Man’s Worst Enemy
Roger Behra
In regards to the word man in this communication man means all people. But the male gender will be discussed mostly. And only earthly enemies are included.
Man in general has many enemies: animals, reptiles, earthquakes, weather, mother nature to name a few. However, you are about to read that man’s worst enemy is MAN. And man can be either singular or plural depending on the enemy being mentioned. And the word enemy means a person who hates or dislike other persons who hate or dislike other persons, and they want to do harm to others.
As man becomes man’s worst enemy, they do so in various unspeakable, horrendous, end horrific ways. Since man instigates these various ways, let’s mention some of the famous men who have become infamous because of their events that made them famous, but only during the last century-1901-2000. And any in-depth discussion will not be discussed at this time.
The leaders of Germany top the list of man’s worst enemy. They presided over two World Wars-World War l and World War 2. Of the two German leaders the most despicable was/is Adolph Hitler, who caused World War 2 to materialize and get underway. He is the author of the Holocaust as the war progressed. Italy’s Mussolini, Japan’s Hirohito also joined in with Hitler to caused millions of deaths and so much destruction in the history of the world. The two World Wars together caused the deaths of over 60,000.00 people. And Germany was left ruins, and a large part of Japan, England, and other parts of Europe had considerable damage, mainly from World War 2.
Joseph Stalin, Brezhnev, Kruzchev, and Yeltsin, the Russian leaders, where Communism originated, are next on the list. The invasions of other innocent countries by Russia in their spread of Communism caused horrific destruction, death, and negative cultural change in so many places. Those men were man’s worst enemy visited upon them.
The Korean War from 1950 to 1953 started by the leader of North Korea and augmented with the help of China and Russia led to more death and destruction on a large scale. So many innocent South Korean citizens and soldiers were killed. More of man’s worst enemy doing horrible acts.
The war in Vietnam during the middle 1960’s, again with the help of China and Russia in an effort (successful) to spread Communism to the south killed untold numbers of the south’s citizen along with 58,000 Americans who were helping South Vietnam. More action by mans worst enemy.
Fidel Castro of Cuba is another despicable leader who sold his country out to Communism and still is the cause of the imprisonment of Cuban citizens, after 48 years of rule.
In Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, and Chad the beat still goes on, man’s worst enemy at work. The Israelies and Palestinians are killing each other ever so frequently.
In America man’s worst enemy is alive and well right up the minute. Multiple murders at our colleges and high schools continue. Young family members murdering their parents, brothers and sisters and other family members. Gang members murdering other gang members. Dead bodies found in isolated places, badly beaten, raped and dismembered.
All the signs indicate in so many places that man will continue to be man’s worst enemy and on a larger scale it seems. It is such a sad, sad commentary on men to say the least, indeed.
martes, 29 de abril de 2008
lunes, 28 de abril de 2008
Satan´s Great Earthly Helpers
Satan´s Great Earthly Helpers
Roger Behra
Satan, as he roams the world seeking the ruin of souls, has many willing helpers. He has his lesser demon helpers whom he controls. He also has his earthly helpers, and they are many. But his most helpful earthy helpers are--WOMEN! It is a fact, and as you read on you will kwon and realize why it is so.
Satan loves women. They are VERY active players. They play so easily into his plans and so frequently, also. Women are the instigators and promoters of so much grave sinfulness. They Help Satan to gain eternal possession of so many men’s souls along with their own. In many cases they cause dual sinfulness. While they are sinning, they cause others to sin also. That will be clearly explained.
The most common ways women are a great help to Satan are abortion, prostitution strip joints, popular fashions (mode of dress), lesbian sexual behavior, witch’s covens, and black magic.
The dual (sometimes multiple) aspect sinfulness comes into affect because two or more persons are involved at the same sinful time. The person wanting the abortion plus the abortionist, the prostitute plus the man, the strip joint lady plus the client, a lesbian plus another lesbian are some examples. And if you multiply this by a large untold number of activities around our world, you can easily understand why Satan loves women so very much. No matter how it is denied or spinned, these gravely sinful activities capture so many eternal souls for Satan, because women are such ready earthly helpers of Satan. And when you include black magic, withch’s covens, and the occult, you have many more women involved. (Here is a good time to mention that more women than men become very demonically afflicted and demonically possessed. Their willingness to help Satan is the reason for that.)
Because of the dual aspect of sinfulness, women have the extraordinary responsibility before God to conduct their lives in such a manner that others are nor part of very grave sinfulness. Women! Women MUST refrain from abortion. Stop being prostitutes, stop being strip joint exhibitionists, eliminate their lesbian behavior, AND DRESS MORE MODESTLY AT ALL TIMES OUT IN PUBLIC AND AT CHURCH. IF women continue to ignore their sinful behaviour, it proves the point that they wish to be Satan’s great earthly helpers. And the final result will be-Satan will be the winner, and the women will be the losers.
Satan´s Great Earthly Helpers
Roger Behra
Satan, as he roams the world seeking the ruin of souls, has many willing helpers. He has his lesser demon helpers whom he controls. He also has his earthly helpers, and they are many. But his most helpful earthy helpers are--WOMEN! It is a fact, and as you read on you will kwon and realize why it is so.
Satan loves women. They are VERY active players. They play so easily into his plans and so frequently, also. Women are the instigators and promoters of so much grave sinfulness. They Help Satan to gain eternal possession of so many men’s souls along with their own. In many cases they cause dual sinfulness. While they are sinning, they cause others to sin also. That will be clearly explained.
The most common ways women are a great help to Satan are abortion, prostitution strip joints, popular fashions (mode of dress), lesbian sexual behavior, witch’s covens, and black magic.
The dual (sometimes multiple) aspect sinfulness comes into affect because two or more persons are involved at the same sinful time. The person wanting the abortion plus the abortionist, the prostitute plus the man, the strip joint lady plus the client, a lesbian plus another lesbian are some examples. And if you multiply this by a large untold number of activities around our world, you can easily understand why Satan loves women so very much. No matter how it is denied or spinned, these gravely sinful activities capture so many eternal souls for Satan, because women are such ready earthly helpers of Satan. And when you include black magic, withch’s covens, and the occult, you have many more women involved. (Here is a good time to mention that more women than men become very demonically afflicted and demonically possessed. Their willingness to help Satan is the reason for that.)
Because of the dual aspect of sinfulness, women have the extraordinary responsibility before God to conduct their lives in such a manner that others are nor part of very grave sinfulness. Women! Women MUST refrain from abortion. Stop being prostitutes, stop being strip joint exhibitionists, eliminate their lesbian behavior, AND DRESS MORE MODESTLY AT ALL TIMES OUT IN PUBLIC AND AT CHURCH. IF women continue to ignore their sinful behaviour, it proves the point that they wish to be Satan’s great earthly helpers. And the final result will be-Satan will be the winner, and the women will be the losers.
We Are Not Immortal
We Are Not Immortal
Roger Behra
Far to many of us mortals live our lives as if we are immortal. We go through the various stages of our lives as if we are going to live forever. And as we do this, we give no thought to what is in store for us at the moment we leave our earthly life, when our mortality arrives. Maybe this communications will help us to adjust our thinking.
At the moment we leave this life, it is too late to change anything we did her during our lifetime. Our life’s record is etched in eternity. Nothing has been lost in time. Every thought, word, and deed is there to be reviewed during our life-review. It will be like we are watching a video with nothing censored or omitted. And then comes the consequences of our thoughts, words, and deeds.
The consequences stemming from our life here are three-fold, and two are permanent and one is temporary. They are:
1. HEAVEN -permanent- die in the friendship of the Lord, unimaginably happy and beautiful, peaceful, our real home, the most delightful music, with all our family members, the Blessed Virgin, saints, God. Only few people go directly to heaven. It is possible under certain conditions. (See communications 20 and 22)
2. PURGATORY -temporary- those who die in the friendship of the Lord but need be perfected in order to enter heaven, unquenchable fire, but less intense than hell, no quarrelling or fighting, seven degrees of fire and suffering. The main suffering is the separation from God. We most pray for these souls. They pray for us when they reach have Purgatory souls suffer, but the peace and the knowledge they enjoy is because one day they will see God in heaven. However some souls will remain in purgatory until the end of the world.
3. HELL -permanent- those who die outside the Lord’s friendship end up here for all eternity, unimaginable suffering, 2000 degrees temperature, people screaming, fighting, tortured by demons, suffering due to unrepented mortal ins. Souls are very ugly, cruel, and horrific. Satan and his demon helpers live there.
(See communication 19, for more in depth information.)
Knowing the fact that we are mere mortals, and sooner or later we shall have to leave here and give an accounting of our life and how we are going to spend our eternity, we should start each day as fallows:
1. Thank God for a new day and ask Him graces, guidances, protection, and help to face the day as sinless as possible and to serve Him.
2. Say the Morning Offering: O Jesus, through the immaculate heart of Mary, I offer You all my prayers, works and sufferings of this day, for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy sacrifice of the Mass, throughout the world, in reparation for all my sins, for the intentions of all our associates, and in particular for the Pope’s intentions. Amen.
3. Then go forth planning to be as sinless as possible, using your abilities and talents for good purposes and for others, thanking God often. (The more we thank God the more graces and helps we get from Him.)
4. At the end of each day thank God a final time and say the Act of Contrition. O my God, I am heartily sorry for offending Thee, and I detest all my sins and dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most off all because I have offended Thee, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve sin no more and to avoid all occasions of sin. Amen.
Our main goal in life should be to live such o that bypasses Purgatory. That way the chance of ending up in Hell will be avoided. And sooner rather than later we´ll reach our main goal-Heaven- where we will be immortal, and happily so.
The Holy Bible
Catholic Catechism Book
Father Jose Maniyangat
We Are Not Immortal
Roger Behra
Far to many of us mortals live our lives as if we are immortal. We go through the various stages of our lives as if we are going to live forever. And as we do this, we give no thought to what is in store for us at the moment we leave our earthly life, when our mortality arrives. Maybe this communications will help us to adjust our thinking.
At the moment we leave this life, it is too late to change anything we did her during our lifetime. Our life’s record is etched in eternity. Nothing has been lost in time. Every thought, word, and deed is there to be reviewed during our life-review. It will be like we are watching a video with nothing censored or omitted. And then comes the consequences of our thoughts, words, and deeds.
The consequences stemming from our life here are three-fold, and two are permanent and one is temporary. They are:
1. HEAVEN -permanent- die in the friendship of the Lord, unimaginably happy and beautiful, peaceful, our real home, the most delightful music, with all our family members, the Blessed Virgin, saints, God. Only few people go directly to heaven. It is possible under certain conditions. (See communications 20 and 22)
2. PURGATORY -temporary- those who die in the friendship of the Lord but need be perfected in order to enter heaven, unquenchable fire, but less intense than hell, no quarrelling or fighting, seven degrees of fire and suffering. The main suffering is the separation from God. We most pray for these souls. They pray for us when they reach have Purgatory souls suffer, but the peace and the knowledge they enjoy is because one day they will see God in heaven. However some souls will remain in purgatory until the end of the world.
3. HELL -permanent- those who die outside the Lord’s friendship end up here for all eternity, unimaginable suffering, 2000 degrees temperature, people screaming, fighting, tortured by demons, suffering due to unrepented mortal ins. Souls are very ugly, cruel, and horrific. Satan and his demon helpers live there.
(See communication 19, for more in depth information.)
Knowing the fact that we are mere mortals, and sooner or later we shall have to leave here and give an accounting of our life and how we are going to spend our eternity, we should start each day as fallows:
1. Thank God for a new day and ask Him graces, guidances, protection, and help to face the day as sinless as possible and to serve Him.
2. Say the Morning Offering: O Jesus, through the immaculate heart of Mary, I offer You all my prayers, works and sufferings of this day, for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy sacrifice of the Mass, throughout the world, in reparation for all my sins, for the intentions of all our associates, and in particular for the Pope’s intentions. Amen.
3. Then go forth planning to be as sinless as possible, using your abilities and talents for good purposes and for others, thanking God often. (The more we thank God the more graces and helps we get from Him.)
4. At the end of each day thank God a final time and say the Act of Contrition. O my God, I am heartily sorry for offending Thee, and I detest all my sins and dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most off all because I have offended Thee, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve sin no more and to avoid all occasions of sin. Amen.
Our main goal in life should be to live such o that bypasses Purgatory. That way the chance of ending up in Hell will be avoided. And sooner rather than later we´ll reach our main goal-Heaven- where we will be immortal, and happily so.
The Holy Bible
Catholic Catechism Book
Father Jose Maniyangat
domingo, 27 de abril de 2008
Needed: More Reverence at Mass
Needed: More Reverence at Mass
Roger Behra
Anyone who regularly attends the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass On Saturday evening or Sunday in the United States, especially at St. Pius V, has to notice with dismay the great lack of reverence at the Masses. To those who have great and pure respect for the Mass, this has to be very saddening and disappointing. And the lack of reverence begins at Pius V with the very first arrivals.
The first to arrive are the organist and the singer. As they practice for the Mass (while confessions are being heard no less) loud talking and laughing goes on. And while this goes on, parishioners are arriving. They notice the lack of reverence whit the organist and singer, so they think it is alright for them to talk and laugh also. Reverence means showing great respect or admiration while in Gold’s house (church). Reverence is lacking from the very beginning.
As the congregation arrives for Mass it is noticeable how people are dressed. And that is a real eve-opener. The manner of dress ranges from very, very casual to the obscene. Men are dressed in cut-off trousers, baggy sweatshirts, flip-flops, athletic jerseys names and numbers on them, sleeveless athletic sweatshirts with hairy arms and upper bare backs showing. And faded well-worn blue jeans are in abundance.
Women, adult, very young adult, and young teen-agers win the obscenely dressed awards. They wear very tight-fitting jeans or pants that leave little or nothing to the imagination, the upper one-third of their breasts showing, excessive cleavage showing, see through blouses, bra straps showing. This kind of attire is unacceptable anywhere in public let alone in church and at Mass. Thankfully older women dress much more respectfully to balance everything in the direction of reverence.
At the time Mass begins half of the pews are empty. Ten to fifteen minutes later all the pews are filled. Coming late for Mass is the norm and shows a great lack of reverence every week-end.
Then during the Mass itself there are so many distractions. Cell phone ringing, babies crying in the pews, some even screaming, young ones and teen-agers whispering, talking, laughing, jabbing each other, and this going on during the consecration of all times! And then the same people go up to receive the Holy Eucharist. Unbelievable!
Then between the consecration and the final blessing about thirty percent of the people leave the Mass. At the final blessing time it is very noticeable.
Reverent attendance at Mass in Mexico seems to be still in effect. We here in the United States have to get back to that same reverence. And the sooner the better. Let it begin now! We must stop celebrating ourselves and get back to reverently celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the presence of Jesus Our Lord, and Savior.
Needed: More Reverence at Mass
Roger Behra
Anyone who regularly attends the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass On Saturday evening or Sunday in the United States, especially at St. Pius V, has to notice with dismay the great lack of reverence at the Masses. To those who have great and pure respect for the Mass, this has to be very saddening and disappointing. And the lack of reverence begins at Pius V with the very first arrivals.
The first to arrive are the organist and the singer. As they practice for the Mass (while confessions are being heard no less) loud talking and laughing goes on. And while this goes on, parishioners are arriving. They notice the lack of reverence whit the organist and singer, so they think it is alright for them to talk and laugh also. Reverence means showing great respect or admiration while in Gold’s house (church). Reverence is lacking from the very beginning.
As the congregation arrives for Mass it is noticeable how people are dressed. And that is a real eve-opener. The manner of dress ranges from very, very casual to the obscene. Men are dressed in cut-off trousers, baggy sweatshirts, flip-flops, athletic jerseys names and numbers on them, sleeveless athletic sweatshirts with hairy arms and upper bare backs showing. And faded well-worn blue jeans are in abundance.
Women, adult, very young adult, and young teen-agers win the obscenely dressed awards. They wear very tight-fitting jeans or pants that leave little or nothing to the imagination, the upper one-third of their breasts showing, excessive cleavage showing, see through blouses, bra straps showing. This kind of attire is unacceptable anywhere in public let alone in church and at Mass. Thankfully older women dress much more respectfully to balance everything in the direction of reverence.
At the time Mass begins half of the pews are empty. Ten to fifteen minutes later all the pews are filled. Coming late for Mass is the norm and shows a great lack of reverence every week-end.
Then during the Mass itself there are so many distractions. Cell phone ringing, babies crying in the pews, some even screaming, young ones and teen-agers whispering, talking, laughing, jabbing each other, and this going on during the consecration of all times! And then the same people go up to receive the Holy Eucharist. Unbelievable!
Then between the consecration and the final blessing about thirty percent of the people leave the Mass. At the final blessing time it is very noticeable.
Reverent attendance at Mass in Mexico seems to be still in effect. We here in the United States have to get back to that same reverence. And the sooner the better. Let it begin now! We must stop celebrating ourselves and get back to reverently celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the presence of Jesus Our Lord, and Savior.
God’s Great Instruments
29. God’s Great Instruments
Roger Behra
In communication 26 and 27 Satan’s instruments ware given, which lead us to do evil. Now, it is time to give God’s instruments, which lead us to do good. And the greatest result is to die in the friendship of the Lord and save our soul for all eternity. It’s up to choose: God’s instruments or Satan’s instruments.
God has given us many great instruments to choose and to use. They are very powerful. And they all begin with God Himself. Who always was and always will be. Then, He gave us His Divine Son, Jesus, Our Blessed Mother, Mary, Angels, and Saints. They are all very powerful heavenly instruments. God also gave us earthly instruments, namely, parents, family, friends, and acquaintances.
When we think of and accept our heavenly instruments, we start with God of course. Then we can go to Jesus and His Blessed Mother, Mary, both thought of together. Jesus is the King of heaven and Mary is the Queen of heaven. And both work together here on earth for our spiritual good. Our prayers first and foremost should be to them. They are the most powerful in all of heaven, and Mary is the Mediatrix of all graces, and her Divine Son, Jesus, is the one who listens to Her and grants the help and graces. The answer to our prayers to the saints, also, comes through Jesus and Mary. Pray often to Them. And do not forget to say prayer of thanksgiving to them after prayers are answered. That is MOST IMPORTANT after your prayer requests.
Angels have been known to appear at times of crisis in people’s lives. And contrary to belief angels do not have wings, but they do have a special appearance. And we all have a Guardian Angel. Untold numbers of us are alive today due to the protection of Guardian Angels. They and other angels are protectors, messengers, and servants of God. They are great instruments of God. Remember to thank your Guardian Angel at times throughout your life.
Saints are heavenly creatures of past earthly times. Many babies at baptism are named after a saint. The saint then becomes the patron saint of the child and is another protector. We pray to the saints to help us at different times in our lives. They worked hard at becoming special earthly creatures of God, and in heaven they became special instruments of God. Some of the more famous saints are: St. Joseph (helpfut to fathers), St. Jude (patron of impossible cases). St. Therese (of the Child Jesus) is a great saint to pray to for urgent request. She is also known as The Little Flower. She is most helpful. St. Michael helps defend us against the powers of the devil. St. Odilia (patron of eyesight) helps with eye problems. There are so many saints to pray to, and there are many good and inspirational books we can read about their lives. You will not be sorry that you did the reading.
God has given us His earthly great instruments in the form of spiritually and morally active parents. Family members, friends, and acquaintances. We are lucky to have these earthly instruments of God. We should be thankful daily. Morning an evening, considering the very sinful modern world we live in now.
God’s great instruments, if we are sincere, lead us away from Satan’s. God’s instruments are more powerful. Heavenly help is more powerful. But we must be prayful and diligent in seeking that help. God loves us beyond measure and is always there to help us with His heavenly and earthly instruments. Using God’s great instruments make us the winner and Satan the loser.
Sources: The Bible Pieta Book of Prayer, Television, Movie and Book-The Great est Story Ever Told.
Roger Behra
In communication 26 and 27 Satan’s instruments ware given, which lead us to do evil. Now, it is time to give God’s instruments, which lead us to do good. And the greatest result is to die in the friendship of the Lord and save our soul for all eternity. It’s up to choose: God’s instruments or Satan’s instruments.
God has given us many great instruments to choose and to use. They are very powerful. And they all begin with God Himself. Who always was and always will be. Then, He gave us His Divine Son, Jesus, Our Blessed Mother, Mary, Angels, and Saints. They are all very powerful heavenly instruments. God also gave us earthly instruments, namely, parents, family, friends, and acquaintances.
When we think of and accept our heavenly instruments, we start with God of course. Then we can go to Jesus and His Blessed Mother, Mary, both thought of together. Jesus is the King of heaven and Mary is the Queen of heaven. And both work together here on earth for our spiritual good. Our prayers first and foremost should be to them. They are the most powerful in all of heaven, and Mary is the Mediatrix of all graces, and her Divine Son, Jesus, is the one who listens to Her and grants the help and graces. The answer to our prayers to the saints, also, comes through Jesus and Mary. Pray often to Them. And do not forget to say prayer of thanksgiving to them after prayers are answered. That is MOST IMPORTANT after your prayer requests.
Angels have been known to appear at times of crisis in people’s lives. And contrary to belief angels do not have wings, but they do have a special appearance. And we all have a Guardian Angel. Untold numbers of us are alive today due to the protection of Guardian Angels. They and other angels are protectors, messengers, and servants of God. They are great instruments of God. Remember to thank your Guardian Angel at times throughout your life.
Saints are heavenly creatures of past earthly times. Many babies at baptism are named after a saint. The saint then becomes the patron saint of the child and is another protector. We pray to the saints to help us at different times in our lives. They worked hard at becoming special earthly creatures of God, and in heaven they became special instruments of God. Some of the more famous saints are: St. Joseph (helpfut to fathers), St. Jude (patron of impossible cases). St. Therese (of the Child Jesus) is a great saint to pray to for urgent request. She is also known as The Little Flower. She is most helpful. St. Michael helps defend us against the powers of the devil. St. Odilia (patron of eyesight) helps with eye problems. There are so many saints to pray to, and there are many good and inspirational books we can read about their lives. You will not be sorry that you did the reading.
God has given us His earthly great instruments in the form of spiritually and morally active parents. Family members, friends, and acquaintances. We are lucky to have these earthly instruments of God. We should be thankful daily. Morning an evening, considering the very sinful modern world we live in now.
God’s great instruments, if we are sincere, lead us away from Satan’s. God’s instruments are more powerful. Heavenly help is more powerful. But we must be prayful and diligent in seeking that help. God loves us beyond measure and is always there to help us with His heavenly and earthly instruments. Using God’s great instruments make us the winner and Satan the loser.
Sources: The Bible Pieta Book of Prayer, Television, Movie and Book-The Great est Story Ever Told.
viernes, 25 de abril de 2008
Vision In The Garden
28. Vision In The Garden
Roger Behra
There Jesus was, prior to being handed over by Judas to being tried and convicted and crucified, in the Garden of Gethsemani praying to His Heavenly Father asking His Heavenly Father to spare Him the ordeal of being crucified. But the request was denied and, instead, He had to suffer the preliminary ordeal of the many visions of the times to come down through the ages until the end of the world. And at this time Jesus shed blood seeing what was going to happen in the Jesus seeing those visions along with the vision of His passion and death to come soon. Yet, Jesus said that His Heavenly Father’s will be done, not His own will Jesus realized that the only way was His passion and death on the cross, or the was no possible salvation for mankind.
Jesus’s visions were the epitome of horror and sadness as He realized what mankind was going to do down through the ages. And what did Jesus see in those visions of time to come? Why was His passion and death going to be necessary?
Jesus saw the 50.000.000 million babies being killed in the United States alone through ABORTION. He saw over 60,000,000 million men, women, and children killer in the two World Wars alone. He saw the HOLOCAUST, the murdering of at least 6,000.000 Jews. He saw MASS MURDERS committed by deranged or angered or demonically possessed persons. He saw atheistic COMMUNISM take over innocent countries and lead to death, great destruction, and the loss of many souls to Satan, as well as His Church (Catholic) being attacked and persecuted. He saw the SMOKE OF SATAN enter His Church and many bishops and priests being condemned to Hell. He saw the proliferation of HOMOSEXUALITY and LESBIANISM. He saw OUGI BOARDS allow Satan come into people’s lives to influence and even possess many persons, young and old. He saw DIVORCE become the norm in our lives. He saw the composition of dirty, profane and disgusting HIP HOP music occupy young people’s minds and actions. He saw people have their bodies, that belong to God desecrate with BODY TATOOS that make them look like zoo animals. Our bodies should not be treated in that manner. He saw HOLLYWOOD become idolized and spread her immorality and errors through unmarried sex, co-habitation, and divorce, and produce such violent movies and dislike for His Catholic Church. He saw Great APOSTASY going on today in so many people’s lives all throughout the world, people leaving the Catholic faith, not attending Mass anymore.
He saw the leaders of large nations become evil leaders and responsible for the murder and destruction in their own people’s lives, like ADOLPH HITLER, JOSEPH STALIN, BENITO MUSELLINI, and the leader of Japan during WORLD WAR 2, and at other times down through the ages to the present day. He saw person’s acceptance of Satan’s work and become demonically afflicted and demonically possessed. He saw family members murder their own family members in demonically inspired anger and rages. He saw immorality replace morality and take over people´s live and as a result become the norm. He saw the rapid spread of PORNOGRAPHY on the computer internet entering our households and capturing the addicted attention of everyone who is interested-teen-agers and even younger children. He saw the COLD ATTITUDE we have for each other and the lack of courtesy toward each other in our everyday lives, which leads to harmful, inhuman, and destructive actions. He saw the morally OBSCENE FASHION DRESS of modern day women-very tight fitting genes, excessive cleavage, half bare breasts, mini-skirts, bare midrifts that inspire sinful thoughts and desires in many minds. He saw DRUGS enter our culture that cause harmful addictions, loss of jobs, ruin lives, and cause overdose deaths of so many people- famous and no famous. He saw SUICIDE caused by dispair and demonic influence. He saw the unspeakable crimes for money and the corruption to steal money. He saw MONEY become the main object in so people’s lives, money replacing God in their lives. He saw statues of himself and His Blessed Mother hurled to the ground, smashed, and urinated on. He saw urinals designed in China to resemble the heads of Jesus and Mary so it appear as if men are urinating into the mouths of Jesus and Mary. Tourist have to use different, special restrooms, so that they are not aware of what goes on in the public restrooms. He saw millions of people using His name in vain while angry or in everyday conversation. He saw the despicable acts of child sexual abuse by Catholic Bishops, Catholic priests, and other ministers lay person’s. He saw His human creations wallow in all kinds of sinfulness, die unrepented, and their souls captured by Satan and lost forever to the everlasting torment of the fir of HELL. He saw uncountable numbers of good and holy people lost to Hell unless Me accepted His Father’s will.
Therefore, in the Garden of Gethsemani He agreed to complete His Father’s will and be crucified. It was the only redeeming effort to insure the salvation of all the uncountable good and holy people who would die in the friendship of the Lord, that it was the only way.
We must remember why God made us. “God made us to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him during our earthly life, and to be happy with Him for all eternity in Heaven” That’s why the crucifixion of Jesus was necessary. And with His graces and help we have the power to accomplish the goal of the crucifixion.
It is up to us to lead our lives accordingly, pray and thank God often each day; and just as important express sorrow for our sins. To express sorrow for our sins. To express sorrow for one’s sins we can say the following:
Act of contrition
Oh, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell. But most of all because they offend Thee my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my avoid all occasions of sin. Amen.
It is hoped that this prayer la helpful. Say it often. Say it daily. Especially; say it at bedtime. Be sincere when saying it, especially as you think about your eternity and the kind you hope to have. And later as you are approaching your final hour here on earth, with the help of God’s grace, say it one last time, as it will mean that you will die in the friendship of the Lord, and have your happy eternity with Him.
The Life of Jesus
Radio and Television News
Everyday Print Media
Personal Everyday Observations
Pieta Book of Prayers
World History
Father Malachi Martin on Coast to Coast Radio Program.
Roger Behra
There Jesus was, prior to being handed over by Judas to being tried and convicted and crucified, in the Garden of Gethsemani praying to His Heavenly Father asking His Heavenly Father to spare Him the ordeal of being crucified. But the request was denied and, instead, He had to suffer the preliminary ordeal of the many visions of the times to come down through the ages until the end of the world. And at this time Jesus shed blood seeing what was going to happen in the Jesus seeing those visions along with the vision of His passion and death to come soon. Yet, Jesus said that His Heavenly Father’s will be done, not His own will Jesus realized that the only way was His passion and death on the cross, or the was no possible salvation for mankind.
Jesus’s visions were the epitome of horror and sadness as He realized what mankind was going to do down through the ages. And what did Jesus see in those visions of time to come? Why was His passion and death going to be necessary?
Jesus saw the 50.000.000 million babies being killed in the United States alone through ABORTION. He saw over 60,000,000 million men, women, and children killer in the two World Wars alone. He saw the HOLOCAUST, the murdering of at least 6,000.000 Jews. He saw MASS MURDERS committed by deranged or angered or demonically possessed persons. He saw atheistic COMMUNISM take over innocent countries and lead to death, great destruction, and the loss of many souls to Satan, as well as His Church (Catholic) being attacked and persecuted. He saw the SMOKE OF SATAN enter His Church and many bishops and priests being condemned to Hell. He saw the proliferation of HOMOSEXUALITY and LESBIANISM. He saw OUGI BOARDS allow Satan come into people’s lives to influence and even possess many persons, young and old. He saw DIVORCE become the norm in our lives. He saw the composition of dirty, profane and disgusting HIP HOP music occupy young people’s minds and actions. He saw people have their bodies, that belong to God desecrate with BODY TATOOS that make them look like zoo animals. Our bodies should not be treated in that manner. He saw HOLLYWOOD become idolized and spread her immorality and errors through unmarried sex, co-habitation, and divorce, and produce such violent movies and dislike for His Catholic Church. He saw Great APOSTASY going on today in so many people’s lives all throughout the world, people leaving the Catholic faith, not attending Mass anymore.
He saw the leaders of large nations become evil leaders and responsible for the murder and destruction in their own people’s lives, like ADOLPH HITLER, JOSEPH STALIN, BENITO MUSELLINI, and the leader of Japan during WORLD WAR 2, and at other times down through the ages to the present day. He saw person’s acceptance of Satan’s work and become demonically afflicted and demonically possessed. He saw family members murder their own family members in demonically inspired anger and rages. He saw immorality replace morality and take over people´s live and as a result become the norm. He saw the rapid spread of PORNOGRAPHY on the computer internet entering our households and capturing the addicted attention of everyone who is interested-teen-agers and even younger children. He saw the COLD ATTITUDE we have for each other and the lack of courtesy toward each other in our everyday lives, which leads to harmful, inhuman, and destructive actions. He saw the morally OBSCENE FASHION DRESS of modern day women-very tight fitting genes, excessive cleavage, half bare breasts, mini-skirts, bare midrifts that inspire sinful thoughts and desires in many minds. He saw DRUGS enter our culture that cause harmful addictions, loss of jobs, ruin lives, and cause overdose deaths of so many people- famous and no famous. He saw SUICIDE caused by dispair and demonic influence. He saw the unspeakable crimes for money and the corruption to steal money. He saw MONEY become the main object in so people’s lives, money replacing God in their lives. He saw statues of himself and His Blessed Mother hurled to the ground, smashed, and urinated on. He saw urinals designed in China to resemble the heads of Jesus and Mary so it appear as if men are urinating into the mouths of Jesus and Mary. Tourist have to use different, special restrooms, so that they are not aware of what goes on in the public restrooms. He saw millions of people using His name in vain while angry or in everyday conversation. He saw the despicable acts of child sexual abuse by Catholic Bishops, Catholic priests, and other ministers lay person’s. He saw His human creations wallow in all kinds of sinfulness, die unrepented, and their souls captured by Satan and lost forever to the everlasting torment of the fir of HELL. He saw uncountable numbers of good and holy people lost to Hell unless Me accepted His Father’s will.
Therefore, in the Garden of Gethsemani He agreed to complete His Father’s will and be crucified. It was the only redeeming effort to insure the salvation of all the uncountable good and holy people who would die in the friendship of the Lord, that it was the only way.
We must remember why God made us. “God made us to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him during our earthly life, and to be happy with Him for all eternity in Heaven” That’s why the crucifixion of Jesus was necessary. And with His graces and help we have the power to accomplish the goal of the crucifixion.
It is up to us to lead our lives accordingly, pray and thank God often each day; and just as important express sorrow for our sins. To express sorrow for our sins. To express sorrow for one’s sins we can say the following:
Act of contrition
Oh, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell. But most of all because they offend Thee my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my avoid all occasions of sin. Amen.
It is hoped that this prayer la helpful. Say it often. Say it daily. Especially; say it at bedtime. Be sincere when saying it, especially as you think about your eternity and the kind you hope to have. And later as you are approaching your final hour here on earth, with the help of God’s grace, say it one last time, as it will mean that you will die in the friendship of the Lord, and have your happy eternity with Him.
The Life of Jesus
Radio and Television News
Everyday Print Media
Personal Everyday Observations
Pieta Book of Prayers
World History
Father Malachi Martin on Coast to Coast Radio Program.
martes, 22 de abril de 2008
domingo, 13 de abril de 2008
El Buen Pastor: Jesucristo
El Buen Pastor: Jesucristo
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En este Cuarto Domingo de Pascua de Resurrección, el evangelio de Juan en el Capitulo 10, 1-10, y más si lo meditamos el capítulo completo, nos presenta como es que Jesús se auto define por así decirlo, como: “Yo Soy el Pastor de las Ovejas (v 7), una puerta al decir “Yo Soy la Puerta” (v 9) y “Yo Soy el Buen Pastor” (v 11,14) y posiblemente su definición en sentido más profundo es cuando dijo: “…Él Padre está en mí y yo estoy en el Padre” (v 38).
En el Antiguo Testamento el Profeta Ezequiel en el Capítulo 34, habla de los Pastores de Israel, en donde el señor Yavé junta a su rebaño disperso; y el Salmo 23: El Señor es Mi Pastor, con sus seis versículos, nos recuerda a Jesucristo.
Jn 10, 1-42
Ez 34, 1-31
Sal 23, 1-6
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
En este Cuarto Domingo de Pascua de Resurrección, el evangelio de Juan en el Capitulo 10, 1-10, y más si lo meditamos el capítulo completo, nos presenta como es que Jesús se auto define por así decirlo, como: “Yo Soy el Pastor de las Ovejas (v 7), una puerta al decir “Yo Soy la Puerta” (v 9) y “Yo Soy el Buen Pastor” (v 11,14) y posiblemente su definición en sentido más profundo es cuando dijo: “…Él Padre está en mí y yo estoy en el Padre” (v 38).
En el Antiguo Testamento el Profeta Ezequiel en el Capítulo 34, habla de los Pastores de Israel, en donde el señor Yavé junta a su rebaño disperso; y el Salmo 23: El Señor es Mi Pastor, con sus seis versículos, nos recuerda a Jesucristo.
Jn 10, 1-42
Ez 34, 1-31
Sal 23, 1-6
sábado, 12 de abril de 2008
Los Números Mágicos: 10-7-14 de San Juan Bosco
Los Números Mágicos: 10-7-14 de San Juan Bosco
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La interesante fórmula segura para ganarse la lotería, de San Juan Bosco [1], aparecen en el libro de LOS SUEÑOS DE SAN JUAN BOSCO del P. Eliécer Sálesman [2], mencionado lo siguiente:
En el siglo pasado vivió uno de los hombres más famosos por sus milagros y sus profecías: San Juan Bosco. Su fama se esparcía por todos lados. A unos les anunciaba cuantos años iban a vivir, a otros les decía lo que iban a ser en el futuro, y a muchos les leía los pecados ante que se los dijeran en el confesionario. En total hizo más de ochocientos milagros.
Un hombre pobre oyó hablar de las maravillas que hacía este humilde sacerdote y corrió en su busca para preguntarle algo muy importante: La fórmula para sacarse la lotería. Quería que el santo le dijera qué números debía escoger al comprar el billete.
San Juan Bosco meditó un rato y luego le contestó con plena seguridad: "los números mágicos para que Ud. Se saque la lotería son estos: 10 -7- 14. Puede conseguirlos en cualquier orden y se la sacará".
El hombre se llenó de alegría y ya se despedía para salir corriendo a comprar el billete, cuando el santo, tomándolo del brazo le dijo sonriente: "un momento, que todavía no le he explicado bien los números ni le he dicho de qué clase de lotería se trata. Mire: estos números significan lo siguiente: "10" significa que usted debe cumplir los Diez Mandamientos; "7" significa que usted debe recibir con frecuencia los sacramentos; "14" significa que usted debe practicar las 14 obras de misericordia, tanto las corporales como las espirituales. Si usted cumple estas tres condiciones: observar los mandamientos, recibir bien los sacramentos y practicar las obras de misericordia, se va a sacar la más estupenda de todas las loterías: la gloria eterna del cielo".
El hombre comprendió y en vez de irse a buscar al lotero, fue al asilo a llevar una limosna.
Invierte todo tu corazón en esos números y serás verdaderamente feliz aquí en la tierra y en el cielo.
[1] Cf.
[2] Cf. Libro:
P. Eliécer Sálesman
Apostolado Bíblico Católico
3° Edición Diciembre de 2001
Editorial Centro Don Bosco
Av. Eldorado N° 65-96
Bogotá , D.C. -Colombia
Tel: 7183530956 New York , U.S.A.
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
La interesante fórmula segura para ganarse la lotería, de San Juan Bosco [1], aparecen en el libro de LOS SUEÑOS DE SAN JUAN BOSCO del P. Eliécer Sálesman [2], mencionado lo siguiente:
En el siglo pasado vivió uno de los hombres más famosos por sus milagros y sus profecías: San Juan Bosco. Su fama se esparcía por todos lados. A unos les anunciaba cuantos años iban a vivir, a otros les decía lo que iban a ser en el futuro, y a muchos les leía los pecados ante que se los dijeran en el confesionario. En total hizo más de ochocientos milagros.
Un hombre pobre oyó hablar de las maravillas que hacía este humilde sacerdote y corrió en su busca para preguntarle algo muy importante: La fórmula para sacarse la lotería. Quería que el santo le dijera qué números debía escoger al comprar el billete.
San Juan Bosco meditó un rato y luego le contestó con plena seguridad: "los números mágicos para que Ud. Se saque la lotería son estos: 10 -7- 14. Puede conseguirlos en cualquier orden y se la sacará".
El hombre se llenó de alegría y ya se despedía para salir corriendo a comprar el billete, cuando el santo, tomándolo del brazo le dijo sonriente: "un momento, que todavía no le he explicado bien los números ni le he dicho de qué clase de lotería se trata. Mire: estos números significan lo siguiente: "10" significa que usted debe cumplir los Diez Mandamientos; "7" significa que usted debe recibir con frecuencia los sacramentos; "14" significa que usted debe practicar las 14 obras de misericordia, tanto las corporales como las espirituales. Si usted cumple estas tres condiciones: observar los mandamientos, recibir bien los sacramentos y practicar las obras de misericordia, se va a sacar la más estupenda de todas las loterías: la gloria eterna del cielo".
El hombre comprendió y en vez de irse a buscar al lotero, fue al asilo a llevar una limosna.
Invierte todo tu corazón en esos números y serás verdaderamente feliz aquí en la tierra y en el cielo.
[1] Cf.
[2] Cf. Libro:
P. Eliécer Sálesman
Apostolado Bíblico Católico
3° Edición Diciembre de 2001
Editorial Centro Don Bosco
Av. Eldorado N° 65-96
Bogotá , D.C. -Colombia
Tel: 7183530956 New York , U.S.A.
sábado, 5 de abril de 2008
7 Pecados Capitales o Vicios y 7 Virtudes contra estos Vicios o Pecados Capitales
7 Pecados Capitales o Vicios y 7 Virtudes contra estos Vicios o Pecados Capitales
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Los Vicios son las actitudes opuestas a las virtudes; también a los Vicios se les llama Pecados Capitales, porque son las fuentes de las cuales otros pecados surgen, en contra de la Rectitud y lo Justo en la Persona Humana, por lo que también se les denomina antivalores. A continuación se presentan los 7 vicios y las 7 Virtudes, respectivamente, por ejemplo: 1. Orgullo -vs- 1.Humildad.
7 Pecados Capitales:
1. Orgullo
2. Codicia
3. Lujuria
4. Ira
5. Gula
6. Envidia
7. Pereza
7 Virtudes contrarias:
1. Humildad
2. Generosidad
3. Castidad
4. Mansedumbre
5. Templanza
6. Amor fraterno
7. Diligencia
Desde el punto de vista bíblico, por ejemplo, en el Nuevo Testamento, se reportan catalogos de vicios contrapuestos a las virtudes. (Cf. Mt 15, 19; Rom 1, 29-30)
Angel R. Cepeda Dovala
Los Vicios son las actitudes opuestas a las virtudes; también a los Vicios se les llama Pecados Capitales, porque son las fuentes de las cuales otros pecados surgen, en contra de la Rectitud y lo Justo en la Persona Humana, por lo que también se les denomina antivalores. A continuación se presentan los 7 vicios y las 7 Virtudes, respectivamente, por ejemplo: 1. Orgullo -vs- 1.Humildad.
7 Pecados Capitales:
1. Orgullo
2. Codicia
3. Lujuria
4. Ira
5. Gula
6. Envidia
7. Pereza
7 Virtudes contrarias:
1. Humildad
2. Generosidad
3. Castidad
4. Mansedumbre
5. Templanza
6. Amor fraterno
7. Diligencia
Desde el punto de vista bíblico, por ejemplo, en el Nuevo Testamento, se reportan catalogos de vicios contrapuestos a las virtudes. (Cf. Mt 15, 19; Rom 1, 29-30)
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Fig. 1. Development of Human Being. (Roger Behra, 2007)

Cuadro 1.Semillas germinadas y estadísticos descriptivos.

Cuadro 2. Análisis de varianza para la variable número de semillas germinadas.

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