The Boomers’ Almighty Gods
Roger Behra
In America the Boomers are considered to be the 1946-1964 generation and their clueless descendants. The 1946-1964 generation started the counter-culture movement in the United States, which also spread to other countries as well. It was an ill-fated movement as history has recorded it to this day. That movement has drastically altered American culture. And the descendants of the Boomers have carried the movement on and even added to the movement original philosophies, very sadly to say.
The original Boomer philosophy was “to throw out the old, bring in the new ways of living.” And that included from the start pushing God and acceptable ways of morality out of daily living. To a great degree they were quite successful in doing just that. And to a very great and culturally destructive degree they replaced God and acceptable morality with the constant, earnest, and non-stop pursuit of money and sex. Now, at this point, you have added two and two and have correctly concluded that the Gods of the Boomers are, yes, money and sex. And if you keep up with current events, you have also concluded that the results of those two pursuits are quite appalling and destructive to the once great American culture.
The first on the two Gods was sex, because the Boomer generation was young, virile, and not yet really focused on money. But money soon became a pursuit as this generation quickly moved aside the acceptable rules of morality in regards to sexual behavior. It did not take long. And it has evolved into today’s appalling moral behavior-increased prostitution, co-habitation without marriage, mistress for married men, a very high degree of sexually transmitted diseases, aids, acceptance of homosexual sex, and plenty of extra-marital affairs that help to increase the divorce rate. The Boomer generation put acceptable morality in the trash can.
Very soon to follow the sexual revolution come the ever increasing and intense obsession and pursuit of money. And that led to greed and very poor decisions and many failures in money matters. As a result there are foreclosed houses, bank failures, a very poor economy, and inflation out-stripping wages, extreme costs of food, health care, rents, houses, autos, and basic necessities.
Now, the 1946-1964 generation is ready to retire or is retiring, and they are crying big crocodile tears and singing the blues. Why? Because it is very EXPENSIVE out there! And it is too late to change things for the better. The seeds they sowed have blossomed fully and have come around to overshadow them and their future. While the Boomers obsessively pursued sex and money, they remained clueless about what they were really doing to themselves down the road. Instead of God, proper morality, and common sense remaining part of their progressing years, they paved a rough road for them to travel when, now, they are most in need of a much better older age and a happier retirement. That is the revenge of the God they neglected and pushed out of their younger lives. And their descendants are following firmly in their footsteps.
R. B.
lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008
Satan’s Favorite Instruments
Satan’s Favorite Instruments
Roger Behra
In communication #26 I recorded Satan’s Instruments. In this communication I am going to write about Satan’s favorite instruments. And he has many.
Among those recorded in #26 Satan has several that delight him very much, some that give him endless joy for reasons that will be explained here. Morally grounded persons already have a good idea which ones, and they will wholeheartedly agree.
As I list them here, I shall tell why they are Satan’s very delightful instruments.
1. Abortion. Since 1973 when Roe vs. Wade went into effect in the United States more than 50,000,000 abortions have taken place with no end in sight in the U.S.A. Can you imagine how joyous Satan must be at that figure as it continues to mount? All those souls never had the chance to love God, be productive in society, and be a comfort for people. And so many women who have regretted their murderous decision and carry that mental burden to rest of their lives.
2. Pornography. On the internet and in magazines in stores have become a great and serious addictions in the lives of men, young children, teen-agers, and even women. It degrades human sexuality, and it is gravely sinful. Another great joy to Satan.
3. Co-habitation. Has become so acceptable, couples living and sinning together outside of marriage. It makes a mockery of the sacrament of matrimony, and leads to divorce in many cases should the couples marry later on.
4. Teen-age Sex. Has increased dramatically since internet pornography came into our homes. And the accompanying worst part is the increase in teen abortions. Pornography, teen sex, and teen abortions are a triple victory for Satan. He and his helpers win big time.
5. Entertainment. Music, movies, television are part of the life of millions of people, especially young people’s lives. The obscene lyrics, the profanity, the hate towards God, the glorifying of sex on television and in movies enter so many people homes, and it’s on a daily basis. What a great victory for Satan and his helpers.
6. Women’s Manner of Dress. Is obscene. Their skin-tight jeans, excessive cleavage, the top one-third of their breasts in full view leave little to the imagination. Cleavage and partially bare breasts are a cause of sinful thoughts and desires in the minds of men and others. This is a great favorite of Satan. He loves how useful women are.
7. Ouija Boards. Are a clear and certain way to bring Satan or his helpers into lives and can cause demonic affliction and in some cases even demonic possession where Satan directly controls a person’s thinking and behavior. They go beyond mere temptation. An exorcism would be necessary. Ouija boards are a definite no-no.
8. Drug Use. Thanks to the counter-culture movement of the 1960’s takes over the lives of numerous people where jobs are lost, crimes are committed, and accidental deaths occur outside God’s friendship so often. So many famous people have died from this awful scourge, and addiction.
9. Alcohol. Becomes addictive like drug use and causes drinkers to make very bad decisions getting into an automobile, or falling and injuring themselves. So many lives are lost needlessly because of alcohol and usually out of the friendship of the Lord.
Of all the instruments of Satan these are his favorites. He uses those most frequently to capture so many souls, so many souls. And Satan loves women so very much, because they are easy to tempt and control through women’s fashions, the occult, using Ouija boards. More women than men become demonically possessed. More women than men are demonically afflicted, also. And the affliction at times takes the form of physical activity between a lesser demon and a woman, or in some isolated cases a man. (There are female and male lesser demons.) The physical activity in some cases is sexual activity-male demon and a female, or a female demon and a male in rare cases. Yes, it happens! The male demon immobilizes the woman and then has his way with her, and it can last for hours. The same can happen to a demonically afflicted man. Yes, Satan loves women, because he can more easily use his sinful instruments-abortion, obscene fashions, prostitution, Hooters restaurants, nude beaches, lesbianism.
It doesn’t matter how someone might spin it, Satan’s favorite instruments are highly offensive to God, and they bring sadness and ruin into countless millions of lives and families. They cause people to lose their souls to Satan for all eternity.
Let it be reminded that as soon as we depart from this life, we have a life review. And nothing is lost in time-no thought, no word, no action. Our whole life will be before us like a video tape of everything we said, thought, or did. We are going to be accountable, and are not going to be able to give excuses. If we keep this in mind all the time, our life review will, of course, be a much more favorable one. We do not want our lives to be in vain later on. Our main goal should be to avoid Satan’s instruments, please God, and die in the friendship of the Lord. We should do this at all costs. Let us also be reminded that eternity last forever-whether it is a happy one or an unhappy one.
R. B.
Hostage to the Devil- Father Malachi Martin
The Thunder of Justice- Ted and Maureen Flynn
Our Sunday Visitor
The Orange County Register
Television and Radio News and Talk Shows
Personal Observation
Satan’s Favorite Instruments
Roger Behra
In communication #26 I recorded Satan’s Instruments. In this communication I am going to write about Satan’s favorite instruments. And he has many.
Among those recorded in #26 Satan has several that delight him very much, some that give him endless joy for reasons that will be explained here. Morally grounded persons already have a good idea which ones, and they will wholeheartedly agree.
As I list them here, I shall tell why they are Satan’s very delightful instruments.
1. Abortion. Since 1973 when Roe vs. Wade went into effect in the United States more than 50,000,000 abortions have taken place with no end in sight in the U.S.A. Can you imagine how joyous Satan must be at that figure as it continues to mount? All those souls never had the chance to love God, be productive in society, and be a comfort for people. And so many women who have regretted their murderous decision and carry that mental burden to rest of their lives.
2. Pornography. On the internet and in magazines in stores have become a great and serious addictions in the lives of men, young children, teen-agers, and even women. It degrades human sexuality, and it is gravely sinful. Another great joy to Satan.
3. Co-habitation. Has become so acceptable, couples living and sinning together outside of marriage. It makes a mockery of the sacrament of matrimony, and leads to divorce in many cases should the couples marry later on.
4. Teen-age Sex. Has increased dramatically since internet pornography came into our homes. And the accompanying worst part is the increase in teen abortions. Pornography, teen sex, and teen abortions are a triple victory for Satan. He and his helpers win big time.
5. Entertainment. Music, movies, television are part of the life of millions of people, especially young people’s lives. The obscene lyrics, the profanity, the hate towards God, the glorifying of sex on television and in movies enter so many people homes, and it’s on a daily basis. What a great victory for Satan and his helpers.
6. Women’s Manner of Dress. Is obscene. Their skin-tight jeans, excessive cleavage, the top one-third of their breasts in full view leave little to the imagination. Cleavage and partially bare breasts are a cause of sinful thoughts and desires in the minds of men and others. This is a great favorite of Satan. He loves how useful women are.
7. Ouija Boards. Are a clear and certain way to bring Satan or his helpers into lives and can cause demonic affliction and in some cases even demonic possession where Satan directly controls a person’s thinking and behavior. They go beyond mere temptation. An exorcism would be necessary. Ouija boards are a definite no-no.
8. Drug Use. Thanks to the counter-culture movement of the 1960’s takes over the lives of numerous people where jobs are lost, crimes are committed, and accidental deaths occur outside God’s friendship so often. So many famous people have died from this awful scourge, and addiction.
9. Alcohol. Becomes addictive like drug use and causes drinkers to make very bad decisions getting into an automobile, or falling and injuring themselves. So many lives are lost needlessly because of alcohol and usually out of the friendship of the Lord.
Of all the instruments of Satan these are his favorites. He uses those most frequently to capture so many souls, so many souls. And Satan loves women so very much, because they are easy to tempt and control through women’s fashions, the occult, using Ouija boards. More women than men become demonically possessed. More women than men are demonically afflicted, also. And the affliction at times takes the form of physical activity between a lesser demon and a woman, or in some isolated cases a man. (There are female and male lesser demons.) The physical activity in some cases is sexual activity-male demon and a female, or a female demon and a male in rare cases. Yes, it happens! The male demon immobilizes the woman and then has his way with her, and it can last for hours. The same can happen to a demonically afflicted man. Yes, Satan loves women, because he can more easily use his sinful instruments-abortion, obscene fashions, prostitution, Hooters restaurants, nude beaches, lesbianism.
It doesn’t matter how someone might spin it, Satan’s favorite instruments are highly offensive to God, and they bring sadness and ruin into countless millions of lives and families. They cause people to lose their souls to Satan for all eternity.
Let it be reminded that as soon as we depart from this life, we have a life review. And nothing is lost in time-no thought, no word, no action. Our whole life will be before us like a video tape of everything we said, thought, or did. We are going to be accountable, and are not going to be able to give excuses. If we keep this in mind all the time, our life review will, of course, be a much more favorable one. We do not want our lives to be in vain later on. Our main goal should be to avoid Satan’s instruments, please God, and die in the friendship of the Lord. We should do this at all costs. Let us also be reminded that eternity last forever-whether it is a happy one or an unhappy one.
R. B.
Hostage to the Devil- Father Malachi Martin
The Thunder of Justice- Ted and Maureen Flynn
Our Sunday Visitor
The Orange County Register
Television and Radio News and Talk Shows
Personal Observation
Satan’s Instruments By Roger Behra
Satan’s Instruments
Roger Behra
As you have already realized, this communication is going to be about Satan. Unless one lives in a vacuum, all the evidence around us indicates that, yes, Satan does exist. Logic tells us that if there is a God, who is the author of all things good, then, there must be an author of all things evil, and that is Satan. Good vs. Evil. They are two forces we must deal with. God has His instruments to promote good, and Satan has his instruments to promote evil.
Now, as you read on, you will become aware of how Satan tempts us, all the instruments he has to come into our lives, and how he goes about achieving them.
Satan’s main goal is to destroy God’s influence, God’s Church (catholic), and all that is good. Satan is very crafty, he never sleeps, and has many good helpers. They destroy good, capture souls, and ruin people’s lives. His many instruments are abortion, divorce, women’s fashions, Ouija boards, computers, pornography, co-habitation, teen-age sex, body tattoos, poor parenting, music, irreligious behavior, clergy disbelief, movies, television, popular culture, apostasy, drug use, violent and other crime, suicide, alcohol. We are always surrounded by his many instruments.
Satan’s instruments bring God’s punishments. The results are bad. You can very easily understand that reality. Satan takes good things and tempts us to convert them into bad things. And we do just that to Satan’s great delight.
Before the mid-l960’s Satan’s list of instruments was less. Since then his list has grown by leaps and bounds. His instruments have become more and more common and acceptable in all cultures, especially in the United States. There has been a steady and more noticeable decline, and especially since the year 2000.
We are nearing the end of Satan’s 100 years of reign, and he has used his time very, very well. All of his instruments have become so common and very acceptable, more and more the norm in our lives. And there are few objections by the clergy, most elected officials, and the counter-culture people who started the great decline in morality and Godly behavior. But God will be heard. His punishment is already taking place with much more to come. It has definitely started as current events seem to indicate. Look what is happening each day around the world. God’s liberation from all of Satan’s evil is coming, maybe sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, we shall be suffering various kinds of God’s punishments. It is a shame, because they could have been avoided, most of them anyway.
R. B.
Our Sunday Visitor
Current Events
Popular Culture
Television News Broadcasts
Satan’s Instruments
Roger Behra
As you have already realized, this communication is going to be about Satan. Unless one lives in a vacuum, all the evidence around us indicates that, yes, Satan does exist. Logic tells us that if there is a God, who is the author of all things good, then, there must be an author of all things evil, and that is Satan. Good vs. Evil. They are two forces we must deal with. God has His instruments to promote good, and Satan has his instruments to promote evil.
Now, as you read on, you will become aware of how Satan tempts us, all the instruments he has to come into our lives, and how he goes about achieving them.
Satan’s main goal is to destroy God’s influence, God’s Church (catholic), and all that is good. Satan is very crafty, he never sleeps, and has many good helpers. They destroy good, capture souls, and ruin people’s lives. His many instruments are abortion, divorce, women’s fashions, Ouija boards, computers, pornography, co-habitation, teen-age sex, body tattoos, poor parenting, music, irreligious behavior, clergy disbelief, movies, television, popular culture, apostasy, drug use, violent and other crime, suicide, alcohol. We are always surrounded by his many instruments.
Satan’s instruments bring God’s punishments. The results are bad. You can very easily understand that reality. Satan takes good things and tempts us to convert them into bad things. And we do just that to Satan’s great delight.
Before the mid-l960’s Satan’s list of instruments was less. Since then his list has grown by leaps and bounds. His instruments have become more and more common and acceptable in all cultures, especially in the United States. There has been a steady and more noticeable decline, and especially since the year 2000.
We are nearing the end of Satan’s 100 years of reign, and he has used his time very, very well. All of his instruments have become so common and very acceptable, more and more the norm in our lives. And there are few objections by the clergy, most elected officials, and the counter-culture people who started the great decline in morality and Godly behavior. But God will be heard. His punishment is already taking place with much more to come. It has definitely started as current events seem to indicate. Look what is happening each day around the world. God’s liberation from all of Satan’s evil is coming, maybe sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, we shall be suffering various kinds of God’s punishments. It is a shame, because they could have been avoided, most of them anyway.
R. B.
Our Sunday Visitor
Current Events
Popular Culture
Television News Broadcasts
Don't Take The Bait New By Roger Behra
Don't Take The Bait New
Roger Behra
Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, whichever name you give to the Prince of Evil, the Prince of Lies, the Prince of Darkness, the Master of all the lesser demons, they are all like the fishermen who are always trying to find the fish, always changing the bait to improve their chances of success. And the more the fishermen fish, the more they have to change their and procedure.
Satan and his helpers (fishermen) are always there in our lives, and we are the fish they are trying to catch. And the bait and procedure are, in a single word, TEMPTATIONS. The word temptation means “something that attracts or entices us to action.” And that temptation can be to do good or evil. In the case of Satan it is temptation to do evil of course. We can be tempted to make money our god, give in to greed, lust, anger, power, indulgence, envy, laziness, or gluttony to name a few. All these can become evil actions. And no one’s life is free of Satan’s temptations to commit evil.
The two kinds in our fallen world are physical and moral. Physical evil includes natural disasters, murder, cruelty to others and animals, harm and destruction to environments and animal kingdoms. Moral evil hurts us very much spiritually, stems from the use of our free will, and is far more prevalent than physical evil. We must always be on guard against temptations to commit these two evils. Much to often when the evil demons tempt us, which can come at any time, we, unfortunately, take the bait. Satan and his helpers never sleep. Their main goal is to constantly roam the world, tempting all of us and seeking the ruin of lives and capturing souls for all eternity. And we constantly need help against this----God’s help, heavenly help.
With these dual helps there are ways to overcome the dual evils. And we absolutely need this help. Satan and his helpers are roaring lions. They are always there to devour souls. And in our fallen world he is succeeding at a very, very fast peace. Satan is the master, and his helpers take his direction, and together, they are very powerful. But they are not more powerful than God or His Blessed Mother or the saints in heaven.
To get the help of heaven with heavenly graces, we need prayer, daily prayer in our lives. Prayer is the very powerful weapon we use to silence the roaring lions. The Rosary prayer is most powerful. It brings the Blessed Virgin into our battle against temptations. She is the great enemy of Satan and his helpers. Satan trembles at her powers. The Hail Mary is also a powerful prayer. Individual prayer to God, Mary, or the Saints is also quite helpful. But remember, Satan, cannot win against the power of the Blessed Virgin. So, be very eager to call on Her for help against the never ending temptations we face all the time. She’ll be eager to help in return.
As the ages progress the time will come when our Blessed Mother will most certainly and absolutely defeat Satan. She’ll step on and crush the Serpent’s head. Then we will no longer live in a fallen world full of temptations. It will be a glorious time, free from dual evils. There will be no more Satan’s bait to take. Meanwhile, we most fight the life-long battle against the multitude of temptations------and win them! Don’t take the bait!
R. B.
Our Sunday Visitor
The Thunder of Justice
Don't Take The Bait New
Roger Behra
Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, whichever name you give to the Prince of Evil, the Prince of Lies, the Prince of Darkness, the Master of all the lesser demons, they are all like the fishermen who are always trying to find the fish, always changing the bait to improve their chances of success. And the more the fishermen fish, the more they have to change their and procedure.
Satan and his helpers (fishermen) are always there in our lives, and we are the fish they are trying to catch. And the bait and procedure are, in a single word, TEMPTATIONS. The word temptation means “something that attracts or entices us to action.” And that temptation can be to do good or evil. In the case of Satan it is temptation to do evil of course. We can be tempted to make money our god, give in to greed, lust, anger, power, indulgence, envy, laziness, or gluttony to name a few. All these can become evil actions. And no one’s life is free of Satan’s temptations to commit evil.
The two kinds in our fallen world are physical and moral. Physical evil includes natural disasters, murder, cruelty to others and animals, harm and destruction to environments and animal kingdoms. Moral evil hurts us very much spiritually, stems from the use of our free will, and is far more prevalent than physical evil. We must always be on guard against temptations to commit these two evils. Much to often when the evil demons tempt us, which can come at any time, we, unfortunately, take the bait. Satan and his helpers never sleep. Their main goal is to constantly roam the world, tempting all of us and seeking the ruin of lives and capturing souls for all eternity. And we constantly need help against this----God’s help, heavenly help.
With these dual helps there are ways to overcome the dual evils. And we absolutely need this help. Satan and his helpers are roaring lions. They are always there to devour souls. And in our fallen world he is succeeding at a very, very fast peace. Satan is the master, and his helpers take his direction, and together, they are very powerful. But they are not more powerful than God or His Blessed Mother or the saints in heaven.
To get the help of heaven with heavenly graces, we need prayer, daily prayer in our lives. Prayer is the very powerful weapon we use to silence the roaring lions. The Rosary prayer is most powerful. It brings the Blessed Virgin into our battle against temptations. She is the great enemy of Satan and his helpers. Satan trembles at her powers. The Hail Mary is also a powerful prayer. Individual prayer to God, Mary, or the Saints is also quite helpful. But remember, Satan, cannot win against the power of the Blessed Virgin. So, be very eager to call on Her for help against the never ending temptations we face all the time. She’ll be eager to help in return.
As the ages progress the time will come when our Blessed Mother will most certainly and absolutely defeat Satan. She’ll step on and crush the Serpent’s head. Then we will no longer live in a fallen world full of temptations. It will be a glorious time, free from dual evils. There will be no more Satan’s bait to take. Meanwhile, we most fight the life-long battle against the multitude of temptations------and win them! Don’t take the bait!
R. B.
Our Sunday Visitor
The Thunder of Justice
Our Blessed Mother's Promises
Our Blessed Mother's Promises
Roger Behra
At the vision at Fatima our Blessed Mother told us how important it is to recite the Rosary. At other visions down through the ages she has remained us. At one vision in particular she gave 15 promises to all the Christians who recite the Rosary. Here are the promises, the 4 sets of mysteries, and the days to say each set of mysteries.
The Fifteen Promises of MARY to Christians Who Recite the Rosary
1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall
receive signal graces.
2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those
who shall recite the Rosary.
3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy
vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the
abundant mercy of God; it will with-draw the hearts of men from the love
of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal
things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary,
shall not perish.
6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the
consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfor-
tune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an
unprovided death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and
become worthy of eternal life.
7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die
without the sacraments of the Church.
8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and
at their death the light of God and the plentitude of His graces; at the
moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.
9. I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.
10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in
11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.
12. All those who propagate the holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their
13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the
Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life
and at the hour of death.
14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only Son
Jesus Christ.
15. Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
(Given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan)
Imprimatur: Patrick J. Hayes, D.D. Archbishop of New York
Joyful Mysteries (Mondays and Saturdays)
The Annunciation
The Visitation
The Nativity of Our Lord
The Presentation
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
Luminous Mysteries (Thursdays)
The Baptism of Jesus
The Wedding Feast at Cana
The Announcement of the Kingdom
The Transfiguration
The Institution of the Eucharist
Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesdays and Fridays)
The Agony in the Garden
The Scourging at the Pillar
The Crowning with Thorns
The Carrying of the Cross
The Crucifixion
Glorious Mysteries (Wednesdays and Sundays)
The Resurrection
The Ascension
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
The Assumption
The Coronation
R. B.
Our Blessed Mother's Promises
Roger Behra
At the vision at Fatima our Blessed Mother told us how important it is to recite the Rosary. At other visions down through the ages she has remained us. At one vision in particular she gave 15 promises to all the Christians who recite the Rosary. Here are the promises, the 4 sets of mysteries, and the days to say each set of mysteries.
The Fifteen Promises of MARY to Christians Who Recite the Rosary
1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall
receive signal graces.
2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those
who shall recite the Rosary.
3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy
vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the
abundant mercy of God; it will with-draw the hearts of men from the love
of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal
things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary,
shall not perish.
6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the
consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfor-
tune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an
unprovided death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and
become worthy of eternal life.
7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die
without the sacraments of the Church.
8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and
at their death the light of God and the plentitude of His graces; at the
moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.
9. I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.
10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in
11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.
12. All those who propagate the holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their
13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the
Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life
and at the hour of death.
14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only Son
Jesus Christ.
15. Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
(Given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan)
Imprimatur: Patrick J. Hayes, D.D. Archbishop of New York
Joyful Mysteries (Mondays and Saturdays)
The Annunciation
The Visitation
The Nativity of Our Lord
The Presentation
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
Luminous Mysteries (Thursdays)
The Baptism of Jesus
The Wedding Feast at Cana
The Announcement of the Kingdom
The Transfiguration
The Institution of the Eucharist
Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesdays and Fridays)
The Agony in the Garden
The Scourging at the Pillar
The Crowning with Thorns
The Carrying of the Cross
The Crucifixion
Glorious Mysteries (Wednesdays and Sundays)
The Resurrection
The Ascension
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
The Assumption
The Coronation
R. B.
domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2008
A Doctor’s Need To Know
A Doctor’s Need To Know
Roger Behra
A great number of medical doctors believe that when a patient is pronounced dead, that is it, nothing, no more life here, and no life after life ends here. But the doctors on many occasions are told their thinking is flawed, wrong, and to put it bluntly, they need to update their thinking as soon as possible.
They need to change their thinking especially when a patient is pronounced clinically dead on the operating table, and due to modern procedures they are brought back to life. That happening is called a near-death experience.
During the near-death experience of a patient the spirit of the person leaves the body, rises, hovers, usually at one corner of the ceiling, and then sees and hears EVERYTHING that is done and said. After a period of time if the resuscitation is successful, the patient is brought back to life. The period of time before resuscitation can last from a few minutes to a much longer period of time. It after the resuscitation that the patient has a story to tell, usually, o a very skeptical doctor.
It is true that a patient can theoretically hear everything that is said without a near-death experience, but a near-death experience has to be in effect in order for the patient to see everything that went on. So, a new scientific experiment (yes, science is finally getting involved) is going be in effect soon. And it will not take many of them to convince skeptical doctors (or others either) that a person has a spirit that lives on and can see and hear.
In some operating rooms shelves with words and pictures on them will be installed well above eye-level. Only the top shelf will have the words and the pictures. And only the hovering spirit will be able to see the words and the pictures as it hovers in one place near the room’s ceiling.
Later, after each successful resuscitation, when the patient is able to speak and tell a story and answer questions, if it includes seeing words and pictures seen on the well above eye-level shelves, while the patient’s spirit was hovering near the ceiling, any doctor’s thinking that there is not spirit or an after-life will have to be changed. There will be considerable head-scratching, and science thinking will take a big hit and have to be changed.
Now, what cannot be at all believed is why it took so long for science to do this type of experiment. Thousands upon thousands of near-death stories have been told by patients, but science refused to validate the stories, until recently. We are all waiting for their long-awaited and reasonable reply.
R. B.
A Doctor’s Need To Know
Roger Behra
A great number of medical doctors believe that when a patient is pronounced dead, that is it, nothing, no more life here, and no life after life ends here. But the doctors on many occasions are told their thinking is flawed, wrong, and to put it bluntly, they need to update their thinking as soon as possible.
They need to change their thinking especially when a patient is pronounced clinically dead on the operating table, and due to modern procedures they are brought back to life. That happening is called a near-death experience.
During the near-death experience of a patient the spirit of the person leaves the body, rises, hovers, usually at one corner of the ceiling, and then sees and hears EVERYTHING that is done and said. After a period of time if the resuscitation is successful, the patient is brought back to life. The period of time before resuscitation can last from a few minutes to a much longer period of time. It after the resuscitation that the patient has a story to tell, usually, o a very skeptical doctor.
It is true that a patient can theoretically hear everything that is said without a near-death experience, but a near-death experience has to be in effect in order for the patient to see everything that went on. So, a new scientific experiment (yes, science is finally getting involved) is going be in effect soon. And it will not take many of them to convince skeptical doctors (or others either) that a person has a spirit that lives on and can see and hear.
In some operating rooms shelves with words and pictures on them will be installed well above eye-level. Only the top shelf will have the words and the pictures. And only the hovering spirit will be able to see the words and the pictures as it hovers in one place near the room’s ceiling.
Later, after each successful resuscitation, when the patient is able to speak and tell a story and answer questions, if it includes seeing words and pictures seen on the well above eye-level shelves, while the patient’s spirit was hovering near the ceiling, any doctor’s thinking that there is not spirit or an after-life will have to be changed. There will be considerable head-scratching, and science thinking will take a big hit and have to be changed.
Now, what cannot be at all believed is why it took so long for science to do this type of experiment. Thousands upon thousands of near-death stories have been told by patients, but science refused to validate the stories, until recently. We are all waiting for their long-awaited and reasonable reply.
R. B.
miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008
A Very Dangerous Undertaking, By Roger Behra
A Very Dangerous Undertaking
Roger Behra
When a person's (man, woman, child) behavior changes and is marked as dramatic, such as strange physical behavior, obvious mental aberrations as a daily pattern, clear distaste to all signs, symbols, mention and sight of religious people, places, objects, and ceremonies, an investigation into that person's life to determine the reason is in order. When medical or psychiatric treatment fails to pinpoint or help the person, the investigation can and is usually referred to a priest to determine if an exorcism is the next step. And, frankly, that is usually the next step. The presence of an evil spirit is possessing the person. A priest exorcist is, therefore, badly needed. And that leads to a very dangerous undertaking, indeed. An exorcism is extremely serious and dangerous. And there is a definite effect in the life of the possessed and the priest exorcist. One effect is positive, and one effect is negative to a degree. The possessed is demon free, but the priest's life is depressingly effected for life. What went on during the exorcism never leaves his mind.
The possessed person is brought to the attention of Catholic Church authorities, usually by family or friends, after it has been determined that the person cannot be helped otherwise. Rarely does a demonically possessed person voluntarily present himself/herself. (More women than men become demonically possessed). After church authorities deem an exorcism is needed, a Bishop selects and authorizes a priest exorcist. lt takes a special type of priestly makeup to be successful exorcist.
Many people are demonically afflicted (not possessed) because their lifestyle opens wide the door for evil results. That is another story, but it can lead imperfect possession and does in many cases. An imperfectly possessed person is not involuntarily taken over by Satan or one of his demon helpers, a lessor demon. A voluntary agreement has to be made Satan for a desired and stated outcome, a wish to be fullfilled-money, sex, a certain woman or man, job, etc. And once a deal is made, Satan keeps his end of the bargin, and there is no turning back. The person becomes possessed. In the cases of perfect possession one sells his soul to Satan, he takes over, and gradually over a long period of time, Satan delivers. No exorcism can later help. lt is a done deal, and when the person dies, Satan owns the soul. In cases of imperfect possession, which has increased seven to eight fold since 1970, very few exorcisms can be done nowadays. And if a person needs an exorcism, but dies beforehand, Satan owns the soul. Therefore, one has to be extremely careful how the person lives life.
In the case an exorcism is needed and planned, there are three central and very necessary figures involved: the possessed person, the priest exorcist, and the evil spirit(s). (In very, very rare cases more than one evil spirit possesses one person). There are non-central persons who are present at an exorcism who prepares the room and are available in case the priest needs assistance. The exorcism is a very serious and dangerous situation (for the priest), and sometimes for others present, when the evil spirit hurls objects that are closeby. A properly prepared room takes that into account most of the time. The exorcism itself can take only a few hours, or it can take a matter of weeks in some cases. At an exorcism there is a winner and a loser. The possessed person is the winner. The evil spirit is the loser. Most all exorcisms are, sooner or later, successful. A few are not. If the possessed person is not truly desirous and truly gives consent to be free of the evil spirit, the exorcism ends in failure.
An exorcism is truly a very serious undertaking for the priest exorcist. (His assistants are most always not in any danger). The priest must follow the authorized procedure very carefully with no deviations. The priest's life can be exposed to all present. The extreme hate, venom, wildly and disgusting and obscene speech is aimed at the priest. The evil spirit does not want to be giving up the possessed person, because it will have to find another person to possess, which in today's cultures is earier to do it seems. The priest has to be always very careful in the words he uses and how and when he uses them. The evil spirit is very, very cunning, never misses an oportunity to trap or harm the priest. The priest has to be perfectly trained to avoid that ever happening. The exorcism has to be very well planned, organized, and perfectly administered, or failure is the result.
After the exorcism is completed (that can take a short or long time) the once possessed person is completely free of the evil spirit and to once again lead a normal life provided he/she avoids evil activities. But that is not the case for the exorcist. An exorcisms exacts a mental, emotional, and physical toll that can last a long time, even years. The exorcist's life is never the same as it once was. lt is a very sad result for one person after a very successful and happy result for another person.
After note:
More women than men become demonically afflicted, or demonically possessed for that matter, because of the fact women put themselves in more dangerous and evil positions, such as prostitution, witchcraft, covens, using ouigi boards, etc. Women are more likely to make a deal with Satan. If any readers of this communication thinks, feels, or knows that they are demonically afflicted because of what is happening in their lives after they have made evil decisions, they can do certain things. Firstly, they have to truly and quickly decide to change the order of their lives. Secondly, they have to express sorrow for their evil way(s). Thirdly, they have to pray and ask Jesus to hide them in the wounds of His crucifixion. If the affected one is Catholic, seek the help of a Catholic priest, who will be more than happy to offer his help. Non-Catholics can do the same if they wish. Many times after a person becomes demonically afflicted or imperfectly possessed, they regret very much their decision and behavior that has led to their situation and the only solution to their problem is to receive outside help. lt is so crucial. Please, God, lead them to outdid help while there is still time left in their lives to do so. Their earthly existence and eternity, later, depends on it.
R. B.
A Very Dangerous Undertaking
Roger Behra
When a person's (man, woman, child) behavior changes and is marked as dramatic, such as strange physical behavior, obvious mental aberrations as a daily pattern, clear distaste to all signs, symbols, mention and sight of religious people, places, objects, and ceremonies, an investigation into that person's life to determine the reason is in order. When medical or psychiatric treatment fails to pinpoint or help the person, the investigation can and is usually referred to a priest to determine if an exorcism is the next step. And, frankly, that is usually the next step. The presence of an evil spirit is possessing the person. A priest exorcist is, therefore, badly needed. And that leads to a very dangerous undertaking, indeed. An exorcism is extremely serious and dangerous. And there is a definite effect in the life of the possessed and the priest exorcist. One effect is positive, and one effect is negative to a degree. The possessed is demon free, but the priest's life is depressingly effected for life. What went on during the exorcism never leaves his mind.
The possessed person is brought to the attention of Catholic Church authorities, usually by family or friends, after it has been determined that the person cannot be helped otherwise. Rarely does a demonically possessed person voluntarily present himself/herself. (More women than men become demonically possessed). After church authorities deem an exorcism is needed, a Bishop selects and authorizes a priest exorcist. lt takes a special type of priestly makeup to be successful exorcist.
Many people are demonically afflicted (not possessed) because their lifestyle opens wide the door for evil results. That is another story, but it can lead imperfect possession and does in many cases. An imperfectly possessed person is not involuntarily taken over by Satan or one of his demon helpers, a lessor demon. A voluntary agreement has to be made Satan for a desired and stated outcome, a wish to be fullfilled-money, sex, a certain woman or man, job, etc. And once a deal is made, Satan keeps his end of the bargin, and there is no turning back. The person becomes possessed. In the cases of perfect possession one sells his soul to Satan, he takes over, and gradually over a long period of time, Satan delivers. No exorcism can later help. lt is a done deal, and when the person dies, Satan owns the soul. In cases of imperfect possession, which has increased seven to eight fold since 1970, very few exorcisms can be done nowadays. And if a person needs an exorcism, but dies beforehand, Satan owns the soul. Therefore, one has to be extremely careful how the person lives life.
In the case an exorcism is needed and planned, there are three central and very necessary figures involved: the possessed person, the priest exorcist, and the evil spirit(s). (In very, very rare cases more than one evil spirit possesses one person). There are non-central persons who are present at an exorcism who prepares the room and are available in case the priest needs assistance. The exorcism is a very serious and dangerous situation (for the priest), and sometimes for others present, when the evil spirit hurls objects that are closeby. A properly prepared room takes that into account most of the time. The exorcism itself can take only a few hours, or it can take a matter of weeks in some cases. At an exorcism there is a winner and a loser. The possessed person is the winner. The evil spirit is the loser. Most all exorcisms are, sooner or later, successful. A few are not. If the possessed person is not truly desirous and truly gives consent to be free of the evil spirit, the exorcism ends in failure.
An exorcism is truly a very serious undertaking for the priest exorcist. (His assistants are most always not in any danger). The priest must follow the authorized procedure very carefully with no deviations. The priest's life can be exposed to all present. The extreme hate, venom, wildly and disgusting and obscene speech is aimed at the priest. The evil spirit does not want to be giving up the possessed person, because it will have to find another person to possess, which in today's cultures is earier to do it seems. The priest has to be always very careful in the words he uses and how and when he uses them. The evil spirit is very, very cunning, never misses an oportunity to trap or harm the priest. The priest has to be perfectly trained to avoid that ever happening. The exorcism has to be very well planned, organized, and perfectly administered, or failure is the result.
After the exorcism is completed (that can take a short or long time) the once possessed person is completely free of the evil spirit and to once again lead a normal life provided he/she avoids evil activities. But that is not the case for the exorcist. An exorcisms exacts a mental, emotional, and physical toll that can last a long time, even years. The exorcist's life is never the same as it once was. lt is a very sad result for one person after a very successful and happy result for another person.
After note:
More women than men become demonically afflicted, or demonically possessed for that matter, because of the fact women put themselves in more dangerous and evil positions, such as prostitution, witchcraft, covens, using ouigi boards, etc. Women are more likely to make a deal with Satan. If any readers of this communication thinks, feels, or knows that they are demonically afflicted because of what is happening in their lives after they have made evil decisions, they can do certain things. Firstly, they have to truly and quickly decide to change the order of their lives. Secondly, they have to express sorrow for their evil way(s). Thirdly, they have to pray and ask Jesus to hide them in the wounds of His crucifixion. If the affected one is Catholic, seek the help of a Catholic priest, who will be more than happy to offer his help. Non-Catholics can do the same if they wish. Many times after a person becomes demonically afflicted or imperfectly possessed, they regret very much their decision and behavior that has led to their situation and the only solution to their problem is to receive outside help. lt is so crucial. Please, God, lead them to outdid help while there is still time left in their lives to do so. Their earthly existence and eternity, later, depends on it.
R. B.
America’s Liberal Culture
America’s Liberal Culture
Roger Behra
As defined in the Dictionary of American English, “a liberal is one who favors wide possibilities of change and self expression, as in political and religious affairs." This communication will give the reader a good idea of how liberals and their agenda ruined the culture and society of the American people as they moved systematically away from favoring the established order of society and the belief that the established order of society should change only very slowly and for the intelligent and moral progress of the culture and society since 1963.
In America liberals are represented by many organizations. There are the famous ones called Abortion Rights, PETA, Hollywood, etc. Many of the liberal organizations, influence Washington’s law-making, the mainstream media (television and print), and the American people, all of which intern effects life in America. There are Supreme Court judges, senators and congressmen, and local judges, who, after an election, overturn the common sense votes of the voters. The pro-abortion group is also very strong and active as a liberal organization.
Liberal thinking is very defective. Liberals just do not get it right about history, human nature, or what is sensible or not sensible. Their main goal is to change the world we live in, to change everyday life to meet their agenda, and even directly invade our lives. In America since 1963 they have been very successful in doing so. What was once working well-honoring God daily in our lives, keeping the 10 Commandments, high weekly church attendance, basic honesty, personal ethics, common courtesy and politeness, neat well-groomed appearances, and morality-has been changed to the extreme opposite or completely ignored, to conform to their philosophy and agenda.
Liberals think government and the more of it the better in people’s lives is the answer. They are ignorant of the natural inclination of man when he has power. They ignore government made problems and demand more government action to change the government's mistakes. The natural inclination of man is to want as much power as possible. Their search for power is mad, foolish, and counter-productive. In the United States the government runs the I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service), D.M.V. (Department of Motor Vehicles), the Post Office, and the school systems among other things. And the results are far from desirable to say the least. The tax laws of do and don’t is a complex ordeal. At the D.M.V. one takes a number and hopes he will get the business done the same day. The Post Office moves like a snail, and the costs have risen sharply. (Considerable business has gone to FedEx and U.P.S. as a result). And the school systems in the public sector are a meltdown disaster full of great discipline problems, cultural language diversity, overcrowded classrooms, teacher shortages, teachers leaving at the half-year time, overloaded classroom subjects, and underpaid teacher salaries. It is a big time mess. And they are always throwing good money after bad. The high school dropout rate is very high, and in some places in the United States it is 50%. The waiting list to enter private schools is unimaginably long. There is no government money or control in private schools. And the discipline is very much under control. Discipline problems are quickly handled. The students are kicked out of the system.
A very big and troublesome area is the mainstream media-both electronic (radio and Television) and print. Few people read the print journalism, but most people listen to the radio and listen to and watch television very regularly, so this area is most effective. And effective it is. All the media never misses the opportunity to support liberal, because the media is a haven of liberals. They mention liberal ideas, cover and support those ideas often, without any second thoughts whatsoever. At least 75% of the media leans very far to the far left.
The television media leads the group and is followed by the radio. Only 25% to 30% read the print media. The heavy reliance is on the television media. And that is a real problem, because it enters so many homes and is so diversified in addition. The miscellaneous sitcoms lead the viewers (millions often very young and impressionable) to believe that what goes on in the sitcom is okay and acceptable behavior, that immoral and indecent fashions, vulgar speech, and sexual insinuations is way cool. Television is a monumentally scandalizing source for liberal thinking and behavior. And we must not forget the computer. It is fast rivaling the television medium. The computer is the number one and most frequently used source for pornography (thanks to a legal decision not to block it under the freedom of speech law). Liberals fall back on the freedom of speech law very frequently to further their liberal views and agenda.
Hollywood, that den of iniquity, and the entertainment industry in general are havens of liberalism. A fabulous amount of money from Hollywood and other entertainers go to politicians and other organizations to help foster liberal ideas and liberalism in general. Recently, a political fund-raiser by a very liberal presidential candidate brought in over nine million dollars to help support his ideas later (hopefully). Hollywood people put the liberal philosophy into full effect with their thinking and actions-high divorce rate, co-habitation as a norm, illegitimate children, immorality, immoral fashions vulgar speech, homosexuality, and violence. They live and self-glorify themselves as if it should be routinely accepted. It is scandal of the first magnitude, because millions of people pay attention, attend their movies, watch their TV programs, and copy their liberal and scandalous behavior.
Liberals and their agenda and the spread of liberalism from Washington, television, Hollywood people, movies, entertainers, and the radio all together foster and inundate the American culture so that non-liberals are not capable to very effectively turn things around.
Liberals are clueless to many aspects of human life. They are unable to under-stand how liberal ideas and behavior change and pollute daily life and the culture in general. They are clueless about how their behavior effects their own life, that for the most part it is greatly offensive to God and other non-liberals around them. They are clueless as to how their behavior is going to effect their eternity after they leave this earthly life. They are clueless as what makes sense and what does not.
Liberals, liberal organizations, and the liberal faction in Washington making our laws, as well as judges who overturn sensible decisions and laws have left the American society and culture with great economic problems, a dysfunctional school system, where the schools produce less results with more and more money, where church attendance has declined more than 50%, where the government solves problems by passing more problematic laws, where the mainstream media is in bed with liberalism, and where liberals even want to invade private lives. America is still a great nation inspite of itself (God's fewer blessings), but she has lost a great deal of her greatness. And it will take a great turnaround in philosophy and action to regain any measureable amount of her lost greatness. Liberals would have to do a great deal of self-reflection and self-evaluation in order for an acceptable turnaround to happen. That is highly unlikely.
Meanwhile, and most assuredly, we must remember that the culture is not the problem. Liberals and liberalism are the problem. May God somehow help us. We are badly in need of His great help. Our survival and remaining greatness depend upon it.
R. B.
America’s Liberal Culture
Roger Behra
As defined in the Dictionary of American English, “a liberal is one who favors wide possibilities of change and self expression, as in political and religious affairs." This communication will give the reader a good idea of how liberals and their agenda ruined the culture and society of the American people as they moved systematically away from favoring the established order of society and the belief that the established order of society should change only very slowly and for the intelligent and moral progress of the culture and society since 1963.
In America liberals are represented by many organizations. There are the famous ones called Abortion Rights, PETA, Hollywood, etc. Many of the liberal organizations, influence Washington’s law-making, the mainstream media (television and print), and the American people, all of which intern effects life in America. There are Supreme Court judges, senators and congressmen, and local judges, who, after an election, overturn the common sense votes of the voters. The pro-abortion group is also very strong and active as a liberal organization.
Liberal thinking is very defective. Liberals just do not get it right about history, human nature, or what is sensible or not sensible. Their main goal is to change the world we live in, to change everyday life to meet their agenda, and even directly invade our lives. In America since 1963 they have been very successful in doing so. What was once working well-honoring God daily in our lives, keeping the 10 Commandments, high weekly church attendance, basic honesty, personal ethics, common courtesy and politeness, neat well-groomed appearances, and morality-has been changed to the extreme opposite or completely ignored, to conform to their philosophy and agenda.
Liberals think government and the more of it the better in people’s lives is the answer. They are ignorant of the natural inclination of man when he has power. They ignore government made problems and demand more government action to change the government's mistakes. The natural inclination of man is to want as much power as possible. Their search for power is mad, foolish, and counter-productive. In the United States the government runs the I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service), D.M.V. (Department of Motor Vehicles), the Post Office, and the school systems among other things. And the results are far from desirable to say the least. The tax laws of do and don’t is a complex ordeal. At the D.M.V. one takes a number and hopes he will get the business done the same day. The Post Office moves like a snail, and the costs have risen sharply. (Considerable business has gone to FedEx and U.P.S. as a result). And the school systems in the public sector are a meltdown disaster full of great discipline problems, cultural language diversity, overcrowded classrooms, teacher shortages, teachers leaving at the half-year time, overloaded classroom subjects, and underpaid teacher salaries. It is a big time mess. And they are always throwing good money after bad. The high school dropout rate is very high, and in some places in the United States it is 50%. The waiting list to enter private schools is unimaginably long. There is no government money or control in private schools. And the discipline is very much under control. Discipline problems are quickly handled. The students are kicked out of the system.
A very big and troublesome area is the mainstream media-both electronic (radio and Television) and print. Few people read the print journalism, but most people listen to the radio and listen to and watch television very regularly, so this area is most effective. And effective it is. All the media never misses the opportunity to support liberal, because the media is a haven of liberals. They mention liberal ideas, cover and support those ideas often, without any second thoughts whatsoever. At least 75% of the media leans very far to the far left.
The television media leads the group and is followed by the radio. Only 25% to 30% read the print media. The heavy reliance is on the television media. And that is a real problem, because it enters so many homes and is so diversified in addition. The miscellaneous sitcoms lead the viewers (millions often very young and impressionable) to believe that what goes on in the sitcom is okay and acceptable behavior, that immoral and indecent fashions, vulgar speech, and sexual insinuations is way cool. Television is a monumentally scandalizing source for liberal thinking and behavior. And we must not forget the computer. It is fast rivaling the television medium. The computer is the number one and most frequently used source for pornography (thanks to a legal decision not to block it under the freedom of speech law). Liberals fall back on the freedom of speech law very frequently to further their liberal views and agenda.
Hollywood, that den of iniquity, and the entertainment industry in general are havens of liberalism. A fabulous amount of money from Hollywood and other entertainers go to politicians and other organizations to help foster liberal ideas and liberalism in general. Recently, a political fund-raiser by a very liberal presidential candidate brought in over nine million dollars to help support his ideas later (hopefully). Hollywood people put the liberal philosophy into full effect with their thinking and actions-high divorce rate, co-habitation as a norm, illegitimate children, immorality, immoral fashions vulgar speech, homosexuality, and violence. They live and self-glorify themselves as if it should be routinely accepted. It is scandal of the first magnitude, because millions of people pay attention, attend their movies, watch their TV programs, and copy their liberal and scandalous behavior.
Liberals and their agenda and the spread of liberalism from Washington, television, Hollywood people, movies, entertainers, and the radio all together foster and inundate the American culture so that non-liberals are not capable to very effectively turn things around.
Liberals are clueless to many aspects of human life. They are unable to under-stand how liberal ideas and behavior change and pollute daily life and the culture in general. They are clueless about how their behavior effects their own life, that for the most part it is greatly offensive to God and other non-liberals around them. They are clueless as to how their behavior is going to effect their eternity after they leave this earthly life. They are clueless as what makes sense and what does not.
Liberals, liberal organizations, and the liberal faction in Washington making our laws, as well as judges who overturn sensible decisions and laws have left the American society and culture with great economic problems, a dysfunctional school system, where the schools produce less results with more and more money, where church attendance has declined more than 50%, where the government solves problems by passing more problematic laws, where the mainstream media is in bed with liberalism, and where liberals even want to invade private lives. America is still a great nation inspite of itself (God's fewer blessings), but she has lost a great deal of her greatness. And it will take a great turnaround in philosophy and action to regain any measureable amount of her lost greatness. Liberals would have to do a great deal of self-reflection and self-evaluation in order for an acceptable turnaround to happen. That is highly unlikely.
Meanwhile, and most assuredly, we must remember that the culture is not the problem. Liberals and liberalism are the problem. May God somehow help us. We are badly in need of His great help. Our survival and remaining greatness depend upon it.
R. B.
martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008
Self-Inflicted Punishment
Self-Inflicted Punishment
Roger Behra
A very large majority of Americans realize that the cultural and economic conditions of the United States are very far from ideal or even very good for that matter. But what is not realized is the fact that these conditions are self-inflicted upon themselves. Let that now be explained.
During the twelve years prior to the start of World War 2 the United States was experiencing the Great Depression and the great discrimination against black people. Economically and culturally it was the worst of times, although the other areas of the culture were progressing well.
Then, in 1941, December 7 to be precise, World War 2 started for the United States with the Japanese Attack at Pearl Harbor. Immediately the economic situation was about to change for the better. And the culture, except for discrimination, was about to change also. This time, 1941, and the following years to 1963 and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, began the best years in the United States. The years 1964 to the present are a very different story.
During the years 1941-1963 the economic conditions were relatively going along well, except for a recession in 1960 to close out that year. The education system was working well. People had good jobs. They were able to buy houses. Family life was orderly and peaceful. People dressed up on Sunday, attended the church of their choice very regularly, and visited other family members. Only very necessary work was done on Sunday. For the most part the Sabbath Day vas was kept holy and personally enjoyable. During the other six days families worked together as a unit, lived good moral lives, and kept the 10 Commandments Yes, they knew the 10 Commandments and kept them in their daily lives. This is not the way life is going today. Since 1963 life and our culture has been slowly deteriorating to what we have going on today. And it definitely is very far from ideal or even very good. Let more explanation be given, so that a clear contrast can be understood.
On any given Sunday now anything goes. For the most part the Sabbath is not kept holy. Only 37% of Americans attend church regularly. Businesses operate as usual. People in general do not dress up. Many women even come to church immodestly dressed and many men come to church dressed like they are going to the beach or some sporting event. Families do not spend time or have big dinners together like they used to. People mow lawns, fix their cars, paint houses, or wander around all self-glorified as the young people do. Except for a small percentage of the population, on the Lord's Day very little glorification is given to the Lord. In millions of cases none is given.
When the counter-culture people (Boomers as they are called today) pushed God out of their lives and replaced Him with money, sex, drugs, and the pursuit of bringing in the new behavior, which ignores the 10 Commandments, our culture and economic situation went on the downhill run to what we have today. And today we have a culture and economic situation almost completely without God's abundant and available blessings. When you look around, watch the news, read the daily newspaper, and then get depressed at all of it, you can rightly say, "the Boomers have given it all to us." It's their legacy.
Americans are now the fattest (most obese) individuals in the world. (We are headed for monumental health problems down the road. It's already started.) America is a nation of very high prices for everything, a failing education system, overflowing prisons, high murder and crime rate, failing marriages(50% of marriages in America fail),greed, scofflaw people, dishonesty in high and low places, politicians who trick us to get our votes and shirk their responsibilities later child abuse, child sexual abuse by clergy and teachers who violate the trust given to them, and people who are as a matter of course in their daily lives rude and discourteous. Courtesy is only a pleasant memory.
And now it is Time for the Boomers to retire. It's time for them to retire into the culture that they have given themselves (and others).And many of them are now crying and afraid to retire, because it is too expensive to do so. They cannot retire into a culture and economic situation that they inflicted upon themselves (and the rest of us) since 1963.They are now victims of their own greed, lack of good judgment, and permissiveness that they allowed to develop over the past 45+ years. All the chickens they allowed to lay eggs are important. But the one that is at the top of their list is the economic checker it has come to roost in their lives. The economic chicken is interfering in their retirement plans. And it is self-inflicted to say the least. And so are all the other bad eggs that hatched and now make up the problems in our culture that they allowed to happen for their sons, daughters, and grandchildren. It's the Boomer's punishment and all self-infected. Have a nice retirement, Boomers.
The sorrow and sadness goes to those who did not go along with the counter-culture philosophy that started back in 1963. They are the real victims, and there are a good number of them. They are the ones who justifiably can cry and complain about not being able to afford to retire. Their fellow Boomers inflicted everything going on them; including very high prices for food, rent, gasoline, health care medicine, and an economy that is very, very weak. The boomers and their families who did not accept the counter-culture philosophy and kept on the straight and moral track are the ones who are receiving God's great and abundant help and blessings. And may God continue to guide, help, and bless them very abundantly.
R. B.
Self-Inflicted Punishment
Roger Behra
A very large majority of Americans realize that the cultural and economic conditions of the United States are very far from ideal or even very good for that matter. But what is not realized is the fact that these conditions are self-inflicted upon themselves. Let that now be explained.
During the twelve years prior to the start of World War 2 the United States was experiencing the Great Depression and the great discrimination against black people. Economically and culturally it was the worst of times, although the other areas of the culture were progressing well.
Then, in 1941, December 7 to be precise, World War 2 started for the United States with the Japanese Attack at Pearl Harbor. Immediately the economic situation was about to change for the better. And the culture, except for discrimination, was about to change also. This time, 1941, and the following years to 1963 and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, began the best years in the United States. The years 1964 to the present are a very different story.
During the years 1941-1963 the economic conditions were relatively going along well, except for a recession in 1960 to close out that year. The education system was working well. People had good jobs. They were able to buy houses. Family life was orderly and peaceful. People dressed up on Sunday, attended the church of their choice very regularly, and visited other family members. Only very necessary work was done on Sunday. For the most part the Sabbath Day vas was kept holy and personally enjoyable. During the other six days families worked together as a unit, lived good moral lives, and kept the 10 Commandments Yes, they knew the 10 Commandments and kept them in their daily lives. This is not the way life is going today. Since 1963 life and our culture has been slowly deteriorating to what we have going on today. And it definitely is very far from ideal or even very good. Let more explanation be given, so that a clear contrast can be understood.
On any given Sunday now anything goes. For the most part the Sabbath is not kept holy. Only 37% of Americans attend church regularly. Businesses operate as usual. People in general do not dress up. Many women even come to church immodestly dressed and many men come to church dressed like they are going to the beach or some sporting event. Families do not spend time or have big dinners together like they used to. People mow lawns, fix their cars, paint houses, or wander around all self-glorified as the young people do. Except for a small percentage of the population, on the Lord's Day very little glorification is given to the Lord. In millions of cases none is given.
When the counter-culture people (Boomers as they are called today) pushed God out of their lives and replaced Him with money, sex, drugs, and the pursuit of bringing in the new behavior, which ignores the 10 Commandments, our culture and economic situation went on the downhill run to what we have today. And today we have a culture and economic situation almost completely without God's abundant and available blessings. When you look around, watch the news, read the daily newspaper, and then get depressed at all of it, you can rightly say, "the Boomers have given it all to us." It's their legacy.
Americans are now the fattest (most obese) individuals in the world. (We are headed for monumental health problems down the road. It's already started.) America is a nation of very high prices for everything, a failing education system, overflowing prisons, high murder and crime rate, failing marriages(50% of marriages in America fail),greed, scofflaw people, dishonesty in high and low places, politicians who trick us to get our votes and shirk their responsibilities later child abuse, child sexual abuse by clergy and teachers who violate the trust given to them, and people who are as a matter of course in their daily lives rude and discourteous. Courtesy is only a pleasant memory.
And now it is Time for the Boomers to retire. It's time for them to retire into the culture that they have given themselves (and others).And many of them are now crying and afraid to retire, because it is too expensive to do so. They cannot retire into a culture and economic situation that they inflicted upon themselves (and the rest of us) since 1963.They are now victims of their own greed, lack of good judgment, and permissiveness that they allowed to develop over the past 45+ years. All the chickens they allowed to lay eggs are important. But the one that is at the top of their list is the economic checker it has come to roost in their lives. The economic chicken is interfering in their retirement plans. And it is self-inflicted to say the least. And so are all the other bad eggs that hatched and now make up the problems in our culture that they allowed to happen for their sons, daughters, and grandchildren. It's the Boomer's punishment and all self-infected. Have a nice retirement, Boomers.
The sorrow and sadness goes to those who did not go along with the counter-culture philosophy that started back in 1963. They are the real victims, and there are a good number of them. They are the ones who justifiably can cry and complain about not being able to afford to retire. Their fellow Boomers inflicted everything going on them; including very high prices for food, rent, gasoline, health care medicine, and an economy that is very, very weak. The boomers and their families who did not accept the counter-culture philosophy and kept on the straight and moral track are the ones who are receiving God's great and abundant help and blessings. And may God continue to guide, help, and bless them very abundantly.
R. B.
The Cultural Importance of Women, By Roger Behra
The Cultural Importance of Women
Roger Behra
It is a fact that God loves all of us, the good as well as the bad, and that all are very important in his plan for us. But it seems in the cultural structure as it is; women play a more important roll and nave a greater cultural and spiritual importance to Him and therefore, mankind in general. Mom used to say, "The hands (women’s) that rock the cradles (baby’s) rule in the world." Well, it used to be that way. The importance is still there, but the effect has greatly been diminished in our modern counter-culture world. But the basics are still needed in the culture, and a great amount of attention must be given to them.
The basics are women are wifely helpmates to men, mothers to their children, and generally have a great deal to say in the moral and proper upbringing of the children. Women have great responsibilities and much to say in family every-day occur affairs. The basics are not strongly in effect like they were many years ago. The answer is quite simple. It started with the counter-culture movement of the early 1960's and their philosophy of "tune in and drop out, throw out the old and bring in life new, if it feels good do it, don’t trust any-one over 30, love, sex, rock 'n roll."
When that philosophy gained a foothold, the cultural importance and influence of women greatly diminished. Before the early 1960's women were a very strong and influential part of the; cultural fabric for the good and proper in areas of family life, self-discipline, spiritual development, social activities, and moral development in their own lives and the family members. They were mostly stay-at-home wives and mothers who were devoted to the complete success of the family. That has all mostly changed to what we have today-working mothers, less family time, high divorce rate, diminished spiritual emphasis, defiant, disruptive, and poorly disciplined children in the home AND SCHOOL. Our U.S.A. Culture has become very disappointing to say the least, and the influence of women toward a better culture has been terribly weakened, never to be regained, totally.
Aside from the culture of today and the basics being diminished, the secondary tragedy of it allies the small percentage of women who were raised properly (old-school philosophy) by their mothers (with grandmother's influence) are fighting an uphill battle as modern cultural influences are heavily against them. But the small percentages of women are doing their best inspite of the odds.
Very young women, however, can still take steps to better things. Those whose moral compasses are leading them in the correct direction and with intelligent thinking can take over to change the cultural direction for the better. Our culture will never be like it was (pre-1963), but any improvement for the better would be well accepted. And it can start with new young mothers and the newest generation of babies.
As mothers women are greatly influential in child development in the areas of mental, spiritual, and emotional progress. There is no substitute for a mother's constant attention in these areas. If the mother's moral compass and thinking is working well, all should go well in this regard. And the most important ingredient that permeates all the others in her efforts is her motherly love. That is an indispensible element.
In any culture the cultural importance of women as wives, mothers, and working persons cannot be underestimated or done without. The orderly and successful progress of any culture can and should be largely attributed to the influence and importance of their women.
R. B.
The Cultural Importance of Women
Roger Behra
It is a fact that God loves all of us, the good as well as the bad, and that all are very important in his plan for us. But it seems in the cultural structure as it is; women play a more important roll and nave a greater cultural and spiritual importance to Him and therefore, mankind in general. Mom used to say, "The hands (women’s) that rock the cradles (baby’s) rule in the world." Well, it used to be that way. The importance is still there, but the effect has greatly been diminished in our modern counter-culture world. But the basics are still needed in the culture, and a great amount of attention must be given to them.
The basics are women are wifely helpmates to men, mothers to their children, and generally have a great deal to say in the moral and proper upbringing of the children. Women have great responsibilities and much to say in family every-day occur affairs. The basics are not strongly in effect like they were many years ago. The answer is quite simple. It started with the counter-culture movement of the early 1960's and their philosophy of "tune in and drop out, throw out the old and bring in life new, if it feels good do it, don’t trust any-one over 30, love, sex, rock 'n roll."
When that philosophy gained a foothold, the cultural importance and influence of women greatly diminished. Before the early 1960's women were a very strong and influential part of the; cultural fabric for the good and proper in areas of family life, self-discipline, spiritual development, social activities, and moral development in their own lives and the family members. They were mostly stay-at-home wives and mothers who were devoted to the complete success of the family. That has all mostly changed to what we have today-working mothers, less family time, high divorce rate, diminished spiritual emphasis, defiant, disruptive, and poorly disciplined children in the home AND SCHOOL. Our U.S.A. Culture has become very disappointing to say the least, and the influence of women toward a better culture has been terribly weakened, never to be regained, totally.
Aside from the culture of today and the basics being diminished, the secondary tragedy of it allies the small percentage of women who were raised properly (old-school philosophy) by their mothers (with grandmother's influence) are fighting an uphill battle as modern cultural influences are heavily against them. But the small percentages of women are doing their best inspite of the odds.
Very young women, however, can still take steps to better things. Those whose moral compasses are leading them in the correct direction and with intelligent thinking can take over to change the cultural direction for the better. Our culture will never be like it was (pre-1963), but any improvement for the better would be well accepted. And it can start with new young mothers and the newest generation of babies.
As mothers women are greatly influential in child development in the areas of mental, spiritual, and emotional progress. There is no substitute for a mother's constant attention in these areas. If the mother's moral compass and thinking is working well, all should go well in this regard. And the most important ingredient that permeates all the others in her efforts is her motherly love. That is an indispensible element.
In any culture the cultural importance of women as wives, mothers, and working persons cannot be underestimated or done without. The orderly and successful progress of any culture can and should be largely attributed to the influence and importance of their women.
R. B.
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Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011

Our Lady in Art



Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita

Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"
Oración a San Judas

San Judas, Ruega por Nosotros
¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

Sonia = Sofía
¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

Pascua 2008

¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!
Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2008
Calendario 2013

Juan Pablo II

Virgen María en el Arte
Calendario 2013

Benedicto XVI
Pascua 2013

Jesucristo El Buen Pastor
feliz día de las madres 2012

feliz día de las madres 2012



Octubre 2012


JULIO 2012

JULIO 2012
JUNIO 2012

JUNIO 2012
MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
MARZO 2012

marzo 2012

ENERO 2012

enero 2012
Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

Actitudes ante la Vida

DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013

pascua 2012
Cátedra de San Pedro

St. Peter
14 de Febrero

Día de San Cirilo y San Metodio
Conversión de San Pablo

Francesco Mazzola (1503-1540)
Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN

Documento Firmado y Recibido Enero 2013
Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN

Documento, Enero 2013

Feliz Navidad y Ventuoroso Año 2013
happy new year 2012

Feliz Navidad 2011

Venturoso Año 2011


Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica

Algunas Encíclicas imortantes de la Iglesia Católica