Libros para Almas Místicas
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Los libros biblícos del Antiguo Testamento denominados Libros Sapienciales, del siglo V antes de Cristo, atribuidos al Rey Salomón son: Eclesiastés (Qohelet), Cantar de los Cantares, Sabiduría, y un libro más antiguo, conocido como el libro de los refranes o dichos: Libro de los Provervios, que reúne sentencias antiguas y recientes; son textos literarios que tratan de la sabiduría del pueblo hebreo en base a la experiencia, y son propios de las personas con Almas Místicas.
sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009
miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009
“Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life” Jn 14,6.
“Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life” Jn 14,6.
“Jesucristo es el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida” Jn 14,6.
“Jesucristo es el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida” Jn 14,6.
domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009
El Secreto del Entusiasmo, Por Angel R. Cepeda D.
El Secreto del Entusiasmo
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Entusiasmo = Estar dentro de Dios
Meditación y Reflexión
Se animó a escoger algún significado de la palabra ENTUSIASMO, de los cinco que da la RAE, nuevamente la pregunta: ¿Cuál significado es para Ud. El más apropiado?, ¿Por qué?, no se vale escoger un significado y decir: porque sí o porque no, hay que fundamentar su respuesta, por lo que invito a meditar y reflexionar al respecto, y trate de escribir su respuesta. ¿Soy entusiasta en mis distintas actividades?
Etimología y Semántica de la palabra Entusiasmo.
Entusiasmo = Estar dentro de Dios.
Entusiasmo en sentido etimológico proviene en su raíz: en-tehus = en-teos, y significa estar dentro de Dios, y con este antiguo, histórico y significado sencillo, ¿Le da a Usted una idea más clara de la poderosa fuerza de esta palabra. ¿Fuimos creados a imagen y semejanza de Dios? Si o No. ¿Por qué?, entonces fundamente su respuesta en un sentido religioso, consultando la Sagrada Escritura o el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (CIC).
¿Cuáles son las Concordancias y Frecuencia de la palabra entusiasmo en la Biblia?
En el Antiguo Testamento (AT), encontramos cuatro Concordancias en los libros de los Macabeos 1 y 2 (1Mac y 2Mac), y las citas Bíblicas para reflexionar y meditar son: 1Mac 3, 2; (…apoyo y combatieron con entusiasmo por Israel); 2Mac 6, 28 (…noble ejemplo, al morir con entusiasmo y generosidad por las venerables); 2Mac 8, 16 (Los animó a que lucharan con entusiasmo); y, 2Mac 11, 7 (…lanzaron al combate con gran entusiasmo); y del Nuevo Testamento (NT), solo encontramos una Concordancia en la Segunda Carta de San Pablo a los Corintios, donde dice: …desde el año pasado». Y el entusiasmo de ustedes ha servido de... (Cf. 2Cor, 9, 2).
Entonces en la Biblia existen 5 Concordancias de la palabra entusiasmo (Frecuencia = 5); sin embargo, hay que estar atento porque el significado puede variar de una edición bíblica a otra; por ejemplo, respecto a la cita bíblica de San Pablo (2Cor 9, 2) se emplea la palabra entusiasmo en la Biblia Latinoamericana y en la Biblia: Dios habla hoy, emplea la palabra ánimo, al igual que la Biblia Jerusalén, claro que estas últimas dos Biblias se dice que son Ecuménicas, y más la Biblia de Jerusalén.
¿Son sinónimos entusiasmo y ánimo? La palabra animo tiene 18 concordancias en la Biblia, ¿Entusiasmo = Animo?, ¿Qué hay de aquel versículo que dice: hay de aquel cambie una palabra en la Sagrada escritura?, ¿Se acuerda del significado de entusiasmo dado por la RAE?, ¿Usted qué opina?
Entusiasmo: Valor ético moral y su relación con otros valores.
El entusiasmo es un Valor ético-moral, y se puede relacionar con otros Valores: ánimo, espíritu positivo, alegre, justo, armónico, entonces podemos construir un nuevo concepto de entusiasmo.
Concepto de Entusiasmo.
Entusiasmo significa vivir en justa armonía, lleno de ánimo y espíritu positivo de alegría, que con optimismo y esperanza se mejora los distintos ambientes de la Persona Humana: Familia, Trabajo, Estudio y otros aspectos importantes. El entusiasmo es el secreto que ha hecho que muchos hombres y mujeres hayan realizado grandes conquistas de sueños que parecían metas irrealizables.
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Entusiasmo = Estar dentro de Dios
Meditación y Reflexión
Se animó a escoger algún significado de la palabra ENTUSIASMO, de los cinco que da la RAE, nuevamente la pregunta: ¿Cuál significado es para Ud. El más apropiado?, ¿Por qué?, no se vale escoger un significado y decir: porque sí o porque no, hay que fundamentar su respuesta, por lo que invito a meditar y reflexionar al respecto, y trate de escribir su respuesta. ¿Soy entusiasta en mis distintas actividades?
Etimología y Semántica de la palabra Entusiasmo.
Entusiasmo = Estar dentro de Dios.
Entusiasmo en sentido etimológico proviene en su raíz: en-tehus = en-teos, y significa estar dentro de Dios, y con este antiguo, histórico y significado sencillo, ¿Le da a Usted una idea más clara de la poderosa fuerza de esta palabra. ¿Fuimos creados a imagen y semejanza de Dios? Si o No. ¿Por qué?, entonces fundamente su respuesta en un sentido religioso, consultando la Sagrada Escritura o el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (CIC).
¿Cuáles son las Concordancias y Frecuencia de la palabra entusiasmo en la Biblia?
En el Antiguo Testamento (AT), encontramos cuatro Concordancias en los libros de los Macabeos 1 y 2 (1Mac y 2Mac), y las citas Bíblicas para reflexionar y meditar son: 1Mac 3, 2; (…apoyo y combatieron con entusiasmo por Israel); 2Mac 6, 28 (…noble ejemplo, al morir con entusiasmo y generosidad por las venerables); 2Mac 8, 16 (Los animó a que lucharan con entusiasmo); y, 2Mac 11, 7 (…lanzaron al combate con gran entusiasmo); y del Nuevo Testamento (NT), solo encontramos una Concordancia en la Segunda Carta de San Pablo a los Corintios, donde dice: …desde el año pasado». Y el entusiasmo de ustedes ha servido de... (Cf. 2Cor, 9, 2).
Entonces en la Biblia existen 5 Concordancias de la palabra entusiasmo (Frecuencia = 5); sin embargo, hay que estar atento porque el significado puede variar de una edición bíblica a otra; por ejemplo, respecto a la cita bíblica de San Pablo (2Cor 9, 2) se emplea la palabra entusiasmo en la Biblia Latinoamericana y en la Biblia: Dios habla hoy, emplea la palabra ánimo, al igual que la Biblia Jerusalén, claro que estas últimas dos Biblias se dice que son Ecuménicas, y más la Biblia de Jerusalén.
¿Son sinónimos entusiasmo y ánimo? La palabra animo tiene 18 concordancias en la Biblia, ¿Entusiasmo = Animo?, ¿Qué hay de aquel versículo que dice: hay de aquel cambie una palabra en la Sagrada escritura?, ¿Se acuerda del significado de entusiasmo dado por la RAE?, ¿Usted qué opina?
Entusiasmo: Valor ético moral y su relación con otros valores.
El entusiasmo es un Valor ético-moral, y se puede relacionar con otros Valores: ánimo, espíritu positivo, alegre, justo, armónico, entonces podemos construir un nuevo concepto de entusiasmo.
Concepto de Entusiasmo.
Entusiasmo significa vivir en justa armonía, lleno de ánimo y espíritu positivo de alegría, que con optimismo y esperanza se mejora los distintos ambientes de la Persona Humana: Familia, Trabajo, Estudio y otros aspectos importantes. El entusiasmo es el secreto que ha hecho que muchos hombres y mujeres hayan realizado grandes conquistas de sueños que parecían metas irrealizables.
sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009
Entusiasmo, Por Angel R. Cepeda D.
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En el escrito anterior se hizo alusión a un secreto del Rey Salomón, el que mencionó con un gran ENTUSIASMO, al exclamar que la sanguijuela tiene dos hijas: ¡Dame y Dame! (Sab 30, 15), y se relacionó con una problemática de la ciencia actual; en donde lo más importante es DAR con humildad de corazón, para dignificar a la persona humana, el bien común, y ser agradables a Dios. Ahora, abordaremos la palabra ENTUSIASMO, desde otro punto de vista, iniciaremos con el significado que proporciona la Real Academia Española.
La palabra entusiasmo, según la RAE, proviene del latín tardío, enthusiasmus, y este del griego (ἐνθουσιασμός), y proporciona cinco significados, a saber:
1. Exaltación y fogosidad del ánimo, excitado por algo que lo admire o cautive.
2. Adhesión fervorosa que mueve a favorecer una causa o empeño.
3. Furor o arrobamiento de las sibilas al dar sus oráculos.
4. Inspiración divina de los profetas.
5. Inspiración fogosa y arrebatada del escritor o del artista, y especialmente del poeta o del orador.
¿Cuál significado es para Ud., el más apropiado?, ¿Por qué?; ¿Es un VALOR ético-moral?, ¿Por qué? A partir del conocimiento etimológico y semántico: ¿Puede construir un nuevo concepto de entusiasmo?
Ud. ¿Qué opina?
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En el escrito anterior se hizo alusión a un secreto del Rey Salomón, el que mencionó con un gran ENTUSIASMO, al exclamar que la sanguijuela tiene dos hijas: ¡Dame y Dame! (Sab 30, 15), y se relacionó con una problemática de la ciencia actual; en donde lo más importante es DAR con humildad de corazón, para dignificar a la persona humana, el bien común, y ser agradables a Dios. Ahora, abordaremos la palabra ENTUSIASMO, desde otro punto de vista, iniciaremos con el significado que proporciona la Real Academia Española.
La palabra entusiasmo, según la RAE, proviene del latín tardío, enthusiasmus, y este del griego (ἐνθουσιασμός), y proporciona cinco significados, a saber:
1. Exaltación y fogosidad del ánimo, excitado por algo que lo admire o cautive.
2. Adhesión fervorosa que mueve a favorecer una causa o empeño.
3. Furor o arrobamiento de las sibilas al dar sus oráculos.
4. Inspiración divina de los profetas.
5. Inspiración fogosa y arrebatada del escritor o del artista, y especialmente del poeta o del orador.
¿Cuál significado es para Ud., el más apropiado?, ¿Por qué?; ¿Es un VALOR ético-moral?, ¿Por qué? A partir del conocimiento etimológico y semántico: ¿Puede construir un nuevo concepto de entusiasmo?
Ud. ¿Qué opina?
miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009
Un Secreto del Rey Salomón y la Ciencia Actual, Por Angel Cepeda D.
Un Secreto del Rey Salomón y la Ciencia Actual
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En lo más recóndito de la Sagrada Escritura, en el Antiguo Testamento, en los Libros del Rey Salomón: Proverbios y Qohelet, dejan huella de un gran testimonio de la sabiduría hebrea que más tarde es considerada en la literatura de la Sagrada Escritura del Nuevo Testamento.
El rey Salomón decía con entusiasmo que la sanguijuela tiene dos hijas que se llaman: ¡Dame y Dame! (Sab 30, 15), esta situación de enseñanza parece que se los dice a muchos burócratas de la ciencia e investigación, que en vez de ser funcionarios con un alto espíritu de servicio y coordinación institucional, no llenan de estar pidiendo a otros funcionarios de alto rango y responsabilidad, y como buenas hijas de la sanguijuela, se la pasan pidiendo y chantajeando a sus semejantes; cualquier parecido con la realidad es mera coincidencia, dice el refrán.
Desde luego que las ciencias y la investigación científica son indispensables para la buena marcha de una sociedad, en donde la razón de ser de una institución educativa es en primer lugar la Docencia, la enseñanza, el aprendizaje basado en competencias que exige el entorno de la cultura actual, siempre y cuando sean en beneficio de la dignidad de la Persona Humana y del Bien Común, en donde la Bioética como una rama de la Ética juega un papel primordial para los educandos en cualquier Institución de Educación Superior.
La Sabiduría la da la experiencia de la vida, los conocimientos científicos se adquieren en las instituciones educativas, el caminar en la ciencia dará a larga Sabiduría, cuando realmente los intereses del Bien Común estén siempre por encima a los intereses mezquinos de las personas, que llenos de egoísmo, para tener unas migajas más en sus bolsillos, traicionan, los Principios, Criterios y Valores de la Ciencia, y se dedican a denigrar a sus compañeros de trabajo, y como buenas sanguijuelas, se olvidan de preceptos ético morales, contenidos por ejemplo en algún Código de Ética de su institución educativa, o bien se olvidan de los 10 Mandamientos de la Ley de Dios.
¿Usted qué opina?
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En lo más recóndito de la Sagrada Escritura, en el Antiguo Testamento, en los Libros del Rey Salomón: Proverbios y Qohelet, dejan huella de un gran testimonio de la sabiduría hebrea que más tarde es considerada en la literatura de la Sagrada Escritura del Nuevo Testamento.
El rey Salomón decía con entusiasmo que la sanguijuela tiene dos hijas que se llaman: ¡Dame y Dame! (Sab 30, 15), esta situación de enseñanza parece que se los dice a muchos burócratas de la ciencia e investigación, que en vez de ser funcionarios con un alto espíritu de servicio y coordinación institucional, no llenan de estar pidiendo a otros funcionarios de alto rango y responsabilidad, y como buenas hijas de la sanguijuela, se la pasan pidiendo y chantajeando a sus semejantes; cualquier parecido con la realidad es mera coincidencia, dice el refrán.
Desde luego que las ciencias y la investigación científica son indispensables para la buena marcha de una sociedad, en donde la razón de ser de una institución educativa es en primer lugar la Docencia, la enseñanza, el aprendizaje basado en competencias que exige el entorno de la cultura actual, siempre y cuando sean en beneficio de la dignidad de la Persona Humana y del Bien Común, en donde la Bioética como una rama de la Ética juega un papel primordial para los educandos en cualquier Institución de Educación Superior.
La Sabiduría la da la experiencia de la vida, los conocimientos científicos se adquieren en las instituciones educativas, el caminar en la ciencia dará a larga Sabiduría, cuando realmente los intereses del Bien Común estén siempre por encima a los intereses mezquinos de las personas, que llenos de egoísmo, para tener unas migajas más en sus bolsillos, traicionan, los Principios, Criterios y Valores de la Ciencia, y se dedican a denigrar a sus compañeros de trabajo, y como buenas sanguijuelas, se olvidan de preceptos ético morales, contenidos por ejemplo en algún Código de Ética de su institución educativa, o bien se olvidan de los 10 Mandamientos de la Ley de Dios.
¿Usted qué opina?
viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009
A Blueprint for Failure, By Roger Behra
A Blueprint for Failure
Roger Behra
In many parts of the United States there are recorded examples of school failures. There are definite reasons for those record failures. And a very large number of America’s teachers have the precise answer, and it would be so productive in the right direction if the school administrators would listen to classroom teachers.
At the top of the list of reason is the fact that teachers cannot spend the proper amount of time they need to prepare their lesson plans and then executing the ones they do plan. As a result at the end of a school year teachers are considerably short of the total requirements need for a successful teaching year. The big question is why?
The mayor standby reasons still exist. Classrooms are still very overcrowded. The school day and school year are too short. There are too many free days. The teacher has too many extracurricular activities. Now, an extra activity has been added. It is called the “testing season”.
Years ago it was very simple. There were teacher made subject matter test and mid-April state mandated achievement tests. That is still in effect, but it is along with the added “testing season” as it is called.
It is not the “testing season” test period that is the problem. It is the ancillary activities. It is the barrage of activities that must take place BEFORE the actual testing can take place. That includes test-prep materials, and the meetings about how to understand test scores, and how to use the test results to improve classroom instructional time, which has now been cut shorter because of the barrage of these extra activities. It has become an insane situation, and teachers are left hanging with no solution in sight.
This is simply and clearly not the way to go if failing schools are to improve. In fact in the near future “seasonal testing” will add to the total amount of existing school failures. The school administrators must come to their senses and allow restoration of list preparation time and teaching time that is so drastically needed for the improvement of failing schools and the elimination of added school failures in the future. All classroom teacher time should be and must be spent preparing lesson plans, and teaching those lessons, and giving remedial help when needed. The daily blueprint must be changed and very soon. It is the only salvation the school systems have. That’s the only reality way to go.
In our modern world of today classroom teachers in the elementary and secondary schools of America face an uphill battle just because of the daily routine problems, with discipline problems and, yes, not enough time to accomplish the minimum academic goals at the top of the list. They do not need the added problem of the “testing season”. It simply adds more mud to the already muddy waters, and it is going to drive more teachers out of the profession. Gifted and very qualified teacher will simply give up teaching if they really can. Administrators must come to their senses, and give the classroom and time needed there back to the classroom teacher. A first grade pupil can figure that one out.
A Blueprint for Failure
Roger Behra
In many parts of the United States there are recorded examples of school failures. There are definite reasons for those record failures. And a very large number of America’s teachers have the precise answer, and it would be so productive in the right direction if the school administrators would listen to classroom teachers.
At the top of the list of reason is the fact that teachers cannot spend the proper amount of time they need to prepare their lesson plans and then executing the ones they do plan. As a result at the end of a school year teachers are considerably short of the total requirements need for a successful teaching year. The big question is why?
The mayor standby reasons still exist. Classrooms are still very overcrowded. The school day and school year are too short. There are too many free days. The teacher has too many extracurricular activities. Now, an extra activity has been added. It is called the “testing season”.
Years ago it was very simple. There were teacher made subject matter test and mid-April state mandated achievement tests. That is still in effect, but it is along with the added “testing season” as it is called.
It is not the “testing season” test period that is the problem. It is the ancillary activities. It is the barrage of activities that must take place BEFORE the actual testing can take place. That includes test-prep materials, and the meetings about how to understand test scores, and how to use the test results to improve classroom instructional time, which has now been cut shorter because of the barrage of these extra activities. It has become an insane situation, and teachers are left hanging with no solution in sight.
This is simply and clearly not the way to go if failing schools are to improve. In fact in the near future “seasonal testing” will add to the total amount of existing school failures. The school administrators must come to their senses and allow restoration of list preparation time and teaching time that is so drastically needed for the improvement of failing schools and the elimination of added school failures in the future. All classroom teacher time should be and must be spent preparing lesson plans, and teaching those lessons, and giving remedial help when needed. The daily blueprint must be changed and very soon. It is the only salvation the school systems have. That’s the only reality way to go.
In our modern world of today classroom teachers in the elementary and secondary schools of America face an uphill battle just because of the daily routine problems, with discipline problems and, yes, not enough time to accomplish the minimum academic goals at the top of the list. They do not need the added problem of the “testing season”. It simply adds more mud to the already muddy waters, and it is going to drive more teachers out of the profession. Gifted and very qualified teacher will simply give up teaching if they really can. Administrators must come to their senses, and give the classroom and time needed there back to the classroom teacher. A first grade pupil can figure that one out.
Disgusting Irreligious Behavior, By Roger Behra
Disgusting Irreligious Behavior
Roger Behra
Over 59% of American’s do not practice religious living in their daily lives and all the problems in the American culture actually supports that fact. It means that over 59% of Americans are the root cause of the degrading of the American culture. It also means that irreligious living is a spreading cancer throughout the nation. And most likely they are clueless that their irreligious living is the reason that America is suffering greatly from so many serious problems. The only ones that have a clue are those that do practice religious living. They know that conducting their behavior according to good moral principals and a good conscience brings God’s blessings instead of serious problems. They also know that pleasing God gives them a clear conscience and a good measure of happiness in their lives.
Now we are going to have some prime examples of living that is very far from religious living. The examples are contained in an event that takes place annually at the same time in the state of California. The most recent irreligious event took place on July 11, 2009, at Laguna, Niguel, California.
The main event of this particular irreligious event is the mooning of northbound trains. Anyone can participate, and a very large number of men and women do so. A tavern is located on the property very near the mooning area for the participants and spectators. It does a fabulous amount of business on mooning day, as the tavern is a very welcomed place during the times I between the mooning.
The whole event must be considered in its entire mode. There are lulls in the mooning activity, and the spectators fill the lull times with activities of their own. And that is when the very irreligious living really blossoms, as it is in plain view for all to see.
Alcohol abuse is widespread, because the trains pass right near the Mugs Away Saloon where all in attendance are served. It’s a bad combination of mooning and drinking alcohol. Watching so many men and women staggering around full of alcohol is unbelievable. Listening to loud laughter and talk using the Lord’s name in vain so casually and hearing vulgar and obscene words and suggestions is quite disgusting. There are men urinating and people defecating in public, and the sex acts in plain view are absolutely detestable. The public sex acts in plain view are no doubt inspired by waving bare derrieres and other exposed body parts in public, also. As time passes the mooning almost becomes secondary to all the other activities going on. The whole event degenerates into a really gigantic playground of active evil activity that is very hard to accept.
As many as 8,000 to 100,000 people at one time over the years have attended this annual event, which has made a name for itself. Information about all the evil activity that takes place has gotten around, indeed. Parking cars has always been a problem, and new restrictions on behavior and activities will cut down on future attendance it is feared. Mooning will still take place, but a real clamp down on other public behavior is going to be in order.
Many times on radio talk shows and news broadcasts it is mentioned that the state of California sets trends for the rest of the United States. That is very true, and it has helped in the declines that have taken place over the past several years. Let us hope that the mooning event is not a trend setter. Showing bare backsides in public and public drunkenness, and public sex acts, and loud, obscene talk is not a trend to be set. America’s moral condition is at a very low level as it is. It is absolutely not in the best interest in America to have a mooning event become an annual event elsewhere.
Disgusting Irreligious Behavior
Roger Behra
Over 59% of American’s do not practice religious living in their daily lives and all the problems in the American culture actually supports that fact. It means that over 59% of Americans are the root cause of the degrading of the American culture. It also means that irreligious living is a spreading cancer throughout the nation. And most likely they are clueless that their irreligious living is the reason that America is suffering greatly from so many serious problems. The only ones that have a clue are those that do practice religious living. They know that conducting their behavior according to good moral principals and a good conscience brings God’s blessings instead of serious problems. They also know that pleasing God gives them a clear conscience and a good measure of happiness in their lives.
Now we are going to have some prime examples of living that is very far from religious living. The examples are contained in an event that takes place annually at the same time in the state of California. The most recent irreligious event took place on July 11, 2009, at Laguna, Niguel, California.
The main event of this particular irreligious event is the mooning of northbound trains. Anyone can participate, and a very large number of men and women do so. A tavern is located on the property very near the mooning area for the participants and spectators. It does a fabulous amount of business on mooning day, as the tavern is a very welcomed place during the times I between the mooning.
The whole event must be considered in its entire mode. There are lulls in the mooning activity, and the spectators fill the lull times with activities of their own. And that is when the very irreligious living really blossoms, as it is in plain view for all to see.
Alcohol abuse is widespread, because the trains pass right near the Mugs Away Saloon where all in attendance are served. It’s a bad combination of mooning and drinking alcohol. Watching so many men and women staggering around full of alcohol is unbelievable. Listening to loud laughter and talk using the Lord’s name in vain so casually and hearing vulgar and obscene words and suggestions is quite disgusting. There are men urinating and people defecating in public, and the sex acts in plain view are absolutely detestable. The public sex acts in plain view are no doubt inspired by waving bare derrieres and other exposed body parts in public, also. As time passes the mooning almost becomes secondary to all the other activities going on. The whole event degenerates into a really gigantic playground of active evil activity that is very hard to accept.
As many as 8,000 to 100,000 people at one time over the years have attended this annual event, which has made a name for itself. Information about all the evil activity that takes place has gotten around, indeed. Parking cars has always been a problem, and new restrictions on behavior and activities will cut down on future attendance it is feared. Mooning will still take place, but a real clamp down on other public behavior is going to be in order.
Many times on radio talk shows and news broadcasts it is mentioned that the state of California sets trends for the rest of the United States. That is very true, and it has helped in the declines that have taken place over the past several years. Let us hope that the mooning event is not a trend setter. Showing bare backsides in public and public drunkenness, and public sex acts, and loud, obscene talk is not a trend to be set. America’s moral condition is at a very low level as it is. It is absolutely not in the best interest in America to have a mooning event become an annual event elsewhere.
No Emotional Attachments, By Roger Behra
No Emotional Attachments
Roger Behra
It is no secret, but it is kept quiet to a large degree by the mass media that teenagers and younger get involved in intimate sexual behavior. Once in a while there will be an article in the newspaper on this subject, and that is when the article is about sexually transmitted diseases. Nothing much is ever said about how wrong it is morally.
What is wrong and alarming about teen and younger sexual activity along with the immoral aspect is the fact that takes place very frequently and with no emotional attachments. The acts are merely cold physical activities. There are reasons for such behavior.
An article published some months ago stated that when a mother suspects that a daughter is involved in sex is to arrange for birth control pills. In matters of their sons, the sons are given advice about condoms. Mostly, the worry was about teen pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases, and that girls will be girls and boys will be boys. Rarely was morality ever mentioned. Parents absolutely have to take a stronger moral and spiritual approach to their children’s immoral and unemotional behavior. A great part to a good solution is up to the parents. It has to start their in the home.
Television sitcoms in the early evening are also part of the teen sex problem. The sitcoms present sex as a normal part of growing up, and that it is sort of okay. In teenage bedrooms where there are computers internet pornography greatly stimulates sexual desire and school environment conversation. That creates obsessions and addictions. Internet pornography stimulates thoughts and desires that later are put into action in a cold and unemotional sexual way. It leads to what is termed “lemming behavior”.
An added factor is raging hormones because of the particular time of human growth and maturation. Hormonal activity pours fuel onto all the other reasons for unemotional sexual activity by teenagers. And as male teenagers face their raging hormones, they are faced each day with the very immodest dress and the fashions of teenage girls. The very tight blue jeans, bare midriffs and half exposed breast cause temptations galore. It is a win/win situation in the direction of sex for the sake of sex without the tender and amorous feelings of sex in the right context.
What teenagers are too young to realize is the fact that unemotional sexual activity is seriously harming their present and their future. It can lead to demonic influence, or demonic activity, or demonic affliction, and even demonic possession as time passes. It can lead to the absence of a proper and beautiful physical married life during adulthood later on. Their teenage behavior is so important, and parents who do not realize that are to blame to a great degree. It should be emphasized sternly that any teenage sexual activity should be avoided at all costs for the present as well as for the future.
No Emotional Attachments
Roger Behra
It is no secret, but it is kept quiet to a large degree by the mass media that teenagers and younger get involved in intimate sexual behavior. Once in a while there will be an article in the newspaper on this subject, and that is when the article is about sexually transmitted diseases. Nothing much is ever said about how wrong it is morally.
What is wrong and alarming about teen and younger sexual activity along with the immoral aspect is the fact that takes place very frequently and with no emotional attachments. The acts are merely cold physical activities. There are reasons for such behavior.
An article published some months ago stated that when a mother suspects that a daughter is involved in sex is to arrange for birth control pills. In matters of their sons, the sons are given advice about condoms. Mostly, the worry was about teen pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases, and that girls will be girls and boys will be boys. Rarely was morality ever mentioned. Parents absolutely have to take a stronger moral and spiritual approach to their children’s immoral and unemotional behavior. A great part to a good solution is up to the parents. It has to start their in the home.
Television sitcoms in the early evening are also part of the teen sex problem. The sitcoms present sex as a normal part of growing up, and that it is sort of okay. In teenage bedrooms where there are computers internet pornography greatly stimulates sexual desire and school environment conversation. That creates obsessions and addictions. Internet pornography stimulates thoughts and desires that later are put into action in a cold and unemotional sexual way. It leads to what is termed “lemming behavior”.
An added factor is raging hormones because of the particular time of human growth and maturation. Hormonal activity pours fuel onto all the other reasons for unemotional sexual activity by teenagers. And as male teenagers face their raging hormones, they are faced each day with the very immodest dress and the fashions of teenage girls. The very tight blue jeans, bare midriffs and half exposed breast cause temptations galore. It is a win/win situation in the direction of sex for the sake of sex without the tender and amorous feelings of sex in the right context.
What teenagers are too young to realize is the fact that unemotional sexual activity is seriously harming their present and their future. It can lead to demonic influence, or demonic activity, or demonic affliction, and even demonic possession as time passes. It can lead to the absence of a proper and beautiful physical married life during adulthood later on. Their teenage behavior is so important, and parents who do not realize that are to blame to a great degree. It should be emphasized sternly that any teenage sexual activity should be avoided at all costs for the present as well as for the future.
miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009
Taking The Wrong Path, By Roger Behra
Taking The Wrong Path
Roger Behra
The drug culture in America is very much alive and well, and it is vey much a part of the lives of America’s teenagers. Their parents must lose plenty of sleep worrying about their children’s daily behavior. And that is for a very good reason. Teenage drug use can become a part of any household with teenagers. Any parents who have teen children who avoid drug use should be on their knees every single day passionately thanking God for that. The scourge of teen drug use is, indeed, a very great scourge to have to accept, because it effects the lives of parents as well as the teens.
It is no secret that many teen problems are hatched in the school environment. And the problems are later increased at home because of the teen’s changed behavior. Reasonability enjoyable relationships at home become greatly harmed. Unaware parents that drug use by their teen is at the root of the problem scratch their heads and wonder why the significant behavior changes.
The reasons for teen drug use are many:
1. Peer group pressure
2. It’s cool activity
3. For the thrill of it
4. To escape social and academic pressures
5. Drugs are easily available
6. Computer internet information
A large number of parents greatly underestimate the power of the peer group. Peer group pressure is enormous, and the best upbringing can go astray because of it. Peer group pressure gives the impression that drug use is “cool” and that it is “thrilling”. If the teen is having trouble socially, academically, at home; with all of these, the teen is easy prey for some kind of escape. And the teen thinks drug use is a way out. The easy availability of drugs through peers and the computer facilitates things.
Drug use is very tempting, and when it is labeled by peers as “cool” and “thrilling”, the temptation is easily satisfied. Once that happens, addiction becomes the end result.
Once addiction becomes the reality, it usually leads the user down other undesirable paths. Criminal activity of various kinds is one. And that can lead to serious injury of death. Drug overdose is another. Many suicides are connected to drug addiction. Promising futures are nipped in the bud and never happen. Good academic progress ends in failure. Personalities drastically change. Home life becomes contentious and greatly deteriorates. One or more of these paths are possible through drug use and addiction.
In this matter of drug use attention must be paid to alcohol. Yes, it is a form substance use and abuse. And it is easily available, and in many cases addictive. Many teens become involved with alcohol. Many teens die on the road in automobile accidents. Alcohol is easily available for teens through devious means.
Now you know why parents with teenagers have so much to worry about along with their other worries. There are so many evil paths to take-heard drugs, alcohol, auto deaths, and other criminal activity, because of the modern day culture we live in today.
An addiction is a strong desire to do something regularly. Believe it or not, there are good addictions. There are addictions to God, and religious living, and love towards our neighbor. No person, young or older, can go wrong on these paths.
Taking The Wrong Path
Roger Behra
The drug culture in America is very much alive and well, and it is vey much a part of the lives of America’s teenagers. Their parents must lose plenty of sleep worrying about their children’s daily behavior. And that is for a very good reason. Teenage drug use can become a part of any household with teenagers. Any parents who have teen children who avoid drug use should be on their knees every single day passionately thanking God for that. The scourge of teen drug use is, indeed, a very great scourge to have to accept, because it effects the lives of parents as well as the teens.
It is no secret that many teen problems are hatched in the school environment. And the problems are later increased at home because of the teen’s changed behavior. Reasonability enjoyable relationships at home become greatly harmed. Unaware parents that drug use by their teen is at the root of the problem scratch their heads and wonder why the significant behavior changes.
The reasons for teen drug use are many:
1. Peer group pressure
2. It’s cool activity
3. For the thrill of it
4. To escape social and academic pressures
5. Drugs are easily available
6. Computer internet information
A large number of parents greatly underestimate the power of the peer group. Peer group pressure is enormous, and the best upbringing can go astray because of it. Peer group pressure gives the impression that drug use is “cool” and that it is “thrilling”. If the teen is having trouble socially, academically, at home; with all of these, the teen is easy prey for some kind of escape. And the teen thinks drug use is a way out. The easy availability of drugs through peers and the computer facilitates things.
Drug use is very tempting, and when it is labeled by peers as “cool” and “thrilling”, the temptation is easily satisfied. Once that happens, addiction becomes the end result.
Once addiction becomes the reality, it usually leads the user down other undesirable paths. Criminal activity of various kinds is one. And that can lead to serious injury of death. Drug overdose is another. Many suicides are connected to drug addiction. Promising futures are nipped in the bud and never happen. Good academic progress ends in failure. Personalities drastically change. Home life becomes contentious and greatly deteriorates. One or more of these paths are possible through drug use and addiction.
In this matter of drug use attention must be paid to alcohol. Yes, it is a form substance use and abuse. And it is easily available, and in many cases addictive. Many teens become involved with alcohol. Many teens die on the road in automobile accidents. Alcohol is easily available for teens through devious means.
Now you know why parents with teenagers have so much to worry about along with their other worries. There are so many evil paths to take-heard drugs, alcohol, auto deaths, and other criminal activity, because of the modern day culture we live in today.
An addiction is a strong desire to do something regularly. Believe it or not, there are good addictions. There are addictions to God, and religious living, and love towards our neighbor. No person, young or older, can go wrong on these paths.
What Successful Marriages Need, By Roger Behra
What Successful Marriages Need
Roger Behra
Along with God’s graces, blessings, and help, the success of any marriage, Catholic or otherwise, depends on several other important factors. And at the top of the list is intelligent and honest communication. And the best time for that to start is during courtship. The rod to marriage failure later in many marriages can be traced back to the courtship. Unfortunately, in our modern cultures there are so many distractions that get in the way. Here in America people make their own rules of the road as they go along, and that is absolutely not the way to go.
Intelligent and honest communication begins with the mutual love for God and the keeping of His Commandments as the central forces in the marriage on a daily basis. If the partners keep in mind that they are only visitors here for only a very short time and that they are accountable later (in eternity) for all words and actions committed here on earth. Both partners absolutely have to be on the same page when it comes to love for God and the keeping of His Commandments. And that must come first.
Once mutual love for God has been established, the next important step in the communication process involves the matter of daily emotional love and respect for each other. The give and take of daily life and the respect for each other’s opinions and actions and decisions is very essential. This sets the stage for the entrance of physical love.
In matters of physical love there has to be a clear understanding that they own each other’s bodies, and that physical love is important, and that it can happen at any time within reason, but not abused. In other words common sense has to be used.
A fourth and very, very important area of communication is the matter of money. Many marriages end in divorce because of constant arguments over money. There are many solutions to the handling of money the couple can take. It is of vital importance that money matters are discussed and adhered to religiously. There cannot be any ifs, ands, or buts, only what has been agreed.
The fifth area of communication is super important, and that is the matter of children. It is very important that this subject is discussed in detail with all honesty, and with a proper moral agreement firmly agreed upon. And that means no contraception or birth control and how to go about arriving at the number of children desired. It is a very delicate area of the marriage contract, but it is of upmost importance.
Now that we know that honest, intelligent, moral, and reasonable communication is the foundation of any successful marriage, we must remember that it starts during courtship and especially during the six month waiting period and at conference times with the priest of choice. The priest of your choice will be a valuable help in the communication process, during courtship in general, and at the marriage ceremony later. When the communication factor is taken care of, and the ceremony is properly done, the marriage is nicely headed in the right direction toward success.
Some final points to remember are these. Live according to God’s wishes. Keep daily life simple. Do not overly strive for and abundance of material things. Value the human members more so. Live healthfully. Think positively. All these points will help the happiness quotient to ride a high wave.
What Successful Marriages Need
Roger Behra
Along with God’s graces, blessings, and help, the success of any marriage, Catholic or otherwise, depends on several other important factors. And at the top of the list is intelligent and honest communication. And the best time for that to start is during courtship. The rod to marriage failure later in many marriages can be traced back to the courtship. Unfortunately, in our modern cultures there are so many distractions that get in the way. Here in America people make their own rules of the road as they go along, and that is absolutely not the way to go.
Intelligent and honest communication begins with the mutual love for God and the keeping of His Commandments as the central forces in the marriage on a daily basis. If the partners keep in mind that they are only visitors here for only a very short time and that they are accountable later (in eternity) for all words and actions committed here on earth. Both partners absolutely have to be on the same page when it comes to love for God and the keeping of His Commandments. And that must come first.
Once mutual love for God has been established, the next important step in the communication process involves the matter of daily emotional love and respect for each other. The give and take of daily life and the respect for each other’s opinions and actions and decisions is very essential. This sets the stage for the entrance of physical love.
In matters of physical love there has to be a clear understanding that they own each other’s bodies, and that physical love is important, and that it can happen at any time within reason, but not abused. In other words common sense has to be used.
A fourth and very, very important area of communication is the matter of money. Many marriages end in divorce because of constant arguments over money. There are many solutions to the handling of money the couple can take. It is of vital importance that money matters are discussed and adhered to religiously. There cannot be any ifs, ands, or buts, only what has been agreed.
The fifth area of communication is super important, and that is the matter of children. It is very important that this subject is discussed in detail with all honesty, and with a proper moral agreement firmly agreed upon. And that means no contraception or birth control and how to go about arriving at the number of children desired. It is a very delicate area of the marriage contract, but it is of upmost importance.
Now that we know that honest, intelligent, moral, and reasonable communication is the foundation of any successful marriage, we must remember that it starts during courtship and especially during the six month waiting period and at conference times with the priest of choice. The priest of your choice will be a valuable help in the communication process, during courtship in general, and at the marriage ceremony later. When the communication factor is taken care of, and the ceremony is properly done, the marriage is nicely headed in the right direction toward success.
Some final points to remember are these. Live according to God’s wishes. Keep daily life simple. Do not overly strive for and abundance of material things. Value the human members more so. Live healthfully. Think positively. All these points will help the happiness quotient to ride a high wave.
America at Her Crossroads, By Roger Behra
America at Her Crossroads
Roger Behra
In the last national election in America (November, 2008), the American voters elected the furthest left (liberal) president in American history. And that does not mean good things are in store for America’s future. On the contrary, it means a very bad sign for the country. And to make matters worse, a very liberal congress takes over in Washington, also. That greatly complements the president and his numerous and varied liberal goals. The present political game in Washington is on the same field, but with a host of new players. The liberal game is on.
As a result, the new political game in both the domestic and foreign policy direction in Washington is taking America into very dangerous times. And once the dangerous times become history, it is very doubtful that America will ever be able to reverse direction. America’s influence and power will never be the same under Obama or future presidents.
The very dangerous area domestically is the national debt. It is four times larger now than it used to be just a short while ago. That is extremely bad for America’s future. There is no way America can recover from that. The harm will be there decades from now. The president’s decisions taking effect now are far too expensive to continue in the log run, also. It is a lose/lose situation.
Internationally, Obama’s acceptance of Iran, who is sponsoring terrorism in Iraq and helping to kill American soldiers behind the scenes, and who hates America and Israel and wants them off the map, and who is working night and day toward becoming a nuclear power, and who does not negotiate in good faith, does not guarantee that America will ever recover. None of Obama’s televised speeches on Iran will encourage Iran to listen and stop trying to become a nuclear power. In matters of Iran time is very quickly running out.
In other matters domestically, America’s far left (liberal) president is systematically leading America down the road to a social-welfare state. His ideas and suggestions to congress and publicly indicate that. Moving away from a tried and true democracy is absolutely not the way to go. He has the failures of other socialistic nations to warn him, but he is not listening or paying attention.
It seems that American voters did not vote intelligently at all last November, 2008. They put a man in the White House that has bad ideas and no qualifications to be president. He is very intelligent but very short on experience.
Yes, America is at the crossroads internationally and domestically for several crucial reasons. And just for the sake of change, the president and his congress are clueless and asleep at all the switches in both areas of importance. It really is a sad state of affairs, indeed.
America at Her Crossroads
Roger Behra
In the last national election in America (November, 2008), the American voters elected the furthest left (liberal) president in American history. And that does not mean good things are in store for America’s future. On the contrary, it means a very bad sign for the country. And to make matters worse, a very liberal congress takes over in Washington, also. That greatly complements the president and his numerous and varied liberal goals. The present political game in Washington is on the same field, but with a host of new players. The liberal game is on.
As a result, the new political game in both the domestic and foreign policy direction in Washington is taking America into very dangerous times. And once the dangerous times become history, it is very doubtful that America will ever be able to reverse direction. America’s influence and power will never be the same under Obama or future presidents.
The very dangerous area domestically is the national debt. It is four times larger now than it used to be just a short while ago. That is extremely bad for America’s future. There is no way America can recover from that. The harm will be there decades from now. The president’s decisions taking effect now are far too expensive to continue in the log run, also. It is a lose/lose situation.
Internationally, Obama’s acceptance of Iran, who is sponsoring terrorism in Iraq and helping to kill American soldiers behind the scenes, and who hates America and Israel and wants them off the map, and who is working night and day toward becoming a nuclear power, and who does not negotiate in good faith, does not guarantee that America will ever recover. None of Obama’s televised speeches on Iran will encourage Iran to listen and stop trying to become a nuclear power. In matters of Iran time is very quickly running out.
In other matters domestically, America’s far left (liberal) president is systematically leading America down the road to a social-welfare state. His ideas and suggestions to congress and publicly indicate that. Moving away from a tried and true democracy is absolutely not the way to go. He has the failures of other socialistic nations to warn him, but he is not listening or paying attention.
It seems that American voters did not vote intelligently at all last November, 2008. They put a man in the White House that has bad ideas and no qualifications to be president. He is very intelligent but very short on experience.
Yes, America is at the crossroads internationally and domestically for several crucial reasons. And just for the sake of change, the president and his congress are clueless and asleep at all the switches in both areas of importance. It really is a sad state of affairs, indeed.
Remembering The 1970s, By Roger Behra
Remembering The 1970s
Roger Behra
If you are aware and lived through American culture during the past five decades, then you remember the years 1970 to 1980. It was a very notable time period in American cultural history. Although some of the cultural changes took place in very late 1960, the changes blossomed to full bloom during the following decade. And the upheaval in thinking and actions brought about some of the worst decisions and results in American cultural history.
All those who lived the 1970s know that during the late months of 2008 the fashion designers began bringing back the styles of dress of that cultural period. It has been successful to some degree. We are seeing the bellbottom look of trousers and slacks, and the designs on the two back pockets, and the square-toed shoes, and the thick shoe soles, and the shoulder length hair styles on men. Ouch! That hair style on men certainly kicks aside the spiked and porcupine hair style that it replaces, and no one knows how long it will last.
Millions of Americans are remembering the personal appearance look of the 1970s, but what they are not remembering is this. That decade goes down in American history as the worst cultural time period ever. So, along with memory refreshment about fashions, let us refresh our memories about the worst decisions and results of that time period.
The counterculture movement was approaching full swing about 1970. The generation gap between younger and older was very wide. God and the Commandments were being greatly ignored. The music industry took on a completely new approach. Casual sex grew by leaps and bounds. Discipline in public schools deteriorated. Curriculum changes took place away from tried and true methods. Drug addiction was proliferate along with alcoholism. Ordinary politeness took a back seat. Serial killings were in the spotlight. The Vietnam War was still in full swing taking civilian and military lives. Greed gained a solid footing. Abortion, the worst of all the 1970s decisions, became legal because of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Roe vs. Wade. And the need for Catholic exorcisms from demonic affliction and possession increased very greatly.
These great and varied changes in American culture allowed evil to gain an everlasting foothold, which is going full bore today. And those changes enabled Satan to reap great advances during his 100 years of evil granted by God to try to destroy good. Satan and the cultural changes threw everything in the wrong direction. From that decade on American culture has never been the same. The living culture went from a God loving and fearing and morally acceptable and religious living culture that was sensible and well organized to an unacceptable one heading strongly in the wrong direction. It is quite painful to know how America is today compared to how America used to be. And all the current signs are that the painfulness will linger for a long time to come, because there is not a glimmer of hope that America will ever be the nation she once was, which was a nation that was culturally a great joy to God and her citizens. Indeed, the 1970s were very decisive. But that time period took America down the slippery slope that is known as our modern world.
Remembering The 1970s
Roger Behra
If you are aware and lived through American culture during the past five decades, then you remember the years 1970 to 1980. It was a very notable time period in American cultural history. Although some of the cultural changes took place in very late 1960, the changes blossomed to full bloom during the following decade. And the upheaval in thinking and actions brought about some of the worst decisions and results in American cultural history.
All those who lived the 1970s know that during the late months of 2008 the fashion designers began bringing back the styles of dress of that cultural period. It has been successful to some degree. We are seeing the bellbottom look of trousers and slacks, and the designs on the two back pockets, and the square-toed shoes, and the thick shoe soles, and the shoulder length hair styles on men. Ouch! That hair style on men certainly kicks aside the spiked and porcupine hair style that it replaces, and no one knows how long it will last.
Millions of Americans are remembering the personal appearance look of the 1970s, but what they are not remembering is this. That decade goes down in American history as the worst cultural time period ever. So, along with memory refreshment about fashions, let us refresh our memories about the worst decisions and results of that time period.
The counterculture movement was approaching full swing about 1970. The generation gap between younger and older was very wide. God and the Commandments were being greatly ignored. The music industry took on a completely new approach. Casual sex grew by leaps and bounds. Discipline in public schools deteriorated. Curriculum changes took place away from tried and true methods. Drug addiction was proliferate along with alcoholism. Ordinary politeness took a back seat. Serial killings were in the spotlight. The Vietnam War was still in full swing taking civilian and military lives. Greed gained a solid footing. Abortion, the worst of all the 1970s decisions, became legal because of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Roe vs. Wade. And the need for Catholic exorcisms from demonic affliction and possession increased very greatly.
These great and varied changes in American culture allowed evil to gain an everlasting foothold, which is going full bore today. And those changes enabled Satan to reap great advances during his 100 years of evil granted by God to try to destroy good. Satan and the cultural changes threw everything in the wrong direction. From that decade on American culture has never been the same. The living culture went from a God loving and fearing and morally acceptable and religious living culture that was sensible and well organized to an unacceptable one heading strongly in the wrong direction. It is quite painful to know how America is today compared to how America used to be. And all the current signs are that the painfulness will linger for a long time to come, because there is not a glimmer of hope that America will ever be the nation she once was, which was a nation that was culturally a great joy to God and her citizens. Indeed, the 1970s were very decisive. But that time period took America down the slippery slope that is known as our modern world.
martes, 11 de agosto de 2009
Acróstico a Santa Clara de Asís, Por Angel R. Cepeda D.
Acróstico a Santa Clara de Asís (1193-1253)+
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Santa Clara en tu Basílica está tu cuerpo incorrupto
Abrazaste con San Francisco el llamado del Cristo de San Damián
Nuevas noticias, pregonaste con él Evangelio con humildad
Tau del Profeta Ezequiel, con San Francisco formaste la Orden
Amanecer a una nueva vida transparente te consagraste a Dios
Clara tu nombre significa Vida Transparente
La humildad fue para ti pobreza espiritual
Al convertirla en obediencia y servicio por Cristo
Rey de Reyes que nació en un pesebre en Belén
Alfa y Omega claridad de carisma en la Orden Franciscana
11 de Agosto de 2009
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Santa Clara en tu Basílica está tu cuerpo incorrupto
Abrazaste con San Francisco el llamado del Cristo de San Damián
Nuevas noticias, pregonaste con él Evangelio con humildad
Tau del Profeta Ezequiel, con San Francisco formaste la Orden
Amanecer a una nueva vida transparente te consagraste a Dios
Clara tu nombre significa Vida Transparente
La humildad fue para ti pobreza espiritual
Al convertirla en obediencia y servicio por Cristo
Rey de Reyes que nació en un pesebre en Belén
Alfa y Omega claridad de carisma en la Orden Franciscana
11 de Agosto de 2009
domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009
St. Gertrude the Great [1256-1301(2)]† and his Prayer
St. Gertrude the Great [1256-1301(2)]†
Benedictine mystic, whose name Gertrude means Law Counsel Faithful. She is the holy mystical people, born in Eisleben, Germany, also known as St. Gertrude of Eisleben. She had the gift of revelation, considered to be the first to spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the cult of St. Joseph. The solemn feast in her honor was held initially on November 17, the festival now in many countries is the 16th of the month.
Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great †
“Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.”
Our Lord told St. Gertrude the Great Prayer for every release seems to be 1000 souls in Purgatory.
Cortesía: Tópicos Culturales A.R.C.D. Editor ©
Benedictine mystic, whose name Gertrude means Law Counsel Faithful. She is the holy mystical people, born in Eisleben, Germany, also known as St. Gertrude of Eisleben. She had the gift of revelation, considered to be the first to spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the cult of St. Joseph. The solemn feast in her honor was held initially on November 17, the festival now in many countries is the 16th of the month.
Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great †
“Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.”
Our Lord told St. Gertrude the Great Prayer for every release seems to be 1000 souls in Purgatory.
Cortesía: Tópicos Culturales A.R.C.D. Editor ©
Santa Gertrudis la Grande [1256-1301(2)]† y su Oración
Santa Gertrudis la Grande [1256-1301(2)]†
Mística Benedictina; su nombre Gertrudis significa Defensora Fiel. Es la patrona de las personas místicas, nacida en Eisleben, Alemania, conocida también como Santa Gertrudis de Eisleben. Tenía el Don de la Revelación, considerada en ser la primera en propagar la devoción al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y el culto a San José. La fiesta solemne en su honor se celebró inicialmente el día 17 de Noviembre, actualmente la festividad en muchos países es el día 16 del mismo mes.
Oración de Santa Gertrudis la Grande †
“Padre Eterno, yo te ofrezco la más preciosa sangre de tu Divino Hijo, Jesús, en unión con las Misas de hoy dichas en todo el mundo, por las Santas Almas del Purgatorio, por los pecadores en todas partes, por los pecadores en la iglesia universal, y aquellos que están en mi propia casa y en mi familia. Amén.”
Nuestro Señor le dijo a Santa Gertrudis la Grande que por cada Oración que se rece se liberan 1000 almas del Purgatorio.
Cortesía: Tópicos Culturales A.R.C.D. Editor ©
Mística Benedictina; su nombre Gertrudis significa Defensora Fiel. Es la patrona de las personas místicas, nacida en Eisleben, Alemania, conocida también como Santa Gertrudis de Eisleben. Tenía el Don de la Revelación, considerada en ser la primera en propagar la devoción al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y el culto a San José. La fiesta solemne en su honor se celebró inicialmente el día 17 de Noviembre, actualmente la festividad en muchos países es el día 16 del mismo mes.
Oración de Santa Gertrudis la Grande †
“Padre Eterno, yo te ofrezco la más preciosa sangre de tu Divino Hijo, Jesús, en unión con las Misas de hoy dichas en todo el mundo, por las Santas Almas del Purgatorio, por los pecadores en todas partes, por los pecadores en la iglesia universal, y aquellos que están en mi propia casa y en mi familia. Amén.”
Nuestro Señor le dijo a Santa Gertrudis la Grande que por cada Oración que se rece se liberan 1000 almas del Purgatorio.
Cortesía: Tópicos Culturales A.R.C.D. Editor ©
sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009
Some Pitiful Behavior Deviations, By Roger Behra
Some Pitiful Behavior Deviations
Roger Behra
Behavior is defined as the way that a person or animal does or says thins; to act as well and politely as one can. Pitiful is defined as being very bad in quality or condition. The following three examples are justifiable examples of pitiful behavior. And there are no excuses for them. They are simply examples of very of very bad human behavior.
An unmarried woman who is 33 years old from Bellflower, California, gave birth on January 26, 2009, to 8 babies and 2 girls through invitro-fertilization. What makes this unbelievable behavior deviation is the fact that she already, as an unmarried mother, gave birth to 6 babies through the same method. Her mother said she has been obsessed with babies since she was a teenager. Her deviated behavior cost 200, 000 dollars, and it brings into question the doctor´s ethics. The whole situation is quite unbelievable. So were the hate calls she received from the general public.
An elementary female school teacher took a liking to one of her 11 year old students. The teacher also gained the liking of his parents. She even became the godmother of her male student. What came to light after four years was the fact that eleven year old student and the teacher were having a sexual relationship in secret over the four year period. Now, the boy and his family and the teacher face extreme embarrassment, and the teacher faces a serious child abuse matter. The fact that the abuse remained secret for four years is an unbelievable behavior deviation for more than one reason.
In this situation, a mother and her four children were directly involved. What went on was the fact that the mother taught her children to shoplift, and one day the mother and her children were caught in the act. However, the mother ran away only to be caught later and arrested. The children told the story of haw their mother taught them how to shoplift. The officials were at such deviated behavior. The mother faced serious charges and lost custody of her four children. All deviate behavior is inexcusable. But when adults teach children to be deviates, that adult behavior deserves to be publicly scorned.
The American culture is living through unbelievable behavior deviation. It is seen in a personal appearance and other forms of personal behavior. And it is becoming more and more noticeable each day. One cannot help noticing how girls and women dress, how young people talk in public, and what they do in their spare time. But only no deviates notice.
Some Pitiful Behavior Deviations
Roger Behra
Behavior is defined as the way that a person or animal does or says thins; to act as well and politely as one can. Pitiful is defined as being very bad in quality or condition. The following three examples are justifiable examples of pitiful behavior. And there are no excuses for them. They are simply examples of very of very bad human behavior.
An unmarried woman who is 33 years old from Bellflower, California, gave birth on January 26, 2009, to 8 babies and 2 girls through invitro-fertilization. What makes this unbelievable behavior deviation is the fact that she already, as an unmarried mother, gave birth to 6 babies through the same method. Her mother said she has been obsessed with babies since she was a teenager. Her deviated behavior cost 200, 000 dollars, and it brings into question the doctor´s ethics. The whole situation is quite unbelievable. So were the hate calls she received from the general public.
An elementary female school teacher took a liking to one of her 11 year old students. The teacher also gained the liking of his parents. She even became the godmother of her male student. What came to light after four years was the fact that eleven year old student and the teacher were having a sexual relationship in secret over the four year period. Now, the boy and his family and the teacher face extreme embarrassment, and the teacher faces a serious child abuse matter. The fact that the abuse remained secret for four years is an unbelievable behavior deviation for more than one reason.
In this situation, a mother and her four children were directly involved. What went on was the fact that the mother taught her children to shoplift, and one day the mother and her children were caught in the act. However, the mother ran away only to be caught later and arrested. The children told the story of haw their mother taught them how to shoplift. The officials were at such deviated behavior. The mother faced serious charges and lost custody of her four children. All deviate behavior is inexcusable. But when adults teach children to be deviates, that adult behavior deserves to be publicly scorned.
The American culture is living through unbelievable behavior deviation. It is seen in a personal appearance and other forms of personal behavior. And it is becoming more and more noticeable each day. One cannot help noticing how girls and women dress, how young people talk in public, and what they do in their spare time. But only no deviates notice.
jueves, 6 de agosto de 2009
Counterculture Achievements, By Roger Behra
Counterculture Achievements
Roger Behra
The counterculture population includes the leading edge (now 62 years old), children and grandchildren, (It is far to say that not all of the leading edge´s generation subscribed to the counterculture´s philosophy that was started in 1964.) But a very large part of this generation did wholeheartedly. And today we glaringly have their achievements staring at us in modern American culture.
To refresh our memories an achievement is something important that some or group succeeds in doing by their own efforts. And the counterculture population has many achievements. Some of their more obvious and effective ones will be mentioned in this communication.
The irreligious living the counterculture movement started caught on quickly and is their first achievement. God was quickly pushed aside, and the two great Commandments and the 1o Commandments became very much less relevant. As a result the American culture is riddled with irreligious living (59%) and an incredible and varied amount of crime. Irreligious living is at the root of so many other counterculture achievements (widespread evil in general) that includes the great evil of abortion (over 30, 000, 000), a high divorce rate (51%), and the most overcrowded prisons in the history of America. And has the list of achievements goes on we must mention the high rates of infidelity, adultery, co-habitation, pornography addiction, drug addiction, pedophile priests, alcoholism, identity theft, computer crimes, failing students and the school systems, and the highest obesity rate in the whole world. Wow! What a list of achievements! And the very hot item of achievement is the clamor for legalized recognition of homosexual marriages. Satan must be reveling in unbelievable joy at the counterculture list of achievements. And the list could go on.
Now it is time for the leading edge of the movement to think about retiring. But they cannot easily do that, mainly, because of the high cost of living and health care. They are stuck in the world of their achievements. A great many of them cannot retire and move to some inexpensive paradise out of the country and away from the culture they helped achieve here in America. They are stuck in a culture of the results of their irreligious living, greed, cluelessness, and the making up of life´s rules as they went along. No tears should be shed, except only for the leading edge people who did not subscribe to the counterculture movement when it first began. Yes, there were some of them, and unfortunately they have to live in a culture they did not help to create.
The counterculture achievements are sad enough. But the saddest part of it all is realization that no reversal is in sight. The only way the American culture can return to pre-1964 days, when irreligious living was the order of the day and the fear and acceptance of God and His laws a great motive to keep moral compasses headed in the right direction, is if God intervenes. And that is not going to be very pleasant at all, folks. His intervention is called the Chastisement. And the few (compared to today’s billons) who will remain will enjoy a world and life free from evil and uncertainty. And only God knows who they will be.
Counterculture Achievements
Roger Behra
The counterculture population includes the leading edge (now 62 years old), children and grandchildren, (It is far to say that not all of the leading edge´s generation subscribed to the counterculture´s philosophy that was started in 1964.) But a very large part of this generation did wholeheartedly. And today we glaringly have their achievements staring at us in modern American culture.
To refresh our memories an achievement is something important that some or group succeeds in doing by their own efforts. And the counterculture population has many achievements. Some of their more obvious and effective ones will be mentioned in this communication.
The irreligious living the counterculture movement started caught on quickly and is their first achievement. God was quickly pushed aside, and the two great Commandments and the 1o Commandments became very much less relevant. As a result the American culture is riddled with irreligious living (59%) and an incredible and varied amount of crime. Irreligious living is at the root of so many other counterculture achievements (widespread evil in general) that includes the great evil of abortion (over 30, 000, 000), a high divorce rate (51%), and the most overcrowded prisons in the history of America. And has the list of achievements goes on we must mention the high rates of infidelity, adultery, co-habitation, pornography addiction, drug addiction, pedophile priests, alcoholism, identity theft, computer crimes, failing students and the school systems, and the highest obesity rate in the whole world. Wow! What a list of achievements! And the very hot item of achievement is the clamor for legalized recognition of homosexual marriages. Satan must be reveling in unbelievable joy at the counterculture list of achievements. And the list could go on.
Now it is time for the leading edge of the movement to think about retiring. But they cannot easily do that, mainly, because of the high cost of living and health care. They are stuck in the world of their achievements. A great many of them cannot retire and move to some inexpensive paradise out of the country and away from the culture they helped achieve here in America. They are stuck in a culture of the results of their irreligious living, greed, cluelessness, and the making up of life´s rules as they went along. No tears should be shed, except only for the leading edge people who did not subscribe to the counterculture movement when it first began. Yes, there were some of them, and unfortunately they have to live in a culture they did not help to create.
The counterculture achievements are sad enough. But the saddest part of it all is realization that no reversal is in sight. The only way the American culture can return to pre-1964 days, when irreligious living was the order of the day and the fear and acceptance of God and His laws a great motive to keep moral compasses headed in the right direction, is if God intervenes. And that is not going to be very pleasant at all, folks. His intervention is called the Chastisement. And the few (compared to today’s billons) who will remain will enjoy a world and life free from evil and uncertainty. And only God knows who they will be.
Horrendous American Crimes, By Roger Behra
Horrendous American Crimes
Roger Behra
Recently, at a Tarzana, California nightclub one night, a most horrific crime took place. Near closing time a couple asked to speak to the woman exotic dancer. The message was relayed to her, and the dancer came outside. The waiting couple quickly doused her with an inflammable liquid and set her on fire. She was immediately hospitalized barely clinging to life, as she was burned over 60% of her body.
On the evening of February 5, 2009, two suspects, whose faces covered with bandanas, began shooting wildly inside a nice peaceful restaurant in San Gabriel, California. When the gunfire and smoke and bullets stopped, there was death, wounded, and destruction everywhere. The incident was totally unexpected and happened very, very quickly. No robbery took place, and the shooters just as quickly escaped.
On December 26, 2008, a homeless man from Costa Mesa, California, was attacked and became a victim of at least three dozen paintballs fired at him. The paintballs burned Gregory Dahlgren´s skin and damaged his right eye so badly that his right eyeball popped out of the socket. There were no witnesses, and nobody has stepped forward. Six teenagers were seen with the paintball guns earlier roaming the park. They later attacked the homeless man as he slept in the park. As Dahlgren started to run away, he was tackled and ended up with cracked ribs. He was again attacked and peppered with more paintballs. As he was being treated later by doctor, he was told that he lost the sight in his right eye.
In Hollywood, California, recently a homeless man who known by many to be a nice and peaceful man was set on fire by two young men after he was doused with gasoline. The man was burned alive in public view. The crime was categorized as random and outrages murder. The suspects fled by car. It happened so fast that people were stunningly spellbound.
In the state of Pennsylvania more than 50 homes were burned to the ground during 2008. That number of burned homes greatly exceeds the mathematical odds of that ever happening. The fires happened in the middle of the night, and arson is suspected.
Modern day crimes can be credited to the counterculture movement and the philosophy that was introduced and later became part of descendant´s upbringing. When the counterculture people of the 1964 started their movement, they did not look down the road to see what their movement would eventually hatch. During the past 44 years it has hatched some of the most unbelievable and horrendous crimes imaginable, and they are responsible because of their movement and the way they brought up their children. The types and abundance of crimes that plague the American culture of modern times are a large and definitive part of the counterculture´s very sad and atrocious legacy. It cannot be otherwise.
R. B.
Horrendous American Crimes
Roger Behra
Recently, at a Tarzana, California nightclub one night, a most horrific crime took place. Near closing time a couple asked to speak to the woman exotic dancer. The message was relayed to her, and the dancer came outside. The waiting couple quickly doused her with an inflammable liquid and set her on fire. She was immediately hospitalized barely clinging to life, as she was burned over 60% of her body.
On the evening of February 5, 2009, two suspects, whose faces covered with bandanas, began shooting wildly inside a nice peaceful restaurant in San Gabriel, California. When the gunfire and smoke and bullets stopped, there was death, wounded, and destruction everywhere. The incident was totally unexpected and happened very, very quickly. No robbery took place, and the shooters just as quickly escaped.
On December 26, 2008, a homeless man from Costa Mesa, California, was attacked and became a victim of at least three dozen paintballs fired at him. The paintballs burned Gregory Dahlgren´s skin and damaged his right eye so badly that his right eyeball popped out of the socket. There were no witnesses, and nobody has stepped forward. Six teenagers were seen with the paintball guns earlier roaming the park. They later attacked the homeless man as he slept in the park. As Dahlgren started to run away, he was tackled and ended up with cracked ribs. He was again attacked and peppered with more paintballs. As he was being treated later by doctor, he was told that he lost the sight in his right eye.
In Hollywood, California, recently a homeless man who known by many to be a nice and peaceful man was set on fire by two young men after he was doused with gasoline. The man was burned alive in public view. The crime was categorized as random and outrages murder. The suspects fled by car. It happened so fast that people were stunningly spellbound.
In the state of Pennsylvania more than 50 homes were burned to the ground during 2008. That number of burned homes greatly exceeds the mathematical odds of that ever happening. The fires happened in the middle of the night, and arson is suspected.
Modern day crimes can be credited to the counterculture movement and the philosophy that was introduced and later became part of descendant´s upbringing. When the counterculture people of the 1964 started their movement, they did not look down the road to see what their movement would eventually hatch. During the past 44 years it has hatched some of the most unbelievable and horrendous crimes imaginable, and they are responsible because of their movement and the way they brought up their children. The types and abundance of crimes that plague the American culture of modern times are a large and definitive part of the counterculture´s very sad and atrocious legacy. It cannot be otherwise.
R. B.
miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009
Some Modern Day Evil, By Roger Behra
Some Modern Day Evil
Roger Behra
In communication 87 it was mentioned that the readers would be Reading about some horrific modern day evil. It is all around us in the daily papers and on the television news. But the mass media does not call it evil. They call it “events”. In this communication it is going to be called “evil”.
Evil and it´s results have always been plaguing the world. But never has evil been so abundant and taken such horrific forms as we witness in our modern world. The varied forms is also quite unbelievable.
Evil can be individual in one´s personal life, or it can take place as a group form. And one of the most evil groups in existence is the Hell´s Angels. The name of the group speaks for itself. You see them on loud motorcycles. They wear leather jackets with bare arms all tattooed. On their helmets, you´ll see varies designs. On the back of their jackets you´ll see the skull and crossbones insignia. And their personal appearances are ugly and leave and liable very much to be desired when they are in groups and active.
Recently, a large group of sixty-five to seventy-five Hall´s Angels were arrested in on of the southwestern states. Their headquarters is Bullhead City, in Arizona. It is a desolate and nature forgotten piece of the state. Only the Hell´s Angels group would pick a piece of territory such as Bullhead City.
Membership in the Hell´s Angels group includes all types of people. The list includes a lawyer, an airline pilot, and some professional people among others. If a person proves to be qualified according to the rules of membership, the person becomes a member.
When the members are together for group activity, they can and certainly do all kinds of evil, criminal activity, and that includes murder, drug dealing, gun running, illicit sex, and intimidation to name a few kinds. They are masters of intimidation. They are ruthless and very evil oriented. Their respect for human life and dignity is simply awful.
At one of the Hell´s Angels events a member´s girlfriend laughed at appearances of the members. As a result, they took her into the desert and punched her. When she fell to the ground, they kicked and stomped her to death and buried her there. At another event they organized the sale of automatic guns to Mexico for a large quantity of drugs. Guns went south, and drugs went north.
Some years ago station wagon on the highway was traveling with some young children faced backward looking out the rear windshield. As a convoy of Hell´s Angels came into view, the children were pointing and laughing at them. Immediately they surrounded the station wagon and forced it to stop. The occupants were ordered out, and the Hell´s Angels overturned the station wagon, leaving the occupants stranded as the Hell´s Angels rode off. Their evil orientation is unrivaled. Their wicked crimes are varied and numerous. At the places where they work there is no suspicion that they are Hell´s Angels.
Hell´s Angel groups are found in different parts of the world. Mostly they are in the U.S. and Europe. Wherever they are doing their club activities, it is very certain that evil is the order of the day. Thankfully, they are gathered up as often as possible and dealt with according to the laws of the decent society.
Some Modern Day Evil
Roger Behra
In communication 87 it was mentioned that the readers would be Reading about some horrific modern day evil. It is all around us in the daily papers and on the television news. But the mass media does not call it evil. They call it “events”. In this communication it is going to be called “evil”.
Evil and it´s results have always been plaguing the world. But never has evil been so abundant and taken such horrific forms as we witness in our modern world. The varied forms is also quite unbelievable.
Evil can be individual in one´s personal life, or it can take place as a group form. And one of the most evil groups in existence is the Hell´s Angels. The name of the group speaks for itself. You see them on loud motorcycles. They wear leather jackets with bare arms all tattooed. On their helmets, you´ll see varies designs. On the back of their jackets you´ll see the skull and crossbones insignia. And their personal appearances are ugly and leave and liable very much to be desired when they are in groups and active.
Recently, a large group of sixty-five to seventy-five Hall´s Angels were arrested in on of the southwestern states. Their headquarters is Bullhead City, in Arizona. It is a desolate and nature forgotten piece of the state. Only the Hell´s Angels group would pick a piece of territory such as Bullhead City.
Membership in the Hell´s Angels group includes all types of people. The list includes a lawyer, an airline pilot, and some professional people among others. If a person proves to be qualified according to the rules of membership, the person becomes a member.
When the members are together for group activity, they can and certainly do all kinds of evil, criminal activity, and that includes murder, drug dealing, gun running, illicit sex, and intimidation to name a few kinds. They are masters of intimidation. They are ruthless and very evil oriented. Their respect for human life and dignity is simply awful.
At one of the Hell´s Angels events a member´s girlfriend laughed at appearances of the members. As a result, they took her into the desert and punched her. When she fell to the ground, they kicked and stomped her to death and buried her there. At another event they organized the sale of automatic guns to Mexico for a large quantity of drugs. Guns went south, and drugs went north.
Some years ago station wagon on the highway was traveling with some young children faced backward looking out the rear windshield. As a convoy of Hell´s Angels came into view, the children were pointing and laughing at them. Immediately they surrounded the station wagon and forced it to stop. The occupants were ordered out, and the Hell´s Angels overturned the station wagon, leaving the occupants stranded as the Hell´s Angels rode off. Their evil orientation is unrivaled. Their wicked crimes are varied and numerous. At the places where they work there is no suspicion that they are Hell´s Angels.
Hell´s Angel groups are found in different parts of the world. Mostly they are in the U.S. and Europe. Wherever they are doing their club activities, it is very certain that evil is the order of the day. Thankfully, they are gathered up as often as possible and dealt with according to the laws of the decent society.
martes, 4 de agosto de 2009
Satan´s 100 Years, By Roger Behra
Satan´s 100 Years
Roger Behra
There is no doubt about it. The twentieth Century was ruled by Satan, the Prince of Darkness. If you have been wondering why there is so much evil in our modern world, you now know the answer. Satan´s goals are exactly the opposite of God´s goals. A large percentage of the world´s population does not know God or His goals. And to make matters worse, that same percentage underestimates the awesome power and dedication of Satan. They do not know the awesome and wonderful power of God. If the large percentage knew those two powers, the world be much better place, indeed.
Although the power that God and Satan posses is great, the power of God is far greater than Satan´s. As many have read in the Bible, Jesus has the power to expel a demon when Satan or a lessor demon is possessing someone. And Jesus does just that during a properly performed Catholic exorcism. At any given time Jesus can take Satan´s power completely away. As Satan´s 100 years near an end, that will increasing happen.
In the very interesting book, The Thunder of Justice, by Ted and Maureen Flynn, it is mentioned and discussed that Satan was given by God 100 years to try to destroy God´s Catholic Church and spread as much evil throughout the world as his allotted time would permit. That was Satan´s ultimate goal. Satan has not destroyed God´s church, but the smoke of Satan has entered it, as evil has increased and multiplied throughout the world´s cultures and especially in the United States.
As a result of Satan´s work and activity during the past 100 years the world has had:
1. World War 1, World War 2, Japanese invasion of China, Korean War, Vietnam War, and many smaller wars in many parts of the world.
2. Very evil leaders Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Hirohito, Mussolini, Mao Tse Tung, and Ho Chi Minh to name the more famous ones.
3. Millions of people were killed. During World War 2 alone at least 60, 000, 000 million people were killed, and millions more were injured, especially innocent civilian women and children.
4. Vatican Council 2 changed the dynamics of the Catholic Church, and as a result the smoke of Satan has entered.
Satan has been very productive during his allotted time, and he still is. Much evil activity that Satan and his demon helpers have started still rages on with them at the controls. Their evil has carried over full time into the new century, with no end in sight. That is very evident as we witness each day the great amount of horrific evil going on everywhere. You will be reading very soon about some of the horrific evil of very modern times.
Satan´s 100 Years
Roger Behra
There is no doubt about it. The twentieth Century was ruled by Satan, the Prince of Darkness. If you have been wondering why there is so much evil in our modern world, you now know the answer. Satan´s goals are exactly the opposite of God´s goals. A large percentage of the world´s population does not know God or His goals. And to make matters worse, that same percentage underestimates the awesome power and dedication of Satan. They do not know the awesome and wonderful power of God. If the large percentage knew those two powers, the world be much better place, indeed.
Although the power that God and Satan posses is great, the power of God is far greater than Satan´s. As many have read in the Bible, Jesus has the power to expel a demon when Satan or a lessor demon is possessing someone. And Jesus does just that during a properly performed Catholic exorcism. At any given time Jesus can take Satan´s power completely away. As Satan´s 100 years near an end, that will increasing happen.
In the very interesting book, The Thunder of Justice, by Ted and Maureen Flynn, it is mentioned and discussed that Satan was given by God 100 years to try to destroy God´s Catholic Church and spread as much evil throughout the world as his allotted time would permit. That was Satan´s ultimate goal. Satan has not destroyed God´s church, but the smoke of Satan has entered it, as evil has increased and multiplied throughout the world´s cultures and especially in the United States.
As a result of Satan´s work and activity during the past 100 years the world has had:
1. World War 1, World War 2, Japanese invasion of China, Korean War, Vietnam War, and many smaller wars in many parts of the world.
2. Very evil leaders Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Hirohito, Mussolini, Mao Tse Tung, and Ho Chi Minh to name the more famous ones.
3. Millions of people were killed. During World War 2 alone at least 60, 000, 000 million people were killed, and millions more were injured, especially innocent civilian women and children.
4. Vatican Council 2 changed the dynamics of the Catholic Church, and as a result the smoke of Satan has entered.
Satan has been very productive during his allotted time, and he still is. Much evil activity that Satan and his demon helpers have started still rages on with them at the controls. Their evil has carried over full time into the new century, with no end in sight. That is very evident as we witness each day the great amount of horrific evil going on everywhere. You will be reading very soon about some of the horrific evil of very modern times.
sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009
Exégesis y Hermenéutica Bíblica, Por Angel Cepeda D.
Exégesis y Hermenéutica Bíblica
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Las dos Ciencias que ayudan a entender mejor el estudio de la Biblia, son la Exégesis (Enseña) y la Hermenéutica (Interpreta). Dichas Ciencias están íntimamente interrelacionadas.
Exégesis. Es la ciencia que nos ayuda en la enseñanza y comprensión del Libro Sagrado: la Biblia, pues nos permite comprender, que quiso decir el escritor sagrado (hagiógrafo) con su escrito, en un momento histórico determinado y para quien fue destinado ese mensaje inspirado de la Palabra de Dios. La Exégesis, entonces recurre a los géneros literarios (Etiología) y los idiomas (Arameo, Hebreo, Griego, Latín, y otras).
Ejemplo de exégesis. El nombre de Isaac del Antiguo Testamento (AT) de la Biblia, su nombre procede del Hebreo y significa: “Sonrisa de Dios”, “Que Dios Sonría” y en el Nuevo Testamento (NT), es mencionado en los evangelios de Mateo, Lucas y en las Cartas de San Pablo a los Romanos, Gálatas y a los Hebreos, por mencionar algunas referencias bíblicas. [1]
Hermenéutica. Es la ciencia que estudia la interpretación de un hecho Bíblico en el tiempo histórico de la cultura actual. ¿Qué quiere decir este mensaje Bíblico en el presente que estoy viviendo? La Hermenéutica es como un nuevo volver a re-empezar, un volver a re-estudiar y un volver a re-comprender, para ser más enfático.
Ejemplo de hermenéutica. Ver el Acróstico a Santa Elena [2], y el Sermón de la Montaña. [3]
Estas dos Ciencias (Exégesis y Hermenéutica) consideran, a parte de la Sagrada Escritura: la Biblia, la Tradición Apostólica; los Concilios de la Iglesia, comenzando por las reuniones conciliares mencionada por Lucas en el Libro de Hechos de los Apóstoles hasta el Concilio Vaticano II; a los Doctores de la Iglesia, por ejemplo San Agustín o San Jerónimo [4] ; y distintos documentos, por mencionar: la Constitución Dogmatica sobre la Divina Revelación (Dei Verbum) y el Catecismo de la de la Iglesia Católica.
[1] Ver significado de Isaac, en Apostolado de la Sonrisa, en el sitio web:
[2] Ver Acróstico a Santa Elena, en:
[3]Ver el Sermón de la Montaña en:
[4] Ver San Jerónimo: Padre de las Ciencias Bíblicas, en:
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Las dos Ciencias que ayudan a entender mejor el estudio de la Biblia, son la Exégesis (Enseña) y la Hermenéutica (Interpreta). Dichas Ciencias están íntimamente interrelacionadas.
Exégesis. Es la ciencia que nos ayuda en la enseñanza y comprensión del Libro Sagrado: la Biblia, pues nos permite comprender, que quiso decir el escritor sagrado (hagiógrafo) con su escrito, en un momento histórico determinado y para quien fue destinado ese mensaje inspirado de la Palabra de Dios. La Exégesis, entonces recurre a los géneros literarios (Etiología) y los idiomas (Arameo, Hebreo, Griego, Latín, y otras).
Ejemplo de exégesis. El nombre de Isaac del Antiguo Testamento (AT) de la Biblia, su nombre procede del Hebreo y significa: “Sonrisa de Dios”, “Que Dios Sonría” y en el Nuevo Testamento (NT), es mencionado en los evangelios de Mateo, Lucas y en las Cartas de San Pablo a los Romanos, Gálatas y a los Hebreos, por mencionar algunas referencias bíblicas. [1]
Hermenéutica. Es la ciencia que estudia la interpretación de un hecho Bíblico en el tiempo histórico de la cultura actual. ¿Qué quiere decir este mensaje Bíblico en el presente que estoy viviendo? La Hermenéutica es como un nuevo volver a re-empezar, un volver a re-estudiar y un volver a re-comprender, para ser más enfático.
Ejemplo de hermenéutica. Ver el Acróstico a Santa Elena [2], y el Sermón de la Montaña. [3]
Estas dos Ciencias (Exégesis y Hermenéutica) consideran, a parte de la Sagrada Escritura: la Biblia, la Tradición Apostólica; los Concilios de la Iglesia, comenzando por las reuniones conciliares mencionada por Lucas en el Libro de Hechos de los Apóstoles hasta el Concilio Vaticano II; a los Doctores de la Iglesia, por ejemplo San Agustín o San Jerónimo [4] ; y distintos documentos, por mencionar: la Constitución Dogmatica sobre la Divina Revelación (Dei Verbum) y el Catecismo de la de la Iglesia Católica.
[1] Ver significado de Isaac, en Apostolado de la Sonrisa, en el sitio web:
[2] Ver Acróstico a Santa Elena, en:
[3]Ver el Sermón de la Montaña en:
[4] Ver San Jerónimo: Padre de las Ciencias Bíblicas, en:
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Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita

Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"
Oración a San Judas

San Judas, Ruega por Nosotros
¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

Sonia = Sofía
¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

Pascua 2008

¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!
Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2008
Calendario 2013

Juan Pablo II

Virgen María en el Arte
Calendario 2013

Benedicto XVI
Pascua 2013

Jesucristo El Buen Pastor
feliz día de las madres 2012

feliz día de las madres 2012



Octubre 2012


JULIO 2012

JULIO 2012
JUNIO 2012

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MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
MARZO 2012

marzo 2012

ENERO 2012

enero 2012
Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

Actitudes ante la Vida

DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013

pascua 2012
Cátedra de San Pedro

St. Peter
14 de Febrero

Día de San Cirilo y San Metodio
Conversión de San Pablo

Francesco Mazzola (1503-1540)
Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN

Documento Firmado y Recibido Enero 2013
Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN

Documento, Enero 2013

Feliz Navidad y Ventuoroso Año 2013
happy new year 2012

Feliz Navidad 2011

Venturoso Año 2011


Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica

Algunas Encíclicas imortantes de la Iglesia Católica