Satan’s Favorite People
Roger Behra
In communication 47 it was written that God loves everyone without any qualification, and that He loves some more intensely, because they love Him very much in return, keep His 10 Commandments, and live as the best possible Christians.
That is not so with Satan. Satan does not have any like for the ones who live a pleasing Christian life. However, Satan has his definite favorites. Are you among them?
In case there are those who do not know or realize that they are great and cooperative favorites of Satan, let some enlightenment take place here.
Among Satan’s favorites, there are some that are more outstanding, and they are the following:
1. Child Sexual Abusers
2. Pornography Producers
3. Pornography Addiction
4. Homosexual Sex (casual, with partners)
5. Fornication
6. Adulterers
7. Serial Killers
8. Suicide
9. Greedy persons
10. Cheaters
11. Chronic Dishonesty
12. Ignoring the 10 Commandments
13. Atheists and Agnostics
14. Non-churchgoers (63%)
15. Abortion Doctors, Abortion Seekers
16. Co=habitation
17. Prostitutes and Mistresses
18. Immodest Women’s dress
19. Body Desecration (tattoos)
20. Taking God’s Name in Vain
21. Hollywood, Actors, and Actresses
22. Drug Addiction
23. Adult Sex Crimes
24. Incest
25. Teen-age Sex
26. Same-sex Marriages
27. Communism
28. Counter-culture Movement
29. Blasphemy
30. Corrupt Behavior
Among the favorites listed above, Satan has his very most favorites, because a very great number of people are participating at the same time, which pleases him very much. They include pornography, atheists and agnostics, practicing homosexuals, fornication, adultery, greedy people, Commandment avoiders, atheists and agnostics, non-churchgoers, abortion, co-habitation, immodest women’s dress, Hollywood and her movies, television, teen-age sex, drug addiction, Communism, and the continuation of the counter-culture movement and its liberal philosophy. The counter-culture movement (1963) is at the root of the common occurrence of what is on the above list of items, because it changed the moral thinking and actions in our (U.S.A.) culture when God was pushed aside and was replace with the pursuit of money, sex, rock ‘n roll, and social changes. What is listed above became more and more acceptable. And the big winner is SATAN. And the big losers are the American society, and most of all, the souls Satan has gained over such a long period of time. Will yours be one of the souls lost to him in the future?
R. B.
domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008
domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008
God Loves You
God Loves You
Roger Behra
God loves everyone. We are His creatures made in His image and likeness. But God loves you more immensely when you recognize Him as the Supreme Being that He is, when we honor him as our Lord and Savior, and when we keep His ten commandments and live our lives as the best Christians humanly possible. And when we do all of these things, we also act accordingly as a good and valuable cultural member. Cultures thrive on good Christians in action.
Any cultures lives or dies accordingly to the degree each cultural member lives his life. If each cultural member develops his or her four areas of human development (mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical) to the very best possible, they are greatly pleasing to God and also to their cultural achievements, and in return they are pleasing to themselves and their neighbours as well. And God´s immense love is showered upon the people and their culture through His abundant blessings.
It is, therefore, to our great advantage in more ways than one to be the best of God´s creatures through our own personal development and Christian action. We become very pleasing to Jesus and His Mother Mary, the mediatrix of all graces and blessings, very pleasing and useful to the culture we live in, and quite pleasing to ourselves, which matters a great deal, also. But most of all, we greatly earn and receive God´s immense love and the intercession of His Blessed Mother, Mary, which are the most valuable of all the earn assets.
God Loves You
Roger Behra
God loves everyone. We are His creatures made in His image and likeness. But God loves you more immensely when you recognize Him as the Supreme Being that He is, when we honor him as our Lord and Savior, and when we keep His ten commandments and live our lives as the best Christians humanly possible. And when we do all of these things, we also act accordingly as a good and valuable cultural member. Cultures thrive on good Christians in action.
Any cultures lives or dies accordingly to the degree each cultural member lives his life. If each cultural member develops his or her four areas of human development (mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical) to the very best possible, they are greatly pleasing to God and also to their cultural achievements, and in return they are pleasing to themselves and their neighbours as well. And God´s immense love is showered upon the people and their culture through His abundant blessings.
It is, therefore, to our great advantage in more ways than one to be the best of God´s creatures through our own personal development and Christian action. We become very pleasing to Jesus and His Mother Mary, the mediatrix of all graces and blessings, very pleasing and useful to the culture we live in, and quite pleasing to ourselves, which matters a great deal, also. But most of all, we greatly earn and receive God´s immense love and the intercession of His Blessed Mother, Mary, which are the most valuable of all the earn assets.
Satan´s Favorite Playgrounds
Satan´s Favorite Playgrounds
Roger Behra
God is everywhere. But His influence and His blessings are not. And wherever His influence and blessings are not, Stan´s influence and evil activity fill the voids. Satan never misses the opportunity to takeover in a person´s life.
The effects of Satan and his evil activity are present in so many places in world and especially in the liberal capital of the world-America. America and the places mentioned within America will be called Satan´s favorite playgrounds. Along with America there are other places in the world where Satan is very active, indeed. Some of the more well know places are China, Russia, Cuba and North Korea to name a few.
In this communications America will be the country emphasized, because she is a very big nation and, therefore, a very big playground with many smaller playground within, where Satan´s evil influence and activity abounds. Indeed, America is a big and fertile playground.
On the big and fertile American playground are these smaller but very favorite organizations and places: the mafia, abortion clinics, satanic covens, public schools, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Tampa, Florida, and Louisville, Kentucky. These places are singled out because of the great number of people who live or participate there. The great amount of activity that goes on there is conducive to Satan´s evil influence and activity, as millions of people live side-by-side with each other. Satan´s evil activities take place day after day and around the clock. Mafia activities, Hollywood´s disgusting and liberal movies and lifestyle, co-habitation, teenage sex, and the public schools head the list of Satan´s very favorite evil activities. As Father Malachi Martin stressed years ago, the need for EXORCISIMS in these places has increased seven-fold since the mid-sixties.
Of course Satan´s evil and favorite activities take place elsewhere, but not in such large and concentrated amounts that take place in the above mentioned locations in America. During the late 1990´s on the Coast to Coast radio program Father Martin (deceased) with Art Bell revealed how Satan has taken over so many places and in so many people´s lives since 1963, when the Godless counter-culture movement began and now is fully entrenched in America culture and so many lives in America. The blame goes to liberals and their liberal thinking and activities.
The important question now s whether the tide can be turned to the pre-1963days, when American culture was so much more acceptable to God and the many non-liberals instead of increasingly more acceptable to Satan and his liberal followers like it is today in 2008. As long as Hollywood, abortion clinics, strips joints, Hooters places, covens, teen-age sex, co-habitation, divorces, murders, and what goes on during school hours (sex talk and arrangements, defiant, disrespectful, and obnoxious and abusive behavior) continues to thrive, the outlook appears to be very much without any hope or cheer. According to the radio, television, and print communications and what they are telling us, through broadcasts, surveys, and polls, the future is going to be quite bleak, indeed, that Satan and his helpers will continue to dominate at their favorite playgrounds, that clueless liberals and liberalism is not going away soon, and that Satan is going to continue to be the winner, while the American culture continues to wallow in all his evil influence and activity, and even become worse for the wear.
R. D.
Satan´s Favorite Playgrounds
Roger Behra
God is everywhere. But His influence and His blessings are not. And wherever His influence and blessings are not, Stan´s influence and evil activity fill the voids. Satan never misses the opportunity to takeover in a person´s life.
The effects of Satan and his evil activity are present in so many places in world and especially in the liberal capital of the world-America. America and the places mentioned within America will be called Satan´s favorite playgrounds. Along with America there are other places in the world where Satan is very active, indeed. Some of the more well know places are China, Russia, Cuba and North Korea to name a few.
In this communications America will be the country emphasized, because she is a very big nation and, therefore, a very big playground with many smaller playground within, where Satan´s evil influence and activity abounds. Indeed, America is a big and fertile playground.
On the big and fertile American playground are these smaller but very favorite organizations and places: the mafia, abortion clinics, satanic covens, public schools, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Tampa, Florida, and Louisville, Kentucky. These places are singled out because of the great number of people who live or participate there. The great amount of activity that goes on there is conducive to Satan´s evil influence and activity, as millions of people live side-by-side with each other. Satan´s evil activities take place day after day and around the clock. Mafia activities, Hollywood´s disgusting and liberal movies and lifestyle, co-habitation, teenage sex, and the public schools head the list of Satan´s very favorite evil activities. As Father Malachi Martin stressed years ago, the need for EXORCISIMS in these places has increased seven-fold since the mid-sixties.
Of course Satan´s evil and favorite activities take place elsewhere, but not in such large and concentrated amounts that take place in the above mentioned locations in America. During the late 1990´s on the Coast to Coast radio program Father Martin (deceased) with Art Bell revealed how Satan has taken over so many places and in so many people´s lives since 1963, when the Godless counter-culture movement began and now is fully entrenched in America culture and so many lives in America. The blame goes to liberals and their liberal thinking and activities.
The important question now s whether the tide can be turned to the pre-1963days, when American culture was so much more acceptable to God and the many non-liberals instead of increasingly more acceptable to Satan and his liberal followers like it is today in 2008. As long as Hollywood, abortion clinics, strips joints, Hooters places, covens, teen-age sex, co-habitation, divorces, murders, and what goes on during school hours (sex talk and arrangements, defiant, disrespectful, and obnoxious and abusive behavior) continues to thrive, the outlook appears to be very much without any hope or cheer. According to the radio, television, and print communications and what they are telling us, through broadcasts, surveys, and polls, the future is going to be quite bleak, indeed, that Satan and his helpers will continue to dominate at their favorite playgrounds, that clueless liberals and liberalism is not going away soon, and that Satan is going to continue to be the winner, while the American culture continues to wallow in all his evil influence and activity, and even become worse for the wear.
R. D.
sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2008
Always Remember Them
Always Remember Them
Roger Behra
The word them in this communication title means our loved ones (family members), friends, classmates, and personal acquaintances who were nice to us, who left this temporary physical world. And sooner or later them will become us, as we join them in that eternal spirit world that awaits us all.
In at least one religion, the Catholic religion, and perhaps some others also, there is the belief that the eternal spirit world is made up of three definite existences: haven, purgatory, and hell. Heaven is the existence of everlasting happiness with God, His Mother Mary, the angels, saints, and our loved ones. We should all strive very diligently to end up there. Purgatory is existence where souls, who die in the friendship of the Lord but have unrepented sins, exist for a period of time until they are purified and made ready for their entry into heaven. During their existence in purgatory, souls are totally helpless. That is why we must help them. That is why we must never forget them. The souls in hell are lost forever, and nothing can be done for them.
A few souls go directly to heaven. Many souls go directly to hell. The majority of souls go to purgatory. And they are completely dependent on the help of heavenly patrons and us here. Together that help shortens the stay in purgatory. Now, there are two questions: How do we help? And when do we help?
Without our help souls in purgatory will eventually leave their after much suffering and enter heaven. With help souls can leave much sooner, and the more help they get the more quickly they can leave.
Father Stanislaus (1631-1701), now Blessed Stanislaus, had great love and concern for the souls in purgatory. He called it “the greatest charity to pray to God for the freedom of the souls in purgatory.” So, we and heavenly patrons MUST help. Our deceased loved ones, friends, classmates, and others in general cry out for our help.
We live in a time when terrorism, wars, and sudden loss of life along with the great loss of a sense of God goes on each and everyday. Natural disasters, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, car accidents, terrorist bombings cause people to die quite suddenly and unrepented for sins, and even unaware of their sins. Purgatory is overflowing with helpless souls who endure great “suffering,” “flames,” and “burning” as St. Maria Faustina Kowolska revealed about her visions of purgatory. Blessed Stanislaus called purgatory a great “temporary torture, and the souls cry out for help, those who died in God´s grace but need purification in order to enter heaven.”
Who can we help? We can help specifically or generally by saying the rosary, Hail Marys, and other prayers especially for the poor souls. When can we help? NOW! Anytime! The easiest way is to memorize the following prayer, so that you can say it at will anytime and anyplace at ease. The prayer of St. Gertrude the Great given to her by our Lord will release 1000 souls from purgatory each time it is said, and the Blessed Mother promises that She and Jesus will do that “deliver so many souls, so many souls!” the prayer also includes living sinners as well.
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most precious blood of thy Divine Son Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holly Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home, and within my family. Amen.
When we pray for the souls in purgatory, we also help them and ourselves. And every soul we release will later become a patron, there in heaven, on our behalf, helping us move more quickly out of purgatory. It could not be any nicer for us.
So, everyone, remember the helpless poor souls who suffer unbearably. Pray, pray, pray very often for them, because “them” will be “us” someday. Never forget them. And tell your family and friends to remember to pray often, also.
Always Remember Them
Roger Behra
The word them in this communication title means our loved ones (family members), friends, classmates, and personal acquaintances who were nice to us, who left this temporary physical world. And sooner or later them will become us, as we join them in that eternal spirit world that awaits us all.
In at least one religion, the Catholic religion, and perhaps some others also, there is the belief that the eternal spirit world is made up of three definite existences: haven, purgatory, and hell. Heaven is the existence of everlasting happiness with God, His Mother Mary, the angels, saints, and our loved ones. We should all strive very diligently to end up there. Purgatory is existence where souls, who die in the friendship of the Lord but have unrepented sins, exist for a period of time until they are purified and made ready for their entry into heaven. During their existence in purgatory, souls are totally helpless. That is why we must help them. That is why we must never forget them. The souls in hell are lost forever, and nothing can be done for them.
A few souls go directly to heaven. Many souls go directly to hell. The majority of souls go to purgatory. And they are completely dependent on the help of heavenly patrons and us here. Together that help shortens the stay in purgatory. Now, there are two questions: How do we help? And when do we help?
Without our help souls in purgatory will eventually leave their after much suffering and enter heaven. With help souls can leave much sooner, and the more help they get the more quickly they can leave.
Father Stanislaus (1631-1701), now Blessed Stanislaus, had great love and concern for the souls in purgatory. He called it “the greatest charity to pray to God for the freedom of the souls in purgatory.” So, we and heavenly patrons MUST help. Our deceased loved ones, friends, classmates, and others in general cry out for our help.
We live in a time when terrorism, wars, and sudden loss of life along with the great loss of a sense of God goes on each and everyday. Natural disasters, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, car accidents, terrorist bombings cause people to die quite suddenly and unrepented for sins, and even unaware of their sins. Purgatory is overflowing with helpless souls who endure great “suffering,” “flames,” and “burning” as St. Maria Faustina Kowolska revealed about her visions of purgatory. Blessed Stanislaus called purgatory a great “temporary torture, and the souls cry out for help, those who died in God´s grace but need purification in order to enter heaven.”
Who can we help? We can help specifically or generally by saying the rosary, Hail Marys, and other prayers especially for the poor souls. When can we help? NOW! Anytime! The easiest way is to memorize the following prayer, so that you can say it at will anytime and anyplace at ease. The prayer of St. Gertrude the Great given to her by our Lord will release 1000 souls from purgatory each time it is said, and the Blessed Mother promises that She and Jesus will do that “deliver so many souls, so many souls!” the prayer also includes living sinners as well.
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most precious blood of thy Divine Son Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holly Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home, and within my family. Amen.
When we pray for the souls in purgatory, we also help them and ourselves. And every soul we release will later become a patron, there in heaven, on our behalf, helping us move more quickly out of purgatory. It could not be any nicer for us.
So, everyone, remember the helpless poor souls who suffer unbearably. Pray, pray, pray very often for them, because “them” will be “us” someday. Never forget them. And tell your family and friends to remember to pray often, also.
miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008
Carta de Felicitación
Carta de Felicitación
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Los valores ético morales de un gran candidato como Mr. John McCain quedaron de manifiesto cuando el acepta su derrota en las elecciones presidenciales pasadas ante Mr. Barack Obama; y hace un llamado para la unidad para trabajar por su país.
Las cosas se suceden, los tiempos cambian, y en ese ir y venir de la vida, la Persona Humana y el Bien Común deben ser siempre los ganadores, en hora buena, Felicitaciones al Pueblo de Estados Unidos (USA), por elegir tan limpiamente a su nuevo presidente, y a los contendientes también por su participación, que a los ojos de este Turista de tan magnífico país, han dado una gran Lección de Libertad, Justicia, Verdad y Amor.
Respetuosamente desde Saltillo, Coahuila, México.
Paz y Bien
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Los valores ético morales de un gran candidato como Mr. John McCain quedaron de manifiesto cuando el acepta su derrota en las elecciones presidenciales pasadas ante Mr. Barack Obama; y hace un llamado para la unidad para trabajar por su país.
Las cosas se suceden, los tiempos cambian, y en ese ir y venir de la vida, la Persona Humana y el Bien Común deben ser siempre los ganadores, en hora buena, Felicitaciones al Pueblo de Estados Unidos (USA), por elegir tan limpiamente a su nuevo presidente, y a los contendientes también por su participación, que a los ojos de este Turista de tan magnífico país, han dado una gran Lección de Libertad, Justicia, Verdad y Amor.
Respetuosamente desde Saltillo, Coahuila, México.
Paz y Bien
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Calendario Tópicos Culturales 2011

Our Lady in Art



Mi Novena Oración de la Rosa Santa Teresita

Mi Novena "Oración de la Rosa"
Oración a San Judas

San Judas, Ruega por Nosotros
¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

¡Feliz Navidad y Venturoso Año Nuevo 2010!

Sonia = Sofía
¡Feliz Pascua 2009!

Pascua 2008

¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!
Navidad y Año Nuevo 2008

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2008
Calendario 2013

Juan Pablo II

Virgen María en el Arte
Calendario 2013

Benedicto XVI
Pascua 2013

Jesucristo El Buen Pastor
feliz día de las madres 2012

feliz día de las madres 2012



Octubre 2012


JULIO 2012

JULIO 2012
JUNIO 2012

JUNIO 2012
MAYO 2012

MAYO 2012
ABRIL 2012

ABRIL 2012
MARZO 2012

marzo 2012

ENERO 2012

enero 2012
Nuestras Actitudes ante la Vida

Actitudes ante la Vida

DECEMBER 25, 2012-JANUARY 6, 2013

pascua 2012
Cátedra de San Pedro

St. Peter
14 de Febrero

Día de San Cirilo y San Metodio
Conversión de San Pablo

Francesco Mazzola (1503-1540)
Manifiesto Universitario UAAAN

Documento Firmado y Recibido Enero 2013
Manifiesto Remoción Rector UAAAN

Documento, Enero 2013

Feliz Navidad y Ventuoroso Año 2013
happy new year 2012

Feliz Navidad 2011

Venturoso Año 2011


Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

Encíclicas de la Iglesia Católica

Algunas Encíclicas imortantes de la Iglesia Católica