Respuestas e Interrogantes: ¿Ideológicas o de Fe?
Angel Cepeda D.
Diferente a las ciencias modernas, las ideologías, tienen su pretensión de dar una visión total de la realidad y casi siempre se sirven de las religiones, de elementos cristianos, a veces mezclados, sincretismo o mezcla de religiones; por lo que es evidente que una visión unitaria como la que pretenden las ideologías, no responden ni a la multiplicidad de los fenómenos ni al abismo del hombre y del mundo.
Aunque la fe cristiana no es propiamente una ideología, sabe que nosotros en este mundo sólo podemos conocer fragmentaria y oscuramente, como dice Pablo en la Carta a los Corintios: “Del mismo modo, al presente, vemos como un mal espejo y en forma confusa, pero entonces será cara a cara” (1 Cor. 13,12).
La existencia de las ideologías políticas, científicas y tecnológicas, de aquellas que se orientan para la mejora de las condiciones humanas son indiscutibles, pero, muchas veces fracasan cuando pretenden dar una respuesta última. Las ciencias, las técnicas, los métodos, las ideologías, ofrecen importantes respuestas a nuestras preguntas pero no dan respuesta por el sentido último de la vida, por lo que quedan faltas de orientación.
¿Por qué? Porque el Ser Humano es un Misterio Profundo de Dios, es ese pequeño resto fiel a los que los hebreos denominaban Anawim, es el Misterio que el Evangelio de Marcos nos revela cuando Jesús fue bautizado por Juan Bautista, y una paloma aparece en este hecho trascendental, y representa el Espíritu Santo.
En Estados Unidos de América, Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968), ministro de iglesia bautista y condecorado con el Premio Nobel de la Paz (1964), quizá, más famoso por su famoso discurso pronunciado frente al monumento de Abraham Lincoln (Lincoln Memorial, en inglés), “I Have a Dream…” (“Yo tengo un Sueño…”), y del pensamiento de este líder afroamericano, él creyó que un día toda la humanidad se inclinaría delante del poder de Dios.
¿Qué nos revela el hecho anterior?, ¿Cómo acabo la vida de este hombre y muchos que pensaron como él?, ¿Algo similar a los hermanos de la familia Kennedy?, ¿Podrá el bien ganar la batalla al mal?, ¿Usted qué opina estimado lector o lectora?
¿Los cristianos de cualquier denominación, tenemos presente el mensaje de esperanza del libro Apocalipsis de Juan? ¿Qué nos dice en su último versículo?
Respuesta: “Ven Señor Jesús”
Paz y Bien
A. R. C. D.
viernes, 16 de enero de 2009
martes, 6 de enero de 2009
¿Qué nos Revelan los Hechos? Por Angel Cepeda
¿Qué nos Revelan los Hechos?
Angel Cepeda
Cuando uno piensa que en la vida existen una serie de acontecimientos que forjan a la Persona Humana, a veces pasa desapercibido, que los hechos nos revelan una comprensión más tarde que temprano. ¿Por qué?
Si Usted es una persona que lee la Sagrada Escritura: La Biblia, el titulo, de esta presente comunicación, le viene a la mente dos libros sagrados, el Apocalipsis de Juan y el de Hechos de los Apóstoles del Medico Lucas.
A finales del otoño e inicios del invierno de 2008, dio comienzo un nuevo año litúrgico, un nuevo ciclo que se denomina Ciclo B, que corresponde al Evangelio de Marcos, viene la Navidad, y luego la Epifanía, que se celebra el 6 de Reyes. ¿Qué me dice a mí como persona estos hechos? ¿Qué revelan al católico cristiano estos hechos?
A lo mejor es más fácil comprender algún hecho de la historia contemporánea de los Estados Unidos de América, por ejemplo, cuando la radio transmitió en cierto momento la muerte de Kennedy, y se publican más de 50 fotografías desde que Kennedy tenía dos años hasta su muerte, por “Paris-Match”, es decir, revela en forma grafica la vida a grandes rasgos de una persona asesinada, es más, en la primera fotografía se leían las siguientes palabras: “El pequeño Kennedy tenía ya aquella mandíbula decidida que mostraba la tenacidad que demostró en toda su vida”
¿Entonces que nos Revelan los Hechos?
Un nuevo Presidente en U. S., Mr. Barack Hussein Obama Jr., crisis en el Medio Oriente, que ponen en riesgo la tranquilidad mundial, por tanta violencia y guerra, entre Israel y los palestinos, calentamiento global del planeta, desertificación, hambrunas, ¿Qué está pasando, ante una serie de acontecimientos? ¿Por qué?
Feliz Año 2009, con Paz y Bien les desea:
Editor de Tópicos Culturales
Angel Cepeda
Cuando uno piensa que en la vida existen una serie de acontecimientos que forjan a la Persona Humana, a veces pasa desapercibido, que los hechos nos revelan una comprensión más tarde que temprano. ¿Por qué?
Si Usted es una persona que lee la Sagrada Escritura: La Biblia, el titulo, de esta presente comunicación, le viene a la mente dos libros sagrados, el Apocalipsis de Juan y el de Hechos de los Apóstoles del Medico Lucas.
A finales del otoño e inicios del invierno de 2008, dio comienzo un nuevo año litúrgico, un nuevo ciclo que se denomina Ciclo B, que corresponde al Evangelio de Marcos, viene la Navidad, y luego la Epifanía, que se celebra el 6 de Reyes. ¿Qué me dice a mí como persona estos hechos? ¿Qué revelan al católico cristiano estos hechos?
A lo mejor es más fácil comprender algún hecho de la historia contemporánea de los Estados Unidos de América, por ejemplo, cuando la radio transmitió en cierto momento la muerte de Kennedy, y se publican más de 50 fotografías desde que Kennedy tenía dos años hasta su muerte, por “Paris-Match”, es decir, revela en forma grafica la vida a grandes rasgos de una persona asesinada, es más, en la primera fotografía se leían las siguientes palabras: “El pequeño Kennedy tenía ya aquella mandíbula decidida que mostraba la tenacidad que demostró en toda su vida”
¿Entonces que nos Revelan los Hechos?
Un nuevo Presidente en U. S., Mr. Barack Hussein Obama Jr., crisis en el Medio Oriente, que ponen en riesgo la tranquilidad mundial, por tanta violencia y guerra, entre Israel y los palestinos, calentamiento global del planeta, desertificación, hambrunas, ¿Qué está pasando, ante una serie de acontecimientos? ¿Por qué?
Feliz Año 2009, con Paz y Bien les desea:
Editor de Tópicos Culturales
domingo, 4 de enero de 2009
The Desolate American Culture By Roger Behra
The Desolate American Culture
Roger Behra
The word desolate means “sad and lonely”. In our modern world that is the of America’s culture. It only became that way since the middle 1960’s. American’s culture has been evolving since then as the counter-culture movement gained momentum. And the sad and lonely condition has really gained speed, especially during the past fifteen or so years. The evolution of American’s is serious and real, and real prices are being paid.
The beginning of the desolation began with the disintegration of family life and the elimination of core value and spiritual development. That process brought very undesirable thinking, actions, and results into American society. And the undesirable results have entered all levels of America society. When the emphasis on core values, morality, and spiritual development ceased, that opened the door to various unacceptable events and results.
As family life disintegrated and eventually greatly diminished, very negative moral and spiritual thinking gathered momentum. As a result American culture increasingly included the following:
1. Satanism
2. Covens
3. Black Masses
4. Child abuse
5. Demonic possessions
6. Stunning violence
7. Teen sex and teen abortion
8. Drug and alcohol addiction
9. Suicide
10. Self-glorification
11. Same-sex marriages, Co-habitation
12. Pornography
13. Dysfunctional education system
14. Indecency in language, dress, behavior
15. America, the most violent nation
16. Self-centered, me first attitudes
The sixteen additions to the American culture named above have enabled America to become the most fertile ground for satanic activity, and it has flourished unimpeded for decades.
America’s cultural desolation and educational disintegration is frightening. The fright stems from the fact that a large number of Catholics and other Christians no longer learn the 10 Commandments, the Our Father, or other prayers. The subject of Hell is avoided. The idea of sin is also avoided. Every single Christian has to know these things, or they are, therefore, at a great disadvantage in the confrontation with evil in their lives. Without the necessary understanding that the Commandments are a reality, that sin and Hell are the results of not knowing them and keeping them, God’s graces are absent from their lives, and Satan does what he does best, convinces people that he does not exist, also.
When the family disintegrated no core values were cultivated, true faith became absent, self-discipline greatly suffered, right from wrong became entirely blurred, and the door to Satan and great evil was kicked wide open. And as America slid down the slope to widespread evil activities as listed above, Satan became the winner. He accomplished a massive takeover of the America culture. And the takeover is very much alive and well, thriving, and operating around the clock. The struggle good vs. evil is not only all around us, it is within us. And America is desolate and losing the battle within.
R. B.
The Desolate American Culture
Roger Behra
The word desolate means “sad and lonely”. In our modern world that is the of America’s culture. It only became that way since the middle 1960’s. American’s culture has been evolving since then as the counter-culture movement gained momentum. And the sad and lonely condition has really gained speed, especially during the past fifteen or so years. The evolution of American’s is serious and real, and real prices are being paid.
The beginning of the desolation began with the disintegration of family life and the elimination of core value and spiritual development. That process brought very undesirable thinking, actions, and results into American society. And the undesirable results have entered all levels of America society. When the emphasis on core values, morality, and spiritual development ceased, that opened the door to various unacceptable events and results.
As family life disintegrated and eventually greatly diminished, very negative moral and spiritual thinking gathered momentum. As a result American culture increasingly included the following:
1. Satanism
2. Covens
3. Black Masses
4. Child abuse
5. Demonic possessions
6. Stunning violence
7. Teen sex and teen abortion
8. Drug and alcohol addiction
9. Suicide
10. Self-glorification
11. Same-sex marriages, Co-habitation
12. Pornography
13. Dysfunctional education system
14. Indecency in language, dress, behavior
15. America, the most violent nation
16. Self-centered, me first attitudes
The sixteen additions to the American culture named above have enabled America to become the most fertile ground for satanic activity, and it has flourished unimpeded for decades.
America’s cultural desolation and educational disintegration is frightening. The fright stems from the fact that a large number of Catholics and other Christians no longer learn the 10 Commandments, the Our Father, or other prayers. The subject of Hell is avoided. The idea of sin is also avoided. Every single Christian has to know these things, or they are, therefore, at a great disadvantage in the confrontation with evil in their lives. Without the necessary understanding that the Commandments are a reality, that sin and Hell are the results of not knowing them and keeping them, God’s graces are absent from their lives, and Satan does what he does best, convinces people that he does not exist, also.
When the family disintegrated no core values were cultivated, true faith became absent, self-discipline greatly suffered, right from wrong became entirely blurred, and the door to Satan and great evil was kicked wide open. And as America slid down the slope to widespread evil activities as listed above, Satan became the winner. He accomplished a massive takeover of the America culture. And the takeover is very much alive and well, thriving, and operating around the clock. The struggle good vs. evil is not only all around us, it is within us. And America is desolate and losing the battle within.
R. B.
What Satan Hates Most
What Satan Hates Most
The One Thing He Loves
Roger Behra
All people who have and live by sound core values their moral compasses pointed in the right direction. Therefore, they know that it is always the struggle of GOOD vs. EVIL, and that God is the answer of all good, and Satan is the author of all things evil. Although there is plenty of good going on in our modern world, people, increasingly so, witness unimaginable and unspeakable evil going on, also. The daily electronic and print media are always reminding people of that as detailed as possible. Satan is indeed, very, very active in our modern world and especially in the United States.
In matters of GOOD vs. EVIL, Satan has three very particular hates-Jesus, His Blessed Mother Mary, and the 10 Commandments. This is very definitely evident during the exorcism of demonically possessed persons. The pure and intense hate and words mouthed by the evil spirits during exorcisms is very absolutely stunning, chilling, shocking, and mentally and emotionally staggering. The events that take place during an exorcism cannot be exaggerated, and they never leave the mind of the exorcist. The events of an exorcism haunt forever.
During exorcism in regards to the most particular hates of Satan, whenever the name of or reference to the name of Jesus is said or made, the evil spirits launch into the most vial and hated tirade against Jesus and what He stands for. They know it pleases Satan, their master. It is an absolute obsession with them. The evil spirits realize that they begin to lose their power over the possessed, and they begin to fear the exorcist little by little.
Satan firmly realizes that the Blessed Virgin Mary is his greatest stumbling block to the gain of souls to his Kingdom. He knows that if she did not exist, his gain of souls would be absolutely a great deal more successful. But that will never happen. So, Satan empowers the evil spirits to transfer his hate for Mary, which is deep and on-going. Satan also realizes that in the end Mary is going to step on him, as the serpent, and crush his head for all eternity. The evil serpent, Satan, will be no more. Meanwhile, Satan, through his evil spirit helpers are gaining all the souls possible (an unimaginably great number) as often as possible. (Do not be one of them.)
The third most hate of Satan is the 10 Commandments. He realizes that a person’s core values and properly directed moral compass revolves around the 10 Commandments and keeping them. And they are:
These Commandments get in the way of Satan’s progress. Millions of people know and keep them. Millions of people know them, but they do keep them. Millions of people do not know them, so they do not keep them, either. It is, therefore, easy to realize why Satan gains so many souls, and why so many people are in such bad moral and spiritual condition and why the word is in such poor cultural condition and especially in America. This keeps Satan in a constant state of glee! When proper moral, spiritual, and disciplined family life greatly diminished, so did good core values also diminish and for the most part disappear and become obsolete. Advantage is Satan.
Satan hates Jesus and the utterance of His name, because Satan was condemned to the everlasting fires of Hell during the Angelic Rebellion for all eternity.
Satan hates the Blessed Virgin Mary, because she gets in his way and helps to prevent souls from joining his evil Kingdom.
Satan hates the 10 Commandments, because knowing and keeping them everyday certainly keeps him out of people’s lives and, later, out of his Kingdom.
But Satan loves the Baby Boomers, because they started the movement that diminished mortality, wholesome family life, self-discipline, and the sound development of good core values.
Satan loves the Boomer’s offspring, because they keep everything going full tilt in the wrong direction. You can lump the Boomers and their offspring into the same pot, because their efforts are the same, and the results are the same, totally unacceptable. And so reversal is in sight anytime soon.
So, what was once that Satan’s advantage has become his victory, and the very existing situation in the modern world has become a very costly individually, culturally, and ETERNALLY for so many, so very many, with no end in sight.
R. B.
What Satan Hates Most
The One Thing He Loves
Roger Behra
All people who have and live by sound core values their moral compasses pointed in the right direction. Therefore, they know that it is always the struggle of GOOD vs. EVIL, and that God is the answer of all good, and Satan is the author of all things evil. Although there is plenty of good going on in our modern world, people, increasingly so, witness unimaginable and unspeakable evil going on, also. The daily electronic and print media are always reminding people of that as detailed as possible. Satan is indeed, very, very active in our modern world and especially in the United States.
In matters of GOOD vs. EVIL, Satan has three very particular hates-Jesus, His Blessed Mother Mary, and the 10 Commandments. This is very definitely evident during the exorcism of demonically possessed persons. The pure and intense hate and words mouthed by the evil spirits during exorcisms is very absolutely stunning, chilling, shocking, and mentally and emotionally staggering. The events that take place during an exorcism cannot be exaggerated, and they never leave the mind of the exorcist. The events of an exorcism haunt forever.
During exorcism in regards to the most particular hates of Satan, whenever the name of or reference to the name of Jesus is said or made, the evil spirits launch into the most vial and hated tirade against Jesus and what He stands for. They know it pleases Satan, their master. It is an absolute obsession with them. The evil spirits realize that they begin to lose their power over the possessed, and they begin to fear the exorcist little by little.
Satan firmly realizes that the Blessed Virgin Mary is his greatest stumbling block to the gain of souls to his Kingdom. He knows that if she did not exist, his gain of souls would be absolutely a great deal more successful. But that will never happen. So, Satan empowers the evil spirits to transfer his hate for Mary, which is deep and on-going. Satan also realizes that in the end Mary is going to step on him, as the serpent, and crush his head for all eternity. The evil serpent, Satan, will be no more. Meanwhile, Satan, through his evil spirit helpers are gaining all the souls possible (an unimaginably great number) as often as possible. (Do not be one of them.)
The third most hate of Satan is the 10 Commandments. He realizes that a person’s core values and properly directed moral compass revolves around the 10 Commandments and keeping them. And they are:
These Commandments get in the way of Satan’s progress. Millions of people know and keep them. Millions of people know them, but they do keep them. Millions of people do not know them, so they do not keep them, either. It is, therefore, easy to realize why Satan gains so many souls, and why so many people are in such bad moral and spiritual condition and why the word is in such poor cultural condition and especially in America. This keeps Satan in a constant state of glee! When proper moral, spiritual, and disciplined family life greatly diminished, so did good core values also diminish and for the most part disappear and become obsolete. Advantage is Satan.
Satan hates Jesus and the utterance of His name, because Satan was condemned to the everlasting fires of Hell during the Angelic Rebellion for all eternity.
Satan hates the Blessed Virgin Mary, because she gets in his way and helps to prevent souls from joining his evil Kingdom.
Satan hates the 10 Commandments, because knowing and keeping them everyday certainly keeps him out of people’s lives and, later, out of his Kingdom.
But Satan loves the Baby Boomers, because they started the movement that diminished mortality, wholesome family life, self-discipline, and the sound development of good core values.
Satan loves the Boomer’s offspring, because they keep everything going full tilt in the wrong direction. You can lump the Boomers and their offspring into the same pot, because their efforts are the same, and the results are the same, totally unacceptable. And so reversal is in sight anytime soon.
So, what was once that Satan’s advantage has become his victory, and the very existing situation in the modern world has become a very costly individually, culturally, and ETERNALLY for so many, so very many, with no end in sight.
R. B.
Trouble Down The Road By Roger Behra
Trouble Down The Road
Roger Behra
On November 4, 2008, America entered a new political era with the election of a new president, Barack Obama, and several new liberal congressmen to compliment his administration. It was a very close popular vote, but the political philosophy has changed very much farther to the left; more liberalism and less conservatism. Now it is going to be pure far left liberalism in Washington and the effects of it throughout America. It does not bode well for the country.
The November election has put the spotlight on some very troubling aspects that are not going to be favorable for America’s future. Those aspects to be mentioned here are very troubling, indeed.
The economic aspect is at the top of the list. President G. W. Bush and the liberals before the election left the American economy in shambles. The president did not spend enough of his time keeping check on congress. He spent far too much time on America’s involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. So, the liberals with the help of some independents passed laws and regulations that eventually badly hurt the American economy. It is the worst economy since the presidency of Jimmy Carter, one of American’s worst presidents.
Now the new president has to hit the ground running at full speed. Even then it will take around 18 months to get the economy to at least an acceptable stage. And if the new president alters the present tax structure at any time during the first four years coming, the economy may never properly recover. The new president must forget tax increases or changes and, instead, provide tax incentives. Stay tuned.
The second and very important aspect is the mass media in America, because it has put America’s two-party system in grave danger. The mass media in America leans so far to the left. It is so liberal that it throws out of balance any objective thinking and results. That was crystal clear during the campaigning to elect American’s new president. It is what the mass media said combined with what they did not say. Journalism in its proper form died during the 2008 political year. The mass media’s liberal slanted reporting elected Barack Obama.
Had the mainstream media been fair and reported the background facts about Obama instead of ignoring them, the election would have been a much different story. One voter at an after election interview said it he knew all the facts not reported about Obama, he never would have voted for him. And the background facts were also ignored about his vice-president, that he was almost kicked out of his college for cheating, and that he was guilty of plagiarism in one of his very import college papers. The mass media has the black eyes to be sure. With the liberal media and liberals in general, the unacceptable is acceptable.
The third troubling aspect is the startling trend toward class-warfare. Lower income voters making less than $50,000 a year voted from Obama, so the class-warfare strategy worked because of mainstream media. A class-warfare situation can cause the majority to benefit themselves instead of the country in the voting booth. That seemed to happen, because the lower income voters were more interested in electing the first black to the presidency instead of truly deciding who was the best qualified. Another good example of class-warfare is to tax the high-income earners, so that taxes from the “rich” can be handed out to the lower income earners in the form of incentives. Obama plans to do just that.
The fourth troubling aspect is the coming change in foreign policy. Under the previous administration (Bill Clinton) the terrorists were able to organize and do their dirty work unpunished. And when Clinton did act, the missile was fired into the wrong building. The G. W. Bush administration is very firm and active against terrorism. Obama plans to make major changes in foreign policy. He has no experience in any foreign policy decisions whatsoever. 9-11 was the result of the Clinton administration’s do nothing approach to terrorism that the Bush administration had to contend with. Presently, Iran is working night and day as fast as she can to develop a nuclear weapon so she can complete her wish of hatred to wipe Israel of the map. Iran is the chief supplier of weapons and terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan. North Korea is also a very troubling regime. It is anyone’s guess as to how Pres. Obama is going to face and handle problems put forth from them. Stay tuned.
R. B.12/30/08
Trouble Down The Road
Roger Behra
On November 4, 2008, America entered a new political era with the election of a new president, Barack Obama, and several new liberal congressmen to compliment his administration. It was a very close popular vote, but the political philosophy has changed very much farther to the left; more liberalism and less conservatism. Now it is going to be pure far left liberalism in Washington and the effects of it throughout America. It does not bode well for the country.
The November election has put the spotlight on some very troubling aspects that are not going to be favorable for America’s future. Those aspects to be mentioned here are very troubling, indeed.
The economic aspect is at the top of the list. President G. W. Bush and the liberals before the election left the American economy in shambles. The president did not spend enough of his time keeping check on congress. He spent far too much time on America’s involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. So, the liberals with the help of some independents passed laws and regulations that eventually badly hurt the American economy. It is the worst economy since the presidency of Jimmy Carter, one of American’s worst presidents.
Now the new president has to hit the ground running at full speed. Even then it will take around 18 months to get the economy to at least an acceptable stage. And if the new president alters the present tax structure at any time during the first four years coming, the economy may never properly recover. The new president must forget tax increases or changes and, instead, provide tax incentives. Stay tuned.
The second and very important aspect is the mass media in America, because it has put America’s two-party system in grave danger. The mass media in America leans so far to the left. It is so liberal that it throws out of balance any objective thinking and results. That was crystal clear during the campaigning to elect American’s new president. It is what the mass media said combined with what they did not say. Journalism in its proper form died during the 2008 political year. The mass media’s liberal slanted reporting elected Barack Obama.
Had the mainstream media been fair and reported the background facts about Obama instead of ignoring them, the election would have been a much different story. One voter at an after election interview said it he knew all the facts not reported about Obama, he never would have voted for him. And the background facts were also ignored about his vice-president, that he was almost kicked out of his college for cheating, and that he was guilty of plagiarism in one of his very import college papers. The mass media has the black eyes to be sure. With the liberal media and liberals in general, the unacceptable is acceptable.
The third troubling aspect is the startling trend toward class-warfare. Lower income voters making less than $50,000 a year voted from Obama, so the class-warfare strategy worked because of mainstream media. A class-warfare situation can cause the majority to benefit themselves instead of the country in the voting booth. That seemed to happen, because the lower income voters were more interested in electing the first black to the presidency instead of truly deciding who was the best qualified. Another good example of class-warfare is to tax the high-income earners, so that taxes from the “rich” can be handed out to the lower income earners in the form of incentives. Obama plans to do just that.
The fourth troubling aspect is the coming change in foreign policy. Under the previous administration (Bill Clinton) the terrorists were able to organize and do their dirty work unpunished. And when Clinton did act, the missile was fired into the wrong building. The G. W. Bush administration is very firm and active against terrorism. Obama plans to make major changes in foreign policy. He has no experience in any foreign policy decisions whatsoever. 9-11 was the result of the Clinton administration’s do nothing approach to terrorism that the Bush administration had to contend with. Presently, Iran is working night and day as fast as she can to develop a nuclear weapon so she can complete her wish of hatred to wipe Israel of the map. Iran is the chief supplier of weapons and terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan. North Korea is also a very troubling regime. It is anyone’s guess as to how Pres. Obama is going to face and handle problems put forth from them. Stay tuned.
R. B.12/30/08
A Divide America By Roger Behra
A Divide America
Roger Behra
The national election of 2008, November 4, in America is now history. And the graphic conclusion is this: America is quite evenly divided between conservative and liberal. The conservatives are Republicans and the liberals are Democrat. In a nation made up of over 200,000,000 people, evenly divided means there are millions of liberal out there. And when the electronic and print media lean very far to the left (liberal side), it is very difficult to have a unified population. The direction leans very much in the direction of the liberals. And now that the American people have a new President, the liberal lean is going to be very far to the left, indeed. As a senator President Obama always voted very far to the left.
A conservative is one who favors the established order of society and not liking change, especially change away from the good moral, and wholesome way of living. Conservatism is the belief that the established order of society should be kept as possible and that change should take place slowly and only to improve society. Conservatism embraces all the elements that are culturally good and very beneficial to all. God is very important. All the established moral and social laws are important. A strong family life that practices good morality, hard work, honesty, and the four areas of human development (mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical) are the foundation of success in every person’s life. Conservatism believes in very strong core values.
A liberal is one who readily accepts change, especially in religious, political, and social ideas, and favors a wide variety of self-expression. Liberalism is the belief that a person can reject God, that laws can be ignored or made up as one goes along in life, that family life is much more fluid and does not have set discipline, that immorality is a so what accepted way of daily life, and that anyone can make changes in their life no matter what to suite individual thinking and ideas. A liberal has no real core values.
The last really conservative generation came to age in 1945. The next generation (1946-1963) was brought up conservative, but they gave it up when the counter-culture movement began in 1964. At that time the rapidly accepted liberal society and the slow decline in American culture began to what we have today. The American culture and society of today (2008) is in full bloom headed very much in the wrong direction. And all the thanks go to the Baby Boomers who started it all. They were clueless then and are clueless still, after 40 some years. And their offspring are clueless carrying on what they originated in 1964.
So, what is the present shape of the American culture today? It is absolutely not good. Presently, they have given the American people a very bad economy, very high unemployment, high job losses to China, very high rent and home costs, many, many taxes and fees, caused high gasoline prices, high food prices, a high divorce rate (1 out of 2 marriages), same-sex marriages, widespread immorality, a dysfunctional school system full of major discipline problems, anything goes type of personal appearance (tattoos galore and cleavage with half-bare breasts and jeans so tight on females no imagination needed), over-crowded prisons, a high murder rate, low church attendance, and a national debt so high that China practically owns America. And the greediness and impolite behavior of Americans defies the imagination. The self-glorification of millions of Americans runs rampant everywhere. The American culture is in a very undesirable condition.
None of the above mentioned in the preceding paragraph existed prior to the counter-culture movement that started in the mid-sixties. The Baby-Boomers and their offspring gave it all to the American culture. Now the American culture is very economically troubled and spiritually and morally bankrupt. The Americans who really care feel betrayed. They (conservatives) feel betrayed by the Baby-Boomers and their liberal offspring. And to make matters worse, they helped elect a new president who leans very far to the left with socialistic thinking and plans. President Obama is ready to compliment the clueless liberal congress already in position in Washington. The stage is set now for America to head in the direction of deeper division and disarray. It is more than just troubling. The American future is going to be more divided, more disarrayed, and to put it mildly, disastrous.
Now, it is time for Baby-Boomers to retire. And a large number of the clueless ones cannot retire. It’s too expensive out there in retirement land. Well? What did they expect? They were so wrapped up in their clueless liberal thinking for 40 plus years they didn’t have a clue to look down the road to see what was coming around the bend for them. Their liberalism, greed, and lack of core-values are biting them-hard.
One fact of the counter-culture movement not readily acknowledged is this. When that movement started, God was pushed aside. And to fill the void Satan moved in full force. Now, Satan is operating non-stop around the clock in America. It is clearly evident in the behavior of the age groups 10 through 64. The evidence is all around us in the schools, families, and the public sector. The results of satanic activity are reported so very often, each and every day-the violence, the corruption, and the frequent and unthinkable murders. Yes, the evidence of demonic activity, and even demonic possession, is quite apparent throughout the American culture.
R. B.
A Divide America
Roger Behra
The national election of 2008, November 4, in America is now history. And the graphic conclusion is this: America is quite evenly divided between conservative and liberal. The conservatives are Republicans and the liberals are Democrat. In a nation made up of over 200,000,000 people, evenly divided means there are millions of liberal out there. And when the electronic and print media lean very far to the left (liberal side), it is very difficult to have a unified population. The direction leans very much in the direction of the liberals. And now that the American people have a new President, the liberal lean is going to be very far to the left, indeed. As a senator President Obama always voted very far to the left.
A conservative is one who favors the established order of society and not liking change, especially change away from the good moral, and wholesome way of living. Conservatism is the belief that the established order of society should be kept as possible and that change should take place slowly and only to improve society. Conservatism embraces all the elements that are culturally good and very beneficial to all. God is very important. All the established moral and social laws are important. A strong family life that practices good morality, hard work, honesty, and the four areas of human development (mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical) are the foundation of success in every person’s life. Conservatism believes in very strong core values.
A liberal is one who readily accepts change, especially in religious, political, and social ideas, and favors a wide variety of self-expression. Liberalism is the belief that a person can reject God, that laws can be ignored or made up as one goes along in life, that family life is much more fluid and does not have set discipline, that immorality is a so what accepted way of daily life, and that anyone can make changes in their life no matter what to suite individual thinking and ideas. A liberal has no real core values.
The last really conservative generation came to age in 1945. The next generation (1946-1963) was brought up conservative, but they gave it up when the counter-culture movement began in 1964. At that time the rapidly accepted liberal society and the slow decline in American culture began to what we have today. The American culture and society of today (2008) is in full bloom headed very much in the wrong direction. And all the thanks go to the Baby Boomers who started it all. They were clueless then and are clueless still, after 40 some years. And their offspring are clueless carrying on what they originated in 1964.
So, what is the present shape of the American culture today? It is absolutely not good. Presently, they have given the American people a very bad economy, very high unemployment, high job losses to China, very high rent and home costs, many, many taxes and fees, caused high gasoline prices, high food prices, a high divorce rate (1 out of 2 marriages), same-sex marriages, widespread immorality, a dysfunctional school system full of major discipline problems, anything goes type of personal appearance (tattoos galore and cleavage with half-bare breasts and jeans so tight on females no imagination needed), over-crowded prisons, a high murder rate, low church attendance, and a national debt so high that China practically owns America. And the greediness and impolite behavior of Americans defies the imagination. The self-glorification of millions of Americans runs rampant everywhere. The American culture is in a very undesirable condition.
None of the above mentioned in the preceding paragraph existed prior to the counter-culture movement that started in the mid-sixties. The Baby-Boomers and their offspring gave it all to the American culture. Now the American culture is very economically troubled and spiritually and morally bankrupt. The Americans who really care feel betrayed. They (conservatives) feel betrayed by the Baby-Boomers and their liberal offspring. And to make matters worse, they helped elect a new president who leans very far to the left with socialistic thinking and plans. President Obama is ready to compliment the clueless liberal congress already in position in Washington. The stage is set now for America to head in the direction of deeper division and disarray. It is more than just troubling. The American future is going to be more divided, more disarrayed, and to put it mildly, disastrous.
Now, it is time for Baby-Boomers to retire. And a large number of the clueless ones cannot retire. It’s too expensive out there in retirement land. Well? What did they expect? They were so wrapped up in their clueless liberal thinking for 40 plus years they didn’t have a clue to look down the road to see what was coming around the bend for them. Their liberalism, greed, and lack of core-values are biting them-hard.
One fact of the counter-culture movement not readily acknowledged is this. When that movement started, God was pushed aside. And to fill the void Satan moved in full force. Now, Satan is operating non-stop around the clock in America. It is clearly evident in the behavior of the age groups 10 through 64. The evidence is all around us in the schools, families, and the public sector. The results of satanic activity are reported so very often, each and every day-the violence, the corruption, and the frequent and unthinkable murders. Yes, the evidence of demonic activity, and even demonic possession, is quite apparent throughout the American culture.
R. B.
Modern Day Attitudes By Roger Behra
Modern Day Attitudes
Roger Behra
It is very difficult to keep up current attitudes, because information comes to us at so many different times and ways. And the news is sometimes slanted or biased. The major way of getting news is trough the television news and talk show broadcasts. A very large number of people nowadays do not have the time or make the effort to read the print media. So, a large number of people are not aware of many major changes in attitudes. It’s a shame because attitudes are a primary force in the changing shape of a culture. And most certainly cultures have changed quite radically during the past twenty years. The recent generation (l988-2008) has no idea how the attitudes have changed since they were born, especially in America. So, let us be updated.
The newest generation (1988-2008) no clue as to how much America has changed since the last two generation (1946-1966 and 1967-1987) passed them bye.
It all started downhill with the generation that came of age in 1964. That generation, which is called the counter-culture or baby-boomer generation, is the real culprit of the major changes in today’s attitudes. Their philosophy of “throw out the old, bring in the new, if it feels good, do it, tune in, drop out, don’t trust anyone over thirty” became the attitudes of the day. And as we look back to the time before 1964 and compare attitudes, all that can be realized is how much the attitude changes have really hurt the American culture. The most hurtful attitude of pushing God aside and replacing God with pursuit of money has been the most damaging.
The 30 year olds and older generations in 1966 gave us a quite desirable culture with only a couple major flaws-the great depression and discrimination against blacks and Hispanics. So, these age groups realized that the new counter-culture movement was a step in the wrong direction, but they didn’t realize to what extent, that it would give us the modern day attitudes that permeate and lower and pollute the American culture of today. Many people of today might say wait a minute. What do you mean today’s attitudes and actions demean and lower and pollute today’s culture? Well, let’s go back in time.
Prior to the mid-sixties and back to 1900 Americans were God loving and God fearing, the ten commandments were followed (people knew them, then), were hard-working, family-oriented, courteous and helpful, dressed up nicely, and attended church in large numbers on Sunday. The divorce rate was very low. The school systems were very well organized and run (before government got involved) and solid discipline was the way in the home and school. World War 2 (1941-1945) brought the American people more strongly together fulfilling the philosophy and ideals that American’s cherished and lived. The counter-culture movement ruined all that. Their philosophy became very ruinous and has resulted in what have today. In America today just about anything is acceptable because of liberals and liberalism without any clues.
The first question, therefore, is what are the many modern day attitudes given to American by liberals and their liberalism? They are that church attendance (only 37%, down from 87%) does not matter on Sunday: that knowing and keeping the 10 commandments, which sets the order of daily behavior is not important; that immorality, co-habitation, greed, corrupt acts, lack of courtesy, divorce (1 in every 2); teen-age and pre-marital sex; homosexuality; same sex marriage; and abortion is acceptable; that cheating and make up your own rules as you go along; me first actions; government fraud; political corruption; politician’s lies; and the lack of dignity for fellow humans has increased and multiplied since the mid-sixties. There is no dignity here, when women in public view dress so immodestly, showing half or more of their bare breasts and leaving very little to the imagination otherwise.
The second question is will the drastic change in daily attitudes brought about by the counter-culture movement be reversed? Not anytime soon it seems. The American culture will continue to exist in the pit of iniquity (wickedness). The very large number of people in the existence of modern day attitude is clueless as to how their attitudes and behavior demean the individual person and the American culture in general. Is it any wonder why demonic activity (affliction and possession) flourishes today, and the need for exorcisms has increased 700% to 800% since1970? No. America’s modern day attitudes are in continued decline with no end in view. It is a sad result for a nation that was once the moral leader of the New World.
R. B.
Modern Day Attitudes
Roger Behra
It is very difficult to keep up current attitudes, because information comes to us at so many different times and ways. And the news is sometimes slanted or biased. The major way of getting news is trough the television news and talk show broadcasts. A very large number of people nowadays do not have the time or make the effort to read the print media. So, a large number of people are not aware of many major changes in attitudes. It’s a shame because attitudes are a primary force in the changing shape of a culture. And most certainly cultures have changed quite radically during the past twenty years. The recent generation (l988-2008) has no idea how the attitudes have changed since they were born, especially in America. So, let us be updated.
The newest generation (1988-2008) no clue as to how much America has changed since the last two generation (1946-1966 and 1967-1987) passed them bye.
It all started downhill with the generation that came of age in 1964. That generation, which is called the counter-culture or baby-boomer generation, is the real culprit of the major changes in today’s attitudes. Their philosophy of “throw out the old, bring in the new, if it feels good, do it, tune in, drop out, don’t trust anyone over thirty” became the attitudes of the day. And as we look back to the time before 1964 and compare attitudes, all that can be realized is how much the attitude changes have really hurt the American culture. The most hurtful attitude of pushing God aside and replacing God with pursuit of money has been the most damaging.
The 30 year olds and older generations in 1966 gave us a quite desirable culture with only a couple major flaws-the great depression and discrimination against blacks and Hispanics. So, these age groups realized that the new counter-culture movement was a step in the wrong direction, but they didn’t realize to what extent, that it would give us the modern day attitudes that permeate and lower and pollute the American culture of today. Many people of today might say wait a minute. What do you mean today’s attitudes and actions demean and lower and pollute today’s culture? Well, let’s go back in time.
Prior to the mid-sixties and back to 1900 Americans were God loving and God fearing, the ten commandments were followed (people knew them, then), were hard-working, family-oriented, courteous and helpful, dressed up nicely, and attended church in large numbers on Sunday. The divorce rate was very low. The school systems were very well organized and run (before government got involved) and solid discipline was the way in the home and school. World War 2 (1941-1945) brought the American people more strongly together fulfilling the philosophy and ideals that American’s cherished and lived. The counter-culture movement ruined all that. Their philosophy became very ruinous and has resulted in what have today. In America today just about anything is acceptable because of liberals and liberalism without any clues.
The first question, therefore, is what are the many modern day attitudes given to American by liberals and their liberalism? They are that church attendance (only 37%, down from 87%) does not matter on Sunday: that knowing and keeping the 10 commandments, which sets the order of daily behavior is not important; that immorality, co-habitation, greed, corrupt acts, lack of courtesy, divorce (1 in every 2); teen-age and pre-marital sex; homosexuality; same sex marriage; and abortion is acceptable; that cheating and make up your own rules as you go along; me first actions; government fraud; political corruption; politician’s lies; and the lack of dignity for fellow humans has increased and multiplied since the mid-sixties. There is no dignity here, when women in public view dress so immodestly, showing half or more of their bare breasts and leaving very little to the imagination otherwise.
The second question is will the drastic change in daily attitudes brought about by the counter-culture movement be reversed? Not anytime soon it seems. The American culture will continue to exist in the pit of iniquity (wickedness). The very large number of people in the existence of modern day attitude is clueless as to how their attitudes and behavior demean the individual person and the American culture in general. Is it any wonder why demonic activity (affliction and possession) flourishes today, and the need for exorcisms has increased 700% to 800% since1970? No. America’s modern day attitudes are in continued decline with no end in view. It is a sad result for a nation that was once the moral leader of the New World.
R. B.
The World’s Worst Leaders By Roger Behra
The World’s Worst Leaders
Roger Behra
It is no secret that the world we live in is very large and complex, made up of many and distinct cultures, and led by so many different leaders. And if you follow world events or have visited other countries and talked to their citizens, you know and realize that all is not well in many cultures because of their leaders. Many leaders should not be leaders, and there are at least ten that are the very worst of the whole group. Some are frequently in the national news broadcasts, while many are not. In no specific order here are the ten leaders who are without any doubt the very worst of them all.
Of the 10 worst leaders and places to live, five leaders and places are the very worst of the worst. They are:
China- has ever-increasing censorship, is very hard on human-rights activists, forced abortions, very harsh limits on the practice of religion, controls all of the media, and there is very little justice to be found in China-only 1% of trials in China end with an innocent verdict, and all the various espionage on in the United States puts the U.S. at great risk.
Iran- has a very increasingly repressive dominance over the citizens, does public stoning and hangings, persecutes dissidents, sponsors much terrorism (especially in Iraq), and is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.
Saudi Arabia- leads the world in oppression against women, the primitive system of their justice sentences young teens to their death and engages in torture of their defendants, and the largest number of Al-Qaeda fighters comes from Saudi Arabia.
North Korea- is most isolated, has the most repressive regime in all the world, their citizens have no information from the outside world, they have a very cruel system of punishment where three generations of a family can be punished for one member’s crime, hundreds of thousands are in labor camps, the capture, torture, and jailing of citizens who try to flee to China or elsewhere, and they are suspected very strongly of providing nuclear materials and information to other countries, such as Iran and Syria.
Pakistan- all their citizens lost constitutional rights, their court system is no more, many thousands of dissidents have been arrested. Citizens live in mortal fear of their government, and all he fights with India stir unrest in the area.
In Burma, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Uzbekistan, and Eritrea the citizens live under a forced order of very repressive and undesirable conditions that run the gamut from human rights violations, protestor being killed to jail, many are detained, 7000 to 8000% inflation, food supplies are very poor, citizens are tortured, no freedom of the press, no freedom of travel, widespread disease, and citizens are forced to undergo psychiatric treatment. There is considerable sickness and death in these countries. It’s very unimaginable in this world of 2008.
All the people who live in cultures in the free world under quite ideal conditions in a peaceful and orderly system need to be very mindful of those who do not. Many millions are not mindful. Many lose their lives trying to achieve a better life. All of us living in the free parts of the world need to be “always” mindful of those who do not. And whenever possible give aid personally, financially, and/or prayerfully.
R. B.
Sources of Information:
The Orange County Register
K N X Radio News
The Parade Magazine
The World’s Worst Leaders
Roger Behra
It is no secret that the world we live in is very large and complex, made up of many and distinct cultures, and led by so many different leaders. And if you follow world events or have visited other countries and talked to their citizens, you know and realize that all is not well in many cultures because of their leaders. Many leaders should not be leaders, and there are at least ten that are the very worst of the whole group. Some are frequently in the national news broadcasts, while many are not. In no specific order here are the ten leaders who are without any doubt the very worst of them all.
Of the 10 worst leaders and places to live, five leaders and places are the very worst of the worst. They are:
China- has ever-increasing censorship, is very hard on human-rights activists, forced abortions, very harsh limits on the practice of religion, controls all of the media, and there is very little justice to be found in China-only 1% of trials in China end with an innocent verdict, and all the various espionage on in the United States puts the U.S. at great risk.
Iran- has a very increasingly repressive dominance over the citizens, does public stoning and hangings, persecutes dissidents, sponsors much terrorism (especially in Iraq), and is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.
Saudi Arabia- leads the world in oppression against women, the primitive system of their justice sentences young teens to their death and engages in torture of their defendants, and the largest number of Al-Qaeda fighters comes from Saudi Arabia.
North Korea- is most isolated, has the most repressive regime in all the world, their citizens have no information from the outside world, they have a very cruel system of punishment where three generations of a family can be punished for one member’s crime, hundreds of thousands are in labor camps, the capture, torture, and jailing of citizens who try to flee to China or elsewhere, and they are suspected very strongly of providing nuclear materials and information to other countries, such as Iran and Syria.
Pakistan- all their citizens lost constitutional rights, their court system is no more, many thousands of dissidents have been arrested. Citizens live in mortal fear of their government, and all he fights with India stir unrest in the area.
In Burma, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Uzbekistan, and Eritrea the citizens live under a forced order of very repressive and undesirable conditions that run the gamut from human rights violations, protestor being killed to jail, many are detained, 7000 to 8000% inflation, food supplies are very poor, citizens are tortured, no freedom of the press, no freedom of travel, widespread disease, and citizens are forced to undergo psychiatric treatment. There is considerable sickness and death in these countries. It’s very unimaginable in this world of 2008.
All the people who live in cultures in the free world under quite ideal conditions in a peaceful and orderly system need to be very mindful of those who do not. Many millions are not mindful. Many lose their lives trying to achieve a better life. All of us living in the free parts of the world need to be “always” mindful of those who do not. And whenever possible give aid personally, financially, and/or prayerfully.
R. B.
Sources of Information:
The Orange County Register
K N X Radio News
The Parade Magazine
A Real Life Case By Roger Behra
A Real Life Case
Roger Behra
There is a great deal of confusion in the minds and thinking in many people’s lives concerning demonic activity and the harm and effect it has in everyday life. The thinking ranges from it, does not happen to how can it possibly happen. Therefore, some classification is in order plus a presentation of a real life case. Although there are several kinds of demonic activity, the emphasis will be on demonic affliction, which is quite common in lives today.
In previous communications (6, 7, 8, 9) the forms of demonic activity were referred to and discussed. They are deliverance, affliction, imperfect and perfect possession. The commonality and rarity of each kind of activity should be mentioned here.
Perfect possession, the deal made with Satan to insure a certain result of results in exchange for a person’s soul. It develops over a long period of time and becomes a permanent deal. This possession is very rare, but it exists more so in our modern world. Imperfect possession is much less rare, but not in the common category. It’s rarity has lessened quite a lot during the last 40 years. This form of possession is also a deal with Satan to give a certain result, but it does not include a permanent possession of a person’s soul, unless an exorcism is not performed. If the person dies without an exorcism, the soul belongs to Satan. Demonic affliction is quite common and will be the thorough discussion in this communication. Demonic deliverance and the need for it is very common, because of the great amount of evil throughout our modern world, and because if the deliverance is not done, it can lead to another more serious form of demonic activity involving activity with an evil spirit directly.
Now, let’s get to the information concerning demonic affliction. Demonic affliction is not a form of possession, but the affliction involves an interaction with a demon and a person that causes interference, disruption, psychological pain, and even an assault by the demon in the person’s life. At sometime in the demonically afflicted person’s life the door was left open, and there entered the demon and the activity that becomes an affliction, which occurs and takes over regularly in the person’s life. Frequently, the use of an Ouija board is the door that becomes open. And most likely the proliferation of pornography on the internet is another wide open door to the demonic activity. If the afflicted person realizes unusual things are happening without a good and logical reason, the need for deliverance is in order. If the need for deliverance is ignored, demonic affliction very, very easily becomes demonically imperfect possession, which requires an exorcism. It’s a reminder at this time to repeat that demonic affliction is not a form of demonic possession, but if the signs of affliction are ignored, then possession is the next step. The demon never gives up. He keeps using his cunning and shiftiness to march forward toward his main goal-possession of the person’s free will.
It must be mentioned here, also, that a demon (Satan or helper) in the fires of hell is nothing, absolutely, immensely suffering for eternity, and is forever begging for the opportunity to some capacity become a part of a real person’s life. It is the only way for the demon. And there are other opportunities-witch’s covens, practicing witchcraft, black masses, Satan worship, sex parties, strip joints, etc. One or more of these in a person’s life ends to affliction and something worse.
At this time in this communication ti is an opportunity to give a real, true affliction happening in a woman’s life. As you will read, the intrusion of a demonic entity in any person’s life is a disturbing and upsetting experience to the avoided at all costs. The demon can be male (an incubus) or female (a succubus) and always has a name. In this case the afflicted is a female and the afflicting demon is male. More women than men become afflicted, because women involve themselves in activities (covens, witchcraft, Ouija boards) that open the doors to demonic activity. In this case the male demon became a “familiar”.
The male demon’s name in this happening is Jee Jee, and he slowly and consistently became involved in her private life. The afflicted woman lived alone. She was a frequent user of an Ouija board that was given to her as a birthday present. About two weeks after her birthday she came home on evening and noticed things had changed places in her kitchen. That was odd she thought, quite unusual in fact. On a few more occasions she noticed more of the same. She became more and more puzzled, and worry began to set in. So, her daily way of life, which always was quite usual in all aspects, became quite unusual. Then, her residence became a source of other psychic phenomena. Now, she became very worried and unsettled, especially when Jee Jee introduced himself and began talking to her in her mind. She was afraid to mention any of the strange things happening to her during the evening and night hours. She was fearful that others would question her sanity. Evil spirits can do very fascinating and strange things that defy ordinary ways.
Mental communication with Jee Jee became more and more common. He filled her thoughts with many disturbing thoughts, and made her afraid to tell anyone about the events going o with her. An evil entity can be seriously threatening.
Then, one night it happened. While she was ready to fall asleep, Jee Jee did the unexpected. She felt the bed sink under her. She felt him resting on her. Soon, she realized she was being sexually attacked. She wasn’t sure if she had already fallen asleep and was dreaming it all. Two nights later the same kind attack happened again. Now, she was sure it wasn’t a dream. Add the next day she kept wondering who and what was attacking her. So, she placed two large mirrors on the ceiling over her bed. One dimly lighted night, soon, the third sexual attack occurred. Again, she felt the bed sink and his presence on her. She became fully awake and was, however, unable to move or scream, but she was able to see in the mirrors. She was absolutely horrified at what she saw in mirrors. She saw a very dark colored, ugly, thorny, and extremely hideous reptilian creature about four feet long. It was the ultimate in emotional upset, so much so that she spent a very sleepless night to say the very least, as her mind began racing towards the thought of a solutions.
The next day she took the steps to rid her life from the affliction that she was unaware that started after she began using the Ouiga board and opened the door for the most unsettling event in her life. After finally confiding and explaining to a close friend what was going on in her life, her friend helped her get the attention and remedy she needed to rid Jee Jee from her life. A catholic priest was the answer. She recived the deliverance she needed.
The case of Jee Jee and his human objet is only one of the very many cases that go on each and every day, especially in America, thanks to the counter-culture movement and the super liberal thinking of the modern times. America is fertile ground for demonic activity. And she will always be in the future.
R. B.
A Real Life Case
Roger Behra
There is a great deal of confusion in the minds and thinking in many people’s lives concerning demonic activity and the harm and effect it has in everyday life. The thinking ranges from it, does not happen to how can it possibly happen. Therefore, some classification is in order plus a presentation of a real life case. Although there are several kinds of demonic activity, the emphasis will be on demonic affliction, which is quite common in lives today.
In previous communications (6, 7, 8, 9) the forms of demonic activity were referred to and discussed. They are deliverance, affliction, imperfect and perfect possession. The commonality and rarity of each kind of activity should be mentioned here.
Perfect possession, the deal made with Satan to insure a certain result of results in exchange for a person’s soul. It develops over a long period of time and becomes a permanent deal. This possession is very rare, but it exists more so in our modern world. Imperfect possession is much less rare, but not in the common category. It’s rarity has lessened quite a lot during the last 40 years. This form of possession is also a deal with Satan to give a certain result, but it does not include a permanent possession of a person’s soul, unless an exorcism is not performed. If the person dies without an exorcism, the soul belongs to Satan. Demonic affliction is quite common and will be the thorough discussion in this communication. Demonic deliverance and the need for it is very common, because of the great amount of evil throughout our modern world, and because if the deliverance is not done, it can lead to another more serious form of demonic activity involving activity with an evil spirit directly.
Now, let’s get to the information concerning demonic affliction. Demonic affliction is not a form of possession, but the affliction involves an interaction with a demon and a person that causes interference, disruption, psychological pain, and even an assault by the demon in the person’s life. At sometime in the demonically afflicted person’s life the door was left open, and there entered the demon and the activity that becomes an affliction, which occurs and takes over regularly in the person’s life. Frequently, the use of an Ouija board is the door that becomes open. And most likely the proliferation of pornography on the internet is another wide open door to the demonic activity. If the afflicted person realizes unusual things are happening without a good and logical reason, the need for deliverance is in order. If the need for deliverance is ignored, demonic affliction very, very easily becomes demonically imperfect possession, which requires an exorcism. It’s a reminder at this time to repeat that demonic affliction is not a form of demonic possession, but if the signs of affliction are ignored, then possession is the next step. The demon never gives up. He keeps using his cunning and shiftiness to march forward toward his main goal-possession of the person’s free will.
It must be mentioned here, also, that a demon (Satan or helper) in the fires of hell is nothing, absolutely, immensely suffering for eternity, and is forever begging for the opportunity to some capacity become a part of a real person’s life. It is the only way for the demon. And there are other opportunities-witch’s covens, practicing witchcraft, black masses, Satan worship, sex parties, strip joints, etc. One or more of these in a person’s life ends to affliction and something worse.
At this time in this communication ti is an opportunity to give a real, true affliction happening in a woman’s life. As you will read, the intrusion of a demonic entity in any person’s life is a disturbing and upsetting experience to the avoided at all costs. The demon can be male (an incubus) or female (a succubus) and always has a name. In this case the afflicted is a female and the afflicting demon is male. More women than men become afflicted, because women involve themselves in activities (covens, witchcraft, Ouija boards) that open the doors to demonic activity. In this case the male demon became a “familiar”.
The male demon’s name in this happening is Jee Jee, and he slowly and consistently became involved in her private life. The afflicted woman lived alone. She was a frequent user of an Ouija board that was given to her as a birthday present. About two weeks after her birthday she came home on evening and noticed things had changed places in her kitchen. That was odd she thought, quite unusual in fact. On a few more occasions she noticed more of the same. She became more and more puzzled, and worry began to set in. So, her daily way of life, which always was quite usual in all aspects, became quite unusual. Then, her residence became a source of other psychic phenomena. Now, she became very worried and unsettled, especially when Jee Jee introduced himself and began talking to her in her mind. She was afraid to mention any of the strange things happening to her during the evening and night hours. She was fearful that others would question her sanity. Evil spirits can do very fascinating and strange things that defy ordinary ways.
Mental communication with Jee Jee became more and more common. He filled her thoughts with many disturbing thoughts, and made her afraid to tell anyone about the events going o with her. An evil entity can be seriously threatening.
Then, one night it happened. While she was ready to fall asleep, Jee Jee did the unexpected. She felt the bed sink under her. She felt him resting on her. Soon, she realized she was being sexually attacked. She wasn’t sure if she had already fallen asleep and was dreaming it all. Two nights later the same kind attack happened again. Now, she was sure it wasn’t a dream. Add the next day she kept wondering who and what was attacking her. So, she placed two large mirrors on the ceiling over her bed. One dimly lighted night, soon, the third sexual attack occurred. Again, she felt the bed sink and his presence on her. She became fully awake and was, however, unable to move or scream, but she was able to see in the mirrors. She was absolutely horrified at what she saw in mirrors. She saw a very dark colored, ugly, thorny, and extremely hideous reptilian creature about four feet long. It was the ultimate in emotional upset, so much so that she spent a very sleepless night to say the very least, as her mind began racing towards the thought of a solutions.
The next day she took the steps to rid her life from the affliction that she was unaware that started after she began using the Ouiga board and opened the door for the most unsettling event in her life. After finally confiding and explaining to a close friend what was going on in her life, her friend helped her get the attention and remedy she needed to rid Jee Jee from her life. A catholic priest was the answer. She recived the deliverance she needed.
The case of Jee Jee and his human objet is only one of the very many cases that go on each and every day, especially in America, thanks to the counter-culture movement and the super liberal thinking of the modern times. America is fertile ground for demonic activity. And she will always be in the future.
R. B.
When Discipline Is Absent By Roger Behra
When Discipline Is Absent
Roger Behra
The success and orderly progress of any culture is greatly dependent on the quality of the school systems. And the school systems are of vital concern to all parents who have children in those systems. The quality of education being offered has to be very acceptable from kindergarten through grade 12. And the quality of education is dependent on three basic and absolutely very necessary fundamentals, especially in grades K-8. The 3 basic fundamentals are:
l. Teacher competency in the subject areas being taught.
2. The quality of the teacher’s teaching skills.
3. The quality of classroom discipline.
In America the public school system, (not the private schools), is run and financed by the national and state governments, and they are deficient in the fundamental areas, especially in classroom discipline. It is not for the lack of money. Good money is constantly thrown after bad. In essence the public schools are run by liberals, who are clueless, as usual, in the core ideas that would make the schools a much better place for learning and achievement.
The lack of very good classroom discipline is at the root of the problems in the public schools. And very good control is the foundation that enables a teacher to use the needed teaching skills and for students to have a stable and orderly learning environment that leads to acceptable, or higher, achievement levels. No consistently very good classroom discipline leads to very low learning and very poor achievement.
The need for teachers is acute in many public schools. Many full-time faculty members are still working for their bachelor’s degree. Many first-year teachers resign at the mid-year point, because they cannot cope with the varied amount of constant disciplinary problems. And those that stick it out cannot teach to expected achievement levels. Therefore students, especially in the grades K-8 are for behind in their skills. Sixth through eighth grade students cannot read at grade level. They do not know the time tables in order to multiply or divide correctly as a matter of course. In English class they misuse the words there, thir, and they’re, make the object of a preposition agree with the verb, and cannot use sit, set, lie, or lay correctly. Sixty-seven percent of new college freshman need remedial English courses in order to succeed in their college courses. Something is radically wrong. And the yard-stick is directly pointed at the lack of constant and consistent classroom discipline in all grades K-8.
It is safe to say that discipline problems are epidemic throughout the public schools in America. The discipline problems are constant, serious, and very disruptive. The talking back, disrespect, defiance, and verbal abuse aimed at teachers in class is appalling and seriously disruptive. All students are the losers. There is a reason why there is a 50% dropout rate before graduation. It is honest to say that teacher’s hands are tied. The home life of the students is devoid of proper and consistent discipline, and that carries over to the classroom situation as well. So, the student loses twice-in the home and school.
R. B.12/23/08
When Discipline Is Absent
Roger Behra
The success and orderly progress of any culture is greatly dependent on the quality of the school systems. And the school systems are of vital concern to all parents who have children in those systems. The quality of education being offered has to be very acceptable from kindergarten through grade 12. And the quality of education is dependent on three basic and absolutely very necessary fundamentals, especially in grades K-8. The 3 basic fundamentals are:
l. Teacher competency in the subject areas being taught.
2. The quality of the teacher’s teaching skills.
3. The quality of classroom discipline.
In America the public school system, (not the private schools), is run and financed by the national and state governments, and they are deficient in the fundamental areas, especially in classroom discipline. It is not for the lack of money. Good money is constantly thrown after bad. In essence the public schools are run by liberals, who are clueless, as usual, in the core ideas that would make the schools a much better place for learning and achievement.
The lack of very good classroom discipline is at the root of the problems in the public schools. And very good control is the foundation that enables a teacher to use the needed teaching skills and for students to have a stable and orderly learning environment that leads to acceptable, or higher, achievement levels. No consistently very good classroom discipline leads to very low learning and very poor achievement.
The need for teachers is acute in many public schools. Many full-time faculty members are still working for their bachelor’s degree. Many first-year teachers resign at the mid-year point, because they cannot cope with the varied amount of constant disciplinary problems. And those that stick it out cannot teach to expected achievement levels. Therefore students, especially in the grades K-8 are for behind in their skills. Sixth through eighth grade students cannot read at grade level. They do not know the time tables in order to multiply or divide correctly as a matter of course. In English class they misuse the words there, thir, and they’re, make the object of a preposition agree with the verb, and cannot use sit, set, lie, or lay correctly. Sixty-seven percent of new college freshman need remedial English courses in order to succeed in their college courses. Something is radically wrong. And the yard-stick is directly pointed at the lack of constant and consistent classroom discipline in all grades K-8.
It is safe to say that discipline problems are epidemic throughout the public schools in America. The discipline problems are constant, serious, and very disruptive. The talking back, disrespect, defiance, and verbal abuse aimed at teachers in class is appalling and seriously disruptive. All students are the losers. There is a reason why there is a 50% dropout rate before graduation. It is honest to say that teacher’s hands are tied. The home life of the students is devoid of proper and consistent discipline, and that carries over to the classroom situation as well. So, the student loses twice-in the home and school.
R. B.12/23/08
A Classic Example By Roger Behra
A Classic Example
Roger Behra
What you are about to read in this communication is a classic example of what goes on in many Americans schools that goes mostly unreported by the liberal mainstream media. If you multiply this example by a very large number, you’ll get a very disturbing picture of what goes on, but the general public is not aware of similar things that are happening throughout America.
An older experienced male teacher had this happen to him while he taught high school at a famous school in one of America’s largest cities. He is a competent and aware teacher. He realizes that in order to be personally successful and his students to be good achievers; his classroom and student discipline had to be carefully maintained each and every day. He realizes that proper and consistent discipline is the foundation of successful teaching and learning. He has fair set of classroom rules he expects his students to keep-come to class prepared, go orderly and directly to assigned seats, no pushing or shoving, no prolonged talking, have notebooks open and ready to use, and to listen and follow directions. Their grades depended on it.
Well, the students decided that they did not like the rule. Away from class they called him “old man R.” They decided to annoy him little by little as days passed. They scratched the paint on his new car. They propped p nails and glass behind the rear wheels. Somehow, they got his telephone number and verbally abused him via phone. They threatened his very life. As a last report, they firebombed his classroom. This was only one case of problems at the school, the most extreme one.
At the high school where mister R. teaches only 49% of the students reach graduation time. The remaining 51% of the students drop out before grade 12. The 49% who reach graduation time are for the most part deficient in achievement, especially in math and English. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. It is epidemic throughout the schools in America.
Information was recently released and read in a city newspaper that 67% of incoming college freshman have to take remedial classes in English in order to start their freshman year. Success at the college level would otherwise not happen. A logical assumption is that poor self-discipline coupled with poor classroom discipline is the root cause. Incompetent teachers are an added cause, also.
If what is going on outside the classroom and in society in general is any indication, and is justifiable to do so, then a good deal of the problem in the school and at the college level begins in the homes. No discipline in the home life. That equals no discipline in the schools. That equals poor achievement and poor personal success. It is no accident or coincidence that foreign students outscore American students during international testing. A certain amount of blame goes to liberals, who have ruined education and many other aspects of American culture. Liberals are clueless about so many things in American culture. Running the American schools is one of them. Need we say more?
R. B.12/22/08
A Classic Example
Roger Behra
What you are about to read in this communication is a classic example of what goes on in many Americans schools that goes mostly unreported by the liberal mainstream media. If you multiply this example by a very large number, you’ll get a very disturbing picture of what goes on, but the general public is not aware of similar things that are happening throughout America.
An older experienced male teacher had this happen to him while he taught high school at a famous school in one of America’s largest cities. He is a competent and aware teacher. He realizes that in order to be personally successful and his students to be good achievers; his classroom and student discipline had to be carefully maintained each and every day. He realizes that proper and consistent discipline is the foundation of successful teaching and learning. He has fair set of classroom rules he expects his students to keep-come to class prepared, go orderly and directly to assigned seats, no pushing or shoving, no prolonged talking, have notebooks open and ready to use, and to listen and follow directions. Their grades depended on it.
Well, the students decided that they did not like the rule. Away from class they called him “old man R.” They decided to annoy him little by little as days passed. They scratched the paint on his new car. They propped p nails and glass behind the rear wheels. Somehow, they got his telephone number and verbally abused him via phone. They threatened his very life. As a last report, they firebombed his classroom. This was only one case of problems at the school, the most extreme one.
At the high school where mister R. teaches only 49% of the students reach graduation time. The remaining 51% of the students drop out before grade 12. The 49% who reach graduation time are for the most part deficient in achievement, especially in math and English. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. It is epidemic throughout the schools in America.
Information was recently released and read in a city newspaper that 67% of incoming college freshman have to take remedial classes in English in order to start their freshman year. Success at the college level would otherwise not happen. A logical assumption is that poor self-discipline coupled with poor classroom discipline is the root cause. Incompetent teachers are an added cause, also.
If what is going on outside the classroom and in society in general is any indication, and is justifiable to do so, then a good deal of the problem in the school and at the college level begins in the homes. No discipline in the home life. That equals no discipline in the schools. That equals poor achievement and poor personal success. It is no accident or coincidence that foreign students outscore American students during international testing. A certain amount of blame goes to liberals, who have ruined education and many other aspects of American culture. Liberals are clueless about so many things in American culture. Running the American schools is one of them. Need we say more?
R. B.12/22/08
sábado, 3 de enero de 2009
You Need To Know By Roger Behra
You Need To Know
Roger Behra
Same-Sex Marriage
In California (U. S. A.), Proposition 22 was on the voting ballot during the November, 2000 state election. At that time 61 percent of the state’s voters voted in favor of Proposition 22 which banned same-sex marriages. On May 15, 2008, the California Supreme Court ruled the voters decision was unconstitutional, therefore, allowing same-sex marriages to go forward. And the voters were wondering if is worth the effort to vote. This is not the first California courts to have overturned a voting decision. The voters not only do not want same-sex marriages, they are sick and tired of the courts overturning their ballot-box decisions. The motive for overturning the voter’s decision began in San Francisco by the officials and civil rights groups. What a fitting place for that to go forward, San Francisco, the cesspool homosexual activity, the place where the counter-culture movement began. The California’s voters justifiably are outraged. The court’s decision makes a mockery out the traditional way of a man and woman marrying. In the fall of the 2008 the voters will have a chance to speak again when they will vote on a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman. Let us all pray for a positive outcome to that vote. Thankfully the voters can speak again. They can recover from a severe blow to the culture of the U. S. A. GO VOTERS.
Strange Self-Glorification
Wherever people go it is abundantly seeable the strange appearances of the descendants of the counter-culture originals. At malls, on busses, along the streets, at school, and even in church one can see outrageous self-glorification that has gained a foothold in America’s culture. What do we see? We see spiked hair that brings to mind the porcupine. We see multi-colored hair, even spiked multi-colored hair. It’s pitiful along with just plain laughable. We see boy’s pants with the crotch at mid-knee level and the upper half of the rear end showing. We see grown men tattooed all over that bring to mind zoo animals. We see bare abdomens and bare upper breasts with pronounced cleavage on woman. We see noses, lips, chins, and even fingers pierced with odd looking jewelry. We see out-of-the-ordinary made up faces on women. We see girls and woman dressed in jeans and pants SO TIGHT that nothing is left to the imagination back or front most of the time. All of this shows great lack self-control and what is acceptable, modest, moral, and appropriate. Instead of Glorifying God, Who does not approve, the beat keeps going on.
Home-Schooling Advantages
Home-schooling in the United States is rapidly gaining in popularity. That is the direct result of the government-run school system that has become a disaster of epic proportions throughout the United States. Home-schooled students are among the very best in the nation. Now, in California, the courts are interfering and making it harder to have home-schools. The courts disregard the present success of these schools, the way they are run, and no changes need to be made. The court’s decision fails the “laugh out loud” test. That the courts in California (and elsewhere) need to do is to force all the government-run schools to copy the methods and success of home-schools. Period!
R. B.
You Need To Know
Roger Behra
Same-Sex Marriage
In California (U. S. A.), Proposition 22 was on the voting ballot during the November, 2000 state election. At that time 61 percent of the state’s voters voted in favor of Proposition 22 which banned same-sex marriages. On May 15, 2008, the California Supreme Court ruled the voters decision was unconstitutional, therefore, allowing same-sex marriages to go forward. And the voters were wondering if is worth the effort to vote. This is not the first California courts to have overturned a voting decision. The voters not only do not want same-sex marriages, they are sick and tired of the courts overturning their ballot-box decisions. The motive for overturning the voter’s decision began in San Francisco by the officials and civil rights groups. What a fitting place for that to go forward, San Francisco, the cesspool homosexual activity, the place where the counter-culture movement began. The California’s voters justifiably are outraged. The court’s decision makes a mockery out the traditional way of a man and woman marrying. In the fall of the 2008 the voters will have a chance to speak again when they will vote on a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman. Let us all pray for a positive outcome to that vote. Thankfully the voters can speak again. They can recover from a severe blow to the culture of the U. S. A. GO VOTERS.
Strange Self-Glorification
Wherever people go it is abundantly seeable the strange appearances of the descendants of the counter-culture originals. At malls, on busses, along the streets, at school, and even in church one can see outrageous self-glorification that has gained a foothold in America’s culture. What do we see? We see spiked hair that brings to mind the porcupine. We see multi-colored hair, even spiked multi-colored hair. It’s pitiful along with just plain laughable. We see boy’s pants with the crotch at mid-knee level and the upper half of the rear end showing. We see grown men tattooed all over that bring to mind zoo animals. We see bare abdomens and bare upper breasts with pronounced cleavage on woman. We see noses, lips, chins, and even fingers pierced with odd looking jewelry. We see out-of-the-ordinary made up faces on women. We see girls and woman dressed in jeans and pants SO TIGHT that nothing is left to the imagination back or front most of the time. All of this shows great lack self-control and what is acceptable, modest, moral, and appropriate. Instead of Glorifying God, Who does not approve, the beat keeps going on.
Home-Schooling Advantages
Home-schooling in the United States is rapidly gaining in popularity. That is the direct result of the government-run school system that has become a disaster of epic proportions throughout the United States. Home-schooled students are among the very best in the nation. Now, in California, the courts are interfering and making it harder to have home-schools. The courts disregard the present success of these schools, the way they are run, and no changes need to be made. The court’s decision fails the “laugh out loud” test. That the courts in California (and elsewhere) need to do is to force all the government-run schools to copy the methods and success of home-schools. Period!
R. B.
Other Heavenly Help By Roger Behra
Other Heavenly Help
Roger Behra
In communication 42, the Blessed Trinity (Triune God) was presented and explained. The value and ways of praying to the Blessed Trinity was offered also. I this communication other ways of obtaining help from heaven will be offered to those who are interested. Praying to St. Jude, St. Therese of the Child Jesus, and saying the Short Way of the Cross is a very fruitful way of obtaining help from heaven.
A SHORT WAY OF THE CROSS (Used by the Franciscan Fathers on their Missions)
1. First Station. Jesus Condemned to Death. O JESUS! So meek and uncomplaining, teach me resignation in trials.
2. Second Station. Jesus Carries His Cross. My Jesus, This Cross should be mine, not Thine; my sins crucified Thee.
3. Third Station. Our Lord Falls the First Time. O Jesus! By the first fall, never let me fall into moral sin.
4. Fourth Station. Jesus Meet His Mother. O Jesus! May no human tie, however dear, keep me from following the road of the Cross.
5. Fifth Station. Simon the Cyrenean Helps Jesus Carry His Cross. Simon unwillingly assisted Thee; may I with patience suffer all for Thee.
6. Sixth Station. Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus. O Jesus! Thou didst imprint Thy sacred features upon Veronica’s veil; stamp them also indelibly upon my heart.
7. Seventh Station. The Second Fall of Jesus. By Thy second fall, preserve me, dear Lord, from relapse into sin.
8. Eight Station.Jesus Consoles the Women of Jerusalem. My greatest consolation would be to hear Thee say: “Many sins are forgive thee, because thou hast loved much.”
9. Ninth Station. The Third Fall of Jesus. O Jesus! When weary upon life’s journey, bet Thou my strength and my perseverance.
10. Tenth Station. Jesus Stripped of His Garments. My soul has been robbed of its innocence; clothe me, dear Jesus, with the garb penance and contrition.
11. Eleventh Station. Jesus Nailed to the Cross. Thou didst forgive Thy enemies; my God, teach me to forgive injuries and FORGET them.
12. Twelfth Station. Jesus Dies on the Cross. Thou art dying, my jesus, but Thy Sacred Heart still throbs with love for Thy sinful children.
13. Thirteenth Station. Jesus Taken Down from the Cross. Receive me into thy arms, O Sorrowful Mother; and obtain for me perfect contrition for my sins.
14. Fourteenth Station. Jesus Laid in the Sepulture. When I recive Thee into my heart in Holy Communion, O Jesus, make it a fit abiding place for Thy adorable Body. Amen.
“Jesus, Mary, I love You, Save Souls”
The 4 keys to heaven
Our Lord made many promises to those who with faith make (say also} THE WAY OF THE CROSS. For favors asked, He promised “I will grant everything asked of Me with faith, when making (saying) The Way of The Cross.”
St. Jude is another heavenly helper. He is very powerful and grants many, many favors to those who ask him.
Prayer to St. Jude
St. JUDE, glorious Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the true Church invokes you universally as the Patron of things despaired of; pray for me, that finally I may receive the consolations and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings, particularly (here make your request), and that I may bless God with the Elect throughout Eternity. Amen.
St. Jude, Apostle, Martyr and relative of our Lord Jess Christ, of Mary and of Joseph, intercede for us.
St. Therese of the Child Jesus is a very popular saint that helps people when they need great and urgent help from heaven. Here is her Novena Rose Prayer.
Prayer to St. Therese
O Little Therese of the Child Jesus, please pick for me a rose from the heavenly gardens and send it to me as a message of love.
O Little Flower of Jesus, ask Gad today to grant the favors I now place with confidence in your hands (mention specific requests)
St. Therese, help me to always believe as you did, in God’s great love for me, so that I might imitate your “Little Way” each day. Amen.
One day the wife of the writer of this communication prayed to St. Therese for a very special favor. No one but she knew about the special prayer she said to St. Therese early that day. Very late afternoon the same day the son of one of her friends who lived nearby came to the house with a very special and beautiful rose from her friend’s flower garden. Was that a coincidence? Absolutely not! The rose was directed to my wife from St. Therese, no doubt about it! And along with the rose the special favor was granted. And as a result the wife’s husband developed a prayerful devotion to St. Therese, and has been diligent in ordering and placing in church the special prayer cards he orders by the hundred. They are placed at the Statue of her at our church each Saturday evening. And they are taken very quickly.
It is hoped that the users of these prayers receive abundant heavenly help.
R. B.
Other Heavenly Help
Roger Behra
In communication 42, the Blessed Trinity (Triune God) was presented and explained. The value and ways of praying to the Blessed Trinity was offered also. I this communication other ways of obtaining help from heaven will be offered to those who are interested. Praying to St. Jude, St. Therese of the Child Jesus, and saying the Short Way of the Cross is a very fruitful way of obtaining help from heaven.
A SHORT WAY OF THE CROSS (Used by the Franciscan Fathers on their Missions)
1. First Station. Jesus Condemned to Death. O JESUS! So meek and uncomplaining, teach me resignation in trials.
2. Second Station. Jesus Carries His Cross. My Jesus, This Cross should be mine, not Thine; my sins crucified Thee.
3. Third Station. Our Lord Falls the First Time. O Jesus! By the first fall, never let me fall into moral sin.
4. Fourth Station. Jesus Meet His Mother. O Jesus! May no human tie, however dear, keep me from following the road of the Cross.
5. Fifth Station. Simon the Cyrenean Helps Jesus Carry His Cross. Simon unwillingly assisted Thee; may I with patience suffer all for Thee.
6. Sixth Station. Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus. O Jesus! Thou didst imprint Thy sacred features upon Veronica’s veil; stamp them also indelibly upon my heart.
7. Seventh Station. The Second Fall of Jesus. By Thy second fall, preserve me, dear Lord, from relapse into sin.
8. Eight Station.Jesus Consoles the Women of Jerusalem. My greatest consolation would be to hear Thee say: “Many sins are forgive thee, because thou hast loved much.”
9. Ninth Station. The Third Fall of Jesus. O Jesus! When weary upon life’s journey, bet Thou my strength and my perseverance.
10. Tenth Station. Jesus Stripped of His Garments. My soul has been robbed of its innocence; clothe me, dear Jesus, with the garb penance and contrition.
11. Eleventh Station. Jesus Nailed to the Cross. Thou didst forgive Thy enemies; my God, teach me to forgive injuries and FORGET them.
12. Twelfth Station. Jesus Dies on the Cross. Thou art dying, my jesus, but Thy Sacred Heart still throbs with love for Thy sinful children.
13. Thirteenth Station. Jesus Taken Down from the Cross. Receive me into thy arms, O Sorrowful Mother; and obtain for me perfect contrition for my sins.
14. Fourteenth Station. Jesus Laid in the Sepulture. When I recive Thee into my heart in Holy Communion, O Jesus, make it a fit abiding place for Thy adorable Body. Amen.
“Jesus, Mary, I love You, Save Souls”
The 4 keys to heaven
Our Lord made many promises to those who with faith make (say also} THE WAY OF THE CROSS. For favors asked, He promised “I will grant everything asked of Me with faith, when making (saying) The Way of The Cross.”
St. Jude is another heavenly helper. He is very powerful and grants many, many favors to those who ask him.
Prayer to St. Jude
St. JUDE, glorious Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the true Church invokes you universally as the Patron of things despaired of; pray for me, that finally I may receive the consolations and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings, particularly (here make your request), and that I may bless God with the Elect throughout Eternity. Amen.
St. Jude, Apostle, Martyr and relative of our Lord Jess Christ, of Mary and of Joseph, intercede for us.
St. Therese of the Child Jesus is a very popular saint that helps people when they need great and urgent help from heaven. Here is her Novena Rose Prayer.
Prayer to St. Therese
O Little Therese of the Child Jesus, please pick for me a rose from the heavenly gardens and send it to me as a message of love.
O Little Flower of Jesus, ask Gad today to grant the favors I now place with confidence in your hands (mention specific requests)
St. Therese, help me to always believe as you did, in God’s great love for me, so that I might imitate your “Little Way” each day. Amen.
One day the wife of the writer of this communication prayed to St. Therese for a very special favor. No one but she knew about the special prayer she said to St. Therese early that day. Very late afternoon the same day the son of one of her friends who lived nearby came to the house with a very special and beautiful rose from her friend’s flower garden. Was that a coincidence? Absolutely not! The rose was directed to my wife from St. Therese, no doubt about it! And along with the rose the special favor was granted. And as a result the wife’s husband developed a prayerful devotion to St. Therese, and has been diligent in ordering and placing in church the special prayer cards he orders by the hundred. They are placed at the Statue of her at our church each Saturday evening. And they are taken very quickly.
It is hoped that the users of these prayers receive abundant heavenly help.
R. B.
Defective Moral Compasses By Roger Behra
Defective Moral Compasses
Roger Behra
This communication interrelates well with other communications (1, 13, 43) written on the topics of the areas of development, moral deviation, and cultural cornerstones. It is very helpful to have read those communications in order to see the direct connection between them and this one. However, it is not totally necessary.
Although the areas of human development (a.k.a. cultural cornerstones) are interrelated (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical), the objective of this communication is directed to the spiritual (moral) development mostly. Strong and proper spiritual development leads a person to practice strong and proper morality, that the moral compass leads in the proper direction, and that the person makes sound moral decisions. Poor or no spiritual development leads to a defective moral compass and poor or no sound moral decisions.
Recently, April l8, 2008, a very appropriate informative article was printed in The Orange County Register (Orange County, California) that was written by Alicia Finley, a student of Stanford University, on just how defective, even non-existent, modern moral compasses really are. Her article puts the spotlight on spiritual (moral) underdevelopment that pervades the Stanford and so many other college compasses. She writes about how so many college students spend their Friday and Saturday nights engaged in drinking and an activity called “hookups”. Drinking explains itself. “Hookup” does not. For the uninformed a “hookup” is an activity “that involves sex with a partner, a friend, or a person randomly met at a party or some other place.” It is a “one-night, no-strings-attached sexual experience.” And it often ends up with the student feeling “dirty”, “empty”, and miserable.” And the rest of the sad facts is that the “hookup” is gravely immoral and gravely sinful. So, the bottom line is all bad, no redeeming factor whatsoever.
The question is why would a student want to engage in much an activity that seems to point all arrows in a negative direction? The temptation is great even for the spiritually developed, but they are equipped to overcome the temptation. When little or no spiritual development is in effect, it’s a losing situation. It’s that simple.
Along with little or no spiritual development, there are other reasons. Alicia mentions them in her article, and they ring bells. The other reasons seem to be the outgrowth of counter-culture thinking passed down to the descendants of the original counter-culture people. Alicia mentions “no stigma or pressure, relationships between guys and girls are lax, health practitioners and professors urge students to diversify and experiment with sex toys, and that “hookups” are monetarily cheep, and no long-term commitment is necessary.” The smell of the counter-culture is all over that.
How can students avoid getting involved in “hookups” when they are so commonplace at most colleges? Regular moral dating and platonic relationship are not left along the wayside. They will exist. Choosing friends is most important. There are plenty of good morally social groups apart from the college culture. There are good wholesome activities available if one seeks them out.
But most of all God and what He expects of us has to become part of the thinking and part of everyday life. That brings us to the area of spiritual development, and that can start at any time if we ask God to help. It’s one of the four cornerstones in any culture. Without God and His graces, the battle is lost. And when God is left out, Satan enters. There is no void. It is the advantage of Satan, because he becomes the winner in so many ways and lives. And all of those who deny Satan and his satanic influence, affliction, and possession give him his greatest victory –your immortal soul- as he controls your moral compass, which is completely defective.
R. B.
Defective Moral Compasses
Roger Behra
This communication interrelates well with other communications (1, 13, 43) written on the topics of the areas of development, moral deviation, and cultural cornerstones. It is very helpful to have read those communications in order to see the direct connection between them and this one. However, it is not totally necessary.
Although the areas of human development (a.k.a. cultural cornerstones) are interrelated (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical), the objective of this communication is directed to the spiritual (moral) development mostly. Strong and proper spiritual development leads a person to practice strong and proper morality, that the moral compass leads in the proper direction, and that the person makes sound moral decisions. Poor or no spiritual development leads to a defective moral compass and poor or no sound moral decisions.
Recently, April l8, 2008, a very appropriate informative article was printed in The Orange County Register (Orange County, California) that was written by Alicia Finley, a student of Stanford University, on just how defective, even non-existent, modern moral compasses really are. Her article puts the spotlight on spiritual (moral) underdevelopment that pervades the Stanford and so many other college compasses. She writes about how so many college students spend their Friday and Saturday nights engaged in drinking and an activity called “hookups”. Drinking explains itself. “Hookup” does not. For the uninformed a “hookup” is an activity “that involves sex with a partner, a friend, or a person randomly met at a party or some other place.” It is a “one-night, no-strings-attached sexual experience.” And it often ends up with the student feeling “dirty”, “empty”, and miserable.” And the rest of the sad facts is that the “hookup” is gravely immoral and gravely sinful. So, the bottom line is all bad, no redeeming factor whatsoever.
The question is why would a student want to engage in much an activity that seems to point all arrows in a negative direction? The temptation is great even for the spiritually developed, but they are equipped to overcome the temptation. When little or no spiritual development is in effect, it’s a losing situation. It’s that simple.
Along with little or no spiritual development, there are other reasons. Alicia mentions them in her article, and they ring bells. The other reasons seem to be the outgrowth of counter-culture thinking passed down to the descendants of the original counter-culture people. Alicia mentions “no stigma or pressure, relationships between guys and girls are lax, health practitioners and professors urge students to diversify and experiment with sex toys, and that “hookups” are monetarily cheep, and no long-term commitment is necessary.” The smell of the counter-culture is all over that.
How can students avoid getting involved in “hookups” when they are so commonplace at most colleges? Regular moral dating and platonic relationship are not left along the wayside. They will exist. Choosing friends is most important. There are plenty of good morally social groups apart from the college culture. There are good wholesome activities available if one seeks them out.
But most of all God and what He expects of us has to become part of the thinking and part of everyday life. That brings us to the area of spiritual development, and that can start at any time if we ask God to help. It’s one of the four cornerstones in any culture. Without God and His graces, the battle is lost. And when God is left out, Satan enters. There is no void. It is the advantage of Satan, because he becomes the winner in so many ways and lives. And all of those who deny Satan and his satanic influence, affliction, and possession give him his greatest victory –your immortal soul- as he controls your moral compass, which is completely defective.
R. B.
Cultural Cornerstones By Roger Behra
Cultural Cornerstones
Roger Behra
In past communication (# 1) the areas of human development were given and explained. These four areas can also be called cultural cornerstones in any of the world’s many cultures. You will understand as you read on just how important mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical development really is in any culture, as they are individually developed in people’s lives. As the individual develops, so goes the cultural development. They go together, and each individual is very responsible to God, to himself, and to the culture they live in.
The progress and success of any culture fully depends on degree to which each cultural member develops his or her own areas of development. If all is going well individually, all should be going well culturally. So the four areas of human development and each individual can be called cultural cornerstones.
It matters not the culture. All the areas of the human development and the culture are interrelated. Development of one area or the neglect of one area of development has an effect on the other areas of development.
Since the middle of the 1960’s in the United States their culture has shown a definite, slow, and unacceptable decline, which continues today, 2008. When God was replaced with the pursuit of money, greed, sex, drugs, personal gratification, and personal glorification, the present and result is what was predictable. The U. S. culture suffers from very defective moral compasses and cultural cornerstones, indeed. It is clearly evident.
Now the United States is not the great culture any more. Sixty-three percent of Americans do not attend church. Fifty percent of high school students drop out before graduation. The United States has the most overweight people in the whole world. And our jails and prisons are at the bursting point with criminals. It is so sad, and the sadness is not going to end any time soon.
One can easily see that when the counter-culture movement pushed God out of so many lives, the spiritual area of development suffered greatly. And that very severely weakened the other three areas of development. It’s a no-brainer. If the U. S. culture is ever going to make a great turnaround, getting back to the proper spiritual area of development is at the top of the list. Getting back to the importance of God in every life is the real answer. Only good things can happen from that. Mortality and proper motives can turn around Satan’s very great successes over the past 50 plus years. When the counter-culture movement entered the U. S. culture, Satan entered it also. And when he entered, he convinced millions of people that he does not exist, and that has been his greatest victory, then, the downfall of the great U. S. culture and her cultural cornerstones began crumbling very sadly away.
R. B.
Cultural Cornerstones
Roger Behra
In past communication (# 1) the areas of human development were given and explained. These four areas can also be called cultural cornerstones in any of the world’s many cultures. You will understand as you read on just how important mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical development really is in any culture, as they are individually developed in people’s lives. As the individual develops, so goes the cultural development. They go together, and each individual is very responsible to God, to himself, and to the culture they live in.
The progress and success of any culture fully depends on degree to which each cultural member develops his or her own areas of development. If all is going well individually, all should be going well culturally. So the four areas of human development and each individual can be called cultural cornerstones.
It matters not the culture. All the areas of the human development and the culture are interrelated. Development of one area or the neglect of one area of development has an effect on the other areas of development.
Since the middle of the 1960’s in the United States their culture has shown a definite, slow, and unacceptable decline, which continues today, 2008. When God was replaced with the pursuit of money, greed, sex, drugs, personal gratification, and personal glorification, the present and result is what was predictable. The U. S. culture suffers from very defective moral compasses and cultural cornerstones, indeed. It is clearly evident.
Now the United States is not the great culture any more. Sixty-three percent of Americans do not attend church. Fifty percent of high school students drop out before graduation. The United States has the most overweight people in the whole world. And our jails and prisons are at the bursting point with criminals. It is so sad, and the sadness is not going to end any time soon.
One can easily see that when the counter-culture movement pushed God out of so many lives, the spiritual area of development suffered greatly. And that very severely weakened the other three areas of development. It’s a no-brainer. If the U. S. culture is ever going to make a great turnaround, getting back to the proper spiritual area of development is at the top of the list. Getting back to the importance of God in every life is the real answer. Only good things can happen from that. Mortality and proper motives can turn around Satan’s very great successes over the past 50 plus years. When the counter-culture movement entered the U. S. culture, Satan entered it also. And when he entered, he convinced millions of people that he does not exist, and that has been his greatest victory, then, the downfall of the great U. S. culture and her cultural cornerstones began crumbling very sadly away.
R. B.
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Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011

Our Lady in Art



Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita

Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"
Oración a San Judas

San Judas, Ruega por Nosotros
¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

Sonia = Sofía
¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

Pascua 2008

¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!
Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2008
Calendario 2013

Juan Pablo II

Virgen María en el Arte
Calendario 2013

Benedicto XVI
Pascua 2013

Jesucristo El Buen Pastor
feliz día de las madres 2012

feliz día de las madres 2012



Octubre 2012


JULIO 2012

JULIO 2012
JUNIO 2012

JUNIO 2012
MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
MARZO 2012

marzo 2012

ENERO 2012

enero 2012
Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

Actitudes ante la Vida

DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013

pascua 2012
Cátedra de San Pedro

St. Peter
14 de Febrero

Día de San Cirilo y San Metodio
Conversión de San Pablo

Francesco Mazzola (1503-1540)
Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN

Documento Firmado y Recibido Enero 2013
Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN

Documento, Enero 2013

Feliz Navidad y Ventuoroso Año 2013
happy new year 2012

Feliz Navidad 2011

Venturoso Año 2011


Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica

Algunas Encíclicas imortantes de la Iglesia Católica