos estudiando y reflexionado sobre la Vida Ejemplar de San Pedro, y nos colocamos sobre su cayado que actualmente lo lleva el Santo Papa Benedicto XVI. “Paz a todos los que están con Cristo” (1Pe 5, 16)”, “Gracia y Paz abundantes por el conocimiento de nuestro Señor” (2 Pe 1,2). [14]
[1] Cf. Mc 3, 13-19
[2] Ver libro de Hechos de los Apóstoles de Lucas (Hech 1, 12-26).
[3] Cf. Ap 7, 1-17 y Ap 21, 9-26
[4] Cf. Mt 19, 29
[5] Ver Mt 10, 1-5
[6] Ver Lc 6, 12-16
[7] Ver Hech 1, 12-14
[8] Ver Jn 1, 40-42
[9] Ver capítulo 2 del libro Hecho de los Apóstoles de Lucas.
[10] Ver capítulo 15 del libro Hecho de los Apóstoles de Lucas.
[11] Cf. Jn 20, 1-10
[12] Cf. Hech 3, 1-10
[13] Cf. Mt 16, 13-19
[14] Meditar los dos libros del Apóstol Pedro.
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En el evangelio de Marcos nos proporciona una pista muy interesante del accionar de Jesús en el Israel Bíblico, y con su llamado se logró establecer la Institución de los Doce Apóstoles con la misión de que lo ayudaran y los envía a proclamar y predicar la Buena Nueva del Reino de Dios y expulsar los demonios. Según Marcos, los Doce Apóstoles llamados por Jesús, fueron en el siguiente orden: Simón hijo de Jonás al que le dio por nombre Pedro; luego llamó a los hermanos Santiago y Juan, hijos de Zebedeo, a los cuales les dio el nombre de Boanerges o sea “Hijos del Trueno”; Andrés, Felipe, Bartolomé, Mateo, Tomas, Santiago el de Alfeo, Tadeo, Simón el Cananeo, y Judas Iscariote, quién entregó y traicionó a Cristo Jesús. [1]
Posteriormente en la Iglesia de Jerusalén, Pedro interviene y preside en la elección para sustituir y reemplazar a Judas Iscariote, y nombrar a un nuevo ministro del apostolado y es elegido Matías para continuar con el número de los Doce Apóstoles indicado por Jesús. [2]
El símbolo del número 12 es un número sagrado que representa a las 12 tribus de Israel, que multiplicados estos números (12 x 12) proporcionan el valor de 144 y que multiplicarlo por 1000 da los 144 000 que representa a todas las tribus de los hijos de Israel, al Resto Fiel: Anawim o sea los miles de fieles de Cristo Jesús a quien Juan menciona en su libro del Apocalipsis como al Cordero (Cristo), que está en medio del trono de la Jerusalén celestial y mesiánica [3]; pero también existe una concordancia con los doce tronos para juzgar a las doce tribus de Israel, como lo menciona el evangelio de Mateo. [4]
Es importante destacar que Simón Pedro, fue el primer Apóstol llamado por Jesús, además del Evangelio de Marcos, esta también mencionado en primer lugar en los evangelios de Mateo [5] y Lucas [6], y en el libro de Hechos de los Apóstoles, también de Lucas [7], pero también en el evangelio de Juan menciona que Andrés le avisa a su hermano Simón qué han encontrado a Cristo, y al llevarlo Jesús le fija su mirada y le dijo: “Tú eres Simón, el hijo de Juan; tú te llamaras Cefas” que quiere decir “Piedra=Pedro” [8]. Además Pedro fue el primero en predicar el día de Pentecostés [9] y presidir el Concilio de Jerusalén [10], en acompañar al apóstol Juan para verificar la resurrección de Cristo [11], y participar en la curación milagrosa de un tullido. [12]
Por algo en una ocasión que Jesús preguntó a los Apóstoles: “Y ustedes, ¿quién dicen que soy yo?” Simón Pedro contestó: “Tú eres el Mesías, el Hijo de Dios vivo”. Jesús le respondió: “Bienaventurado eres Simón, hijo de Jonás", porque no te lo ha revelado eso la carne y la sangre, sino mi Padre que está en los cielos. Y yo a mi vez te digo que tú eres Pedro, y sobre esta piedra edificare mi Iglesia, y las puertas del Hades no prevalecerán contra ella. A ti te daré las llaves del Reino de los Cielos; y lo que ates en la tierra quedará atado en los cielos, y lo que desates en la tierra quedará desatado en los cielos. [13]
Se acercan tiempos fuertes en el Año Litúrgico, está cerca la Cuaresma de 2010; en tiempos históricos, de la persecución realizada por Nerón a los cristianos en Roma, San Pedro trata de huir de la ciudad, escucho la voz del cielo, era la voz de Jesucristo que le pregunta ¿Quo Vadis Petrus? (¿A dónde vas Pedro?), y el hombre valiente, sencillo, y humilde, quien fue un pescador al que Jesús le fijo su mirada, se regresó a Roma para permanecer ahí hasta que fue martirizado, y casi a 2000 años seguimos estudiando y reflexionado sobre la Vida Ejemplar de San Pedro, y nos colocamos sobre su cayado que actualmente lo lleva el Santo Papa Benedicto XVI. “Paz a todos los que están con Cristo” (1Pe 5, 16)”, “Gracia y Paz abundantes por el conocimiento de nuestro Señor” (2 Pe 1,2). [14]
[1] Cf. Mc 3, 13-19
[2] Ver libro de Hechos de los Apóstoles de Lucas (Hech 1, 12-26).
[3] Cf. Ap 7, 1-17 y Ap 21, 9-26
[4] Cf. Mt 19, 29
[5] Ver Mt 10, 1-5
[6] Ver Lc 6, 12-16
[7] Ver Hech 1, 12-14
[8] Ver Jn 1, 40-42
[9] Ver capítulo 2 del libro Hecho de los Apóstoles de Lucas.
[10] Ver capítulo 15 del libro Hecho de los Apóstoles de Lucas.
[11] Cf. Jn 20, 1-10
[12] Cf. Hech 3, 1-10
[13] Cf. Mt 16, 13-19
[14] Meditar los dos libros del Apóstol Pedro.
martes, 5 de enero de 2010
John Lennon-December 8, 1980, By Roger Behra
John Lennon-December 8, 1980
Roger Behra
John Lennon, the famous and deceased Beatle, whose private life and song lyrics leave so much to be desired was unexpectedly shot and killed by Mark David Champman, a deranged fan on December 8, 1980 in New York City. The most likely cause of that murder was things he said to the media and in public. When he uttered the words, “the Beatles are more popular than Jesus Christ”, those words incensed a large group of people and inspired a huge backlash and death threats against him personally. It is too bad and threats cost him his young life.
Along with the famous 8 words, he left so much to be desired in the rest of his personal life. He got involve in the occult, and it was strongly believed he became possessed by evil entity because of that involvement. It one book that was written about him he said, “I know I sold my soul to Satan”. When it was revealed that at séance where the participants asked to receive a message from the other world and dead spirits to prove there was eternal life after earthly life, a cold and very uncomfortable voice said, “Hello, I Lucifer”. It is strongly indicated that at an early age Lennon sold his soul to Satan in exchange for fame and fortune in the music world. At a very young age he was greatly disturbed at his mother´s violent death and that he was brought up by a very strict stepmother.
For some reason he turned very strongly against the Catholic Church. A really demoniacally possessed person would do just that. It was clear indicator. He included blasphemous lyrics in some of his song´s. He pelted nuns with water filled rubber items used for the sex act. The devil was mentioned in his songs. Lennon also came from Liverpool, England, which is a place rife with satanic activity. Anyone can easily connect the dots.
All people who have their moral compass pointed in the right direction and working well and are true to it do not idolize John Lennon and his music. John Lennon is not at all worthy of any admiration. Those who idolize him tell much about themselves and that they are of like mind and thinking, which is very much, counter to what is correct and acceptable. The world would have been better without his fame and music. It has been since 12-8-80, but it was a very sad day that his life ended in a murder. He had no chance to redeem himself, and all human life is to be treated respectfully and not ended through some violent act.
In paragraph three it was mentioned that Lennon turned strongly against the Catholic Church. Therefore, it is not a coincidence that Lennon was murdered on a very important day recognized by the Catholic Church. That day of recognition is called the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patroness of the United States. John Lennon´s soul was called on the very day that Satan vehemently hates, because that day honors someone who wins many souls away from Satan, who was very pleased.
John Lennon-December 8, 1980
Roger Behra
John Lennon, the famous and deceased Beatle, whose private life and song lyrics leave so much to be desired was unexpectedly shot and killed by Mark David Champman, a deranged fan on December 8, 1980 in New York City. The most likely cause of that murder was things he said to the media and in public. When he uttered the words, “the Beatles are more popular than Jesus Christ”, those words incensed a large group of people and inspired a huge backlash and death threats against him personally. It is too bad and threats cost him his young life.
Along with the famous 8 words, he left so much to be desired in the rest of his personal life. He got involve in the occult, and it was strongly believed he became possessed by evil entity because of that involvement. It one book that was written about him he said, “I know I sold my soul to Satan”. When it was revealed that at séance where the participants asked to receive a message from the other world and dead spirits to prove there was eternal life after earthly life, a cold and very uncomfortable voice said, “Hello, I Lucifer”. It is strongly indicated that at an early age Lennon sold his soul to Satan in exchange for fame and fortune in the music world. At a very young age he was greatly disturbed at his mother´s violent death and that he was brought up by a very strict stepmother.
For some reason he turned very strongly against the Catholic Church. A really demoniacally possessed person would do just that. It was clear indicator. He included blasphemous lyrics in some of his song´s. He pelted nuns with water filled rubber items used for the sex act. The devil was mentioned in his songs. Lennon also came from Liverpool, England, which is a place rife with satanic activity. Anyone can easily connect the dots.
All people who have their moral compass pointed in the right direction and working well and are true to it do not idolize John Lennon and his music. John Lennon is not at all worthy of any admiration. Those who idolize him tell much about themselves and that they are of like mind and thinking, which is very much, counter to what is correct and acceptable. The world would have been better without his fame and music. It has been since 12-8-80, but it was a very sad day that his life ended in a murder. He had no chance to redeem himself, and all human life is to be treated respectfully and not ended through some violent act.
In paragraph three it was mentioned that Lennon turned strongly against the Catholic Church. Therefore, it is not a coincidence that Lennon was murdered on a very important day recognized by the Catholic Church. That day of recognition is called the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patroness of the United States. John Lennon´s soul was called on the very day that Satan vehemently hates, because that day honors someone who wins many souls away from Satan, who was very pleased.
Dress Codes Definitely Needed, By Roger Behra
Dress Codes Definitely Needed
Roger Behra
It is about time presents, educators, and school administrations wake up and smell the coffee and the sooner the better, because there are two serious problems that need immediate solutions. There are no automatic solutions. Parents and students have the most responsibility toward the solutions, while educators and administrators in all the public schools fully back them up.
The first serious problem is the teacher-student sexual contact misadventures that have greatly increased over recent times. Frequently over the year 2009, many articles in newspaper about teacher-student sexual misadventures. Many teachers and coaches, also, have been teachers and students in regards to sexual matters.
The second problem is the mode of dress that greatly stimulates the first serious problem and is allowed by parents, educators, and administrations. There obviously is a direct relationship between mode of dress and the sexual contact abuse that is taking place. The mode of dress is no excuse for the abuse. But male teachers are human, with human thoughts, desires, and responses when confronted unnecessarily with fashions that should not exist. Skin tight jeans, excessive breast cleavage, and even bare breasts showing is totally out of place in the classroom, or any place for that matter. Only a few teacher-student transgressions are ever reported or found out. It is fair to mention that credit be given to so many male teachers who do not transgress, especially in the face of so many obvious temptations.
It is time for parents, female students, educators, and school administrations to stop being accomplices in the serious, immoral, and increasing situation of student and teacher sexual abuse transgressions. You all have part to play in facing reality. And it all begins with a real change to a very modest mode of student classroom dress.
Public schools need to take a lesson from private and religious schools. They have already smelled the coffee. They have been on the right track for a long time. We live in a very undisciplined and immoral social situation in American society. Any unneeded temptations added in the classrooms of our public schools to be eliminated. The temptations and that burden placed on male teachers is way over the top to say the least.
Dress Codes Definitely Needed
Roger Behra
It is about time presents, educators, and school administrations wake up and smell the coffee and the sooner the better, because there are two serious problems that need immediate solutions. There are no automatic solutions. Parents and students have the most responsibility toward the solutions, while educators and administrators in all the public schools fully back them up.
The first serious problem is the teacher-student sexual contact misadventures that have greatly increased over recent times. Frequently over the year 2009, many articles in newspaper about teacher-student sexual misadventures. Many teachers and coaches, also, have been teachers and students in regards to sexual matters.
The second problem is the mode of dress that greatly stimulates the first serious problem and is allowed by parents, educators, and administrations. There obviously is a direct relationship between mode of dress and the sexual contact abuse that is taking place. The mode of dress is no excuse for the abuse. But male teachers are human, with human thoughts, desires, and responses when confronted unnecessarily with fashions that should not exist. Skin tight jeans, excessive breast cleavage, and even bare breasts showing is totally out of place in the classroom, or any place for that matter. Only a few teacher-student transgressions are ever reported or found out. It is fair to mention that credit be given to so many male teachers who do not transgress, especially in the face of so many obvious temptations.
It is time for parents, female students, educators, and school administrations to stop being accomplices in the serious, immoral, and increasing situation of student and teacher sexual abuse transgressions. You all have part to play in facing reality. And it all begins with a real change to a very modest mode of student classroom dress.
Public schools need to take a lesson from private and religious schools. They have already smelled the coffee. They have been on the right track for a long time. We live in a very undisciplined and immoral social situation in American society. Any unneeded temptations added in the classrooms of our public schools to be eliminated. The temptations and that burden placed on male teachers is way over the top to say the least.
lunes, 4 de enero de 2010
Sexting-A growing Problem, By Roger Behra
Sexting-A growing Problem
Roger Behra
If you are a parent and have a son or daughter between the ages 14 and 24, the time is urgently-RIGHT NOW-at hand for you to get involved with your teenager about the ever increasingly immoral behavior called SIXTING. This behavior is not only immoral; it is a very dangerous activity. The percentage of involvement has increased to 25% from 18% in the past few months. Now one in 4 teens is involved in sixtings. As a parent, you must find out if your teen is involved.
For those parents not aware, sexting is the sharing of sexually explicit photos, videos and chat on line or by cell phone. In many cases their nude photo has been viewed all over the world. Sexting is unlawful. In some cases teens have faced felony charges. Nearly 50% of the teens who do sexting do not think it is such a big problem. The other half said it is a serious problem but did it anyway.
So many young people have a much different view of sexual photos posted online. They fail to realize that their nude photo might wind up in the hands of employers or college admissions officers. That can lead to much unexpected outcomes and insure that charges are brought to the sexting persons involved. And that is happening much more frequently.
Another important aspect is sixting does not stop with teens. Young adults 19-24 are even more likely to have sexted. At least 33% of young adults have said they have been involved in sixting, compared to 25% of teens. Parents have to be aware of what sixting is and what their children are doing in their spare time and with friends on computers and cell phones. Parents have so many another problems with their teens, and sextings is a very serious and unwelcomed problem.
Parents have the responsibility to practice religious living and to teach their children to do the same at a very early age. As the practice of irreligious living increases, so do dangerous, immoral, and another serious problems increase also parents and their children. It is a very natural and given out come.
Sexting-A growing Problem
Roger Behra
If you are a parent and have a son or daughter between the ages 14 and 24, the time is urgently-RIGHT NOW-at hand for you to get involved with your teenager about the ever increasingly immoral behavior called SIXTING. This behavior is not only immoral; it is a very dangerous activity. The percentage of involvement has increased to 25% from 18% in the past few months. Now one in 4 teens is involved in sixtings. As a parent, you must find out if your teen is involved.
For those parents not aware, sexting is the sharing of sexually explicit photos, videos and chat on line or by cell phone. In many cases their nude photo has been viewed all over the world. Sexting is unlawful. In some cases teens have faced felony charges. Nearly 50% of the teens who do sexting do not think it is such a big problem. The other half said it is a serious problem but did it anyway.
So many young people have a much different view of sexual photos posted online. They fail to realize that their nude photo might wind up in the hands of employers or college admissions officers. That can lead to much unexpected outcomes and insure that charges are brought to the sexting persons involved. And that is happening much more frequently.
Another important aspect is sixting does not stop with teens. Young adults 19-24 are even more likely to have sexted. At least 33% of young adults have said they have been involved in sixting, compared to 25% of teens. Parents have to be aware of what sixting is and what their children are doing in their spare time and with friends on computers and cell phones. Parents have so many another problems with their teens, and sextings is a very serious and unwelcomed problem.
Parents have the responsibility to practice religious living and to teach their children to do the same at a very early age. As the practice of irreligious living increases, so do dangerous, immoral, and another serious problems increase also parents and their children. It is a very natural and given out come.
domingo, 3 de enero de 2010
America Needs To Change, By Roger Behra
America Needs To Change
Roger Behra
If the average American citizen realized how much other countries hated their country, Americans would be truly amazed. Americans would scratch their heads and ask, how could that be possible? America is called by many countries “the big Satan”. If Americans again practiced religious living like they once did, the head scratching would stop, and no question would have to be asked. The reason would be quite clear it seems.
During the Spring of 2009 in California Chapman University students had their annual obscene and immoral “undie run”. It took place through the streets of Old Towne Orange in Southern California. Approximately 1,500 students, mostly women, stripped-down to skimpy bras, bikini panties, thongs, briefs, and boxers to make to run. At the end of the run, they jumped into the old 72-years-old big fountain in Plaza Park and caused considerable damage. The “undie run” is planned again for the Spring of 2010.
During the summer of 2009, at a bar near the Amtrak tracks, a multitude of mooners showed their bare bottoms repeatedly to passing trains, while others participated in various sexual activities in broad daylight. This also an annual event in Southern California. It is also another depraving and immoral activity.
In most large cities in America there are many strip joints. These are well-attended places. They are hot-beds of immoral and sinful activity. Many fights and shootings take place at these places.
On the sports pages of the Orange County Register are at the least 15 ads with seductive facial portraits of females, who beg to give males massages. Anyone with a brain can read between the lines and figure ti out. More than massages can and do take place at these parlors. That is why the police raid some of these places periodically. Some ads read “total health massage”, “special massage with hot girls”, “cozy private rooms”. The police raids are for good reasons.
Let´s not forget the manner of dress seen daily on American Women. The lemming effect is in full swing and view here. Women and young girls wear leans so very indecently tight and provocative, little is left to the imagination. Accompanying that is excessive cleavage, bare breasts showing, and the absence of bras. One lady seen in public was wearing a thin, sleeveless, low cut sweater-and no bra. Plenty of her upper anatomy was in plain view for everyone to see.
Countries like Iran and North Korea would like to wipe America and Israel off the world map. The radical Muslims would like to cause great harm to America, and the type of behavior Americans portray for the world to see only increases their desire to cause America harm. The hatred toward America becomes self-inflicted to a great degree. She is regarded as a den of iniquity with her undie runs, train moonings, strip joints, indecent female manner of dress, massage parlors sand the related activities there, abortions, cohabitation, and children born out of wedlock. All these are their good reasons to cause harm to America. And the harm can take place at any time.
America has to remember, God does not make harmful events happen, but because of the gravely sinful behavior of Americans, God will let harmful events happen, and that is a great probability for individuals and collectively for all Americans.
America Needs To Change
Roger Behra
If the average American citizen realized how much other countries hated their country, Americans would be truly amazed. Americans would scratch their heads and ask, how could that be possible? America is called by many countries “the big Satan”. If Americans again practiced religious living like they once did, the head scratching would stop, and no question would have to be asked. The reason would be quite clear it seems.
During the Spring of 2009 in California Chapman University students had their annual obscene and immoral “undie run”. It took place through the streets of Old Towne Orange in Southern California. Approximately 1,500 students, mostly women, stripped-down to skimpy bras, bikini panties, thongs, briefs, and boxers to make to run. At the end of the run, they jumped into the old 72-years-old big fountain in Plaza Park and caused considerable damage. The “undie run” is planned again for the Spring of 2010.
During the summer of 2009, at a bar near the Amtrak tracks, a multitude of mooners showed their bare bottoms repeatedly to passing trains, while others participated in various sexual activities in broad daylight. This also an annual event in Southern California. It is also another depraving and immoral activity.
In most large cities in America there are many strip joints. These are well-attended places. They are hot-beds of immoral and sinful activity. Many fights and shootings take place at these places.
On the sports pages of the Orange County Register are at the least 15 ads with seductive facial portraits of females, who beg to give males massages. Anyone with a brain can read between the lines and figure ti out. More than massages can and do take place at these parlors. That is why the police raid some of these places periodically. Some ads read “total health massage”, “special massage with hot girls”, “cozy private rooms”. The police raids are for good reasons.
Let´s not forget the manner of dress seen daily on American Women. The lemming effect is in full swing and view here. Women and young girls wear leans so very indecently tight and provocative, little is left to the imagination. Accompanying that is excessive cleavage, bare breasts showing, and the absence of bras. One lady seen in public was wearing a thin, sleeveless, low cut sweater-and no bra. Plenty of her upper anatomy was in plain view for everyone to see.
Countries like Iran and North Korea would like to wipe America and Israel off the world map. The radical Muslims would like to cause great harm to America, and the type of behavior Americans portray for the world to see only increases their desire to cause America harm. The hatred toward America becomes self-inflicted to a great degree. She is regarded as a den of iniquity with her undie runs, train moonings, strip joints, indecent female manner of dress, massage parlors sand the related activities there, abortions, cohabitation, and children born out of wedlock. All these are their good reasons to cause harm to America. And the harm can take place at any time.
America has to remember, God does not make harmful events happen, but because of the gravely sinful behavior of Americans, God will let harmful events happen, and that is a great probability for individuals and collectively for all Americans.
A Great Opportunity Missed, By Roger Behra
A Great Opportunity Missed
Roger Behra
On December 8, 2009, on the Coast to Coast radio talk program there was in view a very intelligent and educated man. He had all the college degrees, and his education was in the area of science. Along with all his degrees and education, one thing stood out noticeable. The man said he was atheist, and he old not believes in an afterlife. It seems the gust had a very closed mind outside of science concepts, and George did not ask the right questions that would have penetrated his science oriented thinking, or give him some solid evidence to simulate a thinking change on the gust´s part.
What George should have done is this. He should have asked his guest to read books outside the field of science. And for starters there are books on saints who had the stigma, which is the same five wounds of Jesus in the very same places on their bodies just like Jesus. Several saints had the stigma. Padre Pio is the most recent who had it. The stigmata are the real thing. It is a mind changer for doubtful. Sister Agnes Sasagawa of Akita, Japan has the stigmata.
In the area of books to read is the Bile on the following:
On Life After Life, Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Closer To The Light, Melvin Morse
Hello From Heaven, Bill and Judy Guggenheim
Hostage To The Devil, Malachi Martin
A good library will have many other books on the afterlife subject.
The best approach would have been to ask his guest to speak to a Catholic priest and arrange to be present at a properly performed exorcism. His gust would witness many unbelievable and unexplained happenings that would absolutely challenge all his scientific knowledge and experience. Nory´s guest would realize that evil entities do exist, and therefore, good entities must exist also. Good and bad entities are part of lives in such a way that science cannot explain. Lourdes in trance and demonic possession are very good examples.
During an exorcism, it is an actual fact that objects move, change the places, and fly at walls, or persons unaided. Facial features of the possessed change to very ugly, and inhuman appearances. Voices through the possessed become totally altered and mind gripping. The possessed become inexplicably strong and uncontrollable. If the person is not very forcefully restrained, the person would become a wild and dangerous to all present. Pure hate pours out of the possessed mouth. The vile and unbelievable foul language directed to the exorcist and about man love-making freezes a person. The demonic entity can/does reveal past and present sins of those present at the exorcism. New priest assistants are known to vomit and loose continence and need to be replaced. The exorcism is more than a healing process. It is a confrontation and battle for soul, and science cannot explain it.
George Nory missed a great opportunity to really help a person to change his atheistic thinking outside of science solutions, when the guest, surprisingly but weakly, hinted that with clear and convincing evidence he could change his mind and thinking. Let us hope he does in the near future with Nory´s help off the air.
A Great Opportunity Missed
Roger Behra
On December 8, 2009, on the Coast to Coast radio talk program there was in view a very intelligent and educated man. He had all the college degrees, and his education was in the area of science. Along with all his degrees and education, one thing stood out noticeable. The man said he was atheist, and he old not believes in an afterlife. It seems the gust had a very closed mind outside of science concepts, and George did not ask the right questions that would have penetrated his science oriented thinking, or give him some solid evidence to simulate a thinking change on the gust´s part.
What George should have done is this. He should have asked his guest to read books outside the field of science. And for starters there are books on saints who had the stigma, which is the same five wounds of Jesus in the very same places on their bodies just like Jesus. Several saints had the stigma. Padre Pio is the most recent who had it. The stigmata are the real thing. It is a mind changer for doubtful. Sister Agnes Sasagawa of Akita, Japan has the stigmata.
In the area of books to read is the Bile on the following:
On Life After Life, Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Closer To The Light, Melvin Morse
Hello From Heaven, Bill and Judy Guggenheim
Hostage To The Devil, Malachi Martin
A good library will have many other books on the afterlife subject.
The best approach would have been to ask his guest to speak to a Catholic priest and arrange to be present at a properly performed exorcism. His gust would witness many unbelievable and unexplained happenings that would absolutely challenge all his scientific knowledge and experience. Nory´s guest would realize that evil entities do exist, and therefore, good entities must exist also. Good and bad entities are part of lives in such a way that science cannot explain. Lourdes in trance and demonic possession are very good examples.
During an exorcism, it is an actual fact that objects move, change the places, and fly at walls, or persons unaided. Facial features of the possessed change to very ugly, and inhuman appearances. Voices through the possessed become totally altered and mind gripping. The possessed become inexplicably strong and uncontrollable. If the person is not very forcefully restrained, the person would become a wild and dangerous to all present. Pure hate pours out of the possessed mouth. The vile and unbelievable foul language directed to the exorcist and about man love-making freezes a person. The demonic entity can/does reveal past and present sins of those present at the exorcism. New priest assistants are known to vomit and loose continence and need to be replaced. The exorcism is more than a healing process. It is a confrontation and battle for soul, and science cannot explain it.
George Nory missed a great opportunity to really help a person to change his atheistic thinking outside of science solutions, when the guest, surprisingly but weakly, hinted that with clear and convincing evidence he could change his mind and thinking. Let us hope he does in the near future with Nory´s help off the air.
Some Famous Fallen Idols, By Roger Behra
Some Famous Fallen Idols
Roger Behra
An idol can be some or something that is loved or admired very much. America there was many professional athletes who become idols. This communication will be about some famous American sports idols that are not at all worthy of being idolized. And the fallen idol is list keeps growing. It seems the sports media and sports fan do not get it. They put certain athletes on a pedestal only to see them topple off of it in disgrace. Everyone needs to wake up, especially the media and the sports fan.
Some very famous sports idols have toppled from their pedestals during the past several years, and some have very recently. We have Michel Jordan and his gambling addiction and infidelity; O. J. Simpson and his murders and forced robbery in the hotel; Alex Rodriguez and his cheating in baseball, his carousing and infidelity; Kobe Brayant and sexual escapade in Colorado; and the up to the minute situation with Tiger Woods, which seems to be the worst of all how have recently fallen off their pedestals.
The unbelievable and awful information piling up in the media about Tiger Woods is totally unexpected because he gave the impression that he was so squeaky clean. When everything is said and done, Woods is going to be the biggest sports idol to fall off his pedestal and have so much to lose in the areas of reputation and money lost. His nearly billion dollar financial status, his marriage, his golf career, and his many admirers and some friends will fall by the wayside. He had so much to lose, and he lost so much.
The big questions are this: What in the world was he thinking? Did he think that none of his escapades would ever be found out? During the 7 years he was involved in his indiscretions, nothing is now being kept a secret. Sooner or later everything is found out. And that is what is happening to Tiger Woods. His addiction to sex and his hidden, shameful behavior over a 7 year period finally became known. His addiction to golf put him on a pedestal. His addiction to sex in so many ways and in so many places knocked him of his pedestal, and the thud of him becoming part of reality was monumental and deafening. Now what happens to his marriage and his golf career is anyone´s guess. At the moment it appears you are going to be a famous fallen idol at home and in the golf world.
Some Famous Fallen Idols
Roger Behra
An idol can be some or something that is loved or admired very much. America there was many professional athletes who become idols. This communication will be about some famous American sports idols that are not at all worthy of being idolized. And the fallen idol is list keeps growing. It seems the sports media and sports fan do not get it. They put certain athletes on a pedestal only to see them topple off of it in disgrace. Everyone needs to wake up, especially the media and the sports fan.
Some very famous sports idols have toppled from their pedestals during the past several years, and some have very recently. We have Michel Jordan and his gambling addiction and infidelity; O. J. Simpson and his murders and forced robbery in the hotel; Alex Rodriguez and his cheating in baseball, his carousing and infidelity; Kobe Brayant and sexual escapade in Colorado; and the up to the minute situation with Tiger Woods, which seems to be the worst of all how have recently fallen off their pedestals.
The unbelievable and awful information piling up in the media about Tiger Woods is totally unexpected because he gave the impression that he was so squeaky clean. When everything is said and done, Woods is going to be the biggest sports idol to fall off his pedestal and have so much to lose in the areas of reputation and money lost. His nearly billion dollar financial status, his marriage, his golf career, and his many admirers and some friends will fall by the wayside. He had so much to lose, and he lost so much.
The big questions are this: What in the world was he thinking? Did he think that none of his escapades would ever be found out? During the 7 years he was involved in his indiscretions, nothing is now being kept a secret. Sooner or later everything is found out. And that is what is happening to Tiger Woods. His addiction to sex and his hidden, shameful behavior over a 7 year period finally became known. His addiction to golf put him on a pedestal. His addiction to sex in so many ways and in so many places knocked him of his pedestal, and the thud of him becoming part of reality was monumental and deafening. Now what happens to his marriage and his golf career is anyone´s guess. At the moment it appears you are going to be a famous fallen idol at home and in the golf world.
sábado, 2 de enero de 2010
Who Loves Barack Obama?, By Roger Behra
Who Loves Barack Obama?
Roger Behra
Who Loves Barack Obama?
Roger Behra
America’s new president, Barack Obama, is constantly on the move, mentioned in daily newspapers, and on radio news broadcasts. He was made out to be the savior of America and an important person to the fee world. But the real truth is he is very far from that. Let that be explored in more detail.
Barack’s new administration is made up of very liberal, touchy-feely, politically correct, tax loving people. They are very far to the left like Obama, so they love Barack very much, and they have painted retired President Bush to be a bully who put to much faith in oppressed people and their ability and willingness (with U.S. help) to rise up for their freedom. Now, Obama’s new administration is doing just the opposite and putting to much faith in their oppressors and fawning upon them to a very dangerous degree.
Iran is thumbing her nose at the U.S., Israel, and the world in general and the United Nations in regards to nuclear development and moving ahead full speed, while Obama does not speak out at all. Instead, he sent two letters to Iran’s mullahs and a New Year’s message to Iranian people. When the Iranian government beat peaceful protesters in the streets after the election was stolen, Obama kept his criticism practically silent. Iran reneged on sending enriched uranium to Russia for processing and on the October deal it otherwise made. Obama gives from the waist bows to very oppressive leaders in various parts of the world.
Obama has also been very hard on U.S. allies and has shown only lukewarm support for Israel. He cut short the Poles and Czechs and has given little attention to friends who want to trade with U.S. like the Columbians and South Korea. And the special relationship with Britain the U.S. has, recently has noticeably cooled.
Obama is in the mode of giving America’s alien short attention, while at the same time he wants to woo America’s enemies, who want to wipe America of the map, such as Iran and radical Muslims. Wooing our enemies are going to result in only personal good will. It will not stop the extreme hatred America’s enemies are very glad Obama is her new leader. Instead of having to deal with a bully, they are very glad to deal with a very inexperienced and first class wimpy fool. Who loves Barack Obama? America’s very hateful and very active enemies do. And do not forget his far left leaning and foolish new administration.
President Barack Obama,
President Bush,
Signs Our Times, By Roger Behra
Signs Our Times
Roger Behra
It is no secret that America’s culture has drastically deteriorated during the past 46 years and especially so since the year 2000. And the mainstream media is so slow in keeping everyone updated. There has been more cultural deterioration during the past ten years than during the previous 36 years. And there seems to be no end or reversal in sight. Adults and educators seem to not care or do not want to know about the children’s character or shortcomings.
But once in awhile a survey in published that gives an idea of what is really going on in the culture. And a survey was recently published in California revealed the following:
1. Of 29,760 high school students, 30% admitted stealing from a store.
2. 64% admitted cheating on a test.
3. Schools facilitate abortions of female students and keep that a secret from the parents.
4. Parents voted to not be informed of school facilitated abortions.
5. Adults are worried or excited about their children’s dishonesty and sexual behavior.
6. The indications are parents are not teaching their offspring correct and good moral behavior.
Here are some examples of adults not caring about their own shortcomings and character development. The first family of California is at the top of the list. Gov. Schwarzenegger had a motorcycle accident several months ago. It was learned at that time he did not have proper license to ride it. Very recently he was caught parking his car in a red no parking zone. His wife was seen talking on her cell phone while driving her car and also parking in a no parking zone. It is against the law in California to drive and talk on a cell phone. They exhibit above the law behavior it seems as they live their daily lives as adults. They are simply millionaire lawbreakers. A men kills four policemen in a restaurant. He escapes and run away. While he eludes capture, his family and friends protected him and supplied him with shelter, cell phones, cash, food, and first aid.
No one should be shocked or surprised about the survey or the actions in the examples given here. When 60 percent of America’s citizens do not practice religious living on a daily basis, the survey indicates the results of that kind of living. And that kind of living also indicates that no reversal of shortcomings and dishonesty in behavior can be expected soon. When adults, their offspring, and educators indicate their behavior flaws are not that important toward change, how can the cultural situation show any improvement? What we can expect, however, is America’s upside-down culture will continue as usual, with the percentages probably continuing to increase over time?
Signs Our Times
Roger Behra
It is no secret that America’s culture has drastically deteriorated during the past 46 years and especially so since the year 2000. And the mainstream media is so slow in keeping everyone updated. There has been more cultural deterioration during the past ten years than during the previous 36 years. And there seems to be no end or reversal in sight. Adults and educators seem to not care or do not want to know about the children’s character or shortcomings.
But once in awhile a survey in published that gives an idea of what is really going on in the culture. And a survey was recently published in California revealed the following:
1. Of 29,760 high school students, 30% admitted stealing from a store.
2. 64% admitted cheating on a test.
3. Schools facilitate abortions of female students and keep that a secret from the parents.
4. Parents voted to not be informed of school facilitated abortions.
5. Adults are worried or excited about their children’s dishonesty and sexual behavior.
6. The indications are parents are not teaching their offspring correct and good moral behavior.
Here are some examples of adults not caring about their own shortcomings and character development. The first family of California is at the top of the list. Gov. Schwarzenegger had a motorcycle accident several months ago. It was learned at that time he did not have proper license to ride it. Very recently he was caught parking his car in a red no parking zone. His wife was seen talking on her cell phone while driving her car and also parking in a no parking zone. It is against the law in California to drive and talk on a cell phone. They exhibit above the law behavior it seems as they live their daily lives as adults. They are simply millionaire lawbreakers. A men kills four policemen in a restaurant. He escapes and run away. While he eludes capture, his family and friends protected him and supplied him with shelter, cell phones, cash, food, and first aid.
No one should be shocked or surprised about the survey or the actions in the examples given here. When 60 percent of America’s citizens do not practice religious living on a daily basis, the survey indicates the results of that kind of living. And that kind of living also indicates that no reversal of shortcomings and dishonesty in behavior can be expected soon. When adults, their offspring, and educators indicate their behavior flaws are not that important toward change, how can the cultural situation show any improvement? What we can expect, however, is America’s upside-down culture will continue as usual, with the percentages probably continuing to increase over time?
Some Very Sad Situations, By Roger Behra
Some Very Sad Situations
Roger Behra
In America the millions of sports fans who tend to idolize their favorite players have recently been very disappointed, indeed. It is pretty certain that some very hard lessons have been learned as result. Favorite players can be respected, but they should not be idolized. Here are some reasons.
PETE ROSE ruined the chance for his crowning glory, because he broke a much repeated law in major league baseball. Pete Rose will never be in the Hall of Fame. As a major baseball player, he was outstanding. He was a sure bet to end up in the Hall. But once he placed bets on the team he was managing, his chance greatly diminished. Then it was found out he lied and showed no remorse for anything, his chance became nil. Then, as the years passed, he became arrogant about the whole affair. It is a great shame that Pete will never realize his greatest dream during his lifetime, unless a complete change of thinking takes place with a future change of baseball commissioners.
MICHAEL VICK has to be most clueless person in the world to think that he could for 6 years finance and participate in dog fighting and torturing of so many dogs. The investigation uncovered extermination of dogs through fights, drawings, and electrocutions. His cluelessness cost he millions of dollars, put him in prison, and greatly stigmatized his reputation for all time.
CALEXICO BURRESS got himself into a fine fix probably caused the end of his N.F.L. career. He accidently shot himself entering a New York nightclub with a pistol not registered in New York. And his permit to carry and use it in Florida was expired. Then, he prolonged his legal case and has to serve prison time anyway. He made up his own rules, and it cost him valuable career time and made him a convicted felon.
ROGERS CLEMENS will also never be in the baseball Hall of Fame. All the alleged evidence points to the fact he used steroids to enhance his faltering baseball career. Video tapes definitely show he used steroids. He emphatically denies what tapes show he did. And at a special hearing before Congress, it appears that he lied, but the tapes are clear cut and do not lie. No Hall of Fame for Roger C.
DANTE STALLWORTH did the big no-no. He drove his car after drinking alcohol and killed a pedestrian. It was very costly for him. A dead man, a huge financial settlement, a suspension from the N.F.L., and plenty personal grief resulted from his tragic decision to drink and drive.
BERNARD MADOFF has to go down in history as the number one deceiver of human beings. He cost so many people millions upon millions of dollars he was entrusted to invest for them. Instead, he ran away with their millions. In the end Mr. Madoff lost everything. That includes his possessions, his dignity, and his freedom during his senior years.
This six men made up their own rules, and the outcome was the same for each one. Their lives and careers were interrupted. They caused serious harm to their reputations. They showed a great lack of appreciation for God’s blessings and the talents He gave them. And the final outcome was the same for each. They share a great deal of personal sadness and loss of personal dignity.
Some Very Sad Situations
Roger Behra
In America the millions of sports fans who tend to idolize their favorite players have recently been very disappointed, indeed. It is pretty certain that some very hard lessons have been learned as result. Favorite players can be respected, but they should not be idolized. Here are some reasons.
PETE ROSE ruined the chance for his crowning glory, because he broke a much repeated law in major league baseball. Pete Rose will never be in the Hall of Fame. As a major baseball player, he was outstanding. He was a sure bet to end up in the Hall. But once he placed bets on the team he was managing, his chance greatly diminished. Then it was found out he lied and showed no remorse for anything, his chance became nil. Then, as the years passed, he became arrogant about the whole affair. It is a great shame that Pete will never realize his greatest dream during his lifetime, unless a complete change of thinking takes place with a future change of baseball commissioners.
MICHAEL VICK has to be most clueless person in the world to think that he could for 6 years finance and participate in dog fighting and torturing of so many dogs. The investigation uncovered extermination of dogs through fights, drawings, and electrocutions. His cluelessness cost he millions of dollars, put him in prison, and greatly stigmatized his reputation for all time.
CALEXICO BURRESS got himself into a fine fix probably caused the end of his N.F.L. career. He accidently shot himself entering a New York nightclub with a pistol not registered in New York. And his permit to carry and use it in Florida was expired. Then, he prolonged his legal case and has to serve prison time anyway. He made up his own rules, and it cost him valuable career time and made him a convicted felon.
ROGERS CLEMENS will also never be in the baseball Hall of Fame. All the alleged evidence points to the fact he used steroids to enhance his faltering baseball career. Video tapes definitely show he used steroids. He emphatically denies what tapes show he did. And at a special hearing before Congress, it appears that he lied, but the tapes are clear cut and do not lie. No Hall of Fame for Roger C.
DANTE STALLWORTH did the big no-no. He drove his car after drinking alcohol and killed a pedestrian. It was very costly for him. A dead man, a huge financial settlement, a suspension from the N.F.L., and plenty personal grief resulted from his tragic decision to drink and drive.
BERNARD MADOFF has to go down in history as the number one deceiver of human beings. He cost so many people millions upon millions of dollars he was entrusted to invest for them. Instead, he ran away with their millions. In the end Mr. Madoff lost everything. That includes his possessions, his dignity, and his freedom during his senior years.
This six men made up their own rules, and the outcome was the same for each one. Their lives and careers were interrupted. They caused serious harm to their reputations. They showed a great lack of appreciation for God’s blessings and the talents He gave them. And the final outcome was the same for each. They share a great deal of personal sadness and loss of personal dignity.
Camelot Revisited, By Roger Behra
Camelot Revisited
Roger Behra
Every November n the United States another anniversary of assassination of President John F. Kennedy is remembered, which was the case on November 22, 2009, on the Coast to Coast program with George Nory. It was extremely informative and up to date this year. More complete reasons for the assassination and those involved were discussed at length. It all seemed to make good sense, especially the pieced together culprits who were responsible. The up to date information eliminated Lee Harvey Oswald as the shooter, and the plans for the assassination were formed long before November 22, 1963. And Lyndon B. Johnson was a major one on the list culprits.
President John Kennedy seemed to be full of good and sensible ideas for needed and immediate changes in America’s government and dealings with world problems. And his ideas were going to rock some big boats. His ideas and plans started serious discontent with many behind his back, and plans to carry out his assassination. Many people and organizations got involved.
The Bay of Pigs disaster with Cuba was very unfortunate as Kennedy changed his mind at the last minute not to support it with American troops. Kennedy was planning to abolish the Federal Reserve. He changed his mind and decided not to get involved in Vietnam and to recall all the advisers that were there. He was going to tell American citizen about U.F.O. situation and the government’s involvement. He appointed his brother, Robert, as Attorney General and wanted him to eradicate the Mafia in the United States. All this created enormous discontent behind his back and led to his downfall.
Behind Kennedy’s back the F.B.I, C.I.A., MAFIA, and L.B. Johnson all got involved. They worked out the details. The F.B.I staunchly named Oswald as the only assassin. The C.I.A. selected the place and worked out the triangulation needed to insure success on assassination day. The Mafia selected the shooters. And L.B. Johnson, who as sent to Dallas ahead of time, told his mistress that in a few days we are not going to have to worry about John Kennedy anymore. And at the last minute the parade route was changed to accommodate the assassins. L.B. Johnson got involved because Kennedy was going replace him as Vice-President. The final event was Jack Ruby shooting Oswald on national Television. Ruby had ties to the Mafia.
So many directly related to otherwise connected one way or another were murdered, or mysteriously died concerning Kennedy’s assassination. And that includes J. Edgar Hoover, then head of the F.B.I., and Lyndon B. Johnson, as well as Jack Ruby. And unless there is a deathbed confession or two, the conclusions and present information will stand as is.
Camelot Revisited
Roger Behra
Every November n the United States another anniversary of assassination of President John F. Kennedy is remembered, which was the case on November 22, 2009, on the Coast to Coast program with George Nory. It was extremely informative and up to date this year. More complete reasons for the assassination and those involved were discussed at length. It all seemed to make good sense, especially the pieced together culprits who were responsible. The up to date information eliminated Lee Harvey Oswald as the shooter, and the plans for the assassination were formed long before November 22, 1963. And Lyndon B. Johnson was a major one on the list culprits.
President John Kennedy seemed to be full of good and sensible ideas for needed and immediate changes in America’s government and dealings with world problems. And his ideas were going to rock some big boats. His ideas and plans started serious discontent with many behind his back, and plans to carry out his assassination. Many people and organizations got involved.
The Bay of Pigs disaster with Cuba was very unfortunate as Kennedy changed his mind at the last minute not to support it with American troops. Kennedy was planning to abolish the Federal Reserve. He changed his mind and decided not to get involved in Vietnam and to recall all the advisers that were there. He was going to tell American citizen about U.F.O. situation and the government’s involvement. He appointed his brother, Robert, as Attorney General and wanted him to eradicate the Mafia in the United States. All this created enormous discontent behind his back and led to his downfall.
Behind Kennedy’s back the F.B.I, C.I.A., MAFIA, and L.B. Johnson all got involved. They worked out the details. The F.B.I staunchly named Oswald as the only assassin. The C.I.A. selected the place and worked out the triangulation needed to insure success on assassination day. The Mafia selected the shooters. And L.B. Johnson, who as sent to Dallas ahead of time, told his mistress that in a few days we are not going to have to worry about John Kennedy anymore. And at the last minute the parade route was changed to accommodate the assassins. L.B. Johnson got involved because Kennedy was going replace him as Vice-President. The final event was Jack Ruby shooting Oswald on national Television. Ruby had ties to the Mafia.
So many directly related to otherwise connected one way or another were murdered, or mysteriously died concerning Kennedy’s assassination. And that includes J. Edgar Hoover, then head of the F.B.I., and Lyndon B. Johnson, as well as Jack Ruby. And unless there is a deathbed confession or two, the conclusions and present information will stand as is.
Asleep At The Switch, By Roger Behra
Asleep At The Switch
Roger Behra
The recent killing spree by Maj. Nidal Malik at Fort Hood, Texas, that left 13 people dead end more than two dozen people severely injured is a prime example of those in charge not paying attention to their important duties. The ineptitude of the F.B.I. and Defense Department, as well as Hassan’s superiors, is totally inexcusable and very, very unacceptable to say the least. It is a clear cut case of failure to act when all the signs were quite obvious that definite follow-up and action was needed. The lingering behavior of Maj. Hass waved so man red flags that went unheeded.
Maj. Hassan’s behavior was full of contradictions that boiled over with discontent. He felt harassed because of his Muslim faith. He believed the war on terrorism was a war against Islam. He was outspoken on that issue. The give away concerning his behavior was his goodbyes to neighbors and given his belongings away. Lastly, he gave two week’s notice about his apartment.
There was also his computer activity. That revealed he was in contact with a well know radical terrorist Islamic religious a man. The right people had plenty knowledge about, but they did not take action because no terrorism was discussed during the conversations. It was certainly a red flag. Terrorism could have been discussed away from the computer, or with an intermediary.
The terrorism task force looked into Hassan’s background months before the shootings. That gave the military worrisome evidence about Hassan. Their findings revealed Hasan communicated 10 to 20 times in 2008 with radical a man Anwar al-Awlaki, who encourages Muslims around the world to kill U.S. troops in Iraq. So, it is not a coincidence that Muslim, Maj. Hassan, killed 13 U.S. troops in a shooting rampage. Trouble seemed to be definitely brewing.
How could the task force, the F.B.I., and the military people not pay much closer attention and see plenty of handwriting on the wall? They are very much to blame. They should have changed his type of duty or discharged him. All the arrows do point to several red flags that were not taken seriously. A very large group of people were sound asleep at the switch, indeed.
Asleep At The Switch
Roger Behra
The recent killing spree by Maj. Nidal Malik at Fort Hood, Texas, that left 13 people dead end more than two dozen people severely injured is a prime example of those in charge not paying attention to their important duties. The ineptitude of the F.B.I. and Defense Department, as well as Hassan’s superiors, is totally inexcusable and very, very unacceptable to say the least. It is a clear cut case of failure to act when all the signs were quite obvious that definite follow-up and action was needed. The lingering behavior of Maj. Hass waved so man red flags that went unheeded.
Maj. Hassan’s behavior was full of contradictions that boiled over with discontent. He felt harassed because of his Muslim faith. He believed the war on terrorism was a war against Islam. He was outspoken on that issue. The give away concerning his behavior was his goodbyes to neighbors and given his belongings away. Lastly, he gave two week’s notice about his apartment.
There was also his computer activity. That revealed he was in contact with a well know radical terrorist Islamic religious a man. The right people had plenty knowledge about, but they did not take action because no terrorism was discussed during the conversations. It was certainly a red flag. Terrorism could have been discussed away from the computer, or with an intermediary.
The terrorism task force looked into Hassan’s background months before the shootings. That gave the military worrisome evidence about Hassan. Their findings revealed Hasan communicated 10 to 20 times in 2008 with radical a man Anwar al-Awlaki, who encourages Muslims around the world to kill U.S. troops in Iraq. So, it is not a coincidence that Muslim, Maj. Hassan, killed 13 U.S. troops in a shooting rampage. Trouble seemed to be definitely brewing.
How could the task force, the F.B.I., and the military people not pay much closer attention and see plenty of handwriting on the wall? They are very much to blame. They should have changed his type of duty or discharged him. All the arrows do point to several red flags that were not taken seriously. A very large group of people were sound asleep at the switch, indeed.
Our Life’s Bottom Line, By Roger Behra
Our Life’s Bottom Line
Roger Behra
Each day in our modern world, such as it is, so many people die tragically and unexpectedly without being prepared for life’s bottom line. They have lived irreligiously and made up their own rules for daily life. They gave little or no thought about why they are here and where they must go after their life ends here on earth. They failed to realize that the bottom line in everyone’s life is their eternity and who they are going to spend it: either happily or unhappily. They failed to realize they would be responsible for every thought, word, and deed committed during their lifetime here on earth.
With all of this in mind, let us be reminded about the best way to live and to always be prepared to die in the Lord’s friendship whenever He calls us. Pete Carroll, head coach of the USC football team, constantly reminds us “always be prepared.”
To always be prepared starts with knowing why we are here on earth. We are here to know God, our creator, to love God, to serve Him as a good Christians, and to be happy with Him in heaven for all eternity, which is the bottom line referred to here. Yes, there is an eternity. It lasts forever, and it is either a happy one or not happy one. And we make it so here on earth by the way we live.
Knowing God means He is the Supreme Being that created us and loves us unconditionally and wants us to be blissfully happy with Him in an unbelievable all loving eternity.
Loving God means to live our lives in such a way that we constantly strive to please God through good thoughts, good words, and good actions. That automatically includes loving our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Serving God means to know and keep the 10 Commandments, through daily prayer, and being charitable and helpful to others.
When we do these three (knowing, loving serving God) along with being sorry for sins, we are being prepared.
To gain God’s help we should being each day with a prayer asking for His help. We cannot do it by ourselves. WE NEED GOD”S HELP. Then we should thank God for another day of life to love and serve Him. Then at retiring time (bedtime) be sorry for any sins committed that day and thank God for all graces received. If you do this without fail each day, you will always be prepared, and your bottom line will be an eternally happy one no matter when your life comes to an end. You will end up nowhere near the dark eternal place that is reserved for all those who die unprepared. 23 Minutes in Hell, by Bill Wise, tells a real story. 90 Minutes in Heaven, by Don Piper, tells another.
Our Life’s Bottom Line
Roger Behra
Each day in our modern world, such as it is, so many people die tragically and unexpectedly without being prepared for life’s bottom line. They have lived irreligiously and made up their own rules for daily life. They gave little or no thought about why they are here and where they must go after their life ends here on earth. They failed to realize that the bottom line in everyone’s life is their eternity and who they are going to spend it: either happily or unhappily. They failed to realize they would be responsible for every thought, word, and deed committed during their lifetime here on earth.
With all of this in mind, let us be reminded about the best way to live and to always be prepared to die in the Lord’s friendship whenever He calls us. Pete Carroll, head coach of the USC football team, constantly reminds us “always be prepared.”
To always be prepared starts with knowing why we are here on earth. We are here to know God, our creator, to love God, to serve Him as a good Christians, and to be happy with Him in heaven for all eternity, which is the bottom line referred to here. Yes, there is an eternity. It lasts forever, and it is either a happy one or not happy one. And we make it so here on earth by the way we live.
Knowing God means He is the Supreme Being that created us and loves us unconditionally and wants us to be blissfully happy with Him in an unbelievable all loving eternity.
Loving God means to live our lives in such a way that we constantly strive to please God through good thoughts, good words, and good actions. That automatically includes loving our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Serving God means to know and keep the 10 Commandments, through daily prayer, and being charitable and helpful to others.
When we do these three (knowing, loving serving God) along with being sorry for sins, we are being prepared.
To gain God’s help we should being each day with a prayer asking for His help. We cannot do it by ourselves. WE NEED GOD”S HELP. Then we should thank God for another day of life to love and serve Him. Then at retiring time (bedtime) be sorry for any sins committed that day and thank God for all graces received. If you do this without fail each day, you will always be prepared, and your bottom line will be an eternally happy one no matter when your life comes to an end. You will end up nowhere near the dark eternal place that is reserved for all those who die unprepared. 23 Minutes in Hell, by Bill Wise, tells a real story. 90 Minutes in Heaven, by Don Piper, tells another.
Important Reasons To Remember, By Roger Behra
Important Reasons To Remember
Roger Behra
When a spouse, family member, close loved one, a dear friend leaves this earthly life to become part of eternal life, the surviving ones are naturally filled with grief and acutely feeling the loss. It is very painful, indeed. And of course there are serious questions to be asked and answered concerning the transition from here to eternal life. This communication can help to answer some of the questions help us to be enlightened as to how lives can be changed to ensure a better eternity.
The readers must, however, keep in mind as the following statements are read that we make our own heaven or hell by the way we live our earthly life.
At the moment we leave this earthly life:
-we are aware of shedding our physical body.
-but only our physical body ceases to function.
-our cosmic consciousness takes over and lives forever on a different plane.
-there is not element of time in the eternal existence.
-we assume a younger (around age 30), complete, and encapsulated form.
-our life here on earth was to complete a certain destiny.
-we are to learn, acquire knowledge, love unconditional, as these go on forever.
- we continue to perceive, understand, laugh, and grow, but more vividly and completely in a higher state in eternity.
-as a spirit we perceive, have a sense of wholeness, but are not perceived.
-we are never alone at the death transition.
-we are never alone now, but we do not know it.
-depending on how we live our earthly life, at death we are peaceful, painless, and see the spirits who meet us and “take us”, usually our parents, loved ones, friends who we loved or loved us.
-in eternity age, time, and distance does not exist. We can be anywhere in the blink of an eye.
-people who have a near death experience are transformed and live more in true with God’s plan for them.
-not everyone sees the light (God) at the death transition. Some are pulled down into a very fearful darkness because of the way their lives were lived. We make our own heaven or hell as we live here on earth.
-if we live properly-learn, acquire knowledge, love God and our neighbor, are sorry for our sins, we’ll have a peaceful and painless transition into the light, which most everyone respects as a God. That’s God’s plan for us.
We are sooner or later all concerned and/or fascinated by life’s bottom line. What awaited us immediately at and after physical death? For more information on this subject some very interesting books have been written:
1. On Life After Life-Dr. Elizabeth Kuler-Ross.
2. Closer To The light-Melvin Morse with Paul Perry.
3. Transformed By The Light-Melvin Morse with Paul Perry.
Other books have also been written. Check your library.
Important Reasons To Remember
Roger Behra
When a spouse, family member, close loved one, a dear friend leaves this earthly life to become part of eternal life, the surviving ones are naturally filled with grief and acutely feeling the loss. It is very painful, indeed. And of course there are serious questions to be asked and answered concerning the transition from here to eternal life. This communication can help to answer some of the questions help us to be enlightened as to how lives can be changed to ensure a better eternity.
The readers must, however, keep in mind as the following statements are read that we make our own heaven or hell by the way we live our earthly life.
At the moment we leave this earthly life:
-we are aware of shedding our physical body.
-but only our physical body ceases to function.
-our cosmic consciousness takes over and lives forever on a different plane.
-there is not element of time in the eternal existence.
-we assume a younger (around age 30), complete, and encapsulated form.
-our life here on earth was to complete a certain destiny.
-we are to learn, acquire knowledge, love unconditional, as these go on forever.
- we continue to perceive, understand, laugh, and grow, but more vividly and completely in a higher state in eternity.
-as a spirit we perceive, have a sense of wholeness, but are not perceived.
-we are never alone at the death transition.
-we are never alone now, but we do not know it.
-depending on how we live our earthly life, at death we are peaceful, painless, and see the spirits who meet us and “take us”, usually our parents, loved ones, friends who we loved or loved us.
-in eternity age, time, and distance does not exist. We can be anywhere in the blink of an eye.
-people who have a near death experience are transformed and live more in true with God’s plan for them.
-not everyone sees the light (God) at the death transition. Some are pulled down into a very fearful darkness because of the way their lives were lived. We make our own heaven or hell as we live here on earth.
-if we live properly-learn, acquire knowledge, love God and our neighbor, are sorry for our sins, we’ll have a peaceful and painless transition into the light, which most everyone respects as a God. That’s God’s plan for us.
We are sooner or later all concerned and/or fascinated by life’s bottom line. What awaited us immediately at and after physical death? For more information on this subject some very interesting books have been written:
1. On Life After Life-Dr. Elizabeth Kuler-Ross.
2. Closer To The light-Melvin Morse with Paul Perry.
3. Transformed By The Light-Melvin Morse with Paul Perry.
Other books have also been written. Check your library.
viernes, 1 de enero de 2010
Consumers Are Being Cheated, By Roger Behra
Consumers Are Being Cheated
Roger Behra
Most consumers are not observant enough when they buy items in the grocery store and especially items they frequently purchase. Yes, they notice a price increase, but there is more to it than just a price increase. As a result they just stop there and miss what is really going on. The bottom line is the consumer is being cheated. They have been tricked.
Here are some examples. A roll of toilet paper used to be 5 inches long. Then it has been reduced to 4.5 inches while the price of 4 has been increased. Most people just realize the price increase. A Snickers candy bar used to weigh 3.25 oz. Now it weighs 2.50 and the cost increased. A box of frosted flakes gave 21 oz. The box size remained the same. The price stayed the same, but the contents were reduced to 17 oz. Consumers get 4 oz. less for the same price. A gallon of gasoline used to give each car a certain MPG. Then the refineries included so many additives. As a result the price per gallon increased as the MPG decreased because of the additives. A box of Kleenex gave 250 tissues for .99¢. Now a box gives only 175 tissues for the same price. There are countless other examples that could be given.
It seems the consumer just about always gets the raw deal. They either get the same amount of product for a higher price. They get less product for the same price. Or worst of all, the consumer gets less product for a higher price in some cases. The only edge for the consumer is to compare brands and their amounts for the price given. In our fast-paced world most people do not have the time to spend doing that. The businesses know that, and they take full advantage of life in our modern world. It is a negative result in the new American culture.
Consumers Are Being Cheated
Roger Behra
Most consumers are not observant enough when they buy items in the grocery store and especially items they frequently purchase. Yes, they notice a price increase, but there is more to it than just a price increase. As a result they just stop there and miss what is really going on. The bottom line is the consumer is being cheated. They have been tricked.
Here are some examples. A roll of toilet paper used to be 5 inches long. Then it has been reduced to 4.5 inches while the price of 4 has been increased. Most people just realize the price increase. A Snickers candy bar used to weigh 3.25 oz. Now it weighs 2.50 and the cost increased. A box of frosted flakes gave 21 oz. The box size remained the same. The price stayed the same, but the contents were reduced to 17 oz. Consumers get 4 oz. less for the same price. A gallon of gasoline used to give each car a certain MPG. Then the refineries included so many additives. As a result the price per gallon increased as the MPG decreased because of the additives. A box of Kleenex gave 250 tissues for .99¢. Now a box gives only 175 tissues for the same price. There are countless other examples that could be given.
It seems the consumer just about always gets the raw deal. They either get the same amount of product for a higher price. They get less product for the same price. Or worst of all, the consumer gets less product for a higher price in some cases. The only edge for the consumer is to compare brands and their amounts for the price given. In our fast-paced world most people do not have the time to spend doing that. The businesses know that, and they take full advantage of life in our modern world. It is a negative result in the new American culture.
Another Personification Of Evil, By Roger Behra
Another Personification Of Evil
Roger Behra
One personification (a perfect example) of evil is the Charles Manson cult and murder in 1969. Another is the Phillip Garrido episode. It is an astonishing story all by itself, because of the person committing the evil. It is heart-wrenching because of the crimes forced on the victims. Indirectly involved along with Phillip are the law officials and the parole board. It is a combined story full of evil, bad decisions, and sadness.
Phillip Garrido is the main character in this communication. He is the very evil criminal that has caused so much to go wrong in his life and the life of others. A knowledgeable and observant person can readily see pure evil in his facial focus and taught facial skin. All the signs are there. It’s unmistakable.
Here are examples of Garrido’s evilness and what he is guilty of. His life revolved around unsavory activity early in his life when he got involved in dope taking. It continued at age 26 when he was convicted to raping 25-year-old Katherine Callaway in a shed for hours on end. He was stoned on LSD. The shed contained stacks of pornographic magazines, vials of hashish, marijuana, and cheap wine. At trail he was sentenced to 50 years in federal prison plus 5 years to life in state prison in Nevada. He was released after only 11 years.
The federal documents reveal at his 1977 trial Garrido was drug-addled with a sexual addiction so strong he would masturbate in drive-in theaters, bars, restaurants, public restrooms, and outside windows of homes. Garrido was in the firm grip of immoral and criminal behavior. And the parole board released him in 1988 after only 11 years in prison. It was 38 years too soon. And what followed with his evil activities was a direct result of the parole board’s decision to release him early.
In 1991 Garrido kidnapped 11-year-old Jecee Dugard and kept her captive for 18years. During that time he raped her fathered two girls as a result of the rapes. Her 18 years with Garrido was in makeshift shelter in his backyard without education and any socialization and only with the two children he fathered. Garrido is in police custody now along with his wife who is being charged along with him. At least 29 charges have been filed agaist him, and a bond of $30 million dollars has been set.
Garrido’s recent photo in color at age 58 shows the definite signs of demonic possession according to the description in Malachi Martin’s book, Hostage To The Devil. The eyes show the pure evil stare, and the taught facial skin is plainly visible. Garrido’s gaze and facial condition truly personifies pure evil, along with criminal record and activities.
Two of Satan’s favorite and most productive and frequently used tools for evil are sinful sex and drug use. And Garrido is guilty of greatly and frequently using these favorite tools of Satan. It started very early in his teen-age life.
Another Personification Of Evil
Roger Behra
One personification (a perfect example) of evil is the Charles Manson cult and murder in 1969. Another is the Phillip Garrido episode. It is an astonishing story all by itself, because of the person committing the evil. It is heart-wrenching because of the crimes forced on the victims. Indirectly involved along with Phillip are the law officials and the parole board. It is a combined story full of evil, bad decisions, and sadness.
Phillip Garrido is the main character in this communication. He is the very evil criminal that has caused so much to go wrong in his life and the life of others. A knowledgeable and observant person can readily see pure evil in his facial focus and taught facial skin. All the signs are there. It’s unmistakable.
Here are examples of Garrido’s evilness and what he is guilty of. His life revolved around unsavory activity early in his life when he got involved in dope taking. It continued at age 26 when he was convicted to raping 25-year-old Katherine Callaway in a shed for hours on end. He was stoned on LSD. The shed contained stacks of pornographic magazines, vials of hashish, marijuana, and cheap wine. At trail he was sentenced to 50 years in federal prison plus 5 years to life in state prison in Nevada. He was released after only 11 years.
The federal documents reveal at his 1977 trial Garrido was drug-addled with a sexual addiction so strong he would masturbate in drive-in theaters, bars, restaurants, public restrooms, and outside windows of homes. Garrido was in the firm grip of immoral and criminal behavior. And the parole board released him in 1988 after only 11 years in prison. It was 38 years too soon. And what followed with his evil activities was a direct result of the parole board’s decision to release him early.
In 1991 Garrido kidnapped 11-year-old Jecee Dugard and kept her captive for 18years. During that time he raped her fathered two girls as a result of the rapes. Her 18 years with Garrido was in makeshift shelter in his backyard without education and any socialization and only with the two children he fathered. Garrido is in police custody now along with his wife who is being charged along with him. At least 29 charges have been filed agaist him, and a bond of $30 million dollars has been set.
Garrido’s recent photo in color at age 58 shows the definite signs of demonic possession according to the description in Malachi Martin’s book, Hostage To The Devil. The eyes show the pure evil stare, and the taught facial skin is plainly visible. Garrido’s gaze and facial condition truly personifies pure evil, along with criminal record and activities.
Two of Satan’s favorite and most productive and frequently used tools for evil are sinful sex and drug use. And Garrido is guilty of greatly and frequently using these favorite tools of Satan. It started very early in his teen-age life.
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Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011

Our Lady in Art



Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita

Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"
Oración a San Judas

San Judas, Ruega por Nosotros
¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

Sonia = Sofía
¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

Pascua 2008

¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!
Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2008
Calendario 2013

Juan Pablo II

Virgen María en el Arte
Calendario 2013

Benedicto XVI
Pascua 2013

Jesucristo El Buen Pastor
feliz día de las madres 2012

feliz día de las madres 2012



Octubre 2012


JULIO 2012

JULIO 2012
JUNIO 2012

JUNIO 2012
MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
MARZO 2012

marzo 2012

ENERO 2012

enero 2012
Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

Actitudes ante la Vida

DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013

pascua 2012
Cátedra de San Pedro

St. Peter
14 de Febrero

Día de San Cirilo y San Metodio
Conversión de San Pablo

Francesco Mazzola (1503-1540)
Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN

Documento Firmado y Recibido Enero 2013
Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN

Documento, Enero 2013

Feliz Navidad y Ventuoroso Año 2013
happy new year 2012

Feliz Navidad 2011

Venturoso Año 2011


Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica

Algunas Encíclicas imortantes de la Iglesia Católica